The dispatch. (Ocilla, Irwin County, Ga.) 1896-1899, February 17, 1899, Image 4

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Marriages. Out at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Griner, on last Sunday Mr. .). E. Simmons and Miss Alice Griner were united for life. A runaway couple were married at the court house here last Monday by Judge Turner. The parties were Moses Metts and Mary Jane Harper and were from above Alapaha. Pa¬ rental objection caused the couplo to steal away and get married, after which they went on their way re¬ joicing-—1>. C. News. To the Public. Wo are authorized to guarantee every bottle of Chamberlain’s Conch Remedy to bo as represented aud if not satisfactory after two-thirds of the contents have been used, will refund the money to the purchaser. There is no better medicine made for la grippe, cofds and whooping cough. Price, 25 and 50c per bot¬ tle. Try it. Luke & Ashley. •Fitzgerald is now on the right line to become a sure-enough city. And Jesse Moss is still where he ought not to be—oh the outside of a safe jail.—Darien Gazette. Mr. J. W, Cain, ex-chief clerk in the secretary of state’s office, has leased the Quitman Free Press and will conduct it in future. Mr. D. L. C. Harper, of Berrien, killed a pig a few weeks ago that netted him 025 pounds of meat. Me. Harper is a first-class farmer and citizen. A three-fourths interest *in the Ray mill was sold at administrator’s sale last Tuesday and was bid in by I)r. W. B. Goodman at $450.—B. C. News. Dr. J. G. Hopkins, of Thomas ville, who killed Evans last fall and who has been in jail since the kill¬ ing, was released last week- under a $0,000 bond. The Fitzgerald Daily Leader is an appreciated visitor to this office, and none but live, up-to-date papers come under that head. Keep her a-comin’, Bob. Editor Jno. T. King, of the Ro¬ chelle New Era, was confined to his bed last week with a case of scarla¬ tina. The health of the New Era seems to be excellent. That’s right, W. Henry. We’d suspend the universe a week or so, if we could, and it was necessary to enable us to build a cot for a “su¬ perintendent,” if we had one. Gum arabic dissolved iu whisky will keep the hair curled in damp weather. A little sugar dissolved in it has the same effect on the legs in any kind of weather.—Douglas Breeze. Mr. F. N. Yarn and Miss Mattie Parrish, the accomplished daugh¬ ter of Mr. Joel IF. Parrish, of near Lois, in Berrien county, wore wed¬ ded on the 9th instant, Elder T. W. Stallings officiating. Mrs. Lula Norman, wife of Mr. J. It. L. Norman, of Colquitt county, died Tuesday of last week. She leaves a husband aud six little children, the youngest being an in¬ fant only a few days old. Mr. John Gray, who was sent to the State Sanitarium from this county some time last fall, died there last week and his body was sent home for burial. The inter¬ ment took place at Flat Greek cem¬ etery on Wednesday of last week.— . B. C. News. If any of our editorial brethren need tombstones, please remember that we sell them. It is about time to begin collecting subscriptions.-— Douglas Breeze. Yes, but we do not tombstoneize our dead delin¬ quents. They are carbonized at' a station below here. _ B. Peterson, of Douglas, in addi¬ tion to his large mercantile, hotel and livery interests, is somewhat of a farmer and believes in raising hog and hominy, with cotton as a sur-; pins crop. He has this season killed: 100 pigs that averaged 300 pounds’ each, making a total of 30,000: pounds of pork. The lard from six of these pigs yielded 150 gallons.— Waycross Journal. Pointod Peragraphs. Stuffing a turkey is culinary taxi¬ dermy. Bald-headed friends .find it diffi¬ cult to part. Between two evils some men choose both. When winter dies spring will fur¬ nish the flowers. An underdone steak is better than a steak done over. Real gratitude is never ashamed of humble benefactors. About the'greatest drawback to a man’s happiness is himself. Bad luck in small quantities makes good fortune more palatable. The majority may rule if the mi¬ nority isn’t made up of women. A man loses his appetite for a lot of things while waiting for them. The train boy books more passen¬ gers than the general passenger agent. Some tailors give customers fits while others give them convulsions. The wise girl who wants to catch a husband always runs the other way. A man is always willing to help another if he sees a chance to help himself. When some men reach the top they help to set elf the surrounding ' vacancy. . The less a man amounts to the more he boasts of the deeds of his ancestors. All fiefch may ho grass, but the lawn mower will never supplant the carving knife. A vacation makes people so lazy they don’t care if they never have to work again. A man who looks only at one side of a thing imagines every other man does the same. We are told that wealth does not happiness and we know that povorty doesn't. Time is money; that’s why the man who owes you a little bill prom¬ ises to pay it in time. When a man does something mean to you that you had thought of do¬ ing to him it warps the golden rule. If there is anything greener than emerald it is the young man who one to another fellow’s best Probably the milliner realizes hei’ to make fine birds of fino so she decorates hats with A west side man who appeases wife’s fits of temper with bon¬ speaks in glowing terms of sugar-curiftg process. There is undoubtedly such a thing sympathetic suffering. Many a man suffers when liis wife is of sorts.—Chicago News. LaCrippe Successfully Treated. “I have just recovered from the attack of la grippe this year,” says Mr. Jus. A. Jones, Mexia, Tex. “In the latter case I used Cham berlaiu’s Ceugli Remedy, and I think with considerable success, only being in bed a little over two days, against ten days for the for¬ mer attack. The second attack 1 am satisfied would have been equally as bad as the first but for the use of this remedy, as I had to go to bed in about six hours after being ‘struck’ with it, while in the first case I was able to attend to busi¬ ness about two days before getting down.” For sale by Luke & Asbiey. Sheriff Swindle has certainly dis¬ tinguished himself as a gambler catcher. With him, however, it is no game of chance. Sunday night he succeeded in surprising and cap¬ turing nine thus unlawfully engaged. During the month of January he placed eighteen behind the bars in Nashville jail, all of whom, except two that are out on bond, were dealt with according to the crime. This is an evil that ensnares the young 7 pollutes the old, and sucks the blood and honor from and we trust that this fruit* of satan’s planting will be entirely uji rooted.-—Adel News. The Dispatch has to turn clubbing “fie: s from newspaper nearly .every week, clirb’. for the. reason that it does not Falling ©ft in Guano Sale, Atlanta, Ga., Feb. !).— Total fer¬ tilizer shipments this season 0 , 5 1)7 tons. Total same date last season 1 a2,000 tons. The sales of tags by the depart¬ ment of agriculture show that so far the shipments of fertilizers in Georgia this season are less than half the tonnage that moved up to this time last season, and the Janu¬ ary shipments up to the 18th are little more than a third of last year’s movement. The fertilizer business has been growing since the department rec ord began in the season of 1874 -5, and, with now and then a check, consumption has gone upward with leaps and bounds. The only marked exception to this heretofore was in the season of 1894—5, 'when it dropped one-third. Since then the sales have steadily increased and the season of 1897--8 showed the enormous consumption of 424,081 tons. The fertilizer season begins in October and continues until May; but the bulk of the shipments ,. move m January, February anc March. lhe shipments im-luue fertilizers of all kinds and cotton seed meal used for fertilizing purposes. How to Prevent Pneumonia. You are perhaps aware that pneu¬ monia always results from a cold or from an attack of la grippe. During the epidemic of la grippe a few years ago, when so many cases re¬ sulted in pneumonia, it was ob¬ served that the attack was never fol¬ lowed by that disease when Cham¬ berlain’s Cough Remedy was used. It counteracts any tendency of a cold or la grippe to result in that dangerous disease. It is the best remedy in the world for bud colds and ia grippe. Every bottle war¬ ranted. For sal9 by Luke & Ashler. PR. 0 PSSSI 0 NAL* CARBS C. II. MARTIN, Lawyer, OCIU.A Ga. Prompt attention to ail legal business. Agent tor fire insurance. Office in Powell, Bullard & Co.’s okl building. 5-14-tf. DUS. HOLTZENDORF, Dentist, Fitzgerald, Ga. Phillips’ Building, corner Pine and Grant streets. Branch office at Ocilla. 12-07-tf M. J. PAULK > i Law and Insurance', Ocilla, Ga. Collections, and all legal business given prompt attention. Office over Henderson, Paulk & Co.’s store. 4 30 1 yr L. KENNEDY, Attorney at Law, Fitzgerald, - Ga. Offices in Phillips’ Block. 2-19-lyr J. E. GOETHE, Physician and Surgeon, Ocilla, Georgia. Office: Cherry street, south of Fourth street, near Powell's store. Residence: Ir¬ win avenue, north of Methodist church. Calls promptly attended, night or day. All medicine furnished from my office. . 7-30-’H8 The Affairs of Europe are faithfully pqrtrayed in the original and exclusive cable dispatches which The CHI¬ CAGO RECORD prints daily from the leading capitals of the old world. This magnificent special service is in process of being greatly extended to include every important city in the world; and it is supplemented by the full regular cable service of The Asso ciated Press. The Chicago Record, atone of a!! American newspapers outside New York city, ■ • now prints original and exclusive cable dispatches daily from the leading capitals of Europe. ■ , # IK vfc lym^P UJ \ WORLD j Knows that the Peerless Remedy ! for Diseases of the Liver, ' Kidneys and Bladder is Sr. 3 . Si. BoLEJUTS 2 j 33 $ AlUrtc S J i j jj mm Cl B 3 B f Jt has Cured Thousands cl Dcs A I pcs-ate Cases, Try It* SSXZjU2£XlS;VtCrxZ3 PRICE, §1.00 PER BOTTLE. 3 i FOI2 SAM MTZ Lnke& Ashley, Ocilla, Ga, ... Miss Annie . . T L. Kelley, ,, or - 1 r?; itz- + „ ^ ]m a school of *bout thirty ^ ^ ^ Roberts Sctoo i dis . ^ and hc ,. troas gpeak loudly in her praise. There are many accidents to live stock which cause delay and loss to tho farmer in his work. Ill a large number of instances the delay would be but trilling if a remedy was promptly applied. Dr. J. H. Mc¬ Lean’s Volcauic Oil Liniinenfc has for many years been regarded as the farmer’s friend. Its healing iuflu ence on the flesh of domestic ani male is immediate and permanent. Price 25c, 50c and $1 a bottle. Ask your druggist for it. Mr. John Knox McRae, brother of Hon, Colon C. McRae, of Brooks county, was killed by a fall¬ ing tree in that county last week. W. F. WAY, Attorney at Law, Fitzgerald, - Ga. Hoorns S to 10, Phillips’ Block. 8-12-ly, I). B. JAY, Attorney-at-Law, GRANT 8TI1EUT, ITtjs GERALD, Georgia. H. It. SYMONS, Insurance, FITZREHALD, - Ga. Representing over £50,000,000. Room 1, Fitzgerald Block. ,3-12-98-tf J. C. Luke. W. C. Ashley. LUKE & ASHLEY, Physicians and Surgeons, Ocilla, Ga. e. w. Byman, Lawyer, Fitzgerald, Ga. Rooms 2 and 4, Phillips Block. 41-19-Iy C. W. FULWOOD. II. 8. MUKFULY. FU1AVOOD & MURRAY, •Attoiineys-at-Law, Tifton, Ga. Office in Tift Building. n2898 NEW DRUG STORE... J beg to announce that I have associated myself with the drug business at the old -stand of Luke & Asbiey, where I will be glad to welcome old and new friends and patrons. Tier Prescription Department will be given special attention,- and by courteous and prompt service, the use of pure, fresh drugs, and with a o'ng experience ami sRill, 1 hope to merit your pat ron age. Yours respectfully, 2-3-TF. DR. G. 11. MOON & 60., OciHa, Ga. «S. i, HARPER. L. R. TUCKER. HARPER & TUCKER J HEALERS IN General Merchandise, ©CZX.X.A, GEORGIA. w E beg to announce to our friends and the public generally in this and adjoining counties that vre are prepared to supply their wants in all the lines mentioned below: DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, READY-MADE CLOTHING, LADIES’, GENTS’ AND i CHILDREN’S SHOES, NOTIONS, ETC., FAMILY GROCERIES Of all kinds, fresh and good. Tobacco, Cigars and Snuff, big stock to select from. Farming and Gardening Implements. In faet, we have a large and varied stock of goods suited to tho wants of the people of this section and we are selling them at live and let live prices. ( \ 7-2-tf HARPER & TUCKER, TIFT0H & H0RTHEASTBRN R. R. “SOXjXXEElEaS’ COXjOXT'Z- tROuTOXE;" LOCAL TIMB TAB LB No. a. H. H. TIFT. President. W. O. TIFT, Vice-President. General Offices: Tipton, Georgia. No. 7. No. 3. No. 1. Miles December Effective t'J, 1897. Miles No. 13. No. 4. No. 8. P. M. hj; aj FI a LEAVE. ARRIVE. 1>. M. w . S 10 tc. gssggss OCX glasses 0 .......Tifton, (fa... £0 vi 13 15 CtC*C7tCrtO*CiOi 3 22 co 5 f ......Brighton, Ga.. JO O 12 00 5 3 30 zo 3GXOKO 8 f.. ......Harding, Ga.. ►— 11 51 3 50 o: 14 f.. .......Piuetta, Ga. . I—* H 11 31 3 55 i>; 10 .......Mystic, Ga... C 11 25 5 4 or, 1*. 20 f.. ......Fletcher, Ga.. c,l 11 14 5 4 20 35 | . .....Fitzgerald, (fa. C A. 11 M. 00 5 j ARRIVE. LEAVE. Trains Nos. 1, 2. 3 and 4 run daily, except Sunday. Trains Nos. 7 and 8 run on Sunday only. (f) Flag Station. Trains stop only on signal. and Georgia Southern &, Florida All trains make connection with the Plant System at Tifton, and tiie Georgia & Alabama at Fitzgerald. Traffic Manager V. . Boatright, Ride a Monarch and Keep in From! ^ SS ip : 8 \ m ■ 'mmk rY' ’am -a a... ■ ... II .c* *mmim /-X m F.9 •'.L . MONARCH •« OEFliH BICYCLES are recognized the world over as representing the highest type of excellence in bicycle construction. 1899 I¥Ig.D£LS,$50.00 and $35.00. Send for J8S9 Catalogue. Agents wanted in open territory. MONARCH CYCLE MFG. CO • i Lake, Haisted & Fulton Streets, Chicago. Branches-NEW YORK, LONDON, HAMBURG, ! Soad 20 cents in Etamps for a deck of Monarch Playing Car;lE, illustrating Jeaeia Bartlett Davis, Lillian Russell, Tom Cooper, Loo .Richardson and Walter Jones. “ALL HOADS ARE ALIKE TO A MONARCH.”