Ocilla dispatch. (Ocilla, Irwin County, Ga.) 1899-19??, May 18, 1900, Image 1

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Official Organ Irvyln County. VOL, IV. TfiE AIM OF BUSINESS IS T9 MAKE MONEY. The closing year of the century finds few people working for such glo¬ ry. Money is an absolute ne¬ cessity that we have got to have it. As money saved is money made* asing public the purch¬ will nain rally be for on the lookout the house that gh es tllO l)eSt Our pripes. Srices based on are fihe principle of f m SALES AND SMALL RETURNS. Our _ object . is . tq , do _ the very largest vol- ume of business at the very lowest margin of profit. Selling as we do, for cash, places US in position to meet any competition. We want your busiuess, and ask: for It conditioned on our doing better for you tlian others. We hay e the right goods at the right prices, and solicit your pa¬ tronage. KB.Allen &Co. Leaders of Low Prices. HOME NEWS, EG-CAE SCHEDULE G. & A.. K. K. « UUY, EXCEPT SUNDAY. Arrive at Ocillfi ...11:00 and 8:25 p, nj, Iteitfve Ocilla..-- . .11:30 a. ru.. and 6:48 a. m, SUNDAY ONLY. Le;iv# Ocilla............ ..... .11:05 a. m, Arrive at Ocilla....... ...... A :p0 p, m.. Clwse connections for nostb, east, south or west. Charlie Sibley says it’s his set-up. See change ®f McNatt $McB rule’s advertisement. Figued pique, 25c. per yard, at Hyman & Co.’s, Irwinville. Mrs. R. L. Henderson visited bey- mother at Waterloo this week. Fresh light bread daily at C. L. Sibley’s. 5-1 Ut. Mrs. Burke and Miss Mae Burke, visited Alt- Vernon this week. Col. C- W. Fulwood, the pioneer lawyer of Tifton, attended court Monday. Dotted Swiss, 35c. per yard, at Hyman & Co.’s, Irwinville. Capt. W. Lennon, of the River Bend section, was in town Wednes¬ day. Bottled sodawater, all flavors, at C, L. Sibley’s. 5-1l-4t. Some of the Ocilla boys picked up a few plunkers on the result of the election. Silk parasols, 75c. tip, at Hyman & Co’s., Irwinville. Ocilla has two well-conducted hotels, and both seem to be on the np-grade. All kinds of penny candies at C. L. Sibley’s. 5-11-4-t. Judge Wm - Henderson harvested a large field of oats this week. The crop was a fine one. Organdies, 12 j to 25c. per yard, at Hyman & (Jo.’s, Irwinville. llli 0C LU DISPATCH I OCILLA, IRWIN COUNTY, GA., FRIDAY, MAY 18, 1900. * § , L. R. TUCKER S GOMPflNY » OCILLA, GEORGIA. WE BEG TO ANNOUNCE to the trading public that we have " General Merchandise. opened up a nice and varied line of We beg to announce further that we are here for the purpose of selling our goods and invite yon to come to see ns and examine our goods and prices, for we have some cracking good cash bargains and promising you as nice treatment as can bo accorded by two Country Crackers, endeavoring at all times to make our business perfectly satisfactory with you. We are here for business and can’t stay without it, hence we must and will sell our goods at a very small profit. We do not propose to sell you one article at cost and double on another, but only want a legitimate profit all round on our goods, without which no man cun succeed in business. Yours, to serve, LYTE & CLINT 3-lGrtf Proprietors. Mrs. Margaret Gaskins, of Alapa- ha, is visiting relatives in Irwin. Figured dimity, 12 fc per yard,at Hyman ifc Go.’s, Irwinville. Bedford Cord, extra width, 15c. per yard at Hyman & Go’s,, Irwin- ville, Ga. We are glad to learn that Mr. 1), J. Henderson has recovered from a recent atta * k of p Qeumonia - Penny pencils, with rubl>ers, and pemJ Wso( M „ yon » >eW ., atC . l. Sibley’s. s-n-ct. The Dispatch orphanage is under obligations to Mrs. W. N. Fiveash for a mess of fine Irish potatoes Thursday, Before buying your spring goods cab and soe our pretty assortment- 3-1.13-tf. Lyte & Cunt. The four months.old child of Capt. E. G. Browiu of Nashville, died Monday. Ills noble wife died a few weeks, ago. We want to chat with you before you sell your chickens, eggs, hides, etc. It will pay you. 3-ie-tf. Lyte & Cunt. No one built any homes for the jolly little fellows, consequently but very few martiuslooated in or about town this season. Corded Taffeta, 25c. per yard, at Hyman &_ Co.’s Irwinville. Through an oversight wc failed to call attention last week to the an¬ nouncement of Mr. Warren Fletcher for sheriff. Mr. Fletcher has made one of the best sheriffs in the state and the people want to indorse the fact by givinghiin a second term. Lightning has destroyed many a man’s property. Does it not strike you that insurance is assurance against loss? “Aetna;” “Sun;” and “Palatine.” T. D. Ross, agent, Fitzgerald, Ga. Mr. A. A. Hall spent part of the week in the Owen tonsorial parlors at Fitzgerald helping.the boys out during the session of the Grand Lodge Knights of Pythias. Airs. J. A. J. Henderson, Miss Pearl Barnett, Miss Mittie Berry and Mr. D. II. Paulk left for Odessa, Fla, on a few days’ visit to Mr. Reason Henderson, Wednesday. Mr. Geo. W. Ilandley bad squares on his cotton last Saturday. So far as we know, Mr. Ilandley leads the county on cotton, at least on twenty acres. George Handley is a first- class farmer anyway, and old Irwin has many of that kind. Mr. J. Lee Ensign is quite at home when handling the throttle of an engine. It was our pleasure to ride with him from Mystic to Ocilla Wednesday on one of his big en¬ gines, and he relieved the engineer. The trip was made in good time, and—well he run the big “machine” like a veteran. The farmers are rejoicing, for General Green is dead. Col. T. J. Luke cleared two cases before county court Monday. Billy Keira, the good-humored, of Fitzgerald, gave Qcilla a pop call Tuesday. The City Market is furnishing its customers with excellent Irwin county beef these days. Dr. G. II. Macon & Co. moved into their elegant new brick store on, Fourth street Thursday. Ice cream as delicious as we qver tested was dispensed at the soda fountain in Irwinville last Monday. Read wdiat Mr. John W. Nas- worthy has to say in this issue, and then go and see what bargains he is offering. \ Court was in session last Monday, Judge Clements presiding. There was but little business for the court and this was finished at 1:30. But few there were that came Tuesday; they voted, then away to where the youthful hay with emer¬ ald coat was mantling Mother earth. Users of tobacco cannot fail to find what they want at Hyman & Co.’s, Irwinville. They carry eleven or twelve brands, and they are all excellent. Judge J. J. Lee’s announcement for re-election to tbe office of Ordina¬ ry will appear next w r eek. lie has made an excellent oridnary and is popular throughout the county. Mr. Milt Hogan planted his oats four feet in the rows and four-fur¬ rowed them recently. Wednesday he was planting peas in the water furrows. Mr. Hogan is a fine farmer. We are glad to state that Airs. Whitley, wife of Mr. James Whit¬ ley, who has been dangerously ill,is improving, and we hope to soon be able to chronicle her complete res¬ toration to health. The state Grand Lodge Knights of Pythias convened in Fitzgerald yesterday, and are bing royally en¬ tertained by our sister city. Several of our local lodge went up yesterday and more will go to-day. Mr. Bill Taylor has been hard at work this week putting up the tele¬ phone line between Mystic and Ir¬ winville. lie will probably com¬ plete it to-day or to-morrow, and then there will be more talk. Misses Dora and Bertha Paulk, who have been attending college at Milledgeville, returned home Satur¬ day night last. The college closed before the term was out, on account of the prevalence of small pox in its vicinity. Ocilla Lodge No. 374 F. &A.M., was to have held a called meeting last Wednesday night. This meet¬ ing has been postponed till next Wednesday morning at 10 o’clock. All members who can possibly do so are requested to be present. i Lax Items. The farmers of this section have been fighting General Green with all their . might . for the last, two weefcg. They say if they can got another week’s sunshine Green will have to surrender. liev. Clark, of Colquitt county, filled his regular appointment at the Giddens school house last Sat- urday and Sunday. Mr. John Faulkner, near Lax has been ou the sick list for the last two. weeks. The writer wishes him a speedy recovery. Sheep shearing and cotton chop¬ ping seem to be the daily occupation of the people around here. The Brushy Creek Vocal class met at the Giddeus school house ^ asfc Sunday before services and rendered some fine music. Mr. James Boykin is so busy these days that he can't take time to go fishing. But the other fishermen are kind to him; they pass byoccasionally and j eav0 }jj m a ^ on K ate - Ikil0W James appreciates such kindness as that. We are glad to know this settle¬ ment is clear of mumps, but the grippe has some of the neighbors within its grasp. May 16. Timbolcs. If Dan should catch a tarpon while he is in Flfpida, we will never hear the last of it. Judge Boberts’ supporters claim that if there had been a full vote, they ■would have carried the county. If it hadn’t rained recently we would have had a longer dry spell. We acknowledge, with pleasure, an invtation to the closing exercises of Prof. Henry McMillan’s school at Alapaha on Friday, 25th instant, and will endeavor to be there. AkermaD will fee doing a friendly act to- his negro census enumerators from the tone of the talk in some localities. Town Marshal John M. Luke re- signed Tuesday, and Mr. T. M. Pol- lock was appointed until next vegu- lar meeting of council, when the vacancy will be filled. A marshal can be elected only at regular meet¬ ing of council. The whole community deeply sym¬ pathize with Dr. and Mrs. Goethe in tbe death of their baby, which was laid to rest in the Ocilla cenae- tary, Monday. It gladdened the hearts of the parents for a few hours, then returned to the God who*gave it. Judge Daniel Tucker last year liad part of a field planted in peas. This year he planted the field in oats, and you can tell to a vow where the peas were planted, the oats be¬ ing several inches higher than where there were were no peas. This shows the Yalueof peas as a soil renovator. M:ss Bettie Luke, of Irwinville, has a curiosity in the shape of a three-legged chicken. The third leg does not touch the ground, though it is perfectly formed. The leg ex¬ tends rearward. The biddy is but a few weeks old anil is as spry as a cricket. It is on excellent terms with Bunny, Miss Bettie’s pet rab¬ bit, ancl may live to a ripe old age if her pet dog does not decide to have raw chicken for dinner some day. The correspondent of tbe Douglas Breeze at Pickren, whose article we copyelsewhere, expresses public sen- timent throughout Georgia. There is no good in mincing matters of this kind. The white people of the South will never permit the negro to share in its government, and the soonery tbe understand this incontro¬ vertible fact the better it will be for them. To fail to understand it is to court tbeir own destruction. The Southern people are their best friends —so long they stay in their places, and no longer. List of Jurors for June Term County Court. 11 W. Hussey, .las Roberts, L Frink, David Whiddon, A L Harper, Jehue Harper, C A J Harper, Win Williams, ^ J huke, G R Tomberlin, Wm Fletcher > Fred J Clarke. Ocilla’s merchants are makin| it interesting for customers in the ifiat- ter of furnishing good goods at very low’ prices. See their advertisements in tl)e dispatch. U ON HARDWARE. Crockery, House furnishing Goods, Farmers’ Supplies, Mill Supplies, Turpentine Supplies. Big line ot fr lSlllIlir # # ^ I <lf*lvle id Sj) *tillg <11 01 ' Goods. ^4 i Send a I us your orders i and i we will please you. VMarley-Holiiies 6o„ 11 FITZGERALD, GEORGIA. c. w. iiyman. .1. IS. <'LEM K.NTS. AV A RISEN FEETCJIEIt. HYMAN & COMPANY, DEALERS IN Ok- General * Merchandise f „ IRWINVILLE, GEORGIA. \\/ r E ARE NOW LOCATED in our elegant new store building.and are well prepared to meet the wants of_the people in all kinds of,... .. ...... lies......mill Kitrlicn applies, v *• J£ ?' Dl'V (JOOdS, IM’CSS (»(HM|s. JVotiOHS, UrOCPI'ieS. [ jEtf. m , m _ Our stock was carefully selected, is ALL NEW AND FRESH, and our pr j ce s will MOVE THEM, No such stock of goods has ever been seen in Irwinville, in quality, quantity and .variety, and it will pay you to get our prices before going elsewhere. A trial purchase is all we ask, «-• £ The goods and prices will do the .-rest. HYMAN & CO, 4-lS-t.t High Price Destroyers. TIFT0N & NORTHEASTERN R. R. ‘■‘SSOXjIDIE^B’ COLOUtfTT IROTJT’jEL” LOCAL TIME TABLE No. 6. H. H. TIFT, President. W. (). TIFT, Vice-President. Uknkhai, Offices: TlFTON, (tEOKGIA. 7. No. 3. No. 1. Miles February Effective 27, WOO. s 1 No. 3. No. 4. No. 8. 51 43 30 30 28 10 15 40 18 15 ^XiCOOOCOOOOiOsCS^ 00 00 15 M. to I-* iC t-* wo Cb GC ClOC.4* t AKIM f f f LEAVE. VE. ... .....Pinetta, .....Mystic, .... ... .....Tilton, .....Tram ... Fitzgerald, .Brighton, Harding, Fletcher, Switch...... Ga......... Ga......... (’.a........ Ga........ Ga........ Ga........ Ga....... AKltlVE. LEAVE. CCCHGC A. P. 11 11 11 12 11 11 12 12 M. M. 31 00 25 00 00 51 14 15 ^ a c: a a a zx vi P. 3 c; r. in yt ; 30 24 M. 18 10 Trains Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4 run daily, except Sunday. Trains Nos. 7 and 8 run on Sunday only. (f) Flag Station. Trains stop only on signal. All trains make connection with the Plant System and Georgia Southern & Florida Tilton, and the Georgia & Alabama at Fitzgerald. F. G. Boatkight, Traffic Manager Ocilla Novelty works! L. J. TUCKER, FROF’R, Ocilla, Qeorgia. ......../ am prepared to manufacture , on short notice, Mantles, Columns, Gable Ornaments, Brackets, Newel Posts, And all other interior ancl exterior finishingsyov residences, churches and all kind of buildings. My facilities for turning out'work in above line are excellent, and prices will he found reasonable for first-class work. Furniture repaired and made us good as new. Orders from Irwin county amt Southwest Georgia generally are respectfully so- lieited, and satisfaction assured. 7-7-2m Official Organ Irwin County. NO. 44 Examination of Teachers. The annual examination of appli¬ cants for teachers will be hold in the Third Ward school building in Fitz¬ gerald June l<ith, 1000 . This May 14th, 1900. M. Dickson, (S. Irwin Co., Ga. 5-18-91. Sewing Wlacfiines. A.ll parties needing a good sewing machine are invited to call on orad- dress ,J. J. F. Goodman, 5-1 Him Goodman, Ga. Balusters, Head Blocks, Corner Blocks, Base Blocks, Moulding's.