The Watkinsville advance. (Watkinsville, Ga.) 1880-1???, March 24, 1880, Image 4

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flOSSir FOR THE LADIES. Tin Bnoheior’* L»*t H»ur», KoV.” joHiT’ irff 1 i t An the b*r.heior w«nt to b* ns*m*L mu.,.* him oniciT to Ur. hi* (richt i oor sm 4 ( (khb ts. .id stem famine. I tad w. .Kind m w. stood by tM lsmpw a® » offi SNo" bm m r- ____ | Ta IlltDk that a btclloJor, froe a mA bright. And ahy of the aa w found him. Show hi them at ’ht alt at, att dead ot niubt, Ha caught In tb« anaret that b mod him. and abort war* tb* worda wa aaid, Thouch of oak« mhI wina partakinf; - Wp Ptooortod him home from tha Mena of draad, Whtla hit k«MKa wara awfully ahaklnc. Hlowly and sadly wo marched Mm adoww From tha top to thi* kwartnoat atory: And wc- have never hoard from nor awai poot man Whom we left aloae in bit glory. Two Flaturwa. I. *• ... Misa Blanche T)1 , M Murray . _____ srypropar is a vounglady. Last week »b< caught her iitUe brother smoking. T on terrible ttnug, .be hissed, I ani going to toll father on you I "' is only corn-Silk, mnrmurcd the boy, pemtontlv. J to L °on ^ tiiAl you iou t pi into that bsnstfr, homd, degmdteg *▼« 11 g ° ° with smokers ” n. It i. evening. Mi- Mnrrwv is sitting ou th* front stoop with Algernon. It i* aouBhglit. and ths redolent spirits at aafungblastotheuMr^tdvmtolLted tbs hc»T«skl. and syringw are (onlT* * Would iittl# bird object to nsr * smok ins • cunuretto’* •Xot stdl,’ replied Miss Mnrrar. *1 like romanSfc cigarettes, they axe ro fragrant ami I think they 3 are mrttoode lieious for anything’ “Then I'll light one ’ “ Do, and blow some of the smoke in my face; it U «u «ootiling and dreamily pxwadiMo.'' Then h« light* • mgarette, and they talk about th* weather tot two koani and a half. Huagry Im ■> aiwu. MmkI. Nervously working his latch-key from the door the business man hurried into the house for his dinner. * Hello, I say, Jane, where are you? " “Here I am, doer. I have just got one more feather to paint on this crane and then it will bo finished. Isn’t it going to bo just level-- * “I know, yea, yea. Where’s Jennie?” “She's, gone out to got a few more autumn loaves; ono or two bare spaces are left on the wall in her room, and——" “Well, well, of oonrae; but where’s Bridget? ** “Oh, the has gone to oarry the basket; for .1 ennie, you know, isn’t strong.” “ To be sure, to be sure; bat where's the dinner ? ” "Now, John, how can you lie so cruel? You know that-—* “ Yea, I should think I did. I know that the next time I'm anch an infernal fool as to bring a cony of Household Art into tho house I'll lie balder than I am now. It may be joflred pretty; I’m linn gry for a square meal. Painted ■tor kb ain’t fricasseed chicken nor an tnnin loavp* oelary,” and be went out of tlie house in a decided manner, leaving Jane's tear drops rapidly falling on her red and Blue heron, washing all the pretty feathers out of its tail. Hnabbtaa WcnwR. Of oonrae, the age has gone hy is which man can find the satisfaction he need to take in the mere brute sense of physical lias tut]Minority , to women. But he got rid of tho ahorigiuad <lt*ire t*» play the lord? Holding fast iu his hands the bulk of tho desirshle )H>si tions in life, does he look with satisfac¬ tion on the idea of womeu stepping in and obuming a modest percentage oi them ? The man is neither a fool or a sentimental hyiioorite who would assert that the masculine majority doss. Poll thoeoiiegos of the land, aud take tho vote of the oliivalrio etndents whether the young womeu of tlie oonutry should eujoy the same advantages of educm tion with themaidv.-s. Nine to ten, they would black-ball the idea. Of eoinre* . they think they do this in the best interest oi tho girl*, who are too sweat and dear to be reserved for any prnyose but hall* and drives aud lawm tennis- nd it must t>e admitted tl>at whole bevies of them are wonderfnlly at l motive for these pnrposi-K. But •upitose a certain proportion of them do desire a broader education, and are unli appilv endowed with an amount of brain u and ontluunuam that makes them restless and miserable under condition a that content the average. Do the ranks of man spontaneously divide for Iheir passage through; do the hats come off in respect, while tho voices raise the “Salve Regina ?" No, from the start the superior niri has to take oh amount oi snnbbing from h»» brothers at home, society at largo, and the established orders iu tho medical or other profession she aspires to, that would bluff off aud dishearten half the boys and young men of tho land. There are, no doubt, notable exceptions to such disposition among men, and their number is increasing. Still the true confined knight-errantry of the age is, as vet, to the limited few, who, having oouquered the seductive luxury of indulging in a aertaiu intellectual contempt for womeu, are chivalrously addressing distressed themselves to the rescue of maidens sat upon bv a mob ot vulgar and enslaving prajndioea, Hoston Herald. A«.«r-iu» rrftTT’f In Australia as olaewhenv a be of * - m among eto&keTwLiile. bv laws o ’ • ltte undawtood, and . remmible while m' 1 u many ways ,i, others they seem to differ from, the l?* Wm* 8 aree!u«flyobmnea !e ^ uiHievelojH-il byeximauge. jsHipu-s. t he donuiiout male of a grouiv-father, Von..* | t* ,y i3kto ”** JL ‘n" H At ~ t,_ - fn[ y UP *. »t»» W f ‘Wn s t U :.. l , fuui{i«* ____ 1 0 tl!l!f W*! old witli bave ^ S tZrlffiadlZHkl 1TZ ^ iSSrtS' .7 “ ’ oil, ***“ 2SL t f ,be 'ZSS wo,ll< | consist of ,» * few overgrown harfflns and « act of wild bachelors. As it happen-. young men and women revolt against the old, and voluntary elopeaieute or marriages o« by capture are common. The courae tnie love runs anything but smooth The lover is eip-HH-l to the ordeal of speaw. wLnt* are hurksl at him by the rslaiives of the lady. Th# runaway bride is tieateu, perhaps lmr feet are speared, to prevent her from nyming away again. If a young pair usually VK cornea round to! hero dr!.1 tlirv is enter on peaceful married lif.. It I *»«» ««W that the old men sometime, five wive# to the young, who thus ’’toko stock,” as the ancient Irish mi,}, » <1 become, in a wav, the van.-ali? of f./.e u ,.| f,-lions.— London Saturday lie Wi le. ___ stealing Mcv«afrr«. In several instances portions of tircei dent Lincoln’s mea-apes were published, and tile matter was attempted to be in vestigaw-d by ti e Judiciary Committee of the House. When it was found that the inquiry would l»*- likely to lead to a good deal of ‘C mi d connected with the ladii of the White House, it came to President a very abrupt termination Capitol by tho going to the himself and directin ' that the investigation should be suspended. The next, ins- h.-k-i- was i:i the time of j 0 j ln ,, u through the ^.v-tons condition of Ida son Dick, a ^ of th , n to^rd-verand 6 hsuded to a * ^ ant ,ewhat , M . , a ht of lt . Thn PO rres»Hmdent ; t ..„ k asteuofXdiicconemade . m1v:iI)1 , f tho ..... U)i ijv uua themanuS-and%m.u,;e-d had returned H an ,Xt The n» B xt woftilnj? thp Pr was conrid-mhh ished when he found the doonment in V " ‘.hods .««» »»««!* tor the r T emuty of }' ^kuigtea ‘ ld cj.m.^poo.1, nta, hl and m no *' * tu ' 18 * 1 '!^ Wfor-t nhm », t. Con ! greas, except wist he gave to one or two “U ^ ndent OWmd^iiUal It «•••• Xr*eads tf e;i*.fora or a of cone- the - Oenerai. when he Ua,l cr... • d b wcT...ige. u> take Li- j-.v-t- i teri.-f . T ~ T u U ' D - ' ..... 1 u - : ‘- ac of tha most r«m t ap-.r::;- ate the Executive M*n >n, and t'..> :«■ - it. ta ' J? the w os< - : '- of to i the . j r. m n»i w d • Id v. ■. n : f f . idttil, ware takt-a by tits Proud.*:. placed in *a eavt-lof)*,' ai.d Iss.d toad t he committee of C<«gn- - • reported tbs two Uuis organized. He then submitted the mat ript copies f t the use of the two lions-i, and, ution the return of Private Secretaries Gens. Porter or Babcock, ho author isse.1 the disposing of tho six manifold copies. While Mr. llotit-well was fteerelary of the Treasury, on one occasion bin ’an nnal report was made jml'liu in udvio,eg of ite transmission toOoiqmes. Upon investigation it was shown out'by conclusively that the copy was given his pri vote secretary, lie was imnu dinti ly dismissed and placed on the black list, and mibseqnently died in tb# city iu alwolnta poverty, aa tin- pumali -f hia breach of fsjtli to hk superior. 'I’lie ! woaeut admiuistiation scents to have jeon very unfortunate with respect to tlie premature publication of tho I’rrs idoufh niCNwiges, each message haw-,; been made public in „f i . transmission to Congress. foatarea Although, as the a rule, all tho important of mesaages aro antini able commodity. Ah high as fl,5.)« was oner, d for i*resid«,t U rant’s mesHBKCH. I.hc Wt mesKjge, however, was sold for ?60U, while Secretary Shermans report brought t-4.,0 the proceeds parties, the being ptirloin-r dm<h i between three and two middle mou who effee.U d tho Hide. thiia d«l(, 9 hfa Tekumvh. The Kleplmnt. One day, children, wheu the menag¬ erie had hoen quiet for it long time, the desolate hyena was looking the so lonesome and that elephant said lie re¬ minded him of “ tho howl of the wilder¬ ness" every time be spoke. “ You can't prove it,” said the hyena. “You pei-i can," said the elephant, which was neither good Hugiish, good grammar, nor good fun, and nobody lung hod but the elephant, “don’t you know it’s no consequence what you flunk in this •how?” The bison interfered I ore,and said the ’posMim juig'il uof he a very lmrte-liea-!. hut he lmd i- rt lit to sp, .! if ” “'Well, wi 0. old hn’!.do:oor,' lnughed ben- the nl-.i.ei, rlei "1 re. jv.rti ! m *■-on 'ft tut ■ 1 u 1 t an you, y»‘U 1 ! 'd hi of a; ? l’dlii t to lee uuvi The ly i t Un w ’ over y. r eyes.’ 1 ' ill ie',,. ’d jn y, corner rMiarked that Ic i .a to see iiny! y pull the wool on toe end of fits fiu!, but nobody let on they beard him. Then, wlu-n tin- eagle tried to say Homethiug, the elephant ashed him if bo hadn't just got oil ami a Hixth AVarcl political transparency, then said he thonght he remomls tvd seeing him on and a barber's pole. they’d Then enough the boar spoke «ud had of that nonsense; and the elephant told him bed better haul himself inside thu hat store before it ranted, ami naked if sett felt would be much worn this winter. And then he flnaUy got the monkey to crying toiling by calling looked him Mr. Darwin, and him he enough like a n inou to run for CongroHs. And iu a littlo while he had the menagerie iw such au uproar that the lights bail to be put out and the people cent home. Land, ves, children, the trouble they touguo can tell. Bo wm always suoh a toase.- Bob BurdstU. t ramps and Their Slcits. J'.m Waul, who si , - himself “hie ,’ wrUt'H to the i'ruv Twut: \ have iu*t teiuimd io your city after a tour of *xpl»r.iilontlown ,*? ^outl. several jHm rnonriu, ! P ' J" w ''V y 21 ant article | on ramus and their . marks, 1 ' v hieongmaioraof the mysiicmmrfcs JfcS it j 8 possible that soap agents—members ®f another branch of the tramp org.-uiixo tion—have since adopted these marks f,,r business purisiscs When tramping was it good—and utidcrsto lust d by.ui was come that years houses ago — was all where the inu*at<-a were good tor footi, -clothing ot money, little wen- to 1«- lv,arm-! *.i order to give t» trouW. when o wanted anything. obtained Whtir. nlyam. al could he this iso was indicated by * M-n cra^ -1”»«>*<* » fellow would Itettto b-umv an \ express! it, 8,nl *»' *>*' ln * by a XX ' " hM, “..... bouse w >er, tl c intvatts wen v t i „ r rf«t bij- D. But a the * * . v ,.;d ; t ’ ., M . mn n (K ,| lin . art , j, p. it* o-aula piU-d :v >,d T m , w \ oU( I out ate,* Mirf a.u.t U., deniud that 1* ha* uiadi- lii-< u in hi- w >rld ♦ ww. dte Thai Ns of bait dresses are sometime bordered with rrntm. \?u« "KSS *£“ n^Ti.T .am. {«** Fra»d«:'» Bau«tto.] The reckless stupidity and ignorance of hooters who the country round i wbout the Bay id ~ .«n Francisco render* it unsafe for one to stroll among the suburbs. Came, such as rabbits, -quir re) and quail, may d h-e around with children perfect security, but men, women and icu<t keep a sharp lookout for their jives. Y< t: -day Mi - White-,mb, , a yaxtiit lady of IF rkelsy, and hersister, gentiemiu;, Jl ged eight rears, ought ; eyompanied by * went for a stroll. In the neighborhood of er tank on la '><> inn 1 ■ tegraph nush-covered road the knoll. party Huddeniy sat down ( > a l '-i- oi- barge of a gun surptin d the ■ ‘ r v : ibe gentleman heard sometiiing < ruv inzagainst the fence, and turning ! < ••miuiniens, saw the litt.e ! 1 ' bmr *nu W httcumb oro;. !”,■ . »«»»« to U»e ^.stan^ . he t"'Tw , 1 t:! " °" C!i,u } l 'V rr, f' ed J? fiud : ' "\ ‘j t,: t ".!' "" W ,*C0mb shot i r( » B was in Heine • I be hunter who fired t«.e shot , * to asswt then., and they f ren,wvwl t0 the,r h "^ *“ , ' 1 ‘ ^•■ summoned t toattend . '. ?i .ry was , v-mbl'sd ilnUn'the ■ been lMuide , \hroud. the head and mak ; . , xit a little hel-w the outer tl , ti , e ri ght eve, pr.4u.nag a trao t -u M U-.e b on the right side of the a ;„ inp.rir.g the outer coverof the , g ut .« 11 r wound h serious, and if S ^r- n\'v ' inevivabW leave v>me , , r . »-;d ti.. .. a strong theright probability j .. ,. njirv sister to imu-asible eve. lie: j.»- -r t»l< was ilH ■ ‘ ’ ib’e w .usd a «ve the fore b,-»d ( a i:Ul* to thefelt *;•>. Theikull v >■ ■ ■ r,4 and the brain* o<>sed .... :t* * lore uud, which was Her Urge srb to inf a fir.-er. re , - - Terv d 'ub fu .btmisr who made the terrible . - Wta. Gross, who reside* at S, ' • j > ss street, Oakland. I.vs» ev>; f be made the following state irent cmcerntng the tragedy: *• I and Mr. Mocbult went hunting this murn widked ii*g out until to he Teiegraph Canyon, and came up pretty near to the rabbit, ooa! imae. Mr. Mochuit shot at a I amjaiy dog—a vGiy valuable one, ! a good family, bunte r, and and the which principal pimped support of my after the rabbit—was shot. 1 hat was at 13 o’cl-ek, *nd 1 felt very bad. We buried him; then walked towards home, !i ' !l!l * ®Bv ya 1» nest of the little w! ••l.y mill, near the water tank, on the 1 ;fr«ph road 1 , and about twenty-five >' a,dsw ‘ ' hi Unit•’•■'.v, I t nought I f ! ' ” a W1111 ' ,l ‘‘ brush. 1 w.-u aoout , teventy-tive yards off, and I says V, ‘ K ‘ u ‘ here » a wi.acftt there, buckshot, aud I ' • ■' Uh u. He did so ano J tried i h-m he place where the wild eat. wa-. 'iu te con < not see it, so he ^'“’7,,, J !’ “ r J ’ ,*>• V, U h Bl u a " . V, , ,t. , Ktedffe’m!' Ui , .u rred ‘ fleidf'heliri WhenVe wJnt^ v-u 4*1 hU* , 0 und two ('the vouc? ladies, one nine wan of 3W , nm other eighteen or twenty, „ lHk d iy wounded. When 1 fired I ilioitt sixty or seventy-live yards « Lhg fence, behind wliie.h they arbunii sab ;cnoe waa«n 1.dlipar-ST a kn. and , On the i. - <1 itIitC 4 the knoll they w ere sitting aud 1 saw something sw big as a hand moving backward* and forwards on the lntc oi the knotl, and asf had previonsly set' n llirtv wiblos t* i.beut the t. me place, it made me think it was another cue, but hat, probably and being it was the the young lady’s i iu bushes, 1 could n>)t see it distinctly. and assisted Weil, we procured a wages them. We then walked towards home, where I changed wy limiting clothes and came up here mnl suit i-c-.'i-ed myself. Now, t want to explain further why 1 washuntingon . ' ’’ ' 11,1 1 1111 , 1 ' lt wi' of interest, to the X id r t-i 1 -I tteifi • *■ -r.U'.-r :•>' |t me Fa ... «• teen h > ■ .. -v led.. f . et metal I. • w.e -t at t;m ■ teiy I, so tiu-ha-l to »■* I up tlie who! «.f the su’.jcei ’Me ]•> i.i.n, hew e v i r of opinion t .u hi- ’ tto.t e ; teved.,e great.ail v~'Herat him, . . he !i*td very little to ‘ui ieitu »u<l fetiM thus itpjtniafli tlie -et! j vt free from the lies m m- pa raids fo-m those wt-.<* have f-dhiwed a lieatcn n e k and aiuiy endtavored to ret out of the rut. rhe«e words of lies somer o quite, Be however, to Iks carefully considered. docs not imply that a state of ignorance would enable him to invent, as many schemers imagine, who J’" 1 forth crude ideas which ate crushed *’? practical the whole, lueu. business He set to work to thoren gi>iy. «»*t ^ .b<wk» *.* *;»d * be then u> that Uto here hm\ r,M - ',. 1! "’! seen tsa man well uti ui tlie world, who set hiui think 1° that !’ , ' earnln do S while well many witlmut ot us burning at we; A'l can mrdvitlunit very learning ’ 1 ’!) mh thu auy | n ? rp ie f’” 0 \' ? f e ; 1 f h!' 1 tt . ° f ,n , t " rf * t « , , his „i irainiiriM| , p m „ m h rv p U ,i ou , & ml he spared neither labor nor numt '7, but mad# failure after fail ft ,,, , , XrfaS * ‘ i'. f |»j 7 v hf ri , rt ,r«>tert. i 1 ’ S t v #how u t wnv , w t , MVe oUr bv lulUr? tV. h 1S the failure.over again narrow' ; 2, lieraiise .|,j v show us, tlmmeh . „ lU in . Wj ,v we must trod *>’d a. Iwcause they a .hemselm suit im^rtant facts w.'ch could not bu ’ .............. » • The I itei-ai *' lt '..... n-Leener . ’ The v-em- is b>,-ito.l in a well known touch saloon V specimen of the genu, free lunch • et.d rnv r- . oofci tl rtndhun j and >v»»y ha among tie tiles mat I- w. t a!m i d* oeda down *t die 1 hapfvindw ' eel q}u k 4,' pn Htumeg i»i':i*ptly .li^lajed, imps gr. gmrater. cm k at. . Ihc •‘fund’ pro O , „op to h* lunch cu-.ter a 1- o* bin. . witbim, Uo j tou!.. .miens, v . . . tried Mi* lives; c grab , d < k, - t oam.itn; . Hr , r : J tits h&r* Lvait ' ovir si r < p * - me lime at . - ► V it tor a bs 7 »ddi- -4« be Yteraiaubar f ci x T he *►*#• at »it us* vfeatuer o Al oud don wiulri.’* we'll imve rainf *• :u the weli cl-at Iil4«’4 * f %U ttoS • ifiiiks we U#ti a fumUi** ’ >m *»-. Rome interesting rominesccnce: w f e rf;,tt ‘f 1 b ?.. C *P" lia ‘* ett - who served more than a genrosbon in the United States Senate: ‘X en tonal the Senate," said Capt. Bassett, ‘to 1331, as a page, through the influ* cnee of Daniel Webster. Mr. Webster wanted me to get acquainted thoroughly with ruy duties. Ho during the year 1830 1 worked as u page during the "hole year for nothing. Up to 1831 (Ivri- had leen but one page to forty e ght ctonaton, (the pages now numlx-r - ir cen i am! there was great onposi finu among Senators to nave more that, . They Miid it was not to be thought of. one was quite enough. Hut Daniel W< lister sai l that we most have his bov in, and in I went. Mr>; .king of Daniel Webster,” tho CV i.'..u said, ”1 remember one yainy d.r, W ! sti*r told me to go and get a h.i.-k. I hunted for a long time and k ■> t t and tired without find ;1J ,, Webster was very friendly wub me, and so 1 cam- to be quite fa him. On this dCcuskm, be jn{ , ratil „ r cross, I rushed up to W.-b ,,^ &u , x said «ith boyish riuleuefs, ‘ I c .. u . t hack.’ Webster just looked et But what a glance! I would rather endure auvthing than an ( „ fw . r s,H, glance. I foit like sinking t “ rj «i*h tho floor. Then Webster said, th^oht ^TtooV'd«v X wha‘ ^ hP ho t ght of WohM welistort eloquence, M I r ? OJ **>* 1 « 5 ^e youkugh ^ dory at pW n, £.’ W Captwn «U, he could slates do it. ft fact as canons that Daniel Welxuer always required a f'rtMn quantity of whisky before he s 8“ e - hsfi hcnRl * on ye *f , nuth-nty, Senate being that in on ono occasion, session, the execativo VohsUr wl o was in that stage when muid is most active, got up and lmute a briliiant speech. The question wsa on ti»e confirmation of some official, Webster, with an entire forgetfulness of the matter in hand, quoted an entire play of Shakespeare. Webster. The Senate was entbrdled by Imagine a play of Ktmkspeare personated by Webster, with -km imsgwhcent voice and awful \ ,-saB -e! ’B< !:is Choate,” continued the Cap taib, “ dlvays wanted a cup of strong tea before he sjioke. “‘Get me a cup of tea,’ he would say, -diet sah-li.’ Kulns “They Choate, spook of I the would eloquence hear of but rather Mstt Carpenter, who studied in his office. I vas present at the celebrated Webstei-Hayne “Well, Webster debate." did gettbobastofit?” the “Tiu-ygay so. Ho got flic best of The argument.’’ way in whielt the Captain said this inclines one to believe that his sympa thics were with tho fiery Southerner, TUe oM mttll continued: “I re¬ ra( , m hor the fight between Foote aud Benton, that one, the cud of which was that Foote waltzed down the “ Benton jumped upon his desk, and, ! "V™ ** coat, cried,‘Shoot, i rolstes , 4l this . . his .. book, , , , but , in , b< Cm ,,h the Wimping the desk, on , Bassett agaiin: “I was present when i Broe'-.s atteekod Snuuier. Thccircum t’^v t which gave rise to the attack i ™ the Senate well known. with Brooks in his came hand. into It : a cane j Wi * H gutta pjerclia one—-all evidences j to tlie contrary notwithstanding. Suiu j ner was him writing, and Brooks came up and boat him over the head, 'Un-* blooil covered tho head of the fjen j a*or, and he became eenselc«s. I assist ed him into the cloak-room. The.cane wa« smashed to piece's, and I have a I piece yet in nay p osse ssion.” ~ ! (•rant ant! Chandler* It is said that at one time an animosity for a while existed between Zach Chandler and Ulysses S. Grant. When Grant was a Lieutenant in thin army liis 1 oration Detroit. was for When a while,in Gtnnt the old in fort near was oom I hmnd of the poet., ft boardwalk eon uceted the fort with the city, about a , mile distant,and, as it fronted theprop erfy owned by Chandler, Lient. Grant insisted that it was Chandler’s duty to keep liis sidewalks clear of snow in I . winter, so that pedestrians canid use them. Mr. Chandler paid no attention to this subaltern’s request, so Lieut, Grant had Old Zach arrested and brought for before t-bc Municipal Court of t Detroit a violation of the city ordi nance; and the impression is that tlraat lmd Chuudlur foul on both tlie law and the evidence. At all events, Chandler nourished very bitter feelings between against Grout, and no words ever passed them until during the war. Gen. Grant, while in command of the armies of the Union, happened to meet the Michigan Senator, when salutations followed, and the friendship between them afterward ripened into mutual affection and esteem. Mrs. Zanbariah Chandler, who sur¬ vives her husband, is a stately, polished and aristocratic lady. She was a tin iss Douglas, of New York city; and, though she become the mistress of a large fort uue, she was retired and exclusive in her habits. She was devotedly attached to her husband and their only child, while she wa* no less the idol of her husband-Akrc/i atvg e. ^ An lmpoi taB orUiit Unt fersonoge. Personage .... The English Queen s Messenger ” Is » "l’. 11 ^ and passesdiu highly considered -53e«2S«^dLsr« >>'H'4muary 1 G 10 time between er au nwm ’ «vlu*.veof traveling aud hotel sjK>eialities "S!'Zs ixJFJS in the of plats in th# way he various capitals through which passes. His occupation is a hard one, and bis traditions bristle with hair-breadth escajrea and romantic adventures. (rations He i* the tisawe of toy*l preasnta, deco aud declarations of war, and every entrdKed sp«es of diplomatic documents, not Francetlai^puneofficial to tie post or tl:o wire. In travoliug p*id only | I nUea-a 1,500 frangs a year witu Ct«.iia- rx the rud*ni»t shabby of ’the an ouut, and *• dn| 1 men*, 1 o”,he jo.micro. Th* London Telegraph indnlgee in the following display of remarkable ; knowledge: “John Quincy Adams left ’ the whole of his property, valued at j £10,000, to his cm, the subsequent Pn odrA Charios Francis Adams, who do d a rich man. h oriag married a lady ol great wealth." 4k ♦ ♦ XUK HfiDfiM tnonot is umler the tiHHuUuiu, iu W«#4em Ms Itiul ii four *«<i fourths ttuiin km* w Interesting Facts. The tomb of Edward I., who died in 1301, was opened Jan. 2, 1770 after 4^ years bad elapsed. His body was al most perfect. Canute, England the in Dane, who crossed 17/9 over to 1017, was found by the workmen who re paired Winchester Cathedral, where his body had reposed nearly 750 years, per feotly fresh. In 1569, three Homan soldiers, fully equipped with warlike implements, were dug out of peat in Ireland, where they had probably lain 1,500 years. Their bodies were per iectly fresh and plump. In the reign of James II. of England, after tho fall of the church at Astley, in Warwick shire, there wus taken up the corpse of Thomas Gray, Marquis of Dorset, who was buried the 10th of October, 1530, in the twenty-second year of Henry YJI.; and, although it had lain there seventy-eight flesh,'nails, years, the eyes, hair and joints remained as though it had been but newly buried, Robert Braybrook, who was consecrated Bishop of London in 1331, and who died in 1104, and was buried iu St. Paul’s, was taken out of his tomb after the great fire in 1666, during the re¬ pairs of tho cathedral, aud, although he had lniu there no less than 262 years, the body was found to be firm as to skin, hair, joints and nails. The Con¬ vent de St. Domingo was partly demol¬ ished in search of treasure supposed to be concealed there, and the body of Prince Rodriguez takeu out. exactly who had been buried alive in 1565, as when placed 250 years before. lying His daughter, 2, years of age, was at her father's feet, aud as perfectly pre¬ served as himself. The evidences of torture on him were fearfully apparent. The position of his l\am Is showed that ho was suspended by the body and cord neck until he died. Marks of the and the burning iron were deeply recorded on various ports of the body. His hair and beard were firm, his skin natural in hue and texture, without the least trace of decomposition in any part.—London Xxatniner. ■---. • .--— There aro any number of people in the world who foolishly affect to despise all poetry. If the truth were known these same parties would bq found to have in the majority cases, only a small love for the best prose writing. But they have taken up the idea that it is smart, hihI that it stamps them as people of wonderful common sense to situ poetry and poets .—Modem Argo. Wren Cowper sighed for a lodge in some vast wilderness he wanted a grand kwKwkSSfcStoL v,...™®. n v _ 1 myselff sbililren, servants and lir. and think it tfc* fslden remedy—Mrs. Blackwell, Yoia .. W t **7 if ru n»hv. Ad fires:- U. V It ’ire, X. . i-u user, .Luc v. ’ fn Powder Form. Vegetine put up in this foTm comes witbia the reach of all. By making the mediciae yourself you can, from a 50 cent herbs, package con¬ taining the barks, roots and make two bottles of the liquid Vegetine. Thousands will gladly avail themselves of this oppor¬ tunity, who have the conveniences to make the medicine. Full directions in every paok *g«- p.wder form is sold by all V.getine in druggists uti'l general If you cannot buy it of them, enclose fifty cents in postage dumps for one package, or one dollar for two packages, and I will send it by return mail, U. It, Stevens, Boston, Maas, The Voltaic Belt Co., narsliall, Hleb., Will semi their Electro-Voltaic Belts to the afflicted upon til) days’ trial. See their adver¬ tisement in this paper beaded, “ On *0 Day*' Trial.” A book on ti. vr and their treatment ; i'tv upon Lirer Cornel * Jaundice, Biliousness !l ■. Dyspep iia. Mf«l»ti t . t • < ■Sun-ivrd, 162 Broad B :: , *; .v Out Ly- i. - !• o - i -Jloti to those new i> • • • •» “Vcr. ttHOCKUS VCt -:i l r;’.- Starches. , a'uii ■ i- v. t < ' ; ‘” .M 1,1. i : I t *r t* ' hotic bit: it*, itivcii Clift i V lH •!.• ft s Wi • g„, i « ■•ii i’-fi t/> '.fit- *'* * :.; b, hi c t; fl.iD ( ^ to-- tic ■ t'ltitij ,» «-n> ' 11 tin ■ . > i»:.l . t.'i:> 11 ; ; t'--’ id Hr.*! iiu-i. it* ; '*'-• • >.. ua Ac. Ai . . • ikI. ■ .riibbtc » D-roy, - 4 .1 i • I'C.-i t- • L»r ; im “hid', v i» It t*’» i-.t, t u t>?- it'.ficu.s fro:a ;ci-G';r and v» t'.eubft :« .u a Rallxr-J, I’l en * V o' L-t *' 1 urn.: •> $1 M? v i \>*n- How to Get Sick. Expose yourscli day and night, eat too ■such without exercho; work too hard without rest; doctor all the time; take all the vile nostrums advertised; and then you will want to know How to Get Well, Which is answered in three words— Take Hop Bitters! Fee other column.— Exprm When exhausted by mental labor take Kidney-Wort to maintain healthy actio* of all organs. mw iff k£C: -\ rtf n s&g m lit* v it 1 .'t itle hi, i * titti U,U * rstf«*.S**rtUr 0130 HRS’TUU fiutial uutur 1 > Vi ‘.ho I.i V < t't»?n, En 1,-tfi Aft.Xc. \ y-,f-e :. UarHUtCMtet tlaj . Address Tv!ihI<** t#»ii «• v.Viurhxi 11Ht i’liliCIittni-lla«>p **.*f »'» » !*•> • PE N S 10 M S. til TVi-n«k d . fl-.’HtO!* e-H «. *; K * F R/ZEJS. l lcdtr FLCuja CUIri , u w* B « < £■ ■***%„ mm i ■*' ‘4v“-s mv 4 »i *»•! ‘1 it YB Wi H »- >■ V egetine. IX POWDER FORM 50 GTS. A PACKAGE. Dr.W. ROSS WRITES: [j'p.. Liver Co^w’aint, Dy.pc-psia, r ; istimati'm, Weakness. U it. ■-*, * <-’ •: : I U.-.vw heen pmcUcfng i . iiv.t v. ai ami h remedy ! T . • if,,KhMima ! *; - *i«H- H of th*» blood. I 1 . ■ 4 -t *1. J ijJiv* 8 oid Vr.OKTlNX «. . . id v r one bottle ra v r coamD'Ud it 10 tho^e in W. 1108H, Druggist, Wilton, Iowa. ''/egetine. One Package in Powder Form Cured Scrofula. HOW TO REDUCE YOUR DOCTORS’ BILLS. 86 Bremen St., East Boston. Mass., ; Sept. 30, 1879. Mr. K. Stevens—D^ ar Sir : My litfie daugh¬ ter SVeila liHB beo.n uifticied a long time with Scrof* u!a, *U'ffcriug evei-ytUiug. I employed different phyiiciaus iu Fast l’oeton, but th%y helped he^ none. I boughl some of your Fowdkr Form Vegb riKE, ami my wife : teeped it and gave, it to the child according to ; h- dirrrtions, and we were surprised iu a uv t: glvt’s time to see how tho child had gained iu flfbh and strength. She is now gaining every day, and I can cheerfully recommend tried. your remedy to bo the beet we have ever AeapectfuMy yours, . J. T. WEBB. Vegetine is Sold by all Druggists. To QonsiimotiYes, ! ; r - -,ni ilsion of (V; I I iver iian ■ kVjJdCin r t) hr. tM-m-st.' l.ah’.e c“Ulb u t on of these it* n , *’vu‘ i remedies ext-nt. An lej ia led remedy •or Oonsumi-iion. 8t rofnla. till Lui e uflection 3 Nc r '-usl'e :!i r. . n ! al! waiting ' isoHses Tin* m; m id - ; i» which tho U© Liv. r Oil is r ini in-« ith On* ^ ii-! * k• c*r»i t*ti 1 1 ■; it to bo as&itn-hited r»y th:. m s; J/die to stomach, insures c mptie .i ge-lion of th .ml. t !:t*s up the system, rol eves cough, •••in vsico-iisi- w : ami ttreugt . iCinloistd i«y the most phasic ans. A well known spc. - : 'li«i in i'I.ji A tie ct tons lias used it i.i over t o hundred < a-- e *nrt says " here ia r o eouibinuliOi. e-io - to it for c’i.! 8 ,.[j) »tio;i. Scrofula,” etc. To ObS • 1 .<l.i of si; Gen rs i-■ < tl anti desire 10 a « <• e »n ill iaft dii of C.i .1 t.iver nil, hut have t> « n un a ! '!D tt 1 tJo Hi;. 1 h j wi.l find t ’.-»t they can ••ke ifits pr< epa raricn afDly n ; wijfi cxclvnt results, i’;. trt- i»vg I’ i-KK B ittle . Six Horn ,ks for Five ?>-;•, i. *us. Circulars and vnlinyhle iot v .nm»tit 11 in nil -i/f rer-s i-vut 11 1 ro f-ipt i i « io!i>-n of o»s - A hi-ess all o:de»s t . <). fi. A LOI)KU. #1 an nfiti !. .• t 'h-in -f ' Tv < h' Stnut St . I’liiladolDliiii Biography. Twelve standard book*, at out* thru*, published at $1, Moh, how issued in u!;ebeauti't;i, goon type, neatly clo .'FrUerlck Wjnd volume, the Great," for 50 •, t nud M..<- 1 • -e, Se Robert ; QOfitaining: Burns/* v ; •• Oh^Vftlter Cfcrlyle; “Mahmn-t,’' Bunsen by ; “Martin Luther,** : “Mat v, Qu*-.-u Ai/c'G," by Lamar* •I ‘‘Joan of Are,” i, v Ma-hei. 1 , : H .nniKil/' byThof. Etold: "Cffisar,” by Li<l l<-I!; itnw.-ll, M hy f.amar • l ‘‘William Fitt,” by M.-ir;ulay; “f.'oliunbu*.** ©v rttne; ‘‘Vittoria Colofma,” by Trollope, Send for Literary Revolution,” --i 1 mention this Ibx* paper y 2v ©B, u « wr li. Tribuit© 0 '., amkrk’As t tntMing. hook N ©w YojV^. m CAEtLEToN’S BOUS^OLD •ENOYOL Tiie most v tl ui file sitr^lo bode over prn»?-l. \ Treasury boon publish of ku >.vlol^ - t'.iciv It ah b •i<»r< *<i >u on • volum*’, »o mt- h ti fn ■ iufrr s tion on evorv sihj-H-i. fioautif . 1 - i lustr .t<•<: a $2.50. A Who e ! j 1 : » ary -a On ■ Vm-.ime. 9 It. iV MHWeSts;. 1 .. J •«) N AO thiblishe • ub-r.ri N. prion V l» it ; ; 1 « th- ;. , « 1 1. I' , ?Z 1\ »LEiJM. VOTE JEf.RV (r 1 . 1.11 i !V.e !:\i > 1 ! \ t-r 5 O ' . al i bil.i !<•'; ,-hia it! r «’ i Expo < !< on. Exp 'oiti • 'fbiis wonUerf-';! tuns’;tnc<« !•>■! vt* pnytii'ciiUTS ffir tughmi. tn • id to 1 >tf 1 ':<* iuts i cfi coy iiifiut»vor«d f>.r thf corn of w :i<l- n »• •• ■ -;: • I1UIR . i •■'.ill, kill l<i fiiSc.u, Files, La t i i ll, i i i . iJti’.i-?, ii; iu or.lcr tha. very . > ; • m.iy try it. ii l : l . p in In »iti" 2 cent * utt »tt leg. JO l lltsll f elin’ii ; «<■ • ‘bt.ijji it tii-m j nlir :!i u tli-iel , anti ..u “ ill tiiir. . " P*rmr tf it t h >• a you •i \f (■’. or u mm 41 li 0 , vAS BEATTY Etei;' ET5' • S ii vfepa, »5sct fadde . Voiejiic » la. i J s. ncc ‘1 -neiite • nut, fuse, v. -triri’d S-• (-a, r' f *,»«• A f-mh - b.t ' tins, vf I!! 0:4, Ht ' 'r X |& ( , «• t*lire *• •• MU’. H ! ti-l r:. 1 ell t .. v i-tS ’.-. I-. ' ■ M ei‘. v. -- *, • ‘v a.u fOK \m~ vr i a t Ito-titnins 7’A fine h s Htorio;G -hi -*r* v i-iff-t in 1 »2«o I uko ilou 1 -!,: c-iiiiivn n.t ■ u t.l : a • 1ip> m >-ti pi ili^t . . roi> ft irv nf | lu* W- rl i fit’ *;' p-jh'.T 1:0 i li nils a, * iiSUt. t'cnrt tor p*'**’ir»i-i.i ,> ( ;,-q l’t 1 vfl I • P TI#• lo ftij'-Tit-i, nri'i sttp why it *t-;ls i‘ t -• t »*r r “ui »ny •fli' f*r 1» ok. -Mltlre.-g, NaTIO.V* I 1*11- • * *v t M POND’S EXTRACT Subduct Inflammation, Controls til Hemorrhages, Scute and Chronic. Venous and Mucous, The Wonder of Healing, HEIWOOD SMITH. 31. !>., 51. R. <?. p., Ac., Ac. Ac., of the Hospital for Women in Soho Square, London, writing to “The Lancet,” under date of August 23, JS79, says: “PO.NP'S EXTRACT is a good preparation. I have used it for some time (ten to fifteen minims) with marked benefit in cases oi pusive uterine hemorrhage.” POND S EXTRACT. THE VEGETABLE PAIN DESTROYER. ®R. ARTHI R F. If. C. S., of England, pay- : “I I n - . . .’-^d POND’S EX¬ TRACT for II* men a y; -t of cliil*-: • • >11 kind-t, for Hemcnlv >!■». ;v.if..r air ■ - f the eyes, and als* in Bheutautift i.-ihmim-f.--.y of the joint*, withgreiit ^act-, Also supported by ;’ • 'o vi*i.r ..Me physician*; POM D O E XT ti A CT. HEALING COVIFORUNG. DR. 1IFILI.I*a<w. tu .-f iTGicnftf reputation, says: “This ■m;** '•'*-« she virtues of Aco nite and Aruica, . d eH»f:iiit- ft to.*tk* property 'which reuders ii imin.;n>.-;y >•:; ,-ri. i '■’* l-Mih.” • POND’S EXTRACT. A R?K0WNE0 MC4ICINE. ®B. A. !■:. -.r.'UESt. V. V., vvrito* In the J f~f:e. “Oftti f J3; 'Mi'-* of F.^jrpiUkB Ophth < i aia i.UisP; • t.'-.y, , I.; ca-t'i 'f<-recur«| by POKl.% EXT \rr.»* POND'S EXTHACT. Q tCE-USED ALWAYS. DR. H. t. ritUhTOX. Brooklyn, X. Y.: know of Uv iieiuft.iy ? genera! ;y useful in a faipHj,— CAUTION. POND’S EM':: \rr to ...\\ n Settles with tfc* •ass# blown in i A ,ni ■‘;nd- pe : ride-mark •a buff wrapper. ••“If is un*..f* »«ge other .*■# w ith our dir«cH iMtalon bMioK I'iv;* .' KX.Tliv.-T. Kef oie ali •foo* and iubstjtute^. fiicis 01 POL’S vr: APT. 50-’.. $ 1.00 m &%. BAFT'r* X*w t» u ll urogr or Otrm g ATiow, Swrr FKTE e* Am • - to POND’S EXTRACT CO. 18 Murray Street, New York. OU b nil Drugyisu. Wells, ni- ha BUTT QQi PERl-t'-a! i W 1 fc?, J* m Gf t tear n Tt . ri *■ Vi' t> VKitb V.i V. * L'Hi Mr. A«i »«fur 4mg .* rmit*! il-.rll 2*. « IQ BM It W KLI *i, 4 1! , A l u. I ‘rtel»r*i M3 $2*7 [• *yrf AddroSiB 4 ? eav an Jp. ‘- 1 p it. *pp."“«*to Vickery, atrnti *>uifit tro • • Augusta. Me. ! *5 to $20 GET KlUlI seHing oui .P imiue Niamr * tt eo. (ootc A Git-wti. «» opfUiAi ’^. enrt*} v,, ;Tr r iyu:S VV. erifienc O .LK :iv» n an<l refotenco to i* t*rol dU Son<3 for ray book on the hai-t »i*irl 8 cure -rUKK GTJNH , * i ' !n ‘" Wim'SV ‘ WANTED Froflt -<w4. Outflt free. PK(i!-(.F,‘H TF. \ CO.. Itox 3<>25. Ft. Foul*. Mo. fr«*'■ 1MKRN ATiON Ai l’Clt CO.. 6 Bridge Kntrau- K <- h«il, 21(1 W. J. H AT80N& €0., MASCFACHJJP.EUS of Hoffman's Red Oxide Roof Paint, the beat and cheapest m nse; one coat equal to thren ooata of ordinary pint; will last five ve.trs witbotit re¬ sawing. for For *.!!<• > ,v tim gallon ot J»rr«-J t Bi>xod readr uae. Also ui;ud:i c uinrs find tj«*niei« m roofing and Information lauding felts, tmd- , •.;*”!? varnish, Ac. l or price and v \T 80 .V lA». # KoirisviHf, Ky., ill) ■tUU.Ute’U non , I ON LIFE & PROPERTY. V CX>! who $10,000 r..\l‘LVUK will 1* A paid l A «f>* to %uy -Hltv',1 person with N> I cun 0'S our SAFETY ATTAtllHy»T. Mali e-t free for 36 cl*. Tour for $ i, Agents Wanted, Mat* «r Ftn'.ni*, P. 3. NEWTON’S SAFETY /=.'£" 35 Cts. ISlKftUAMT ox. Sxt-Bsaoo*, i« West B*oad WAT, ». T. OAruulHtll KMnct-’Dinti tiv t*nel- < ,i:t "A- iin-kind ■ Ik W Ktifl ami Toiler, Soap quickly. Ii u ■ ■■ full weitflii and str* n^th. Ask \onr Rroc s tot BAPOXft IIEK, nmi tak« « nm v^, r •P , T>RKKT (Vale-I 1 1 :..' • hcei -•••*! «rhenpesl 111 : j ! ■ •. I’l-ff ■ - , J • ilii.ilo, N. Y» OP mm Pa KS known »mi Kemetiy. cur. g t! W 2 SO CHARGE for treatment until cured. Call on or address DR. J- C BECK, 112 John Street, CLNCLNSAII. OHIO. A I05D SAW MILL For $soo. Our No. l Plantation Saw Mill is designed to bcijn W 10 or J2 horse power Agricultural Engines. Wifi? thto power from 1,500 to 4,000 Feet of lumber can be cut in a day. A product rec«prohatin<i to ou percent, .sawmill greater than can be cut witliany except with tlie same power. Tlie mill* are complete •aw, and will be put on the e <fs in Cincinnali for the low price of *200, and w.tvr.inP ;! m every particular. Gearing, Saw &€, Mills of all sizes*Engines, F*. iters, ."iml'ting, Illustrated circulars s* r.t free. LANE So BGDLEY CO., John and Water Sts.. Cincinnati, 0. RA I ■ ' A SI-CARB. SfsU. M SODA Ib tha best in tlw Wof.d. it t-al-s dutcly pure. It fa the best for Medic ual -. 1! tho boat for Unking and all Family V~* s. 1-1 i-y nil Fiuggists and Grocer*. PENN’A SALT MANUF. CO., Phila. h 3 HBSM ’27;.; si ■4! f <w AOLH PV AU druggists I’M* it! "Hi ;: ' te. m isy £i mr - , .e ; '- y. 4 B ! S BROGANS. A.BOTTT The genuine Baichellor’* Slur JBroaanh .«ro Bailor now than beforu and the Best brogaii.-* nuulft. \v nra head headquarters . for the genuine <; late improvements iiovscssod article, bv oihers made with all lhe •pecial low prices. Orders filled'at no low*--? We gin rates. IMOI.M A CO . M.HVPACTrHF.K- ANJ, i'FAl.KES IV COOTS AA'D rijIOKS, ________*u W. Jlaiii St., ill,.. Jt v. “For the B'.ood is THE Life.” RlieumaM.-n., ffi.-*< l.iv, i. nuln^y ami K, u t Comnlaintf nid *Yery :t.«e ai imj. ....... . required lloi If v rucp nin.“Wick,N./ E-4 tk ill ill(• iii'li • -r!4. y and *<• .05 i5r• imkft's ? stmp grease, SOAP.J &e., from ntficle* of cloth tii.-v.-- I ; pound-. will pud u'-aii • ’ i:t It te. cures out ns paint*, *.f cut.-, tho obtain the ijght m.-.ko 1112 . '‘vri'l 50 cun is nnei t«» and ite** it. Tully worth K5. Address L>. flOi.ri'! V. P. t>. p,-, x jfjK. A t In nf a, tin. bui«d, post-paid 1, :ii!V :nbl:v<- l .|i » j ..*• r>i4i 4 .. B 13 ^ CO,. iA A XB:w v«rh S4 h i'amton gtre st, Stow Vork. |o Publisher-’ I'liMn, Atlanta, Ga. .Twelve. 60.000 Gita • wontwl by 1 ,WK| Ad ver fiser* 121, ..J I LiladelpUb, 11 , *}'* Aefiita* I'a. Herald, Box e»rh»uAl<.A. AtiEMS Al.I.F.N WANTEII*J“ \ W Sl.MAHTH, Eondft “ 4 I I ** V. m nation. 1RGIS.P I lizzie POK THF. NEW of 15 ■ wW Mnr HWft i".;: kwfW* ?,kl* V-" h i .i nr .,. ntr s. vnl • ' *'*'►.• f:-x. 11.1 OiM-onnl to the fi’atie. Di* NWieiiit svn Ad<lre*tS VAN BIBBKR a Co.. CRant *** ‘Koi m. mi: s tour S non,.,? * os-,-:ttet*r.« ;»’C dice o ’ 4 oh Kn*. ■wll V« ttlkfc;. oiari Ehg. ,SO« , -Km • - d teem ■- ■ -t ,.i »i* n On teMASSv . . - .. |sssii