The Leader-tribune and peachland journal. (Fort Valley, Houston County, Ga.) 19??-192?, September 10, 1920, Page SEVEN, Image 7

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Social and Personal Reported by MRS. C. N. ROUNTREE, Phone 275— J. Miss Ruth Taylor left Saturday for a visit in Reynolds. 4 4 4 Mr. Harold Houser of the U. S. Navy is on a visit home. k- 4 v M iss Nora Rountree spent a few days in Marshallville last week. 4 "J* 4 Dr. and Mrs. H. M. Copeland spent last week at Indian Springs. ❖ 4* Judge A. C. Riley was in Texas this week on a business trip. 4 4 4 Mr. and Mm. Charlie Eberhardt are at Hot Springs, Ark. 4 4 4 Mr. Cliff Kimsey of Cornelia was here Wednesday. * * ♦ Dr. W. F. Quillian of Macon was a visitor Wednesday. i> >c Miss Ruby Lawson Is visiting rel¬ atives in Albany. * 4 <# Dr. J. A. Turner has returned from a visit in Royston. 4 White 4* 4* Miss VeLoula has returned from a visit to Flovilla. 4 4 4 Miss Joe Allen visited her sister in Macon several days this week. 4 4 4 Miss Scholey Ellis of Walden is the attractive guest of MLs Lucile Snow this week. 4 4 4 Rev. John B. Culpepper is here visiting his brother, Mr. George Culpepper. 4 4 4 Dr. J. R. Kinney and family have returned from a visit of two weeks in Irvvinton. 4 4 $• Mrs. M. M. Kersh has been with Misses Pauline and Lilia Braswell the last ten days. 4 4 4 Mrs. Neltie Miller is visiting Mr. and Mrs. John Baird at Englishtown, N. J. 4 4 4 Mr. C. E. Martin returned Satur¬ day night fftim a trip to Richmond and New York. *** *4* *•* A large crowd from here went to Marshallville Friday afternoon to the ball game. 4 4 4 Miss Annie Maud Anderson left Monday for Butler, where she will teach the 6th grade in the school. 4 4 * Dr. J. A. Turner is expected Tues day from Royston, where he has been visiting several weeks. 4» 4» *1* Miss Anne Audrey Fagan has re turned from a delightful trip over seas. 4» *i» Mrs. J. M. Allen and Miss Joe Allen are at home after a visit to relatives in Tennessee. 4 4 4 Miss Pearl Edwards of Perry has returned home after spending sev¬ eral days with Mrs. Russell Edwards. 4 4 4 Mrs. Charlie Byrd and son, Foy, have returned from a pleasant visit to friends and relatives in Michigan. 4 4 4 Mrs. Lee Houser and Misses Ruth and Hazel Houser went to Atlanta Friday to spend a week. 4<» «J» *t* Miss Gertrude Mullis of Jackson¬ ville, Fla., is visiting Miss Joe D. Eubanks on Persons St. The circles of * * the * Baptist church J i met Monday afternoon at four o’clock. 4» *> «$» • Miss Flaudie Williams has re¬ turned from a visit to friends in: Butler. «J» 4* Miss Miriam Edwards is spending this week in Perry with Miss Fran Marchman. , ces ♦ * 2 * 4 » Miss Annie Lou Banks of St. Matthews, S. C. io the guest of ! Misses Allie and Lizzie Houser. ! V T ♦ Mrs. A. J. Houser, Jr., and daugh ter Agnes of Macon are visitors at of Mr. A. J. Houser. I the home * 4 * Miss Susie Brown will leave Sat urday for Cuthbert where she teach es at Andrew Female College. j 4 4 * Miss Ruth Ware of Marshallville will spend the week end with Miss Frances White. + 44 Miss Elizabeth Smith visited her grandmother, Mrs. W. J. Smith in Macon this week. THE LEADER TRIBUNE, FORT VALLEY, GA., SEPTEMBER 10,1920 Mr. W. R. Fuller has from a ten days’ trip to New York. 4* *5* 4* Mr. Claud Walton spent the end at Popes Ferry. 444 Mns. R. S. Haley of Atlanta is visiting her sister, Mrs. S. J. Steed. f v ** Mr. Way land Parker is in Thom asville this week oji business. 4* 4* 4* Mr. R. F. Burden of Macon was here Wednesday, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. McCoy. 4 .j. + ■ Miss Elizabeth McElroy of Macon has returned after a visit to Miss Mamie Ousley. <* * * Mr. Claud Smith left Tuesday for Auburn, Ala., where he goes to Polytechnic. 4 4 * Miss Lucy Goodwin of Marshall¬ ville is the week end guest of Miss Ruth Spiliers. Miss Meeta McDonald will leave Sunday for Atlanta after a visit to friends and relatives here. 4 4 v Miss Helen Marshall had as her guests the past week Misses Jane Cater and Norine Swanson of Perry. *44 Miss Marie Lubetkin returned Thursday from Moultrie after a de¬ lightful five weeks’ visit to friends. + 4 4 Dr. C. R. Jenkins is assisting his brother, Rev. F. E. Jenkins, in a se riees of revival services at Acworth. * 4 *’ Mr. Max James, who has been in New York for several weeks ar¬ rived Monday. 4 4 4 Mr. Toni Jones, the city eleetri dan, has an apartment with MUs Lizzie Thweatt on Church St. Mrs. Jones arrived this week. 4 4 4 Mrs. Mittie Wynne returned Wed¬ nesday from Blue Ridge, N. C., where she spent the month of Au¬ gust. 4* *1* Miss Su-ie Dorset of Washington, D. C. left Wednesday for her home after spending two months with Mr. and Mrs. Mark Mathews. 4 4 4 Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Gray, Jr., ex¬ pect to move next week into an apartment with Mrs. Green on church street. 4* *!* 4* Miss Kate Winslow of Macon came Tuesday for a visit of several days to her sisters, Mrs. E. .J. Spil¬ iers and Mrs. Robert Flournoy. 4* *** Mr. and Mrs. Glenmore Green and Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Seifert re¬ turned Sunday from a ten days’ trip to New York. 4 4* Miss Nettie Kate Marshall w leave this week for Williams Sani-j torium in Macon, where she will study to become a trained nurse. 4 4 4 Mr. and Mrs. Claude DuPree were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Matthews at their camp at Lifsey Springs. Miss Mittie Wynne returned Thurs day from Blue Ridge, N. C., where she spent the month of Au¬ gust. 4 4 4 Mrs. A. A. Williams returned Thursday from a visit of several weeks to relatives in Rutherfordton. q 4 4 * and Mrs. George Anderson, Sr., daughter Bessie spent the week-end in Perry visiting their son and bro¬ ther, Mr. A. M. Anderson. »$» Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Allen have re turned from an extended trip to Chicago and the Great Lakes, re¬ via Asheville, N. C. * 4 4 Misses Willie Lee Stalnaker and Lewis of Wellston were the attractive guests this week of Miss ucile Champion, »f* «g» Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Pearson re -1 Sunday from a delightful trip to New 1 ork and other points inter**! in the east, I 4 4 * j Miss Margaret James will -leave for Maryville, Missouri, she teaches in the State Norm School. 4* 4» 4* Mrs. Miiledge White,* and S0T, > have returned to their in Atlanta after a weeks to Mrs. Alice Crandall. f Miss France? Collins of Macon spent several days here this week with Mis? Irene Salter. v ❖ 4* Miss Frances Langston entertain ed one afternoon recently in honor of her guest, Miss Bessie Belle Jack son, of Atlanta. 4 4 4 Mr. and Mrs. J. K. King and children spent Sunday and Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Madison Carty at Jackson and Indian Springs. * 4 * Mrs. F. W. Withoft was in Atlanta several days this week, where she went to attend the executive board meeting of the W. M. U. of Georgia. 4 4 4 Rev. J. W. Stokes returned today from Lithonia. His family will come next week, being detained by the re tarded convalescence of his little child. ■» 4 *X* Capt, Clifford Mathews, who has been visiting in California, is ex pected this week. Capt. Mathews will be commandant at Lanier High School in Macon. Mr. and Mrs. Julian Webster, with Mrs. Webster’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hantsock, of Atlanta, are expected Tuesday from an automobile trip to Savannah and Tybe’e Island. 4 4 4 Misses Lula Bunch, Helen Green and Gertrude Butler of Camilla are expected to spend the week end with Miss Margaret Whiting enroute to school at Wesleyan. 4 4 4 Last Sunday Rev. J. W. Stokes preached the sermon to the faculty and students of Nacoochee Institute on the occasion of the opening of that school of the Synod of Geor Mr. and Mrs. L. Carter and Miss Pauline Carter went to Columbus Saturday for a vLit to Mrs. Leigh¬ ton Dure. Mr. Carter returned Mon ¬ day, Mrs. Carter and Miss Carter remaining for the week. 4 4 4 • Mr. J. M. Allen has returned from a trip to Missouri where he lead the singing at a camp meeting, lasting ten days, in the Ozark mountains. Mr. Allen reports a most delightful j trip. ! 4 4 * j Miss Willie Maud Cowart returned Monday from a two weeks’ visit to Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Cowart at Wal¬ den. She was accompanied home by Messrs. Douglas Bradley and Edward Cowart who were her guests for the day. 4* Dr. and Mrs. Marcus Hickson en¬ tertained the Postell House board¬ ers at 'supper Monday evening. Dr. Hickson is an ex-member of the house. The Postell House has been closed during August but opened up for business on Wednesday the first of September. 4 4 4 Mr. J. M. Allen and Mr. A. E. Brack san# a duet at the Men’s Bi Class o ist Sunday t urc morning i m ,in at ' e the a, C j . n <<w - a > low. j ° r ,ea< < n j c “ c sptcia ca uu.s arran„ by the entertainment committee, j 4 4 4 j Mrs. J. W. Saunders, of Unadilla, T. II. Bridges, Mr. and Mrs. J ; Saunders and Fred Saunders, | who have been the guests of Mr. ; [ iy[ rs -poff, Murphey at Pinecroft, j have returned to their feai? *•* BT «2 H •••> ' - * ■ v<: ' « t -L ■"t'i x X .«!» " ’•••'S' -- in :.-V H IT • ’•X,-, ■ sTv* 4 ■. « v '4V * P 0 V \ > : ft ■ m >s\ f 1 y REV. HENRY W. BROMLEY, EVANGELIST, of Wilmore, Ivy., who will preach at the Revival Her¬ vices at the Marshallville Methodist Church, Sept. 12 to 26, inclusive. Friends of Mr. Archie Thornton and familly regret that they will move on the 16th inst., to Warwick J Ga., where Mr. Thornton will be principal of the school, thus return¬ ing to his old profession. Mr. .T. I. Sammons will take his place as rail¬ way ticket clerk here. 4 4 4 Misses Elouise and Mattie Weaver and Frances Hodges of Reynolds were guests last week of Miss Emily Taylor and were honor guests at a morning rook party Friday given by their hostess. Twenty four players enjoyed the games and later an iced course was served, 4 4 * Miss Miriam Hazelton, of Athens, Ga., teacher of Domestic Science, Miss Carolyn Vance of Buford, Ga., teacher of expression, Miss Louise Bryan of Newman, 5th grade teach¬ er and Miss Cleo Coleman of De vereux' Ga., 7th grade teacher, will be with Mrs. Bennett Joiner on Church ctrcet for the school term. 4 4 4 Mr. Frank Smisson invited a few friends to a fish fry on the Flint river near Nakomis Thursday night, but the rain kept most of the party from attending. Thost who braved the storm, however had plenty of fish. Mr. Smisson camped on the river several days last week. 4 4 4 Mr. Harvard Eubanks was host last Wednesday evening at a most enjoyable prom party, when he en tertained twenty couples of the young Set in honor of Miss Gertrude Mullis, a popular visitor. Punch was served during the proms and at a later hour the guests enjoyed cream and cake. 4 4 4 Among fhose who went to Albany to attend the Crandall—Harris, mar¬ riage on Monday afternoon were Mr. and Mrs. Henry Harris. Misses Ruby Harris, Gladys Slappey, Etta Carithers, Margaret Shepard, Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Slappey, Henry Harris, Jr., Brown Carithers and Walter Campbell. 4 4 4 Friends here of Mrs. Fannie Drake and her.son, Anderson Drake, v.-ro grieved to hear of the death of the latter in New York Tuesday morning. A telegram from the young man’s father to Mr. Louis Brown an nounced his accidental death. The particulars have not been learned. Many friends and relatives here deeply sympathize with the be¬ reaved. 4 4 4 Mr. J. T. White returned the first of the week from Saratoga Springs, N. Y., where he and Mrs. White spent several days last week. Mrs. White stopped in Atlanta, while Mr. White hurried home to vote and U root” for Peach County. Mr. White was one of the representatives of his insurance company who won this trip by writing $250,000.00 or more of paid insurance within the year— distinction he has won for a num of consecutive years. 4 * 4* The (Itmior and Senior boys and numbering about 25, will have pj cn | c and spend the day party at oasery m j{] on Friday. The day’s wj]] ^ eoncluded with a prom at the home of Miss Elizabeth! on Anderson Avenue. Mrs. Prator will be the chaperone- I 1 t the picnic party. The Prom in the will be in honor of visitors who are the guests of Miss White, Miss Margaret Whit¬ and Miss Ruth Spiliers. The Garden Lady’s Stories (Written for the United States School Garden Army, Department of the Interior, Bureau of Education.) BILLY, THE BOY-NEXT DOOR, AND MONDAMIN. An Old Story In A New Dress. PART 111. He was awakened this time old Tippy-toes, who knocked over pile of schoolbooks with a crash. lirst thing that tommy saw he opened his startled eyes was the Spring Manual of the United States School Garden Army, that the den Lady had left the day before, and the next thing he saw was an ear of golden corn lying out on the lawn. “ ‘How did that corn get out there?’ he thought. ‘Oh! I know! I threw it out there when old Tippy toes woke me up last night with his serenade!’ “Then suddenly the Mondamin dream came back to him; and Mon damin’s words, ‘You shall know, in ■ the morning. It is written in beautiful book of the paleface scribes.’ : “After breakfast, he ‘found out how’; for he took the ‘book of the paleface scribes,’ which was the Spring Manual of the United States School Garden Army. It was Satur day morning. Tommy spent a long Among the class of 1920 who will leave in a few days for college are Miss Beulah Davidson, who will go to Agnes Scott; Florine Danielly to Bessie Tift; Matibel Turner and Mildred Anderson to Wesleyan; Mildred Mathews to Brenau; Cleo Dent, Lois Anderson and Elizabeth Avera to G. N. I. C; Gussie Bar field to South Georgia Normal, at Valdosta; Doris Mathews and Mary Belle Houser .to State Normal; Claude Smith to Auburn, Ala.; Mil ledge Brown and Royal Fulwood to Georgia Univei’sity; Tommie Sheats to Ga.-Ala.--Business College; Har¬ vard Eubanks to Georgia Tech; Thomas Shepard to Transylvania, Kentucky. O Advertise Your Wants in The Leader-Tribune. >■• >«r s' « # 0 I B :i % ■r • { ii-t m Vj A* i // 8 & ' *•*. . *©« kfrraa to mi T Stop That Waste! T HE minute you connect a new Columbia Hot Shot Dry Battery to your gas engine, you’ll discover that •he is giving you more power. Later you’ll learn that you're saving ga«. A Single Dry Battery of Many Cellpower \ The sturdiest package of power ever built. No loose connections, no short circuits. For easy starting ignition on your Ford*, roR put Columbia Hot Shot No. 1461 under STATIONARY ENGINES, farm the seat. Saves prolonged cranking—• power, usually ignites the first compression ot AND STARTI.NO IGNITION ON FORDS gas. T. M. Anthoine Garage & Machine Shop, Fort Valley, Ga. Eberhardt Machine Works, Fort Valley. Ga., Fort Valley Brokerage Co Georgia Agricultural Works, Fort Valley, Ga., W. A. Melvin, Fort Valley, Ga., Southern Orchard i Supply Co., Fort Valley, Ga. Fthn*it»ct Kprlng Clip Binding Pouts on Cclumblt Coll No. I, No Koitg ’’ CotaosM 1 ! % HMktterie* l SEVEN while studying all the directions, “‘Mother,’ he said at dinner, ‘I know what will be great fun! I’m 0 ing lo >s t ;1 rt a Mondamin Club; and j}j]| Busyboy and Johnnie Jump up and Sam Slacker and Hardy Hustler'll all have to join. We’ll put 0 ],i g ani to wor ] t( t 00 t Won’t ^at [ )e ,,. rea f?’ “ ‘Yes, indeed!’ agreed mother heartily. “So that is what they did. “They kept careful guard over the grave of Mondamin, following all the directions of the Garden Book of the paleface scribes. Till at length a small green feather From the earth shot slowly upward, Then another, and another; And before the summer ended. Stood the maize in all its beauty, With its shining robes about it, And its long, soft, yellow tresses, And in rapture, Tommy Thoughtful (Even as once had Hiawatha), Cried aloud, ‘It is Mondamin! Yes, the friend of man, Mondamin!’ Rub-My-Tism is a powerful anti¬ septic; it kills [he poison caused from infected cuts, cures old sores, tetter, etc.—Adv. 0 “ It Must Have Been Dead at Least 6 Months But Didn’t Smell. »> “Saw a big rat in our cellar last Fall, writes Mrs. .Toanny, “and bought a 35c cake ot RAT-SNAP, broke it up into small pieces. Last week while moving we came across the dead rat. Must have been dead six months, didn’t smell. RAT-SNAP is wonderful.” Three size , 35c, 65c, .$1.25. Sold and guaranteed by Geor¬ gia Agricultural Works and Cope iand’s Pharmany.—Adv.