The Watkinsville advance. (Watkinsville, Ga.) 1880-1???, May 05, 1880, Image 4

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f iaws th*t letters. f “H. H.” (Mrs. Helen Hunt has made a little collection of the laws Dn^dttllenihur I Attv tilt n or I res vftiitirT dent of the t L Ditew ^.aaeiwiwwitig huntin^SrlS^thi^n^ « VM(wr«t#ry se purS FHH 4 *of :a the H't, ri 4 n . m«lh,,indc , 1 ;,^ *iStt» Tsrn, ..ill, al!Ortite ssisEs?' SS sstfshsi irsffls 4 aSS ™, , f 100 and tmpnsgomeut within oneyeAr: if proper.y be tajmlir value* destroyed, a,Id fe in uoera live in double A murder be committed, death. (Suppose thi* l»w was carried out in regard to the murderers of the chief Big Hiiake last autumn, at Fort Kcuo, in Indian ritury, how many rneu would bung besides the soldier who fired the first shot!) land 4 . Purveying belong or Indians, settling upon anj do ng to or attempting .md lm to m —fine within $ 1,0 0 prm.amenl within one year. 6 . Attempting to trade «mong the In dians as a trader. Without license from the Government-fine within$ 1 ( 0 ; im rns.nmeut feiture of merchandise'. within thirty da^s and h>t 1 ..**1 i U'ciiwlng from Indians any uten «» f ; >r ,!' UnUnS ,,r 7 x,k ' t,K or n ;’ y ar '' dr of c othing, dmfl 1 xccpt skins or f urs fine H " im ‘'* ,WB,ne0t 'vnlttu .birtv 7 , Twn..t«» rchas g u, .r fr m an a n In tn.ti.n ban . lioki * * ° * r ' teiture of tim in^ky 8 An trite Indian winflndSi," •orent beine S on“hJow concerned 1 account-fine within $ 1 , 000 , and nrisoament P within one vear I Treating with ImiiaiiH for the Government—same 10 A for. igner going punislinien!. into the Indian . ishmenl, Territory without ft passport-same pun- 11 . Aov Indhm or other permit oopi e'ffetieo mitving wiibluUielndiiiiiTerritory anv which #<Wld bo committed within places of Federal jurisdiction—the slime punish nicnt as is there provided for. “Ftarffelly _ imd . Hondeffttll) Mail.’ A stbrv sfimitlv luiiheritic comes to lite Elmira Fu$ I'tut at first baud from tlm university tofto- uibifiirv, The Rev, 1 »r. Wisner, of sacied tong pastor of the lWivterian Church, wm called upon by iilaiiH'dihat « » 4 |<lh#U#| ha vVAs 4 Miaidivi*,, detfied ieces*lu whticm. the pulp t of his order in that town. The 3 ai w,2; ill hS.',T“ ' J HeMhanccd ti I.,, this , occasion . »£ •jar*'*......... . ........ sons for our meditation ‘1 am fearfully aud wonderfully mad,* soys ' David, iii this port'on of holy writ. “And Tir.t we learn that it is possible for a saint to be unto. .... , ^t’ Then flf/er hTheadre hi thiopure'C'.'pJa and wonderfully sstiUK mad ’ is a verv l ueculiar j i ” ' creature ^ell . , Dr infoim^tto Wisner used to this itorv wJKl ahd our K mi a h td £ from "fits h ; s tins It t™t.5H,i frit, SSU hetieeu of free the'UeitnmVnatW* a i Da ter m to tm Thn Lt'atliiig Man Must Bo I‘aid. fJxihki fWln y in N«>w Yi'iU Dl»j»utcl».) Thw wi|H^i* nmofethc old story ef ‘ nan ?> a,r * 14 Hatting* * ho fi!* ntftu'r fits ow* leading bust nes», and no whether was good or bad, invariable from the receipt. Ins own salary. au actor hr ^'wy. rha-ged And himself A»v*r wt furled h a , u getting it. there One salary day there was a great row, w..s no money for the a r ', , u \\ a hut . nas , become of t the rnonef J.., T” growisd the beavv map, mid khef rest echoed UrequjK| % \ Oood p-acicm*, m-CM eiitietnen, wi.! these as 11 two W * e , ,, u But, \ d~njt, . tie- , r treasurer a say. he patd the lewipui to vou? the DorreCt—yes—but hading that was my salarv as mau. ID must be paid, You know wecouldnt get along without f" ?T W ?r i r T-rybadtoswadoau. Keverthgle*., V U , wbi-e they »..»«. d-brsiopoas a leaditg man, they damned hi» honesty as a Ihfr same Atpsp^aAi ,, . too ^ night, •»k. whitepMgp » V' n % t H pxuigtoh,ivy.,Tie in for a fin i^t aw of the aft show urchin through climb, onepf Hi# speech thebAif ulfo windows af the hsl*. would have WrS astonished a new leading, which t ibber. fixed Rudrng down the b iron! and his tpt, hia .ye U|«>n y window, he cried out, me ago;her horse, bind up my wound, there sarndher boy * "Lil'c. OTI0 ,10tb,n ?— Kichard s himself ' Vmv bv application best of moderate heat, one ounce of iaitwlft** in a i-mi.,f . ,f» ...m. Strain through a piece of cloth and add an ounce of Due previously soaked lor a few hours iu a rmaU quantity of water, and a ctU of vi eear hro’ucht Vlft-r the uim clam Coil »rd glue are IS lS!n to a solution purities. up ot« __ PoUTEXFfes may prevent the want of wit ard talents Irma being observed; but wit and talent ranvot proven: tlie discovery «* tho want of po\i»c*e*.*. Nkvaua r*(irot4« Allow the Indian?* to play friends arouud the e»r*. Tho Indian has no ------ MlUI ana , ia lain net «»*#> will be ouch wort. I | j. How ♦#Hotm*. The following Bimple rules will found useful to all parties about to buy - s E?HS^rf''If fir! t.l, 1 ft *2 **.• jSl- f ^ f * vn , r‘ » ,atl0r cL i Witt* fell wf tft*n. « J* fcF&f-- ItZl'ollt 1 h0 ” C ’* m ° U!h " ‘ H —= felX.e'p S ’ T M Mktfd&JE&tut S > U !?, wlS»frf'nd MI LIT* ^ < 4 l fl 1 & .rjjsin j'SKgL'gs which itij thr^r^j^l prc cu ri>pr of d |Wt riiflti p . JLthe foot ! heellX^twC.l the foo tluhortl;. itnd ho. has sufleied from laminitis, founder, or the Imek sinews have iieeu sprained, and be is of little future value. When the feet are all drawn together beneath the home, if tliere haa been no disease there is a misplacement of the (hubs at leiist and a weak dl.p-s-Kim, of t iiq mu.cies. If the horse stand* with his feet c oread apart or straddles with the hindlegs, there i„ weakness 0 f the loins and the knees kidneys are bent disordered. When the are and the legs totter and tremble the beast has been ruined by heavy Igaln pulltBg, asd will never be Bgln whatever r.»t and treatment he may have. Omtraeted or ill-formed hoofs speak for them.selves. Never buy a horse with a bluish or milky cast iii lu- jendemey cyiy. 1 hey ophtbaimia, indicate a p, <>. v-J..i!?’ ever have anything .I; . to do i „ with .1 a . teVT^ J “' h #»-T* “* ‘' arlable HrH Kt hr ? 1 '" W r llcatI 'r k ' u tffiie ti Srsi-’feiind tithe S lm, u kicker «r« seared ^ the . 7 . ft the knees are blemished Urn borne is nm to stumble M Winn the skin tsfruieb arnktamh the t.iudi, the horse is a heavy cater* and his digestion is had. If. Avoid a horse whose respiratory organa are at all imnaired Iftheanr is whwehtgt»<t!i^t piaoed at tJiWaitle henr.^it ©f the heart arid a if frdfiwl* U an InilU miifm * go ' The linuoaltIons imiHWHlotia ut ut NiaKara Ulngara. «h# „„ Htateol N \qtk lyntajuijM>ned cm to nie:Im 4 !facIliowledgeiEit# hijl the sbnfj.s tills&UBeiul ejfB)iI>it »h■ s afe WfltSira f alls to too nfnttran (Of VlS| ^* ""’'Vi Nifgftrk . Notoi Js. e in indignant a bundled who the not at wa T b« Wf#AHPcd efhty time he turns a c,lrn, T' Everything alwut Niagara **“ff '**’ or New T^g-k M to fire Amen- % ' <’»« !>% <■■ Visitors hurry as speedtty u session ‘ of the I euisUtiirn 8 flovernov ltob caused a n inauirv t, be A.Ji-WM .1 i'ic'uiliet. am,in* matchless Bma of the district tie re ? U,rfd . , = t,,al t l0 '•’! ■'“F* , , f oai t ' ,e ra P . u * ''>• f“<*« by l!,a t ,l "' rl n r , ‘. «w««lc «cc«wiWe, and hm* 1 r 1 >( ' ‘''"bRured , by butldtug New s or «'*i«rfBr»titude of the world, if she s-'i'yrr y3s«?y ir tiv, , y disgraceful that "•k'*’ regions like the .Yosentito^ ^ icil m,t and I^Wott . Upper in Yellowstone, '’ ’’ a mil ion can * v, ' r ! triepco|m-, to see, ar» while kept sacrul for the **•*»' ot Niagara, within ,a 0,1 “)' taUl'%p«armaier*,« teeming millions, is shut : an^^MMai if it were a ctrcuH or nroto ufLaidc-ahows. iTSv I’uei.auticMotors \ i* I, for » , Street liiiifroutN. hesWji stnigghngto haveasys'omof radlroAds. Bftr vaktous adapted to anew# Street ,4-ea*on« has not nttebded thKr efforts Die idea ^ to + t a w atipng tanWsiwde^ihe s.sts the cars which are charged wiUi air J’WWWSl bftlto-** 1 ? Mnark.mcb. .Dm *® the motive power vm eflIs applied to machinery under the car, which thus ‘*v **• J * 11 wa "' a bieomotive. 1 heplan of uwngair wtead of steam b'rj.e^e iah. p..* e 1» verrfold, t**de and man fe h |vk*een l»Uh« a. various but rtu it has never prov. a succe-srul. In (be present '.W 1 ]*' lwo aiffiJaiBos. totolfh engineers, bruljiht ^Ussrs. (lie ns»* to pten% petfihbm, and ffto of, these cars loaded with passenger* ran from the Harlem hmr.lo Iweinx-tlmd ct, hew York, and bsck, with the «l««k I Up. harge ° f rT p '^ d a,r w ‘* h taudfnnWe.,- car i his was a dts s u <d» a fiat wltb cot^»iTan*« p'rshed before, aif and fits neVel shows hren the jwrfect accom *¥?*** ^ * nd ,,a '"? •Pr**« trt yk'ious f f r ‘^%P cause*, VCi * of the has principal been duo to one ours w.og * »sut fWfl «ft*niy. of aejiam v4 the UA f oT*AI t^atoAtfy. who is a «U'jk in ' hflui » dry gosis store. 1 ins, »«*d tae Usual dUhculues aiMndent u» nevent rpn»e* requiring public sup bar. so fur been fatal to b*«bhsktite U t of pneumatic motors inthesieeUof New York City. “ Hemni '^tTTTT kakle l ightning. 7 s . V Albany, . Did., s.ivs: In the Northern ' «*“ lery of this city i* a marble slab u,,oil ' vhu ' h is pbotcprapheU the im*g« cou,<i ot * /^* n,nkc r Ue, an ‘ “ tMlF^ up«»-«th#Tphoto- M ibe sun ***"* Fiber's *’ plate. 1%D image was Jvnt pr - lue T l.ghuring ‘'ghtong of a storm, and appears to have struck tbe sla'o, has left the inipr nt of the tree standing a few feet *w»y from tbe stone *o twrfrcdy that ev-ty limb aud branch is recognizable. The ihV ,f if«M ibis’s^gufar tKak freak of a1w» menu print of tre< * *pp*«r# on the < p|*wi!e side of the slab almost a* perfect a* upon the toe. Tl is is considered a verv < - maikab’e phenomenon by th ee : k.. h*ve eeen th« *!*»«, and as jet e.mnn b, accounted <o\ « Meals «t AH Hours.” J , , ,? v<!r v co r**? ? - „ . <>i John’s downfall shall be briefly re luted. Shortly alter arriving in the city he was attracted bv a sien bearing the inscription £ “ meals at all hours.” Kn S&t - — ^ you feed W* here, don't you?" , . . . sats **•"*"■* y " lb “' *• ^ ^®ftafnljr .•» r , * . . I T mean it. . TH . Ttoard , you three 4 * days for three dollars.” ?*c fu y 1,1 ! ,,our ' , ilere, taae 0 tne tnree dollars. o ' J le '' < Y' * e t myself up as a regular eater, r fhi/Iff ri* t n f^. t ° *‘® fee r w ,?T 11 » e^ v ™ 0 coca, ( ’TZ 1 iZm S “h ^ g “ anH 7 U remarKiug r , , ,,,- lle TV, , T’b 1 “"^ i' a. L , T,, 1 » ’ nf | H „. a ” You Xlfe ncednWsrc *t m 7 » h “® e sah one w«He,« i y ke “ J rwilarest 5 f'V®/f mm you’ve 1 v f, f*' got I * d d 1 m^ evcVfor kio’ hokrv , p g g t * many a time Tclock ” Atone John came hack and £ remHI ked as V. he hung o’chjck. up hit. haf •• I'm ,i me . one Ketch me suthin’ to eat.” The waiter went away muttering, aud brought in a rather slim meal. “ I/mk here,” said John, “ don’t try Lo go back on your contract. I reckon >,»“ di<1 underate my ability, but 1 "if baifascat. 4 t two o clock . ... John came back . . and . The proprietor came in and I my dinner, aupper or break fast, . just what you are a mmd to call t „ Y l<m ,ni v,o have already u A eaten . here three ., timeb Ui-d.y,” ” know that.” “ IWcaUteffs Why do ^you come again ?” two o’clock.” „ •* No, L l u^KS but it’s 1 ^ two o’clock U M- time.” . , ”1 don’t understand yon, sir; do mean?” ” Your underatanding may have been injured by my surprising ability. I came heie with the understanding that I was to nave my meals at all hours. ” I he contract has been adhered to; F®* ba « «»“• irregularly,” No, sir, 1 ve come here regular. It was the agreement that I was to have a »"*m?3HS.*5Sa.&v hi t fair n^ov sbli vn.i >nd bo‘ t L „ ■'..... I An o£ XlWO.vid ...... The Wicked Huso. ili, .*«,> I'wtuta. .1 Tb« »birti tenetfa to wh'v i thow whn jfrirml larry our will allow | rejudico aupaiintly lo fhi in, eftu in matter* ot .mail import, wei aptly ill UB V iA tJ r« <s>titly in ih* nnw m a beautiful young vt whfrl iug to wad madly in_ the vortex of f aah fiftssissa, no - ouo^ oiy. she became convinced tlmt this mode of life was wrong, and that *W*fk 'he true «Utl|ei sphere provided jfwo|«BW« she could W the g.t ob® bf her own; and it is worthy Qf re t^ark that, when tbe young Indy came tk > th^ copclusion sLe bad already reached the somewhat mellow age, for a gtrl, #,># of twenty-six summers, all of hud, according to custom, passed X lfll “.rfeutolv bmaid gently bv the fi «tt ly fetters of love, elide but rm out of reach, ‘it was after soma reflection on this melancholy fadv chanter of her career that the v„u„g arrived at the determination above alluded to, and tlonher at once ideas. proceeded to nut into execn bangles, frirtes, Discarding the bangs f other barber-pole stockings am articles of personal adorn men twith which she had been accus touted to l’miutn bedeck simplicity tetfbwwm ,sW rtktfnrtd (0 lho in matters of dnM wbtoh ^d, characteruod oyr fere pother*, .<^3, as a fa femaWi 3 i acquaintance Z ijT >a JfRyj yj | a, ^nait'k 0 t tils ” m . !ftt art ssst* p | K . Uv there lurked wtidtableyjjtoig a deep-laid plot, of thf most men in the ueighisirh.KHl, who had been bwkiug first for a wile among the daughters of the families, hut had been unable to find one that sgemfl tocax^c* tll i„ K btrt d*-*, notifed *kb nleasure t b» change in Miss----, and u > win her. Ft is hardly necessary to and , av lh after at he the had expiration practically a walk-o'ver, of a brief but minister pleasant courtship for cheerfully making stakeil a *20 them one. n ari |l v had the honeymoon becun when the Puritan-likc nmideu blossomed out it! Um> UUM<t K „ r geous manner with il)e ra iment, telling the partner of her lirv diseard.i* ta.hfimat.W fiuerv "t was <mlv 7 dooe to wiu h< . r „ # p, 0W!u Omrley ^ «^ The Voun - mau ^ hm r in. but escape w«, dreadful impowsible, and he is now wuiplv a example of the lengths to which deception mav ' carried. a Ka^om ****fiM t«^^rl^Uteai« t«w | fV»rH«ag |’ Uteata !?l*f > ., l,a,l J ^!b..® uwl ,y .' on tt H ticket oft,y. A elwisd , and readily accepted be had purchased, and Tl >wated bimself ln the trainjust in time, drived at the o,Hl«tuig-tat' he one *>t* ticket. WM Askei for -his “IS reply brought the que.diou, „7 ou 'b* n k to travel hr tb> f ,rket ” Yes; why not? ’ “ Well, it li a , for a doc!” . I «'’»!<“ Byour I- itto.uenM-YAUog T- ’. man, V ? I V \ a\ 1 * 1 .Vlerati’n *hli* v ''!! J**!V° wn ,. * ° *' lY !d *** , ^denttcil f ra nir . ___ Ltvi hy hone* be king In the hired class of abfmtfi. TOPICS FOR THE r FARM. | j — . Feeding (tom- A writer i. ,u. t„ ! jt ' I i * av 8 fed well cured hay, twiie with coarse wheat, bran and roots, daily, and ** wood-aL* teaspoonful of equal parte of salt j ! and plaster twice a week or OiSSSSStlt {3*49 *.-•» r«—m. mm, » twice after each a day, and water immediately meal, than jg to feed more. Jg* thcn X&sJ s^‘«rt C 5 K*‘ViSUi'r 2 a -as* m & t u w ;ii nr\w ^ n wn an apj»ear Jr\r ^«r • ‘ n^theHet^« K cwle nse or six TT hours. ’ - The Peach Crop.—The Comet, of J^luauv that AluM^ - x a pt a ts - the peauiA orop dwingfo ih vicinity as quite unfavorable. lhou thfwarjrL ht wiil winter. ^ ^ there, ’* « - rhe proajiect in the southern part of indiaua, however, aeem fair for a full cro P’ The Lreett everywhere are too for ' Y Jir ' ! we fe * r ', The buds are much swollen , and , need only a day or two of warfo weather to .bring them into full b °°. m ' ?}»«!T‘a 1,6 al ‘ most cerUm to lolkiw will kill them. Protection for Young Trees -AVhen H >* desirable to pasture sheep or hogs U> orchards, or whefij rabbits make den redations, Bstltifly tl)e hark projected of young trees mav *» *hcc. by washing the trees in spring and acain in mitf summer, for sheep, aud again in late autumn for rabbits, with soapsuds and carbolic acid, or a solution of coal-tar ^whitewash. en< Both 3 ’ 7 are sure and of s ac- r e valuable.m keeping ofl fl the . borer and . m giving a healthy surface activity to the !*** b j* and acld bealttof. al1 One ounce of car t0 a P ot “apauda w ' ’ —- Io ( nrc Heaves. , ri Heaves is , a thick enmg of the mucous membrane of the tea cell* pUagus lungs trachea, bronchia of the air ofifie or cither, and anything tut will leduce this thukening will cure it. If only heaves, and not broken wind is the Double, turningon grass will cure him. Palliative treat roe ? t > Bod Spanish brown, tartar emetic, re8, , a two ounces of each, , l of niter; give , one teaspoontul t >ree times per day in fe<d, or take in ' igo, one ounce; niter, 4 ounces; rain w,lt «r, one gallon ;.give one pint twice V eT da - v '» hia leed.- 7 ndwso lamer — Waste Worse than I)ebt.-A sis,- eentle one arnrtsn?<’ of his trips, and from a Th careful es- or •»-* as satisfied that the loss to the farmers from this careless and HaSFESE && fesrc&f Fuck w L’luck,.—When a man is for¬ tunate he boaaU of bis goml nmuage uieut aiul shn^wdpesa; wlren fie is what is feriicj ttnfortutjate.lie lOtul complains of bis Hi fuck. It is tbkt Pi6vidence al¬ ways smiles on the side of the best and most the bayonets principle aud heaviest also guns, Can not same he applitd to farming? Success is the result of good management, of the best breeds of cattle, best tool* and the richest soils. Hnd Success making tprings from economy and in the in saving judg¬ manures, ment used in their application. It con¬ sists in the proper selection of seeds, the time of mowing the grass, the way and manner of tilling the ground, vigilance and in destroying the weeds, tno care of cattle U\e fences manner in order oi feeding, the in keeping and building in good repair. These are a few of the elements of good luck. I 0-0 T *'<‘ sf«a»n#h «f the Horse.-Tbe horse’s stomach Las a capacity of only about sixteen, quarts, while that of the ox has two hundred and fifty. In the in'wtine* this proportion is reversed, drad he having ninety a capacity of one hun qua-ta, and one bun dred oi the ox. The ox and most other an mals have a of gall-bladder the bile forareten turn of a part secreted during and <Hf«tion. the bile’Bows • horse directly has really none, into the in testine as fast as secreted. This con stntotioaof jfii%tfse the digestive forme! apparatus in dicatee that imthfualv .was to eat s’owly ami dig To»| »t bulky and innut^tfua it pa#es .very rapifilv When. throjjh f.d lie on stom- hay, a'bitito'fhe hrtStifles. The horse can ‘‘at but five pounda of hay in an hour, wl 'ich b is charged, during mastication. Wlt *»«*r times Its weight of s.liva, «4U Sow. contain theMtomari.^digest bud aUifc ten quarts, it well. and wh «n the animjfl eats about . ne-third » { h ‘ s ration, or seven pounds, in ‘> n « 1 oae-haif hours, he has swal stomachs full of hav ands,Uva. one of haring passed to tlie intestine. Observation hasshown ,ha ' 'be food has passed to the intestine by the stomach in the order which it ts received. If we feH a horse six quarts <«“*■»' w.ll just fill his stomach, and » f AA W4 tinrehestb*. we fred-him *ho ah*N refioh I’t^ of seven poanefcof hay. »«1! cat bs4 in thwo-qiiar ers cf an -h.W Aa tWeed tfteoatsen out of his stomach into the intes ' sne - As it is the office of the stomach 10 feed, <K*e« and the nUD^enous stomachful of part of the as r. oats con *•»«" °1 'laics «much of U»«e »s «k« that same alhet aiiMHiur 4ho of hay, n k«cer Uin stemadi must se er.'te the gn-tre juice five times as fast, .*^1 tain this .** Y' foot! 6 ?*/ ttve 0 ****' times ” as long. “ USt T Hy tain* feeding the , gts »ug* first, if ikawn their only tK> re digestion loy, <n b#y~*umwf»ntly v it proper *»>, ms logical, food when feeding mulky a concentrated like oats, with a one like hay, to feed, the latter first, giving the gra n the whole time between the re pasts Ao.,Jbo-.*ligw»!eA. w ~TT' Topic* tor (fete lldiaaehaftd. Ififito Carfs— !n king cake*, dip the kutfe in tvfd wale*. CoilH.KXiox -Tincture leo tw i-ur > - i»: pure afixAol. ctif pint Bathe the skin; allow the wash to remain on a few minutes and then wi P e oft - iS- ' -Kemovisw 0 ,l.-You can get a bottle or barrel of oil oft any carpet or woolen f“ SWOTWB ff hy applying dry buckwheat plenti- 4 -***" farmer's wife. Broiling Hteax.-oB roil steak with out salt: it draws out the juices; it is nnM’SK'?® -h «iTT ,0 R Eil o\E Putty. — f 5 olt Roap ; mixed with a solution of '^ potash or cai’s tic foda ’ or P“ rl m ed ” ith ctent water to form a paste, if laid on withabrushor rag and left for some hours, will easily remove old putty and paint. Good Coffee.—T ake the coffee into the back-shed and administer several healthy kicking-. If it don’t get good then, fire it out. (The same process was used before the war for making good cuffec.) Df plicatino Paper.—T hose who de sire to make their own duplicating paper may do so hy rubbing into a suitable tissue of a beeswax, mixture and of sbfparts of lard, one part sufficient fine black to give it a good color. The mixture ^ould be warm and not applied to exce88 - Toi'gh Reef.—L eef havingatendency to be tough, can be made very palatable by stewing taking for two hours with salt and pepper, Hal/ out a pint of liquor when done, and letting the rest boil into tbe meat. Brown the meat in the pot. pint After of taking liquor up, make a gravy of the saved. Ftain 8 . -There are several ways of removing mk from pohsheu wood, viz , with spirits of salts and muriatic acid, in a teaspoonful of water. In both cases touch the spot with a feather, and rub it well with a morsel of soft linen. Dandruff. —“Cheapside ” asks;— “ Would you inform me how to remove dandruff from the head?” The best means is to wash the head once a week with the yolk of an egg beaten up in tepid water. Wash off in other tepid water, and finish up with the coldest water procurable. Chicken 8 aiad Take a cr-id boiled chicken; chop it fine; take an equal chicke auantitv i of celery cut fine as the ( a little salt, mustard, pepper, and take a gill yolk of vinegar; stir all together; the of one egg raw, four fea spoonfuls of salad oil; add the oil, drop at a time, to the yolk, beating It.’al! the time; then pour the dressing over the salad after you put it in the dish to t’ ,n ' 1 ’sr ’-, *>-° u : cheese, tettr aatl roll it all into a sort of mu«, and take not'take it ofl. The whole operation sh uld more than .............. J ittle Anblo is the (laughter of one of our most ’ rominent citizeng. Yesterday she told us, in er way, what a good medicine Dr. Ball's Cough Sy up was, as it had cured her of a very severe cold. A Honiu bold Need. A book on the Liver, its diseases and their treatment scat free. Including treatises upon Liver Co in pi nints, Torpid Liver, Jnundice, Biliousners, Ilcauuciie, , onstipntion, byspep sift, Jfularis, etc. Address Dr. Sanford, 162 Broadway,Xew York City, N. Y. Dr. C. E. Shoemaker, the well-known aural 5UT/?eon of Beading. Pa., offers to send hy mail free of charge a valuable little book on deafne-s and diseases of the ear - especially on running ear and catarrh, and their proper treatment giving references and testimonials that will sat¬ isfy the moat skeptical. Addross as above. The Voltaic Belt Co., Vlanhall, Uirh., Will send their Electro-Voltaic Belts to tho afflicted upon .10 days’ trial. See their adver toeiocnt in this paper headed, “ On .20 Days’ \ LUfcTjKjs yjjy ii 6 u?»o yon will prevent nifttiy tho Oi? uses pit*vailing in the Spring »m\ Unmmw s» aeon. Straighten your old boots with Lyon’s Pat¬ ent licet Stiffeners, and wear them again. Try the ‘‘Rheumatic Sack.” Seo advertise ment in another column. ‘•idindtocrvtionsof 4 To nil youth, wliofart suffering fYom the decay, «»rrors nervous weaknes-*. *»arlv ■w.s o» iiuuili'iod. etc., I will si-ud a Rocipe that will euro ’■ fRl'K <>F CJIAKllJC. This gfeat remedy wan di** tovored by a nuh'-umtu v iu South America. Solid a eelf itidreMsed envelope to the Rev. JOSEPH T. IS MAN, t»...a Ti t* ,r. rei.. lioir to Bet Sick. Expose yourself day and night., eat too much without exercise; work too hard without rest; doctor all the time; take all the vile nostrums advertised; and then yon will want to know How to (Jet Well, Which is answered in three words— Take Hop Bitters! Fee other column._ Ewprfss. Wires exhausted by mental labor take Kidney-Wort _ to maintain healthy action ot all organs. A- DrBULLS A. A»CSs5p«i y. ■ -■ FA uii <^1 4 ' r n ■10 11 Lr. , , M>H s.e.»«i.I : Br ,iD'- ts i'U.shw'.i: tt W i,i,.„, “as,.., m ... i'l-«. A-ik y *. *r» If. A fit mr r. vi .,.„ t m a „„, WifQBPC Ml SI.VI. 'Wr for ’’ NuiiiLitvl A(n*n \Y»u U ET 5K7.L? '* Jt Hi SF n WARD’S b Fine Skivto fiovMft 1 »?S.. ■ - : iractibijifor if ’ * " r 1 '* ' ■M E.M.&W WARD, 2 &i BROADWAY. NEW YORK. Vegetine Pur ^ e a “ d K Whole . System. , “aKKrwi ^ WR|TERS AN0 THEIR NAMES TO YOB IVVmuiil HOST HATE uaiU PIE 1 U 1 UI BLOOD UUVVU ~ „ tan^rlu, . . .. '\cZ’f,,loV*Hn°nor, " ** You Can Positively be Cured. Thousands of Testimo¬ nials Prove It. Druggists, Chemists, Speak, Indorse aud Kccommend it as the Best ^ j and Only Reliable HLOOD PURIFIER. Mo v trkal, Jun. 29. 1880. II. B. Stevems, E*q.: D-ar Sir—Ido Dot Ike to writ* tetiilntonialB for advertised med clne* but the fr *t ben©, ttt tiiar s>> iimuy of my aifdome'S have obtained from the use of VKtiKTiN E ■ omp h me to $»y that with an expe ilcuce of over twenty-Uve years, both n Great B itain aud tliis country. I have never known such a useful remedy place* Irbefore the pub 1c. J. D. L. AMBROSE. Asiistant of the A pothecar!esC' mpanyof London. Mem Irer of tlie Pharmaceutical Society of G;«at Britain, Licentiate in Pharmacy of the College of Phyciclaiu an.l Surgeons, Corner Notre Dame and McGill Street*. Vegcline Is Sold by All Druggists. C.QILBERTS STARCH X\.^ A ums tVASiTElV'for “Tlie Bible in PIcJoim," C,inUunui.ff 240 lCagruviii^s Johns Hchnorr von bourne, l>r. Podt, Williams St. Louis: College Drs. F ;J?j^’hop L. L>oane, John Peddie, Albany: H. Rer. W. B. Patton, Thomas, cJ*7 •o. Peeke, und others, Clucnao. - Hold in numbers. Address ARTHUR BOTT, Albany, N. Y. ' jsnuvx .xftfexs swtss. IfmJ tasiiiKssMse-js .....JF!t!rs.=:Se ; fi i 5 sr f r *S? 355 K‘JSStes Stera pMitoc #1.00 »nd FOR poftac*. 23 CTB. w,, nkKBfl*na?i<i»»tsri 5 a^ PETROLEUM JELLY. Grand Medal Filrer Medal at Philadelphia at Paris Exposition. Exposition. Thia'wonderful substance is r.cUnbwleded by dtocov^ed phystciana thr*m”hout tile world to t>e the l>fst remedy- Skm Dis for the ciire, of Wounds, Burns, Rheumatism, eaees. Piles, Catarrh, Chilblains, Ac. In order that every one may fry .t, it is put up in 15 and J85 cent bottles for household use. Obtain it from your druggist, and you «ili hud it superior to anything you have ever used. NATRONA Bt-CARB. SODA Is the beat iu the World. It is absolutely pur*. It ia the best for Medicinal Purposes. It is the best for Baking and all Family Uses. Sold by all Druggists and Grocers. PENN’A SALT MANUF. CO.. Phila. G UN S PENSIONS BtK.1V LAW. Thousands of Soldiers and heirs enti¬ tled. Pensions date back to discharge or death. Time linuled. Addrcas with stamp, «E.O. E. LEMON, P. 0. Drawer, 323. Wasliijgt«n, D. C. ON 30 DAYS’ TRIAL. We will send our EWiro-Voltaic Belts and other Electric Appliances, upon trial for thirty davs to those afflicted with Serroia DehSlUv and disease* of a personal nature. Also of the Liter, Kidneys, Rheumatism, Ta ralysis, dd Lc. A sure cure guaranteed nr no pay. A ress Vol toie Be lt Wl-h. ! v MOB » THE ONLY MEDICINE That Acts at lb® Same Time on THE LIVER, \THE BOWELS, and the KIDNEYS. These of fjrrnt ortraae are the work natural cleans¬ health er* the svstem. If t lioy well, will h*t perfect: If they become clogged, dreadful diseases arc sure to follow with TERRIBLE SUFFERING/ mllousncss, llcadacli«k Dyspepsia, Jaun¬ dice, Constipation nml Piles, or Kid¬ ney Complaints, Gravel, Diabetes,/ Sediment in the Urine, Milky / or Ropy Urine? or Rhen- / mafic Pains nnd Aches, are developed because the blood is poisoned with the humors that bhould have been expelled natufally. KIDNEY-WORT wilt UCFLming restore evils tbe heal'hy iil he action lmnishcd and all neglect these v. ; them aud von will live but to niucr. Thousands have rvd.-h been cured. number. Try itand Take you it will add one to the and health will once more gladden your heart. Why aching suffer lonecrfrom back ? the torment of an from Con Why hoar eueh dlstroes stlr>at!on nnd Piles? Why ho so fearfui because of die ordered urino ? rjnxsY-WoiiT will cure you. Try a pack' age r.t once and be satisfied, /{is a dry veyciable compound and One Packag’e niahes six quarts of Medicine. }*o?/r Druggist has it, or trill get it for you. Inxirt upon having it. Price, %1JX>. T7ILLS, EISSATCOIT h C0. f Pr^riot^i, | CVr.l wn 1 post pr/d.Y Birr'lnj^oa, Yt. HATTY 3 .if? EVERY FARMER M E R ,a ’ ‘■*, Tn «dM‘ «>" *»«o Hone and Ilia Dlkeaswk’Mt.v La. R. J. Kfnc»m.. a of n* s- . ■ ' JM te. pact's. , Worth w^m, much mnre than thi* iirree ot • * cojnrs s«*iii »ena money form* io Agents. INI’. 4 O S E P H C. TODD; Engineer and Vt.-u-lilnlyt. Pahenon. N.J.,and tO Barclay St,N.Y. ^ .*>, CAHLETOS’S HOUSEHOLD ^WENCYCLOP/EDIA. Book ha* ever ns **«!. A Tte k as ted never >re We n p ub **J»Ry U'vtul mftnmav > • >n i »i«atrat«d, pj ♦3.i0. TO AGENTS.-'; W. CJURLKT0 n.s, ntf. o SAPONIFIED i ssfl W dsn 1 : t Trtli.V id... I I •* lIM'MI'irit. w. .iii m ,4 .RVr,.- (Ybs, t.i *”* ,ne Jr *' ^ •* »o‘ essNH A^TJf^UJACTURINa CO., J^ESTEYjBr ^Vf^B RATTLE BORO ^\L Vtw EVERYWHERE KNOWN WJO PRIZED I>rt*in5ng to Tw gon», Plac«, and Things, with Bl«ck boarrt Df*ixn*, Bib}* itiawrt&ss: tfCMHSWVEx Introrlnction b? J. H. Vincent, D-1>. B*mnBHi.a£SSS«aBfc Ll^Oft Qh^h’c PlUUMTefl 8 UVGS rtf Of IliUStHOUS Mdl. Trsnslatcd tT HKYDEX. 3 vols. Near!J-1,800 pages. ^ThemiJl 1 the e’er who writte:n, rnade the el the mosi {amoanmen roen world’e history in iht-ir tiuveh, building the foundation* ot Cirilized tioverncifiit, science, presented art, in literature, form that can. philosophy uot fai and religion, we h* what Into been for centu¬ to please, at a price that makes ries esteemed essential to a complete liorary, easily *r tamable by every one. Building , yew York. ____^__ tCCfa week in tour own town. Term* and $/i Outfit free. Address H. Ha llktt k CO., Portland, Shin* . ifc */ 777 / / A Froe.AddressF.O.Viewin'.Augusta,He. YEARnna fxr»ns« to agents. Ontfl* «77awsrk, tl2 »<iajat home easily made. CmU? w ■ “.Outfit free. Address XscitCo., Augusta, Maine. YCUNC WIEN JST.T.^gsaJ dj, a" , £.VM k 5 SL£’ 3 SAs: , j; tszzx.'s&sfifi.'A WANTED t02f>, Uub. J4* Profit gccl. Outfit fr**. PEOPLE'S TEA CO.. Box St. $5 to $ 2 ord r dMr:> Samnie# worth free. ‘ | f'n HONEY Cedar Rapid.**, Iowa. PEBRY DAVIS’ PAIN-KILLER IS BECOMMENDED By Phyticians , by Mitxicnar>r*, by Ministers, bv 31e*Jituue») by Surges in Hospitals. BY EVERYBODY. PAIN-KILLER IS A SIRE CtBF FOB CohjcIik, Sort* Tlaroal* I'lallla, Oisarrlicet. Bowel Qmplai By* iteitlery. Eiuiups. Cliolera, and all tits. PAIN-KILLER L s «»««««*h« Niek Headache. Nea Mrknra*. Pain *■■ l»*e Itaek. P«iu In the .Side, UhciiumiifiUi, an*! Nemalgia. ISQEESTIOXABEY THE BEST LINIMENT MADE. AMT'FOR SALE BY ALL MEI.‘I( IKE LEALF.Bs.1k5l rto ,B,, a w horou r..77 ? *"> •* a nmntr* tacuSkxt**'*' 1 M *- T u8e «*»y lumpier burner. ■ yrerfiit* ttrlfipirlz *»d hetitinr. AWffi Send foi-jsaniplea, with isze of collar wwrun. and derlb *»f your __ _ S. S. Newton’s Safety Lamp Cor, Ycrk- 13 Went Itrortwar. NSW Factory and Office, Binghamton, N. Y. Jg|L po ifFabi .k SODA FOUNTAINS M Will Address Cheap yield tbe $4B. 2V0 o nlv per ' & CHAPMAN manufacturers, Sj};00 rent. use. Durable. Shipped Ac at #80, CO., ready Madison, Inri. P ICTORIAL' HISTORY«™iQniD AGENTS WANTED FOR THE Epibracing full and nut thentic accounts of every nation' of ancient and modern tir nes.jmd inciudinza history of the rise and fall ot the -eWuid Roman Empires, the* middle ages, the crusade les, t 1 j*» feudal system, the reforma tiou, the discovery an d settlement of the New World, etc., efr. It contains 672 fine historical engravings, and is the most complete History of t he World ever published. Send fur specimen page* and extra terms to agents. Address Natlonai. Pi bushing Co., Atlanta, (Sn. 4 B’S ABbUT BROGANS. Tne geimin* Baicikellor’fi Etar Brogans are Better no*^ thnn ever before and the Best brogana made. W vv> are h*fld<juarierH inu^antlrevemeiits for tlie jioReessed genuine article, hr others. made with V.> all gire the no A|H»t*tal Jo n prices. Orders filled at lowest rates. INUALLS A- CO * MDFACTUKKRS AMI LfALtaS IN BOOTS AND C3H0ES, 817 IV Main M-. toalsvill.^ Hy. F K B E. BkADTIFFI. iLfiVSTBATED FLORAL GUIDE, Descriptive of Roses, Plants, Bulhs, Flower Seed, etc., sent free upon application. Address MEMPHIS FLORAL C’0. f _______Memphis, Tennessee* AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY Engines, Cotton WHEAT THRESHING. PLANTATION MACHINERY OF ALL KINDS. SCHOFIELD’S IRON WORKS, Send for Trice 71-f. JIACOS, GA. I WOBPHIYE Fultrr speedily cured oy Dr. BECK’S only known and SURE REMEDY*. No Charge for treatment till cured. Call on or address Dr. J. C. BECK. Cincinnati, 0. A GOOD SAW MILL For $200. », 1 HOM 2 L!rM‘|ww - Api^iam^T»*S?eJ° Wilhite 1,500 to 4,000 Feet ,han A product 2-'» to so Mi ““ LANE & BODLEY CO., —iohn and Water Sts., Cincinnati, 0 . Dr. Ha::MsTi I herinc wrek nMS ..acu „ F.n rag h/w/u' nd corfificiUos d r,n TH A BALLARD. tl.30 per bottlv. Publishers’ Vision, UllaU, G».„.......S..,«,lrer“ _ c ^“-cisum * TODJDABT’S MUSICAL LIBRARY. A t. n las* •L funii J, M 9toot.*i on i* u*.i<t «» .i He AT A t o , Philadel 1 1 n, V:i. _ Apts and Camassers Wanted! •» ttm Sn B< •*T It 4 M 1» A H BOA I>. *• lor r.rhelK work*, and fin bmi fcab*cr<pi «t«r imbiisliML f p °r torn*, sod t.rsitor, sjsf-i, to WITHERS Pcni.miii.Nu ro. lift. Oi ie.ti . 1 ENGINES & SEPARATORS.