Ocilla dispatch. (Ocilla, Irwin County, Ga.) 1899-19??, September 07, 1900, Image 1

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Official Organ Irwin County. •VOL. V. HOME NEWS, local. Schedule g. & a. n. n. rtXiliY, EXCEPT SUND’AY. 'AWlvii a t Oeilla. ..11:00 a. m. and 8:25 p. m. Leave Oeilla.... ..11:30a. in. and (5:40 a. in. SUNDAY ONIJY. ' Leave Oeilla...... .11:05 a. m. ' Arrive at Oeilla. .. . .4 -.50 p.' m. Close councctions for north, east, south or •West. Church Directory. Baptist.—P reaching every 1st and 3rd Sun 'days, morning and evening. Conference oil Saturday before 3rd Sunday at 10 o'clock a. in. 'Rev. M. L. Lawson, pastor. Sunday School at 10 o'clock a. m. W. I). Burke Superintendent. Mkthomst.—R ev. W, W. Stewart, pastor. Preaching 2nd and 5th Sundays, morning and, • evening. Sunday School every Sunday at 4 ip. w., J. T. King, superintendent. How’s' your appetite? 'Plant.your fall garden. Eggs ate scareedlf Ocrlla. (Bring fin some fall chickens. ’County court next Monday. 'Ordinary’s court last Monday. a3ee notice of pond letting off. fLong-cotton 18 to ; l 9c, short 9. Mr. J. L, Bass was in town Tues Say. The fall is the sickliest time of the .year. Col. B. B. Cheney was in Oeilla Wednesday. Something like la grippe prevails iin thismection. 'We have a few nest onion seed to 'divide with the needy. The Oeilla school opened Monday morning with sixty pupils. See the attractive advertisment of the Oeilla Drug Company. Uoleman & Mixon are now ginning •cotton just west of town. The farmers are in good spirits •over the prices for cotton. Hustling J. Lee Ensign was in 'Oeilla a few days this week. The poplar trees on Irwin ave 'nuc will soon need bracing. Cotton pickers are in demand all •over the county at fair prices. “See dissolution notice of Fletcher •% Mauldin and Fletcher & Co. See announcement of, Mr. Dan Mclnnis for sheriff and go ahead. Mr, Joe Fletcher, of Alapaha, was in Oeilla Tuesday on business. There is much sameness about a “-farewell address” all over Oeilla. * We sell the popular Monroe and -Jefferson hats. Lyte & Clint. Mr. as Fletcher sprained his arm recently while striking at.a cow with a whip. Mrs. Mobley, ti'f Tiftoh, is visit¬ ing her brother, Mr. Guy on Irwin avenue. Mr. A. S. Dorminey arinoitnces in the Dispatch for the office of repre¬ sentative. Candidate Wiley Whitley was in ’town Tuesday aftevnoon, examitnftg Ibis fences. fftaidk & Co. bought twenty-two Lales hf cotton Wednesday from Mr. (Eb. ffietcher. We ai*e glad to learn that Mr* Babe tTarper is recovering from a sevei-6 "spell of fever. Quite a crowd picniced at JBow en’s Mill Wednesday, and of course had ala enjoyable day. Mrs. T. -A. Henderson left last Friday to Visit her son, Hon. G. G. Henderson Moultrie. It 'is said that there will be ten or fifteen eabdidates for Commis¬ sioner Hehderson’s place. There Was a large crowd at Pleas¬ ant Hill yearly meeting last Sunday, including most of Irwinville. We fell the best’lemons and cold drinks. IAte'W Clint. Mr. M. J. Hbgali’s baby, reported to be dyihg 'lhkt Mdfiday morning, is better, we are glad to state. “Foreign” cabbage ‘has made its appearance ilt thjs market. It should have ’come from hoirle gardens. Miss Mary Brown, and her bro¬ ther, HE?. Jbhfi Brown, spent Mon¬ day night with relatives in Oeilla. MiSS Tasifte Ovei'by arrived in Oeilla last Friday night, to resume her dWtlds'lh'ftle'Ocillh High school. THE OCILLA DISPATCH. OCILLA, IB.WIN COUNTY, GA.,&FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1900. Fp to noon Wednesday Irwinville had received forty-bite bales of cot¬ ton. Work oh the Methodist church, except the painting, lias been com pleted. Mr. Jcft' Qooge left for Abbeville and other points Monday, lie may be absent about fifteen days. We will pay highest market price for 100 hides. I,ytk & Clint. C Candidate' ll. I. Kirkland has re¬ covered from a recent attack of fe¬ ver and is out again. What candidate Crossed the line and did some tall Canvassing for votes in Worth county recently? Mr. J, W. Self and his son, who reside above Irwinville, Were in Oeilla Wednesday. Come again. Mrs Thomas Harper was reported very sick with fever the first of the week. We hope she is now recov¬ ering. Mr. O. V. Purvis was expected home yesterday from Columbus, Ga., where he is attending a busi¬ ness college. Miss Maggie 'Henderson came over Tuesday for a few days’visit to her aunts, Mcsd-ames M. and R. L. Henderson. Mrs. Sophia Young has been visit¬ ing her daughters, Mesdames M. aud R. L. Henderson, near Oeilla, for the past several weeks. Work on the railroad from Mystic to Irwinville will begin Monday morning next, and will be pushed rapidly to completion. Last week Mr. J. W. Winn gave a picnic at Bowen’s mill, complimen¬ tary to Mrs. Winn’s sister. It was a very enjoyable affair. Mr. Thornton, representing S. P. Richards Co., of Atlanta, made his first trip to Oeilla Wednes¬ day, and did a good business. Miss Mary Covington and Mr. Reason Whitehead were united in wedlock about a week ago. May long and blissful lives be theirs. Elder Gibbs, the pastor, preached at Flat Creek during yearly meet¬ ing, commencing Friday of last week. The attendance was large. Get out of the old ruts and see if we can’t place South Georgia in the front .ranks of prosperity.—Way cross Journal. Isn’t she already there? Miss B. Cravey and Mr, Bert Shepard were wedded one day last week. They live in the western part of the county. May they live long and happily. September brought quite a change of temperature. We have had de¬ lightful fall weather this week, the nights being cool and the days not oppressively warm. Messrs. H. T. Fletcher, Eb.Fletcher and Geo. F. Paulk killed an old rattlesnake and seventeen young ofiefi week before last. The old snake Lad eleven rattles. 50 men wanted by the Ensign Oskahip Company to work on the extension of the railroad from Mys¬ tic to Irwinville. Apply at once at Worth or Oeilla, Ga. Mr. J. W. Henderson', on Mr. D. J. Hogan’s place, has a daughter sick With pneumonif* arid three chil dreif down with the fever. We hope to hear of their early recovery. Mr. G. C. Roberts’ four-year-old son, Elder, died near Cecil, Berrien county, Sunday bight, of typhoid | fever. The remains were buried at Valley GrdVe church Tuesday morn¬ ing. Mr. Tobias Boyakiri and family wish to return heartfelt thunks to their many friends' f or kindnesses during the recent illness and death of their daughter,- Miss Mollis. Powell Bullard At Company want the people to call" next Week and in¬ spect their ready-made- clothing, which they have selected with great care and which, they feel sure, will go rapidly when the quality and prices are known. Death of Nlrs. D. Nl. Hogan, We regret to announce the doath of Mrs. 1). M. llogan, wife of Judge 1). M. Ilogtui, which sad event oc birred Wednesday at 12:30 o’clock, She was taken with typho-nialarial fever Thursday of last week and grew gradually worse until Wednes¬ day, when she passed peacefully away. Mrs. Hogan was a sister of Mr. Enoch Pridgen, and was a devoted wife, mother, neighbor and friend, ller death has caused deep sorrow wherever she was known, but the deepest and most heart-rending sor¬ row is in the home where her chair will be vacant evermore, The re¬ mains were interred Thursday morn¬ ing in the family burial ground. May the Master lighten the sor¬ row of the bereaved ones with the belief that ali is well with her. There is lively competition be¬ tween the cotton buyers of Oeilla, and this is so much the better for the sellers. A few pieces summer goods and straw hats at a sacrifice for the cash. Lytic & Clint. Mr. W. II. Harper was taken sud¬ denly ill Wednesday with conges¬ tion of the brain, and for a few hours much alarm was felt; but prompt medical attention soon had him on the road to recovery. Hyman A Co., at Irwinville, had bought up to last Monday, over thirty bales of cotton, and they al¬ low no one to bid more on cotton than themselves. They are deter¬ mined to have it, and that’s the and short of it. Hum. PEHRGt & BflTTEY. SSA.'VA.ISTIViA.H, GA., .Cotton Factors,. Manufacturers of H. ll*G _ r ad e Fertilizers. Experienced ami ex pert handlers of both Sea Island and Upland Cotton.MoNEY Loaned to cotton shippers on satisfactory security. 8-3-7rh Mr. Frank Paulk rarely ever comes to town with an empty wag on. Wedfiesday' be brought in a lot of home-raised meat. That’s the kind of farming that pays.- Frank will land in the legislature yet. Miss Eva Smith, wbo was in charge of the music department of the Oeilla High school last term, arrived Mon¬ day night to again take charge of that department. Her'past conduct of the work is assurance to tlie pat trons of duty well performed. McNatt & MoferidebaVe demon strated the fact that the people predate appreciation, as was evlden ced by the large amount of goods sold during the month of August, with the sewing machine offered as a gift to some one of the purchasers of as much as a dollar’s worth. Next Friday arid Saturday Mr. Archie McMillan will run off Mr. M. C. Griffin’s fish pond, about a mile and a quarter south of town. This pond has riot been run oil in three years. You can fish both days or any part of them for $1.00. If you want plenty of fish be On hand, with your dollar. Candidates are expected to be present and address the crowd. Remember the dates, Friday and Sat unlay, 14th and :15th. Domontod Man Found In the Woods. Wednesday a horse with a buggy attached came up to Mr. Tom How¬ ell's, at Lax. Mr. Howell at once instituted a search for the owner, and finally found a white man wan¬ dering about in the woods in what he thought to be a demented condi¬ tion. The man’s name is J. M.Word, his home in Macon, where lie has a family. I le was traveling for the Ex-1 eelsior Medicine Co. of Wayeross. Mr. Word (or it may be Ward) told Mr. Howell that the Mormoms had killed his wife and children and were then after him to murder him. Mr. Howell went with the de¬ mented man four miles in the direc¬ tion of Willacoochee and turned him over to another gentleman who took him to Willacoochee, where he could receive medical attention. Before parting Mr. Word gave" bis watch and chain to Mr. Howell and re¬ quested him to send them to his wife in Macon, as lid felt that he would soon die. Kev. M. L. Lawson will preach in Hopewell church, Trwifiville,next Sunday morning at lb o’clock. Misses Amia'.KateiandErtima Hill, who have been visiting their sister, Mrs. C. C. Mims, left for their home in Augusta Monday morning, to the regret of the many friends they made during their visit to Oeilla. Next Friday night Oeilla Lodge No. 374, F. & A. M„ will hold its regulay monthly communication. Every member is urgently requested to be present, as business of impor¬ tance will be before the body. Dr. Wiley Fnssell’S eleV'tWyear- 1 old son is an expert violinist. His skill in this line is remarkable,' ate-all who have heard him playirig will testify. Mr. Mike Tucker and daughter will leave for their Florida home next Wednesday, after a delightful stay of over a month with relatives' ill 1 this county. Tfie Dispatch, with many years of bought and paid up experience, in the'matter of advice to farmers, has non(yto giye now> as to ho i dingcot . for b(jtt ^. prices . But it does look ^ eieTyth[ng Considered that the price' ought to go up at least a leetle higher. Judge J. B-: Clements, one of the most useful men 1 in the county, in addition to his public work, conducts a large planting interest. A 50-acre field of of short cotton, near his residence, shows up exceptionally well. It is loaded heavily with fruit, many of the stalks beading beneath its weight, lie expects to get forty bales froni this field, which we think is'a conservative estimate. His corn, cane and potatoes ai'ri abbvh the aver¬ age—and he can suit all tastes in the scuppernong line; from honey sweet to “delightfully” ho Ur. Preaching at irwinville. Rev. M. L. Lawson, pastor, of preach in Hopewell Primitive tist church in Irwinville next Sun (lay morning at 11 o’clock. Mr. Lawson is one of the ablest preachers in this section of Georgia, and we doubt not a large congrega¬ tion will attend services Sunday. rHE “KING of HARVESTERS” -IS #McCORMICK. m su We sell these Machines and all Repairs. Big Stock on hand. Cdll and let us show you. Big line of Hardware, Mill Sup¬ plies, Tinware, Crockery, etc. Mail orders given prompt atten¬ tion. Big stock always on hand. Wau-fiarleu-Holnibs 6o„ t % FITZGERALD, GEORGIA. G. W. HYMAN. J. H. CLEMENTS. HYMAN & GOMfflNu DEALERS IN General * Merchandise, IRWINVILLE, GEORGIA. ____:______ _______ In addition to our large stock of Plantation, Household and Kitchen Supplies, we are fully prepared for the Fall and Winter trade in Ready-made Clothing, Suits from $1.50 to $18.00. Ladies’ Dress Goods, no better assortment in Irwin County. Ladies’ Shoes, from 80cts, to $3.50. Wen's Shoes, from $1.25 to $5.00, And WdRJds of dtW bargains. All of our lines of goods are trade and holder#/And we confidently invito your inspection. r lhe goods and prices the rest, HYMAN & CO ■9 4-13-tf High Price Destroyers. 00|||(] NOVfiltU WOPKS! L. J. TUCKER, FROP’R, Oeilla, Oeorgia. I am prepared to manufacture, on Moft notice, t Mantles, Balusters, Columns, Head Blocks, gable Ornaments, Corner Blocks, Brackets, Base Blocks, Newel Posts, Mouldings. And all other interior and exterior finishings Jor residences, churches and all kind of buildings. , My facilities fqr turning out work in above line are excellent, and prices will be found reasonable for first-class work. Furniture repaired and made as good as new. Orders from Irwin county and Southwest "Georgia generally are respectfully os licited, and satisfaction assured. 7-7-2m 1 TIFTON & NORTHEASTERN R. R. “fcSOXjDiErEiS' coiiOXTr iso'ctte.” LOCAL TIME TABLE No. 6. H. H. TIFT, President. t ■w. o. TIFT, Vice-President. General OimiCKs: Tifton, Georgia'. No. 7. No. 3. No. 1. Miles February Effective 27, 1900. Miles No. 3. No. 4. No. 8. ! r* LEAVE. ARRIVE. P. M. -5-Y w 30 00 00 © .....Tifton, Ga...... 25 12 15 O 40 oc 09 sc .....Tram Switch... 22 13 6o at *-.Crr 3J 45 oc 15 cn f ... .Brighton, Ga..... 20 12 00 O cs 52 oc 25 oc f ... .Harding, Ga..... 17 11 51 Oi OM o> 10 12 CC 45 f .....Pinetta, Ga..... 11 11 31 C?0> cri 15 28 18 G «C 01 13 f .....Mystic, .Fletcher, Ga...... Ga..... nra, C 11 11 25 14 CK C WlJ cjiwcn ... 15 «0 30 •.. Fitzgerald, ,Ga.... G 11 00 r M. ARRIVE. LEAVE. A. M. y Trams Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4 run daily, except Sunday, Trains Nos. 7 and 8 run on Sunday only. All (f) Flag Station, Trains stop only on signal,. trains make connection .with the Plant System and Georgia Southern & Florida at Tifton, and the Georgia & Alabama at Fitzgerald. - F. G. Boatright, Traffic Manager, Commercial JOS PRINTING A Specialty. Charley Brown killed a joint snako ^ at Lemon’s pond last Monday. After i, f! i ng killed a short while the body began to writhe, and in a short while came in two about midway and the tail end moved oft' some distance. This was captured again and also came into several pieces, the whole forming quite a phenome¬ non.—Henry County Weekly. NO. 8.