The Leader-tribune and peachland journal. (Fort Valley, Houston County, Ga.) 19??-192?, September 10, 1920, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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EIGHT ★★★★★★ ★ it k w ★ ★ ★★★★ ★ ★ ★ PROFESSIONAL CARDS ★ ★ * ★★★★★★ ★★★★★★ ★★★★ A. C. RILEY ATTORNEY AT LAW Evans Building. ’Phone 156. Fori Valley, Ga. Practice in the Ordinary, Superior and Federal Courts. Loans on Realty Negotiated. —o C. L. SHEPARD ATTORNEY AT I.AW Evans Building. ’Phone 31. Fort Valley, Ga. Practice in all the State and federal Courts. Loans Made on Realty. EMMETT HOUSER ATTORNEY AT LAW First Nat. Bank Bldg. ’Phone 107 Fort Valley, Ga. Practice in Both the State and Fed eral Courts. Loans Made on Realty. -o Louis L. Brown R. E. Brown BROWN & BROWN ATTORNEYS AT LAW Wright Building. ’Phone 9. Fort Valley, Ga. Practice in all the State and Federal Courts. Loans on Realty Negotiated. o A. C. RILEY, JR. LAWYER Fort Valley, Ga. Loans Made on Real Estate. O HERBERT V1N1NG Attorney and Counselor at Law Fort Valley, Ga. DUNCAN & NUNN ATTORNEYS and COUNSELORS AT LAW Perry, Ga. Practice in State and Federal Courts 0 JAMES H. DODGEN NORMAN E. ENGLISH ATTORNEYS AT LAW 802—303 Bibb Realty Bldg. I Macon, Ga. ■0 DR. W. L. NANCE DENTIST .. Mi»» Florence Taylor, A*si*tant. Evans Building. Fort Valley, Ga. ’Phones: Office 82; Residence 115 DR. W. H. HAFER DENTIST Office over Copeland’s Pharmacy. Fort Valley, Ga. ’PHONES Residence 50-J; Office 58-J. ■o DR. J. A. TURNER DENTIST Office over R. S. Braswell’s Store. Fort Valley, Ga. ’PHONES Office 280-J. Residence 237. ■o MARCUS L. HICKSON PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office over R. S. Braswell’s Store. Fort Valley, Ga. ’PHONES Office 106-IB. Residence 106-2B Fort Vailey, Ga. ■O 666 quickly relieve* Constipation, Biliousness, Loss of Appetite and Headaches, due to Torpid Liver.— Adv. 0 \ DOESN'T HURT IKE HEART Collier’s Capatone Takes Place of Tablets, Stopping Headaches, Nausea, Colds, Grippe and Nervousness Quickly. Collier’s Capatone is the best aspirin, but in liquid form. It is not heart depressing. You can use it without fear. All druggists have it in 30c and 6">c bottles. Each bot¬ tle must carry the signature “J. Homer Collier. ” O Dr.Thacher's I DIARRHOEA 5afe f MIXTURE or Sure > DIARRHOEA DYSENTERY 1 FLUX. Etc. THE LEADER TRIBUNE, FORT VALLEY, GA., SEPTEMBER 10,1920 CITY COURT OF HOUSTON COUNTY CONVENES MONDAY One Hundred Sixteen Civil Caiei and One Hundred Two Criminal Cates On Calendar. Jury Li«t The City Court will convene next Monday. Sept. 13th. There are 116 Civil Cases on Calendar for trial set for Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Any cases not sontested can be disposed of on Monday. There are 102 Criminal Cases for trial bn»innin*? on Monday the 20th. The following jurors that were drawn for July Term will report for service on Tuesday morning Sept. 14th. They have been notified by the Clerk under order from Judge Riley to appear on that day for service as jurors in the Court. Traver.e Juror*. 1. J. H. Edwards 2. E. J. Thompson 3. K. M. Aultman 4. J. L. Brown 5. W. It. Jones 6. J. E. Garvin 7. I). H. Anderson 8. H. C. Oneal 9. C. Stembridge 10. J. 1). Kendrick 11. C. L. Clark 12. J. A. Bowman 13. W. S. Riley 14. A. B. Irby 15. O. M. Houser 16. J. K: Holsenbeck 17. J. I). Stembridge 18. C. A. Kersey. Tale* Juror* 1. L. S. Tucker 2. C. R. Williams 3. J. F. Duke I. J. W. Gibson W. H. Buff 6. W. O. Gaines 7. W. A. Melvin 8. F. D. Pruett 9. B. B. Smisson 10. H. D. Gordy II. H. M. Copeland 12. E. M. Beckham 13. Hill Dean 14. G. H. Prat or 15. B. E. Taylor 16. F. P. Shepard 17. R. C. Joyner 18. Walter Stembridge 19. C. E. Gilbert 20 W. M. Akin Jr. 21. A. E. McNiece 22. J. E. Davidson 73. Jno. T. Harper 4 mm 1.8 Vfl 1 % vb }• l A Y u LVU y. I / ■i: ;ij I i t Y OU taste the tempting tang of lemons in cold, sparkling Ward’s Lemon Crush! A refreshing delight when the sun is hottest. Contain* the oil of freshly-picked lemons, pure sugar and citric acid (the natural acid of citrus fruits). oTTjTo I // TA \\ A .{Lemon *>• 7;k N ■tempttiuf lemon tari ^Vxxrds U Lemon | ■crush Prepared by Orange-Crush Co., Chicago Laboratory: Los Angeles Sind forfma book, "The Story of Oran£t-Cru& and Lemon-Crush ’* Bottled in Fort Valley By The Coca-Col* Bottling Work* 24. J. J. Houser 25 B. H. Andrew | 26. M. D. Goode 27. W. J. Braddock 28. H. E. Talton 2D. C. B. Andrew 30. C. S. Taylor 31. M. B. Pitts 32. W. K. Edwards 33. J. F. Troutman 34. A. C. Blackwell 35. C. W. Bowman 36. Geo. D. Fitzgerald. —o WHEN YOU KNOW A FELLOW Edgar A. Guest When you get to know a fellow, know his joys and know his cares, When you’ve come to understand him and the burdens that he bears, When you’ve learned the fight he’s making and the troubles in hisway, Then you find that he is different than you thought him yesterday. You find his faults are trivial and there’s not so much to blame In the brother that you jeered at when you only knew his name. You are quick to see the blemish in the distant brother’s style; You can point to all his errors and may sneer at him the while; And your prejudices fatten and your hates more violent grow As you talk about the failures of the man you do not know; But when druwn a little closer and your hands and shoulders touch, You find the traits you hated really don’t amount to much. When you get to know a fellow, know his every mood and whim, You begin to find the texture of the splendid side of him; You begin to understand him, and you cease to scoff and sneer, For with understanding ffi 1 Governor of Georgia Proclaims October Advertise Georgia Month I "H <**hi jg.____»— f; -Tpnrhrb e <B*« w ■ ^ - * ■ « 'ZSX GaORGXA MDSTfl PHOCLAWtTloS fUKRKA8, the report ef the laet census Indiaate* a _ leek W normal increase, and in some oasea actual decrease in population in the rural seotions of Georgia; pro seating % proPlea Worthy of eerioue consideration in Tie* of the millions of aores ef unoccupied lends suitable for i agriculture, to meet the growing and the fiscal development of which la essential needs of the state, and WHHREA8, it is only thru nation-wide advertising that' the message of what Georgia has to offer the seeker of a .“•» or new opportunity can be carried to the world, and T * WHEREAS, ■ ii gWMWyWMSi *ji» - an enterprise to develop and advertlee these i resources, wholly unselfish as to pereone, citiaa, counties i or seotions, has been initiated by the Advertise Georgia ■Bterprlse, composed of the combined forces of the Georgia Association and the Advertising Clubs of Georgia and tha Governor of Georgia, and this enterprise has been given i the endereesient of the house of the General Assembly, and i WHSRSA3, the Advertise Georgia Enterprise is about id engage in obtaining public subscriptions to a fund of 8300,000 to be devoted to carrying out this program of advertising the State and its resources, and axeots the cordial support of every publio-epirited citizen; I THEREFORE, I, Hugh M. Dorsey, Governor of Georgia, da proclaim the month of October, 1920, to be Advertise Georgia Month throughout the State, and commend to all citisena who have the interests of Georgia at heart that) they glva aid and support to this important movement. •* ) Given under my hand and the great seal of the State this 24th day of August, 1020. I g l g n ed) I .Governor of the State of Georgia* ; million of fertile the ! Twenty as acres as re are in the world—unde¬ veloped. Miles and miles of logical factory sites—unoccupied. Ports deep enough to care for the largest steamers—receiving but a G*., m*. the should through — fraction of tonnage that be cleared them. This is GEORGIA, now rich and fertile, but still possessing unrealized Adrertis, Georgia Enterprise, opportunities that are staggering, needing but your help to make it the Rotunda. State Capitol, jewel state of the Union. Atlanta. Ga. Let’s back our state. Let’s tell the world of the fertility of her fields I hereby pledre * and sell her undeveloped acree to live, progressive farmers who will till year’s subscription ------------- ( * n , dallar of which please Geort-iaEnter- apple as them. one to " Georgia") for the Adecrtise Let’s tell the manufacturer of available sites so that on them facto¬ pnsc fund of $3C0,000 for a nation -wide adrerUsin* and publicity caa our pai*n for all Georgia sponsored by ths ries may take the place of dog fenneL tisine Hubs cf Georgia, Georria Association and . Adver Let’s tel! the shipper that it will pay him to send his good* through and Got. Dorsey as peneral chairman Georgia porU and prove it. 4* All this can be done through advertising. The plan is all worked out. All piedges $x>C and less payable in full when subscription is It needs bat your support to*make it possible—practical. made; pledges over $50 payable half at time subscription is made arvi If you are a Georgian we think that you will contribute. If you are balance when $150,000 has been subscribed. All subscriptions ca^3y a good business man we KNOW that you will. membership in the Georgia Association. publicity Make checks and money orders payable to Gov. Hugh Dorsey, In order t« jjive the greatest pawtble to the Advert* 0 ® chairman, or Charles B. Lewis, Treasurer, Fourth National Laak Gn -ijia KnterprUe business men are urged to sign their mail £oing Macon. Ga. to points inside the state “Your* for Georgia.” and to points outside I of the state “Come to Georgia Jost teal this out ar.d give it to your stenographer—she’ll remember. ADVERTISE GEORGIA ENTERPRISE -----Name STATE CAPITOL ---- -SS -- ATLANTA, GEOTGIA 1 —_Basinc<« M 9 always disappear; You begin to find his virtues and his faults you cease to tell; For you seldom hate a fellow when you know him very well. When next you start in sneering and your phrases turn to blame, Know more of him you censure than his business and his name; For it’s likely that acquaintance would your prejudice dispel And you’d really come to like him if you knew him very well. When you get to know a fellow and you understand his ways Then his faults won’t really matter, for you’ll find a lot to praise. The above poem was read by Miss Annie Taylor before the Men’s Bi ble Class of the Methodist Sunday School last Sunday, and was so m uch enjoyed that several readers of The Leader-Tribune suggested our reprinting it. We are indebted to Miss Taylor for her kindness in copying the poem for this purpose. We are glad to help spread such good and wholesome sentiment. ■o REV. C. C. PUGH PREACHED TWO GOOD SERMONS SUNDAY Vacations Over, Baptists Resume In * terest In Church Work. Next Sunday Is “Young People’s Day. I * Following a season of vacation on the part of many the members and congregation of the Baptist Church assembled last Sunday with renewed interest in the work of the church. The pastor, Rev. C. C. Pugh, preached two splendid sermons Sun¬ day on the subject, “Unreleased Re sources” and “A Man Four-Square.” “A man Four-Square” was pictur¬ ed as a man of work, of prayer, of study and a benevolent man, and the -einion centered about a phrase of Paul’s in Ephesians—“A man in Christ Jesus.’’ At the morning hour the gation was uplifted by a vocal solo n ■ndered by Mrs. Nat Baldwin and at the evening service Messrs. Brack r Suited If * You Haven’t Yourself f already with one of our $15.00 or $18.00 Palm Beach Suits for I $ 10.00 I you had better do so today, We still have a good assortment to select from---but they won’t last long. Every man that sees them I buys one. F. C. BENSON CO. 4 4 The Square Deal Store. »> j I 566 Cherry St. ) I 566 Cherry St. i V, and illen .‘-a.ip. a duel luliuvvuig tiie sermon. Announcement was made that n« -:t Sunday won! 1 be observed as Young People s Day and the B. Y. P. U. will have charge of three ser vices on iha‘ day.