Ocilla dispatch. (Ocilla, Irwin County, Ga.) 1899-19??, September 01, 1899, Image 8

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THE DISPATCH, JIENDEUHON. & HANLON, J’ltOPItlKT.OHH. I fy. Henderson. - Business Manager. J: VV. Hanlon,' - Editor. Published every Friday and entered at ’ the Ocilla pbstoftloe as seoond-ahiss mad matter, ttvst-class 'muling and‘a UlfcU aDcie advertising medium. .. t " : Subscription Utiles One copy, one year........ ...... *1.00 One copy, six months. so One copy, three months. 25 -* - Advertising rates ru\ uppilcatjon. Bis Address all business letters, to D 1 - - PATCH, Lock Box H, Ocilla, Os. rkr----- OlliciAl Kiiiday, br:iTT;>,,|U';u. fiJ*99. There is stjij.work in Qoilla for a rapidly moving scavenger c.irt. Mr. Dot Harper is ereotptg a, residence for fihuHelf on Oak street^ 13 lbs. best Green. Coffee, $1.00, at Pournelle & Erickson’s. Prof. H, MvMiUan,.and.bride arc now in Alapaha, and wo predict for the school there gratifying suc¬ cess , The hell for thp ( . n,e>y Baptist church has arrived. It is a 32-inch bell and can be heard ffye or six miles. Theae is very little siqjm^ss^ in, Cecilia, nut more than one-third as much as there wag at this time Iipst year. Some of. the finest, sgjippeye.or-gs yet brought to, QoiKtj. capie from Mr,. Sweat’s, about aiu.ye.uerthwejd.. of town. Deputy Sheriff,, 1^. McLendon, of Gbffee county, was in Ocilla Wed¬ nesday. He looks like a man that would do to tie to. Mr. Clarence Bruce, Oeilla’s beef and ice man, is over in Chicago this week looking at the city, and may b^y it if he likes it. The Dispatch thinks Uncle Sam might cattily, b& in. better business than that which.is now claiming his attention in the Philippines. Mr. and Mrs. J. Purvis, who live near Lax, in Coflee county, traded in Ocilla Monday. Come again and often. Protect your collards and cab¬ bage from worms by putting china- tf-ee leaves on them. This is.said be a sure remedy. Cols. J. J. F’orehand and Robert G. Tison, of Isabella, were in Ocilla yesterday, the latter prospecting for a location. Ocilla High School opens Mon¬ day morning under the most favor¬ able auspioes. Have the children ready to start opening day. A negro scratched his way out of the town calaboose Tuesday night ami left nothing behind him but the hole he made his escape through. Negroes who have no visible means of support, and who loiter .‘troiunl day after day, will be look¬ ed after. “Idleness is the devil’s Workshop. Miss Eta Smith, the accomplish¬ ed ' mfisic teacher will arrive in Ocilla to-morrow, to take chtAge of the tfinsic department of the Ocilla High School. Some parties are in the habit of leaving town Saturday nights and firing off theif pistol s on the public highways as they go, This is a vio¬ lation of law, alld may get some one into serious trouble. The infant child of Mr. J. B Jones has been dangerously ill for several weeks, and Tuesday after¬ noon its life was almost despaired of, but it rallied and Wednesday Was slightly improved. * Business education is needed on the farm as well as in other lines of business. Give your sons a business education and you equip them better than if you gave them a pile of money and no education. Mr. John M. Luke and Miss Lelia Stone, both of Ocilla, were happily united in wedlock Sunday evening, Judge Wm. Henderson of¬ ficiating. The charming bride and popular groom have many relatively and friends in this section of Geor¬ , gia, and the Dispatch unites with them in wishing the haiHlsVfine couple all the blessings that can be crowded into long lives. Dr. Gpoge, of Abbeville, spoilt Wednesday in Ocilla. We are glad to state that Mr. Henson Henderson is now on the up grade to recovery, lie has been down with fever about four weeks. F qll line of Tube Paints and Ar- tietB'.material. Watt & Holmes, lm. Fitzgerald, (la. The qogrems in, Darien aigl. Me- Intosh county have beep taught a lossoq they will not soon forgot. As a rpsulf of their defiance. ; oiVla\v, about fifty; of them laay.ejo. time for the stale. The Dispatch,is ip. receipt of one and a half eoluunm of matter from an organizational Waycross, with vcqqytit that.thj same bo published —-free, of course, As we are not doing any charity., wofk this month, the sarny '.y declined. 'Take a dose of Prickly Ash Hit¬ ters at night when you go to bed and you will fool bright and vigorous inorniug. It will insure you a copious and healthy passage of tfie bowels, improved appetite and digestion and increased energy of body and brain. It beats stimulat¬ ing drinks because its reviving in¬ fluence is natural, hence perman¬ ent. Sold by Mashburn & Den¬ mark, Fitzgerald, Ga. A Mississippi editor tells the story of a young bachelor sheriff wjip was called upon to serve an at¬ tachment on a handsome young widow. He called and said: “Mad- .am, 1 have an attachment for you.” She blushed and said the at¬ tachment was reciprocated. “You misunderstand,” he said, l i You must proceed to court.” She told him that she knew it was leap yoar but she had rather ho would do the courting. “Madam,” lie continued, “this is no time for trifling.” “O, I prefer a minister,” she said, “A squire married me the first lime and I bad bad luck.” Strangers look incredulous when told that Ocilla has attained its present growth in less than two years, yet it is a fact; and It con¬ tinues to grow. The secret o'f its wonderful growth lies in the fact that it has natural advantages pos¬ sessed by few if any towns ia wire- grass Georgia. The location is high, dry and healthy. The surrounding country is one of the best farming sections in the state, and the people know how to make it produce abundantly. These and the fact that the town has a bank, postoffice, express and telegraph office, one good railroad and another in sight, and a live, progress citizenry, are some of the propelments that have made Ocilla what she is. Prof. II. B. Sutton’s school at the Brushy Creek school house closed yesterday in fine shape. In ad¬ dition to the closing exercises, which were highly satisfactory to the patrons, there was a spelling bee, in which the pupils of the school were on one side and a num¬ ber of visitofs on the other. It is almost needless to say the visitors were spelled down. Then, too, there was an exciting game of base hall betwbeii the school nine and a crack team from Alapaha, At noon a grftnd feast was spread and there was milch more than enough for all. The day Was one that will lie re¬ membered long and pleasantly by both pupils and visitors. Paper For Farmers- A paper for farmers is what the Twice-a-Week Macon Telegraph proposes to be. The daily Tele¬ graph has proven itself an earnest friend of agriculture, and its special issue will bo more direct on that "lino. The Twiee-a-Week Telegraph will pe sent to any address one year for $1.00. A Little Body Found. _ Baxley, Ga., Aug. 23.— Under a large root near Httrrcncy, in this county, was found , yesterday, , anew born babe with Its head crushed. In- the vestigatioi^ illegitimate developed child that of it white was a woman who at its birth had killed it atotl her little hoy of about twe’.ve ytiufs of age put it into this place ol concealment. The woman’s name is Harden. Coroner Overstreet left this morning to hold an inquest, and the woman will be immediately imprisoned to answer for her crime. AUNT SOFRONY SAYS That the weather never gets too wot for people to gather and dis¬ cuss the affairs of their neighbors. So she hears. That she has no more use for another girl’s beau than she would have for a second-hand chew of to- baceo, if she used the vile weed, That the merchants and other folks in Adel have a treasure in the Adel News, and she is glad to see they are patronizing it liberally. That she does not think old bachelors should be abused for not marrying. It takes all kinds of people—sensible as well as senseless —to make up the world. That she read somewhere that the pen is mightor than the sword, and she has been wondering ever since if the writer meant a pig pen.- Some of those in some towns arc mighter than two swords. That she likes the kind ot ligiou that feels for distress in dollars and cents, and that is more solicitous about the heathens at home than it is about the heathens across the seas. That she is well aware that try as hard as we may to escape them, trials and sorrows will come into each one’s life more or less, there¬ fore she believes we should scatter the seeds of sunshine wherever we go, and never borrow trouble. That she pays little attention to those who are contending for wo¬ man’s rights. What she would like to sec is a determined fight made against woman’s wrongs, and they arc not a few. That there are said to be over three hundred bones in man, and she’d like for every one of them to ache awhile in the man that wilt squirt tobacco.juice on the hath his wife has whitewashed in expecta¬ tion of company coming. Getting Ready. Prof. W. N. Smith, Principal of the Ocilla High School, is spending his time this week at the academy, meeting with the pupils, and ascer¬ taining the condition of the school, as to gradation and classification, preparatory to opening and moving forward with the school next Mon¬ 4th. Prof. Smith conies to us highly recommended, and the outlook for the school is very promising. We congratulate the school board and trustees of the Ocilla High School, in being so fortunate in securing the services of so talented an educator as Prof. Smith. For the system of education that was in vogue even ten years ago will not do for the present time. In every nation un¬ der the sun to-day, the question is being asked as it never was asked before, “What can lie done to ad¬ vance a larger, freer, and fuller growth of civilization through the child-life of the people?”. Every¬ thing is bringing into play new devices and new forms of energy that will make larger demands upon the intelligence of the children than was ever made upon their fathers. The public school'spirit is touch¬ ing, sweetening the and brightening all of Our honies, humblest as well as the highest. It is carrying hope and good cheer atul light to thous¬ ands of young lives who would otherwise be hedged in by the curse of ignorance and shut up in the helplessness lend of despair. We should, therefore, our support and co¬ operation to make the Ocilla High School notable by reason of great educational progress. To all who coine we insure a pleasant home and an excellent op¬ portunity for educational advance¬ ment. John Clements, Chairman Co. Board of Education. August 29, 1899. Pleases Him. I have read, with pleasure, all i that “Farmer Girl” has said upon i the subject of young men staying on the farm, and I indorse every word she has written. It is an im- P or,ant tLemo > for > »S truly says, ail other classes depend upon the farmpi ‘- fife® is writing efioits "i s< p' wi.l re .suit an< in | keeping 1 many young me ,-. in th(! ntoblcKt lion on ‘,:arth While she" has advised wisely as | : to young men, I gladly note that | she has said nofhlbg about the op-j posit® sex staying op the farm, for if she had, some town young man who has the good sense to go to the country in search of. a That’s wife, might meet disappointment. Bill. all. Uncle In Town, 8-20-99. Fitzgerald’s New Paper. [Special to The Atlanta Journal.! “FiTZOKRAt.lv Ga., Aug. 23.— The Fitzgerald Publishing com¬ pany was organized temporarily on Friday, the 25th inst., by electing F. S. Bauder president, .1. E. Mer¬ cer vice-president, J. II. Harley secretary and treasurer and the fol¬ lowing board of directors: J. 1$. Clements, 1). B. Jay, M. Hender¬ son, Ed. Smith and Marion Dixon. J. K. Mercer was elected editor. “This company has purchased the Ocilla Dispatch and the Irwin County News, now published at Ocilla, and the Leader outfit at this place. The brick building on Cen¬ tral avenue was purchased at two thousand dollars, and will be the home of a paper to be named next Friday. Some of the wealthiest and most influential citizens of the county an among the stockholders, and considerable capital is interest¬ ed, and success will lie the natural result of good business manage¬ ment. “This company will publish a paper at this place and one at Ocilla. “Dating almost from the birth of this colony there has existed a spirit of rivally and ill-feeling between Fitzgerald and other sections of the county, which has worked much harm. This feeling ran high dur¬ ing the court house campaign. A better feeling now exists, and the paramount object of this organiza¬ tion is to unite the good people of Irwin county for her continued pro¬ gress and prosperity.” The above publication is prema¬ ture, as have been other publica¬ tions in regard to newspaper changes in this county. That such a deal as is mentioned is in contemplation is correct, and it is also true that a temporary organization has been made : but the publication of these facts is premature and should have been kept out of print until a per¬ manent organization had been ef¬ fected and titles passed to the prop¬ erty. Up to this time nothing has been done toward winding up the old business of the Dispatch, and until this is done and other pre¬ liminaries attended to, the paper cannot be merged into the new company. In other words, the Dispatch wants the change made in a business-like way, or not at all. Another correction may aB well be be made here. There will be no “Fitzgerald Publishing Company” organized now or at any other time, with the DiSpatch as a party the re- to. Religious Notice. Rev. W. W. Stewart will preach in the Methodist church in Ocilla on the second Sunday in each month, morning and evening, and on the fifth Sunday, morning and evening. I will preach at Henderson’s jchapel at 11 a. m. on the first Sunday ii each month. E. F. Register. Eureka Restaurant, E. BOYAK1N, PROP’R, Cherry Street, OCILLA, GEORGIA. Meals First-aiass at all hours. cook. Best the Yolile huirket hf- fords. and at¬ tentive waiters. Kates Fish, right. Oysters, birds, etc., in season. ‘J-l-tf. DON’T FEEL RIGHT • e» Do you wake up in the morning tired and unre¬ freshed? Do you perform your daily duties languidly? Do you miss the snap, vim ana energy that was once yours? If this describes ypur condition you arc in urgent need of PRICKLY ASH BITTERS Your trouble arises in a clogged and torpid condition 8f the liver and bowels which, if allowed to continue, will develop mala- rial fevers, kidney disorders or some other troublesome disease. PRICKLY ASH BITTERS drive* out all poisonous impurities, strengthens the vital organs, promotes functional activity, good digestion, and vigor and energy of body and brain. SOLB AT ALL DRUG STORES. mt, li.oa per bottle, M i :Y>,i m & Djanirk, Fhtzgara!d,G i., Special Agents. Waterloo Items. Mrs- Bowen, of Ponlan, is visit¬ ing her daughter, Mrs. E. O. Oliver. Mr. K. L. llendenKos, of Ocilla, was on our streets Wednesday of last week. Miss Lizzie Bowen returned home to-day, to the regret of ber Water¬ loo friends. Where is “M. S.”S Surely he, or she, as the case may be, has not deserted the columns of the Dis¬ patch. Mr. John W hid don is suffering with a slight attack of fever. We hope to hear of his recovery at an early date. Mr. T. B. Young is having Ium- ber sawed for the purpose of crest¬ ing a large shelter for his eattle and horses. Farmers through this section are .calling for hands to piok cotton and for the continued showers to cease ’till they can get the first opening of cotton gathered. Ilev. Patrick filled his regular ap¬ pointment at the Flotcher school house Sunday, and a large congre¬ gation was present to bear his able sermon. He will preach there again on the 4th Sunday in Sep¬ tember, and that will probably be the last time he will bo with us. All should try to be there on that day. Aug. 29. Pap. MORTGAGE SALS. Geohuia—I rwin County. ruder and by virtue of a power of attorney contained in h uerCain mortgage, made fco Shi h trier Mercantile Oo. ou tln liUh d«v .it September. lH‘)h, ami <inw on October 14th. UW8, made by Sarah for Dougless the to secure date, a promis¬ whi'di sory note ?b?. 00 , of same note aid is now due 13th and day unpaid, exet-pt *:wber, .*11, IW X on the of <’ s. will sell, foi ca.:!t. to the highest bidder, before the court houc.edoo: in I: win vi!l<». <o» . within the legal hours of sale, ca iNo first Tuesday in October, luail, the following tie- scribed propta iy. t.o-wit ; All that tva< t or parcel or land lying and 4w*!ng in the Irwin- ville district, in the county lot‘of of irwin. state of Georgia, being the north part of ha If said land m*rnb'u- anci.c' ha. and being of lot, taining U>3 acres, mo e or le - i ■« uni f : r is rtMrorded ia Book k, t‘«, -*i)5 toe eJerk of the Superior courte’s odlico in Irwinviljc,- Oa. Kworded on tins 20th day of Ocxboef, MIS. This the da.v of 'Vagus, 181.19. 9-1-41. Z. Hass. A tty for l^ijiintiiY, OCILLA BAKERY, ^ZHCIXjULiIIPS cSb E/.GS, DPZROUrZVfS <H. L. HASS, 31un*«tf«r.) Coi!‘a> Qo«r 0 MO Light brea d. and i*iesof*li kinds. an<t wm * thing lytpaHg fou nil in a bakery, m F;tnc y a nd 1 Family Q rocu |j. A r °v. -"muA 8-ll-H s oUcltgd. r y-»rmat EMIYiETT V. BALL* M. D. 0 O^tLLA. £aOR«IA. OTFICH at dwelling <>« Irwtii A Oenaral pructiue nolieited. I MAKE A SPECIALTY OP BBOPSY. 8-ls-iy. Hend Uh Your Name and affilrcss, together with the names tmd addresses of a number of your friends who are interested in any sort of poultry, for a FREE sample copy of Tim (InonorA Poultry Hkuai.d, .1 new, up-to-dsto and interesting monthly poultry paper. Hend to Thk CinoiioiA. Poultry IIkiim.u, Blelm!;, Ga. Come and Cet it. I have six or seven tons of Uij£h gradt) £ imago on hand. Come and get it at the iKirlUfet pos¬ sible moment. Wm. 11 end*: fcsojf. 5-5-tf Morphine nn4 Whisky hub- it* treated without pain or ^oufiucmuut. Curt* £tmram* teed or no Lfnifa pay. P, 11 VKAI g Uarium. Man'inr SAtt- Box 3, Atx»*«tU. tta, | m m sen ' to to to to Ttie W * * * to W to to to to rif kX ? ’T” y\ ! 11 Cl* Sa 1 4 "1 i | jj ^ £ 1 j % & to to to ^ (Mate ^ m f CD •t- A- % £»i Si ’-iaariur oiiifeki!biOi C12 K u* t > n f I ■; i —rs * * XL2 CD 4 - in Gffite. 4f Auu ail vei’tises.i-e** % W .11 it Kieans on! resets to 1 «ao : iltlvoi'. - ili# il organ or 4.1 rive county widely ■ il hy s J read people whose patronage is worth 6>r. CaH ■U W1* - ! v - T 1% ' « e •• I i prices and ryd a place hi \ l , e picture. ' w- m I