Ocilla dispatch. (Ocilla, Irwin County, Ga.) 1899-19??, March 24, 1899, Image 4

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Boiled Down and DjsliedUp 1 . 1 j i j Albany mourns, the loss of the! blue coats. | Mr. John S. 1 rather, of Atlanta; i is dead, aged 101 years- Blackberry pie will not, occupy a, plaCiA on tig; country editor’s menu, in, l&Uh, We regret to lea^o-f the con tin u- ed-and serious illness of Dr. Henry of. gantry.Monitor.. I Hoy.e grown, biscuits will beg ip evidence ‘ in tto n sectioa of the.state. hifffore the,, etui of July. The cold did not injure the' wheat. ! Early Thursday morning of last Week a mob rode into Palmetto, Ga ’’ and killed four ;uul wounclpd three, negroes under arrest, for arson. Before the discovery, of One Mill: ute Gough Cure ministers were gS&SrtfJSrft? Luke & Ashley. Z/ The Baptists of Georgia will be- gin, their. seventy-seventh annual convention in. the First Baptist church, in Savannah, March 31st. About 350 delegates will'attend. License was issued last Monday for the marriage of W. J. Griner and Ebjiie Roe. These young folks live .in the section of Rerrien known as “.Roe To,WM,”- a —B. Q.-News, 11th. Worth conn,ty now bh s a,. “Lily White” republican, party, This means that the few. white republi¬ cans over there are getting in shape to appropriate the loaves and fishes, “Give mp a liver regulator.and 1 can regulate the world,” said a genius,. The druggist handed him a bottle-of DeWiti’s Little Early Risers, the famousJiver.pills. Luke & Ashley. . We are informed, th*vJ Mr- Ira Teaglo, who is well known, ia. Ash- burnFas volunteered for service in the .Pfeili|ppin.QS. aiidiis now in San Erancisco- eg,route te.M$u;*i,l»,—Ash- burn Advance,. The Norfolk, Landmark thanks that the wildest cowboy that ever lived would be.a ,a orderly citizen in. comparison ,with, the .average colored volunteer .soldier who has just been rpustered out. Mr. Peter Fiveash, an old citizen of tho lower part of this county, and who was about 70 yeai-s of age, died Sunday. He was a. good inan, and his place will be hard to fill.—Mont¬ gomery Monitor. Mr, .1). J. Henderson,, who pur¬ chased the Hays property in this plage, is, remodeling the dwelling, preparatory to moving his family here in July, for the purpose of ed¬ ucating his children. If you have a cough, throat irri¬ tation, weak lungs, pain in the chest, difficult breathing, croup or hoarseness, let us suggest One Min¬ ute Gough Cure. & Always reliable and safe. Luke Ashley. Berrien superior court will be held the second week in April for crim¬ inal business. A session will lie held perhaps in June for civil eases. The farmers, over, there are grateful to J&dgjU Hansel tfo-r .•thessi'cbamggBY. For :x quick remedy and one that is perfectly safe for children let > us recommend One Minute Cough Cure. It is excellent for croup, hoarseness, tickling in the throat and coughs. Luke & Ashley. Dick Grubb thus explains why he can’t go to Cuba. “The Georgia editors will go to Havana next week. We regret that we cannot join them. The recent*, weather has put the roads in such biad condition that we are afraid to undertake such a long walk.” J. Sheer, Sedalia, Mo., conductor on electric street ear line, writes* that his little daughter was very low with croup and her life saved after-all physicians had failed, only by using One Minute Gough Cure. Luke & Ashley. One ounce of cream tartar dis¬ solved in a pint of water, drank at intervals when cold, is a certain remedy for smallpox. It has cured thousands, never leaving a mark, never causing blindness, and avoids tedious lingering, writes Edward lline in the Liverpool Mercury. Not one child dies where ten for¬ merly died from croup. People have learned the value of One Min¬ ute Gough Cure and use it for severe lung and throat troubles. It im¬ mediately stops coughing. It never fails. Luke & Ashley. On Tuesday morning of last week, during a heavy wind, Mr. S, B, Byrne, the well known attorney of Oeilla, Irwin county, came near losing his life by the, falling of a large pine tree.—Telfair Enterprise. r pp a Bs gpws ovgv here,. There has novix been such a dad-byrue lawyer in this town. My mother suffered with chronic diarrhoea for several months. Sho was attended by two physicians who at. Inst pronounced her case hope- ap( j i)i 8rr hoea Remedy, and five dosqs.gave her pertganene relief. I take pleasure in'recommending it as the best on the market.—Mrs. *. E. Watson, Aiken, Ala. Sold by Dr. G. H. Macon <5s Go. druggists. The. L’Jav v kipsville Dispatch and News says that “Mr. Jure, Bowen, one of Dodge county’s substantial citizens and farmers, living at In- gl ew ood, visited- that city the other ^ whilp< there stepped into a ■'-.»!> ©r ,.,c time in thirty years and got a hair cut and shave.” Perhaps he did some bar- ***** at home between times, It will be remembered that for sometime, Mr. R. A. Luke, Ash- burn’s clever merchant, has been in feeble health and as consequence, was tried before Judge J. W Price and a jury on yesterday and adjudg- ed insane. He will be carried to Milledgeville at once, Mr. Luke has a host of friends who regret his misfortune.—Ashburn, Advance. For frost bites, burns, indolent sores, eczema, skin disease, and es¬ pecially Piles, DeWitt’s Witch Ha¬ zel Salve stands first and best. Look out-for,- dishonest people who try to imitate and counterfeit it. It’s their endorsement of a good article. Worthless goods are not imitated. Get DaWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve. Luke A Ashley. Mr, C. A, Williams has placed a lot of home, raised meat—hams, shoulders,, jowls, .etc., on sale at the Tifton- Grocery Go’s. Among the hams are two, accompanied by the jo,wI, from *a hog that weighed,.after being butchered, 420 pounds, net.-— Tifton Gazette. Chesley Williams is one of the best farmers in the state and- as. a* business man stands in the front rank. That was a good sized piggy. A. R. De Fluent, editor of the Journal, Dovlestawn, Ohio, suffered for a number of years from rheuma¬ tism in his right shoulder and side. He says : “Mv right arm at times was entirely useless. Ltried Cham¬ berlain’s Pain Balm, and was sur¬ prised ;to receive relief .almost insole- diately. The Pain Balm has been a constant companion of mine ever since and it never fails.” For sale by Dr. G. 11. Macon & Go. druggists. The big theatre hats were in abundance at the opera house last night. It does seem that the ladies would show more consideration to others than to wear these immense hats to the theatre. In most opera houses of today a lady would not be allowed a seat through a play if she refused to take off her big hat.— Waycross Herald. We know, from experience, just how. you feel, Judge, but we are afraid to say anything. Georgia keeps on educating'more lawyers than there are clients, more doctors than there are patients, and more preachers than, there are con¬ gregations, while the east is turning out men who can build and run en¬ gines, who can build and run fac¬ tories and railroads. Georgia is the devil on long-eared politicians and big-fee chargers, but with her large fund she doesn’t turn, out a man a year who can make a wheel-barrow or “stock a frowe.”—Montgomery Monitor. As the season of the year when pneumonia, la grippe, sore throat, coughs, colds, catarrh, bronchitis and lung troubles are to be guarded against, nothing “is a line substi¬ tute,” will “answer the purpose” or is “just as good” as One Minute Cough Cure. That is the one in¬ fallible remedy for all lung, throat or bronchial troubles. Insist vig¬ orously upon having it if “some¬ thing else”"is offered you. Luke & Ashley. Fashionable, people baveeplenty to worry them in their mad and un¬ ceasing efforts to keep up with the “latest,” without having to stand the nagging of senseless critics. Of course we mean fashionable ladies. Men really know as much abont fashions as a pig 1 ° docs about proto- plasms. BACKACHE WHY? Because your f Liver * and Kidneys or4er. are f- f- out of 1 DR. i. H. MCLEAN’S 4 v. LIVER AND * KIDNEY »• * - BALM -*> « * - - j j is curing the. ailments "PEERLESS of the REMEDV' Liver, Kidneys for - and Bladder, Diabetes, Rheumatism - and Bright’8 Disease. f" » I SI.OO PER BOTTLE. - ■ FOB SALE BTF Luke& Ashley, Ocilia, Ga. Pointed Paragraphs. Locomotive firemen are paactical heaters. An excen-tric man is merely a fool with a bank balance. Eternal vigilance may create a demand for spectacles. When trouble drives a man to drink, that is usually the trouble. If the tongue could.kill, but few people would ever die of old age. There is a vast difference between jewels, that Hash and flash jewels. This is the season when he is most in fashion* who has most to sigh , for. But few statements aae ever made that will not bear* a qualifying phrase. The gas meter practically confirms the old adage about silence being golden. We meet men every day whose only mission oif earth seems to be to take up room. It’S better late than.never, but the man who buys a summer suit in March is rather early than late. If a man lets his beard grow peo¬ ple say he is too stingy to patronize a barber and if he shaves daily they say it's because he is getting gray.— Chicago News. Mr.. Charley Pittman, one of Worth county’s most successful farmers and esteemed citizens, hap¬ pened to what will probably prove a fatal accident recently. Mr. Pitt- man had loaded his wagon with guano. llis little son was in the Wagon, when the horses became frightened at an- approaching train. Mr. Pittman sprang before them and made a desperate effort to hold them, but in vain. He was knocked down, kicked by one of the horses, which is supposed to have fractured his skull, and the wagon loaded with a ton of guano passed over him, cutting and bruising him dreadfully. The- physicians entertain very little hope of his recovery. Mr. was a brother-in-law of J. W. and R. A. Reese, of Tifton.—Sumner Cor. Tifton.Gazette,-. We have saved many doctor bills since we began using Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy in our home. We keep a bottle open all the time and whenever any of my family or my¬ self begin to catch cold we begin to use the Gough Remedy, and as a result-wo never have to send away for a doetorand incur a large doctor bill, for Chamberlain’s Cough Rem¬ edy never fails to cure, It is cer- tainly a medicine of great merit and worth.-—D. S. Mearkle, General Merchant and Farmer, Mattie, Bed¬ ford county, Pa. For sale by I)r. G. H. Macon & Co. druggists. The DeKalb New, Era, like a great many others, thinks there should be biennial sessions of the legislature. It says: A legislative session of fifty days costs the state of Georgia $70,000. That is to say $1,400 per diem. The only two things done by it that are really important are the passing of the tax act for raising money and the appropriation act for spending iti The balance of its time is takeirup in passing bills that are worse than useless. In this con¬ dition of affairs animal sessions are unnecessary extravagance. rm I he rein- cdy is in biennial sessions. The legislature, however, will never agree to this. The people must com- pel it , by charging , . on the ,, candidates v , , Lofm-P betoie election election xne the condition ( onuuion of biennial sessions. It will he hard but , . , bo done. to get at it can IMtOl-'KSSIONAIj CARDS. DR, W. 0 . FORD, DENTIST, OCILLA, GA. Office over I Ici»cU»^soii, I’aulJv & Cy.’s Store. 3.-17-3m J. E. GOETHE, PjlYSJCIAN AND SuRWiON,, Oeilla, Georgia. Office: Cherry street, south of Fourth street,near Powell's store. Residence: Ir¬ win avenue, north of Methodist church. Calls promptly attended, night or day. All medicine furnished from my office. 7-30-'98 J. G. Luke. W. C. Asblbx. LUKE & ASHLEY, Physicians and Surgeons, OCILLA, Ga. DBS. HOLTZENDORF, Dentist, FITZGERAU), G.v Phillips’ Building, corner Pine and Grant streets. Branch office at Ocilia.. 12 -ill. tf C. II. MARTIN, Lawyer,. OCILLA, Ga. Prompt attention to ail legal business. Agent for tire insurance. Office in Powell, Bullard & Co.’s old building. 5-14-tf. L. KENNEDY, Attorney at Law, Fitzgerald, Ga. Offices in Phillips’. Block ■ 3-m-lyr E. W. RYMAN, Lawyer, Fitzgerald, Ga, Booms 2 and 4, Phillips Block, 41-19-ly W. F. WAY, Attorney at Law, Fitzgerald, - Ga-. Rooms 8 to 10, Phillips’ Block. 3-12-ly. D. B. JAY, Attorney-at-Law, GRANT STREET, Fitzgerald, Georgia. H. R. SYMONS, Insurance, Fitzgerald, - Ga. Representing over 850,000,000. Boom 1, Fitzgerald Block. 3-12-98-tf C. IV. FULWOOD. II. S. MURRAY. FULWOOD & MURRAY, Attorn kys-at-L aw, Tifton, Ga. Office in Tift Building. n2698 50 cents Cleaning Watches! 50 cents Cleaning Clocks! 50 cents Mainsprings—Watch or Clock! 25 to 75 cents New Jewels! 10 cents For Crystals! 10 cents For Hands! All other work in proportion, and fully warranted’ st Wettstein'& Jeweiru Store, FIT2GERAL3D. THE COLONY DRUG STORE, J» H. Goodman &Co. r Proprietors, FITZGERALD, .GEORGIA. Pure drugs and medicines.. I-atest im¬ proved trusses.. Tobaeco -a-nd cigars. Per- umery and soaps.. Lamps and fixtures. Optica) goods.- All kinds of cold drinks. Prescriptions a specialty. ! LIBEL FOB DIVORCE. Mrs. Libby Davis vs. Charley Davis: Li¬ bel for divorce, Irwin Superior Court, November Term, 1898. It appearing to the Court, by the return of the sheriff in the above stated case, that the defendant does not reside in said county and it further appearing that he does not reside in this state, it is therefore ordered by the Court that service be per¬ fected fin the defendant month by the publication months of this ordCi onoe a for four i before the next ternnof this court in the ocilia Dispatch, a newspaper-published in frwmeou^vReetSja- Petitioner's Atty. C. C. SmitHV J. S. C. Georgia—Irwin County. This is to certify that the above the is Judge a cor- reC (; n.npv of an order granted by <>C the ihiperiiw Point itt Novi-inbev term, ; m)M aml ,-,.,„rdetl on the minutes of said court. This, December 12th, 1888. ; J. B. D. Paulk, * cieik 6. c.l. C. NEW DRUG STORE... I beg to announce that I havo associated my so If with the drug business at the old stand of Luko & Ashley, where I will be glad to welcome old ayd new friends and patrons. TtiG Prescription Department, will bo given special attention; and by courteous and prompt sorvice, the use of pure, fresh drugs, and with a long experience and skill, I hop© to merit your pat- nonage. Yours respectfully, 2--3-TH.. DR. 6 . H. ftfiCON & GO. Oeilla, Ga. J. J. HARPER. L. R. TUCKER. HARPER & TUCKER wm DEALERS IN' General Merchandise, OCILLA, GEORGIA. w E beg to- announce to Our friends and th® public- generally in this and adjoining counties that we are prepared to supply their wants in all the lines mentioned below • DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, READY-MADE CLOTHING* LADIES’, GENTS’ AND CHILDREN’S SHOES, NOTIONS, ETC • a FAMILY GROCERIES Of all kinds, fresh and good'. Tobacco, Cigars and Snuff, big stock to select from. Farming and Gardening Implements. In fact, we have a large and varied stock of goods suited to the wants of the people- of this section and we are selling them at live and let live priees. 7-2-tJ HARPER & TUCKER. T 1 FTOH & NORTHEASTERN R. R. f^QT t ~nT ~p.T? .g=u COT l Q~PT~U r !E2,OTTT!IE_**' LOCAL Tf ME TADLB NO. e- II. II. TIFT, President. IV. O. TIFT, Vice-Prusident. General Offices: Tifton, Georgia. No. 7. No. 3. No. 1. r: a A. M. LEAVE. ARRIVE. 1>. M. P. M. OZ CC ssssuugss oo gssisstis 0 ............Tifton, Ga......... 25 13 15 (5 25 d C-t CC x 5 f..........Brighton, Ga........ 20 12 00 6 10 571 CO cc 3D 8 r ......Harding, Ga........ 17 11 51 6 01 C3 cc CO » 14 f .......Pinetta, Ga........ 11 11 31 5 41 £3 cc CC c: 16 .......Mystic, Ga......... vs 11 25 5.35 C/T 4 Tf Cl 20 f ......Fletcher, Ga.......... C’ 11 14 5 23 OT 4 V#f CS 25 .....Fitzgerald, Ga....... S 11 00 5 10 CT ARRIVE. LEAVE. A. M. Trains Nos. 1, and 2, 3 and 4 run Sunday daily, except only. Sunday. Trains Nos. 7 8 run on (f) Flag Station. Trains stop only on signal. & 1* All trains make connection with the Plant System and* Georgia . Southern at Tifton, and the Georgia & Alabama at Fitzgerald. Traffic Manager 1*1. Boatright, 4» tUH S3? V > ‘f "v‘ m •w m i m ; \ mmm s is '•I* II V Wm VA m AM *■* . ; 9 are recognized the world over as representing the highest type of excellence in bicycle construction* 1899 Models $50.00 and $35.00. Send for 1899 Catalogue. Agents wanted in open territory. MONARCH CYCLE SVSFG. CO., Lake, Halsted & Fulton Streets, Chicago. I Branches-NEW YORK, LONDON. HAMBURG. Send 20 cents in stamps for a deck of Monarch Playing Cards, illustrating Jessie Burtlflt* Davis, Lillian Bussell, Tom Cooper, Lee Richardson and Walter Jones. “ML ROADS ARE ALIKE TO A MONARCH." Miles Effective December 19,1897. Miles No. 3. No. 4. No. 8.