Ocilla dispatch. (Ocilla, Irwin County, Ga.) 1899-19??, June 09, 1899, Image 8

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THE DISPATCH llliNOKliSON * 11A N’l.oN, l’ltopiimrous. M. Henderson, - - Jlimiiiess Manager. J. W. Hanlon, - - - - Editor. I’ulilishcd every Friday ami entered at tiu* Ocilla postoftiee as second-class mail matter, first-class reading and a high grade advertising medium. Subscription Itntes: One .copy, one year........ ..... $1 00 One copy, six months..... 50 One cony, three months.. 25 Advertising rates on application. Address all business letters to Tun Dis Patou. Lock Jinx 8, Ocilla, On. Oltieial Organ Irwin County Fkioay. .1 r nk 0, lHint. ’CUE MEETINGS. Harmonious Gathering of Practical Patriots The Bali in WSotlon. Last Saturday afternoon the bar¬ becue meeting, suggested in last week’s Dispatch, was held in front of Mr. W. M. Harris’ store and was composed of representative citizens of the town. Hon. Win. Henderson was elected chairman and J. \V. Hanlon secre- tary. After considerable discussion, all favorable to getting up the barbe¬ cue, it was decided that the chair appoint a committee of five to select the names for the various commit¬ tees and submit same to the chair- man Monday morning, This com- mittce consisted of the following well-known gentlemen: L. R. Tuck¬ er, chairman; Dr. J. E. Goethe, J. A. J. Henderson, J. W. Paulk and Dr. J. G. Luke. Monday morning the committee submitted its report, which was adopted, as follows: Ocii.i.a, Ga., June 5, 1899. Day for Barbecue—Tuesday, 27 th day of J line. Committee on Invitations—J. W. Hanlon, chairman; M. L. Lawson and L. li. Tucker. Committee on Grounds—J. A. J. Henderson, chairman; J. W. Paulk and N. A. Arnold. Committee on Contributions—J. T. Paulk, chairman; J. E. Howell, Benjamin Drew, J. J. Harper, E. J. Hogan, J. li. Powell, II. S. Cum- mings, T. S. Williams, W. S. son, Reason Henderson and M. J. Paulk. Committee on Tables—Mrs. Snell, chairman; Mrs. O. F. Harris, Mrs. 11. S. Cummings, Mrs. J. E. Goethe, and Clifford Grubbs. Committee on Barbecue—N. A. Arnold, chairman; Wm. Henderson and J. L. Faulk. Committee on Amusements—Miss Emma Faulk, chairman; Mrs. Josie Paulk, Miss Effie Hanlon, Thos. B. Puckett’and Col. C. II. Martin. Committee on Program—Dr. J. C. Luke,chairman; Drs. J.E. Goethe, G. II. Macon, W. C. Ashley and E. V. Ball. As will be seen, the ’cue occurs on June 27th, St. Johns Day, and it is proposed to have a Masonic and Pythian parade that day, as part of the program, if the local lodges agree to the proposition. J. W. Hanlon was appointed a committee of one to confer with the Masonic Lodge at its next meeting, and Dr. J. E. Goethe was appointed to lay the matter before the Pythians at their meeting last Monday night. It may be accepted as a fact that both lodges will agree to participate. The various committees are al¬ ready at work and will let no grass grow under their feet. The committee oti contributions will solicit hogs, cows, sheep, bread and other things for the barbecue, including cash contributions. This is the most important committee on the list, and the success of the ’cue depends largely on its efforts. No part of the work of prepara¬ tion should be left for the last few days. Push fill the work from now until the 27th, and success will not he even doubtful. This barbecue is intended to be the best ever held in the county, and we must work to make it so. The best of everything is none Irwin, too good for the people of old and they are all invited to be pres¬ ent and help make the day a mem¬ orable one. Mr. I.. R. Tucker was elected sec¬ retary and Mr. R. V. Paulk treas¬ urer, either of whom will gladly furnish any information in regard to duties of the various committees. Next week’s Dispatch will have a good deal more to say upon the subject. AUNT SOFRONY SAYS That she is for the barbecue and picnic first, last and till Juno 27th. That people may think they know who she is, but she knows they think wide of the mark nine times out of ten. She does not mind telling them that she .is not herself at all! That she heard that Dan Faulk offered to pay the express on a cra¬ dle (not a grain cradle) from a dis¬ tant. town to Ocilla if the owner would give him the refusal of it after it arrived. I yi! That it pains her to read what “Modesty” has been saying about a handsome widower in the Watershed section; but, then there is some lit¬ tle consolation in the fact that he isn’t the only pebble on the beach. That she hears Judge Jim Lee is sorter particular about selling mar¬ riage permits to young people, and this has delayed her plans some¬ what, as her and her chappie are more goslings, so to remark; but Judge Lee is a mighty nice man, and he may reform before she sends her Danny after the papers. That she hears, with no surprise, of two guests at Hon. Wm. Hen¬ derson’s, last Sunday, whose appe¬ tites failed them at the 12th hour; but, if what she learns’is truo, the third one was the same as three at that glad hour. That she has no patience with a young man who thinks a girl cares to be taffied for two or three years before the altar is passed. She’d rather most of the taffy would come afterwards. That she hears courting is mighty warm passtime just now, but that’s nobody’s business but the courting couples’. She has all the trouble she can manage, with fleas, and this may be taken as a bint. The she “likes to note the watch¬ dog’s honest bark,” and lieav lier best chap as he madly scuds away; ’tis cheering when old Tige has quenched her “spark,” and all her worry ends with the last lonely bay! She hears that two charming wid¬ owers of this vicinity are talking about attending the picnic at Double i j} r idgcs in Berrien county next Sat- m . (lay> Well, gumps will be gumps, no matter liovv hard the best part of the human race tries to make them have some sense. Millions Given Away. It is certainly gratifying to the public to know of one concern in the land who are not afraid to be generous to the needy and suffering. The proprietors of Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs aud Colds, have given away over ten million trial bottles of this great medicine, and have the satisfaction of knowing it has absolutely cured thousands of hopeless cases. Asth¬ ma, Bronchitis, Hoarseness and all diseases of the Throat, Chest and Lungs are surely cured by it. Call on Dr. G. II. Macon & Co., Drug¬ gists, and get a free trial bottle. Regular size 50c- and $1. Every bottle guaranteed, or price refunded. Dots from Ebenezer. Crops are looking fine since the rain, which came last Tuesday Rev. J. II. Goodman preached two interesting sermons last Sunday at Ebenezer. Mrs. A. C. Ilogan, who has been yisiling her parents, in Wilcox county, returned home last week. Mr. Henry Wills-and family vis¬ ited at J. R. Clements’s last Sun¬ day. Mr. A. J. Self made a business trip to Dooly county last week. Mr. Morgan Darsey and family, of Dodge county, moved to this settle¬ ment last week. Messrs. J. W. and F. J. McDan¬ iel made a business trip to Ashburn last Monday. Prof. II. L. Yarbrough, of Dub¬ lin, was in this settlement a few days ago. A good many of our citizens at¬ tended the Institute at Fitzgerald last week. Big John and J. R. Clements and Chess Ilogan attended the sheep- shearing at Judge Clements’s last Saturday. They report a fine time, but had no shirt-blacking as all hands worked. The farmers of this section are better up with their work since the vain came and filled up the river. May 31st. COKKi.'SI'ONDEXT. Seal’s Scratches. The farmers of this section are beginning to lay by their corn. Judge Daniel Tucker and Mr. J. Harper attended the land sale at Irwinville Tuesday. The school at this place is pro¬ gressing finely. Mr. L. R. Tucker spent a few days of this week in the oat field. Guess he wants to mend up for big meeting. Mr. J. M. Pafford has the finest cotton I have seen this year. Wonder when T.ije is going to dig that wheat he buried some time ago? Elder J. A. Sutton, accompanied by bis daughters, Lizzie and Wootie, spent Sunday with Mr. J. V. Paulk and family. Wonder how many widowers M- S. calls a few? Two, I suppose. A certain young lady of the. Brushy Creek section was in Ocilla a few days ago, and on her return informed her friends that she missed her usual glass of milk shake by not having her older sister with her. Quite a number of families met last Saturday at the Roberts’ ford, on the ’Coochee, near Mr. J. O. Sutton’s, made war on the finny tribe. It was a regular old-time fish-fry, such as they used to have in days gone by, when fish were more plentiful than they arc now. After a hard battle (with yellow flies) they caught a fine lot of fine fish, and the feast began at 12:30 and ended about 3. And such a feast! You ought to liaVe been there. [Didn’t hear of it till just now. Ed.] While devouring fish, one little boy asked his pa when the ^picnic would start. It was a grand success. Scat. Vic, Ga., June 6. [Seat! yourself. Ed.] Would Not Suffer So Again for Fifty Times Its Price. I awoke last night with severe pains in my stomach. I never felt so badly in all my life. When I came down to work this morning I felt so weak I could hardly work. I went to Miller & McCurdy’s drug store and they reeommeuded Cham¬ berlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diar¬ rhoea Remedy. It worked like mag¬ ic and oue dose fixed me alright. It certainly is the finest thing 1 ever used for stomach trouble. I shall not be without it in my home here¬ after, for I should not care to endure the sufferings of last night again for fifty times its price.—G. H. Wilson, Liveryman, Burgettstown, Washington Co., Pa. This remedy is for sale by Dr. G. II. Macon & Co., Druggists. Frederick Speaks. Editor Dispatch: I have been reading Elder Matthew Sikes, and am surprised that a man can write such and call himself progressive in upbuilding old Irwin. Don’t discourage, but encourage the farmer to grow his own grain, and just a little to spare his neigh¬ bor, and do away with cheap cot¬ ton. We are reliably informed that Mr. J. F. Hoffman has ordered and will receive in a few weeks a thresh¬ ing machine to thresh wheat, oats, and rice, which we hope will be a stimulant to the farmer to grow more grain another year. Mr. Editor, if you please don’t relegate this to the waste basket, but give it a little corner in your valuable paper. Frederick. A Card of Thanks. I wish to say that I feel under lasting obligations for what Cham¬ berlain’s Cough Remedy has done for our family. We have used it so many cases of coughs, lung trou¬ bles and whoopiDg cough, and it has always given the most perfect satis¬ faction, we feel greatly indebted to the manufacturers of this remedy and wish them to please accent our hearty thanks.—Respectfully, Mrs. S. Doty, Des Moines, Iowa. For sale by Dr. G. H. Macon & Co., Druggists. Mr D M Griner eat a ripe water¬ melon Thursday. Go up head. Working Night and Day The busiest and mightiest little thing that ever was made is Dr. King’s New Life Pills. Every pill is a sugar-coated globule of health, that changes weakness into strength, listlessnesa into energy,- brain-fag into mental power. They’re won¬ derful in building up the health. Only 25c per box. Sold by Dr- G. H. Macon & Co. Bright Berrien ChronlcleB. Mias Minnie Cullireth, of this section, vv; Ii leave for Tifton today (Monday) to attend the institute this week, and one young man looks very sad. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Webb and Mr. Till Register, of Lois, visited relatives in this section Saturday and Sunday. Guess what young lady is all smiles this week because her best fellow has come home to spend a week. V. and T.., should look out for that widower at Adel herself; and as for the bachelor—well, that’s enough, anyway. Mr. Silas Tygart, of Nashville, and Mr. Lester Tygart, of Ash- wood, visited the latter’s sister, Mrs. Len Harper, Friday and Sat¬ iny] ay. Miss Emma McMillan is the guest of Miss Blansett Chambless this week. The young son of Mr. Berry Mathis is very sick at this writing. Rev. James Gibbs filled his ap¬ pointment at Flat Creek Saturday and Sunday, after an absence of six months. Quite a crowd from Flat Creek took dinner at the hospitable home of Mr. I. G. Chambless Sunday. M. S. Bed Hot From The Gun Was the ball that hit G. B. Stead¬ man, of Newark, Mich., in the Civil War. It caused horrible Ulcers that no treatment helped for gO years. Then Bucklen’s Arnica Salve cured him. Cures Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Boils, Felons, Corns, Skin Eruptions. Best Pile cure on earth. 2a cts. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by Dr. G. 1L Macon & Go., Druggists. PROGRAM Of the Closing Exercises of the Ocilla High School. TIk 1 Second Commencement Exercises of tlio Ocilla High School will begin Tuesday eve, June 13,1899, with a literary and musical en¬ tertainment. PROGRAM. Song—Don’t be in too much of a hurry. Recitation—Master Clifton Smith. Fan Drill. Duett—Misses Gussie Henderson andMettie Ivnepton. Mattie’s Wants and Wishes—Atinice Arnold; What a Little Girl Said—Frankie Williams. Song—Wake up little Birdie, Wake up. A Comedy—I Act, A Slight Mistake, or a Prize in a German Lottery. Duett- Misses Della Ward and Bertha Paulk. Jumbo Jum. Thursday eve. June 15. at 8 p. m., an enter¬ tainment consisting of Drills and Marches by the little folks and closing with a Drama—My Turn Next. PROGRAM. Music—Misses Libbie Hancock, Annie Hen¬ derson and D. J. Henderson. Dialogue—The Train of Mauro. Recitation—Miss Libbie Hancock. Doll Drill. Music-Instrumental Solo-Miss Edna Goethe. An Old Man’s Story—Miss Rosa Chauncey. Dialogue—The Photographer. Music—Song by Chorus Glass. Waiter Drill. Music—Instrumental Solo- Miss Nora Hayes. Uncle Pete. The Debating Society. Music—Miss Hattie Coleman. Drama—My Turn Next. Music—Misses Libbie Hancock, Annie Hen¬ derson and Mr. 1). J. Henderson. Friday morning. June l(i; at 9 a. m., closing exercises of the pupils completing the Prepa¬ ratory Course. PROGRAM. Song—The Blessings of Song. Miss Hattie Coleman History of Witchcraft. “ Edna Goethe—The Red Cross Society. Music—Instrumental Solo—Ilattio Coleman. Miss Jessie Coleman—Biography of Long¬ fellow. Miss Sarah Goethe—Silent Influence. “ Annie Henderson- The Coming Woman. Music-Instrumental Solo- Miss EdnaGoethe. Mr. Robert Purvis—Strength of a Clean Life. Mr. A. H. Watson—Daniel Perkins Page. Song—The Whippoorwill—By the Chorus Class. Friday morning. June 1(5. at 11 a. m., Com¬ mencement Sermon by Rev. Lawson. Friday eve, at 8 p. m.. Graduating Exercises of the pupils completing the Advanced and Business Course, followed by a Banquet given by the advanced pupils of this and last year. PROGRAM. . Music—Trio—The Coming Step—Misses Ed¬ na Goethe,Sarah Goethe and Annie Henderson Mr. O. V. Purvis—Lire Within Your Income. Mr. Arthur Dorminey—Honesty vs. Dish on- esty. Music—“Alice”—Mrs. J. H. Powell. Mr. D. J. Henderson—Growth of English Literature. Miss Nora Hayes—Four Periods of American Literature. Music—Puritan! - Miss EdnaGoethe. The Banquet. school have extensive expects to a larger and more Commencement Exercises than ever held heretofore in Ocilla. the The public faculty in general extends and a cordial hope they invitation to will show their appreciation to the school by coming out and enjoying the exercises with us. Notice to Teachers. The annual examination of applicants for teacher’s license will be held in the third ward school building, in Fitzgerald. closing Ga.. June 22. 1899, beginning expecting at 8 a. m., teach and at 7 p. m. All persons to in the public schools of Irwin county are required to take this examination. M. Dickson, O. S.U. 21. NEW BARBER SHOP And Bathroom FOR SHAVES, HAIR-CUTS OR BATH call at Fiveash’s (lie City old Barber stand, Shop Satisfaction .on Cherry street. g uaran- teed. Sunday Shop open 11 from Monday morning till at a. m. W, S, CARSON, Proprietor. 5-13-1f. eeSWIFT --F1NH WHISKIE k. c 0 <i 0 0 0 000 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 We sell only the best ga Don’t drink mean \ whisk:© Call on us or send your on Prices and treatment always m 0 000 000000 0 0 00 0 0 00 OUR $1.50 PER QUART BRANDS. Harm Bassett, Jerry LunGli-Mait- Old Forrester. Garrett’s Private StocK, Paul Jones’ “Four 5 0 0 0 0 .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 »:»:« 0 0 0 0 3 PAUL JONES’ FOUR ROSES $3.00 QUART. 0 0 000000000 0000 0 0 0 Otter Brands From 50e to $1.00 Qu 00000000 000000 00 0 0 Fine.Bottled and Draught Be) 00 0 000 0 0 000 00 000*0 pure corn wmsKeu. ^tmoana 1 cigars and ToDacoa 0 00 00000 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 REMEMBER IRE NAME, iWIFT 9 FITZGERALD. G i 5-5-tf / SHERIFF’S SALE. Georgia—I rwin County. Will be sold, before the court-hoe. se door, in Irwinville. Ga.. at public outcry, for cash, on the first Tuesday in July. 1899. between the legal wit: hours of sale, the following property to- A one-half undivided interest in city lot of land No. 5, in Square No. 4. in Block No. 12. of the original townsite plat of the city of Fitzgerald, in said county, as appears of rec¬ ord in the said office of the Clerk Levied of the and Superior be court of county. on to sold as the property of 11. B. Carter, to satis¬ fy an execution issued from the Superior court. April Term, 1899, of said county, in favor of Coleman. Burden & Warthen Com¬ pany against the said H. B. Carter. Defend¬ ant notified in terms of the law. WARREN FLETCHER, t>-9-4t. Sheriff Irwin County. SHERIFF’S SALE. G eorgia —Irwi n County. Will be sold, before the court-house door, in Irwinville, Tuesday Ga., at public outcry, within for the cash, legal on the first in July, 1899, hours of sale, the following property, to-wit: City Block lot of land No. 15, in Fitzgerald, Square No. 3, said in No. Jl. in the city of in county, as per plat of said city upon record in the Clerk’s office of the Superior court of said county. Levied on and to be sold as the propcrty.of Clara 8hum way and L. Shumway Superior to satisfy court, one mortgage April Term, fi. fa., 1899, issued of said from the coun- ty in favor of Charles L. Smith against the said Clara Shumway in ii. and and L. Shumway. Defendants Prop¬ erty fied in pointed of out the Jaw. fa. This 71 h day of June. noti¬ terms FLETClIER, 1899. WARREN (i-9-4t. Sheriff Irwin County. DEPUTY SHERIFF’S SALE. Georgia— Irwin County. .Will be sold, before the court-house door, at Irwinville, the 4th day of Irwin July, County. Ga.. on Tuesday, of sale, (said sale 1899, lie continued within the legal hours to from described day to day, if necessary), the following property, to-wit: City Lot No. Two, (2) of Square the No. Sixteen, (1(5) of Block No. Ten, (10) of city of Fitzgerald, said county and city State, as shown by the recorded plat of said on file in the office of the Clerk of the Su¬ perior be sold court as the of property said countv. or Irvin Levied Waldron, on and to to satisfy of an the, execution 1537th issued from the Justice court District, G. M., in favor of W. Stringer and against said Irvin Waldron. Defendant notified of said levy in terms of law. D. W. M. Whitley. (>-9-4t. Deputy Sheriff. citation. G eorgia—I rwln County. tate Whereas, of Jacob Hall, Administrator of es¬ James Walker, represents to the Court in his petition, duly tiled and entered on rec¬ ord,that he lias fill ly administered said estate: This is therefore to cite all persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they he discharged can, why said Administrator should and not from his administration, receive letters of dismission on the first .Mon¬ day in September. 1899. This June 5th, 1899. (5-9-3m J. J. Lee. Ordinary. NOTICE. Georgia—I rwin County. Notice is hereby given to all creditors of the estate of James Walker, late of said county, deceased, mands to to render within in the an account time prescribed of their de¬ by me law, properly made out. And all persons in¬ debted to said deceased are hereby requested to make immediate payment to the under¬ signed. This 5th day of June, 1899. Administrator Jacob Hall, of James Walker. 6-9-41. CITATION. Georgia—I rwin County. To all whom it may concern: Samuel Flem¬ ing Permanent having in proper form applied to me for Letters of Administrat Administration on the estate of C. H. II. Adams, Adams, late late ol of said County; this is t-o cite all and singular the creditors and nrl next ii/i v. of /.r kin 1-iti of / said .iii/l C. / 1 11. ii Adams A to he and appear appear at at my my office within the time allowed by law, and show cause, if any they can, why permanent administration inistration should shou not be granted to said Samuel Fleming on said estate. Witness my hand and official signature, this 5th day of June, 1899. J. J. Lee, 6-9-41. Ordinary. Come and Get It. bund* havp six Come or seven and tons of high the earliest grade guano ou get it at pos¬ sible moment. Wm. Hen person. 5-5Hf NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that The Mount Vernon Railroad Company alp) wt f to the Secretary of State, of the St gia, ed after publication authority of this extend notice, j railroad by law, from for Wadley, in to .1 efferso i Georgia, County, Georgia; to the City and of Augusta, also for in au build an extension, or branch raih road, Rixville, a point on the main line o in Emanuel County, Georgia, of Valdosta, in Lowndes County, C compliance with resolutions hereto’ saicl by the Hoard which of Directors the following of Company, “Whereas, of the stockholders Tht r* j I of & Mount Vernon Railroad Company ing assembled, did, on the 2nd day sai<| 1899, resolve to extend the line of j from the City Wadley, of Augusta, in Jefferson in Richmond!-! County, G§ Georgia; branch, road and from also to Rixville, build in an Einarf ext vM\ ty, Lowndes Georgia, County. to the Georgia, City and of Yu m I j best Whereas, interests it is of deemed said railroad expedient. comjg :g its railroad 1*> extended from Wadi gia, and to Augusta, said branch Georgia, road as lie above built. “J | that Valdo.st* ville, Georgia, indicated to the said City stockholders’ of gia, as in tions: Therefore, it is hereby resolved. Board of Directors of said Railroad C( that the above recited resolutions of tli holders of said Company be. and thes hereby concurred in by the Directors It is Further Resolved, By the Bo i rectors, that The Wadley & Mouni Railroad, be extended, by buildin* through from Wadley, the Counties in Jefferson of Jefferson, County, I Richmond, or any or ail of said C< ■ may lx;, by the Directors of said deemed most feasible and to the best of said Railroad Company, to tlieOi gust a, in Richmond County, Georgia of The length of said extension > road, as near as can be estimated about 55 miles; and the general din same will be Northeast, through of the the i above named, or any, or all Wadley. in Jefferson County, Georgb City of Augusta, in Richmond Count gia. It is Resolved, By the BAa Further Railroad rectors of said Compute RixvHI branch railroad be built from on the line of The Wadley Sc Mouni Railroad, through the Dodge, Counties Tel of fail Coffee, Montgomery, Irwin, Laurens, Berrien and Low rule*, all of said Counties, as may be by G tors of said Railroad Company. ae6n feasible, and to the best interest of T ley & Mount Vernon Ra.iboad Gobi the City of Valdosta, in Lowndes Georgia. The length of said branch as nea r as can be estimated, will be <i miles; and the general direction of s: lx*. Southwest, through the Counti< named, or any or all of them, from in Emanuel County, Georgia, to tin Valdosta, It is Further in Lowndes Resolved, County, By said Georg Boa rectors, that notice of the building Wadjey. o< tension of said railroad from to the City of Augusta. Georgia, as al ignated, he given by publication of ti olut ions once a week, for four week} newspaper in which the Sheriff’s a< merits are published in each of the i through which said extension of said v. ill probably run, prior to tire time t to build said extension is nought to cised. Resolved Further, That notice of ill ing of the branch railroad above dosv f rom Rixville, Georgia, to the City of resolutions ta, Georgia, be given week, by publication for week: o once a four newspaper in which the Sheriff’s ad* meats through are which published, said branch in each railroad of the w*j d ably run. prior to the time the right 1 said branch railroad is sought to be ex Resolved Further. That these resola entered in the records of This,June the prdceo 1 this Board of Directors. 2< This June 5th, 1899. The Wadley & Mount Vernon Ra Company, Preside' Per T. J. James, G. D. Tysor, SeCr CLOSING DAYS. and I will Wednesday be at Irwinville 1 ? 19th, 20th on Monday. and 21st r (II (| 1899, for the purpose of closing the ta! for last the opportunity present year. This is double positivi tal to escape a J. J. Paul ‘«-0-3t. K. T. U. Irwi