Ocilla dispatch. (Ocilla, Irwin County, Ga.) 1899-19??, December 01, 1899, Image 8

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THE DISPATCH. HKNDKR8DX ,V HANLON, I'MOl'UIKT.iltv >,(. Henderson, - Business Manager. ,J. tV. lianlon, - Editor. |*k' dished every; Friday and entered mail at fhe Oeilia postofilce na second-class platter, first oheis reading and a high grade advertising medium. Subscription Rates s Ptie copy, one year.......... ......#1 00 Ono copy, six months, . . One eory, three months.. Advertising rates.on application. Address al! business letters to Tub Dis¬ patch. Lock Box If, Oeilia, Ga. Oflicial Octfaii I,'win Couijty KlUI'.W, Dk,t,mbf.k t, D>y>. Superior court convenes week after next. The Hardwick bill is dead. It re¬ ceived three votes. “When shall we three meet again?”—Hardwick, Bell and Ellis. You’ve got that polecat sugges¬ tion by the wrong ear, Bro. Dave. “Gipstc” thinks Aunt Sofrorty’s bean is over about Sutton, and asks if he is a widower. We can’t say. Some call them the “convict roads.” But it matters not, so long as they are the best in wiregrass Georgia. Consideration, of the Willingham bill has bee:, postponed till Decem¬ ber Oth. Fulton county’s grand jury wants county officers put on salaries, and asks the legislature to help them.,, Mrs. Bailie Fussell, daughter of Mrs. Letvtia Paulk, of Coffee coun¬ ty, died of heart failure on Tuesday of last week. The post office p.t HogansviHe was destroyed by fire Wednesday morn¬ ing. Lofton, a negro, was post¬ master. Loss $400. Mr. Elisha Vickers, son of Mr. Eli Vickers, of Coffee county, died cm Tuesday of last week, after a thru 2 weeks’ spell of fever. Mr. Jas, S. Canlding showed us a magnetic egg yesterday. It would lie only in one position, differing from many people in that respect. The graded road is completed to tlie Coffee coiinty line. It reaches the line at the residence of the late J. R. Smith, and is a first-class road all the way to Ocilla. Judge Dave Ewing and Gapt. D-. V. Mull are loud in their praise of the treatment received at Savannah during the recent reunion. To all intents and purposes the money of the old Yets were worthless while there, as they could not spend it. Savannah is a grand old city, any way you take her. Kansas is a prohibition state. Ex-Senator Ingalls was asked not long ago what he thought of the workings of the law. His reply was: “The temperance people have the law, and the drinkers have the whiskey, so both ought to be satis¬ fied.” The United States justly owes peo¬ ple of the South $11,006,000 for cotton siezed by troops during the war. The supreme court has decided that the United States has no right or title to these funds, and an effort is to be made to have congress pass a law returning, the money to its rightful owners. We did not lose any cotton. It is said by Competent authority that the local spinners in the terri¬ tory embracing Cedartown, Dalton, Ti ion, Raacoon Mills, Rome, Kin- Hale, Aragon and Piedmont, Ala., will consume all the high grade cot¬ ton produced in that section—225,- 600 bales. Cotton, factories have roused the local cotton market to bid from \ to 4 cent per pound more than New York and LiverpooLp-rices. —Cedartown Standard. A negro man from Boston, Ga. was in town last Saturday with two. freak chickens. He came to put them on exhibition at the exposition, but was misled as to the date aiul ■ reached here too late for that. In¬ stead of feathers, the-chickens wore hair and looked like rabbits instead of fowls, except for their shape. He says that he had a pet rabbit in the yard with his chickens and supposes •tite association caused the freak. Valdosta. Times.. THE MAN ABOUT TOWN. “I’ll tell you what 1 once saw in church,”' said a gentleman out on the streets the other day .Everybody looked up to hear this, observation. “Now, yyu mustn’t say anything about it,” ho began, “for it may get me into trouble.” We all promised not to use his name if we did happen to hint U to some one else, at the same time drew a little nearer the “Well,” lie went on, “the minister was preaching a very tine sermon and I was deeply interested in this portion of th.e discussion, for he was paying h.i.s respects to our present liquor trade, I looked around over the congregation, at the end of one of his periods, and what d,o you suppose I saw?” No one seemed desirous of venturing a guess, so he said that he saw a young lady —beautiful young lady—sitting a few benches from the front, busily — “Eyeing lfer neighbor’s bat,” some one suggested. “No, sir,” he said, with emphasis, “she was chew¬ ing a slug of gum just as fast as her little jaws could work. I lost the thread of the argument just then, and began to count the movements of bar lower jaw. I took out my watch and timed said jaw for five minutes, and how many times do you suppose that piece of gain was hit in the five minutes?” Guesses and estimates were given,, ranging from 100 to 1,000, “Well, I’ll tell you exactly. It was even 481 times, and she stopped and swallowed six times.” Now, is chewing tobacco in the church house any worse, pro¬ vided you spit out the window? N ot much. A young lady should never so forget herself as. to chew gum in company. When the city fathers get out of a job, they can find one by looking out on north Cherry street. The business men of Ocilla have experienced the truth of the state¬ ment that too much talk, like “a lit¬ tle learning,” is a dangerous, thing. There is hardly a town in this sec¬ tion of thp state (with the exception of Fitzgerald), but what has bad more or less trouble with-this smallo- ehicken pox,, but. we have had to bear the burden of the fight. Great town Ocilla is! An enterprising citizenship within her borders! If these comities which are hold¬ ing conventions for the purpose of discussing the road problem will come down and interview Commis- sioner Henderson,, he can both tell arll l show them how to get good roads. lie is doing a-work for which rising generations will be thankful, Have you noticed the crowd of urchins playing on the streets? Y es, I know you have if you’ve chanced to stroll up Fourth street about sun¬ down and happen to the inconven¬ ience of being knocked down by a rotten apple, or run over by some peculiarly shaped street car in the hands of some careless boys. Be careful how you “turn the corner” at Fourth and Cherry streets. Max About. Town. Just as Written. The following letter is painted j ust as written, except names, which w.e leave out.: - Kissimek, Ga., Nov. 20, 1899. Editor Dispatch: here is alittle Piece at eye would like for you to put in the Dispatch Eye went up in irwin to mr Saturday night 18. And he killed aa, old rustoor and kooked him just about an hour, and taken him up and called us in to supper. And be was as yellow as apunkin and the skin on that rustoor was as tough as aeow hide. Eye think at he have had him 2 or 3 years and eye think at he must have pulled a timber cart for 25 years, and the soup where that chicked was cooked was so tough till you couldn’t stick afork in it and bis head was as hard as a iron wedge. The Winning Ticket., Ticket No.. 261 draws the $&.0O cash prize to be given away by R. B. Alien & Co. The party holding this number can get tho prise by presenting the ticket at their store pn Irwin avenue. Parties bolding tickets 200 and 262 are also requested to hand in tlie same, as the prize will be equally divided between them slittuld number 261 fail to come up. Sutton Search-Lights. We are glad to say that our sick ones arc better now, and we hope to see them out again soon. Mr, R, II, Hutchinson, who 1ms been sick this week with shingles, is slowly improving. Uncle Bob says people can call them shingles, but be feels like ho’s bad a pretty good ease of ten feet boards. He has iu time past had the small pox, and he gives the shingles the worst name. Mr. James Shirley returned home Saturday front Atnoi ions, where be had, been attending eo.urt and with¬ out small pox. Mr. B. C. Hutchinson made a flying visit to Valdosta last week on business, and reports things lively there, as it was court week. We had a nice rain Saturday, which was badly needed. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Smith and little daughter, Katie, visited Sut¬ ton Sunday; also Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Hutchinson, of near River Side, with their two bright little boys, Henry and Winson. Aunt Sofroney, it may be that your beau is over here without girl. Is he a widower? Mr. Joe Baker, one of Worth’s hustljng farmers, passed Sutton Monday en route to Tifton w.agon load of thanksgiving Xmas is nearly here, j wish I knew what old Santa is going to bring me. Papa says if I’ll be real smart maybe he’ll bring me a goat and wagon and a big fiddle. Won’t I be glad. Gifsik. Runaway Wtarriage. Wii.i.acooChee, Ga., Nov. 27— Our town was treated to quite a sen¬ sation this afternoon. Miss Annie Belle Gaskins, one of the leading young ladies of the community, went to Sunday school as though nothing unusual was to happen. From Sunday sehool she went to the home of Mr. Ford, where she was met by Mr. Marcus Shaw of Adel, Ga., who drove to Pine Bloom with her. There- he called on a justice to perform the marriage ceremony. A special friend of the would-be bride’s father put a runner on horse back to the father’s home. On learn¬ ing of his daughter’s escapade the enraged father started on horseback but arrived just in time to be too late, lie gave the young couple a sound tongue lashing and then pro¬ ceeded to treat the minister in like manner. The groom is 23 and the bride 14. They left at once for Adel. Mr. Dennis Paulk’s. Death. Willaooochee, Ga., Nov. 26.— Mr. Dennis Faulk, aged 00, died at his home five miles east of this place this afternoon at 3 o’clock. Mr. Paulk was one of Coffee county’s welthiest and most influential citi¬ zens. He ably represented his county in the legislature of 1886, winning the race over one of the county’s strongest men by a large majority. The county has lost one of her best citizens, the family a devoted husband and father, and the com¬ munity one of its strongest men. Fitzgerald is one of the best towns for collections in wiregrass Geor¬ gia. A few clays ago a man took a bill up there for collection. He knew there was an error in it, but depended on former bills in the merchant’s hands to correct it. The merchant heard the complaint against the account, then took down two or three great bundles of bills and receipts, as requested. At the sight of them the collector told him to desist, as it would require too much of his time, and that he would return the bill, corrected, later. “No, sir,” said the clever merchant,, “we are always glad to pay our bills when presented, and we’ll soon have this one corrected and paid.” And so he did, for the bill last settled was soon found, the error in the new bill corrected and a check cheerfully given in liquidation. Who was the merchant? Why, Mr. Harley, of the Harley Hardware G’o. There are a number of others in Fitzgerald just like him. j Mr. E. J. Ilogan made and gath- ered his crops this year inside of ton months, and made plenty, in- eluding 1,200 bushels of «om. Additional Locals. rhere is a demand for brick stores in Ocilla. Judge Jim Lee, the popular Ordi¬ nary, cooked his cane juice this week. The Dispatch hopes to meet nine- tenths of its subscribers at Irwin villc. week after next. You need not send afar for your holiday goods. Watch the Dis¬ patch for such information. The cork tree at Judge Hogan’s that was supposed to kave been killed by the freeze last winter,, is now as green as ever. Mr. O. J. Luke is now a resident of Fitzgerald, having moved there recently. The Dispatch wishes for him abundant success. Speed Paulk feeds the carpenters who are building his house, on tur¬ key and chicken pie, with an occa¬ sional trout as a change. Mr. Jas S. Gauldiug is at home today celebrating his 55th birthday. May there be many happy recur¬ rences of his natal day. Miss Mamie Garett, one of Tif- ton’s fairest and most, winsome arrived in Ocilla W^dnes- day afternoon on a visit to relatives. The chaingang are now at Irwin- v ^ e > ail( ^ *^ e liext wol 'k. after a few work on roads around the court house, will be on roads in the Sixth district. The Mystic and: Oeilia railroad is nearly completed, and we expect to soon be traveling by rail to our lit¬ tle sister town. The roadbed is ex¬ cellent. Judge D. M Ilogan has some¬ thing over one hundred bushels of excellent sweet potatos that he wants to swap.for a reasonable amount of specie. Mr. II. R. Sutton, one of Irwin’s best young teachers, who is non’ taking the teacher’s course in the college at Abbeville, spent Saturday and Sunday with relatives and friends in this vicinity. While in the Soldiers’ Colony Do¬ main Monday we saw a neat little house the walls of which were built ot slabs from the saw mill with the bark on them. It i-s a curiosity, and excites much comment. It was all a misunderstanding about an attempt having been made to assassinate Marshal Hayes last Friday night. The actions and words of the supposed assassins were sufficient to create suspicion, but they were entirely innocent of any such intention, Our town and county authorities are working vigorously to stamp out the small pox, and are succeeding well. It seems that there is an epi¬ demic of the disease in the South, Georgia, Florida and Kentucky seem¬ ing to lead in the number of cases. It seems to be the same mild form everywhere. In Georgia but few white people have taken it, but the negroes catch and scatter it easily. BRING us Your JOB WOKE Satisfaction, in work and prices. MEVJ MARKET. EDWARDS & FLETCHER. Prop’s. Cobkkk Fourth and Ciihuky Sts. c H01SKST, BEEF—Konst, Steak and Stew, fork. Pork Steak, i’ork (Jliops and the best of PORK SAUSAGE always on hand. Orders promptly delivered in any part of tlie city. Give us a trial order. EDWARDS & FLETCHER. 12-1-tf. MORTGAGE SALE. GjifiuviJA—Irwin County, Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained iu a certain mortpa-'.: Kivuu to J. S. Erwin recorded by W. L. Carter, of on Dccembm- 12th, ISM. 1K95, in Book V mortgages, pages in Clerk’s office of Irwin county, Georgia, there will be sold before the court house door in Irwlnvlliti, said county, on the first Tues¬ day in January. 1900, between the legal hours of sale, described to tlie highest bidder for cash, the fol- lowi ng property, to wit: Lot of land number 105. in the Fifth district of Irwin county, containing 400 acres of land more or less. Said described land to he sold as tin- property of W. L. Carter, in satisfaction wf the above described mortgage, mortgage, costs and at¬ torney fees as provided in said belong¬ to¬ gether in with all improvements said land. upon ThisNovem- or ing any ISiiO. manner to ,1. S. Erwin, her 28, Attorney in fact for W. L. Carter. R . .\. llEsmtiCKH, Attorney at law for J. *. Erwin, 12-l-Hl DON’T Let all your birds getaway. Buy your gun a Watt & Holmes’. Every one sure shot. Don’t burn up the BREAD or seorch tb TV KKEY when you eunget a perfect baker at a lo.w figure. Don’t sit in the dark and dream of GHOSTS ot BLRGt.AKS wUe’.J we almost give awuy those handsome lamps. They are SHINERS. j Don’t get excited anil pay a, HUNDRED dollars for a BUGGY when wl can sell you STYLE, FI VIS li and QUALITY at a much less figure. Don’t miss tlie attractive bargains found at WATT # HOLMES In HARDWARE of every kind. * i j Fine China and Dish Ware of all kinds 1 SILVER and STEEL table cutlery in desirable designs. Raiuts, Oil J and varnishes that will suit your taste and pocket book. Call on us at an early date and see for yoursslves the variety and quality of our goods. WATT & HQLMES HARDWARE CO, FiTZGERALD, GA j FOR LEAVE TO SELL. GEORGIA—Irwin County. Notice is horoby given tnatthc undersigned have applied to the Ordinary of said county for leave to seli land belonging to the estate of .lehu Fletcher, for the purpose of distribu¬ tion. Said application will be heard at the next regular term of the court of Ordinary Monday for said county, to be held on the first in December, 1,899. This 6th day of Nov.. 18119. G. W. and T. E. Fletcher, XI — 10-4t Administrators. TWELVE MONTHS' SUPPORT. Georgia—I rwin County. Oarrie Denniston having made application for twelve months* support out, of the estate of .1. M. Denniston, and appraisers haying duly ap¬ their pointed return, to set. all apart tlie concerned same hereby tiled persons tlie are Court required Ordinary to of said show county, cause before the first Monday of on in December, granted. 1899. This why said application day of November, should not be 6fh 1899. ,1. ,1. Lee, 11-10-4t Ordinary. SHERIFF'S SALE.. Georgia—-I rwin County. Will be sold, before the court house door, at Irwiuville. 1899, Ga., within on the first Tuesday hours of iu De¬ cember, the legal sale, tlie Allot billowing of property, land to-wit: containing lot number 100, 490 acres, more or less; also the north half of lot of land number 131, containing 245 acres, more district or less; ail of said lands being Levied in the5th land of said county. on and to be sold as the the property of William Grant¬ ham One to satisfy justice following issued executions, to- wit: court fi. fa. from the 1026th districtGf. M. of t offee county, Ga.. in favor of Macon Steam Gandy Works against R. Purvis & Co., a firm composed of R. Purvis and William Grantham. One ti. fa. issued from the city court of Douglas, Ga., in favor of E. A. Weil 6c Co. against K. Purvis & Co., R. Purvis and Wil¬ liam Grantham. * One fi. fa. issued from the city court of Douglas. R. Ga.. Purvis in favor of M. Ferst’sSons Purvis and* & Wil¬ Go. against liam Grant! 6c Co., It. lain. One fi. fa. issued from the Coffee city court. July term, 1897* in favor of Road Fertilizer Co. against Richard Purvis and William Grantham. Twoii. fas. issued from Coffee county city court in favor of JB. H. Levy & Bro. against K. Purvis & Co. 1026th Two district justice court M. of fi. fas. issued from the G. Coffee county, Ga.. in favor of Albany Drug Company against' wn- liam Grantham and K. Purvis. and Property the defendant- pointed out by plaintiffs’ attorney in fi. fa. William Granfc- liam. served personally with notice of levies. WARREN FLETCHER. 11-10-4L Sheriff l. O. SHERIFF’S SALE. G eorg i A—Irwi» County. Will bo sold, on the first Tuesday in De¬ cember, 1899, next, before tlie court house door, cash, at public within outcry, the legal to the highest of bidder, the for hours sale, following described property, land to-wit: Fifteeu. acres, more or less, of lot of number 92. hid the 3rd land district said county, as re¬ corded in the plat of the American Tribune Soldiers’ Colony Company. Levied on and to isfy be sold stiperir as the property li. fa. of Joseph favor Buck of to Labor sat¬ a court in Exchange Branch No. 189 against said Joseph Buck. Defendant notified in writing. This November 9,1899. Warren Fletcheh, 11-10-4 L Shuritf. MORTGAGE SALE. Geo ito i a—T rwill County. Under and ascertain by virtue of a power of attorney contained in mortgage executed to 1899, W. A. by Murray 11. G. Calhoun, on the 4th day of February, to secure a certain promissory saidmortgage, note which for 840.00, of the same due, date of sum is now except $f>.00, which was paid'on the Oth day of Octo¬ ber. 1899, 1 will sell to the highest bidder, for casli, before the court house door in Irwin- ville. on the first Tuesday in December, 1899, within the legal hours of sale, the following, property, land Lying, to-wit: situated Thirty and acres, being in more the or north¬ less, of east corner of lot of laud number 111. in the 2ud dist of Irwin county, Ga,. bounded as fol¬ lows: Beginning at northwest corner of said lot. running east to the Rock House Branch, thence down said branch to a certain tree agreed north upon, thence- the west to point, original the line, thence to starting same rWwWi to me by C. F. Hill on the 8th ry. 1891. Said mortgage is record- in the clerk’s office of, Irwin county, Ga., Book K. pages 573-4. and recorded on the i day of February. 1899. This Murray, nov. 3, 1899. Z. Bass, W. A. Att’y far Mortgagee. Mortgagee. U-10-4t, FOR LEAVE TO SBLL. Georgia—I rwin County. Notice is hereby given Ordinary that the said undersign¬ ed has applied sell to lands tlie belonging of the county for leave to to estate of Nellie (-’. Sibley, for the purpose of tho pay¬ ment of debts and for the purpose said of making distribution ajnong the heirs of estate. Said application will be heard at the regular term of the court of ordinary of said county, to he held on the first Monday in December, 1899. Tins 3rd day of November. 1809. O. L. Sibley, Jr., ll-10-4t AdmT estate Nellie C. Sibley DISMISSION FROM ADMINISTRATION, Georgia—I rwin County. Whereas, J. C. Fussell, administrator of Joseph \\ akiron, represents to tlie court in his petition, duly filed and entered on record, that he has fully administered said estate: This is therefore tp cite all nersons concerhed, kindred and creditors, to snow cause, if any they can, why said administrator should not be discharged from his administration, and receive letters of dismission on the first Mon¬ day in February,. 1899. 1900. This 6th day of No¬ vember, J. J. I.EK. J t-lS-Hni. Ordinary. FOR LEAVE TO SELL. Georgia— hnvin County. Notice applied is hereby tho gi Ordinary ven that the of undersigned said has to county for Willis leave Dorminey, to sell land for belonging tlie 1 to the of estate debts. of payment Said application will bo heard at the imxt reg¬ ular term of the Court of Ordinary for said county, to be held on tlie first Monday in De¬ cember, 1899. This fith day of November. 1899. J. J. DokMinkt. 22-10-4P Administrator. CITATION. Georgia— Irwin County. To Jill whom it may concern: Wright T. Paulk sand having applied for of guardianship John Edwin of Vaun, the person Bee Vaun and property Lora Della Vaun,. minor chil¬ dren of aMps. Mary E. Va.un. lata of said coun¬ ty, deceased, notice is hereby given that said application wil l bo heard at my office, at ton ovJock a. w.. on. the first Monday in Decem- bea next. This Ct:h day of Novetal er, 1899. < J. .1. Lfb. 1 li-fb-ll. Ordinary.. Better Goods FDR * less Money Is the basis upol which we solid your We patrona^l invite ycl and earnestly rfl quest you, to ex amine our stod and compare ol Prices befol makingyourpul \ chases. Our new meth oils, and lol Prices, seem A people be just what tbj i we waiting for. fl Our aim is sell at prices till leave no don B in the minds J intelligent hum ers as to whel they should bu 1 conducting We are stLj j cash business o I the small invitj| prof * plan, and an inspection o our stock. One j ticket given wil l j each cash pur- 1 j chase of one doK 1 ar .which entitled the draw customer at $5.0(1 t<| a hi ii cash, to Id given Decemlfl away us on 1st. Yours to ser R. B. f\LL0.1H & 6 IRWIN AVENUE, 1 OCILLA - - GEORGI