The Leader-tribune and peachland journal. (Fort Valley, Houston County, Ga.) 19??-192?, August 17, 1920, Image 4

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» WANT 5 k Ads FOR SALE—One ton Ford Excellent condition, cheap. S. Hogc, Macon, Ga. 7-13-tf K-6 pd. FOR SALE—25,000 D' - mant will put in special order*. Guaran¬ teed true to name, l homas I . Rtade, Fort Valley, Ga., 7-23, 8-13, 9-3 pd. SUBSCRIPTION AGENT WANTED —Live Wide-a-wake agent to so¬ licit subscriptions in thia territory. Write Circulation Manager The Ma con (Ga) Daily Telegraph FOUND—Suit ca»c in passenger sta¬ tion. Owner apply to J. W. Joyner, Night Marshall, and pay, for this adv. The August meeting of the W. M. S. of the Baptist church was held in the atisembty room Monday alter , noon. The program tvas in charge of the Miller Circle, with Mrs. J. D. Duke chairman. ■o SENATORIAL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE CALLED TO MEET FOR ORGANIZATION / Executive Com¬ The Democratic mittee for the 23rd Senatorial Dis¬ trict is hereby called to meet at Fort Valley at 11 o’clock A. M. on the 20th day of August, 1920, for the purposeof organization of new com¬ mittee, adopting rules to govern the coming primary election, and to tran¬ sact such business as may properly come befor the committee. This August 9th, 1920. A. C. Riley, Chairman. NEW BANK INSPECTION BOARD IS SUGGESTED (From Leslie’s.) a Stocking Bank May Cost Woman Loss of One Leg. Doctors Give Germs in Money as Cause of Possible Am¬ putation.”— (Newspaper Clipping.) The well-known feminine financial institution known as the “first na¬ tional bank” has received a serious blow in the failure of one of these private repositories for savings be¬ longing to a prominent member of the self-banking sinter-hood residing in the state of Conncstieut. Physicians have diagnosed the case, a-, one of blood-poisoning and attri¬ bute it to germs from frequently handled bank bills. That the case will excite universal sympathy, goes without saying, but apart from that, the widespread pub¬ licity it has received is unfortunate in the disturbing effect it must have on ^enmlc banking circles. And most particularly at this when what was oijce known as tlje , weaker sev is on thevorge of • ing full political power, it is to'be gretted that, anything should happen • to shake populai confnh m. ,11 t!u ancient and honored systei* of male banking. Nevertheless, regrettable as it is, the warning that it conveys should not pass unheeded. All male finan- I The V Leader-Tribune 1 Job Printing Departsvient r-r (jyiTH is ITS able RECENT RE-ORGANIZATION with now to execute promptness and accuracy all kinds of commercial work, such u time office stationery, booklets, display advertising matte a and right on as v i 1 \ labels, hand bills, etc. With our battery of 5 presses at your service a trial order is solicited. THE LEADER-TRIBUNE. Mail Orders Given Prompt Attention. FORT VALLEY, GEORGIA \ mmmm THE LEADER TRIBUNE, FORT VALLEY, GA„ AUGUST 17, 1920 rial institutions arc inspected from time to time by bank inspectors ‘chartered accountants. Why should I the female “first national bank” be an exception to tin rule? The matter should be brought be | fore congee, at the earliest possil.i. moment.. The appointment of a fede¬ ral or state board of inspectors and 1 careful inspection of these hanks a once every three months would pro vent the repetition of such a lament able occurence as this which has caused such alarm in Connecticut. o • « . ckc, tsy Nickel, She Made $ 18 b ,000 Newark, N. ,1. -Mrs. Dominica Nuz l 4 uzi, who from the profits of a little fruit jta <> amassed a sum of $185,* >00, which she invested in tenements, died at til), mourned by her tenants as "the generous one." Year alter year Mrs. Zazzazi built. ui> her I >rtunc nickel until a year ago, when remod ■ ling of a building forced her from the corner where she had occupied a stand for years; she then retired to give her whole attention to her real estate. Her tenants declare she has 1 ! raised her rent only once. j Liquor Is FIowiiiq Into smuggling United -Mates into Washington.—Liquor the United States has reached such proportions that it lias brought in its wake a large illegal traffic in other commodities, it is learned at the ireas ury department. Ofieials have be come so concerned that they are t idering a rearrangement of the rmmeiitti’ coastal criminal arms with a view to concentrating on what they described as a menacing situation. The customs service, charg¬ ed with protecting the country from smuggle rs. has found itself "wholly inadequate” to meet t tie situation. 0 Advertising in The Leader-Tri¬ bune brings tl»e desired results. — •0 Superlatives YidrJia u I he Advance By all odds the cleanest, 'near straighi t and i-at'c-at mar. for gofer nor of Georgia is ClifTord Walkar oi Monroe.—V. alio Advance (Advertisement) T srrJ •*0 L y y m a? ! • | „ . m Good lighting in the work room of , your home, like goo ! lighting in a : factory, makes work g > fa-ter and i easier. When you’ve tried better lighting in yon'c home work' room you’ll put better lighting in every room. National MAZDA Lamps j n j}i ue Convenience Carton, - wi11 br,n > i ' lbe result * yoU W!int PHONF. 140 COPELAND’S PHARMACY THE GARDEN LADlf’S STORIES (Continued from social page.) r,l)vvi ' 4: li,V VV <' s< *‘‘ botter times f « r thc Famim! Htri ‘ ,ken ,an ^> if Thit > k " for-Others will do as we say.’ “ ‘Who are you?’ said Tbink-for ( * ’ * b,p * b,p * b)p hiughod f)ueer throaty earthy-brown, creamy sort of voicfilt ' s * voices ' ‘ Wo ’ U sec y° u t0 ’ morion. . nr Then all the pinky-brown eyes winked rapidly and were gone, and Think-for-Others was sound asleep. “ 1 h ‘‘ next day* Saturday, you know, she was in the kitchen Mother. She was always begging to help. Think-for-Others was juSt lighted when Mother said she could peel the potatoes. She was peeling the last potato when, suddenly, it winked at her with ail its pinky-brown eyes, and a queer little voiceless voice said: . nuh ! remember us, don’t yon? Where’s that book the Garden Lady left? we’ll help to fix old Fa mine.’ „ hmk-for Others Others looked looked around around startled, but there was nobody in the kitchen but Sammy, the kitten, who sat be the door washing his face Think-for-Others was sure he winked. Then he meowed ana, with a quedr flourish of his tail, he walked out, r 1 Rough and Dressed LUMBER !i \ We are now in position to fill vour wants in ROUGH and DRESSED LUMBER. Call a round and let us estimate on c vour next bill of material. We also make all kinds of j MOLDINGS. j \ FORT VALLEY, GA. I 8 Dont simply see how, you can “j ut I in the day.” See how much you can j put into the day.—Exchange. ' The most valuable “system "is a good nervous system.—Exchange i ■o If you have half an hour to spare, don’t spend it with someone who hasn't.—Exchange. , looked back, and meowed again. . * Think-for-Others just had to fol low. When he was sure she was fol¬ lowing, he began to run. He ran fly¬ ing up the stairs, and at the top he meowed again and sat down to wait. Think-for-Others had almost reached him when he was off again. This time he whisked into a dainty little bedroom and took a flying leap for the white Swiss curtains. From there he bounced on Think-for Others’ little white desk, Down came tumbling a pile of papers, and out flutterud the book that the Garden Lady had left It was the United State9 School Garden Army Spring Manual, and, winking at her in the most roguish way, was a round-faced potato! “*oh! I see,’ said Think-for ‘ others .And she sat down and-studied that book till Mother called her. (To be continued.) <y STARTED LATE U If you had run fast enough you might have caught that car,” observ- j ed the stranger on the corner, as the | breathless fat man gave up the chase lfl despair, “I did run fast enough—more than fast enough.” panted the corpulent marathon star, “but I didn’t start soon enough. That’s where the trou¬ ble lies.”—Exchange. **** * * ¥ * * ¥ ¥-¥•¥**+ * jc Residence Lot * * * * ^ OF? RESIDENCE * ** . * * FOR SALE * -k * -k On East §$ain Street -k -k -k -k The old W. E. Brown place. Pret¬ -k * tiest lot in showing results of * * town, * * many years’ growth. Old and rare * shrubs and plants. * Faces North-east, giving * -k shady front * * from ten A. M. until night. * * Paved sitje walk lined with big oak * * * * trees. * ■k 110 ft. front, 500 ft. deep, will -k -k or cut •k off at any depth desired. Will also.add -k •k * * 350 ft. frontage on Pine St. if wanted. * No inflated price, hut will sell at bed -k * rock figures. * * * ^ * Or will sell my just completed Nine- •k * Room Residence and build another on * * the vacant lot. * * ■k ■k W. H. Harris. -k * -k •fcr -k •1 * EVE1 BILIOUS? a Charleston, Miss—Mrs. R. V. Heins, of this place, says: ‘1 have never had to use very much medicine, because if I felt headache, dizziness, or colds, bad taste in the mouth, which comes from torpid liver, I would take a close or more of Black-Draught, and it would straighten me out and make me feel as good as new. We have used in our family for years THEDFORD’S 6 m V . . RMIGHT f andjt certainly is the best liver medicine I ever saw. It has not only saved me money, it has helped keep my system in shape, and has never weakened me as so many physics do. 1 recommend it to my friends and am I glad to do so.” Black-Draught is the old, reliable liver medicine which you have doubtless heard much about. When you feel badly all over, stomaciVnot right, bad taste in your mouth, bilious, or have a headache, try Thedford’s Black-Draught. At all Druggists. Always Insist on the Genuine! 1.77 Movies Aid tbs Styles. A prominent designer and Importer nf women's gowns hns stated that the have had an important effect on •lie demand for certain styles, particu larly go>-~i8 of simple classic lines and fabrics." A druggist re j„, rrs that the sale of cosmetics has increased per cent since the movies became popular.