The Leader-tribune and peachland journal. (Fort Valley, Houston County, Ga.) 19??-192?, September 03, 1920, Page TWO, Image 2

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TWO HOUSTON AND PEACH OUGHT TO HAVE ONE NEXT YEAR Creation of New County of Lamar Celebrated With Big Barbecue At Barne»ville Last Friday. Barnesville, Ahg. 27.—The citi zens of Lamar county and the pro¬ posed county seat, Barnesville, e li¬ tertained each other and a host of their friends from over the State of Georgia at a barbecue today. It was guessed that the assembled multi tude numbered fully 5,000. The poo pie are jubilant over the passage of the bill creating the new county of Lamar out of uoi tions of Monroe and Pike, a ml the best of fellowship and the greatest enthusiasm marked their entertainment today. About fifty carcasses were donated by the farmers of the new county, and the cooking was superintended by a prideful citizen whose barbecue al ways sustain his reputation. A program of speeches and mu sic was enacted in the large audito rium of Gordon Institute, some well-known public men discussing the possibilities of the new county and other topirs of timely interest, It was pointed out that Pike was a county of unusual shape, and Barnesville, a large and growing community, occupied a stepchild’s r 1 Rough and Dressed LUMBER We are now in position to fill vour wants in ROUGH and DRESSbD LUMBHR. Call a round and let us estimate on your next bill of material. We also make all kinds of MOLDINGS. GEORGIA GRATE & BASKET COMPANY FORT VALLEY, GA. I n i T & -N. C 1 s -sag; Hidden Strength The ancient Greek artisans displayed as much care over their handiwork in hidden places, as in the because parts exposed to view. They said i it was the gods could see everywhere. vVhat they were really try¬ ing; to express in their primitive fact way was their thing understanding of the that a was neither beautiful A nor strong unless the quality enduied throughout. . l Framework Is Important ' The finished floor may be l made ing whit to h look covers strong it. But by its the strength floor¬ lies in t he skeleton-the framework and timbers beneath. It must be good to he stroug. In beams, rafters and lath, as in y all varieties of lumber, we have concen ' trated our attention on getting only the good qualities. Come You can buy with assurance here. to us for / 6 0 of Quality at Economy Prices ^ Fort Valley Lumber Company THE LEADER TRIBUNE, FORT VALLEY, GA., SEPTEMBER 3, 1920. place in one end of the county, away from the seat of government at Zebulon, an d that the eastern end of the county had small opportunity for improvement and It was felt that now the new Lamar co unty would be able to make better roa ds and schools, and such other changes as benefited the ambitious people in that section. Addresses were made by Senator 11. II. Elders, of Reidsville; Arnold, of Fort Gaines; John H, Adams, of Social Circle; Senator J. J. Flynt, of Griffin; Prof. Joseph D. 0 f Barnesville. The speaking took p j ace j n Gordon auditorium, wh ,. r ,. Senator John F. Redding pre s j { j e( j „ Macon Telegraph, o THERE IS A HEAP OF HONESTY IN BUSINESS , trmendous lot of bus- I But what a mess men there are who would not cheat if they could! What an enorm ous majority plain honesty com ma 1 mis! Everything is not “profiteer¬ ing" by a long shot. There is disease in the world; but what a lot of vigorous, full-breathed, bounding health. There is seltisn ness but what volumes of charity sacrifice and helpfulness also. It is not well to keep the mind too well fixed upon any evil; it may f -- V The Economy of Using Goodyear Small Car Tires iiiiiiiiumwsuiii imtiumuiMMiMJ IIMUUIIMMMMUiUlUl So-called bargain tires, made up for sensational sales and offered at ridicu lously low prices, do not attract .V A* t' ' careful buyers. i*o' c They far concerned with f) 0 are more 0 what they than with what they r> get they know that the pay because in end it is performance and not price > it 1 ! that delivers actual tire economy. The popularity of Goodyear Tires, of the 30x3-, 30 x 3V2' and 31x4dnch sizes, deliver is exceptional based on the mileage fact at that exceed- they ingly low cost. Tl! f If Ford, Chevrolet, Dort, L you own a Maxwell or other car taking these sizes, go to your nearest Service Sta¬ tion for Goodyear Tires and Goodyear p < Heavy Tourist Tubes. m i t i / td \ sss * \ m S' 30x3^ Goodyear Double-Cure $ 23— Goodyear Heavy Tourist Tubes cost no more than the price Fabric, All-Weather Tread........ you are asked to pay for tubes of less merit —why risk costly 30 x 3y Goodyear Single-Cure $ ^> "| SO casings when such sure protection is available? $4 50 2 1- 30x31/2 size in 'waterproof bag Fabric, Anti-Skid Tread........... w ............................ * A All Sizes and Types of the Above J[(|(jg||l jg(||(;y[J[)|j|y_ miJDIfC Carried in # Stock by Fort Valley, Georgia warp us toward the false notion that evil predominated. That the race exists at all is proof enough that good outweighs evil, As to << business men" there is no class that averages higher in honesty or dealing. They could not be busi nes men at all if they were not of high quality, morally considered. j that Tell the the story damnable about—it destruction is high time of confidence and goodwill in business is stopped. 0 FOR RAILROAD COMMISSIONER VOTE FOR W. TROX BANKSTON o THE PROVINCE OF WOMAN “As some fiar violet, lovelie# of the glade, Sheds its mild fragrance on the lonely shade, Withdraws its modest head from public sight, Nor courts the sun, nor seeks the glare of light, Should some rude hand profanely dare intrude, And bear its beauties from its native wood, Exposed abroad, its languid colors fly. Its form decays, and all its odors die— t So woman, born to dignify retreat, Unknown to flourish, and unseen be great, To give domestic life its sweetest charm, With softness polish, and with virtue warm; Fearful of fame, unwilling to be known, Should seek but Heaven’s applauses and her own. »> By HANNAH MOORE o VOTE FOR “PEACH” AND PRO GRESSt AGA1NST PESSIMISM AND PETRIFACTION! "LARGE OAKS FROM LITTLE ACORNS GROW. *» “It was only a little object lesson in cooperative marketing’ is the modest statement of a Tennessee woman whose activities have duced a prosperous dairying In 1909 14 women were organ ized at Pulaski, Tenn., to demon st rate the theory of eooperotlve effort. Butter and eggs from the relatively few cows and fowls of the community were assembled and mar¬ keted. The quality of the products, due to the care taken in selection and preparation, was such that they commanded the highest prevailing prices, The women’s husbands be gan to take notice and soon inter ested themselves in dairy cows. This led to the introduction of Jerseys, separators, silos, milking machines, and the shipping of whole milk and cream. Similar results are being secured in many sections of the country, state experts of the Bureau of Mar kets, United States Department of (Agriculture, The movement fre quently starts with a tsm^il group of farmers, farmers' wives, or boys and girls, who quickly demonstrate the advantages of improved produc¬ tion and marketing methods. The county agents advise those interested in the formation of such organiza¬ tions and te administration methods to be adopted and are glad to render every assistance upon requesL o SCHOOL INJUNCTION LIFTED Commissioners at Liberty to Sue for Payment of Dunbar Notes. The temporary restraining order granted R. L. Dunbar and twenty other Houston county citizens sev oferal months ago to prevent the Board of Education from suing to judgment certain notes held by the commissioners which bore hte signa- j tares of the plaintiffs, was dissolved yesterday by Judge H. A. Mathews in Superior Court. The matter of making the re¬ draining order permanent had just been taken up when C. L. attorney for the plaintiffs, withdrew application and the school com j misioners notes to judgment. are at liberty to sue latt „ p „ rt of „„ Mr. Dunbar »,„l other citiren. of the upper part of Houston county signed notes to aid in the construction of a school building. The plaintiffs charged that the location of the school building when constructed was far from where the commision ers promised them it would be. The petitioners alleged they signed the notes on the condition that the build¬ ing would be between Dunbar a lul Hattie and that it was placed close Chiropractic |Ki-ro-prak=tik.] The Greatest, Drugless Health Science of the Day. Five Reasons Why You Should Take Chiropractic Adjustments 1. Because Chiropractic is the only me.hod today that considers the actual basic CAUSE of disease and eliminates that CAUSE. 2. Because Chiropractic is not founded on superstition and nour¬ ished on credulity. 3. Because the record which Chiropractic has made is in itself ample proof of its effectiveness. 10,000 Chiropractors are in the United States today, and over a million people take daily adjust¬ ments with the best of results. 4. Because the only way to regain health is the natural way. 6. Because the results the Chiropractor obtains are permanent result*. FLETCHER & FLETCHER Chiropractors DR. J. W. FLETCHER DR. MYRTLE FLETCHER FORT VALLEY, GA. Offices Over Franklin Theatre Consultation and Spinal Examination Office Phone, 174L. Res. phone, 288 FREE to Hattie, which was disadvan tageous to the children of the Dun ^ bar section.—Macon Telegraph. i ■ m ■ i Keach Tells How She Got to Know Rat-Snap. i > ( ! “Have always feared rats. Lately |oticen ma ny on my farm. A neigh bor sa jd he just got rid of droves with thinkm* fried RAT-SNAP ntyeelf. « kl 1 le ' ’J “!?* searen the rest away. , , RA 1 - - comes three ^ 35c, 65c, $1.25. Sold and guaranteed by Georgia Agricultural Works and Copeland s Pharmacy. Adv. i VOTE FOR “PEACH" AND PRO GRESS, AGAINST PESSIMISM AND PETRIFACTION!