The Leader-tribune and peachland journal. (Fort Valley, Houston County, Ga.) 19??-192?, October 14, 1920, Page TEN, Image 10

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TEN ★ ★★★★★ it it k * * * ★ it PROFESSIONAL CARDS ★ ★★★★★★ ★★★★★★ A. C. RILEY ATTORNEY AT LAW Evans Building. ’Phone 156. Fort Valley, Ga. Practice in the Ordinary, and Federal Courts. Loans on Realty Negotiated. o— C. L. SHEPARD ATTORNEY AT LAW Evans Building. ’Phone 31. Fort Valley, Ga. Practice in all the State and Courts. Loans Made on Realty. o EMMETT HOUSER ATTORNEY AT LAW First Nut. Bank Bldg. Phone Fort Valley, Ga. Practice in Both the State and eral Courts. Loans Made on Realty. o— Louis L. Brown R. E. BROWN & BROWN ATTORNEYS AT LAW Wright Building. ’Phone Fort Valley, Ga. Practice in all the State and Courts. Loans on Realty Negotiated O A. C. RILEY, JR. LAWYER Fort Valley, Ga. Loans Made on Real Estate. o— HERBERT V1N1NG Attorney and Counselor at Law Fort Valley, Ga. --O---- DUNCAN & NUNN ATTORNEYS and COUNSELORS AT LAW Perry, Ga. Practice in State and Federal JAMES H. DODGEN NORMAN E. ENGLISH ATTORNEYS AT LAW 302—303 Bibb Realty Bldg. Macon, Ga. DR. W. L. NANCE DENTIST .. Mi»» Florence Tayior, As»i*taut. Evans Building. Fort Valley, Ga. 'Phones: Office 82; Residence DR. W. H. HAFER DENTIST Office over Copeland’s Pharmacy. Fort Valley, Ga. ’PHONES Residence 60-J; Office 58-J. o DR. J. A. TURNER DENTIST Office over R. S. Braswell’s Fort Valley, Ga. 'PHONES Office 280-J. Residence O — MARCUS L. HICKSON PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office over R. S. Braswell’s Store. Fort Valley, Ga. ’PHONES Office 106-IB. Residence 106-2B. Fort Valley, Ga. LUMBER—See us for prices. Z. T. Williams & Sons. 9-23-2p 8t. % GLASSES Returned the Same Day Re ceived. Special Attention Giv en to All Mail Orders MACON OPTICAL CO. J. N. KAL1SH, Opt. 565 Cherry St. Macon, Ga. Scrap iron wanted Lubetkin Junk Co. A DrThachers k WORM SYRUP TASTES Good Sr DOES Children Like It r 36 THE ^LEADER TRIBUNE, FORI VALLEY, GA, OCTOBER 14, 1920. » A BABY IN AGE BUT A GIANT IN STRENGTH 115,1.0 Sold and Not One Re¬ turned, is the Remarkable Record for Collier’s Capa tone, For the Last Four Months. A compound solution of genuine \spirin with other valuable mgre lients added. Capatone will not affect your heart or cause any stomach disorders. Capatone is highly recommended for the treatment of Colds, Grippe and Flu, headaches, neuralgia, rheumatism, earache, toothache, nervous headache, nervousness and lumbago. Buy a 30c or 60c bottle of Col¬ lier’s Capatone; take a dose and ask for your money back if you are not satisfied with the results. Capatone is sold by all drug stores. RESERVE SYSTEM TO HELP FARMERS SECRETARY HOUSTON ASSURES SENATOR SMITH OF SOUTH CAROLINA OF ASSISTANCE FULL CO-OPERATION URGED! Houston Says He Is Not Opposed Tc A Cotton Export Corporation By Cotton Association Washington. Senator Smith ol South Carolina issued a statement re cently saying he had conferred with Secretary Houston and Governor Har¬ ding of th6 federal reserve board, and had been assured that the federal re¬ serve system would "lend all legiti¬ mate aid in rediscounting the paper based on cotton sent in by member bunks.” The senator's statement said his con¬ ferences had been prompted by con¬ flicting reports as to what had trans¬ pired at a recent meeting between re I resentatives of the American Cotton association and treasury officials. Governoi Harding, it is stated, lias reiterated to the senator what he said to the cotton men while Secretary Houslon denied that he js opposed to Ihe formattoii of an export corporation by the cotton association. "It was stated," tlie statement con itiues. “that there was an inordinate Jemand for credits from practically ■very line of business in America ; hai our export business was being ilmost entirely financed by United States credits on account of the un¬ satisfactory conditions of foreign ex¬ ha nge, these conditions resulting in in unprecedented drain upon the ft: sandal resources of the coutnry. Hie federal reserve system included.’’ Senator Smith suggests a lower dis ount rate for farmers, owing to Ihe .hue required for production of a mar tetable crop and says Governor Har liiig has promised to take the matter tiuier advisement. “Lei Ihe Southern banks and mer •hants continue to co-operate with the 'aimers as they have been doing,” the senator's statement continues, "and he problem will be solved. The world teeds every hale of cotton that is pro luced and more. The South should lot be stampeded, but steadfastly de¬ nt, nd her price and get it.” 3 IHE AMERICAN 7 r J RED CROSS IN. .cU PEACE TIME t f »[/t' ’< Child Welfar* / E > lir ? ■ ~ £ Boys and girls who learn early t« take proper care of their teeth, throats, eyes, ears and stomachs, have made a long step toward healthy manhood and womanhood. Through Its public health and nursing serv¬ ices, the American Red Cross alms eventually to reach all school children with teachings regarding disease pre¬ vention and health promotion. Here’s a school nurse treating a little girl for sore mouth, at the same time Im¬ planting a valuable lesson In teetb brusliing and proper diet. Large Logs Used To Make Whiskey Huntsville, Ala.—Revenue officers! returning from a raid into Jackson.; Etowah and St. Clair counties report the discovery of a new wrinkle in the; way of “moonshine stilis.” the mouu-! taineers utilizing large logs headed! at each end instead of the usual cop per apparatus. A steam pipe leading to a vessel some distance from the; logs is connected and the beer in the ; logs is distilled in that manner. The i log stills are inexpensive and easily j concealed. U. 9 .NAVY Carpentry School. \ n »■ ri : n fci L. : : MhKfS&l *4 I W . ;U' ^ ■■*u J9* / f . < %• cii%; a»j A F >£ : §f k 5* Kt< & ' w : If - V • •//, '■ V 7/XJ < 4 t /'■ W wm Y ■ /// II n m t t: •• .. ■ ■ ' - There's no telling what will happen when a novice carpenter Is set loose on a nice ptne board. The Navy’s trade schools teach everything from holler making to watch making. Carpentering Is one of the most popular of the trades, and It Is one of the most profitable with which to return to civil life. A three or four years*enllstment will give a man time to become a master carpenter, providing always that he Is serious and really applies himself to his work. > Five or six years from now some of the above men will be earning good money building houses. Others will he In the service at advanced pay and still Improving their knowledge of the trade. L U. 9 NAVY . Jack’s Reading Room. '04 m •? dot m • •• l % ■ l & ■ n %■ ■■w & w i ■ : •> t cs i & % t ■ V w .if * .: i *v- i- if -V TV L 1 •f: £ ‘I The men’s ^Barters on our new battleships are more luxurious than the Admiral’s quarters of fifty years ago This is a corner In the reading room of the U. S. S. New Mexico. A big library and complete file o. cut rent maga xliies, as well as newspapers from all the large cities, help to take care of any stormy hours when Jack may not prefer to be on deck, A good title for this picture would be, "Why boys leave hoive,” aud the best part of It la'that they come back real men. <§) ® <D (® <§) ® Fordson TRADE MARK ® * ® The Fordson Tractor was made to meet the demands and necessities of the every-day American farmer. It was made with the thought that it was the necessity of the man of forty acres as well as the man with one thousand acres. It was made not only for plowing, harrowing, discing, drilling, seeding, mowing, reaping. but for all other work on the farm where power is necessary. It was made to bring conveniences to the farmer’s home as well as for the cultivation of his fields. It was made to furnish power for the cream separator, silo filling, cutting feed, sawing wood, furnishing power for milking, washing, supplying the house with running © w ater, electric lights, and the hundred and one things on the farm. It was made to do all this economically and in a reliable way. It was made to be the big profitable servant on the farm. And it has not failed in any of the expectations had for it. it has been tested as no other Tractor has been tested. It has been proven reliable and can furnish proofs impossible to any other Tractor. It has done these things not only in America but in Europe, Asia, Africa, and in i the Islands of the Seas. It has met successfully the demands of farmers in every part of the civilized world. 1 Therefore, the Fordson Tractor can meet all the conditions of your farm. When you buy a Fordson, © you are not buying any experiment you are buying a servant and a money-maker for you that you can ® depend upon absolutely from the first day you put it to work. It is easy to understand. It possesses all the power you want. It is simple in control. It is more flexible than you imagine, it will help you cultivate every foot of ground you have, and every day in the year you will find use for it on the farm. Its appeal to the farmer is in its dependable service and the wide variety of work it can do. ® We’d like every farmer that reads this, if he hasn’t a Fordson Tractor already, to come to us and let us sell him one. Let us demonstrate its powers, its values, on your own farm. Let’s get into details—power, reliability, economy. While the sale of a Tractor gives us a small profit, the purchase of a Tractor to the farmer means a money-making servant every day for years. So the sale of a Fordson means more to the © purchaser than it does to us. We are arguing for your good, Mr. Farmer. Come in and talk it over. Your time against ours. It is worth it. * lit- «*-- v i I i % ■ - ( - t And remember, when you buy a Fordson Tractor, we are right here to keep that Tractor in reliable run- © © ning condition every day. You won’t have to wait © if anything should get out of order. We are right r © here to keep it right, because one of the conditions of the Fordson Dealer is that he must keep on © hand always a complete supply of parts. This is a guarantee we don’t believe you can get with any other farm Tractor. Come in. Let s talk it over. >S LyS ;y G. L STRIPLING CO. I © Authorized Ford Dealer, FORT VALLEY, GEORGIA. © f ® a>® 9)®®®®®© a A\ imc lUJUDUlJpETN :□□ i j* v \ □□□Ofl /, LA Beautiful V Woodwork t Beautiful woodwork in your *. <? home is a perpetual source of pride, comfort and satisfaction. For that reason, it is important that you choose well the kind of lumber in¬ tended for any work in or around your home. It will be a permanent reflection of YOU when it is once in place. Long Lived Interiors I We can show you woods of varied and beautiful grains, different weights and textures. But it is all the best quality of its class. The right kind for your home, ready for paint or enamel # is waiting your selection here. Come to us for =*. » » 6 of Quality at Economy o "Prices Fort Valley Lumber Company ★ ★ EXCEPTIONAL BARGAIN!! Jf PEACH ORCHARD * yt jf ¥ 6000 Bearing Trees—one- IF ¥ 200 Acres, Elbertas. yt * half Hileys; balance * Only Six Years Old.- Up-To-Date Improvements. 4 ¥ + ¥ H LOAN 8 INVESTMENT C9 * ¥ * ¥ •I * ¥ WESLEY HOUSER, Mgr. * * * * * * ******* ***************