The Leader-tribune and peachland journal. (Fort Valley, Houston County, Ga.) 19??-192?, December 16, 1920, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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THURSDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1920. LIGHT DISCOVERY TO AID CHRISTMAS-PLANT GROWTH "To get poinsettias ready for the market Christmas is a problem that has worried florists ever since the bright red flowerlike leaves of this beautiful plant took their place as a favorite holiday decoration. The problem has been reduced to a practical solution through the work of Dr. W. W. Garner, tobacco special¬ ist, and H. H. Allard, plant physiolo¬ gist of the UnitedStS tes Department of Agriculture, who discovered the possibility of advancing or retarding the growth of plants by controlling the period of light each day. Where the light period is shortened the plants reach maturity much sooner than where they are given the natu¬ ral length of day. In the greenhouses on the department’s experimental farm at Arlington, Va., it has been found possible to bring poinsettias into full form as early as August by shortening the daily exposure to lights. In fact, department specialists are confident that there is practically no limit to the extent to which the Gar ner-Allard discovery may be applied in the ordinary florist establishment in bringing various flowers into bloom outside of the customary season. Iris in December and chrysanthemums in the spring are among the accomplish¬ ments .already attained, and it is the intention of these specialists to bring together a group of flowers, all of different natural seasons, into bloom at the same time. One value of the discovery lies in the fact that it can be applied with only simple and inex¬ pensive additions to the facilities of any greenhouse. EFFICIENT USE OF HEATER KEEPS DOWN COAL BILLS Too much coal is burned by the average householder in heating his house, say engineers in the Division of Rural Engineering, Bureau of Public Roads, United States Depart ment of Agriculture, who have re-1 cently completed a study of how to heat the farmhouse efficiently. That too much coal show, is burned lack is ofknowl- due pri- j marily, studies to edge of how to regulate the heater.; GS TONIGHT- Tomorrow Get a 25^ Box Alright Facts I STOrtACH,^^ o* UKftS^AH tk uvia. V.1 LEWIS it COPELAND’S PHARMACY t We realize that there is not as much money in circulation as there has been, but do not let that kill the CHRISTMAS SPIRIT. We believe that you will agree with us when you come to our store and look over the HOLIDAY GOODS and see the LOW PRICES we are asking. REMEMBER WHEN YOU WERE A CHILD. ■ Bicycles at Cost. Children’s Automobiles, Cheap. Doll Carriages, Your Own Price. Shot Guns at Cost. Velocipedes, Cheap & Cheaper. Boys’ Wagons, Price to Suit. Look in our windows. Come in and let us tell you the price. Georgia Agricultural Works Hardware Furniture FORT VALLEY, GEORGIA It is not enough to install a heater, fill the bins with coal, and then ex¬ pect it to heat the house properly. The first season aftr installing a heat¬ er should be devoted to a study of fuels and their burning in the par¬ ticular heater. Some of the things in general which the engineers who have been in charge of this work advise the fur¬ nace operator to look after if he wishes to heat his home comfortably with a minimum amount of coal are: Be sure the chimney is large enough for the size of the house and, if possible, have it straight up and down with a lined round flue. Study the dampers and use them intelli¬ gently in regulating the fire. Ex¬ periment with different kinds of coal until the best kind or the best mixture for your special heater is found. Do not use the poker too often unless the coal is of the kind that fuses, forms a crust, and interferes with the draft. Do not leave ashes in the ash pit; clean them out each time after shaking . Insulate pipes and warm-air ducts; it saves heat. Main¬ tain, if possible, a humidity between 40 and 50 per cent; moist air heats more quickly and is much more healthful. o USES TIRE PUMP AND QUILL AND SAVES COW FOR FARMER. With a first-aid veterinary kit con sisting of a chicken "quill and an automobile pump, one of the county agents of the United States Depart ment of Agriculture saved a $200 cow belonging to a farmer in Pen¬ der County, N. C. This farmer had expressed an un¬ favorable opinion of farmers’ co operative demonstration work, de daring that he would rather use his money for other purposes than in helping to pay the county’s portion of the expense. While he-was in town he received word that his valuable cow was attacked with milk fever, The county agent went home with him and found the neighbors using primitive methods in treating the an irnal for “hollow tail’’ and colic, Using the chicken quill and the automobile pump, the county agent pumped the.cow’s udder full of air. In less than two hours she was on her THE LEADER- TRIBUNE, FORT VALLEV, GEORGIA feet. Some simple remedies ed the cure. The farmer attempted to give county agent a check for $10, which, of course, was declined. The farmer, however, became a warm supporter of the farm-extension work. 0 WHY AND BECAUSE Why dae> a dog turn around sever¬ al time* before lying down? Because in his wild state, the dog lived in jungles, as the wolf and do now. Before lying down he turned several times in order to tramp the leaves and grasses down and away from his body and thus secure a flat resting place. The instinct still sur¬ vives though there is no reason for the practice. Why Because is V3 in called olden a times baker’s dozen? baker j a who gave short weight was subjected to severe penalties, and to be on the safe side he always added an extra roll to the dozen to make up for any possible deficiency in the others, and thus safeguarded himself. Why diet a woman “give the mit ten” to a man when she refuses him ? Because when women wore half gloves, or mitts, they could with draw the hand from the grasp of a lover and leave only theglove therein. In this way the unwelcome suitor was made to understand that his at tenions were not wanted. Why are elephants afraid of mice? Because mice stongly resemble a little animal known as the chacana, which feeds on a small berry especial¬ ly liked by the elephant. Chacanas live in the ground after the manner of prairie dogs, under the bushes and are often trampled upon by elephants. In their fright the little animals run up the tubes; of the elephant’s trunk, their long, sharp claws catch in the flesh, and they cannot be ejected. An agonizing death is almost invariably the consequence to the elephant. Why is the first period of married life known as “the honeymoon”? Because of an ancient custom in the northern nations of Europe. The bride and bridegroom, for a month after the wedding, drank a wine made from honey as their principal form of nourishment. It was called the ho ney-nionth or moon. Why was the sandwich so called? Because the Earl of Sandwich (1718-1792) on one occasion, not wishing to leave his place at the gam ing table, called a waiter and order ed some slices of bread with ham between them to be brought to him, so that he could go on playing with¬ out interruption. To this combina- tion his friends gave his name. Why is noon the traditional and fashionable hour for wedding cere fashionable hour . for wedding cere monies? Because the hour became the eus tomary one in England many years since, for the reason that the bride¬ groom could not be relied upon to be sober any later tn the day than twelve o’clock. It was naturally de¬ sirable that he should be responsible for his promises, and unless he was a state of perfect sobriety this could not be. Hence the precaution of a noonday wedding. Why do the stars twinkle? Because their light pusses through variously heated and moving cur¬ rents of air which act as a refractor. Much twinkling foretollsbad weather, because it denotes that these aerial currents are more disturbed than usual. Why are sailor’s trousers always made wide at the bottom? Because, in the course of ordinary small boat duty, a sailor generally goes barefooted, and in making a landing on a beach he grasps his sers and pulls them up to the thus landing through the surf with dry clothing. Another reason is that with wide trousers at the bottom a sailor can easily kick them off in ease he falls overboard, or is obliged to go overboard in a great hurry. Water your business with a little printer’s ink - - and watch sales sprout. —W ************** ★★★★★★ ★★★★★★ ★★★A H-**** ****** ****** 4* / * * ^ Watches, Clocks, Diamonds, Jewelry and J if Silverware. * * * * * * When in Macon Take Time to See * * RIES & ARMSTRONG •K * * * * * RELIABLE GOODS ONLY * * * * 315 Third Street. * * Phone 836 * ^ Jf Macon, Georgia, * * 5f * ★★★★★★ ★★★★** ★★★★ **★*★★-**★*★★★★* ' IS YOUR HEALTH i GRADUALLY SLIPPING? Interesting Experience of a Texas Lady Who Declares That if More Women Knew About Cardui They Would Be Spared Much Sickness and Worry. Navasota, Texas.—Mrs. W. M. Peden, of this place, relates the follow ing interest Ing account of how she recovered her strength, having realized that she was actually losing her health: II Health is the greatest thing in the world, and when you feel that gradually slipping away from you, you certainly sit up and take notice. That is what 1 did SO me time ago when 1 found myself in a vOCT nervous, run-down Condition of heantU I was so tired and felt SO lifeless | could hardly go at all. “I was just HO account lor work. I wouId ge , a bucket of water and would feel so weak I would have to set it down before I felt like I could lift it to the shelf. |„ this condition, of course, to do even my housework was a task almost im¬ possible to accomplish. “i was . . . nervous and easily upset. PAGE THREE I couldn’t rest well at night and was . ., just lifeless. II I heard of Cardui and after reading 1 decided I had some female trouble that was pulling me down. 1 sent for Cardui and began it. . . H In a very short while after 1 began the Cardui Home Treatment I saw an im¬ provement and it wasn’t long until 1 was all right—good appetite, splendid rest, and much stronger so that I easily did iny house work. Ii Later I took a bottle of Cardui as aj tonic. I can recommend Cardui and glad¬ ly do so, for ii more women knew, it would save a great deal of worry and sickness. !» The enthusiastic praise of thousands ol other women who have found Cardui helpful should convince you that it ia worth trying. All druggists sell it