The Leader-tribune and peachland journal. (Fort Valley, Houston County, Ga.) 19??-192?, December 09, 1920, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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THURSDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1920. rtx-: > ■i : : | fl •• : ; v If^oww- V <3$ y •» f sc. x-x xx W \ *. V ism >•, ; s •■X '-5 £ •v •Si: I: f x : i x 11 M m 1 SisK ss <■ 'x < •xx ./• >‘ H ■; $ 4 H fx: :->dt V x-. \x K "u V v. K .-x j- :■ m i " '■< <k*. jgi&iji::; i ms -V X;.. X. * mm ■': si! .S' . ! * 'A\. t I i & m m mm - ■ : : :'v . V t" f •XX Xv >V - -v: i 8 S S •s* -■ V'P v ■ '^v •XV\v| X .. Si 4'?- ''' V •W: N V. £ . ... -yw ■. v .v*-- -'"j-V: ■$* ; y<t .v ; .:-rGV : K: w. ;-. . •M : ; v • EVERY HOME A HOSPITAL Left—Tuberculosis nurse showing consumptive how to take care of himself and protect his family. Right—Nurse showing wife of consumptive how to care for her baly. With 1,000,000 active cases of tuberculosis ,in the United States and only 60,000 hospitals or sanatoria beds, many victims of the White Plague must be cared for at home. The tuberculosis public health nurse converts the home into a hospital, showing the patient how to care for himself and the family how to ward off the disease. Thousands of nurses are needed. Tuberculosis Christmas Seals iurnish the means to get them. r ;X$: XXvX; V t « ■* ■. V N x: % Mm, IS V I i m \ % * % v / \ \ - 4 8 V s -' : : .. V ''IN Sf i ■: 4 % »■ T % J >> •*< ■ •• -X Si n\ : Qi f % c : \ > t i ■ M ¥ 1 s ! ■ . j S: ■¥ I m v - ‘rX-y X; ;.x \ > •v; m -A % V, :<■ % 5 & * s' ;X rl &•. y Jr -'sm ss VP?'*'*: MAYBE YOU HAVE IT. (Being examined for tuberculosis at a tuberculosis clinic.) From 75 to 90 out of every 100 men and women carry in their bodies the germs of tuberculosis, which 5 may cause disease when resistance becomes low. It pays to go to a clinic, dispensary or health center if you feel “off color” or run down. There are nearly 600 tuberculosis clinics in the United States, but at least 1,000 more are needed. Will you buy Tuberculosis Christmas Seals and help to gPt them? I I 1 I jimm, wZmt ^ a Mm wmwmwS I Our Store is the Place to Get Your i I For Man or Woman, Boy or Girl, We Have Something Useful And the Price is Reasonable. v LOOK IN OUR WINDOWS I Georgia Agricultural Works Hardware Furniture FORT VALLEY, GEORGIA I I \ THE LEADER-TRIBUNE, FORT VALLEY, GEORGIA HI THE CHURCHES. THE METHODIST CHURCH Sunday school 9:30 A. M., H. A. Mathews, Supt. Preaching 11 a. m. and 7:00 p. m. Prayer and Praise service 2:30 P. M. Junior Church 2:30 P. M. Epworth League 6:00 p. ni. Midweek prayer meeting, Tuesday evening, 7:00. C. R. Jenkins, I). D. Pastor. O the baptist church C. C. Pugh, Pastor. Sunday School 9:30 A. M. Preaching 11 a. m. and 7:00 p. m. B. Y. P. U., Sunday 6:00 p. m. Prayer meeting, Thurs., 7:00 p. m. -o EPISCOPAL CHURCH Sunday School at 9:45 a. m. Lay Service every Sunday morn¬ ing at 11:00 o’clock, except on fourth Sunday. Celebration of Holy Com¬ munion and sermon on fourth Sun¬ day at 11:00 o’clock. Evening ser¬ vice on fourth Sunday. Rev. J. F.< McCloud, Rector. Water your business with a little printer’s ink - - and watch sales sprout. ¥¥¥¥ ★★★★★★ ★★★★★★ ★★★★ *******¥¥¥¥ * + t Watches, Clocks, Diamonds, Jewelry and X 4 Silverware. ¥ * Jf * * When in Macon Take Time to See * jf HIES & ARMSTRONG •K 3f * if 3f Jf * RELIABLE GOODS ONLY * Phone 836 315 Third Street. -k * * Jf Macon, Georgia. * * *f * ¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥ *★★★★★ ★★★★★★ irirkit ***** **★★★★★★ PAGE THREE EVER BILIOUS ? Charleston, Miss—Mrs. R. V. Heins, of this place, says: “I have never had to use very much medicine, because if I felt headache, dizziness, or colds, bad taste in the mouth, which conies from torpid liver, I would take a dose or more of Black-Draught, and it would straighten me out and make me feel as good as new. We have used in our family for years THEDFORD’S BUCK-DRAUGHT and it certainly is the best liver medicine I ever saw. it lias not only saved me money, it has helped keep my system in shape, and has never weakened me as so many physics do. I recommend it to my friends and am glad to do so.” Black-Draught is the old, reliable liver medicine which you have doubtless heard much about. When you feel badly all over, stomach not right, bad taste in your mouth, bilious, or have a headache, try Thedford’s Black-Draught. At all Druggists. Always Insist on the Genuine! l.n