Ocilla dispatch. (Ocilla, Irwin County, Ga.) 1899-19??, December 21, 1900, Image 1

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Official Organ Irwin County. VOL. V. THE EMPIRE STORE, Ftarald Oa ■ .PRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT: Double Face Mohair Shirting, Fancy Flannels for Shirt, Waists; Crepons; Cashmers, all shades; Biilliaatines, all shades; Silk Waiat Patterns, new designs. Remember, we are agents for Butterick SEND US YOUR MAIL ORDERS. HOME NEWS. IiOCAIi SCHEDULE G. & A. R. K. DAILY, EXCEPT SUNDAY. Arrive at OclUa. ..11:00 a. m. and 7:25 p. m. Leave Ooilla----- ..11:30a. m. and6:40 a. m. SUNDAY ONLY. Leave Ooilla..........................6:40 -^7 £5 a. ro, i^rrive at Ooilla................ v .... ; p.jB. ""’Close connections for north, east, south or •west. ____ Church Directory. Baptist.—P reaching every 1st and Srd hWii daysT morning., and evening. Conference o’clock on .Saturday before 3rd Sunday at 10 a. m. Ear. M. L. Lawson, pastor. Sunday School at 16 o’clock a. m. W. I). Burke Superjrjtending, Mr.THODiST.-Kev. W. W. Stewart, pastor. Preaching 2nd and r,th Sunday!, morning and evening. Sunday School every Sunday at 4 p. ru., J. li'.Kbiju superintendent. OFFICIAL ORGAN IRWIN COUNTY. Say, Dan, how’s salt? 1 Only four days till Christmas. Is the curfew law being enforced? Time seems to sit lightly on Tifton’s pa. See J. A. J. Henderson’s notice to debtors. Miss Bertha Paulk will xeturn from college to-morrow. For dolls, all sizes and prices, sec R. B. Allen & Co. Leon Hanlon, of Ocala, Fla., is expected, to reach Ocilla Sunday. Mr. D. J. Henderson returned from Florida last Saturday. Buy your candy at Irwin County Drug Co. And these be the gladdest days of all this grand old year. Co to McNatt & McBride’s for all kinds of Christmas goods. Iiig John Clements and Bailiff Rogers were in Ocilla Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Howell, of Lax, were shopping in Ocilla Tues¬ day. Buy your Christmas goods in Ocilla. Immense stocks to select from. Remember to attend the Christ¬ mas tree at Irwinville next Monday night. The Irwin County Drug Co. is offering special inducements in Christmas goods. Yes, we hear of hog-killings, hack-bone, spare-ribs and souse, but that’s all. Buy your salt from Potvell, Bul¬ lard & Co., a»d save money. Other goods at correspondingly low prices. Messrs. Wilmot and Walter Wat son are visiting relatives in llous ton county. One million and a half of brick were used in building r l ifton’s cotton factory. Mr. Fisher W. Gaskins has re¬ signed from the board of education of Berrien county. Mr. John B. Paulk is slowly im improving from a long spell of something like lagrippe. Fine china lamps and tableware at Irw in County Drug Co. THE OCILLA DISPATCH. OCILLA, IRWIN COUNTSGA., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 21,1900. The finest soaps at Irwin Coan.ty Drug Co. Wednesday night a fine rain fell in this section. * Xmas candies, nuts, raisins etc., at “Cracker Store.” 2t Christmas traders find what they want in Ooilla. The show windows of the Qeilla merchants are beautiful. Apples, oranges, raisins and nuts all kinds. , . li. ,, B. ,, Allen . <& „ Co. „ There should be no such ward as fa jj in the maUer of the Ooilla Christmas tree. If you want bargains in overcoats, mens’ and boys clothing, see us be¬ fore buying. “Lytk & Clint.” 2 Mrs. Lutlier Powell, and three children are the guests of Mrs. J. IJ. Powell, on Irwin avenue. The Ocilla public school closed yesterday, to be opened again on first Monday in January. The Irwin County Drug Co. has the nicest lot of perfumery and stationery in Ocilla. If you have pains or aches, see the Quaker Doctor. Hie is selling a Balm that seems to never miss its mark. Owing to a wreck on the railroad the auction sale of Texas horses and mules did not take place Wednesday. Apples and oranges at McNatt & McBride’s. Capt. Henry Tift, the father of Tifton, ought to feel very proud of his namesake. Try a pair of our celebrated Clover Brand shoes and enjoy comfort and service. “Lytk. * Clint.” 2t Miss Sarah Clements returned Wednesday from a visit of several weeks to relatives in the western part of the county. Have you seen the beautiful dolls at McNatt <fc McBride’s? All sizes. Wednesday was a lively day in Ooilla. The town was full of peo¬ ple, many of whom came long dis¬ tances to get Christmas goods. A twentieth of-Scotland’s area is forest land, seven-tenths is moun¬ tains, heath and lake, and only one quarter cultivated land. The J. A. J. Henderson stock of goods is fresh and up-to-date. Only cash buyers wanted. They will se cure great bargains. Paulk & Co. 12-7-4-t. Mr. H. B. Sutton came down from Abbeville Thursday to attend the school closing. Oella’s municipal election occurs on the first Tuesday in January. The voting will be at the court¬ house, on Third street. Miss Nannie Hardeman, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Me Nauiara, left for her home in ville Wednesday. We wish to thank oiir Ocilla customers for their patronage during the -past season, and respectfully solicit a continuance of same, as we are in better position to handle our out of town trade than ever before. Your mail order filled the received, SHOE DEPARTMENT. We have the agency for the celebrated W. S. Douglas Shoes. Black, Tan, Russet and Patent Leather, Button and Lace. Latest style toes for men. G. W. Herrick & Co.’s Shoes {or Ladies. yours lor business, T, S. PRICE & CO. Hunter, Pearce. & *9 Cotton Factors, r Manufacturers of High-Grade Fertilizers. Experienced and ex¬ pert handlers of both Sea Island and Upland Cotton. Money Loaned to cotton shippers on satisfactory security. 8-3-7m Sunday morning Miss Tassie Overby was called home by tele gram announcing; the serious ill ness of her brother at Richland. Buyers for the Christmas tree will find what they want at li. B, Allen & Co.’s. Judge Dan Tucker is selling his selected long cotton seed at Cole man & Mixon’s ginnery, and they are going rapidly. An immense stock of winter oloth ii>g, including best ready made suits for men and boys, are now going at astonishing figures opposite Paulk & Co.’s 12-7-41. lion. \V. G. Brantly, the popular congressman, will wed Miss Mary George Lenn, of Birmingham, Ala., January 8th. Another widower gone right. Having purchased the J. A. J. Henderson stock of general merchan¬ dise, the same must be sold. Large stock to select from. Cash gets great bargains. ‘ Paulk & Co. 12-7-4t. The lads and lassies of Ocilla have patronized Mr. Welcome Cole man’s cane mill liberally this week. Nearly every night a crowd has gone cut, to meet a hearty W el come. Don’t use any of the counterfeits of DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve. Most of them are worthless or liable to cause injury. 1 he origins 1 s Witch Hazel Salve is a certain cure for piles,eczema, cats, scalds, burns sores and skiu diseases.R. B. Allen & Go. Mr. R. L. Henderson left for Oxford, Fla., Friday last, to en gage in the turpentine business, having bought, out Mr T. W. Elar bee at Oxford, Fla. Success to him. Mrs. T; S. Williams 1 leaves to morrow to spend the holidays with* her mother, *t Adel, The approaching municipal elee tion is not creating, much interest, yet it is an important election. Jack Quince, colored, was arrest ed Thursday afternoon for the mur¬ der of Jim Wilcox,and jailed. Com¬ ^ mitment trial tomorrow. The Quaker Doctor has opened up in Ocilla, and i* selling^his med¬ icine at a lively rate. The Quaker medkineB are alveady doing g00 d work in many homes in this sec¬ tion. i The open air concerts, daily and nightly, by the Quaker medicine j ro an, are greatly enjoyed by our i people, and are well attended. He w ill be here till the last of next week. Miss Annie Berry and Miss Mabel Rogers, two charming young ladies of Dawson, are visit¬ ing Mrs. D. II. Paulk on Beech street and will be her guests (lur¬ ing the holidays. ’Squire J. Q. Hammond, of Pine Bloom) was a p l ea8an t caller at the ■ Dispatett office Thursday, You needn’t ask him how far the centre of Irwinville is from the court¬ house. Ocilla must have no halfhanded Christinas tree. The ladies* will do their ^ ag ^ always dp JjCt the men (j 0 theirs, and we will have the best Christmas tree ever seen in Ocilla. Who -was it that put a buggy whip under Paulk & Co.’s lime house Wednesday, thinking they knew the owner, when the real . owner ft stranger) was looking at them ? Now Is the time to subscribe. CLOTHING DEPARTMENT. A new and complete line of up-to-date Clothing always in stock. l_ FOR EVERYBODY! I want everybody to call and see me before they buy their Christmas goods. 1 have the biggest assortment of Fireworks, Toys and Santa Glause goods generally, ever brought to Ocilla. .It is impossible to name each kind. Come and See Them, Price Them and Take Them Away. I| also [have a tine assortment of goods suitable for Christ¬ mas presents. Of course you WANT SOMETHING GOOD TO EAT. My stock of staple and fancy groceries is complete, and my store is headquarters for Oranges, Bananas, Lemons and other tropical fruits. I am prepared to supply the hunters of several counties with best shells. In fact, 1 have specially prepared to SUPPLY ALU DEMANDS » Whether from Santa Claus, the good housewife or any bod " else. Remember that I sell tlie finest kinds ol Fresli Flsli tiiat eomelromtlie ocean. FINE ASSORTMENT WARRANTED JEWELRY, The people of Ocilla, Irwin and adjoining counties are in¬ vited to call and let me help them to have the merriest Christ¬ mas of their lives. JOHN W. NASWORTNY, 4TH STREET, OCILLA, Gi. OGlIla Novelty Works! L. J. TUCKER, PROP’R, Ocilla, Georgia. . I am prepared to manufacture , on short notice, Mantles, Columns, gable Ornaments, Brackets, Newel Posts, And all otiior 1 ritcrior and exterior linisbiims ,for resiliences, line churches excellent, and and all kind of buildings. My facilities for turning out work in above are made prices will be found reasonable for lirst-class work.« Furniture repaired and respectfully as good as new. Orders trom Irwin roomy and SouthwestjUemgui generally Jarr 7-7-2iu os~ licited, and satisfaction assured. Commercial JOB PRINTINC •A Specialty. NO. 23. Balusters, Head Blocks, Corner Blocks, ; Base Blocks, Mouldings.