The Leader-tribune and peachland journal. (Fort Valley, Houston County, Ga.) 19??-192?, September 30, 1920, Page TWO, Image 2

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TWO Uncle Sam’* Pied Piper*. Spasmodic rat extermination cam¬ paigns are of course beneficial, but to secure lasting results constant warfare must be waged against the rat, say specialists of the Bureau of Biological Survey, United States De¬ partment of Agriculture. The neces¬ sity for this is plain in the fact that rats begin to breed at three months and have from 6 to 10 litters a year, with an average of 10 young to each litter. Specialists of the Department of Agriculture for years have made ex¬ tensive studies of rats and methods of exterminating them. No matter how badly a house may be infested with rats, these experts maintain, the use of the methods perfected by them will absolutely, and without doubt rid the house of the rodents. Throughout the United States health authorities are advocating the use of these methods and gratifying results are being secured. Thus Kan has designated a special ii rat sas day.” Cincinnati is spending thou sands of dollars in a rat campaign, and similar movements are being CO nducted at Norfolk, along the Gulf Coast and in many other cities. In addition the bureau is constantly ving advice to hundreds of corres pondents. j “Rat-proofing” of buildings is the basic step in rat extermination. Food should be protected and sanitary me thods employed for disposal of waste food. Where rats may die in the walls poisoning is not recommended, but j where this condition can not result ; barium carbonate worked into al-! most any kind of food is the poison to use. Snap traps, often called 1t guillotine traps,” are the most ef- j fective in trapping. The traps should be placed in every part of the house I that rats frequent. One or two traps' enough. The traps should be 1 are not baited with fresh meats, seeds nuts,! vegetables, fruit, or any other food, advise j The bureau will be glad to any one regarding the correction of any rat condition, upon receipt of S Chiropractic |Ki-ro-prak=tik.| Are you ill? Chiropractic Spinal Adjustments Are you tired? will restore you to health Are nervous? Come to the office and let us ex¬ you plain this to without charge. paralyzed? you Are you We will also give you a Spinal Are you blind or deaf? Analysis FREE. FLETCHER & FLETCHER Chiropractors Offices Over Franklin Theatre FORT VALLEY, GA. Phones: Office 174L.' Residence, 288 Hours: 9:30 A. M. to 7:00 P. M. r Rough and Dressed LUMBER We are now in position to fill vour wants in ROUGH and DRESSED LUMBER, Call a round and let us estimate on your next bill of material. We also make all kinds of MOULDINGS. i FORT VALLEY, GA. I I full dutuilh. Letters should be ad dressed to the Bureau of Biological Survey, United States Department of I Agriculture, Washington, D. C. RED CROSS GIVES $10,000 FOR MEDICAL CARE OF VETS Come* To Aid of Board For Voca¬ tional Education For Treatment Not Provided By Government Washington, Sept.—An appro¬ priation of $10,000 to provide medi¬ cal care and treatment for wounded World War veterans under training by the Federal Board for Vocational Education has been made by the American Re.d Cross. Through decisions of the Comp¬ troller of the Treasury, the funds of the Federal Board can not be ex¬ pended to provide for these men medical attention for disease or in¬ jury not directly traceable to mili¬ tary or naval service. Great hardship has been worked on those in training who are financially unable to pro vide the necessary care and treat¬ ment for themselves in the event of injury or illness and the Board asked the Red Cross for assistance until Congressional action can re lieve the situation. Specific instances of the need for medical care among these men are brought to the attention of the Fed eral Board from ail its districts, From one district comes the report of the injury of a student who was being taught saddlery. While at his machine his hand was pierced by the needle and otherwise bruised by the heavy machine. The ruling of the Comptroller, however, prohibited the) use of funds for medical attention I necessary in this case as m many others, 1 It is estimated that the $10,000 appropriation will enable the Board to provide care for the students un¬ til the matter is placed before Con gress. The treatment has been costing approximately $2,000 month |y, according to the estimate of the Federal Board. THE LEADER TRIBUNE, FORT VALLEY, GA. SEPTEMBER, 30, 1920 SOUTHERN RWY. DISBURSES $4,364,661 IN BACK Washington, D. C.—$4,364,661. 00, covering back pay for increased wages for the months of May, June and July has been paid by the Southern Railway System to its em¬ ployes who were granted increases by the award of the Railway Labor Board which gave increases to cer tain classes of railway employes and made the increases applicable from May 1st although the award was not announced until late in July. The amount paid out by the Southern for each of the three months was: May $1,401,306.58; June $1,444,533.74; July $1,518,- 820, 68, which it is thought may be taken as a fair index of the amount that will be added to the Southern’s monthly payroll as the result of the increased wages made effective by the award of the Railway Labor Board. o DREAMERS Ah, there be souls none understand. Like clouds, they cannot touch the land, Drive as they may by field or town. 1’hen, we look wise at this, and frown, And we cry, “Fool!" and cry, ii Take hold Of earth and fashion gods of gold!” Poor drifting dreamers, sailing by, Who seem to only live to die. Call these not fools! The test of worth Is not the hold you have of earth. j Ah, there be gentlest souls sea-blown know not any harbor known; And it may be the reason is They touch on fairer shores than this. Selected. o njMBER—See u* for price*. Z. T. i William* & Son*. 9-2l-2p 8t. — ~y j x s ■ ’t 'J L VDA’*;* 'i i ) i >1 f Tire Mileage Increased and Cost s Reduced—for Small Cars You can buy Goodyear Tires today at prices which are no higher than they were ten years ago. <? A* And from these tires -V/ 0 you can now Q obtain actual mileage due to * a to more o advancements made by Goodyear in~ < P ) )> y their construction since 1910. i ii' ! The present cost of Goodyear mile¬ age therefore is decidedly less and ■ 1 this fact applies to all the line, including the 30x3-, 30x3%- and 31x4dnch size Goodyear Tires built especially for small cars. ; i : If you own a Ford, Chevrolet, Dort, Maxwell or other car taking these sizes, go to your nearest Service 5 ) 1 Station for Goodyear Tires — get ex¬ 1 °< ul ceptional mileage at very low cost. a * \ 30 x 3>/2 Goodyear Double-Cure *23^ Goodyear Heavy Tourist Tubes cost no more than the price Fabric, All -Weather Tread......... you are asked to pay for tubes of less merit — why risk costly 30 x 3 1 /2 Anti-Skid Goodyear Tread................ Single-Cure $21^ casings when such sure protection is available! $450 Fabric, 30x3^ size in waterproof bag ........................................... J ^ All Sizes and Types of the Above Tires Carried in Stock by HON. EMMETT HOUSER HEADS HOUSTON CAMPAIGN TEAM State Chairman Ask* County To Con¬ tribute Three Hundred Dollars - To Cox-Roosevelt Campaign Fund %m In compliance with an urgent let¬ ter from Mr. C. J. Haden of Atlanta, finance chairman of the Democratic campaign committee for Georgia, ffon. Emmett Houser of Fort Valley has consented to serve as chairman of the Cox-Roosevelt campaign for Houston County. Mr. Houser is asked to select his own committee with a view to raising as much as $300 for the use of the National Committee) I in the campaign. 1 Mr. Haden writes: ii White suprem in the South is threatened by / a cy the Republican party. For this pur pose its managers have raised a vast .slush fund. To combat this movement the National Democratic Committee is asking for a moderate sum with which to present our case to the people through legitimate means and the time ■ The call is urgent is short. it ■ Mr. Houser was out of the city the first par t 0 f the week, but was expected to return Wednesday, when ^ wi [| n0 doubt a ppoInt his commit- J quick and effective 1 tee an( j ma k e a drive for the very small fund asked of this County. -o MR. DAVIDSON DECLARED STATE SENATE NOMINEE Perry, Ga . Sept. 27th 1920 To the Democrats of the 23rd. Sena torial District:— 1 hereby declare that the Hon. J. E. Davidson of Houston County is the candidate of the Democratic ty 0 f the 23rd. Senatorial District for Senator for said District. Witness my official signature, this day of Sept., 1920. R. N. Holtzclaw, Chm. Dem. Exec. Com. 23rd. Senatorial Dist. MANY FREIGHT CARS BEING BUILT BY SOUTHERN RWY. Washington, D. C.—One thousand and ninety-three freight cars have been built for the Southern Railway System and placed in service on its lines since March 1st when the rail ways were returned to their owners ^ ^ termination of Federal Con trol and new cars are being com j ete( j an( j pj aC ed in service at the average rate a f eight per day, ac C 01 ’. { jj nJ , t o a statement given out at g 0U {{j ern Railway System head quarters. This additional equipment consists of 555 entirely new steel underframe box cars and 538 steel frame coai cars, rebuilt from bau order coai cars which were totally unfit foi service and past the stage for eco¬ nomical repair. The new cars now being turned out are coai cars. The entire 1,095 new cars were built at the Lenoir Car Works of Lenoir City, Tenn., in accordance with the J policy of the Southern Rail System I to contribute , .. , in every . way way possible to the development of j industry in the South. ! Gained Ten Pounds Before Taking ZIRON, Alabama Man Was Weak, Nervous, Had No Appetite, But is Now Strong. E VERY man and woman, who is In a run down, weak condition, with bad complexion and poor appe¬ tite, due to lack of Iron in their blood, should find Ziron helpful and strength building. It is a scientific, reconstructive tonic, composed of ingredients recommended by leading medical authorities. Describing his experience with Zlrou, Mr. George W. S. Lanier writes from Jon->s, Ala.: “Sometime back, I was In terrible condition. I was weak and ' a nervous, and had a tired feeling all the time. My skin was muddy. 11 AGRICULTURAL IRKS Fort Valley, Georgia GLASSES Returned the Same Day Re ceived. Special Attention Giv en to All Mail Orders J MACON OPTICAL CO. J. N. KALISH, Opt. 565 Cherry St. Macon, Ga. Mr*. Keach Tell* How She Got to Know Rat-Snap. ft ii Have always feared rats. Lately loticen many on my farm. A neigh¬ bor said he just got rid of droves with RAT-SNAP. This started me thinking. Tried RAT-SNAP myself, it killed 17 anr scaren the rest away. >> RAT-SNAP comes in three gizes 35Cj 65C) $1.25. Sold and guaranteed , . by Georgia _ . Agricultural . u Works and Copeland s Pharmacy, Adv. had no appetite, and at morning I didn't feel like getting up. 1 was reading of Ziron and decided 1 would try it . . . "Will say that Ziron is a good medi¬ cine. I have gained ten pounds in four months. Am strong and have a good appetite.” Ziron is a mild iron tonic, good for young and old. It helps to restore the system, when run-down by over work, under-nourishment, caused by stomach or bowel disorders, or as a result c? some weakening Illness, Get Ziron from your druggist. Ha sells it on a money-back guarantee ,