The Watkinsville advance. (Watkinsville, Ga.) 1880-1???, March 24, 1880, Image 2

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The Advance. T. J. HIXON* yta G. SCLLIVitN. HUCHf 4 SULLIVAN, EDITORS.S PUBIS HERS. TERMS,— One Etotter per Tear. Sixty Cent* fer Btx Month*. Watkinsvilijc, G*.: WEDNESDAY, MARCH 24, 1880. Editorial and Otherwise. Life-preservers—-Cleanliness end godliness. Congressman Cannon, of Utah, is the husband of six wives, and father of twenty-seven small boy*, each of whom is a son of a gun. Bleeding of a wound in man or beast can be stopped by a mixture of wheat flour and common salt in equal part*, bound on with a cloth. A North Carolina couple, who arc each over ninety years of age, desire to die at the same hour. They Lave completed their funeral outfit even to their tombstones. In New York a baby is born every fifteen minutes, nnd a death oc¬ curs every seventeen minutes, in London, a birth occurs every six minutes, and a death every eight. 1 n sixty-two year* from 1815 to 3 87C, the number of emigrants that lift Great RriUain was upward of 8/100,000,000, and of this number viry nearly 5,(00,000 came to the United States, thut's “hall” we sup- 1 ose. Hon. John A■ Cuthbert, of Mobile s still practicing law in that ci1y, although 91 years old. He was an i flicer in the war of 1812, and was elected to Congress from Georgia in 1519. In California a thief stole an ovircoat from the saddle of a horse. The owner’s dog saw the thief, fol¬ lowed the man to his home, made him give up the coal, and look the master to the thief. The finest sot of sable furs in Eu¬ rope is in possession of u lady in England. This set used to belong to the late Empress of Russia, mother of the present Czar, and there is some little talk about them You find yourselfrefreshed by the presence of cheerful people. Why not make earnest effort to confer that pleasure on others? You will find half the battle gained if you never nllow yourself to sny anything gloomy. The effect of the proposed new law in South Carolina requiring every voter to write his own name on the registry list will bo to disfranchise 70,830 colored voters, 12,490 white voters, a majority of the present voting population. The Cincinnati Commercial (Re¬ publican) says: “It might as well 1 e understood at once that the ad¬ vocates of Grunt desire to change the form of our government Let us have the issue whether the re¬ public is to bo maintained fairly made." It is rumored that the English convert* to the Church of Home coutcmplate raising subscriptions to the amount of 11,259,000 for the purpose ef erecting on the bank* of the Thames a metropolitan Catho¬ lic cathedral which shall rival St Raul’s in grandeur. The Molly Maguires, who dwell in the midst of the “Christian civili¬ zation’’ of Pennsylvania, are report¬ ed to have again organized for deeds of violence and hlood-*hed. The “barbarous Southerners” get along tolerably well in the absence of all such concomitant* of Cameronian civilization. The South ia scarcely loyal enough to sustain such organi¬ zation*, but while there’* life there's hope.— Sparta hhmatliie. The Greenes hero’ Jftrail of last week is responsible for the follow¬ ing : “The good people of Pen field were somewhat excited out Monday afternoon, over a very remarkable meteorological phenomenon. About 4 o’clock, p. in., a danse cloud was seen approaching rapidly from the Southwest; almost as quick as thought it enveloped the town, ap¬ parently moving on the ground, and obocuring houses and trees, uot a drop of rain falling, in the store of Boswell Bros., persons could not be distinguished across the store, and artificial light had to be called into requisition. Several of out citizens noticed this same cloud hanging over Mr. Geissler’s and re¬ marked on its peculiar appearance.’ THE TWO ELEPHANTS. The Harlem Columbian arise* to remark, on the subject of Tilden nnd Grant, say*, “Some friend has kindly sent us a copy of the Edge field Monitor, from which we copy the following article. A* the editor eays it would perhaps be Letter for both parties if these two aspirants were out of the way. Tilden see,..* to l>« Georgia g choice, 1<C the old fellow Will .tahjot pull through all right. Hear the Monitor man:” The Republican and Democratic parties each seems to have an ele pliant on their hand*, and what to *> • w«—»• ‘i uM, * on .m* » taxing the brain of at least the Pre« all of wliotn would Undoubtedly feel more supremely * * happy i ■. if these two dear , charmer* , were away. Grant looms up 1 in the pathway of Blaine, Conkhng „ and , Sherman, and . like ... Bancho’s ghost, will not “down,” however much they and their friend* may proclaim against a third term, The party itself appears to he divi ded a* to w liat they shall do in the matter. Evidently they are afraid to take him up nnd they are afraid to throw him aside. If he would withdraw absolutely and uncondi¬ tionally wo believe it would he a great relief to a large majority of the Republican party. There would Iren better chance of uniting the party on some one of the oilier candidates. And Mr. Tilden stands in precisely the same relation to the Democratic party. If he was out of the way the Democrats would know what to do. They don't want him and yet they are afraid of hitn. He wields a power in the party which makes’ it dangerous to oppo.e him, and there is a weakness about him that makes it equally dangerous to nc cept him. As for ourselves, we could support him heartily if nominated by the convention, we candid!)’ wish lie was out of the Way beyond si possibility of the nomination. But lie is not and we therefore would not be surprised to sec him our next standard bearer. Talbotton will have a spring fair. Ileal estate in Brunswick is now booming. Macon is said to be the dullest town in the State. Judge Thomas Stokely, of Car tcrsville is dead. Friend Lewis is calling upon Hancock county to organize. Old iron is being shipped in large quantities from Marietta. Rust has appeared in several counties in southwest Georgia. The sand pear is being extensive¬ ly cultivated in Berrien county. Georgia towns are beginning to make ready for memorial day. It is stated that general IV. T Wofford, of Bartow, will certainly make the race for governor. I>r. \V. L- Hitchcock, of Madison, has been elected one of the vice presidents of the Georgia Eleetic Medical Association, Judge Lumpkin, when practicing at the bar, wound up a $100,000 es¬ tate, which took him twenty years, and his charge was $50. The Conyers Cornet Band have tendered their services at the ap¬ proaching meeting of the editors and publishers of the Stale at Cuth bert. General Gartrell is now favorably spoken of for the next Governor. This flattering use of bis name, in connection with that distinguished office, is not confined to any partic¬ ular locality. From the mountains to the sealawrd, from the Savannah to the Chattahoochee do we hear enthusiastic praise of this distin¬ guished Georgian. He has served his native State honorably in her legislative halls, and in the United States Congress, as well a* illustra¬ ted her honor upon the field of battle, and in no solitary instance, to our knowledge, has he been found wanting. If nominated no one will battle for his election more zealously than we, nor rejoice more sincerely in his elevation to the highest office in the gift of our people. What we say of Gartrell, we say of any of the distinguished names spoken of for Governor.— Maditoiuan. The Sunday Phonograph, Of Atlanta, i* the beet weekly paper published in the State. It's col¬ umns contain something to pleas* everybody. It is a bold, fearleaa paper, attacking official corruption in high and low places. It is a good family ]>a]>er in every sense of the word, and we advise our read¬ er* to subscribe for it, if they want a good paper from the capital. A specimen copy can be seen at this office. Terms. |2 per year; $1 *ix month*; 50 cents for three months Address, Rbouograph, Atlanta, Ga. Charlie Pendleton, of the Vuldogta would like to have Ben Hill president of the United State*. For the following recipe the McDuffie Journal deserves a seat on the top round of the ladder of fame. Listen: ‘‘To keep a hog from going inad in July, kill him in June.” jjgyy ADVERTISEMENTS, - JJj. tJU rectfllly jj, vmiincA EM®*] J tiUX tnr 0 sl ! t |2~ s<K * _ o”|.^ **** 0 C ’ lie r,(Pr, large. hi, profeLio^! to ti* ,, u v at 1ta v-ing been thoroughly tutored ftjtnr;, m*V« the following diseases zjeriftxt * specialty. Mm, Uver, Spleen, Scrofula, Syphillis (]«*,) ‘ ra ’ ° 1 ' 1 V 1 *?”, I>TO p*y, Dy*j*psia, Neuralgia, tqakjStc httn, lmuotenry, Stcnl ?“* ivy [iarrernieM,] »Ui»ti"n» Abortion, all diseases. etc. Very ape female*. Office given and peculiar to residence, at Wm. It. ltiahop’* road about 2 mile, from Farmington on leading from the aforesaid place to address. |ir ivaie? and' Watkinsville. prrui''^u'n'^d'To. ‘u'a G*. mari7,’8oly 9>. .If. White, mil. 9)., P RACTICJN p Y HYSICIA , ' Watkinsvim.k, Ga. O 3 " Will he found at bis office when not called off. mar] 7,’80-tf 91. .11, Jackson, Attorney & Counselor at I.n w AND JUDGE OK THE (f)mm (Cmniltf £mxi f Watkinsville, Ga. Mr Will practice in nil Courts except the County Court Oconee County. marl7,’80 ly %. V. Jh rasher, AT f Will ORKJf* ML. Y I HI AT I CH AW IF • \VATK1NBV1LLK, j Ga. II!/”* Will practice in the Courts of Oconee and adjoining counties. marl7,’80-ly Q. C. THOMAS $ ATTORNEY AT LAW. Watkinsville, Ga. marlO NOW IS YOUR CHANCE! — TO EXCHANGE — CORN-MEAl I will keep at the store of J. 0. F0DDRILL, BORN MU Ah for SALK OR EXCHANGE, 48 pounds of Meals for 56 pounds of Corn. Persons corning TO TOWN, cm bring their Corn ami got their Meal Without Delay, Highest CASH prices paid FOR GllAIN. HENRY JENNINGS. war 17,1880-tf II. C. Durham, Dealer in Confectioneries,Cigars. Candies, Crackers f FANCY GOODS. Watkinsville, Ga. marlO Washington Gazette. published at the national capital Every Saadajr, Givt****ai i n . at tV. pntti ia* wtk ww at »!1 Nmum. 1 tnaioml fwiwlri iMRnan, twla be in. Ok m<9 Repmeaiaihe S«aib«ra F*. S wt nypartim tW N'uka»l Daocner Edited by GEORGE C. WEDDERBURN or viuuiMx. Two Collars, per Annm Mr For further particular*, ad* dress, GAZKTTK ITPUMUXO OO , 2-a. ft?, X’..#*,WrA ». T>. C. A GREAT OPPORTUNITY! CHEAP GOODS FOR ALL! Wc will clearly prove to all who carefully read this Advertisement that we offer a much better chance for saving money rapidly, easily and honorably than any house in the State. THEY HAVE COME, THEY HAVE COME. 10 Cases Laoc M. h.iir Debage, 13|c., 5 Cases Gray Suitings, 5c., 7 Cases GRAY SUITINGS, 8c. 9 Cases Gray Suitings, 10c., 6 4 Black Cashmere, all wool, 47|c. One case to close, 0-4 all wool c’l’d Cashmere 52c., 12 bxs. best American Prints 5c. 16 cases 1 yd wide P. K. 5c. MONEY. *ii MONEY! 1)o you want (o make MONEY and lay up MONEY ? If so call on the Manipulators .—-GRA Y’S goods gone up, GRA Kis checking it by the force of the yard stic h OUR SHOE MOVEMENT! la Capos full slock Brogans, 75c. 200 Cases full stock Brogans, Tap Sole, 90c. 15 cases full stock Grays best Siclebuckles 81.15. 3 Cases Can field’s hand-sewed Shoes 8-1.75. 25 Boxes Ladies’ Best Calf-Skin Shoes, all warranted, from 00c., to best 81.50. Hi fPilL, § B $&&&*» I 25 Boxes Warosutta Shirts, 75c. 25 boxes New York Mills Shirts, 50e, The best Shirt in the State 81.00. 250 dozen regular Half Hose, 81.25 250 dozen all Linen Handkerchiefs G 2 4c. 3 Ba es Zephyr, 7c. perjoz. NOTHING LIKE IT EVER OFFERED THIS SIDE OF RICHMOND.: \\ e have just received in Gents Hats,, a full assortment of new Spring Styles. Also 125 Rolls Carpeting, slightly damaged, from 15c up. HOW WE STAND AS BUSINESS MEN P We are making the greatest offer ever made by any house to the general public, and therefore it is nothing more than right that we should show plainly _ that we are able to carry it out, NAMELY, EXPULSION' :OF HIGH PEICES. The Champions, Mamulatars, Undersellers, Leaders, Upholders nnd Regulators of Low Prices. ray s, Athens, i Georgia Murch 21,1380—tf J. C. FODDRILL, Cor. 9iroad and Mulberry Sts., Watkinsville, Ga. Dealer in DRY GOODS! GROCERIES, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, Sc. BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, COME ONE! COME ALL! AND EXABJCrttB MX STOCK AND SEE I Job Work. Weare prepared to do all kind* of JOB WORK at short notice on the most reasonable term*, such as Cards, Letter Heads, Circulars, BILL HEADS, ENVELOPES, &C. Call am Vs lor Anything in Cur JAme. Address,' HIXON k SULLIVAN, yATMIMtVILLB, pA, W. & LANGFORD, L> Manufacturer and Dealer in . CARRIAGES, WAGONS. nnd Plantation Work A SPECIALTY. Have also in connection A BLACKSMITH SHT Patronize Home Enterprise. WHEN YOU WANT A NEW WAGON OR BUGGY. W. B. LANGFORD, Watkinsville, - Georgia. ORDER YOUR Saw Mills and Grist Mills and Cane Mills «■* fm Plantation Machinery, Engines and Boilers, Cotton » t» { L" i 7 “f'H I C -^ V L pearing, 8 ’ Shafl >ng, Gudeons, Pulleys, Turbine Hangers’ Wattr Journal Wheels, Boxes. r Gearing (cheap), Judson’s Governors, Gin M b 1B eular Saws and Gummers Diston’s Cir * L Babbitt and Files, Beilin* and Metal and Brass Fitting, Globe and Check y i f ^alvea Castings and and Whistles Gin Ribe, Guages, from Etc., Iron and Brass GEO. R. LOMBARD & CO., FOREST CITY FOUNDRY WORKS, (Near Water Tower,) 170 Fenwick 8treet, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. Repaired pr.qnptly done at last prices. -