The Watkinsville advance. (Watkinsville, Ga.) 1880-1???, March 10, 1880, Image 2

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The Advance. .........- j i. j. mxov, w. g. hVLtivAN.' EDI TOliS# PUD I SIfEllS. WatkinbVUXK, Ga.: WEDNESDAY, MARCH 10 lMO. Editorial and Otherwise. Blaine is worth $500,000. . Mre. Hayes weighs 175 pounds. Conkling parts bis boom in the middle. Piplheria is prevailing in some of the counties. Grant seems to he coining in on the tired-all wave. Sparta needs a good hearse. So does some other places. Pecan trees are getting to be com¬ mon in Oglethorpe county. Gainesville has nineteen lawyers and only four practicing physicians. It is just ns easy to praise an old woman as a young one, and it does an old one twice as much good. The New York Repudlican 'Conven¬ tion sends Grant delegates to the Na¬ tional Convention. Three attempts have been made to take the life of the Csar of Russia in the last few mouths. The last occurrc 1 a few days ago. An attempt was rnado to blow up the palace of tho imperial family. Tho Ctar and family wore not in the chamber under which the mine was placed, and consequently escaped injury. A number of soldiers were killed. Wnon n young man g< ts n cuta¬ way coat that buttons from the watch chain to the shirt Collar, and can hold an inch stub of a cigar be¬ tween his teeth and look unconcern¬ ed, lie’s entitled to quotation, and it's an ungrateful public that fails to notice him. What incentive has a young man to effort in a world that persistently refuse to recognize merit? ’Tis just ns true ns preaching, Or any kind of teaching, That any man of merit, Or a whit of public spirit, Beyond With hopes to have dome, a home, tho starry In the world eternal, Will take his county journal; And he that frowns and leers, And scobs and swears and sneers At his own county paper, Cuts Stains an his ugly caper, escutcheon, own And isn’t worth a notch on— A stick, or anything else, so to speak.—Cumming Clarion. On Christina; dnv a eitWn of our (own bought a goose for a friend and had a cabinet picture of himself taken for Another, ilo wroto a noto to go with the first, saying: “1 send you the accompanying goose, which 1 hope you will enjoy, Please accept it as a Christmas present Ilo wrote another note, saving: “I send you a little image of my. sdf. My friends all say it looks ex « C ^'hrisUnms < gif/’’ eiia * * iCCe f >t il as In his haste he got the notes in the wrong envelopes, and the reeipi ents accompanying wore highly amused at the gilts and notes. The Sunday Phonograph, Of Atlanta, is the best weekly paper published in the State. It's col¬ umns contain something to please everybody. attacking It is a bold, fearless paper, official corruption in good high family and low in places. It is of n tiie word, and paper advise every sense read-! j we our t rs to subscribe for it, if they want a good paper from the capital. A specimen copy can be seen nt this office. Terms. $2 per vear; 81 six months; 50 cents for three months, Address, Phonograph, Atlanta, Ga. Where’s the Lontars Sentinel f The New York World wants to know What has Become of the Okoloua Southern States and the Lernars Sentinel femv wSTlI! Watch« ' and »! [A few weeks since we gave the Sentinel, public our opinion since of that the time Lemurs anti w* have not laid eyes on it. We would be pleased to learn that it is D-d I D-d ! I and D dll! Funk for Time and Eternity the 1! into Bottomless Pit of Oblivion 1! Editors, Material, Type, Press and Pressman J! ] . Salntatory. To-day we is«nv the first nnmber of Ths Watkixkv llk Advance 1 the first paper ever published in 0cone ® couut v ;. or in Watkirisvillc. - In issuing this our first attempt to publish a newspaper, we do to fully feeling and appreciating the rerponfiibiHty of the situation, ask ing the hearty support of all of those friend y to the institution. In doing this we have but two objects in view. First, to publish ft pfl} * r jn Ooonet) couulv of whicli all may he proud. One that no one can he or will be ashamed to sup¬ port. but one of which the county at large may jnstly be proud. Second, to make an honest living by our work, trusting it may he remunera¬ tive to us, as well as entertaining to our readers. We do not deem ourstlvcs capa¬ ble of giving advice, to older heads than our own, and would feel for all timely suggestions on mailers of interest to our readers. We shall endeavor to do as near right as we know how, keeping in view as our motto, “Onward and upward.” Our aim is to do no one injustice, and private acts of per¬ sons or individuals wo think are not suitable for the columns of a newspaper, and consequently, arti¬ cles rcilecting on the character of any one shall not find its way into our columns. God being our help, we shall en¬ deavor to edit the Advance accord¬ ing to the best of our ability, we can promise no more. Our reception has been such, that we feel truly gratified, and wo enter upon our duties with cheerful hearts. We aro publishing the hug' st paper for the money that we know of in the State, so ns it shall he alike to all, rich, poor, high or low at the uniform /.do of $’ per annum. Our advertising rates will he liberal, and all courksies ex¬ tended to advertisers. Cod t bllie bus with golden step* advance Aitv. nec! II. yyhi pcrcrcd in the h 1 ■-•ning Advance car of Time, I Dr bade 11 guiding spirit of tin Si ,r». With liglitnin;; : vu yV’m.j; ear*, Along ilia Pi ighl floor of hi* azure hall, Ad vii nee I Sun, Star >, amt Time obey the voice, ami ail Advance! T.J. IIIXON,* W.G. sULUVAN.f Explanatory, At last, wo arc in your county site with our printing material, ready to do any kind of work in our lino; with an intention to run a first class news¬ paper. All we ask, is, that you give us a fair and impartial trial. God being our helper, wo will do our duty to the lust of our ability. We will endeavor to deal out juatico, alike to all; and to act impartial to none. Now fellow-citizens, it is to you wo look, to support onr home enterprise. If you want it good jour¬ nal as a medium throgh which to convey news to the remotest parts of your county, come Bp and sub¬ scribe at once. Onr limited acquaintance with the P t0 P ° of this vicinity, has been very pleasant, indeed, we hope tho time is not far distant, when we will bo personally acquainted with evor - v man in this county. M e ex tend an invitation to all, and espe to the citizens of onr county to call at our cilice when in Wat, kinsville, and give us your hand tell us your name, where yon live, let us form your aquaintanco. Politics. “Lot us forego politics for a sea¬ son ? We can as well have sotne thing else to talk about ns politics ; then we will be the longer obtaining a surfeit of the article, If those who do us and them selves tho pleasure to read the Drmccrat expect to find it teeming with politics, they will be disap¬ pointed. Of course, however, tho political issues will be discussed oc¬ casionally, at the proper time. But we shall have fulfilled our mission when wo give a newepajicr; not an organ to bias men's political opini¬ ons.” We clip tho above article from the columns of the Crawfordville iWnif, ns it speaks our senti ment* exactly, fol. Thornton's head is level. -- One _ of talented our most ladies remarked to us a few days since that she was sure that if.tbe ancient custom of the holy kiss was revived amongst the thurche* of to-day, the male members would be sure to select the youngeat and prettiest women on whom to bestow their over-running religious feelings. £*he is right in her opinion, and we be lisve’t would be vioe versa with the fair sex. What ia your opinion, loader? One great defect in Edison's elec¬ tric l jht arises from the fact that it will j»ot light a cigar. J Fact:, About 1880. We publish below some curious facte fur IFV», beginning with the firatday of January. The r T ref 1 y^the year did and April w If ’on Thursday ; the Fourth of Jo’/ r unes on Sunday and C’br>tmr - on Saturday. It is leap v«n - , February has 29 days, and as the girls will be privileged to go courting, they will have plenty of time to do it in, for the almanac maker considerately put five Sun¬ days in this month. Easter comes within a weak of a* early as it ever came—on the : Hth of March. This year will have six eclipses, four of the sun and two of the moon, but only one will be visible here, name¬ ly ihc.Cth, which is a partial eclipse of the sun last day of the year^ early in the morning. A very unusual thing about these eclipses is that three of them occur in December—a circumstance that will not again oc¬ cur in many years. Both eclipses of the moon will he lota! but invis iblein North America. About the middle of 1880, Winneck’s Comet after aa absence of five years will make its appearance in the heavens. The rnoon will be the ruling planet of 1880 and the year will generally be more humid than cold, Of course it goes out on Friday. It will also ho remembered that according (0 Mother Shipton, 1881 there will be a grand and final wind¬ ing up of the terrestrial. Perhaps, this is why 1880 will contain so many phenomena. Our Girls. Somebody says the girls in the principal cities in this country are listed as follows: Detroit, the wildest. Boston, the most intellectual. Louisville, Ike proudest Cincii.uari, 1 lie gaVest tlirts. St. Louis, the most reckless. Har f ud, Die best musicians. New Orleans, tho most truthful. Baltimore, tho handsomest. Washington, the beat dancers. Sau Francisco, the most indiffer dll. Atlanta, the most liberal enter¬ tainers. Chicago, the fastest nrnl most dissipated. amiable Richmond, the most dis¬ position. Rochester, the most anxious to be .loved. Philadelphia, the most refined and lady-l Vo,';, ke. New the gayest and most expensive in dress. Cleveland, the most graceful and entertaining in conversation. Add roc .f Sister Skinner. Tie following r.-c the opening sen ten -os <if :':i addre.* by Mrs. Skinner: l, M;s l'-otUonL, follow women ami male tvrds or.-rally s l aui hero to¬ il y fir the } • .-peso of discuis. ing wo m:ns rights, lveu-.ii’ig tha men. I be Ili-tv v xc were created perfectly equal, uifli the woman a little more than the men. I !ii'j believe tint tho world t -day would have been happier if men Lei never existed. As a --ucccss man is a failure, ami I bless my stars that my mother was a wouen uad not a man, a. 1 re grot that my father was not a woman also. [Applause ] I not only maintain these principles, but maintain a shirtless husband besides. They say a man was created first. Well, sup pose ho wa*. Ain’t first experiment always failures I If I was a betting man, I would bet $3.50 they are. The only decent thing about him wai a r'.b, an : that went tv make something better. [Applau o.] And then they throw into out fates scout taking an apple. I'll bet five dollars Adam boosted her up the tree and only gave her the core. A nd what did he do when he was found out! True to his masculine instincts, he sueaked behind Eve'o Grecian bend and said, “Twan’t me, 'twas her and the poor woman has had to father every¬ thing and mother it too. What we want is the ballot, and the ballot we aro bound to have, if we have to let down our back hair and swim in a sea of gore.” Washington Gazette. rVHUSHED AT THE NATIONAL CAPITAL fiver? Sunday, Gi« agalUa miiBW of pnc,.! -g week new. cT aUJNartsa*! Win* the dHff i spicy an ! fcneraUl iuttHiwaca, Represent nil vc Southern rasper there the Democracy Edited by GEORGE C. WKDDERBURN or VIBG1SLA. Twc 2cHar«. per Aaznm. RS^For furtl wr particulars, ad¬ dress, GAZETTS PUBLISHING CO., zs>» j?t, w um owtAwi, n. c. Now is ths boat rims to subscribe. Only 81 per annam, PROSPECTUS ■-OF ADVANCE. •f Weekly Payer Devoted to The Intersts of The People, Published Weekly at WATKINSVILLE, OCONEE COUNTY, GEORGIA THE ADVANCE, THELARGEST.THEBEST. l mf m l.'U‘l Id T I 7 i it. SUBSCRIBE NOW. EXTRA. INDUCEMMNTS OFFERED LIB8P.iL ADVERTISERS. I We are prepared to do all kinds of of JOB WORK at short notice on the most REASONABLE TERMS. Cards, Letter Heads, Circulars, BILL HEADS, ENVELOPES, &C. Call on Vs 2 or Anything in Cur Line. Address, mm k SULLIYM, A^ r ATKINSYILLB, pA, SPRING OPENING 1880 At the Store 0 ? n I % w>a*i(«v*3 H&CO * Wathinsville. Ga. W e will hll our shelves and counters in a few days with the choicest Stock of CO that has ever before been offered in Oconee county. Why do the Oconee ladies look so sweet in their new Spring dresses ? Because they buv their CALICOS from . THOMAS BOOTH & 00. We aro frequently asked why our Prints look so much nicer that, others? We answ T er because we bnv none but the bsst and most reliable brands. We propose to sell our entire stock at / t i* fl I 0 1! V ! To our old customers who have paid up promptly as low as they can be bought anywhere. Our motto in future will V-~ *3 it ever has been, “Hoiteety and fair dealing with everybody.” Call and see us before you -buy elsewhere. " ■' MarlO TT^r^OOTfi-f, SC.,I .lie, On. JAMES E. MURRAY. I. W. THRASI T r IB Murray & Thrasher, DEALERS IN DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, MBS, SHOES, HATS, <fcc. Groceries, Paints, GiJs, ©rugs, MEDIUMS. •) &C * 5* 1 ■ I ARB 'j - WARE. We have also on band all goods kepi in a retail store, it LOWEST GASH PRICES. All wishing articles in our line will do well to call before Purchasing Elsewhere ! We also on hand constantly a full line of READY-MADE CLOTHING, at prices that defy competition ■y l a a I m Don’t fail to eall when you come to WATKINSVILLE Country produce taken] IN EXCHAGE FOR GOODS AT MARKET PRICES marl ORDER YODR Saw Mills and Grist Mills, arc) Cane M BBC ■Sk? Plantation Machinery, Engines and Boilers; Screws, Mill Shafting, Gudeons, Pulleys, Hangers } Jourm Gearing, Tuibine Water r Vh Gearing (cheap), Judson’s Governors, Belting -sjF K? eular Saws and Guminers and Files, and M - Babbitt Metal and Brass Fitting, Globs js| W. Valves Castings and and Whistles, Gin Ribs, Gnages, from Etg ^lion m GEO. R. LOMBARD & CO., FOREST CITY FOUNDRY WORKS, (Near Water Tower,) 170 Fenwick Street, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. *®“ Repaired promptly dose at last prices.