The Leader-tribune and peachland journal. (Fort Valley, Houston County, Ga.) 19??-192?, July 30, 1920, Image 3
THE LEADER TRIBUNE, FORT VALLEY, GA., JULY 30, 1920. * ¥ ★ * * PET * SELF RISING * * * * FLOUR _ * * * ¥ Put up in Sanitary Paper ^ Sacks. ^ * . "k Try Sack, "k * a ¥ * * YOU’LL LIKE IT. * ¥ * * * * J. D. WILSON & SONS * * * ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ Housekeeping Rooms Wanted. Couple without children want 2 or 3 rooms furnished, Modern conveni¬ ences desired. See Mr. DeLange, Leader-Tribune Office. First Motion Picture. “Miss Jerry,” the first motion pic¬ ture. was produced in October. 1894. Alexander Black was tlie author, sce¬ nario writer, director, camera man Mid title writer of the picture. At that time only five stereopfiean slides a second could he shown, but 16 pic¬ tures are now flashed on the screen per second. SHOOT ’EM m asm The Dove Season Opens MONDAY, AUGUST 20 P- 1 We have everything for the hunter SHOT GUNS RIFLES Remington Automatic and Re¬ Remington and Winchester Re¬ peating; Ithaca and L. G. Smith peating and Single. Air Guns Double Barrel. for juvenile nimrods. Ammunition, Gun Cases and other accessories. V Georgia Agricultural Works. FORT VALLEY, GA, « % The Arctic Tern. Although the golden plover makes a longer continuous flight than any oth¬ er bird, the arctic tern travels fart In r. breeding far North, It winters on the edge of the antarctic continent, 11.000 miles away, Incidentally, it enjoys more hours of sunlight In a year than tny othei living creature. PASTURAGE MEETING TO BE HELD IN THOMAS VILLE One Of Series Planned By State Col¬ lege of Agriculture. AU Farmers In State Invited _ There will be a meeting in Thomia ville on August 17th, that should commend itself to the people of this part of the state with unusual force at this time. It is called at the in stance of the State College of culture for the purpose of studying the possibility of natural pasturage for cattle. The County of Thomas is perhaps the most fitting place in which such a meeting could be held. The devel opment of natural pasturage in this county has been wonderful and while it has not yet assumed the propor¬ tions which it will eventually attain, there is a specific and definite devel opment that has proven its possibili ties. This County is the home of the finest specimen of Hereford cattle ever produced. It was raised on nat¬ ural grasses in the main. There are some feeders in Thomas county that have shown a development far above the average in the cattle countries of the Middle West on natural pasturage They attain a growth of nine hun¬ dred pounds a year aiut are raised at a price that is one-third less than it can be done in the best cattle country of the blue grass. These natural conditions, which have been adapted to the necessary scientific stimulation to produce pas¬ turage, are on display in Thomascoun ty in a manner that will show people first hand what can be done. The products that have come from the county will prove that these products are first in their class. Thoosands of natural pasturag ■ plots are going to waste right this minute in Thomas county. Thousand* of fine cattle could be grazing on natural grasses that are in abuti it I Wouldn’t Go Camping Without Rat-Snap,” Saya Ray White. • t Wife and I spent our vacation camping last summer, smell of cook ing brought rats. We went to town, got some RAT-SNAP, broke up cakes, put it outside our tent. We got the rats alright—big fellows.” Farmers, storekeepers, housewives, should use RAT-SNAP.” Three sizes, 25c, 50c, $1.00. Sold and guaran teed by Georgia Agricultural works and Copeland’s Pharmacy.—Adv. here every month except two the entire year.. The people gotten the spirit of the yet nor seen the possibil¬ Such a meeting as is to be held will show them exactly what been done again and again and again to our everlasting benefit. The development of the cattle industry in Thomas and ad Counties means more than al any other industry that could promoted, because It can be done well and so cheaply as compared other sections where the. indus has brought thousands, nay mill of dollars into local banks and brought prosperity and al developments to those sections. The meeting is well timed and we that all who can will attend in to get first hand information to see what progressive mien been doing for their own good, indirectly to the good of entire Georgia.—From the Thomas Times-Enterprise of July 26th. ■a Movies Aid the Styles. A prominent designer and importer, women’s gowns has stated that the have lmd an important effect on demand for certain styles, particu¬ gowns of simple classic lines and fabrics.” A druggist re¬ that the sale of cosmetics has 25 per cent since the movies popular. o Mother’s Expressive Eyes. Ella started to lift the baby from crib, but caught her mother’s eye, desisted. Afterword, she was over¬ telling her playmate that she when her mother didn’t want to do anything, “She doesn’t have tell me,” Ella added, "she just stop, and 1 ran see her think." * * jyL******P? Jf Jf * * ★★★★★★ ★★★★★★ ★★★★ if**** ****** if if if if if if * Jewelry and * * n' Watches, Clocks, Diamonds, * * * Silverware. * * * * * Jf When in Macon Take Time to See Jf Jf ARMSTRONG Jf * ^ Jf KIES & * * if RELIABLE GOODS ONLY Jf jf Jf 836 315 Third Street. Jf Phone jf Macon, Georgia, Jf jf ************** *★★★★★ ★★★★★★ ★★★★ Apropos of Hon. Clifford Walker in Rome Tribune Cliff Walker was in Rome a few days ago like campaigning Clin is for Governor. It looks going to carry this section.—Rome Tribune. —Advertisement Headquarters for INSURANCE Burglary, Fire, Tornado, Surety Casualty, Bonds, Automobile, Plate Glass 8 1 oftENDRIC m is or Representing NORTHWESTERN LIFE INSURANCE CO. SAFE, PROMPT AND APPRECIATIVE *************************** School of Stenography TERMS $10.00 PER MONTH INDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTION Rooms 12-13 Jaques Bldg. PHONE 3517 MACON, GA. Undeterred by Physical Ilia. Eliza beth Barrett, befpre she mar rleif-Brownlng, spent long years on her couch. At the age of fifteen she met with an injury to her spine, which kept her In a recumbent position for several years, and from the effects of which she never recovered. It was luring these years that she wrote those sonnets which are her greatest tlalrri to Immortality.