Ocilla dispatch. (Ocilla, Irwin County, Ga.) 1899-19??, December 01, 1899, Image 4

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Boiled Down and Djslied Up Mr. Henry Turner and Miss Ollie Fuigham w^rc married in Sumner oa the 19th of November. Vice-President Hobart carried >350,000 life insurance. His entire estate is estimated at between two and three million dollars. DeWitt’s Little Early Risers pur¬ ify the blood, clean tbeQliver, invig- orate the system, Famous little pills for constipation and liver troubles. R. B. Allen <fc Co. A white woman in Florida was Btmtenced to five years in the peni¬ tentiary for marrying a negro. The negro was given one year. Mr. J. M. Paulk is placing the material for a pretty cottage resi¬ dence between Dr. Harrell and Capt. Phillips, on Central avenue.—Tif¬ ton Gazette. Matrimony is on the boom in Way cross. People are getting mar¬ ried w ho w ere never married before. —Wayeross Journal. The boom is doubtless across the canal. Editor Grubb, of the Darien Ga¬ zette, wants the legislature to pass a law prohibiting every fellow who is discharged from the penitentiary from going to preaching. Mrs. R. Churchill, Berlin, Vt., aays: “Our baby was covered with running sores. DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve cured her.” A specific for piles and skin disease. Beware of worthless counterfieits. R. B. Allen & Co. Miss Sallie E. Warren, a charm¬ ing and accomplished daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Warren, of Worth county, and Mr. W. T. Wat¬ son, a Stirling young farmer of the same county, were wedded Sunday before last. The Dispatch wishes for them all that is desirable in life. Constipation leads to liver trouble, and torpid liver to Bright’s disease. Prickley Ash Bitters is a certain cure at any stage of the disorder. Sold by Mashburn & Denmark, Fitzgerald, Ga. According to the statement of the state prision commission, the county of Berrien has eight long term con¬ victs in the penitentiary; Coffee and Colquitt nine each and Irwin and Worth twelve each.—Tifton Ga- xette. Purify the sewers of the body and stimulate the digestive organs to maintain helth, strength and ener¬ gy. Prickley Ash Bitrers is a ionic for the kidneys, liver stomach and bowels. For sale by Mashburn & Denmark, E’itzgerald, Ga. Mr. John L. Turner died in Wil- lacoochee last Saturday of heart failure. He and his brother James R., had recently moved from Alap- aha to Willacoochee, where they engaged in the general merchandise and feed and livery stable business. J. B. Clark, Peoria, Ill., says: “Surgeons wanted to operate on me for piles, but I cured them with De- Witt’s VVitch Hazel Salve.” It is infallible for piles and skin diseases. Beware of couutesfeits- R. B. Allen &C(K A burglar entered the Klondyke Restaurant, by way of the back door Friday night. After he got in h« found that Host Green was sell¬ ing meals cheaper than he could steal them, and left without taking anything of value.—Tifton Gazette. “1 was nearly dead with dyspep¬ sia, tried doctors, visited mineral springs, and grew worse. I used Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. That cured me.” It digests what you eat. Cures indigestion, sour stomach, heart¬ burn and all forms of dyspepsia- R. B. Allen & Co. An exchange says: We now have the chain leas bicycle with skirtless rider, the horseless carriage with pantless driver, wireless telegraphy, smokeless powder, painless denistry, odorless kerosene and noiseless ex¬ plosives, but we have not yet come across the kickless subscriber.” A system regulator is a medicine that strengthens and stimulates the liver, kidneys stomaeh and bowels. Prickley Ash Bitters is a superior system regulator. It drives out all unhealthy conditions, promotes ac¬ tivity of body and brain, restores good appetite, sound sleep and cheerful spirits. Sold by Mashburn & Denmark, Fitzgerald, Ga. The Enterprise gave a mild kick about the pest house being located on the road from Ocilla to Fitzger¬ ald. Maybe the authorities wanted to have it convenient for both towns —is ease of need. Sutton Gossips. f Intcnxlei] tor lust weak's issue.] Mrs. Jodie Sumner is quite sick with typhoid fever. Dr. Harrell, of Tifton, is treating her. Also Mr. R. 11. Hutchinson is quite sickj but we hope to see them both out again soon. Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Hutchinson and little daughter, Beatrice, of Tv Ty visited home folks at Sutton Sunday. Rev. J. A. Cox filled his regular appointment at Zion Hope Sunday, and preached an interesting sermon to a large congregation. Messrs. P. L. Hutchinson and Seaborn Sutton attended preaching at Worth Saturday night, and re¬ port having had had a nice time. I’d like to know what it is so at¬ tractive over there, boys? Prayermeeting next Thursday night at Mr. Martin’s. The Zion Hope Singing Society met Sunday at Herron Creek acade¬ my, and spent the afternoon in sing¬ ing. Prof. W. L. Pickard, of Tifton, will lead a lesson in singing at Zion Hope the first Sunday at 9.30 a. m., after which Rev. J. A. Cox will preach. Everybody is invited to come and bring their song books. Mrs. Mary McDaniel is spending some time with her daughter, Mrs. Mary Lightfoot. Miss Mary Y r oung and her grand¬ mother, Mrs. Blanchard, visited Mrs. A. A. Hutchinson last week. We are glad to learn that little Miss Blanche Daniels is improving. Mr. and Mrs. G. M. King’s baby, Bernice, is quite sick at this time. Mr. and Airs. Baubbits visited the latter’s mother, Mrs. Eliza Sutton, Sunday. Mr. S. Z. Castlebery was a pleas¬ ant visitor at Sutton Sunday even¬ ing. Gipsie. A SURE CURE FOR CROUP. Twenty Five Years’ Constant Use Without. Failure. The first indication of croup is hoarseness, and in a child subject to that disease it may be taken as a sure sign of the approach of an at- tack. Following this hoarseness, is a peculiar rough cough. If Cham¬ berlain’s Cough Remedy is given as soon as the child becomes boaise, or even after the croupy cough ap¬ pears, it will prevent the attack. It is used in many thousands of homes in this broad land and never disap¬ points the anxious mothers. We have yet to learn of a single instance in which it has not proved effectual. No other preparation can show such a record—twenty-five years’ con- stant use without a failure. For sale by I)r. G. H. Macon & Do. Some folks say they have small pox in Ocilla, but Brother Hanlon, of the Ocilla Dispatch, gently alludes to it as the “breaking out.” This definition doubtless makes it lighter on the sufferers. — Cuthbert Leader. The disease has been in this section at least since last April, in a light form, killing no one, and we, as well as a number of physicians, could not believe that it was small pox; hut the government expert says it is, and that settles it. Ilow are you getting along with it up there, Bro. Howell? Mr. J. Sheer, Sedalia, Mo., saved his child’s life by One Minute Cough Cure. Doctors had given hef up to die with croup. It’s an infallible cure for coughs, colds, grippe, pneu¬ monia, bronchitis and throat and lung troubles. Relieves at once. R. B. Allen & Co. This is a Florida editor’s view 7 of the war: “The colossal Don Quixote pranced upon his fiery and untamed Rosinante, exciting the gayety of all nations and winning easily the jackass pennant. In the meantime the tortured bulllaughs at the mata- dore and bellows at the sunburst of blood that has for ages drenched hell’s earthly arena.” Mr. E. E. DeVane, of Adel, and Miss Eva Parish, daughter of Mr. W. W. Parrish, of Sparks, were married Sunday evening, Rev. J. T. Stanley, of Adel, officiating. This young couple belong to two of Ber¬ rien’s most prominent families and are highly esteemed throughout the county.—Tifton Gazette. Miss Annie E. Gunning, Tyre, Mich., says, “I suffered a long time I ! from dyspepsia; lost flesh and be- ; came very weak. Kodol Dyspepsia j Cure completely cured me.” digests wbat you eat and cares all forms of stomach trouble. It never fails to give immediate relief in the worst cases. II. B. Allen & Co. DECOYING HANDS TO FLORIDA. A Summary Example Made of a Young Man in Irwin Last Week. For the past year, and especially this season, there lias been a heavy movement of turpentine operators from south Georgia to Florida,where new farms are being opened up at the rate of half a million boxes a month. Those Florida operators, finding it cheaper to send to south Georgia for colored laboiers than to North Carolina,have representatives all through this section, who have been carrying off the hands by droves. As this worked a considerable hardship on the operators through this section, they being obliged to send to North Carolina for hands to replace those decoyed off, they have organized for mutual protection and with the purpose of making it warm for anyone caught en flagrante der liotu. The first victim of this organiza¬ tion, or the first man to be made an example of, was Mr. D. F. Bass, a young man representing the Gulf Naval Stores Company, who was caught in the act of enticing hands from the turpentine farm of Mr. Ben Drew near Mystic, in Irwin county, last Friday and placed under arrest, lie had no sooner given bond for this offense than he was arrested on a similar charge at the instance of another turpentine operator. Being unable to furnish bail on Bhort no¬ tice he, was compelled to spend the night in Irwinville jail, until his employers could be communicated with. Next morning, by wire, they furnished him bail in the sum of 81,000 for his appearance at the next term of Irwin county court, when the case against him will be vigor¬ ously prosecuted, as well as against all others caught doing likewise. — Tifton Gazette. A Keen, Clear Brain. Your best feelings, your social position or business success depend largely upon the perfect action of your stomaeh and liver. Dr. King’s New Fife Fills give increased strength, a keen, clear brain, high ambition. A 25 cent box will make vou feel like a new being. Sold by Dr. G. H. Macon & Co., druggists. Two of Mitchell county citizens went to law about a 75 cent turkey- last week. The expense of the liti¬ gation amounted to $15, and the turkey remains with the party who started out with it. The cost will buy a thanksgiving turkey for the bailiff, justice of the peace, four lawyers, six jurors, ” d ‘“ v<> dollars for cranberry sauce.—Ex. I Paid Bear for His Leg. B. D. Blanton, of Tbackerville, Tex., in two years paid over $300 to tsx he cured it with box it off, but one of Bucklin’s Arnica Salve. Guar- anteed cure for piles. 25cts a box. Sold by Dr. G. H. Macon & Co. Our farmers are beginning ° 5 to grind their cane and make syrup. , The young people arc going to havej a good time from now until the cane is all disposed of. There will be a : 1 : sugar boiling in every neighborhood j nearly every night, and the boys and ; girls will get stuck up in style.— South Georgian. " We have never yet yet seen seen a a “sugar “sugar boiling.” , boiling ... . „ Brave Men Fail ____ .X. -l 1 • 1 nervousness, ’ headache, ’ tired, 7 list- less, . rund-down , fee finer. . But there’s ■? t j *• Gardner, of Liavflle, Ind., says. 'Electric Bitters are just tee thing for a man when he don t care whether he lives or dies. It gave me new strength and good appetite. I can now eat anything and have a new lease on life.” Only 50 cents at Dr. G. H. Macon & Co.’s drug store. There has been a world of talk and two or three worlds of scare over the breaking out in and near Ocilla, but the scare has been caused entirely by anticipation, for so far no one has died with the disease. The town and county authorities are working together to stamp the disease out of the whole county, and this will be done in a few weeks. There will be no more walking din- tributors of the disease, and those who have j t w jji be properly cared fo. a. public it they not able to be quarantined at home. Iwterestlng Prison Statistics. To every true citizen, the statis¬ tical report of tbw state prison com¬ mission is full of food for serious thought. There are under the charge of the commission 2,20] convicts, 27 less than last year. Of these, 438 are serving life sentances, 348 ten year and 314 five year terms, the rest be¬ ing divided along various terms, from one to forty years. The ages of the prisoners range from 11 to 73 years, two of the former and one of the latter, The age of 24 is the favorite one, 147 giving that figure. Of the crimes, burglary leads, with 696; 230 are serving terms for attempt at murder and 201 for manslaughter. Of the trades, laborers lead with 906 prisoneas furnished, and the farmers a close second with 816. Brokers, artists, contractors, tan¬ ners, tinners, policemen and journ¬ alist furnish only one each. Of the convicts, 997 are married, 1,294 single, furnishing an eloquent lesson on the refining influence of the home and the married state. Most noticeable of all is the elo¬ quent plea these dum figures set up for a higher and better education. Despite the fact that less than twen¬ ty-five per cent, of the people of the state are illiterate, that illiterate per centage furnishes one half of the in¬ mate of the state penitentiary. The exact figures are as follows: Prisoners that can read and write, 871; prisoners that can read only, 250; wholly illiterate, 1,080. All convicts under fifteen, all fe¬ males and infirm are cared for on the state’s prison farm near Milledge- ville. The labor of the able-bodied men is leased, under state control, care and supervision. The state is indebted to the prison commission for its able handling of the state’s convicts, as well as the careful compilation of these statis- tics.—Tifton Gazette. As a cure for rheuma'ism Cham¬ berlain’s Pain Balm is gaining a wide reputation. D. B. Johnson, of Richmond, Ind., has been troubled with that ailment since 1862. In speaking of it he says: “I never found anything that would relieve me until I used Chamberlain’s Pain Balm. It acts like magic with me. My foot was swollen and paining me verv much, but one good appli- j cation of fain Balm relieved me. For sale by Dr. G. ti. Macon & Co. i Three Papers a Week ———-- FOR ABOUT Xt|^ PRICE OF 0/\E. Thls afld (he Atlanta «» J * CSt’l W 1 » Here you get the news of the world and all your local news while it is fresh, paying very little more than one paper costs. Either paper is well w r orth $1.00, but byspe- cial arrangement we are en- put in both of them giving three papers a week f or j ow p r i ce _ You can- no t equal this anywhere else, and this combination is the ^st P remium for tho9e * ho want a £ great paper and a home ?a er Ta ke those and you will keep up with the fimoo g , r . new, th. mterest . , to . farmers. ._____ T It \ , has „„ ssr , “sss . c Temple Graves, Hon. H j ord an and other die- tinguished ^ writers. (hu o{fice and , eave you , tu fc scr iption» for. both papers. You can get • tample copy of either pa- per here on application, 50 YEARS’ EXPERIENCE 4 J > Patents * IHAUt lllMrma Designs Copyrights &c. Anyone Bending a sketch and description whether may quickly ascertain our opinion free Communica¬ an invention is confidential. probably patentable. Handbook Patents tions strictly Oldest for securing on patent*. sent Patents free. taken agency through Munn & Co. receive tptcial notice, without charge, in the Scientific American. SgSjfAgWJifkSSg A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest Ctr* ofiMow v stove/nulFon! J.?. Here is a Don’t forget that you can save money by going to Paulk Hardware For all kinds of Hardware, Building Material, Mill Sup¬ plies, House Furnishing Goods, etc. We call particular attention to Refrigerators, Ice Cream Freezers, Flower Pots and Jardeniers going at Cost. We have a nice line of Dinner SetB, Rodgers Silver Plated Table Ware, Lamps, Galvanized Tin and Glass ware. We also carry a complete line of Ready Mixed Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Brushes, Dry Colors, White Lead and Colors in Oil. FAULK HARDWARE CO. OPPOSITE BILLY’S PLACE, Fltzoerald,- oeorala 8-25-tf FOURTH STREET DRUG STORE. NEW FIRM! NEW GOODS! NEW PRICES! Dr. G. H. Macon & Co. ) —OPENED A NEW AND FIRST-CLASS—- DRUG STORE -AT- 0CIL.UA. GEORGIA Their store is elegantly fitted and furnished and their stock new, fresh and of the best quality. It consists of Pure Drugs Chemicals Standand Patent Medicines Perfumery, Fancy Goods and Toilet Articles -THE FINEST 5c. CIGAR IN THE MARKET.- STATIONERY, Writin g Paper and Envelopes, Tlain and Fancy Boxed Stationery, Inks, Writing Pens. Tablets, Pencil Tablets, Pen Holders, Pencils, Mucilage, Writing Fine Theu make a specialty of Compounding Phusician’s Prescriptions and Family Recipes. O-A-XjXj -A-InTID SEE IBfilt You are invited to call and inspect their stock. They will be pleased to make year ae- quaintance and will treat you courteously whether you wish to purchase or not. Your pat- ronage is always appreciated, no matter how small your purchases be you may and rest i reasonable assured it will be our constant aim to sell you the best goods that can obtained at prices. Ice 6old Soda Water, Milk Shakes and Coco Cola 2-3-tf WEAK §C 1QM S w dangerous Kidney* betuue they Mt favorable to the appearance of Bfight’fi DiS63SS> Prickly Ash Bitters Heals the Kidneys. Cleanses and regulates the Liver. Strengthens the digestion and removes constipated conditions in the Bowels. IT IS FOUR MEDICINES IN ONE. A SYSTEM TONIC PAR-EXCELLENCE. fUCX $1.00 R1 B0TTLX. t*x? mt by txicxxt ask kttxxs ce. BO 1.0 BT ALL DBCHIiTI Mashburn & Denmark, Fitzgerald, Ga., Special AgenW* CD CO CD CD "“I =3 . V ! ■ % <t 7 mi m 5 Y> w. MONARCH <«• DEFIANCE BICYCLES are recognized the world over as representing the highest type of excellence in bicycle construction. 1899 Models $50.00 and $35.00. Send for 1899 Catalogue. Agents wanted in open territory. MONARCH CYCLE MFG. CO • » Lake, Halsted & Fulton Streets, Chicago. Branches—NEW YORK, LONDON, HAMBURG. Send 80 cants in stamps for a deck of Monarch Playing OardB, illustrating JessitB Bartlett Davis, Lillian Russell, Tom Cooper, Lee Riohard&ou and Walter Jetties. “All ROADS ARE ALIKE TO A MONARCH."