Ocilla dispatch. (Ocilla, Irwin County, Ga.) 1899-19??, August 25, 1899, Image 8

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m£ DLSPATCH. HEN DKllSON & HANLON, rnoPiaCTOiw. M. Henderson, - - Business Matmger. J. W. Hanlon, - Editor. Published every Friday- nml entered, at the Oeilla po-t office as st-i-oml-elas.s mail matter, iirst-cinss reading and a high grade advertising medium. *^j»t>sci-ipMoo H»t#s •. Otae One Quj. copy, copy. copy, one s three >* months year..............H months llsgs Advertising rates on application. Address all business loiters to Tm: Dis VATCIt, Lo,U IJqxF, Oeilla, tin. OlHotal Organ Irwin Comity FRIDAY, ArorsT 25, 1899. _ Air. awl Mr#, it. S. Gnmta.iv.gs leave for Indian Springs to-day. “Our crowd” will he at the clos¬ ing of Brushy Greek sejipol next Thursday. The three-woeks’-old child of Mr. mid Mrs. Levi VVelhon: died yester¬ day morning and was buried in the Oeilla cemetery yesterday afterpoon. Gaud. n*id<llin«s 'XJttun, s.uUF in Oeilla yesterday at 5 he. Long cot¬ ton market lias not yet opened. Ties Jil.35 a bundle-,: bagging 8 cents a yard. The Fourth Street Drug Store is the place to get cool drinks of all - kinds, and you can have an easy chair to rest in while they are Macon fcfcem. Bowen’s mill w&e in< 1834 by , William- Bowen ffiAher of the ,I,., i present owner. In tha.Gytw a sto e house,, about- U*3#*, W- erect< ; (1 ’ andastoufcmf-gene^n^chand se 5SS, . , S' , tivtl (W ,„ nX t , ex in a oul T l„ e ..j .j pteserveo, auu i W o ilcox 1 county. store building in Friday of laGwemk a. lai-ge crowd went up from Oeilla to Bowen-’s mill and spent the day there, bath¬ ing, boat-riding, swinging and promenading over the beautiful pie- 2 *ic grounds. At noon .a bountiful (tinner was spread on the tables, and it received the closest atten¬ tion of every one present for about thirty minutes. About twilight supper was served, and while await¬ ing the train “our class” sang some beautiful songs. It was a day of rjire pleasure. Last Sunday Mrs. Nettie Bowen a®d three small children arrived in Oeilla in distress, having, so sbe said, tramped from Telfair county, and was on her way to her parents, •who, according to her statement, live about nine miles from Waycross. She was helped on her way, and reached Waycross Monday night. She says her husband, Wiley Leo Bowen, left her in Telfair county August 12th, without pause, and warns her sex against him, as she thinks he will try to marry again. She also states that her husband is a Missionary Baptist preacher, About two miles south of Bow¬ en’s mill, on the left hand side as you go np, in an old field long since thrown out, stands a large cedar tree. That tree has a pathetic history. For twenty years of his early life Capt. Bowen’s home was there, and this tree was planted by his eldest child, a beautiful daugh¬ ter, who died at the age of nine years. The houses, fences and all that once went to make up this happy homo, except the cedar tree, have been obliterated by the hand o-f Time. Speaking of it to the writer, Gapt. Bowen said, with a hnskiness in his voice that was sug¬ gestive of tears: “Yes, our first born child planted that tree, and I would not have it cut down for $10,000.” The tree is now twenty- f«xir years old. Mr. Warren J. Paulk, one of the best men in wiregrass Georgia, and arDispatch man, attended the clos¬ ing exercises of Prof. W. J. Roy¬ al’s siDging school at Irwinville last Saturday. Being Masonic Lodge meeting day also, we could only hear part of the singing exercises, but what wfl did hear was strong additional proof of all we have said of Prof. Royal dinner a# a teacher. At boon ja grand was spread on tables in the pine grovo in front of ORopewell church, and a cordial invitation 1 Wan extended to all to eotnc There up ahd eat. Ar.d they did. were immense chicken pies, great (Iishftsiof'fHed chickens! beef, pork and mutton, pies, custards and eikefe, of many kinds, and Mrs. Una Clements delighted those Who oat the portion of the table Jbestdeibevei by her, biscuits with a large panful ol delicious made from Irwin eo.utuy gf-Owh wheat. It was one »f those dinners you remember a loilg time. The singing exercises delighted the patron r of the school ate! all others whb -whYe present. Prof. Royal 5% no A teaching a • F.iv- Tx-ar Liikb. “Pap” has returned, as bright and cheerful as ever. Mrs. Sophia \oung, widow of the lnmonted Kldor Jacob Y oung, celebrated her 7 4th birthday last Monday by carding cotton -with cards forty years old and spinning it on a wheel one hundred years old. May she live to celebrate happily many returns of her natal day. The quality of the blood depends much upon good or bad digestion and assimilation. To make the blood rich in life and strength giv¬ ing constituents use Dr. .1. H. Me- 1 can’s Strengthening Cordial and Blood Purifier; it will nourish the properties of the blood from which the elements of vitality nro drawn. Price 50c and $1 a bottla.- SnndAy.btaf-Mr. G’ia/trUHrpw ajjd the writer attended yearly- meeting ht Mt. i’aran, in Berrien county. There were about 1,000 people present from several counties, and the services were deeply hiipressiye, Irwin county was largely repre¬ sented. The meeting closed about 2 o’clock. A drive of three miles took us to the hospitable homo of Mr. James Tucker, in Berrien, and m;g. wore n-ot there long before Mr. Lucius Tucker and Miss Susie Cock¬ rell, Mr. Ira Paulk and Miss Liz- ' Mr. Tim Paulk and • Tucker, sue Miss Lila Tucker,. Mr. Jesse Cole¬ man and Miss Lizzie Paulk, Mr. Hard Paulk and Miss Susie Cole- ban, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Dorminey, Bob McDonald, George W. Gid- irtens, Rp.bert Grantham, L. R. Tucker, and a number of others, Whose names we did not learn, ar- i'ived. The dinner was all that ^ ^ was there in an(1 wa « preu ared in a t fih owed skillful cooking, ^ dishes of de- backbones and rice, custards, cakes— >. up . first-class dinner was tnere, ana each individual showed his or her -rf Mr. Tuaker 111 owas *......”- a fine farm and v ; ^ tg wofk it t0 the bost advantage. After spending about two hours very pleasantly, the de¬ lighted partakers of the hospitality of this excellent family reluctantly departed for their homes. A Thousand Tongues Could not express the rapture of Aunie E. Springer, of 1125 Howard St., Philadelphia, Pa., when she found that Dr. King's New Discov¬ ery for Consumption had completely cured her of a hacking cough that for many years had made life a burden. All other remedies and doctors could give her no help, but she says of this Royal Cure—“it soon removed the pain in my chest and I can now sleep soundly, some¬ thing I can scarcely remember do¬ ing before. 1 feel like sounding its praises throughout the Universe.’ So well everyone who tries Dr King’s New Discovery for any trouble of the Throat, Chest or Lungs. Price 50c. and $1,00. Trial bottles free at Dr. G. EL Macon & Co’s Drug Store. Every bottle guaranteed. SCAT’S CORNER. Rain is very much needed on cane, pens and potatoes in this section. Cotton picking is the order of the day now, and nearly two-thirds of the school is absent this week. Judge Daniel Tucker started to Hickory Spring Friday and returned Monday. He reported a good time generally, Everybody went down to Mt. Paran from tiiis section Sunday that could gel any way to ride, and they say they did have a big time. Quite a number of young people from Vic, joined by a jolly crowd from and around Oeilla, pieniced at. Bowen’s mil! Friday. The day was thoroughly enjoyed by all. Next Thursday week the school at this place will dose. Take your crowd and come down, Mr. Editor, and , let the pupils spell you down again. Ye writer attended Prof. W. J. Royal’s sing (losing at Irwinville Saturday, and the way the pupils went through (he rigid examination showed that the Professor spared neither time nor brain while there. We had the pleasure of meeting that pop¬ ular and charming little correspondent from—well, I’ll not tell where. Vic, 8-28-99. S-C’-A-T r -• A Frightful Blunder Will often cause a horrible Burn, Scald, Cut Nir Bruise. Bncklen’s Arnica Salve, the best, in the world, will kill tho pain and promptly heal it. Cures Old Sores,- Fever Sores, Ulcers, Boils, Felons,- Corns, all Skwv Eruptions. Best Pile cure on earth. Only 25 cl . a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by Dr. G. H. Macon & Co’s Drug .Store. •; Religibus Notice, Rev. Wv W. SteWart will preach- in the Methodist church in Oeilla on thv> second Sunday breach monthj- morning and evening.,-and on 1 the fifth Sunday, meriting and evening. 1 will preach at 1 Hendeveotva chapel at i 1 a. .m, on \hk lii'A Sunday in each month. E I’. Register. WOMEN PREACHERS. {Continued,] EniTort Drscvrcir:—It is not my pur¬ pose to say much about Scriptural teaching on Ibis line, bepinme those not convinced by the plain reading of the Skrripime* ‘would not he persuaded though One rode from the dead.’'--Moreover, the Scriptures play but a small part in lixinK the religious opinions of people. Perhaps nV> lncmbfu; of a religious creed can tell how. why or when he began to believe os lie now doiv He reads and searches the Scriptures, not to test, or to shape bis bullet', |>st tu prow ll to be correct, “eople somoiluies read to ascertain.their duties, but never to test tlusir ci'WHb Tliejvire always satlslied that their creed is correct, no matter wlmt it is, nor have they any desire to change it. And all the Scriptures that seem to vindicate their opinions are grouped and closely nursed. And when,tla-y possibly present them to other ereeds and fail to convince them, they are surprised, when, in fact, these Scriptures played no part convincing them. But 1 propose to speak of “women preachers” from a logical standpoint. It would be unseeming for a woman raising a family to assume, tile duties and respon¬ sibilities of tiie gospel ministry. Her little j brood could neither be left behind nor | carried Nor does this auy more than .bint ai the troubles atteuding such a minMvy The very nature of things would coniine the gift to unmarried women, a rid. they must remain unmarried, and this would conflict with the first law of nature. And in tier travels, if she chanced to be smitten with a “feilet” and he. with her, there would come the conflict between her call to the ministry and her call to matrimony; and the last call would be apt to prevail. Her feminine voice is proof tiiat, she was not designed by her Creator for a public declaimor. The finer texture of her muscu¬ lar system, as also the feebleness of her constitution, proves that she was not built for the duties and exposure* of the gospel ministry. True, her soft, soothing voice might allure many into membership, but such would be her members and not church members. For a feeble woman to arise from her bed at any hour of the night to meet the railroad schedule to roach her appointments the next day, is at conflict with the very .order of her nature. The woman preacher to whom 1 referred last week, in Ohaneey, arose at midnight and put for the depot to meet the train n : due until nearly three o’clock. None but the landlord could be accepted to assist her with her baggage. He, of course, went, under some protests, in presence of his wife. 1 don’t know just what sort of a sermon she preached tor the landlord that night, while they waited at the depot, but i do know what sort ot a sermon his wife preached for her the next day. But there is a place for women to preach —not in the pulpit, nor on the public rostrum, but in their daily deportment and, manner of life. It is this that sinks deep into the hearts of the observers. Words are often but empty sounds— walking is a fact. Yes, it is our walk that convinces our neighbors and writes our epitaph. A good woman filling tier station in her neighborhood and in the family, is doing more profitable and lasting good than many preachers are doing in the pulpit. M. SiKKS. ThatThrobbing Headache. M'ould quickly leave you, if you used Dr. King’s New Life Pills. Thousand of sufferers have proved their matchless merit for sick and Nervous Headaches. They make pure blood and strong nerves and build up your health. Easy to take. Try them. Only 25 cents. Money back if not cured. Sold by Dr. G. II. Macon & Go’s Drug Store. Full lino of Tube Paints and Ar¬ tists’ material. Watt A Holmes, lm. Fitzgerald, Ga. Rev. -T. M. Tingling, pastor of the Bedford Street Methodist church at Cumberland, Md., says : ‘ ‘It af- ferds me much pleasure to reeom- mend Chamberlain's Colie, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. I have used it and know others who have done so. I have never known it to fail. It is a sure cure when taken in time.” For sale by Dr. G. H. Macon & Go., Druggist. Ip— * DO YOLJ FEEL k Mt BILIOUS, BRAIN LOW BODY SPIRITED, WEARY? DROWSY, AND PRICKLY ’ 7 # ASH BITTERS Sc HBLIEVHS Af4t> ITtVIOOUHTHS. m It eleataes th« liver and bowels, strefigthcr.: the kidney* and aids digestion, thus the system is regulated and the body fortified to resist disease. ... A VALUABLE REMEDY TO KEEP IH THE HOUSE... A B ilik SOLD BY ALL DRUCC1STS. JmSk Price $1.00 per Bottle. ,,(^wSP*-2 Mashburn & Denmark?. Fitzgerald,Ga., .’special Agents, Sond the Children Out. The fall term of the Oeilla High ! School will begin on the first Mon-1 day in. September, and to avoid the delay at the opening incident to ex -1 amin.iAg an*l classifying the pupils, i T' will he at the academy every : school day next week- from,, 8 to a. ta. for tba* purpose. It will,he a great saving;of. both time and talent for the pup its to come one day during the-week bring their books, so that T may get Some idea, a£ their advancement., and thereby lav the foundation for our future work. TIuh does not. mean that all should come the same day, but I would rather suggest, t hat a few conic each day in the week. After thinking the matter over, if you find the suggestion a good one, send the children out. I will -be glad to moot W. them. N. Smith, Principal. If’ your brain won’t work right and you miss tbo snap, vim and energy that was once yours, you should take Prickly Ash Bitters. It cleanses the system and invigorates both body and brain. Sold by Mashburn & Denmark, Fitzgerald, Ga. WATERLOO ITEMS. I iiave heard Hint “the readers of the Dispatch would be glad to hear Horn I’ap again,” and I will now say to those readers, “He that hath ears to hear let him hear.” You who did not attend Hickory Spring church Sunday last will never know what you missed, and wc are not going to tell, because there should have been some dele gates from Oeilla. If there was a single one, the writer failed to get a peep at him. Mr. T. B. Young has leased the Hotel Regent in Tiftou, and lie, and his daugh¬ ter,Miss Mary, are again at home with us in Waterloo. Mi . J. F. MeWhite and family moved to Willacoochee about two weeks ago. it was with genuine regret tin’s we saw hit- good family leave cur community; but our loss is Willacoochec’s gain. Joe Young is hustling around getting up hands to pick cotton. and—bachelor. He is an up-to-date Watch farmer, merchant out, girls! He is getting tired of being a “bach”. Miss Lizzie Bowen, of Sumner, is visit¬ ing Mrs. Oscar 01 liver. ” Hide Buck,” you are mistaken about “i’ap knowing a coon’s track when he sees it.” Aug. 22 ’90. Pap. When Mr. K. V. Paulk retired Wednesday night he left his pants on a chair near an open window. Thursday morning his pants were found in the yard, minus a gold watch and pocket-knife. OCILLA BAKERY, FKCIXjXirP3 «fc BASS, B=IEOB=S.'3 (H. b. BASS, Manager.) Ccllla. Georgia. I.iylit. bread. Cakes and moot all kinds, and e very thin s UMRilty fou n d in a bakery. Fanc y and Family G rocery. _ m Y our patr onage rentierffully /A solicited. Terms right.. s-il-rf EMMETT V. BALL, IY1. D„ OCILLA. QCORGIA. OFFICE id dwelling on Irwin Avenue. Genaral practice solicited, I MAKE A SPECIALTY OF DROPSY. s- 18 -ty. Send Us Your Name and address, together with the names and | addresses of a number of yonr friends who are Interested in any sort of poultry, for a FREE sample copy of Thu Georgia I’om.TRY Hv.RAi.n, anew, up-to-date and interesting month I v poultry paper. Bend to The Georgia Poultry Herat, n, Blakely, Ga. Come and Cet It. I have six or seven tons of hisrh jmule guano on hand. Come and get it at the earliest pos¬ sible moment. Wm. Hfndkusoil 5-5-If Morph hi* and without Whiskey hab¬ its treated pain or confinement. Cure guaran¬ teed or no Lithfa pav. B. H. VHAI*, Maa’gT 3, Springs San¬ itarium, Box Austell, Ga. Here is a Fointsp. Don’t forget that yon can Have money by- going to fault flardwarfr Corapc K : For all kinds of Hardware,. Building Material* Mill b I plies, 1 louse Furnishing Hoods, oto I Wc call particular attention; to Rcirig- - jIwn, T | Cream Freczcrs Flowerpots and farde.tiers going at Co 3 c i "Wo have a nice line of Dinner Sets, Rodgers Silver Plate i Table Ware, Lamps, Galvanized Tin and Glaus ware.. J We also carry a complete lino of Heady Mixed Paint! Oils, Varnishes, Brushes, Dry Colors, White Lead, and Colo j in Oil. FAULK HARDWARE CO. OPPOSITE BILLY’S PLACE, Fitzgerald," / Gaorcla. K-vW-t f - T"*— T FOURTH STREET DRUG STCrj NEW FIRM! NEW GOODS! NEW PRICES! Dr. G. H. Macon & C F'-' _..OPENED A NEW ANT) FIRST (’LASS—--- DRUG STORE AT eCIUL*A, Their store and is elegantly of host fitted quality. and furnished It consists and of their stock j j new, fresh the Pore Drugs, Chemicals, Standand Patent Medicines, Feriun Fancy Goods and I oilet Articles, j --THE FINEST 5c. CIGrAEL IN THE MA H.KET- STATIONtR v , Writing Pi*nor and Envelopes, Plainami Panuy UoNod J :ationrry, WritingTAb 1 ^ Pencil Tablets, Pen Holders, Pencils, Mucilage*, Writing Inks, Hue Pena. V.m make a spftoialtu ot Gonwounding PUusicIan-s- Prescriptions ami raiimu Kecipes. crxXjXj and see TrrENc. You are Invited to call and Inspect, their stock. They will bo pleased to make v quaintance and will treat vou courteously whether you wish purchases to pun-lee.or not. V< ronage is always appreciated, no matter how small your you may rest t will ho our constant ulm to soil you the best jrcioils that can bo obtained and At r«r prlcc«. Goco Gote !g 6 Gold Soda Water, MUK Shakes and it-3-tf TIFTON & NORTHEASTERN H. “UOLDXEHS' COLOinr BO-C-TS.” LOCHL TIUH TAB!.* No. 0. H H. TIFT, i’ro«klent. \V O. TIF T, Vioe-PrMidcnt. Ukxkhai. Okfickb: Tikton, Orokoi v. No. 7. No. S. No. 1. V. M. P. M. > I.EAVK. AklllYK. V. M. M. 3 1ft 3 10 r 00 (I Tifton, Ga....... 1i (5 z5 3 22 H 33 XXX 15 5 f Brighton, r,a..... •20 12 00 j: ! ) 3 SO 3 32 35 8 f..........Harding, (!a..... n si oi 3 50 3 52 45 14 f..........Piiict.ta, (ia..... 1181 41 3 55 3 58 01 1« .........Mystic, tia............ 0 U %> i L" fl-' 4 00 4 10 IS 20 f ........Fletcher, G.x............ 6 11 1-1 Ot 23 4 ',30 4 25 Si 30 25 .......Fitzgerald, Ga........... 0 11 00 I Wt 10 ARRIVE. I.KAVE. A. M. ' Trains Nos. 1, 2, 8 and 4 run daily, except Sunday. Trains Nos. 7 and 8 run on Sunday only. signal. (!) Flag Station. Trains stop only the on All trains make connection with Plant System and, Georgia Southern & n t Tifton, am! the Georgia ito Alabama at Fitzgerald. Boatkioht. 1 aiKe Jan«| **• i i ess / . fljlmigBR y.;> '3 4 v a^®8S®f.'r -f® !*•- i S3 ml t ■m C, MONARCH - DEFIANCE BICYCLE are recognized the world over as representing the highest typet of excellence in bicycle construction. T899 Models $50.00 and $35.0 SencDYor 1809 Catalogue. Agents wanted In open tcrrDo;y MONARCH CYCLE MTG. CO Lake, Daisied & Fulton Streets, HAMBURG. Chlcagc. 3#«ochts—NEW YORK, LONDON, Send SO-cents in Btftittpe for a dock of Monarch Playing Cards, iilnstrr Davis, Dillian Russell, Tom Cooper, I,eo Richardson and ,7a.. r. «onOu i. “UL fiOiDS m (liKE TO A iHOHHCH.” AAA^A/VAAAAdV\AAAiV>»V l VVW>A. , (A AAAA A < W >A^^ Miles Effective December it), 18‘JT. Lanes: se, No. 3. No.