The Leader-tribune and peachland journal. (Fort Valley, Houston County, Ga.) 19??-192?, September 03, 1920, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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EIGHT ■o - MISS AUDREY FAGAN WRITES FROM ITALY Visits Many Points of Interest In That Country. Home Soon On Mauretania. Rome, Italy, August 1, 1920, Sunday— Dearest “Ones”: The first of August finds me in Italy, having a wonderful time every minute of course, and always wishing for you. Since leaving Paris, 1 have been to Marseilles, Nice, Monte Carlo and Genoa. We have changed our route just a bit and we will not go to Naples and sail as we had formerly planned because we were able to secure passage home on the wonder¬ ful “Mauretania” boat, which is the loviest and fastest boat afloat. 1 his opportunity none of us wanted to „ So from , here , we will ... go Florence, Venice, Milan, Lake Como Lake Lugano, Lucerne, Basel, back to Paris for several days, then sail for home from Cherbourg, France. Then too, the boat that we had our passage on, sailing from Naples, has been put off indefinitely on ac count of strikes—and now we ex pec t to sail the last of this month, making the voyage in six days. I can't begin to write you what I have seen and done since 1 saw you last, and this letter will probably be the last that you will get, because the mail is slow in Italy and I il be seeing you soon alter this reaches you. In a way it seems years since I said “good bye” to you. I had a letter written from home on the 27th of June and that was the last that 1 have had. I’m hoping to hear when 1 return to Paris though. , I'm going to writes Naples to for- j ward my mail, if address you wrote to me there, when j and 1 sent my you : ; we were going to happened Naples. since I hope I j j that nothing has left and that you are all safe. Tonight I am going to have dinner with two Roman Catholic priests and a rare dinner it will be I’m sure. A very formal Italian affair! J am sending you a wonderful picture in this letter, taken at a "lit¬ tle studio”—marked—“Take your photo while fou wait”—but we hail them made over here for our pass¬ ports. 1 look about the same as I did when 1 left you except 1 am ter¬ ribly sunburned, but that of course goes with traveling and sightseeing —along with sea-bathing. In Nice— a wonderful place for a honey moon —I went in swimming in the Blue Mediterranean witth the nicest little fellow at seven o’clock in the morn¬ ing!—and I had a glorious time! Honest, though, 1 have enjoyed every second and I haven’t stopped j | going one minute. You know me! ! l do hate to leave Europe, But i back ■ j probably some day I'll come to Nice, visit the gorgeous Casino and the beach and stop at the "Ruhl: ^ walk Albergo. H That place made me think t-w-i-c-e-! But how good it will be to see you again and God s Country—U. S. A. l hope that my voyage to America will be a safe one and I’ll be seeing you ere long. Give everybody my love and keep much for your dear selves. ■o VOTE FOR W. TROX BANKSTON FOR RAILROAD COMMISSIONER o VOTE FOR “PEACH’' AND PRO GRESS, AGAINST PESSIMISM PETRIFACTION! i AND 5 ; jr _ Ns i (*-$•>; g mn. J a «-»•*» i. ii il V P i "i -'r HAVE USED STELLA VIII Grandmother used it and handed it Mrs. Myrtle Miller, Okla. dottm to daughter and granddaugh¬ ii I was an invalid for two ter. It helped them ail—is boon years. By the advice of my a druggist 1 used STELLA to all women and young girls. VITAE and it cured me. * ♦ YYoman’s Relief" < < Mother’s I can now do all my own work. * f Cordial". GUARANTEED—if the FIRST bottle gives no benefit, the Mrs. V. K. Uzsell, Suf¬ dealer from which it was bought folk. Va. l < Before I took will REFUND THE MONEY. The Stella Vitae I never saw a prescription of an old family physi¬ well day for over twelve for three generations. months. After taking one cian, in use bottle 1 was better. My Sal* Prop*. A Mfn. complexion has cleared THATCHER MEDICINE CO. up and I have gained 20 Ten*., U. lbs. I» ChattuMoca, S. A. % 24 THE LEADER TRIBUNE, FORT VALLEY, GA., SEPTEMBER 3, 1920. FORT VALLEY WINS OVER MARSHALLVILLE 0 TO 2. Gam* At Mar.hallville Lait Friday Marked By Good Playing By Both Team*. On Friday afternoon,team com¬ posed of Fort Valley local talent, headed by Mr. H. H. Cheek, support Cl I by about thirty ardent rooters of both the fair and unfair sex, jour neyd to Marahallville, where they met the latter town in a game of baseball. The game was quite inter¬ j n esting, particularly from the stand¬ | point of Fort Valley, who won by the score of 6 to 2. \ ■ | Adams, pitching for Fort Valley, ! did not exert himself except in pin f ehe.s and is required such occasions to' 1 make him tighten up. The Hiley fam j ily excelled in scoring, as C. H.iley ! made three and W. Hiley made one i f the tallies for the local team. This o i does not mean they played better 'bull than the rest of the boys for y ^ p]ayed well _ The j nfie ld I ^ v( , t( , rans an(J toKether { showed the mak i ings of an excellent baseball team j in Fort Valley if the boys would practice as well as receive the sup ■ . port of the citizens or the city. Taylor, pitching for Marshallville, i played a good game, both in pitch- ( ing and fielding his position. M. Haslam starred for Marshallville in the field and the rest of the boys ^ played a good brand of ball. A return game is promised for j r Tuesday at F’ort Valley and the boys hope to administer the same dose as they did last Friday. Summary:— Marshallv.lle Position TJ ... Fort „ , Valley M. Haslam.....1st Wm. Houser. Davidson 2nd. .. Moskovitz. Brooks ,ird. 1 ay " r ’ C. Haslam - S S .. McMinn. R ’ *’ C. e Y Lyles ... . L. F. W. Hiley. Frederick C. K ..Gassett. raylor ............ ,’ ” ^ dams ‘ Score by innings:— ..........R. H. E. Marshallville 002 00 000 2 3 5 Fort Valley 020 220 000 6 7 2 Base on balls—By Taylor 4. Forced runs—By Taylor 1. Struck by wild pitch—By Taylor 3. Strike outs— By Taylor 9; By Adams 5. Umpires: —R. Adams and H. Skellie 2 base hits—1. Double plays—1. Brooks to Davidson to M. Haslam. Time of game—2 hours. o . • I Spent $1 on Rat-Snap and Saved the Price of a Hog. . > James. McGuire, famous Hog Raiser of New Jersey, says, “1 ad¬ vise every farmer troubled with rats to use RAT-SNAP. Tried everything to get rid of rats. Spent $1 on RAT SNAP. Figured the; rats it killed saved the price of a hog. ** RAT SNAP comes in cake form. No mix ; n g w jt.h other food. Cats or dogs WO n’t touch it. Three sizes, 35c, 65c, $1.25. Sold and guaranteed by Geor gj a Agricultural Works and Cope ] an( i’ s Pharmacy.—Adv. ;.e- BROKEN GLASSES Returned the Same Day Re ceiveif. Special Attention Giv en to All Mail Orders MACON OPTICAL CO. J. N. KALISH, Opt. 565 Cherry St. Macon, Ga. THE BEST MAN * Judge George Hillyer, veteran Georgian, who helped save the state from the rigors of reconstruction, and who served on the State Railroad Commission with Commissioner Paul B. Trammell for many years, has written a public letter in which he commends Mr. Tram¬ mell’s candidacy for re-election, and says: « I know of your fidelity and wisdom in handling every problem coming before the body.’' Judge Hillyer further declares: 4< I know that it will be in the best interests of the state and all concerned that you should be re-elected, especially in the crisis of new and difficult problems In these trying times and the world-wide dangers with which our people are now confronted. I earnestly trust that the people of the state will give their verdict In your favor. »» For Railroad Commissioner PAUL B. TRAMMELL Your Vote September 8 Will Be Appreciated (Advertisement.) N. Holder Georgia’s Next Governor THE REASONS WHY: John Holder is going to be Georgia’s next governor be¬ cause he is capable; because— He is big, broadminded and FAIR; because— He has served Georgia well for nineteen years as legis¬ lator arid for eight years as Speaker of the House of Repre¬ sentatives; because— He knows the conditions in Georgia and the State's needs as few others know them; because— He is a man of the people — a farmer — a successful fanner and business man, and— THE PEOPLE OF GEORGIA KNOW IT. The Atlanta Constitution and the Macon Telegraph got together and simultaneously told John Holder to get out of the race, in order that their candidate might be elected. But he is in the race—in it to win—because— The people throughout Georgia have declared they pro¬ pose to decide this thing for themselves. From all over Georgia comes that positive assertion. We shall quote just a few of the hundreds of emphatic pro¬ tests that have reached us: Editor J. F. Shannon of the Commerce Newe: "Georgia taxpayers have the right to vote for the candidate of their choice and they will not be bulldozed by The Constitution and ‘prominent court officers.’ The Constitution and 'prominent court officers’ can’t kick John Holder out of the race.” The Jackson County Holder Club: “In the name of 2,500 loyal Georgians of the Jackson County Holder Club and loyal Democrats in every section of the state, we earn¬ estly protest your effort to put Holder out of the race. Being a farmer, editor and business man, not a lawyer, it is a wonder that a good many lawyers and ‘court officer*’ are not supporting him.” Editor Jeff Carter of the Catoosa Record: "Noting that the Clark Howell clique has asked you to withdraw, we re¬ quest you to stay in until the finish. You are the strongest man and will win regardless of the Atlanta Constitution’s and Macon Telegraph's desire that you withdraw for their can¬ didate, Clifford Walker." W. A. Perryman, prominent Farmer of Randolph Countyl "We claim to be good Democrats and we resent this sugges¬ tion from The Constitution and Telegraph. 1 H. S. Golding, well-known South Georgia Farmerl The claim of the Constitution that Walker will carry South I Georgia, is just one more of their tricks to fool the' people. You will carry Thomas, Grady and Mitchell counties, Th* farmers are solidly behind you." , L. F. Roberts, leading Hall County Merchant: "Hop* you will pay no attention to this bosh. I know you are de¬ cidedly stronger in this section." E. S. Martin, prominent Banker of Montgomery County: “Don’t get out of the race. Walker cannot heat Hardwick. You undoubtedly can. The people should say who is to be governor, not a few editors and politicians." Frank Dunn, Atlanta: "The Constitution’s editorial and your courageous etand have won me over, and I am sure they have also won many thousands of other noble Georgians who feel they are competent to think for themselves." These are just a few out of many, but they represent widely separated sections of the state. What do you say, Georgia Voters? Will you allow two editors to “haudpick” your gover¬ nor for you? This effort to kick him out of the race has made John Holder friends and votes all over Georgia. In every speech he has made in which John Holder has told his hearers of the efforts of the Constitution and Telegraph to kick him out of the race, cries have come back from his audience, amid loud cheers— “Don’t let them do itl ..We’ll stick to you!” They meant it, and they are going to do it, because-— < John Holder has always stuck to the people! JOHN N. HOLDER CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE* Garland ML Jones, Manager. —Ady. ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR STATE SENATE According to the rotation system it is Houston County’s time to fur¬ nish the State Senator from this the Twenty-third District, which is com¬ posed of the Counties of Houston, Taylor and Crawford. I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of Stare Senator, sub¬ ject to the rules of the Democratic Pri rimary. I shall appreciate the vote and sup¬ port of the people of Houston Coun ty. Respectfully, J. E. Davidson. o To The Voter* of Houston County I hereby announce my candidacy for the Legislature subject to the Democratic Nomination. In the event I am elected, I prom¬ ise to represent to the best of my ability, all of the citizens of Houston County, regardless of location. that I shall advocate all measures will aid our grand old county in con¬ tinuing its upward progress, and re¬ sist with all the power I possess, any measure which seeks to dethrone it from the pre-eminent position it now occupies. Respectfully J. J. Houser. TO THE VOTERS OF HOUSTON. I beg to announce my candidacy for the Legislature subject to the Democratic Primary. The issue before the people of Houston is the creation of a New County, and I am seeking your votes upon this issue. A native of this county and yield¬ ing to none in my loyalty, I am con¬ vinced that the time has come—if both sections should progress as they should—that a division should be made. Therefore I solicit your careful and unprejudiced consideration of my candidacy, and trust that you will see fit to honor me with your suffrage upon my position on the New County issue. Respectfully, EMMETT HOUSER. TO THE VOTERS OF HOUSTON COUNTY I hereby announce myself a can¬ didate for the Legislature subject to the democratic primary. I consci¬ entiously believe that thetime has come for a division of Houston Coun¬ ty. Our people are the same but in¬ terests in some respects are differ¬ ent. The county is divided and there can be no growth commensurate with her resources until the ques¬ tion of a new county is settled. “It is a house divided against itself”, and I ask the voters of Houston County to carefully consider whether it is not best to divide and let each section of the county take the lines of development which are suitable to their products and commercial interest. In asking your support oif the is¬ sue of a division of the county I am aware that it’s natural for the peo¬ ple of the western side of Houston to want a new county, and at the same time it is legitimate for those of the eastern side to oppose it. Therefore I hope the fight will be that of gentlemen and friends and not enemies. Respectfully, C. H. Jackson Byron, Ga., May 28, 1920. ■o TO THE PEOPLE OF THE 12th CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT I am a candidate for Congress from the 12th Congressional Dis¬ trict of Georgia, under such rules and regulations as our party may prescribe in the Democratic Primary to be held Sept. 8th, 1920. Member¬ ship in Congress is a post of honor and service. In a period of transi¬ tion and disturbance its importance cannot be over-estimated. The ef¬ ficient and prompt adjustment of the problems of the nation is very vital to the general welfare. Believ¬ ing in the old “Democratic Princi¬ ples” of economy and faithful ser¬ vice, I respectfully solicit your sup¬ port. Roscoe Peacock. o TO THE VOTERS OF THE TWELFTH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT I hereby announce my candidacy for re-election to Congress, subject to rules and regulations of Democra¬ tic Primary. I stand upon my record in Congress, upon all pledges made to the people and will, if elected, continue to give my best efforts to all matters, legislative and adminis¬ trative, involving the welfare of the people and the nation. I will appreciate the support and influence of everyone. W. W. Larsen. —O’ EPISCOPAL CHURCH Sunday School at 9:45 a. m Lay Service every Sunday morn¬ ing at 11:00 o’clock, except on fourth Sunday. Celebration of Holy Com¬ munion and sermon on fourth Sun¬ day at 11:00 o’clock. Evening ser¬ vice on fourth Sunday. Rev. J, F. McCloud, Rector. *★★★★★ ★ * A w ★ ★ ★★★★ ★ ★ -A- PROFESSIONAL CARDS ★ * * ★★★★★★ ★★★★★★ ★★★★ A. C. RILEY ATTORNEY AT LAW Evans Building. ’Phone 156. Fort Valley, Ga. Practice in the Ordinary, Superior and Federal Courts. Loans on Realty Negotiated. o—■ C. L. SHEPARD ATTORNEY AT LAW ; Evans Building. ’Phone 31. Fort Valley, Ga. Practice in all the State and Federal Courts. Loans Made on Realty. ■O EMMETT HOUSER ATTORNEY AT LAW First Nat. Bank Bldg. 'Phone 107. Fort Valley, Ga. Practice in Both the State and Fed¬ eral Courts. Loans Made on Realty. o Louis L. Brown R. E. Brown - BROWN & BROWN ATTORNEYS AT LAW Wright Building. ’Phone 9. Fort Valley, Ga. Practice in all the State and Federal Courts. Loans on Realty Negotiated. o A. C. RILEY, JR. LAWYER Fort Valley, Ga. Loans Made on Real Estate. HERBERT VINING i Attorney and Counselor at Law Fort Valley, Ga. DUNCAN & NUNN ATTORNEYS and COUNSELORS AT LAW Perry, Ga. Practice in State and Federal Courts. o JAMES H. DODGEN NORMAN E. ENGLISH ATTORNEYS AT LAW 302—303 Bibb Realty Bldg. Macon, Ga. O DR. W. L. NANCE DENTIST .. Mi*» Florence Taylor, Atsiatant. .. Evans Building. Fort Valley, Ga. 'Phones: Office 82; Residence 115. a DR. W. H. HAFER DENTIST , Office over Copeland’s Pharmacy. Fort Valley, Ga. ’PHONES Residence 50-J; Office 58-J. o DR. J. A. TURNER DENTIST Office over R. S. Braswell’s Store. Fort Valley, Ga. 'PHONES Office 280-J. Residence 237. o MARCUS L. HICKSON PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office over R. S. Braswell’s Store. Fort Valley, Ga. ’PHONES Office 106-1B. Residence 106-2B. Fort Valley, Ga. O LIQUID ASPIRIN Il SAFE Collier’s Capatone, the Wonderful Liquid Aspirin, Gives Quick Relief and Does Not Endanger Your Heart or Stomach. ( oilier 3 < apatone, the libui pform of aspirin, is harmless and has no effect on the heart; yet it gives quick relief. As it is aiready dis¬ solved it requires no water.' All druggists have it in 30c and 60c bot tles. It must bear the signature J. Homer Collier." VOTE FOR “PEACH” AND PRO¬ GRESS, AGAINST PESSIMISM AND PETRIFACTION! —o A DrThachers WORM SYRUP 6c DOES Good Children Like It 30 v