The Leader-tribune and peachland journal. (Fort Valley, Houston County, Ga.) 19??-192?, August 20, 1920, Image 7

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■v THE LEADER TRIBUNE, FORT VALLEY, GA„ AUGUST 20, 1920. © mmmm m ©©©©©©©©©<©<© mm ©©©©©©©©©© m / (©) <§> % Auction Auction Auction © (01 •* v * /' © y 9 . / . © @ Magnificent Houston County Plantation m © THURSDAY, SEPT. 2nd, 1920 © (§> © 10 O’Clock / C©j ©3 4500 acres, located on the Macon and Hawkinsville Highway, one and half miles from Haynesville, 41=2 miles Grovania, 30 miles to Macon, owned and operated by L. B. Aultman. m 1600 acres fertile land, all level, high state of cultivation, with fine crops of Cotton, Corn, <§> Potatoes, Syrup Cane, Peanuts, Watermelons, and numerous other crops. Soil is red with © a <g> stiff red clay sub-soil, and nearly all level. 2900 acres of fine original Hardwood timber, © that will cut millions of feet, part of which is wired in large pasture, well watered with springs and branches, and is fine for raising hogs and cattle. SIX beautiful residences, com¬ modious, large, well-built, comfortable, such as would £ost $10,000 to $20,000 to build to¬ day; each has large barn well equipped with stalls, cribs, lofts and mows, and all other neces¬ sary outbuildings. 26 tenant houses, all in splendid repair, a spring and well at each house, including the residences; well at main residence is 320 feet deep; each house has a large barn in good condition and all necessary outbuildings. Modern Gin equipment, which is new and has only been used for ginning cotton produced on this farm. Modern, up-to-date steam syrup mill, with the latest machinery for making and handling large quantities of syrup, would cost to install today at least $5,000. Splendid Peach Orchard, which produced hundreds of bushels of fruit this Season. This splendid farm is divided by three large creeks--Big Indian Creek, Dry Creek and Spring Creek. There are in all 30 fine springs bubbling forth the finest water in Georgia--has long been talked of as possible health resort. There are at least 32 wells of equally as good water. Numbers of splendid highways and public roads divide this plantation, which in¬ sures a fine road frontage to every small farm that is carved out of it. This, combined with a good house, well, spring and large barn means a complete farm in itself. These Small Farms will be Sold to the Highest Bidder on the premises, Rain or Shine THURSDAY, SEPT. 2nd, 1920, at 10 o’clock THE TERMS ARE REASONABLE: V 15 per cent. Cash, 15 per cent. Nov. 1st, 1920; 30 per cent. Nov. 1st, 1921; 20 per cent. Nov. 1st, 1922; 20 per cent. Nov. 1st, 1923, with interest at 6 per cent. This is the most excellent, most valuable, most improved, most up-to-date farm that has been offered at auction this year anywhere in the South. And we do earnestly believe that this is the greatest proposition for the investor, as the value of the crops produced last year totaled almost $200,000.00. Improvements could not be placed there now for less than $100,000.00. MR. INVESTOR, if you let this magnificent plantation sell without securing your share, you will regret it ever after, because it will be bought cheaper now than ever again. Mr. Ho meseeker; * The owner of this plantation has spent thousands of dollars and years of time in upbuilding, beautifying, improving and fitting this up in order that you might have a home and a real farm combined, of real, honest to goodness land; where you © can make money as he has made money, and at the same time have the comforts of life. Live in a progressive community of up-to-date farmers and business men. Good schools, churches, and fine roads. This is the time you have been waiting tor. Do not let it pass without availing yourself of this opportunity. Come out and buy one of these little farms, live on it for five years, make a good living and some money, then sell it at the rise which is sure to come. BAND CONCERT FREE CASH PRIZES TWO AUCTIONEERS LADIES ESPECIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND Home 924 Hotel Ansley Office: Atlanta Land Audion Company Atlanta, Ga. O. G. CLARKE and W. H. BELI JOHN P. OGLESBY Auctioneers Gen. Mgr. ( < We are the people who sell farms and Lots of Farms and Lots. MY ! MY ! If you want to sell your farm, list it with us and kiss it goodbye. >» © t % '