The dispatch. (Ocilla, Irwin County, Ga.) 1896-1899, March 03, 1899, Image 5

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Boiled Dowr, and' Dislieii tip These wordsre-echo yet again And simtlie mv soul’s devouring pain: The wall must wear the weather-stain wears the ivy. —Selected. Mir. John Sears, an aged citizen of Coffee county, is dead. tUon. Thomas Corbett was oait iicatly ill at .his home in Pearson last week. Before tihe discovery of One M hi¬ de Cough Core ministers were gseatly disturbed by coughing con¬ gregations. No excuse for it now. Lake -k Ashley. The Ashhurn Advance has been greatly improved since Bro. Ilorne took charge of it. “Give me a liver regulator and 1 can regulate the world,” said a genius. The druggist handed him a bottle of DeWitt’s Little Early Risers, the famous liver pills. Luke <& Ashley. Mr. Killis Burch and Miss Nancy Cracintia Bowen were wedded in Coffee county recently. Tor a quick remtfiy and one that is perfectly safe fon children let us recommend One ’Minute Cough Cure. It is excellent tor croup, hoarseness, tickling in the throat and coughs. Lake & Ashley. A new building and loan associa tion has been organized at Valdosta, making the third now in successful operation in that city. If you bavoa cough, Throat irri ttabion, weak lunas breathing, pain in the •chest, difficult croup or 4r@arseness, let us suggest One Min¬ ute Cough Cure. Always reliable and safe. Luke & Ashloy. W. W. Walker and J. H. Hires are in the race for the legislature from Brooks county, to succeed the tl*e late lion. W. <Wade. Not odo child dies whero ten for¬ merly died from croup. People hawe learned tho val le of One Min »nte Gough Cure and use it for severe lung and throat troubles. It im •mndiatoly stops eons. Ling. It never fails. Luke cfc Ashley. Some folks are very inquisitive— for instance, the writer who wants to know whether Eve was left a widow or Adam a widower. J. Sheer, Sedylia, Mo., conductor •on electric street car line, writes dibat bis little danjjjptor was very dow with croup and her life saved after by using all physician]) One Mifjute bad Cough failed, Cure. only Luke & Ashley. ' M’bat is the difference between a mouse and a .young lady? One harms tho cheese, the other charms ■the he’s.—Cordele Sentinel. ‘For frost bites, burns, indolent sores, eczema, skin disease, and es¬ pecially Piles, DeWiit’s Witch Ha¬ zel Salve stands urst and best. Look out for dishonest people whs> try to imitate and counterfeit it. It’s .their endorsement of a good article. Worthless goods are not imitated. Get DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salvo. Luke & Ashley. Rev. Dave Kid, a white man ami preacher, was arrested i Ellaville a few days ago and c-ari ed to Col¬ umbus fo-r making illicit whisky.— •Ex.. As the season of the year when (pneumonia, la grippe, re throat, 'coughs, colds, catarrh, bronchitis and hmg troubles are to be guarded ’■against, will nothing “is, a fine substi¬ tute,” “answer als the purpose” or ’is “just, as good” One Minute Cough Cure. That is the one in ifallible remedy for all lung, throat •or bronchial troubles. Insist vig¬ orously upon having it if “some fctbing else” is offered you. Luke & A-shley. Last year’s profits of John Wana maker’s stores are said to have been •$1,000,000. He attributes his suc «eess to the generous • use of news¬ paper advertising. No healthy person need fear any •dangerous consequences from an at¬ tack of la grippe, if properly treated. It is much the sfme as a severe cold and requires precisely tho same treatment. Remain quietly at home and take Chamberlain’s Cough Rem¬ edy as directed lor a severe cold and a prompt and complete recovery is -sure to follow, j For sale by, Luke & Ashley 1 he Bank of j .Ocilla . . ’ is and ojicn ready for business, ti and offers to loan money anybody ,7 oil “a}> Droved Jim Hanlon i r i • paper. J 1S ... , .. soild; everyhOUVapproves Shinlr Ills paper --Its a n dttisv (U1S\, TGHIlk tne tho W-iveross vvaycioss Department t , girls.— - , Dauglas T . i breeze, tLDER MATTHE That Is —— omen— the Woman Contlt of iUt money i lot •«*2»Choin;lit got t)>» Editor Dispatch: I something more to say about wo¬ man. She has been in this world Iso long it would require a long Iet fcer to tell all about her; in fact, one [half jjust of it would not bear telling, to think of tho part .she plays this grand old universe and then bow she is ground down is enough ■ ,o talk about without telling the other.side. Even the Apostle Paul iieemed to bear down on her, ad rising men folks not to marry her nor touch her; and went so far as t o say that a married man would try to please his wife more than to please • God. Well, it may have been that way in Ids day, but now a majority of married men are not '■V ery careful to please either their v 'ives or the Lord. But the apos t e was only guessing at this, for he had no experience in the wife busi njess and this may be one of the times when he “spako as a man and not from the Lord,” for the Lord tjsngbt otherwise in the beginning. Hut the apostle unquestionably gave j n a back 8eat in societ J an(i . holding her a ' 111011 ias teen down ’*• until now. L es, a man may l l‘ lk as he P lea8e8 > S° where he ’ J ’ eas< ’ 8 > sta J as long as he pleases 1 ! ' lt ’ e 8:K< ’ about it, but just U t a woman do that wa y au(l sile in everybody’s mouth. “Too fast.” “Too fast.” And if by accident a little mud gets on her garment, all pie soap Colgate ever made won't wiash It''off. A young man may go to church, select bis girl, make his visits, pop his question and it is all right. But a young lady may “pop” nothing nor do anything but hold still and take chances. If she is almost dying for a few words with a young man she must choke it back and not seem to care. And if a young man chances to turn in she don’t know whether he means business or fun and consequently don’t know how to talk to him. But this is not all. Sue don't know and can’t know whetherdie is worth notice or not. If he is from sorry stock it don’t matter much what his own de¬ meanor has been: she is afraid, he > will take back after the stock. And i if he ig from , stock sho knows e that sonic of the trifiingest young men in the country are from good stock. But she must risk it and jmftrry somebody or bo a hateful .old maid. And I think sometimes that girls hurry off prematurely and un¬ advisedly to keep from being old ,maids. But when she marries, her i“Jack” is made and whether his (ears are long or short sho must Stick to him “for better or worse,” jmd generally worse. She belongs to herself no more: everything now juttst be as “Johnny” says—drunk or sober, right or wrong. For so has law and Gospel ordained. ' (t is a dreadful tiling to be a wo¬ man. But after all she holds the keys and iixes the destiny of nations. can lead a man to the gate of Ileiaven f or drive him to the door of hades. I don’t think she can quite pu| him into either of these king doius, but she can make him think ho jis there. Out I tell you that woman is go ing( to aviso from tho hack seat and corhe to the front. The next gtn fn'Ajtion will find her practicing law in pur courts, figuring on the public political stage. The teaching in the public schools will embolden them for this masculine work. They will be filling the public offices now filled by men. And I doubt not but she will be seen flying up the streets and down the highway on bicycles like wild fire. I tell you, woman is coining out from the back yard. She has been woman ljong enough: she is going to be something else awhile. M. Sikes. To tho Public. j j ' 5i r e bottle are authorized of Chamberlain’s to guarantee Cough every represented and if j not Qe satisfactory ^y to be as after two-thirds of i refund tjke' contents tbe have been the purchiiser. used, will money y to j rru I here IS . no . better ; . mediciDO wade , I * , ffr ; nnfl cnl.U and whonnino I cough i Price. ij- ' * 2d and i 50c rn per \ bot- ^ l.| i tie. Trv it. Luke T , <x v> Ashley. \ i i LEGAL ADVERTISING. SHERIFFS SALES. Georgia Irwin County. *door, Will 1 m- sold, before the court house at Irwinville. (hi., on the first Tuesday in March. 181)!), witliin the legal hours of sale, (he follow¬ ing property, to-wit: A certain tract or par cel of land situated in the city of Fitzgerald, (la,., known as lot number 21, block ti, square 6. as shown in recorded plat of sold the city tho of Fitzgerald. Levied on am! to be as property of C. 11. Bowen to sat isfy one of execu¬ said tion issued from the county court countv in-favor of Mary L. Clare and against the said F. 1-1. Bowen. Tills .Jan. 30, 1899. Also, at the same time and place, will sold one parcel of land situated in the city Fitzgerald, Fa., known and distinguished in the plat of said city as lot number .14. block 11. square. 5. A Iso 170 acres of land, being part of lot number 209 and situated in the northeast corner thereof, in the 4th land district of said county. Levied on and to be sold as the prop¬ erty of E. J. Dornriney to satisfy "court four of execu¬ said tions issued from the county Waxelbaum cov mty: One in favor of the Co., om ) in favor of Back- & Fregg Hardware CO., one in favor of Mayfield Woolen Mills, undone in favor of .Joseph Rosenheim A Co., and against I). \\\ llaulkand E. J. Dornnney. Levy said made by Win. Rogers, county bailin’ of county,"and returned tome. This Jan. SO, 1899. Also, at thi* same time and place, the will 4th be sold two parcels of land situated in land district- of -said situated county: in Eighty-five he north¬ acres of lot number 204. t east corner of said lot. and 28 acres in the northwest corner of Jot number 278. Levied on and to be sold as the property of A. I Mclnnis to satisfy two executions issued fi om the county court of said county: One in favor of Inman. Smith & Fo„ and against W. T. Faulk and A. Mclnnis. and one in favor of Inman, Smith A Co. and against A. Mclnnis. Levied on by Win. Rogers, county bailiff of said coun¬ ty and returned to me. This Jan. 20, 1899. Wakubn Fletcher, 2-3-4t Sheriff I rwin county. DEPUTY SHERIFF’S SALE. Geokgia—I rwin County. Will be sold befoii? t he courthouse door at Irwinville. in said county, within the legal hours of sale, at public outcry to the highest biildor, for cash., on the first Tuesday to-wit: in March, 1899, Jthe following property, and That certain tract or parcel of land lying being in said county, containing ten acres more or less and known as ten acre tract num¬ ber 2.239 of the Domain of the American Tri¬ bune Soldiers’ Colony Company, as platted Clerk by said company and plat filed in office of of Superior (’ourt of said county. Levied on and to lie sold as the property of C. i. Sayre, under and by virtue of a certain ti. fa. issued from the Justice Court, of the 1527th district, G. M., of said county, in fa vor of Frank Bodon against Sayre Bros., principal, and C. I. Sayre surety on stay bond. Levy made and returned to me by J. S. Jones! constable. Purchaser to pay for title. This January 16,1899. M. Whit ]). W. lev. 3-2-4t Deputy Sheriff. DFFITTY SHERIFF'S SALES. G eorg I A—I rwin County. Will bo -sold at public outcry before the court house door in Irwinville, Ga., on the first 'Tuesday in March next, between the legal hours of sale, for cash, the following real es tJLte, to-wit: An undivided one-tenth inter¬ est in a certain trjiet of land known as the "Old Sarah Faulk place,” the same being on lot of bind No. 104 in the 5th district Irwin county, Ga.; said one-tenth interest In said tract of land containing fifteen acres, more or less. Levied on tuid to be sold ;is the property of Lila Lewis under a tux fi. fa. issued by J. U. Paulk. Tax Collector invin county, Ga., for state and county taxes for the year 1898. AIso, at the same time and place, and upon the same terms, will be sold tin* one-tenth following real estate, to-wit: An undivided in tercet in a certain tract of hind known jis the •‘Old Sarah Paulk place,” the same being on lot of 'bind. No. 104 in the 5th district Irwin county. Said one-tenth Interest in said tract of land contains fifteen 'acres, more or less, Levied on and to he sold jus the property of Emanuel GriJfifin, colored, *;»der a .tax fi. fa. issued by ,T. R. Paulk, Tax Collector of Irwin county. Ga.vfor state and county taxes for the year 1898. Also. ;vt the same time and place, and upon tho same terms, will be sold the following real estate, to-wit: City lot number 3, square 10. block 7, on Grant street, in the city of Fitz¬ gerald. as per the recorded plat of the Ameri¬ can Tribune Soldiers’ Colony Company, on file in the clerk’s office of the ;ind superior be sold court the of said county. Levied on to as property of Mrs. Eliza C. Hayes, under and by virtue of a tax fi- fa. issued by the tax collect¬ or of said county against Mrs. Eliza C. Hayes, for state and county tax for the year 1898. Also Jit the same* time and place and upon tho same terms wiil be sold the following real estate, to-wit: An undivided one-tenth in¬ terest in ;i certain tract of hind known as the “Old Sarah gaulk place.” the same being on lot of land No. 104, 5th, district irwin county. Said one-tenth interest in said tract of land contains fifteen acres, more or less. Levied on and to be sold as the property of George Pauli:, colored, under a tax fi. fa. issued by J. U. Paulk, Tax Collector of Irwin county. Ga., for state and county taxes for the year l-’. 1898. This. Jan. 28, 1899. George P. AIJLK, 2-3- 4t. Deputy Sheriff. DEPUTY SHERIFF’S SALE. G E<)U(J iA—Trwl n County. Will be sold before the court house door at Irwinville. in said county, within the legal hours of sale on the first Tu estkiy In bidder. March, 1899. tit public outcry t to the higliest for cash, the following property; All of that certain stock of wines, liquors, beer, etc.-,now in that certain building located on city lot number 12. in block number 11. in square num¬ ber fi of t he recorded plat of Also the the city following of Fitz¬ gerald. in said county. in building: One back b;ir fixtures, etc., same bar, one bar or counter, two dozei i chairs, one National Cash Register, one iron safe, one showcase, three pool tables, cues and balls, one billiard table, cues and balls, four card tables, four hanging lamps, one beer cooler, one work board or sink, set bar glasses, and lot of tools pertaining to beer business. Said property levied on and to be sold as the prop¬ erty of S. M. Cohen Under and by virtue of a mortgage fi. fa. issued from the Superior Court of said county in favor of Florida Brewing Company againstS. M. Cohen. This, January 31,1899. D. W. M. Wiiitlry. 2-3-4t Deputy Sheriff. DEPUTY SHERIFF'S SALE. G EOBOIA —Irwin County. Will lie sold before the courthouse door fit Irwinville, In said county, within tho lojial hours of -shIo on thu Hint Tuesday ill March, Isuii. :it public outcry, to the highest, bidder, for cash, tho following property: IH'A do*. neckties. S‘4 dor- white neckties, 19‘A doz. string neckties, 1!) dor- bows, (i handkerchiefs. 2? celluloid collars. 0 pairs celluloid cuffs, 6s linen collars. 7 pairs linen cuffs, !) leather belts. 82 pairs mitts. 131 pairs gloves, S9 hats, 91 caps, 13 valises, i trunks. 4 showcases, 3 tallies. Said property now in my office, room No. 3. upstairs in Phillips’ Said Block, city of levied Fitz ycrald. in said county. sold the property property of Wil¬ upon and to be as under and by virtue liam .1. Ferguson & Co., of a li. fa. issued from the Superior Court of said county in favor of Jacob Ep¬ stein against said William J. Ferguson & Co. This, January 31,1K99. W. M. Whiti.ey. 1). 2-3-tt. Deputy Sheriff. DEPUTY SHERIFF’S SALE. GEORGIA-nrlrwlII County. Will he sold .before the court house door in Irwinville, Ga.,ou the first Tuesday in March, 1899, between the legal hours of sale, for cash, tlie following described property, to-wit: Ten acres, more or less, of land lot No. 265, 4th land district of said county, known and de¬ scribed as 5-acre tracts Nos. 1450 and 1451 of the platted hyids of the American Tribune Soldieis’ Colony Company of said county, jis ■ shown by the recorded plat of said company on file iii the. office of the clerk of the superior court of said county. Levied on and to be sold ;is the property of Saville Meyers the to justice sat¬ isfy a justice court fi. fa. issued by court of tin* 1537th district. G. M., in favor of .1. W. Huggins. Levy made and returned to me by J. II. Fountain, L. (J. D. W. M. Whtti,ky, 2-3-4t. Deputy Sheriff I. G. DEPUTY' siiekht'S sales. g K( >,«„a_| rwin County. . Will bo sold before the courthouse door at Irwinville, ill said county, on the Hie legal first hours Tues- of (lay in March. ISS-9. between s "' u ‘’ at publi* outcry, to the highest bidder, I 1 * 1 * cash the following described property. to-wit: That certain*, met or less, parcel known of lane and | containing five acres, more number or 122 there described as 5 -a.*:v tract of corded pint, of theAmericjtu Tribune Soldiers’ Colony Company, and being part of lot of land number 28!, in the 4th land district of said county. Levied on and to be sold as the property of Jessie E. Bennett .under and by virtue of a. tax ti. fa. issued by the tax collect¬ or of said county against. Jessie E. Bennett for state and county tax for the year Mis. A Iso. ..'it; 11 ip same time and place, will be .sold, at public outcry, to the highest bidder, fop cash, thi' following described property, to~ wit: A certain tract or parcel of land, con¬ taining ti\'t* acres, more or"less, known and de¬ scribed as live acre tract number IN of the recorded plat of the American Tribune Sol¬ diers’ < 'olony Company, and .being part of lot of land number 281, in’the 4th land district of said county. Levied on and to be sold as the property of M. J. Foe under and by virtue of a tax fi. fa. issued by the tax. col lector of said county against M.J. Foe for state void coun¬ ty tax for the year IS9S. Also, at the same time and place, will be sold, at public outcry, to.the highest bidder, foreash, the following described property . 1.0 wit : A certain tract or parcel of hind, con¬ taining twenty acres, more or less, known) and described ;is twenty acre tract number 4010 of the recorded plat of the American Tribune Soldiers’Colony Oo., and being part of lot of land number 220. in tho 4th land district of said county. Levied on and sold as t he prop¬ erty of John Davidmeyer, underand by virtue of a tax ti. fa. issued by the tax collector of said county against John Davidmeyer for slate and county tax for the year .1898. Also, at the same time and place, will be sold, at public outcry, to the highest bidder, for cash, the following described property, to wit: A certain lot in the city of Fitzgerald, known and described as lot number.V block l, square 15, of the recorded plat of the American Tribune Soldiers’ (’olony Company, as on file in said the countv. clerk's Levied office of the and superior be sold court the of on to as propert y of f C. 1 W. Dodge,'under and by virtue of a tax li. fa. issued by "W. the tax col lector of said county, against C. Hedge, forstate-and county tax for the year 1898. Also, at the same time and place, will he sold, at public outcry, to the highest bidder, for cash, the following described property, to wit: A certain lot in the city of Fitzgerald, known and described as lot number 11, block 2, square 4, of the recorded plat of the Ameri¬ can Tribune Soldiers’ Colony Company, its on file in the .office of the clerk of the superior court of said county. Levied on and to be sold jis the property of C. T. Clingenpell. under and by virtue of a iax fi. fa. issued by the tax collector of said county against C. T! Clingen¬ pell, for state and-county tax for the year ISOs. Also at the same time and place and.on tin* same terms will lie sold the following .prop ert a- to-wit : .That certain tract or parcel of ho containing and five acres, more or less, known described jis five-acre tract num¬ ber 1138 of the recorded plat of the Amoricjin Tribune Soldiers’ Colony Company, and being a part of lot of land number (57 in the 4th land district of said county. Levied on and to be sold as the property.of J. S. Brown,-agent- for wife, under and by virtue of ji tax li. fa. issued by the tax collector of • said county for state and county tax for the year 1898. Also at the same time and following place and on the same terms will be sold the parc.eA proper¬ ty. to-wit: That certain tract or of land containing twenty acres, more or less, known and described as twenty-surre tract number 4529 of t he recorded plat of the Ameri¬ can Tribune Soldiers’ Colony Company and being tv part of lot of land number 250 in the 4th land district of said county. Levied on and to be sold, as the property of George W. Cannon under and by virtue of a tax fi. fa. issued by the tax collector of saifl county for state and county tax for the year 1898. Also at the same time and place and on the same terms will be sold the following prop orty. to-wit: A certain lot in the city of Fit-z gerjikl. known and described as lot 2. block fi. square 7 of the recorded pl;it of the American Tribune Soldiers’ Colony Company. Levied on and to be sold as the property of Mrs. 11. Brace under and by virtue of a tax (i. fa. issued by the tax collector of said county for state aiid county -tax’for the year 1898. Also at the Slum* time and place ;>nd upon the same terms will be sold the following property, to-wit: A certain tra -t or pjircel less. of ljind containing five acres. i. ore 4(53 or of the known and described as lot number re< •orded plat of the American Tribune Sol¬ diers’ Colony Company and being ji. part, of bind lot number 119 of the t hird bind district of said county. Levied upon and to be sold as i lie properly of William Ganonny under and by virtue of jt'tax ti. fa. issued by the tax col¬ lector of said county for state and county tax for the year 1898. Also at the same time and place and upon the same terms will be sold the following parcel prop- of ert y, to-wit: That certain tract- or kir id containing five acres, more or less, known aud described jis five-acre tract num¬ ber 1239 of the recorded plat of the American Tribune Soldiers’ Colony Company and being land a part of lot of land number 91 in tlu* 3rd district of sjiid county. Levied on arid to he sold jis the property of I). M. Brown under .and by virtue of a tax fi. fa. issued by tho tux col¬ lector of said county for state and county tax for the yejir 1898. Also at the sjune time and place and on the name terms will be sold the following prop¬ erty, to-wit: A certain lot in the city of Fitz¬ gerald. known and described as lot 5, block 7, square l of the recorded plat of the Ameri¬ can 'Tribune Soldiers’ Colony Company. Lev¬ ied on and to be sold as the property of S. B. Coe under and by virtue of a tax ti. fa. Issued by tho tax collector of said county for state and county tax for the ye;ir 1898. Also at the same time and place and on the same terms will be sold the following tho of prop¬ Fitz¬ erty. to-wit: A certain described lot in lot city block 3, gerald known 12 of the and recorded plat as of the 7. American square Tribune Soldiers’ Colony Company. Levied on and to be sold as the property of Phil. Cummings under and by virtue of a tax li. fa. issued by tho tax collector of said county for state, and county tax for the year 1898. Will be sold, before the court house door, in Irwinville, said county, between the legal hours of sale, at public outcry, to the highest bidder, for cash, on the first Tuesday to-wit: in March, 1899, the following property, A certain lot in the. city of Fitzgerald, block known 15, and described as lot number 13, square 14 of the recorded plat of t he American Tribune Soldiers’ Colony Company. Levied on and to bo sold as the property of Ruth Goodnow under and by virtue of a tax fi. fa. issued by the tax collector of said county, for state and county tax for the year 18*98. Also, at the same time and sold place the aud following upon the same terms, will be property, 1 to-wit: A certain lot in the city of Fitzgerald, known and described as lot num¬ ber 27, block 11, square 11 of the recorded plat •of the American Tribune Soldiers’ sold (’olony the Company. Levied on and to be jis property of Mrs. A. E. Goins under and by virtue (if a tax fi. fa. issued by the tax collect¬ or of said county, for state and county tax for the year 1898. Also. . at the same time and place and upon the same me terms, terms, will will be .._ : «old ...... tlie following of property, to-wit: t A certain lot in the 1 Ini city at Fitzgerald, , known and described as lot num ber 1, block 1.4, square. 16 of the recorded plat of the American Tribune Soldiers’ sold Colony tho Company. Levied on and to be as property of E. S. Gillett under and by virtue of-a tax*fi.'fa. issued by the tax collector the of said county, for state and county tax for y card 898. Also, at the same time and phice mid upon the same terms, will be sola the following property, to-wit: A certain tract or parcel of bind containing 10 acres, more or less, known and described as lot number 2575 of the re¬ corded plat of the American Tribun® Soldiers’ Colony Company, and being part of bind lot number 66, in the 3rd land district of said county. Levied on and to be sold as the property of Ada E. Germilleger under and by virtue of a tax ti. fa. issued by the tax collect¬ or of said county, for state and county* tax for the year 1898. Also, at the same time and place and-upon following the same terms, will be sold the property, to-wit: A certain trjiet less, or parcel known of land described containing 5 5 acres, number more 841 or of the record¬ and as lot ed plat of the American Tribune Soldiers’ Col¬ ony Compjuiy. and being pjirt of land lot num¬ ber 150 in the 3rd land district of said count n't Levied on and to he sold as the property Mariah E. Davis under aud by virtue of a tax fi. fa- issued by the tax collector of said coun¬ ty, for state and county tax for the year 1.4)6. Also, at the same tlma »nrt place and ujkjii wwrt-y. tS^'it: T'krtaiw and described lot V“thoc?ty"^ Fitzgerald, known ;is lot nurn ber7, block 15, square 2 of the recorded plat of the American Tribune Soldiers’ Colony (’om pany. Levied on and to be sold as the prep city of Joe llmwi, inider a».d by virtue o. a tax n. til. issued hy the tax collector of said county, for state and comity tax for the year isds. Also- at the same time and place and upon I’lUKt-raid,' u-ohT- t o-wH- " iin'.l \ i-iu-i llV""ri!Ll"i» rmh'it'iM tfmclT-o? lot' known mini her 4. block 6. square 9 of tlie recorded pint- t>f the American Tribune Soldiers’Colony Com pany. Levied on and tithe sold as the prop erty of J no. C. Bony under and by virtue of a 1 ,|\ ti fa. i*-»ed 1 >.v III.' lax eolleelor of wild .a>ui‘ly,. f or stale and coawy tax for tlie year Also, at the same time and place and upon the same terms, will l>e sold tin* following property, to-wit: A certain lot in the city of Fitzgerald, known and described as lot num¬ ber 0- block hi. square (5 of the recorded plat of the American Tribune Soldiers' Colony Com¬ pany. Levied on and to be sold as the prop¬ erty of Peter Baldona under and by virt ue of a tax li. fa. issued by the tax collector of said county, for state and county tax for the year thus. Also, at the same time, and place and upon Lie same teini.s, a ill be sold the .following property, to-wit: A certain lot in the city of Fitzgerald, known and described as lot nuin her s. block if), square:» of the Soldiers* recorded pint of the American Tribum? Colony Company. Levied on and to Ik* sold as the property of Fen. Ba-linore under and by virtue of a tax li. fa. issued by the tax collector of said .•minty, for stall- and county tax for the year Also, at the same t ime and place and upon the same terms, wiil be sold the following property, to-wit: A certain lot in the city of Fitzgerald, known and descrilied as lot iiuin her 2, block 11. squtire 8 of the recorded plat of the American Tribune Soldiers’ (’olony Com¬ pany. Levied on and to be sold as the prop¬ erty of Joe F. Graves under and by virtue of a tax fi. fa. issued by the tax collector of said county, for state, and county tax for the year 1898. Also, at the same time and place and upon the same terms, will be soil! the following land, property, to-wit: Ascertain tract less, or parcel known of and describcil containing 5 lot acres, niniiber234dlH more or lie recorded as plat of I be. American Tribune Soldiers’Colony Company, and being part of land lot number 282 in the 4th land district of said county. Levied on and to be sold as t be, property of Jlettie Graham under and by virtue of a tax fi. fa. issued by the tax collector ofxi-taid-coun¬ ty, for state and county tax for the year 1898. Also, at the same time and place .and upon the same terms, will be sold the following property, land to-wit: A certain tract or parcel of containing 10 acres, more.oi less, known and described as lot number 2058 of the ro corded plat of the American Tribune Soldiers' Colony Company, and being part of land lot number 298 in the 4th land district of said county. Levied on arid to be sold as the property of Louisa flail under and by virtue of a tax ti. fa. issued by the tax collector of said county, for state* and county tax for the year 1898. Also, at tho sjimo time and place and upon the same terms, will be sola the following property, to-wit: A certain lot in the city of Fitzgerald, i. known and described ;is lot num¬ ber block 9, square 1 of t he recorded plat of the American Tribune Soldiers’ ('olony Com¬ pany. Levied on and to be sold ns th^ prop¬ erty of Mary fa. K. issued Hardy under and collector by virtue of of a tax fi. by and the tax for the said county, for state county tax year 1898. Also, at the same time and place and upon the same terms, will be sold the following property, to-wit: A certain tract or parcel of land containing 10 acres, more or less, known and described as lot number 2182 of the re¬ corded plat of the American Tribune Soldiers’ Colony Company, and being part of land lot number 85 in the 3rd land district of said county. Levied on and to be sold jis t he prop¬ erty of W. G. Ilavice under and by virtue of a tax’ fi. fa. issued l> 3 r the tax collector of said county, for state and county tax for the yotir 1898. Also. :rt the same time and place and upon thu same terms, will be sold the following property, to-wit: A certain lot in the city of Fitzgerald, known and described ;is lot num¬ ber 11, block 7. square 5 of the recorded plat of the American Tribune Soldiers’ Colony Com¬ pany. Levied on ;ind to be sold as the prop¬ erty of John B. and Nettie Hiller underand by virtue of a tax fi. fa. issued by the tax collect¬ or of s;iid county, for state and county tax for the year 1898. Also, at tho same time and place and upon the same terms, will be sole! the following property, to-wit: A certain tract or lets, parcel known of land containing 10 acres, more or the .and described as lot number 2232 of re¬ corded plat of the American Tribune Soldiers’ Colony Company, and being a part of land lot number 153 in "the 3rd land district of said count v. Levied on and to be sold ns the prop wty o'f Th.TOloi-e Hcliii under and J-v yirliiij ()f <t tax ft. f*l. lulled ly the tax (ditto) of said county, for state aud county tax for the yejir 1898. Also, at the same time and place and upon the same terms, will be sold the following property, to-wit: A certain tract or parcel of Una containing five acres, more or less, record¬ known and described as lot number 189 of the ed plat of til# American Tribune Soldiers’ ('ol¬ ony Company, and being part of land lot number 2(i4 in the 4th land district of sjiid county. Levied on and to be sold jis the prop¬ erty of John E. Henderson under and by virtue of a tax ri. fa. issued by the tax collector of said county, for state and county tax for the year 1898. Also, at tho same time and place and upon the same terms, will be sold the following property, land to-wit: A certain trjiet less, or parcel known of containing 5 lot acres, number more 1328of or the record¬ and described as Soldiers’Col¬ ed plat of the American Tribune ony Company, and being part of land lot num¬ ber 92 in 1 ho" 3rd hind district of said county. Levied on and to be sold as the property of Maltha Helper unrtuv and by virtue of a tax fa. issued hy the tax collector of said county, for state and county tax for the year J8US. Also, at the same time and place and up¬ on the same terms, will be sold the follow¬ ing property, to-wit: A certain lot in tin city lotJuimher of Fit/.-ierald, known and described as U, block 11, square 14 of the re¬ corded plat of tile. American Tribune Sol¬ diers’ Colony Company. Levied on and to be sold as tliepropefty of JohnC. Huffman under and by virtue of>a tax fi. fa. issued by the tax collector of said county, for state and county tax for tire year 1S98. Also, at tire same time and place and up¬ on the same terms, will he sold the follow¬ ing property, to-wit: A certain tract or parcel of land containing r> acres, let'iiumber more or less, known and described as SB-.) of the recorded plat of-the 'American Tribune Soldiers’ Colony Company, A.jU in and the being part of land lot number 3rd land district of said county. ’Levied on and to Ire sold as the proper ty-rtf Abram Hulling under and by virtue of a trtxiii, fa. issued by tbe tax collector of said county, for state and county tax for the year 1SUS. Wir.KY Whitley, 2-10-41 Deputy Sheriff Irwin county. DEPUTY SHERIFF'S SALE. Georgia— lvwin County. Will !>e sold before the court House door at Irwinville, in said county, tlie first Tuesday in March.- ITO, between the legal hours of sale, at public outcry, to the high¬ est bidder, for cash, tlie following city prop¬ of erty, to-wit: A certain lot in the Fitzgerald in said-county known and de¬ scribed as city lot number 9, block number it, square number 7, as shown by the re¬ corded plat of said city. Levied on and to be Sold as the property of L. A. Vann un» der and by virtue of a fi. fa. issued from the-justice court of the 1537th district, .1. \V, G. M., of said comity, in favor of Dickey against L. A. Vann and tenant notified. Levy made and returned to me bv W. 11. Fountain, constable said county. Tins, February Cth, W. M. Whitley, i 1). Deputy Sheriff. DEPUTY SHERIFF’S SALE. Georgia—Irwin County. Will be. sold before the court house door «t Irwinville, in said county, the first Tnes I day hi March, 1st)'), between the legal hours of sale, at public outcry, to the higliest 1ml d^i*, for cash, the following property, w jt ; A ccilain lot ill theeitv of ’’[t/.gerald j in suir j coUlltv kmAV n and described as city j | ,(> ' mi V mbei' ’ll) sou-ire M] V number 18 V ’ block 1 number.» as shown , by the recorded > plat i . of p | said city. Levied on and to be sold as the ' l’ ril i ier ty of ek if. Pljdgeoii under and hy l’* 1 *?® " 1 ! \f® r i a ', n fi -issued from the ; Comt of tho l-;d<th Uistlict, <». M.» : said county, in favor of Jacob Merrlt against 8. I>. ITidgoon andidefendant lib¬ rifled. Levy made and.returned to Hie by j \\\ II. Fountain. (OiiKtalili:. T his. February {i< ls90t >D.’W. M. WinTI.KV, Deputy SherilT. LIBEL FOli 1UVOKOE. Mrs, Libby Davis vs.-Charley Superior Davis: Li¬ bel for divorce* Irwin Court, November Term, 1808. It appearing to the Court, l>y 1 he return of the sheriIT in the above stated cswejttiftt the defendant does not reside in said county and it further appearing that'he does not reside in this state, it is therefore V ordered bv tin* (’ourt that service be m*r~ , ° 11 „ di tend.Hit b\ , n the publication , i , (>t tins order , once a month tor four months before the next term of this court in the Ocilla Dispatch, a newspaper published .ill Irwin county, Georgia, i-p . , K C. C. SMITfl, J. 8. 0. Georgia—I rw in'C oh n ty. This i.s to certify that the above is a cor¬ ivet copy of an order granted by the Judge of'the Superior-Court- at November term, ISDN, and reeimled«on the minutes of kmI court. Tills, Defxmtber kith. 1898. J. B. D. Paulk, # Clerk S. C IjC. .CITAG’IOX. Georgia—Irwin County. Whereas, L. Kennedy, administrator rtf the estate of Alexander I'clkey. represents to the court in hisnpetition hasifully . duly tiled admin¬ and entered on record, that he istered said Alexander IVIkey’s estate: This is therefore to cite sill persons con¬ cerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, discharged why said adminis¬ trator should not be from his administration, and receive letters of dis¬ mission on the first Monday J in April, lMUk. j7-kJt J. . Lki:, Ordinary. ClrTATlON. iGeorgia—1 min County. To till whom vit may concern: G. W. and T.fE. Fletcher having in proper form applied to me for permanent of letters Fletch¬ of ad¬ ministration on the (*state Jehu er, late of said county, this is to cite all and singular the eredi ors and next of kin of said deceased to be and appear at my office within the time allowed by law, and show cause, if any they can, why perma¬ nent administration should not he granted tn said G. AV. and T. E. Fletcher on said Jehu Fletcher's estate. Witness my hand and official signature this. Gth day of F( 1> ruarv, 1S99. 210-H J. J. Li:i-:, Ordinary. 1 ET1TION. Georgia—I rwin County. After four weeks’ notice, pursuant to 82546 of the Civil Code, a petition, subjoined, of which will a true and correct copy is be pre¬ sented to the 1 Ion. C. the C. Smith, house Judge in of said the Superior Court, 3rd .it day in court April, county, on the 1899. Martha Walker. Copy or ILkt'tion. Georgia, Irwin County. To the Hon. C. said C. Smith, Judge of the Su¬ perior Court of conn Walker The petition of Martha shows— and G. TvbaO she Dorminey. is gu;irdian heretofore of 1 da r AdivAiigro <h;ly pointed Avey such guardian inlaid ap¬ its Cssol L‘ for»r**in county. . 2. That she desi res» vest moot, at privvate Sale..the foilawiug the property, the sain'*. being a pare Ant,undivided of estate of hvr.'SJiid wards, to-wit: four-fifths in temst. ju.<uie. hnuidred jeeres of bind, more tn* less, lying and beiyg in the northwest corner of lot of land 302 aa the 4th district-of said county and bounded asifollows: Starting at, the northwest corner of • said lot of and running east along the nort h line of aid'd lot to the Willjicooclieo creek, .and • lb(*rice in ia southerly direction along the bed of saki creek to the head of the bay, and thence ue$t through tin* old field tocertnin oaks and to t , 10W(st lim . ()f Kli „ „ f i ;lll(1 , l4Iul , he „ w ,,0,t nn ,,.|. " ..] 0 ,,,r s,l * a " W (*st L>1 llr,L line to tM ™-«artABfc, the startinv p tint. 3. That said land is valuable only for fjirrn ing purposes; that tho timber supply for same is limited; and that there are no build¬ ings or other improvements in said land; ami that her said wards have no money or other means with which to put suitable buildings I or other improvements on said land; that said lands are yielding said only wards. a small revenue for the support of her 4. That petitioner desires to invest the pro¬ ceeds of said sale in certain fjirming hinds, to-wit: An undivided four-fifths interest in one hundred ;ir.d forty acres, more or less; of lot of land 275 in the 1th land distrk'tof said county and situated in the northeast corner of said lot and hounded as follows: Starting at t he northeast, corner of said lot of land 275 and running west alongtthe north line of said lot to the .first branch, and thence along the said branch in a southerly direction to where a second branch empties into the said first branch, and thence up the said second branch in jin ejisterly ft direction to the first old ford, and thence < e east to north t he original east line of said lot, and thence along said east line to the starting point. ;'>. Petitioner shows that the property she proposes to buy for her^nid wards has val¬ uable improvements, suitable such jis dwellings and will and other make buildings •omfortahle home fora for her farm said wards a < and yield o.i t hem ji larger revenue for-their support'tillin'tho lands that they notice now own. her fi. Petitioner shows of inten¬ tion lished to make week-for this application four weeks has been .required pub¬ once n> as bv Ijiwj D. B. .1 AY, 2-24-41. Attorney for Petitioner. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS. CfcEOJkJiA—I tvkj 11 C ounty . Notice is hereby given to all creditors of tho estjite of L. F. Johnson, late of said county, deceased, to render in an account of their de¬ mands tome within the time prescribed by law, properly made out. And all person* in¬ debted to said deceased are hereby requested to make immediate payment tovthe'toiider signed. This, January 28, 1899. Mus. A. M. Johnson. 2-3-tit. Administratrix. LIBEL FOR DIVORCE Georgia—I rwin CVmrity. Libel Sallie B. divorce. Chapman vs, James \V.'*$iThpm$fci5: for It appearing to the Court that there is f»o service in the above stated case, it i.s ordeWd by the Court said that service 0. be (’. perfected Smith, J. by next term of court. S. r. To Janies W. Chapman: You are hereby re¬ quired by the terms of t*he foregoing order' to appear, or 1 will proceed to secure tny divorce at the next term of Irwin Superior 1 Court. air. 2-2-2m, Mrs. Salli e B. Chap.m LIBEL FOR DIVORCE. Dora Anna West vs. James West: Libel for divorce. Irwin Superior Court, November term, 1898. notice by publication. ToJjimes West, the defendant in the above stated case: YOU the are hereby commanded of to be anti appear at next term the Superior CoUrt to bo held in and for said county on the first plaintiff’s Monday petition in for April divorce. next to answer a : f . B. U. Paulk. C. C. Smith, 2-24-2m Clerk. J. S. 0. CITATION. Georgia—Irwin County. To all whom it may concern: Addie and J. L. 1’aulk having in proper iorm applied tome for permanent letters of administra¬ tion on tile estate of banmei B. I’anlk, late of said county, this is to cite all and singu¬ lar tlie creditors and next of kin of Samuel B. Paulk to he aud appear at my office . within tile tune allowed hv law, aud show cause, if any they Can, why permanent, ad mjnistrfttion should not be granted to Ad die and J. b. Paulk on said estate. "Wil ness my hand unit official signature, this fit h dav of Februaw ISUfi J .1 J,i.k J ' ,K ’ 2i04t Ordinary.