The Leader-tribune and peachland journal. (Fort Valley, Houston County, Ga.) 19??-192?, October 07, 1920, Page FIVE, Image 5

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* rwri THE LEADER TRIBUNE, FORT VALLEY, GA. OCTOBER 7, 1920. 1 ■ ■ ■ HI Bilk. ■ B ■ B ■ BB B *?®v BB 1 1 £ s s £ ffi £ s ,«>*.'• £ £ ■: acv^uat. aaBe&cfi.i. .ussas* . m»i;mMsttmmmaam m £ We hav e decided that we had rather have the CASH i £ just now than our hi*** Stock of M erchandise. So beginning £ and until further notice, we are going to SLASH PRICES; so if von have been waiting for the bottom m) to fall out of prices you need not wait longer. All our goods are clean fresh stock and it is a shame to SACRIFICE at the prices that we are going to put on them, but we have decided to sell and sell we will. Our STOCK con¬ sists of Men’s and Boys’ Clothing, Shoes, Hats and Caps, Underwear, Shirts, Hosiery, Neckwear, etc. Most everything that a Man or Boy needs in wearing apparel. We have been advised to wait until after the season closed before selling our stock at these prices and get our profit out of them, but we have decided not to wait, but to put the sale on now. We are not going to try to deceive you by saying that w e are putting on these prices just to help the people; they have had so much of this that they are sick of it; but, to be honest with all, we will acknowledge that it is more to help All Men’s and Boys’ clothing in stock, including Roberts-Wicks High Grade line for Men and Right Posture line for boys, will sell for actual wholesale cost.__ One lot Winter Union Suits values up to $2.50 each, sale price is $1.39 $2.00 quality best blue Work Shirts, Fast Colors, sale price $1.25 One lot Good Work Shoes Values up to $5.00, out on counter at $2.50 All Earl & Wilson Linen Collars, Sizes 13 1-2 to 17,sale price each 15 cents We advise you not to w ait very long to buy as the first always gets the cream of the Stock. Another very important feature about this sale is that we must have the Cash at these prices, so please do not ask us to CHARGE IT, as we cannot. Wewilltake your LIBERTY BONDS at face value for any mer chandise purchased, as we still have faith in our UNCLE SAM. r<*. I Fort Valley, Georgia. FIVE ourselves. We also realize that if we expect to have a successful Sale we must really cut the PRICE, not just trim it, so we can assure you that we will cut the price real deep and only ask that you give us an op¬ portunity to prove this statement to you. Of course we have’nt room in this ad. to quote many prices; but, just to give you an idea how we are going to sell goods, we are giving a few prices below. Store will be Closed Friday ,October 8th, for the purpose of arranging Stock for the sale. Will be open Saturday and continue Sale until further notice. For the benefit of out of town customers who may not know where to find our store, w e have placed a large Red Star in our middle window. Look for the star which signifies REAL BARGAINS.