The Watkinsville advance. (Watkinsville, Ga.) 1880-1???, June 02, 1880, Image 3

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The Watkins ville Advance. W. G. SULLIVAN, Editor, Publisher & Job Printer. THRMS,—One DoUar per Year. Sixty Cents fer Six Month?. PUBLISHED ON EVERY WEDNESDAY. WatkinsviUe, Ga., June 2,1880. 1 ' :red at the Post Oslice at WalUinsv'.llc Georgia, as SECOND CLASS MATTER. TOWN D1RGCTOUV, J>. E. THRASHER, Intendant. COUNCILS EX. V.'m. A. Woodis, James Mauldin, J)r. D. M. White, Thomas Booth, John W. Johnson. County Officers. P>. M. JACKSON, Judge County Court. JAMES R. LYLE, Ordinary. J NO. W. JOHNSON, Clerk Supe¬ rior Court and Tax Collector. It. E. OVERBY, Sheriff and Tax Receiver. THOMAS BOOTH, County Treas¬ urer. Wm. E ELDER, County Surveyor JAMES MAULDIN, Coroner. G irt Calendar, Western Cir¬ cuit f or 3 gia . • ALEX. S. ERWIN, Judge. A. L. MITCHELL, Solicitor-Gen. OCONEE—Fourth Mondays in January and July. JACKSON—First Mondays in Feb¬ ruary and August. V.'ALTON—Third Mondays in Feb¬ ruary and August. GWINNETT—First Mondays in March and September. HALL—Tnird Mondays in March and September. BANKS — First Mondays in April and October FRANKLIN—Second Mondays in April and October. 1 fAMBERSHA31—Third Mondays iu April and October. BABUN—Fourth Mondays in April and October. WHITE—Monday after the Fourth CLARKE'—Second Mondays in April and October. May Mondays in and November. CIIUBCII D itWToar, M. K. ('Ill:lUTt, SOUTH. WATKINSVILf E. 1st Subbath,.......Rev. J. C. Johnson, 2nd ■.. “ W. J, Cotter, 4 ih ------- Dr. Moia.odiey n 'FAR3UNGTON. 2d Sabbath... .Rev. Mr. Wortham, 4 tb « u yyr " j £ oU ’ uAiaH.M. \ T I'M 1st Sabbath.. Rev. E. F. Anderson, 1 “ - “ IV. J. Cotter. TIGNER’S. 1st Sabbath... .Rev. IV. .J. Cotter. Powell’s mills. 2d Sabbath.... Rev. W. J. Cotter. VEAL’S CHAPEL. 3d Sabbath.... Rev. IV. J. Cotter. FLAT ROCK. 3d Sabbath,3 p. m. Rev. W. J. Cotter. 4th “ ... .Rev. E. F. Anderson, RAY’S. 3d Sabbath.. Rev. E. F.*Anderson, 4th “ .... “ W. J. Cotter. PRINCETON & GA. FACTORIES. 1 4 Sabbath. — Rev. W. J. Cotfer, 2d “ .... “ Mr. Wortham. Rev. J. J. Morgan alternates, each plaee, regularly, with Mr. < otter. BAPTIST CHURCHES. MARS IIILL. 1st & 3d Sabs., Rev. H. R. Bernard. OSCEOLA. 4 th Sabbath,...... Rev. Jno, Harris, FREMANS’ CREEK. 1st Sabbath, Rev. W. A. Overton. 3d '*• “ A. A. Fluker. BETH A BAR A. ! 4 Sabbath, .... Rev. J. W. Butts. BIG SPRING. ■f Sabbath Rev. J. W. Dennington. PJMMmVE BAIT 1ST CHURCHES, MT. ZION. 4 th Sunday, Eld F. 31. McElroy, BIG CREEK. 4th Sunday, Eld. Aldman. CHRISTIAN CHURCHES. ANTIOCH. 1st Sunday, Eld. J. A. Perdue, UNION. _d Sunday, Eld. T. M. Foster. GOSHEN HILL GRANGE, Meets on the first Tuesday, of each nonth, at the Court House, in •nmille. Nee Here. Wide awake merchants will not A .lushed in ..... R tln-.e (lavs of to employ (vlu» oro : res*, li .ok keeiK-rs •avea nmro am titering ki owk-.fte • .'ly ’ h(iok-keepiiig. such |„„ wi || M „) y OT, ‘" mlenii ls,a> ns Can . xhiblt c.Ji'tT'i,; the ' ■ to their ,e wav of a dijilom i from a cal ( .iimneicia! College. Young oen shouH , utt« ndBH,i , ,» - G 0 , n m „; ml hose obtain of such urecoZcndath n. 0, energy <#n fr compile months. mtL r l.ieu.»j* .uv, ° ,n ;i - t0 4 LOCAL NOTES. WatkinsviUe and Surrounding County Items, (lathered by Advance Reporters. Farmers are busy. Cherries are ripening. Quite warm, fthnnk you ! Oh,the fly, the pestiverous fly! Crops looking finely up to this writing. The harvesting season for small grain is here. The boys say, that town looks ■‘Lonesome and Dreary.” splendid o i 71 refreshing r~ 7 showers , on last Saturday and Sunday. —-—----- The Census Enumerators will commence operations in a few days. killed Several mad dogs have been in this county, recently we learn. Buckets of nice black-berries were offered for sale on our streets, last Saturday. Several of the young gentlemen from Athens were in town last Sunday, belles. visiting the WatkinsviUe Don’t forget to call on us for a Scholarship to Belinda Commercial College, will Chattanooga, Tcnn. We sell it low down for cash. The young men are troubled. Nearly left all of our young ladies have town, ami one even expressed his desire to go too. He didn’t care where, but would accept a a position as a boss of a chain-gang, somewhere rather than stay. The entire community is in deep sympathy Mart with our young friend who is ever saying: “It was ever thus from childhood’s hour, I’ve seen my fonde t hopes decay ; I never loved a girl an hour. But what she was first to move away !” Mr. Isaac Thrasher has moved into his new hou and when he went to Athens, he did not fail to call on our friend, ;r. C'. Wilkins, the stove man, and procured one of those ex¬ cellent “Gate City” stoves, and wo think he is happy from his present looks. We would advise a’l in need of a numb r one -Hove, to call and see the “Gate City” brand Miss Leila Wilson, one of our most accomplished and popular young ladies will leave on Satmiluy next, to take “barge of an Academy'in Morgan coun ty, a f. w miles below Madison. l.Iiss Leila is in every way fully competent to manage and discipline a school, and we heartily wish that she mav meet with the success she so richly deserves. Two bachelors,one in the village and the other of Dark Corner, are now ready to receive Leap Year proposal*, sealed or unsealed; and will consider favorably the first showered pniprosal. However, it they arc time upon them, they a*k to give them all due considera¬ tion, and will decide in the mellow autumn after the harvests, address J. &.J. care of Advance. We are informed that the young ladies of Prof. Barnett's school, will give an entertainment on the 11th inst, for the benefit of putting a veranda to the Academy. Our citizens are indebted to Mrs. Belle Johns n for getting up this enter¬ tainment, and we hope all will at¬ tend and encourage the young peo¬ ple, the cause being a good one. The entertainment will eons’st of Tableaux, Plays, etc. Iati all at¬ tend. Mr. A. L Hull, of At!ipn a , adver tisisthat he will buy and sell secu¬ rities of all kinds on commission. U'o heartily recommend Mr. Hull to our readers as a gentleman of experience in his business, and whose name is the only recommen¬ dation our people need so far as his integrity is concerned. The name o 1 lull in Georgia _ . is . synonymous , , |imor and , reliability. Athens has long needed a broke'age office, and w« bespeak for Mr. Hull a generous patronage and the un divided support of Oconee. Advertising Hate*. Our terms for advertise metis, hereafter will be positively < the first insertion. It is not fair o our county officers, for us to hold them responsible for our money, and we are compelled by the law to advertise at a rate fixed hv the Legislature, and Mve think it is nothing hut right and just to pay the advertising fee in advance, as it is for a probable and loss to theeounty officials may bo to u«. Exemption of Homestead Notices, &e., we require in We advanae h strictly. take of >pe all may a note this and save all concerned trouble and expense. We shall have to especially require all our advertising advertise¬ money, on traiusient ments. due after the first insertion of the notice. 1 ~ - -»•— . M*ny I men will support Mrf W.l ELDKli, us a eundiilute for the j iatoit at AreiMiiiw flcetim. . Now is the time to aubscrSU to Twc Amjn* Only *1 n year, Meeting of the People. We publish below the proceed¬ ings of a meeting of th e P eople. There were by no means, a large attendance in conse¬ quence, of its not being published. We thought at one time that no appointment would be made, and another meeting would have to be appointed and notice given, 3foit of those present had important business at home, and were not pre¬ pared to leave on the 9th. After discussing the matter for sometime> Dr. Hester and.Col. D. W. Locklin, were selected to represent Oconee county in the Convention to be held in Atlanta, for the purpose of sending delegates to Cincinnati, to select , . « sult:ibI ° candidate for Presi dent. The following order of busi nesg wcre before tho meeting ° . The people met on Tuesday, jier suant dent of to the a notice Executive from Committee, the presi¬ Mr. G. E. Griffeth in thcohuir. On motion W. G. Sullivan was selected as Secretary. The chair stated that the object of the meet¬ ing was to select two delegates to the Convention to meet in Atlanta, on the 9th inst. On motion Mr. D. \V. Locklin wa*s chosen as one of the delegates, and Dr. J. T. Hester was also chosen as the other. On motion of Judge the delegates are to go uninstructed except as to Field, was carried. The chairman then stated that an organization Party needed, of the that Democratic was the party was not disorganized, but the in¬ terest in the welfare of the party was what he desired, and announced that a meeting would he held on Wednesday of Court Ilaygood week for that purpose. Mr. made an amendment by asking, that the party lie organized as in time past, in each District at that time. The motion was carried, The On motion of Mr. A. P. Cobb, Advance , was requested to publish the proceedings of the meeting was carried. The business being over, the President, put the motion of adjournment to the house, and it was carried unani¬ mously. G. E. GRIFFETII, Pres. W. G, Sullivan, Sec. Ten Rules lor Domestic Happiness. We have been handed, with request to publish, the following rules for do¬ mestic happiness, which we give below: 1. Every year let your eye be fixed oa God, through the L .rd Jesus Chri-t, that the influence of liis Holy Spirit, you may receive your mercies as com mg from Him, and that you may use them to His glory. 2. Never suffer your regard for each other’s society, to rob God of your heart, or of the time which you owe to God and to your own soul. 3. Be careful that custom and habit do not lessen your attention to each other, or the pleasing satisfaction with which they are both shown and re eived. 4. \\ lienever jou perceive a lan gour in your affection, always make it a rule to suspect yourself. The object which be once still inspired regard, and may blame per haps, the same, the only attach to you. 6. Be sure to avoid unkind and irritating language. Always conci i utc. It is your interest aim your duty. Recollect what God his borne within you. Study partner's character fi. your and disposition. requisite Many little lice adjustments are for happiness. You must noth accomodate or you will be unhappy. Do You 7- not expect too much. are riot always the mute, your part nei’s sensih.tity must be war,bed over, or it will become its own tormenter. 8. V\ hen you discover failings which you did not sus; ect and this you may be sure will be the case, make i your prayer that your regard be m.t diminished. If you are heirs of die grime of life, your failing will be shortly over; you divine will hereafter be and iu each the other image, esteem care ,or now, as you cer¬ tainly will then. Forbearance is the trial and grace of this life only. 9. die Forget not that one of you must first, one of you must feel the pain and the chasm of separation, \ thousand little errors may then wo11 „d the survivor’s heart, 10. Pray constantly Prayer yea need much prayer. wifi engage God ju your behalf. His blessing can make you happy iu the midst of your mer¬ cies. Blessed be His holy name, fie can, and often docs, suspciH our sorrows. Never pass a day without • • ... .. ““ „ ^ t Pf a, T g . “ p “ j U m < T® ’ Bust llun f for all that i* to come. Meeting of The County Board of E> uc .tio i According to notice published in The Advance, the hoard of Eduea tion of Oconee county met, on Tuesday, June 1st,-and transacted the usual business ; The pre aident of the Board, Mr. F. P. Griffeth, and members of the board W. B. Ilaygood and E. F, Ander son, present.’ We learn Miss Bailie Cotter passed a splendid examine* tion. - — i o ^te ■ I oh’rs nf ffroueft COVWB'Yl ! J ltu w announce my name as a can delate f„ r Representative. WHEATS, marl7-td M. M. .------- Gents’ f*birt« in endlers. found variety from $0c. to 90c, can he ut JA.MK8 31. GRAY 8. NEWS. NOTES FROM OOR RBOU XtAR CORRESPONDENTS. County Towns, and Surrounding Villages—What We Are Doing Matters and Things Laconi¬ cally Noted. HIGH SIICUI.S JOTTINGS. Local Points from High Shoal? and Surrounding Section. Oats still a failure. Grass growing finely The ground is in fine order. Mr. II. M. Fullilove is over his crop the second time. Mr. \V. I?. Jackson has invented a new brake tor wagons. The neighborhood should help Mrs. Ann Aycock to work out her crop. Maj. Hendon will finish the wood work of his new dwelling in two weeks. Miss Florrh?* BrownJow has vacation till the first Monday in July. Dr. Jackson cut his wheat on the and 27th ilists. It is moder¬ good. Mrs. A. Ginn, a sister of Mrs Rebecca week, is quite Canady, sick. who died last best Johnnie fields Ilattawny of lias In one of the Cotton the neigh¬ borhood, So say the girls. Bud Jackson Bays lie hits one acreofcotton that, will average one foot high,' Pretty high, for a tale. Mrs. Julia Lowe, who has been spending sister Winterville, some time has with her in returned home. After nn absence of two years. Miss Jessie Frazier, of this place, has arrived from Virginia where she Inis heed attending college. OtiUfOLl IT KM 8. Local Item.* from the TJppar Portion of * Oconeo County. Corn and cotton are both looking well. Mrs. II. Blanton Luke, gets no belter. Fine growing weather on crops at present. There is a great deal of sickness in Ibis neighborhood. Mrs. Granby Jackson has been quite sick but is getting better. Henry Foss, son of II. Clay Foss, died last Friday, 21st, aged 12 yea rs. Some of the boys want to go to Toccon next Monday, hut they say •‘scads’’ are very scarce. Calvin McElhannon killed the boss horned snake, near James II. Thompson’s mill, Inst Saturday. It measured about six feet in. length, and was very large. Osceola, or at the portion of it known as West End, is likely to be over-run with a host of small frogs, that came from n large cstlcn’ator pond near here. Our lightning that 3,000,000 lias made it out frog* have crossed the road at a certain place each day, for the last week. Mr. J. W. Eberhart and Miss Pink Williams were married at the resilience of the bride’s mother, Mrs. Williams, last Sunday, officiating.— the23d inst., Win. McElroy, Esq,, Mav their pathway through life he strewn with earth’s sweetest flow¬ ers. Rex. A Magnificent Stallion. Admirers of really superior th rough bred stock, and those wish¬ ing to bred from such should not tail to visit the Stables of Col. J. J. Ranch and examine that superb specimen “Storm.” ot tho equine race—the stallion In form meas¬ urements and section he is the type of a “Perfect Hurst”; and is des¬ cended, on both sides, from races of conquerors, distinguished for speed, power and iudurance. The best blood of both continents flow in his veins—being on the side of the sire, half brother of the famous Kentucky Prince and nearly related to the Great American Eclipse. Untrained lie lias easily trotted a mile iri 2:34 ; and was awarded the first premium at the last fair of the North Georgia Stock and Fair Associating. This splendid stallion is the pro¬ perty of Col. R. M. Clarke, of P.mola, Dekalb county, Ga., who is represented in this section by one esteemed blend and enthusiastic admirer of thoroughbred horse flesh Col. J. J. Branch, of Farm¬ ington. “Storm” will be permitted to serve but a limited number of mares : so, sucL of our friends us desire to secure colts of unques¬ tioned and unexcelled purity of blood will do well to call early and make their arrangements. ---- — »#« l’ussy. A bashful young peasant was greatly captivated by the charms of a pretty girl in his own station of life; he was exceedingly anxious to ask her to marry him ; and had fteci resolved to do so, but so fur his courage had always failed him "'<■ T''” r !““ u -v “T 1 ; 1 - However, one night lie resolved hear ids fate in spite of bis modesty, so he started off to spend the ev * nm f w,t h her ' J, arnvc, L ^ I lus . M Ler parent* were from home, und she was seated knitting at t!*e kitchen with a big gray cat lying at her feet, Jamie sat down beside her, but not a word could he say, till, at the end of half an hour, he inwardly resolved to “finish this business,” so acting on a happy thought, he plaoed the cat upon his knee and stammered forth; “Pussy, ask Lizzie will she marry me?” Lizzie blushed and smiled, hut managed to say : “Pussy, tell Jamie I’ll take him.” L. ft I'LL, broker, ATHENS, GEORGIA. Will buy and sell on COMMISSION SECURITIES OF AUL KINDS, Office ; At the Bank of the University, REFERS TO V. I*. Cl. Harris. FctJinaml 1'hmUy. Stevens Thomaa, may26,3m Letters of Dismission. G EORGIA— Oconee County, Emory of F. Anderson, ns adminis¬ trator the estate of Milly Kiutts, late of said county, Lf deceased, applies me for. letters dismission from said estate. These are therefore to cite and admonish all parties or persons interested to he and appear Monday at my office*, on or before the first in August, 1880, to show cause, if any they can, why said letters should not be granted. Giv¬ en under mv hand and official sig¬ nature. at WatkinsviUe. This May 3d, 1880. tnay5,l880*3m J. R. LYLE, Ordinary, G EOR GIA— Ocon ek Coir s tv. Mary G. Hale, ns administratrix ofBrantly deceased, applies Hale, late to of for said letters county, of me dismission from said estate. These are therefore to eite and admonish all parties or persons interested to he and appear at my office, on or betorc tho first Monday in July, 1880, to show cause, if any they can, why said letters should not he granted. Given under my ’hand and official signature, at Wall ins viilo, This March 1st, 1880, J. II. LYLE, Ordinary. opr./, 1889-tf Jl»t. A. !•’. IHJRHAM. | Jin. W. M, DURHAM, IAito of Sjjart.i. l.utc of Muxcyti, . Drs. A. F. * W. M. Durham, SPECIALISTS, Surgery, Chronic Diseases ofMalo and Female, anil Venerial, Operate for theJlladtler, Cross Eyes, Cataract, Stone in &c. Harelip or Cleft Pal¬ ates, Will visit patients in any part of the State, in consultation or to perform surgical operation*. Ad¬ da s-i, with stamp, Dus. A. F. & W. M. Durham, mar"l,’80'tf Athens On. Hute i« Perfect Service James E. Murray, Adrnisistratni trator,of Wm. Murray, deceased, VS.. # Clinics II.. Phsnizy, surviving part¬ ner of C. II. Phinizy «fc Co.. i t at. It appearing to Die Court, that John F. Murray, Edwin Bates, of the firm of Edwin Bates <fe Co., Johnston, Crews it Co., Edgar E. Sell and Chailea Foster, of the firm of Sell & Foster, and I). F. Fleming, S. A. Nelson and James M. Wilson, of the firm of l). Fleming & Co., Defendants ir this cause, reside without the State of Georgia. It is ordered, that said desencants be served by the publication of this order in the Waktinsville Advance, once a month lor four moots before the next Term of this Court, nn order having been granted at a former Term of this Court hut par¬ ties not served. U. M. JACKSON, J. S. C. W.C. For this Case. A true extract from the Minutes of Oconee Superior Court, this 2d ilav of March. 1880. JOHN W. JOHNSON. Clerk, rnnrlO.'BO S. C. O. C. LIBEL FOR DIVORCE. CAROLINE EARLY, ) \ In Oconee ADAM vs. EARLY. Superior } Court. JANUARY TERM, 1880. It appearing to the Court, that the Defendant, in the above stated ease, does not reside in the County of Oconee, and it further appearing that lie does not reside in the State of Georgia. It is ordered that the defendant be served in tin's case, by publication of this order in tho the WatkinsviUe Advance, a paper published for in WatkinsviUe, Ga., once a month four months, before tho next Term of this Court. ALEX. S. ERWIN, Judge S.C. Jno.T. Anderson, w; c. Pluntiff’s Attorney. . A true extract from the Minutes of Oconee Superior Court, this 3d dav of March, 1880. JOHN W. JOHNSON, Clerk, marlO 8. C. O. C. GEORGIA- -Oconee County. Ordinary’s Office, May, 1889. Thomas J. Smith lyis applied for Ex¬ emption the of Personalty, 10 o’clock, and 1 wifi pass upon same at on the ltth day JAMES of June, It. 1K80, LYLE, at my Ordinary. office. May 18th, 1889, 2t. A. H. Jackson 9 supply Keeps constantly un hand a large of LUMBER AND SHINGLES, ) at his Steam Mill, near Kastvilk*. Shingles from $2 to njav>>.l880-8in.* 13.60 per thous ami. Calfskin Shoes, bought tll.60 at a bank rupt sale, from 9<Jc, to at GliAYM, Vthens, Ga, The WatkinsviUe Advance r The Largest, Best and Cheapest or room mm. I1ST THE STATE, Weare prepared to do all kinds of JOB WORK at short notice on the most reasonable terms, CARDS, LABELS, NOTES, Letter Heads, Circulars, NOTE HEADS, ENVELOPES, ETC. ——Alii, In fact, we do—— JOB WORK OF ALL KINDS. Executed in the best manner, it clo figures nut them, J\ow is the Time to Subscribe onlysi Per Year. 60c. for 6 Mouths. Its Circulation is Daily Increasing. IT IS THE BEST MEDIUM FOR ADVERTISERS. Do not fail to write us and get our MOST LIBERAL TERMS A TRIAL WILL CONVINCE YOU AS WE 31EAIV BUSINESS. CALL ATSTI 3 SEE TTPL 10W PRICES & HONEST WORK OOR MOTTO! DON’T YOU FORGET IT! Call on Vs Sfor Anything in Cur Line. Address, W. G. SULLIVAN, ■n ATKl SVILLE p A W. B. LANGFORD, Manufacturer and Dealer in CARRIAGES, WAGONS, Buggies and Plantation Work A SPECIALTY. Have also in connection 1 BLACKSMITH SO Patronize Home Enterprise. WHEN YOU WANT A NEW WAGON OR BUGGY. W. B. LANGFORD, WatkinsviUe, - Georgia. O EIDER Y OUR Saw Mills and Grist Mills and Cane Mills IBWg ! Plantation Machinery, Engines and Boilers, Cotton Ssiews, Shafting, Pulleys, Turbine Hangers' Water Journal Wheels, Boxes, Gin Mill Gearing, Gudeon?, me*’ Gearing (fhenn^, Jndson’s Governors, Diston’a Cir II y m * eular Haws ami Gummers and Files, Belting Check and Babbitt Metal and Brass Fitting, Globe and fadBL 385^ ;- Valves and Whistles, Guager, Etc., Iron and Brass Castings and Gin Ribs, from GEO. II. LOMBARD & CO.. FOREST CITY FOUNDRY &. MACHINE WORKS, (jNcar Water Tower,) 1014 to 10*24 Fenwick Street, AUGUSTA, GEORG l.V. Mn r Repairing promptly done at lowest prices.