The dispatch. (Ocilla, Irwin County, Ga.) 1896-1899, March 10, 1899, Image 8

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THE DISPATCH. |lbNUK|iM>\ A I! AN j,UN, ITioeuii’/rous. M. Henderson, Business ^na^er. \V. Ipuffim, FjJitur. published every,‘latui'day and, entered at the;',ciiin oiiKijtlirc an seeoni)-i lass«niail in filler, lirst-e'iisb reiulinft ami •» higii grade advertising medium. StiEacription IliUes Gw* copy. oue year............ . tipo oppy, six months............. r ' ( j Gbiti copy, Ihroe.uiontlLs. __ . _ ^ r --- Advertising rates on application. uUIGress'alKntsiness lettorsf to Tun i)is~ PA«r< it. l^ock Box 8, Ocilla, <>a. Official Organ Irwin County. Frida \\ .March 10 .. 181 K). Imp ap</. ;SIocp. A'ceordir-g. to. the Philadelphia Record, the :Mne-mile Bard is sod^c thing of, a philosopher, At least his experience has seemingly taught hint (discrimination.. The.muse, caus¬ ed him to take a retrospective glance the.other day.. I have lived and i Lave loved: ] have waked and I have slept: , I |ujve sung and I, I have smiled and I ha ve wept ; i Iwive won and wasted treasure; I Jijjjve lutiJL my till of pleasure; And all these things were Weariness, and some of them Weredm>rines.s> find,ail these, 'Things—but two things— Were emptiness and pain; And tove it was the best of then; 5’ And sleep.....worth all the rest of them., A Short Lane. Only; in : stature, however,-, for Prof. Chas.. Lane, at tire academy Wednesday night,, measured away beyond expectation. The lecture was what might he called an electric display of wit and humor and took the large audience by storm. It lasted about an hour and a half, and never did the same length of time appear so short. There was not a dull moment, from start to finish, nor were there.many dry eyes in the audience. It would not be fair to-the. fa¬ mous lecturer to publish any of the button-bursters which kept the crowd convulsed, as they constitute part of his stock in trade, hut we can say that the lecture contained more solid fun to the square inch than anything in that line we ever heard. It was the hit of the year, and'we only regret that the Prof, is mot for sal*, sm that we might buy him and keep him here permanently. At the earnest solicitation' ®£ friends, he also lectured Thurs¬ day night, his subject being “Talk and Talkers.” The academy was crowded and the audience delighted. Prof. Lane will always find a genuine southern welcome in Ocilla. Last Saturday night a cyclone passed over a portion, .of Tennessee, Alabama and upper Georgia, killing a number of people in the two states first named and destroying much property all along its track. Neal and Oliver Mobley were both acquitted in Pulaski superior court last Saturday. Neal was tried for murder and Mobley for volvntary manslaughter. It was shown by the testimony that he killed E. F. Bag l>y, but the bill was for killing E. T. IJagby, Prof. M. Dickson and bis charm¬ ing daughters, Misses Rachel and Annie, spent part of Wednesday ami Thursday in Ocilla. Prof. Dick¬ son, who is our worthy county school commissioner,.speaks in high terms of Oeilla’s- eebools and its ten i,her s Mr, Jesse Luke has in his posses¬ sion a watch that tells the time of day, the month, the day of the month and the changes of the moon. By a mechanical contrivance the moon appears at an opening, in its different phases. It is a unique time piece. Rev. L.-M. Lawson, of Abbeville, preached'two able and impressive sermons in Ocilla Sunday. His evening sermon was on “Expan¬ sion,” and he handled the subject in a masterly way. His compari¬ sons were clear and concise and none could fail to understand them. Lumber is being placed on the ground for a 30x40 audition to'.the academy. This will be built just back of the music department and library, and is made necessary by tbe , steady , increase . in the ^ number , of pupils. Work on the addition j will commence Monday or Tuesday. | ELDER MATTHEW SIKES, Sick. Eclito.i’. Hispatyh: “f seat myself to ii|fprm you that we an; all sick, and hope those few linos may come safe to hand and fipd yo,u and yours the same blessing.”, The grippe has got almost every¬ body. Coughing, suso'T.iag and voin is in order ■ from morn till night and from night till morn again. Backache, headhche, leg ache, scorching, rp,vyrs, Chill Tonic, turpentine and oil, Bateman's Drops, mustard, quinine-—all are in order now. 1']) one day and down the next. Get up and start to walk, turn sick and blind and take a seat without being asked to do so. Go to the breakfast table, eat one or two bites and leave in disgust. Nothing lit to eat. Did you ever have it? “How are your sick folks?” is the greeting now. But, after all, it might he much worse, No one has died from it, hut when it has handled you for ten days you will be gripped all over. Well, it is only by affliction that we learn to appreciate good health. It has handled me pretty softly and I would be thankful if I could. But my wife is onc.-of the worst suffer¬ ers, nor is she much better yet. But we are in hopes of coming out at the better end of it soon. I write this to tell you that I cannot appear this week. M. Siices. [We have had if, Elder, .and .know how to sympathize.with.yau.. Ed.] Dropped Dead. Mr. W. G. Burch, of Arthur, Ga., was in town the latter part of last week and informed us of the sudden death of the little son of Mr. J. R. Lindsey, of near Reedy Springs, which occurred on- Mon¬ day, the 13th inst. The little boy, was, to all appear¬ ances,. in perfect health, and had not even complained of feeling the least unwell. He was out in the yard running about as usual, when he suddenly fell over and expired before any one could reach him. An extraordinary fact in connec¬ tion with this death is that the little boy makes the fifth child Mr. Lind¬ sey has lost in exactly like manner, three of whom died within the last year. They were all strong, healthy children, and their sudden deaths have been a great blow to Mr. and Mrs. Lindsey. Mr. Burch informs us that one of the children- dropped dead at his gin house last year, and that up to the very moment of death nothing un¬ usual was noticed about the child. Mr. Lindsey and family have in¬ deed been very unfortunate, and they have the deepest sympathy of their friends and neighbors in such dark and gloomy hours of distress. —Eastman Times-Journal. Pine Level Items. Miss. Ann McCall opened up a ficheoDat Zion last Monday. Ml'. D. A. Mclnnis will soon have his new residence completed. Mr. J. T. Barnes has moved into his new dwelling house, which is a nice one. Rfof.. Weaver opened a school at the Whitley schoolhouse last Mon¬ day with 21 pupils. Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Paulk, of Ruby, spent last Friday night with Mr. and Mrs. F. G. E. Paulk. Several our Pine Level hoys attended preaching at Zion last Sun¬ day. They, report a nice time. Mr. D. D. Garrison shot his first turkey one day last week. He got leathers, hut the gobbler got away, Miss Ornie McCook, who has been visiting her* uncle, J. R. McCook, has returned to her home at Ever¬ green, Miss. Omic made several warm friends around Pine Level. Litti.k Bill. Exposure to rough weather, dampness, extreme cold, etc., is apt to bring on an attack of rheumatism or neuralgia; chapped hands and face, cracked lips and violent itch¬ ing of the skin also owe their origin to cold weather. Dr-. J. H. Mc¬ Lean’s Volcanic Oil Liniment should I e kept on hand at all times for lib* m fi( | iate application when troubles of , this nature appear. ^price It is a sov ereig[1 remedy . 25c, 50c and $1 a bottle. For sale by 1.tike & Ashley. Dots From Ebenezer. The mumps are raging in this yicinity. Mr. Joseph Turner, Jr., expects to see his host girl Sundry. Mr. Jphn Rail laid, of Florida, has lately moved into this commu¬ nity, Tine late, se vere cold weather did considerable damage in this settle¬ ment, We hga,r.of considerable loss of cattle,. The farmers c£ this section are very busy preparing their land for planting. Rev. John Goodman preached an interesting sermon last Sunday at Ebenezer. Mr. Alsou Tin ner is the champion rat killer of this section. He taking nine out of a trap at one time. Miss. Lummie Mann, of this set¬ tlement, has , taken charge of the school at the Walker school house. Prof. George Warwick’s wife, who has been on an extended visit among relatives in Roberson coun¬ ty, N'..C„ returned home last Sat¬ urday. . All the road hands in this district were ordered out to open a new public road from Irwinville to Fitz¬ gerald. We think there were near four hundred hands on the road. Correspondent. How to Prevent Pneumonia. You are perhaps aware that pneu¬ monia always results from a Gold or from an attack of la grippe. During the epidemic of la grippe a few years ago,. when so many cases re¬ sulted in pnaumonia, it was- ob¬ served that the- attack was never fol¬ lowed by that disease when Cham¬ berlain’s Cough Remedy was used. It counteracts any tendency of a cold or la grippe to result in that dangerous disease. It is the best remedy in tho. world for bad colds and la grippe. Every bottle war¬ ranted. For sale by Luke & Ashley. That Shed. As I sot out tu saigh sum time ago, Lije he’s smu.punkios when hit .earns too sience. . He nose the laigh of-the urth, an how the water skoots thru hit, an whar hit stops, an awl that, an kin tell yu whar the water¬ sheds ar lokaited an how thay sheds water — espesbally endurin of a drouth! Me an him wuz waiden thoo a mash one daigh, with the water nigh about shoo deep, when he turned tu me an sez, sez he, solem-like, “This is a water-shed,” “If this is a water-shed,” sez I, “whi in the naim of Geo. Tea Yung doesn’t hit shed?” “Oh,” sez he, ( l that’s bekase bit ain’t sheddin seezin.” Then Ire hummed a him, while the water-shed water swashed in,his shoze an spurted outen a hole in the bow eerxl oph one oph era. “Yasser,” sez he,, “hits seven feet bier hyar then at the ban scan, in Fit jail!” Bon W. To tho Public. Wo are authorized to guarantee every bot tle of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy to be as represented and if not satisfactory after two-thirds of the contents have been used, will refund the money to the purchaser. There is no bettor medicine made for la grippe, colds and whooping, cough. Price, 25 and 50c per bot¬ tle- Try it. Luke & Ashley. Mr. O. B. Luke lias been suffer¬ ing. intensely the past week with erysipelas in his face.— B. C. News. One of the grandest electric storms seen in a long time Visited this sec¬ tion Saturday night, accompanied with rain and wind. For awhile the world seemed like a gigantic blaze of tire. This and the great crashes of thunder at-short intervals, which shook tho earth,-made tip a wierdly grand scene. There was ho damage done in this section, so far as we have been abie to learn. AYe are pleased to state that the streams between here and Nashville are now fordable. Miss Fannie Lott, the charming daughter of Mr. Elias Lott, of Shepherd, is visiting her cousin, ’Airs. J. L, Paulk, in Ocilla. Religious Notice. Lev. W. W. Stewart will preach iu t)ie Methodist church in Ocilla on the secopd Sunday in each month, morning and evening, and on the fifth Sunday, morning and evening. I will preach at Henderson’s chapel at 11, a. rn. on, the first Sunday jin each month. E. F. Register. Fresh fish and oysters eyevy Fri¬ day night and Saturday, at the Ocilla Beef Market. Carson it Bruce. 1-18-tf. SHERIFF'S ,SA1«E. (!kouoia -Irwin county. Will be sold, before 1 he court house door, at IrwinsvUle. da., on the First Tuesday in April. 1899. within the legal hours of sale. the. following property, tb-wit: r i'wo certain tracts or par¬ cel of land containing four hundred and ninety acres, more or less, the same being lots of land Nos. 47 and 48, in the 3rd land district-of said county, each lot containing and four hundred sold and ninety acres. Levied on to be as the property of A. J. Fountain under and by vir¬ tue of a tax ti. fa. issued by t he tax collector of said county, for state and county tax for t Ik* yea v 1898. W A liREX F1.KT( 1 11 EK. 3-10-4t Sheri If SHERIFF’S SALE. G eo ho i a—T r >v] u County. Will be sold.before the court house door, at Irwinville. Ga., on the First 'Tuesday in April, ISDl), within the to-wji: legal hours of sale, tin* follow, ing property, Onq.nareel of land situ¬ ated In Ihe city of Fitzgerald. Ga.. known and distinguished numbei i.4, in tlu; block pJat 11. of Also said 170 city as lot of square 5. acres land., situated in the northeast corner of orig¬ inal lot. No. 203, in the. 4th land district of said county. Levied on and to be sold as the property of E. J. Dorm in y to satisfy fivb ex¬ ecutions issued from the county court of said county:; One in favor of Buck & Gregg Hard; ware Co., one in. fa vor of Joseph Rosenl mini & Co., favor- one in of fa vor-of The- Waxle Mayfield baum Wo Co., olon and Mills, one in in one favor of I. Epstien & Bro., and against I). \V. Faulk by and plaintiffs’ E. J. Dorminy. Property Levy pointed by out attorney. Wm. Rogers, bailiff of the county court of said county, and returned to me. This the 7th day of March. 1 HIM). WARDEN FLETCHER. ,3-10-R Sheriff Irwin Coftnty. SHERIFF’S SALE. G eorgia—I rwin County. Will be sold before the court -house door, in Irwinville, said county, between the lega hours of sale, highest on the bidder, First Tuesday for in the A pril, fol¬ next, to tlm cash, lowing property, to-wit: Three hundred and five acres, more and less, of lot of land number 121. in the tith district.of said county, bounded as by fi lands )Uows: of On. J. south M. Branch .by origirm and Sabra 1 1 i ne; Frirnas; on west on nort h by originaljlipe. and.on east by lands of Mrs. M. A. Bishop. Said property being in possession of Jehu Brunch,..Sr., Branch and levied' upon as the property of Jehu to satisfy a superior court fi. fa. issued at April term. 1898, of Irwin superior court, in favor of Comer. Hull & Co., vs. Jehu Branch and T. B. Young. Froperty pointed,out by defendant in fi. fa., and written noticcfgj-ven said defend¬ ant as required by law. This March 8th. 1899. WARREN FLETCHER. 3-40-44 Sheriff, Irwin County. MORTGAGE BALE. G KOm; ja—T nvin (’ounty. By virtu.0 of the power and authority vested in rue by William J. Ferguson, in a certain recorded mortgage February deed dated 14th. February 1899. 3rd. office 1899, and of in the the Clerk of the ^Superior Court of said county, •in book *‘E,” folios 566-7,. said mortgage ha ving been jnade to secure the payment of a prom¬ issory note of even date therewith, due one day after date, for one hundred dollars prin¬ cipal. and interest after maturity at the rate of eight per cent, per annum, I will sell!at public outcry, for cash, to the highest bidder, before the court house door at irwinville, ih said county, on the First Tuesday in Aprill 1899, the following property, to-wit: All of city lobs numbers 1, 2. and 3. square 9, block 11 of the original townsite plat of the city of Fitzgerald, in office in of said the county, Clerk of as the appears Superior of record Court the of said county, together With the improve¬ ments thereon. Said property will be sold as the property of said William J. Ferguson for the purpose of paying off the amount duo on said dollars, note principal, and mortgage, and the to-wit; interest one hundred thereon from _ February I ’he balance balatu-e 4th, 1899. of of at the eight per cent, if pen amt un i. The money, any,, arising in, from the sale of said property, to be turned over to said William J.. Ferguson.. Fur chaser must pay for titles. This March tit,I l. 1899. L. KENNEDY. 3-10-41, CITATION. Georgia—I rwin County. fiy virtue of tin order of the Court of Ordin¬ ary of said county. I will sell at public out cry. to the highest and Itest bidder, for cash, before the court bouse door, in Irwinville, said county, between on the the usual First hours Tuesday of salt,, in the April, following 18911, described real estate, to-wit: Lot niumber Fitzgerald, 14. stiuare 15. in block 1. in the city of Irwin county. To be sold as the property of J. M. Llewellyn, of deceased, for This the purpose of of March, paving debts said W. F. estate. WAY. rth day tsui). Adm’r. list, of J. M. Llewellyn; dee’d. 3-10-4t LIBEL FOIPDlVOKCE. Mrs. Libby Davis vs. Charley Davis;- L'i Itel for divorce r Irwin Superior Court, November Term, 1898. It appearing to the Court, by tlie return of tlie sheriff in the above stated case, that the defendant does not reside in said county and it further appearing that- lie does not reside in this state,, it is therefore ordered by the Ortm t that service be per¬ fected on the defendant by tlie publication of this order once a moEtli for four months before the next term of this court in the Ocilla Dispatch, a newspaper published , in Irwin county, Georgia. W. T. Wii.i.iam-s, G: c. Smith; Petitioner’s Atty.- J. 2. (V. Georgia—Irwin County. This is to certify that the above is a cor¬ rect .copy of atv order granted November by the Judge of the Superior Court the at minutes of term, 1893; and recorded on said court. This, December !2th. 1898. J. 15. D. Paulk. * Cletk S. C. I. C. CITATION. Georgia—Irwin County. under! Notice is hereby given tiiat the signed has applied to Ihe ordinary of saii(i county for leave to Llewellyn, selt land belonging tire to the estate of J. M. for will pay¬ ment of debts. Said application be heard at the regular term of tlie' court of ordinary for said county, to lie held on the first Monday in March, 1899. This Feb. <>. J89!). ’ J. J. Lkk, 2-l9-3ifi Ordinary. C1TATION. Georgia—It win Comity. Whereas, M. Henderson, comity' admin¬ istrator of estate of E. 0. McCIoy, repre¬ filed' sents and to the court in his petition,'-duly' that; Me -fully entered on record, Tflts lias administered said estate. is therefore to citerall persons concerned,' kindred 1 aif(F creditors,-to show cause, if any they can, why said administrator should not lie dis¬ charged from his administration, and re¬ ceive letters of dismission outlie first Mon¬ day in May, 18!K). This J. February Lkk, 6. 1899. 2-10-3111 J. Ordinary. CITATION. Georgia—Irwin County. Whereas, fi. 11. Swain, ndniihisti'atnr of tlie estate of E. F. llarvey, duly represents filed-ami to the court in his petition, en¬ tered on record, that lie has fully adminls* tered said estate: This is tlien-fore to cred¬ cite all persons concerned. kindred and itors, administrator to show cause, if any they call, why dis¬ said should not be charged from Ills administration and re¬ ceive letters of dismission on the first Mon¬ day in May, 1899. This. J. February Lkk, 6. 1899. 2-3-121 J. Ordinary. CITATION. Georg a—Irwin County. Whereas, T. VV. and M. E. Fletcher, tul ministraters of estate of Elbert Fletcher, duly represent h>il ami to the entered court, in their petition, they I on record.that have fully administered said estate. This is kindred therefore to cite all persoutkcoiicferned, show if and creditors, to cause, Should any f hey can, discharged whv said administrators tlieii,«<liii,in Hoi,lie iinrt from iistrati on receive letters of dismission <3th on the FisUhiary, first Monday in May, 1899, This day o f 184)9. J. .J. L«e v s-io-iat O rdinary. XOTlicR TO DEBTORS AND Georgia—I Not lice is hereby rwin Faunty. gjyeq to all creditoibpf tbe estate of K. F. Johnson, late of said county, do deceased, to render in an account prescribed of their by mandjs tome within the time .in¬ law, jjlroporly made out. And all persons requested debted mhke to said deceased are hereby uncler ,sij?ne]d. ;to immediate payment to the This, January Mrs. 28,. |899. A. M. Johnson*,. &-3-(>tj. Administratrix LdBEL FOR DIVORCE.. Georgia—I rwin County. SaLlie It. Chapman vs. James \VI. Chapman: Libeu for divorce. It lappearing in to the stated Court that it there ordered is no service the above case, is next by tJ/ie Court that, service be perfect'd by tend of said court. O. C. S.vuth, J. S. 0. quired TojJarnes W. Chapman: You are hereby order re¬ to by the terms of the ton:going appear, the or I will proceed of Irwin to Superior secure my Court. divorce at next term 2-3-2H1. Mrs. Sallie B. Chapman. OCILLA HIGH SCHOOL ... AND ... COMMERCIAL INSTITUTE, OCILLA, GA. M. MCMILLAN. PRINCIPAL. First Term begins August 22. 4898. Second Term begins October 31, 1898. Third Term begins January 39, 1899. Fourth Term begins April .19,J8U9,. TUITION FREE. A well-equipped music and b lsi ness department is connected \ ith the school. Students have ac ;ess to a library of over 400 well sel el'ted hooks. For further informa¬ tion, address M. Henderson, Cl air¬ man Board of Trustees,, or the Principal. 8 20 tf uirnctoru Irwin Gounijy. ' .rnifte Superior,Court—c. O: Behiicey Suiitfi. j Solicitor-General—J no. ClenientsJ. F. I County .ludge—J. H. Bounty, Solicitor—W. F. Way, ' Ordinary—-J. J. Lee. Cleric Superior Court—J. B, D. Faulk. Sheriff—Warren Fletcher. 'lj.x Keceiver—J. J ..Paulk.. Tlx Treasurer—.)as. Collector—E. . Fltrteheit. Walker.. wrveyor—E. win’rK’ds and -J. Revenue—M. Hogan. Henderson. School Commissioner—Marion .Oixon. i John Clements, BOARD OF Chairman; EDUCATIOt/j. It. L. Hen¬ , derson, C. Lttcins l’anlk, eorge.W. Fletcher and G. Ball. JUSTICES AND NOTARIES. 4221) IIlSTltlCT. d. J. I\'. Prjdgeon......../ ustice Notary of the Public Peace G. Pfescott 518th District. . T..P. Edge...... .Justice of tlie Peace J. A. J. Nobles .......Notary Public 690th District. T. E. Fletcher. J ustice of tlie Peace <83 .W. Congey. .......Notary Public 901sT District. Marcus Luke................. ..-Netary Public 082n District. D. J. Parker...........I ustice of the Peace 13. \Y. Cockrell Nejiary Public 1388tii District. A. Mclnnis...... ..........Nc-jary ...Justice of tlie Peace Jacob Fussed . Pubhe 1421st District- j , III'. McNecse Justice of tlm l’aac® 1529th - District; Win. Henderson -.Justice of the Peace IT Sweat;..... .........Notary Public 1.537m District,. i>. w; l’auik......... .Justiceof tlie Peace W. B. Moore ......... .......Notary Public 1550th District. J. Z. Sutton .. J ustice df tlie Peace J. JiAV-biddon ......N tary Public Notlcef.- i Tne [if -10 of Smith. Thomas .v. Do. was this (lay dissolved. All’parties ind(, >ted to said firm will please settle witli Smiti X ('aritliers. Winder, Ga. Smith, Tri imas & Co. OCilla, Ga., Fell. 21, 1SB9. 41 OCILLA LODGE NO. 3.74 F> & A. M. Regular-monthly com mu Hie? ions second Wednesdays at 10 a. m.; fou' t-h Wednes¬ days at 7 Visiting men 1 airs in good p; in. standing are cordially invite to attend. M. iiv.xnr.m )X, \V. M. R. L, HcNDKitSoX, Sec’y f Ocilla lodge no. 106 if. of p. Ocilla Lodge No. 100 Kniglus of Pythias holds regular weekly meetings every Mon¬ day night at 8 o’clock. Visiting members in good standing cordially invited J,. It. Tucker, C. C. C. II. Mautix. K. of K. & S. '1 -i .1 i Mi IiBKDERSON. C. II. MAW7 HENDE888N XP8TIS CO ca LL-J C^D CO CCZ CO) CO <S7) 4 OCILLA, GEORGIA. Parties having real estalo for J in town or country wiJi do well list it, with,ug. all We boy or selL on reason terms, and advertise all propel I listed with us free of charge. We also rent houses, pay tad for non-residents, and give person attention to all business entrasl to us. Office, in Powell, Bullard & Cl old store, corner Fourth and C'h'l streets. List o£ Bargains. Lot 14; block 7, eh Irwin aveS Ocilla, 3-room house. Pridb 9 cash. H Lot 32,. block 13, on Cl® street, Ocilla, barroom for and $)fOjB btflj shop, renting, now month. Price $185»eashi Irwin^B One 5-room house on nne T nicely finished, with lineH den. Price $800,> half oashH balance in twelve months. fl 1,500 acres- fine farm, land* improved, from one to three of Ocilla, offered Prices- in reasonable bodies-tog S3 purchaser. jH terms easy. 1 100 acres farm lbnds cultiwfl 2^ from Ocilla, 20 acres in Price $10 per acre, half cash® anee 1 and 2 years, 7 per cen* terdst. Store house 18 x 32 complete ai lot 24,. block 13, on Cherry cash,] strei Ocilla. Sate price $225 rented on reasonable terms. J One fine storehouse on Irwin I nue, nicely painted inside and fi 22x36, fine location, glass frH Price $325 cash. ffi Large two-story house corner ■ der and Fifth streets;;one acre 1:H Price $500 cash. Ocilla Livery Stabiles,, south ■ of Cherry street, with, three lot* 1 land, Nos. 12, 13 and,ML For jcheap.