Ocilla dispatch. (Ocilla, Irwin County, Ga.) 1899-19??, August 04, 1899, Image 4

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A Dream Worth Dreaming. Tht< ways aro croon with cliwlilenlni! sho.cn Of the you hr yuJif’s fairest damihtiT. Oh, the shadows that limit, o'er tho ri,>i‘i»g- 1 ng wheat! O, the magle vunnlru; water. The s;>irit, of spriiu? is in every thin};. The banners of spring are streurnimi, We march to a tune from the fifes of dune, And life’s a dream wort h dreaming. It’s ull very well to sit and spell At the le sson there’s no tfalnsa/lmr. Liut what, the deuce are wont amt ILSC When the whole mad world’s . Wu , gw W hen the inumihw glows and tho orchard snows; And the air’s with love-notes teeming, When fancies break and the senses wake O, life’s a dream worth dreaming. What Nature lias writ with her lusty wit Is worded so wisely and kindly, That whoever has dipped in her manuscript Must up and follow her blindly. Now tlio summer lirhm* is lirr c!it.h V j hym\ In tho bolus :md in tho s«umint’. And they Unit have hoard the ovorword Know life's a dre.tm wm'th d -in.it';?. Wii.i.iam Kasi-.sx Ukm.ev. The Vienna Progress reports three well developed cases of smallpox at Kerns, Dooly county. The increase in the amount o! tax values for this year over 1808 in Montgomery county is *150,478. -—Monitor. On the 20th instant Mr. Jelks Warren arid Miss Julia Ford were married at the home of bride’s la¬ ther, Mr. J. H. F ord, in Ty Ty. The twenty-seventh annual cata¬ logue of the North Georgia Agri¬ cultural College is before us. It is artistically gotten up and makes a fine showing for this grand old in¬ stitution. The state sanitarium at Mtlledge- ville is filled to the brim and the or- dina rios throughout the state have been notified not to send any more there without first receiving notice of their acceptance. The soothing and healing pro¬ perties of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy, its pleasant taste and prompt and permanent cures, have made it a groat favorite with the people everywhere. For stile by Dr. Q. II. Macon & Co., Druggist. Mr. J. W. McMillan brought us the father j?f all rami idles this week. * It four pounder, and was a measured twenty-one iaches in cir¬ cumference at the middle. It was raised out at feis farm near Moul¬ trie.—Moultrie Observer. Bill Arp says. ’‘May the Lord halve mercy on us and piotect us from our own politicians.” Perhaps the Lord thinks the people might do more for themselves if they weren’t such rotten cowards and boot-licking cure.—Montgomery Monitor. A blind tiger, run by John Wat¬ son ami Jesse Hynote, was captured about two miles east of Sumner last week. The still, a few gallons of ■liquor and about fifty gallons of beer were captured. In the county court they were fined *2.5 each. Gov. Candler lias issued a procla¬ mation ordering all the tax collec¬ tors for the counties of Dougherty, Worth, Lee, Irwin, Early, Calhoun and Baker to pay the State taxes in¬ to the Exchange Bank, of Albany, except such taxes as may be paid into the State Treasury direct. Mr. Charlie Wilcox presented the New Era with a couple of alligator eggs Wednesday. They are about .the size of a goose egg, only a littl; longer. Mr. Wilcox says the nest he found had . twenty-nine eggs. — Rochelle New Era. Charley ought to have set a goose on them. Mr. Charlie Wilcox, of Irwin county, is now studying medicine under Dr. C. 1). McRae, of our city. Mr. Wilcox has taken one course in medicine at. the Atlanta Medical College, and is here keeping up his studies, and will enter college again this fall.—Rochelle New Era. Charley’s many friends over here wish for him great success. One of Rochelle’s popular widow¬ ers, who has had matrimonial aspi¬ rations for several months, is now squarely on the carpet, if s ; gns are true. He is now receiving certain matrimonial papers most every day, and spends all his leisure moments in carefully perusing them in the hope of finding a helpmeet. It’s strange to the New Era that as ma¬ ny young ladies, old maids and wid- OW8 t\;at there are in Rochelle, that this old widower is forced to take this route in order to jump in double harness, but that’s the case, and he is making good headway, New Era. Several widowers over here would like to read one of “them” papers. Tim railroads are still about wlmt a prosperous year has been for the melon growers, Melons have brought lots of money this year, but unfortunately for tin¬ men who j hinted them, tlio rail¬ roads having gotten the bulk of it. Valdosta Times. Mr. J. F. Cooper recently came across a freak in his barn. It is a rat with only two feet and legs. It was managing to keep the wolf from the door, pretty well, and was as fat as a barn rat may have been properly expected to be. The hind foot, wore the missing ones......Moul¬ trie Observer. A row printer, a boy, of course, is stopping with the editor of the Gazette This makes an even half do/.en and will necessitate adding another coin.on to the Gazette and a corresponding increase in iu size, all of which will be done this iuii. - -Tifton Gazutto. Maybe, with dad and the rest of the family live long ami prosper. The boys’ poker club seams to be in a flourishing condition. A crowd of young men who have not struck a lick of work since “Penny was a pup,” belong to the gang. They play day and night, including Sun¬ day, so ws are informed, and the police should investigate.—Way-1 cross Herald. It is strange to hear that boys play poker in bo moral a town as Waycross. A white baby was discovered floating on the top of the water in an open well at Chauncey Tuesday morning. Coroner Mulhs was notifi¬ ed and an inquest was held Wednes¬ day. Upon drawing the infant out of the well, bricks were found tied to one arm and one leg, showing, conclusively that the child was murdered. No clue has as yet been obtained as to tho guilty parties.— Eastman Times. Rev. J. M. Singling, pastor of (he Bedford Street Methodist church at. Cumberland, Md., says: “It af- fords me much pleasure to (Tolera recom¬ mend Chamberlain’s Colic, and Diarrhoea Remedy. 1 have used it and know others who have done so. I have never known it to fail. It is a sure cure when taken in time.” For sale by Dr. G. H. Macon & Co., Druggist. The editor of the Morgan Moni- tor correctly says, “Fay the news- paper man and he will be sure to put the money in circulation.” To make the point clear, he says: “The J , Monitor tr . received dollar . n this . i | man a week, on subscription, and before j he lost sight of that dollar it had ; paid four debts, of ons dollar each, and the lost we saw of it, the man j who paid his an inscription transaction carried didn it | off, and tho whole t last longer than two minutes.” The quality of the blood depends much upon good or bad digestion and assimilation. To make the blood rich in life and strength giv¬ ing constituents use Dr, J. H. Mc¬ Lean’s Strengthening Cordial and Blood Purifier; it will nourish the properties of the blood from which the elements of vitality are drawn. Price 50c and $1 a bottle. The saturnalia of savagery is still g 0 ; n£ , on in the southern states. Lynching bees are the curse of the country.—-Savannah Press. And there are others. The southern States arc cursed with a black cloud which is driving the people from the farms to the already congested towns, because of a well grounded fear that their women are not- safe away from police protection. Lynch¬ ing bees are the answer of one kind of savagery to another kind—Al¬ bany Herald. Tersely said and striokly true. Rohbed The Crave. A startling incident, of which Mr. John Oliver of Philadelphia, was the subject, is narrated by him as follows: “I was in a most, dread¬ ful condition. Mv skin was almost, yellow, eyes sunken, tongue coated, pain continually in my back and sides, no appetite—gradually day. grow¬ Three ing weaker day by physicians had given me up. For¬ tunately, a friend advised trying Electric Bitters;’and to my great joy and surprise, the first bottle made a decided improvement. 1 continued their use for three weeks, and am now a well man. I know they saved my life, and robbed the gravo of another victim.” No one should fail to try them. Only 50c., guaranteed, at Dr. (i. H. Macon Co’s Drug Store. A post house hasbeen built afeout a mile ami a half from Mt. \ ernon, in Montgomery county. }■ if teen small pox patients are initiated therein, and everything possible is being done to prevent a spread of the disease. The Mormon preachers are get¬ ting around in our section. Irwin county has a number of them with¬ in its borders.—Abbeville Chroni- ele. We haven't heard of them, neighbor, though they may be here He that as it. may, the field is not an inviting one. There arc hundreds of men over here who have been trying for years to,get one wife. What would they do if they had to find five or six! An exchange says that an editor once applied at the door of hades for admission. “Vv ell,” replied his sable majesty, “we let one of your profession in here many years ago and he kept up a continual row with his delinquent subscribers; and, as we have more of that class of persons than any other, we have passed a law prohibiting the ad¬ mission of editors.” It is a sad commentary on the state of Georgia, that she can’t get enough manhood .in the Legislature to pass a dog law for the protec¬ tion of her sheep industry—Moul¬ trie Observer. Mine friend, you must remember that there are more voters, who own curs, than -there are sheep owners, and voters are what the average Georgia legislator wants, not prosperity—that is an after thought.—Morgan Monitor, Morven, Ga., July 18.— Mr. John I G. Scruggs, who lives near this | place, has a bolting cloth attached j j to his grist mill and is now turning out flour. a very He superior makes quality barrel of of wheat flour, J j a besides bran, shorts and seconds every has the five only bushels flouring of mill wheat. in the Hej 1 county. ‘More wheat will be plant¬ ed here next year than was this.— Valdosta Times. A Thousand Tonguoa Could not express the rapture of Annie E- Springer, of 1125 Howard St., Philadelphia, Pa., when she found that Dr. King’s Now Di. .•ev¬ ery for Consumption had completely cured her of a hacking cough that for many years had made life a burden. Ail other remedies and ^ oc t i0rg eould give her no help, but she says of this Royal Cure—“it. soon removed the pain in my chest, «>d I can now sloop soundly, some- thing g 1 can scarcely f remember do- ing efore T foo uke 80UEdin ., ; {B J p r! lisea throughout the Universe.” So well everyone who trios j) ri | King’s New Discovery for any | t™ble Thro f;, .°^ ’ bottjoB fre0 Rt 1>r ( p H Mtt0on & Go’s Drug Store. Every bottle ‘guaranteed. If you advertise sparingly your trade will be sparing. Advertise and quit and the trade quits. Curi¬ ous, but it is true. The man that won’t help build up a town but is grasping and expecting to catch ev¬ ery dime brought in by the efforts of ethers, is a slicker. Suckers ar<s but little better than poliywogs. -Douglas Breeze. Our young friend maybe right, generally speaking; but there are exceptions. Sometimes you find a merchant who believes that the money paid for advertising is thrmyn away> aml he does nof> 0 r <<(mrH0( want to throw money away . He should not be eondemed. Friend¬ ly admonition would be better. That Throbbing Headache. Would quickly leave you, if you used Dr. King’s New Life Pills. Thousand of sufferers have proved their matchless merit for sick and Nervous Headaches. They make pure blood and strong nerves and build up your health. Easy to take. Try them. Only 25 cents. Money back if not cured. Sold by Dr. G. If. Macon & Go’s Drug Store. ReliBioua Notice. Rev. W. W. Stewart will preach in the Methodist church in OeiUa on the second Sunday in each month, morning and evening, and on the fifth Sunday, morning and evening. I will preach at Henderson’s chapel at 11 a. m. on tho first Sunday in each month. E. F. Register. An old Scotchwoman, when ad¬ vised by her minister to take snuff to keep awake during the sermon, replied:-; 1 “Why ditma ye put the snuff in the sermon, mon?” A Solfleli Spirit. I Editor W. Henry Griffin is going j to retire from the newspaper busi¬ ness and oilers his Winchester re¬ pealing shotgun for sale.—Tilton Gazette. Editor Griffin might find in us a purchaser, as we ’have but lately gone into the business, and are not yet properly armed.—Poulan News and Immigrant. The gallant bachelor editors of this section should see to it.at. once that Sister Whitfield is properly ‘armed.”—Albany Herald. We -v- this opportunity to state t y i;lt it ; s tt selfish spirit that would thag , n ,, 0 „ t widow#fM> Health Hints. Wealth and gout, dyspepsia and good living gfe together, • <But work conduces to longevity i in a greater degree than even cheer fulness or mere exercise.” I know no more agonizing prob-j lem than that presented to us by mutilated broken and deformed | youth.- A tired man is many removes from a tired-out one, and there is a great deal in knowing whether your work is overdoing you or simply tiring you.-—Blackie. Another influence adverse to life, is that mental feebleness which ren¬ ders persons perpetually solicitous about their health, effeminate and unhappy. “That’s a fine solid baby of yours,Middleton,” said a friend who was admiring the first baby. “Do you think he’s solid?” asked Mid- dleton, disconsolately. “It seems to me as if he was ali holler.” “Toucher,- You are painfully ;Iow , v j th ti ri g,, i . S; Tommy, Comf , now, speak up quickly. If your father gave your mother a fifty- doil.ar bill and a twenty-dollar hill, what would she have? Tommy.— A fit.—“Harpers Bazar.” Produce, produce! Were it but the pitifulest, infinitesimal fraction of a product, produce it, in God’s name. ‘Tis the utmost thou has in thee? Out with it, then! Up, up! < t Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy whole might.”— Carl vie. “Mr. E. Conomie. —-Did you write to that man who advertised to show people how to make puddings without milk, and have them richer? Mrs. E. Cosomie.—Yes, and sent him a shilling. “What did he reply?” “Use cream. “Someone threw a head of cab¬ bage at an Irish orator while he was making a speech. He paused a moment, and said: “Gentlemen, I only asked for your ears; I don’t care for your heads!” He was not bothered with any more during the remainder of the speech.” A New England advertiser wants “a woman who fears the Lord and weighs two hundred pounds,” and the editor of the sheet in which the advertisement appears remarks “the experience of most men is that a woman who weighs two hundred- pounds rarely fears the Lord or any¬ one olse.” “Four-year-old Barbara went to church with her two sisters, and came home crying. “What is the matter, dear?” inquired the mother. “He preached a whole s-sermon— about-—M-Mary and Martha,” gob¬ bed Barbara, “and—never said—a w-word about me!”- Chicago Tri¬ bune.” Blank’s wife is one of the women who occasionally advocate some re¬ form movement. Blank was ac¬ costed by a fellow citizen the other night, who said: “I heard your wife lecture. Her power of diction is wonderful.” < i Yes, fair. But it’s nothing com¬ pared to her power of contradic¬ tion.”—Exchange. ( i A grizzled farmer down in Mis¬ sissippi went to a newspaper office to have a notice inserted about’the death of a relative. “What are your charges?” he anted of the manager. “We charge two dollars an inch.” “Oh! I can’t afford that,” said the farmer. “William ho was six feet and three inches.” Indirect Courling. Liberty for me, Liberty for mo; No man’s wife I’ll ever bfe, I’ll be free. I’ll he free. " —Adel News. So quotes (?) the Moultrie Ob¬ server. Well, we never said it. Now, Mr. Allen, if you toll another such on us you’ll be a fit subject not tor the undertaker, but for an applica¬ tion of Ayer’s Hair Restorer. Don’t yon get uneasy about your dear little self, however. We know that neither man nor woman can live on wood and water alone; in such case, love’s young dream would become a hungry reality.— Adel News. A Frightful Blunder seS! 1 :t; world, Arnica Salve, the best in the will kill the pain and promptly heal it Cures Old Bores, Fever bores, Ulcers, Boils, Felons, Corns, all Hkin Eruptions. Best Pile box. cure Cure on ««th. Only 25 eta. a fj™ ^ s { or ^. ' ' ' FOURTH STREET DRUG STORE. NEW FIRM I NEW GOODS! NEW PRICES! Dr. G. H. Macon & Co., __-.-OPENED A NEW AND FIRST PEAKS— D R XJ © e T ORE —AT— OCIL.UA. GEORGIA. Their store is elegantly fitted and furnished and their stock new, fresh and of the best quality. It const? U of Pure Drugs, Chemicals, Standand Patent Medicines, Perfumery, Fancy Goods and Toilet Articles, -THE FINEST 50. CIOAA IN THE MARKET--- STATIONERY, w T. »r and Envelopes, plain and Pnney Boxed Stationery, Writing Tablets, ~ ts. Pen Holders. Pencils. Mucilage. Writing Ink.*-. Fine Pons. Then make a specialty of Compound ins Physician’s Prescriptions and Family Recipes. C-S-LL JLX<TX> SEE uuaiutahee You art- Incited ►> call .-ui<l courteously inspect their ulteUior stock. you-wish They trill to l» pu x: leased ;h»sB or to not. «n«tt Tout your pat- ee- and will treat you how small purchases 2 may ro.>* assured it ,• ' 1 ,,'LRe Is always con.stu.iii am; J •eiutod no matter your obtained you and reasonable. will be our s: in; to soil you the. best Roods that can be at . prices. and Goco Gola. IG8 Gold Soda Water, Milk Snakes 2-3-tf TIFTOH & NORTHEASTERN R. St. “ssoxjxasxas- coxjOsttt p.otrm” tOC?X TIME TABLE No. o. it. H. TIFT, Preddent. ~SY. O. TIFT, Vice-President-. (iKNUKAl, Omr.fiS! 1'IVTOK, liKOItOTA. No. 7. No. 8. No. 1. P. M. I'. M. I.KAVE. AllttiVk. r. ii. P. M. a 3 to 3 10 8 "00 ...Titton, Ga.......... 25 13 15 « 28 0 griisgfess 3 22 3 23 8 15 5 if.. ......Brighton, Ga......... 20 12 oO e io 5 3 80 8 32 8 25 « r...... .Harding, Ga......... 17 11 51 fi 01 . 8 50 3 52 8 45 14 f...........Pinetta, Ga....... 11 St 5 41 5 3 55 8 58 9 01 ............Mystic, Ga........ 9 11 25 5 85 5 4 Ot i 4 11) y is f..........Fletcher, Ga....... 5 11 14 00 5 5 23 10 | | 5 5 4 20 4 25 9 810 ..........Fitzgerald, Ga...... 0 11 AllKLVK. T.BA VK. A. M. Trains' Nos. 1, 2, 8- anil 4 run daily, only. except Sunday. Trains Nos. 7 and 8 Trains run on Sunday signal. (f) Flag-Station. stop only on Plant and Georgia Southern & Florida A11 trains make connection with the System at Tifton, and the Georgia <S* Alabama at Fitzgerald. ISoATHittirr, Traffic Manager. \ F. G. II ids a Monarch end Keep in Front! i * mJcaiAAv.-» m/xf.ws*. zezc. ■ a i--.wt.-o ..-wir.,* si nwMOTMiiiM tnvmmmttsmaam . 4 m m Hi 'M A $ Wjk i. m, n ■ | / El m p St 1 f\ "t . Vja MONARCH ■ DEF'SKCi tlC/CLES aFe recognized the world over as representing the highest type of excellence in bicycle construction. 1899 Models $50.00 and $35.00. Send for 1899 Catalogue- Agents wanted In open territory. MONARCH CYQLE MFG. CO •i Lake, Hoisted & Fulton Streets, Chicago. Branches—NEW YORK, LONDON, HAMBURG. Send 20 conts in stamps for a deck of Monarch Playing Cards, illustrating Jagsio Bartlett Davie, Lillian Russell, Tom Cooper, Loo RicUardsdn and Walter Joaea. “All RQJDS ARE ALIKE TO S MARCH.” < Miles] ■ * — fll liii M 9 It THE , wm? world Knows tb.^1 tiie Peerless Remedy : for Diseases of the Liver, Kioneys and Bladdor is Or. J. ft, ielEftPs’S LIVER AND *• ‘ KIDHEY T . « i $1 | R/l - * t’ '4 g J$ has Giutd Thousands * - <rf * Deft j j pferate Oases. Try It. * g FPIC2^ $1.00 pmz FtftTLB* r | | . Jr. CL H. Maeon & Co., Ocilla, Ga. Effective December U), 1897 . links; No. *. No. 4. No. 8.