The Watkinsville advance. (Watkinsville, Ga.) 1880-1???, June 02, 1880, Image 4

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TOPfO FOR THE FARM. To liei-HJilCArMfc; f . in Mrei occjwionatfy now* . *-»«»• der the dusting -1_ bins to A <h7lK> .‘■npcPMion__W*»h l.rinL Z vour roO»U snd tornOf «.C * . month ' in »int«p * „J 8 e *■ B * Bm ' ‘ ITJ Win . l EtMWUlV. r, B#tkW#4r-Tli#(e is no dotlbt rock WSlVtiBld l»e an excellent fertiliser. however, ih’r,i«eti noplier) so a» to deconimw it ’ ami if would " K niu manure lor corn. Starting a Horae._AI wavs atari „ boras* wit h the vnieo novae with , “ e _ , * r ,, ln *' wnip. , - , Ill starting, turn I* a imie | tonne awe; in mopping, when go IBg up a bill, do the name. _—~—_ Trichina In Park j ’ „„ ^ r*o, 1 1 pi‘CJ ot uncooked i i nog i meat, it . t* . Ganger , itis H do so on nc C Hint. Of trichina that may Ire lurking therein. What Tillage .Moans.—Tillage means the destruction of woods a moot' the hoed trot* ’mnv so that all the. fertilitv y ,i’ „/ the Ian! hs* r.rofl proBUole labia *„ U> \U< farmer ™ ' __ After tftor dm the I Lice.—The lost .Vimft/r .. , , dmm- . . cviu say# that an latmedtaUi and effective also remedy for ticks f;W lice on csjah and ether cattle, fected with on pigs, is to wash the pf narls pot a to water, water in which p »tat<K*» have been boiled. — A Llanderctl llortte.—The only I>roi*er thing to do with a horse tluTt even meu. In aotnft countries ft IS nn lawful to drive a glandered horse. ... l.lme , for ,, Heiis.-Laying , , hens toed a mutter T.L" Contained "S , 0 ‘ 7 their C nl cells. be f.rilfling male by Wax.—drafting melting wax may ixnintla of t.Hjether four < omtnon roam, two pounds of heeswax, and one pound of tallow. If to Im* land III the orchard in cool weather, add a quarter of a piund more of ub low. or n little raw linseed oil. Lay ... Amir Ilans.—One of the t cetwfu! farmers moat mi. of the country gives tbi* secret of fata working; "In winter I draw a plan for the next year a opera tions; 1 spend n - time in grog ahopa. f.r It S< f the pumpkins. - Hjstematlae.— 111 making a now or master K y ,* H Uit t r T Cr ’ natters h by setting 1 ta your apple trees so that y.dir summer apples will be to get her, then your fall apples, then wifi your much Winter apples, and gather so Cti. It be easier U. them ; you Will C ' , * ra - ___ rliloLoii t Mirkeu I'h.ilov,. ( holera.—Kcuteeneoil k' 11 wdl rure cho era in poultry, by giving them a also lea-spoonful bathe mixed With black pepp r; the crop ami breast with kerosene oil. This will cure every fSSSr C this fact. Poultry Jon/. vaj*. v* It won <.;~r- t do r to n. make 7./w calculations 011 a b»g price for wheat next ta'l. The breadth is unusually large In our own Country and the prospect is Slid re mark ably po*l; but more important than this is ihefacl an stated in the Mark hinc (London). />/or**, that "the crop prospects for in past.” England are lietter now | an vears ‘ • Potato I la tiling.— A farmer , says: 1 ,* 1 M K Ul f^^ry Ul rd furrow for var y rose and all c’usterlnp Varieties, V , f<M f h fUrn ; W for .*«■*«*»* blows and -G .t t! e like k spreadtng varieties, then harrows a.sem as the weeds, if any, come up, and retfeat as often as words show, until the top. of the potatoes are six to twelve inches tootles high lilpb, r The CkUrdon.—Often , WO hnvo urirad that the garden should Ih» laid out that „ can be workwl with « horse. If .*• lieglHlted, *7 V\"*'«LV or ttf® WOWfnfoIk lk * b *J*l h, T havo H ** td u do the work. With many, in the bust tz; z&,:n z„ 7 s;rx, byhonwiwiwer. Two hour, once * w„ k. Wild., the businrss I ben (he me ft Will ttud tune when Otherwise they would lut. \ Rich Manure. WihhI aahe will dec* mjKise txmea. Expose to t hv aah ail s for lor s*»Aral » Tent n't* n OH Gl* It* when when, on Tn * cm- Dl anttnatton,-the lie reduced hnors wHI ho found to forming probate III a jelly like substance, mM ixiwerful at well ofp^ah, as Ja.ting on* ter.ibx of the nLu'XZt. ) roM , , , :„*"fl?r. ' - W a‘ *q*' Ch _ _____a iw . easily . r due , d , to powder-phe very tu*-t oaitdtlion for applying to the laotl. |) t not hurry the operation; but save .11 the bone, and let time and wood ashes convert them into a rich *“ - — Mixture of firusMea___A ' ItJ write, f in ik, t"® Torn, ill 1,1 iJm it,,’ , j y ' ?'GK | " ( , '*n ‘ with 1 r, at ea 1 HU tiaii a duwa varieties of gensscs. thai are tapecially adapted to .hi* count y, there is more certainly of a "catch’ id the clovers ate not so Gab!* thrown out with frost when there is a 4 Li,-b award ti.. *" p 9 U A >*T of ,( the lot I ncresa d very msaaiiiliv 7i * ' ar,, 1 , y-, '‘dtowiniT a. qua rtities |vt acre Wilt be found a g**od Will r« liable mixture for either me* tow Of prrnmn^fj! 9 tiki. Itclover. 2 Hip. .Ai»ikf* cl .\tr IJb. Whitt* Ifutrh rlor '* 3 Ihn Tim.iKtn ‘ f ' a |„ ^ re “»fu , Ffttae Ot, 2 Tba. Kentucky Hlue 2 lbs. Red Top grass. gram, laeOa t..e it>e rimtrt ...... ># _ W .. , cored from moiituw, stored on shelves 2 r r !*» ®°* *o° close together, and *•£** ***** M n a* f possible at freewn^ ? A N,r, Pr„„„„ 7 p ° , f f f V bul lr ;. V' 0ne r ‘°., * b * °J“® | ,e *P to in 8 »«"“>. t<Mpoonful V ," 5 C HP 1 b<, J bn K to bp lJUJckly #Urr»d 10 , jost before evrving. Flavor to the ta#te. ('AmiMir Pik n„„ J „j.j cocoa ^ rl ° t nve c Cgea Beaten ' “ separately, u one taoeapoonful of fine Oread e, rumba; augur and flavoring to bbe Uate. Tn- above make# two idea. No top Croat. 1 pm nv I*,,-_ l* " Ur CTHCKerH , rf> ,, , a ne onc * ,, u !’ °f , eUjfitr, Otte CUp of cold “ > l water, two tea-poo.lfuia OK* teanpoonful -if ex’traet of tartaric acid, of lemon, three Igga beaten to a rtiii froth; re *er ve the wilt tea of two for them ■ lAltlAB -AKfc. Uno teacup , wl half of ’ R Clip* sugar, two 0 ‘inifk, three teaspoon fuls of cream tartar, two of soda, ono egg, nutmeg, fruit if you please. Tills makes .two v# , H ,,,1 • .,.,,,,.1 v ” *p,_ J * ’ ' ... ,, C" _ 0 «KG. ash tho fa * t* | • *<-*• if steep for five ,! ' ,C A 8,,, ‘ or six hours, changing the water. Then sim (n<r il • «* l >»e last water until it in dear; season with sugar, e'e. Put it in A mold to congeal, and when mid turn ft out a(ii»|. ' nAI,AI> Four eggs well beaten OOtwhalf cupvinepar, fitirred over fiff until ft# thick as soft ruslard. When cool add one half tea CUP of sweet oil one tea*isK.»ful of mixe .1 custard, one 0 * u K»r (If Ilketl), the il,„ juice ''“fenne I'Opper pi the , te , *>"« If enough for chicken salad - , (> * blSUlttirunha, Soaked m one quart of milk, one cup Of tugar, bnfter the Mae of an egg, and grated rind of a Irmotl. Hake alowly, then bent the whites, which you saved, with a cup of -wil t.... „„ gM with soft, hotter, I use three times the usual amount of salt, and set tile butter away in a cold plane, until the next morning. Then I WOri a little in the tray, ntid this keep it as cold as possible, ami repeat three or four mornings, the Itfll is found to have done its. work. the butter coming out all right. Union Cake.—T wo cups sugar, one half cup butter, three-fourtha cut of sweet six milk, three cum Sour white* o.' eggs, one-half U*BS|KK>nful eotla and <me Urd teasjxmnful for the layera—One cream of tariar. Cus half of pint milk, one cup sugar, two eggs, two table the cancerous substance noon showed a dark color under tho skin and waa pulled out, even to the extremest roots, V,KNN \ CAKE.-four eggs, one cup of sugar, one cup of flour, one ttbleepoonful teasjomfuls of baking melted butter, three a,J„|ui of powder, on** tea lemon. Hake in jelly turn. For the cream, take one cup ot thick of hickory cut meats, rolled flue. Stir all together and put on the stove and boil for live minutes; spread brn tween Hie layera. , .... ! . ,, 1 ^ 71 M ,'' U <mp 1,H lf fUp I ’ , U „ ’' r „ of Lot wuler , aml . while , ^V'^l .^1^ blke°in°S z,z'°cz„ twoeggs, four table* poonfuls of flour, sugar to the taste, flavor with vanilla and boil the same as custard. When cold open the puffs and fill with the creea. Hake tho pufls thirtv-five minutes. ' -------------— —- -- Thu ' * Result KP *"" »r» <>f 11 u lin i. r • 1 n"Wn Celts., ) l shall endeavor to answer two ottos tions Who wa* Channine and what Jtbersidebf quesllon froai tlx' gerif&fog on ih^ the water, and this is in Homo sense to be regretted, because grapes have don’(grow been or. thorns, a,„J there must nob’e vines to given. such fruit a. men 1 ke Ohannino \,> doubt dtubtf if we we ,ould -miH tra,. trace > th« thet. , 0 bntuttng. , and and Ellery* of back we should find men women rare virtue among them, Htbidtl many h tale worth telling. «*» wo have no Krunra w * can leave the vine, where the K,e.nai Providence •! Mt ' hp 0,h 7 «< » hp —* nc * deal With only what WP HtOWo h.a family on this aide. The "bilily, anything but his life slipped away with ou * it. The Utannlngs ) real lo-l/lg acoimpllahed t« came from Dorset in 1712. and I veniuie to gUes that tbet Atd ffoiu thf 8 shadow of a gr wa t tragedy. Richard Ohatming. ot IKir Chester married Mary Brookes about !r s F R t , )ct the man* will and the reeut waa that Msrv toiaoned her huaband. She WHS tri.Vl for the mur der and Wa« Wing'then hang, d on the Slat of Match. !* 0 ,\ only 19 years uf age. Alter she was dead her body tT ** ® U JKi Al'Itoerrv " ,h ' ° M . IVorset. . Koms " »t"Ohithea- the , tit tn pros* ero of ItMMKI j, ,• Now, when vour that Englishman strikes a grea- xmi sorrow ‘like he move* *w,r tup o«ew is that John Cbaouing. Rich., dVTrolher, 'eft Dorset tweauae he mil A „„i live awf^ 7 » « «" '*» — ’ »Ms and sorrow, bint her tffoere, Wife people whispered, ■ his Thts graodsire s w»* tmnged and burned.’’ hit.! Newport, Ohanmng but l HVame a mer ,. at be fell ,-u evil davs and at tart lavs little^ down the burden H * wife e, I* 7’ W * ext^mel* tho tv -„,I , ■ 7n ,h!i‘ ;,1 tT ’*7, .• «1 wtU. l Will Wllttunt, thetr »*>n, look to the law and rose to some emt cenc*. He married Lucy Ellery, from his twain sprang iViliiant Ellerv thinniog. desolate His tather little di d at 42 anil jpH the woman t.i tinnO nin#* rhiWr* ” Mn *^ MR Otmrt of Imiinnn bun tlfCldoi that Mtiokutg in n nmMisitv t 4 k those who have acquired the habit.* and that therefore cigar* * mav fw *,,ld Kinisv • CttlHIsy. _ . THE b.iltes of a mastodon have iw-cn found in excavating a wot) at i>aUa«. js ,;r -• - Judf 6 Fietfs flfWpntfnR Opinion the tholes rase. * “ T r n „ t whu-h ln t^P'e. have v*,,. mnon^ Rn« 1 i»h »pe»5i^ * rome frotn . «t>,role and par tl*»n JMicIXry. So, toil* tii# tioiitattl »t#ttrte {*»*<•«. bfeen by fcr the W, Bench. enure of Without free government. going hack have *0 cite the historical illustrations familiar to every reader, it mffiet* now to eay that anch a criaia i« Upon u». The '-entraining schemes of the Republican leader* and the imperial de aigna of General Grant's rake,! partisans more or les» undisguised, have definite shares In various recent decisions of the Supreme of the United Sta ea, which, by the voice of a majority of its judges, has practically reduced the sovereign states of this Union to a provin vial dependence on the general Govern cent unknown, unheard of, tmdrentnel of, in the T >a "t. bur aystum of Government has under gone oiclal a decision, revolution by the silent process of Ju which if not reversed in the most alni explicit ail, sod authogiUtik* way, ends, Once for the besutliul and harmonious rentralijeJ equilibrium dsspotism. of oUr PeileratiVc system in a It reoutres self-eon tr<> * b>characterise this monstrous conspir Acy in the icrtns of opprobrium which it de serves. It Is enaugh to say that the venal and courtier judges ot the fitnarts from Xoy to Jeffreys, never struck a more fatal blow a! bberty or constitutional government. Two Judge*, Field and Clifford, the former giving »"'l the latter concurring, have fathers upllke and »»b for tho Conatltutlon rrfour d»-iRo tt,*iil onr traditlnnal fights as freemen, "fthe llevolultonxrV S opihlons h»Ve ita them the ring patriotism of 1770. They ", important chapter* in that new book of ' 7h , >y ” wi * 1 be written against traitors ' IhjaL Th./^^dis*“nti„g^tud„i«n*“'r' ”**. 4 .* W 1,1:1 mTjuS'f "fftanees strike otrscnting opinion of Mr. Justice yield «i i in tha matter or J. I). Coles and the Common wealth r,f Virginia, petitioners for the writ « WW, given at the October term of these are the substantial point! of this lead >»e Virginia, ™?» «« presented by Judge Field. In all male Citifn* between the ages of J."' 1 "* ty entitle.! to vote v’,'. 1, " bJ ® ' u ' ftve “ s J ur ” rs - i . ......* *s ?£ T^hiTVhTa^V m.i,.! 0 :' draw the juror* The law „r Virvinin no discrlinihalkm against perrons ot co'or The Judge i. re., uiref taselect persona " well T u ® ,ifio<l 1,1 serve as jurors,” of <• sound judg. ” " free from legal excepti.n,” Whether ro'ihJ’iudVe !„ whic^ t! de? discharge-This^dull* or „ not ’* IH1 he "responsible fluid* holds that he is only to 'he Hut* whose h # is and who*# taV, he ifbtmnd p, enfuree.” the petitioner J. D. Coles U the judge of the C« u "ty Court of the county of Pittsylvania in S"'! X J! *"u h,i r ^hi 5°,u i he "® < '* for "P" 1 ® y®"-;*- f hip , tie, 1 ° AZrrCftAA:Jz£{£i „,..d „ L llrr. . “^1 Thf " h ’° h ! hn J ud ^ e - > «*petitlons , , > held in custody. Thereupon h 'for that court and for a writ of h ”^LTTv g "’ K ' * c “ on WJ “ |" J r' r m"" a ' 1 ' . 1 , ,,,, l’ ri "’ n '»vut mi au",reserocd wf T ^^.*" .! 'l*'*"* ,£*! t’Kj^ Of her judicial 0 ^ 00 a arr' « officer by his unlawful st .ml " n t,K ; 4 tn ,o-‘" 1J dioJL^.ok ‘'‘'sen Mttrch „ ,msse,a. , BR 187 all *; " ,b ‘,, J a . * ,« ,■■ ?L VI *’* «' re a bodisquaiyod forgrund , r petit juror in any court of (he United Mates • 7 * r *°*> °° ,Pr or j*? ml a'*) ’. ................. beC !‘ uw A, ''' ,r ! h7 ,:' '* »»n»»n«ttonnl and valid under thit It but i. , ^ th2,."tion on"ttafae Xd*ro , i b t«S <, -!i 1 ? Ause Act l„ Jurta'isunro^li tarae U relste. to jurors In tutional and void. The Indictment merely repea,s the general lansaage Gnlant of the statute. It aver* that the de excluded and failed to select a* jurors on account of race, color, etc., certain eitisens »f< h * county assessing all other names' qualifications ,,re ' crib< ’ d Uy >sw : but it no eitisens ^filnse H valid indictineiit luch nmUclro that it «hktkii f r(K Wtth slcused i. Gnm ‘thi da«,„d person, that the may know natere -f the charge and be able to prepare dUnitiun t» meet it. H is not enough to repeat the of the '» the .vueral language of the statute and 'Hen aver that the defendant has been Kui „ llf lhp M A defiued, without Other specification. The constitution strike* with nullity *11 neh vague Mentation*. It doeUrrs that the fhall W inf.triuel of the of this awasniion n R: »inst b ^,« d »«• ~ *'A ±T "T '?,"V J ii,h^ roa^ltde anZIv .Ve pit’ The"ro.ti,^ „|.s, ,:» lZ'QZm llo .. . „ ^itrArohWul'Vn’r.he . ■ *, s,, (o c,. ur (, is unoiDstilulional and void Previous to the tat- amendment, he remarks, It would not h*v. been contended that Coo tM vostovl With *nv MSrr to cxerA'ise »sp«'»ion «H-char«* ovar the conduct of State officers in of their dutiea asder thelswaof ,*„,-eded that the selection of jurors was a SuL. suhjvt eac’naivelv for regulation ! tv Z the and that thd, »rvylag vh*»r laws wvre responsible ontv tothe-u. Trac >»« > P * Z \h« .“>* bi '^ "* «- p . .1 ,£,* XZ. of matter, of puro.y The new gov, roment beiug one of the granted powets, iu authority was limited bv th.rn and eatien. such a* were But neves,'.rll.v implied h.V their e.», to prevent all miscoorri tion ««" >« I™ the ,0, *t amendment w«s at as early ' day -Itution, nor prohibited hv it to the States, iT»sr*e,t to the hlates rc-lWHtiveiv, or to the p«ple" <*rd in dodge the Field s.yVthat there 1 , not * w constitution nor in any «f the ««>*»dme»u in force before the choc of the '•' ral "* r - uw «> 'faw wk^ue.rly adopted, authorises say interfemi,-e by tVngre-s ,h ® V* ' he «*»<*««Iron of their government, and the enforvamentot thsir taws with resjwet to scy matter over which juris dtetiou was not samnderoi to the I Uited -'tat'**- The design of the eoastitutioti *«• to r '*** States in at! matters, the jurisdiction ” f **•' *»*autre*daps# thefuuetion* VS n»4 iii4fpf«tlr«s 1 he lut* * hief <lntii(!li Mr. b}«ejkkinjr f»»r the Suitreiue Oottvt m >«ii4: Not ,>l V 4 r> tWrofe* ode pendent enn Iheie he aoIum of rntnU £ui»e, *“ i •utonmnjr the ! b 7 '* h tb *’ r >»"i« the ooesnutmn. !> »t it may not be ueeasoaehty said ibsl the pte-eevst on„f the .States, and the maintenxiies „t their powttatent*, are as mu. h within the d«,jgn and cate »t t^e eoashtattoa es the |r • 7 't "'’* 1 *7 ,b ® 1 “ l,d *ke ms'Btaiuance 4 ** ksjwt st ' Uf. ,1 uMht Vffe Sen ?peakSgTSTiiff^^ CoUec ®#**.0 a «** taid , 4 h* tfc|rm>*iB£ t$ m* oneoHSe k^djmalouin f jqpiflft of dgpm#en| the fitafe wa. “rwertefl pawer. «f I*^n^nt the gam*fcl ^vt^W»Mb MtatfAfciiwat of the Ftatae - Have Judge Field well rootarke : “Xuttiitig eotttd penitence a greater tcndwey to 4Mt|t>jr States theinde and autonomy of the ; reduce them to a humiliating and degrading depend cnee upon the central government; engender condant irritation : and destroy that domest c tranquility the Constitution aa* one of tbs objects doctrine of to insure, than the «*»erted in Ibis case, that Congves, can ezer «i*e coercive authority over -judicial officers the State in the discharge of their duties under State laws, ft will he only another step in the same direction towards consolidation, when it a Slimes to exercise similar coercive authority ov <r Governors and legislators of the State.” In this connection, the case of the Coinmon wealth r«. Dennison is cited, when the Governor of Ohio refused to deliver a fugitive fromjns lice, and a moudoalm being applied for the Supreme Cottrt refused It, Chief Justice Taney declaring for the whole State ertfrt under that “sUch a power would place every the con trol and dominion of the general government even in the administration of its internal con eerns and reserved rights.” In Collector vs. Itay, the Court said that "any government whose means employed in conducting its ope'a tions are made subjet t to the control of another an l distinct government, can exist only at the mercy of that government ” " The duties of the county Judg e in the se ledlon of jurors, Justice field obt sfertcB, wSfe judicial in their nature. They involved the exercise of discretion and judgment. He was to determine who were qualified to serve in that character and for that purpose whether they possessed sound judgment and were free from ’T 1 ." c *l ,tion ! - The under which h » acted , had 1 been in . f force for many years, and had „l W nys been considered by the judicial au thoritiee of Virginia to he in conformity with its constitution, which inhibits the legislature larway. If the, act be a judicial one the writ can discharge only require the judge to proceed in the of his duty with reference to it; the manner of performance cannot be dictated, H“rethc wr;t could not command the county IM "“ Ja>lke Ki «"‘ ""B Uiscus.e, the effect and '"“P® "f tbn 13th, 14th and 15th amendments * nd th eir tearin ff “pn" thc queshon. They w " re . h r''™”''* •lesigned to give freedom to * ® !’^" n ’ "J the African race, prevent their fu vent dGcrimin«Or’v“ m!^ iceure ccislntiin^uJiost their right* as freemen and U, them the h,l " n '- The V “ r " slditions t., the previous - ""'""''nents nnd are to be construed in coo * 1 ''""' irlt ?L*? , *“ * ln d 'i? ori f inftl 0 tiem, as one Instrument. . They do not in term* ^Stod^hTthe A.ideZmthe ronditatlon^and tbose^nmend^ extinction of slavery, provi and the declaration -d C iti«m»hi P , these 8im ’“ “ r ® »««ty prohibitory upon the States, ESHSrTaSSSs obligatory as the express prohibitions. The ronetitntion contemplates the cxietenco and in ® f ,h ® 8t »taa in all^ their reserveu Ibich/urder"^^pre.Ze° doing things, ofproMhhtaTT^tata should de certain tend to stroy it, or any of ,t, essentia! attributes. To eVfr .v State,*.* understood in the American -», .here must .m wilh referene. to tb.sub f" . r r ^ it has jurisdiction, absolute "ve authority, fongress could not prescribe the duties of a state legislature and the rules it should follow, and authortae criminal prose «'«•••<* dwrogarded; against, the members if its directions legislature were is for the independence of the esssnti.l to the independence and autonomy of the ritata. Congress could -asrarsss State would si. be ‘ffgAst self-existing s« a cease to a and indestructible member of the Unioa, and "«»''>>'» brought to the level of a dependent, “ unici l lal corporation, existing only with suuh powers as Congress might prescribe, "I a nroceea of irresistible logic at which V Jl Vfe F i*?i th,t the 13th, Hth and 15th do n ° e confer tha n « ht “P°" ~«’ '^d person, '<> '«"* «l« n J , u /' e ' >» “>« IZVe * ^l l '■ ;o.Vr n ttT“*be'',a 5 ;.r. '' eoiifere l , fe!! p,v , , and la.L” participate in thc adminiatra tion of their The l«h amendment i, "V*' '>'s us»ed clause by clause with sin.ilar The fir,t f“.“ se V * rreat ' d ,." r ^v^.uici h "K “ l? '"'' , 1 * fra naicmai ™ that <•,(,*,.,* uf the 1 ,,,, States. s* oontradi*- But the t’ r j v ' le Ko i,r ' , u t y'd jury service is "ot an m of either crU.enship, Women the aged above sixty, and tumors, are eitisens. but have *' nsh, '»•, Dot J" thereby re ”' w .'irgim*- unpaired. Thesocotid Thetr eiU P l * e *!? 1 222 r d \ n i , '"* e<2 « distiagutahed from those «f citittnn of the States, and therefore did notan* |>'J those fundament*! civil right* which l* fI “ L " mL - The third declares .ha. "no Mate “’’"G MOT p*rwa of life, liberty or property without due process of law.” This «*» on'y center* no right to serve as a juror, Txistenoe of cn^ cluuse demonstrates «ta* “>« prohibition ot the amendment were tnstened to he entoteed in any other way been en ,-reed. I or, if Coagran Ouatd, aa an eppropnate mean* to enforce the prohibition, I tv* erit>« criminal prosecution for its infracuon against legislators, judges and other officers IrtLS^S.rttke ^ero ^ZZ SS «"?.! t ! ’:f’ •«-» Congross can not sutbensa a criminal prosecution without erim., and therefore must giveexprw *>">> »«» \>*«* “ to what constitutes protection to life, liberty and property. «•• fourth da.« in the first section of the awendmaot ueetares that m>.state shall -deny nkiefly ratted on to sustain the act ol ls 'A- Hut the universality of the protection "-cured randers this position uownable. "Alt person* whether permanent residents or tempo fry Sojourners, whether eld or young, male or «*»al«. »re to b* tquslly protected. Ye. no ««* will contend that equal protection to worn™.chitdrtn.vo the sged. .0 aliens can oa, J secured by altowmg parsons U> act as jurors in case, affecting their interests.” Judge Field diatiuguishes between the civil rights secured by the amendment* and political rights- The thirteenth and fourteenth amend laents, he says, were "designed to secure the civil right* of nil ptrvMU of every rtee, color a«»l ^ndiUoti, hut they lull t<» the 8 UU* to tenmne tv * hotu the ot politkcnl jwwer h» entrut-ud.” And he ndd» with m»*u»wer»blt cogetitv *n4 fofet; “Thtu is annitest from the fact that when it was d« ored to nmfet politice) power up,a newly made ntueti oftiie States, as *a, - 1 ,-ne by in hihiting uf the denial to theui of the suffrage cn insmi race, color «*r previous condition ot servitude, a new amendment «„ required.” ,n h “ c, »* < ' 1 “* k ' B ‘'‘'Id Niy* with WiMNlft •fetch will deaerve ih; A»nii4«riti«& >A fv*ry ^atr d “ Th >»* who rcjc*rd |fe« mde \ flldv'li* f the M*ib in «)l tfeei! par'tmetus 'w'entialto t%e”snccc^sfutniaintc" nkneo of our form of government—cannot fail to view with the gravest apprehensions fur thc future, the indictment ia a court of the United m«mi > ij 0 in > lhfc^*h»\^ e iii!i f f^ ro- *she u *u*.iV** make” under her law,, «„d of which no complaint. The proceeding ir a gross offense to the State : it is an attack upon her rover eigntyin mo tiers junsdlctUtn. oyer which she has never surrendered her The doctrine which sustains it, carried to its logical results, would degrade and sink her to the level of a mere local muniotpal corporation, for if Con gress can render an officer of a State criminally liable for the manner in which he discharges his duties under her law?, it can prescribe the nature and ex ent of the penalty to which he shall be subjected on conviction ; it may im Office p h,Q1 b T rei,,ov, “ ,r Ti,citrines of Judge Fluid arc the ele fined mentary principles by aMarsha.'C of our Government Websterand as de lung ago lately by (. hief Justico Chase. Those of the court are simply the formulation from the‘bench of the treason which finds a natural expression in theory for a ‘'atrong government.* We are not both surprised the that able Republican Journal*, in East and on the shores of the Pa cific, should recoil from these alarming and dangerous decisions. They make up an issue against our form of governmeni upon which the people will have to pass judgment in the sneak? n " * ^ ^n 1 ’ Making sugar front Water. TVi/l The n Concordia v /tr (Kansas) \ hnUrpruc f-a.i • tells ol a spring of water from which SK' last inursaay friXKr jrom air. 'h M. T 1 d Mills, vrtf . now i),„ living on his new farm, northwest of Hurr t A„ Oak. l , u, Mr, \r;i; Mills u produced ___ a for r„. our inspection had a lump of sugar, which he made from water caught as it ran trom ft living spring on Displace. Thc process of manufacture wa« similaj; to that by which maple sugar is produced, by “boiling it down.” This expert ment was made last Sunday, and the amount of sugar “tried out” from three gallons of pure spring water was ztzJt quality fact of the his water of this spring by the that cattle refused to drink it, and their by personal “sampling,” its sweetness inducing him to try the experiment of sugar-making from such singular material, with the result stated. We tasted the sugar, which has almost the identical appearance -if maple, and were struck with its similarity of taste. There is enough difference, how ever, to convince one that it is not maple, but that it is an excellent qua! ity of sugar. »«««»## Romance i„ In » a \..t.haii i>ut»liell. lKI ‘ Tin ‘"l ' «n Jjate I s , boardtng-houM Thuraday Th evening, on Fifth Mrs. street, \Vnr npar thc <»vmpic lheatre, was the scene they could remember. Five years ago they Parson*, separated Kama*, and Mr. Post went 11 where lie remained until a short, time ago, when he cameon a visit to litis city. Mies Austin hap¬ pened here at the Mine time, strange!v enough—they justice met, fond recognition fol¬ lowed, and Henry Smyth was smt for. He received the me sage at 9:8 ) o’clock in the evening, came imtne diately and fell in love with the bride while he was perfotmiug the ceremony, Finis —They are married and no more romance. “ Do you like your champagne thy?” as’-ed A. of B , who didn’t know how he liked his champagne, because he bad only made his strike the day previous and i ever before seen any champagne to wit ch he felt justified in applying a pronoun in the possessive case. “ I dunno,” replied B., “ but t guess you’d better gimme some that’s wet. I’m sort o’ thirsty.” Hr. talked ns if he had a “frog in his throat,” but he only hoarse ; a single bottle of Dr. Bull’s Cough Syrup relieved the trouble at once. 25 cents. Men are not more avalous for truth than they are for error. In Pnwfitr Fnrm. Vvgctine put up in this tor.ii comes within tho leach ot all. IJy making tho medicine yonroclt you can, Irora a 50c. package con lainiug the baika, io ns and herbs, mako two hollies of the liquid Vegetino. Thousands will ga-lly avail themselves o‘ this oppor¬ tunity, who have the convenience* to make the medicine. Full directions ia every pack* »ge. Vegetme in powder form is sold .by all drag- ista and general s' ores. If you cannot buy it oi them, enclose titty cents in postage stamps tor and one I package, or one dollar for two packages, will send it by return mail. H. It, Steveus. Boston. Mass. A «„„„ h ol 0 sieew. A book on the Liver, its diseases and their , roatlB e n t sent free. Including treatises Jaundice, upon ,, ivcr Complaints, Torpid Liver. Biliousness, M„Un». Beadaehe, r onatipation, Dyspen etc. Address Dr. Sanford, 162 «w»*<»way,Ntw York City, N. Y. v„„»-e «.„ r.„ .nten., Will send their Kloetro-Voltaic Belts to the h IB »ctcd upon 30 days trial. See their adver jlsemen. in this pape^headed. ” On HO Pays' VZJlZZ • ,a rch ■, smct ly pure. »«n*lMerm. Wlsra wnrt Walker.. J*; ***<™*;* *w„.„7f r„,, ......... irfi , n l »»«*.•*■<r 1 'touting, KunM -7 V»w-a’l’-rH V'r-\-V'• hv 'i''"V 1 f * 4 <*«i» r--.ii*-t, -m. ,m t f,em m. ................ c-„i,.|,,..„, e.,*.--,-t hv ., m -. .ub .»«,«-ie.i. **»■!»-,!!. ^ ^ J " ?U " ' - jXM ' V *• <»* *<*• Expose J vourself dav and night, \ eat too n»w® h »‘thout exercise; work too , hard , without rest ; doctor all thc time; take „ , hp vi , p nostrllms n adverU8ed auvprtirotl, . and ^ kD0 " How to Let Well, Which is answered in throe ,hrie word, ^ _ cuke Hop . Hitters. column.— , ee other . ; 'V HEN eKhausted bv mental -------- labor tc.ko Kidnev-Wort • to maintain healthy ' action of ,, all ,, Organa D. r BULL'S SYRUP Mtl V'EariOsn Ncnsatirm. • 1 “ 111 The ttwl (it Mfgie MtKt haa beqn . PptrK. one This «r 6bc tdemtti described acne^tidn Its-a HOtaewhit of woman; handsome j crsotl, about thirty-two years old, was trained,af a singer, considerable appfared W,ore lhe P ,ib ' lc witli sue cess, lost , t #r rephtatson, anvi resolved Upon revenge. C-be waited for hours in a cab outside her faithi- n lover’s house, gmj shot at him a* he stepped into the street *’ eerioiialv woundtner ? tbonerh not ki|lj U E ,11UI ( - - ," r t hr ree t e mO-lths im- 111 . she i* , , brought , be , Prisontnent ore a French jury, with Maitre Lschaud as her advocate. He tried to prove that her mind had luen Unhinged by tr- atmeot to wl ich she had been subjected, lhe public prosecutor ' i " ! " t preas for the extreme penaitv attarwa ^ verd’ri [»y toe of guihy, Jaw; De 41 with merely exteniiat- asked or a ing circumstances n TTj»on ill 8, natural declaring lv, counsel for thc prisoner joined issue. that the finding must be ODe ,.r ? <. Wx* °" ^ U '.^ ii-i» altogether. .u It n must ftVe \ heen {i bad quarter of hour” “ au M. Gpntien . while Maitre Lachaud for was speaking, alid a perplexing moment lhe court when he concluded by re* J‘whom ferring t i the unhappy woman at) one the law mig .t consider guilty. but in whom human conscience would Th/presiflpn^roiH her 0 ™ hea rt -” ice I resident summed up, and the jury . retired. In five minutes they came hack with a verd ct of complete acquit ^ ! Hieres, on her part, kissed her triumphant advocate, and was get free Such - u( -“ a “ specxacie snpciaolp m'<rh- m gn. annear appear an exasrireration " tf vet forth upon the slaep ' —----------------- Mother, newly bereaved of a baby, to Surviving angel child,aged s : x—“Tommy’s sn now, M ir v.” “Like the anuels in my picture book, mamma?” “Yes, tlear. o t Has he g >t fleas in them, like my pigeons? ’ absicultoral machinery K 11 glues, Cotton Presses, !>lills, «tc. WHEAT THRESHJXQ. PLANTATION MACHINERY OF Al-L KINDS. SCHOFIELD S IRON WORKS, 4®- Send for Trice List. MACON, GA. w-x^,. a w wi n irta— lamp dC e, R0DLEYCO feSUULtT W., t INI IV.MTI. MAXfEAl.TfHEBS OF STANDARD PLANTATION MACHINERY, Stationary and Portable STEA M ENG INKS Saw Mil II**, Grist Mill.-, Shaft! ng Ilaiigvi*, Pulleys, etc. Our !l);t chi nery is hliong, simple, and well mode, and is psjtf* cia 11 v adapted to the Gtinding wont* of and Fanners Factory and Planter#, Send for ( kinniii Sawing. use. or ah IIItH tinted Caiftlogile.’ bA\E A- RODLEY CO., .It.lin Water Sts., Cincinnati, O r | WARD’S ft i § >-- • . [i] i » r n n t fid • a mt ti o qxf ofsej f t n c u iu f err; en t .and Price LlsL-.fwby rnaiU S' :E.-Mf&W;WARD. ■ ; - " - ' ... 381 . BROADWAY. NEW YORK. , wm W. H. WORTHINGTON, Pro?MOT If of the Columbus, Mississippi Democrat says concern* -ng the merits of a noted household remedy: “Onr experience with Allen’sL uso Balsam, for Colds knd Coughs, has been of lhe most satisfactory character ro efficient, indeed, have we found it, after repeated trial* n our family, that we have diet-aided all other similai remedies. We are satisfied that it is the best remedy for » 1 affections of the Tjtroat and Lungs before the public, vnd most cordially recommend it to those who may be af¬ flicted. Tho Balsam is recommended by physicians whe have become acquainted with it.- 1 great success.” ©?TFor Sale by all McUloiiie n<>aler*.~Wft Important to the Pair Sex! PERIODICAL the cheat knglirh remedy. cures i^mcon gs^^TpSiScJ^mtatStpUh Drussists everywhere.^Piricojl.oo ^box wd six boxea fer^.wnttgwgl^ot^^gaW. per or A's«if»ssHSSSS» % A I U ill I I k || U L ' 1 ' h '' ' '"VJ. t ,| I I - - ,:Ju>v aSktoJ'iii^! ■ iindtake^ttoMiter'*°” *7 m, f T K V‘ r grocer for NAPOAIf'XEK, PENN’A SALT MANUFACTURING CO _ PHILADEL PHIA ** A AdB T» diW KlilVAM |9 MW , *„ Th bsca'm dt°h' m *” < h, S* ro*'" u er } n*dst. u ^ «»W. r. x^o,. r 0 ’ ’ ,, n. c. HIM nkl Ofk ■tlirittYN r\ A \f rv tF TlslAI a . .— vll OU DM I O I M IML ,7* w . n<l ' ,ur E >«tro-v 0 iuic it*tis and other w ,.,. .......t ,h,. l,„«, Kklnejs, Bhednuu&m, Pa $5 to s2ord^ , *“!r;*^. !----------------- , s tland. wf trt h Mmne. f *• free. A GR£»I L'FFER * w.vm htno. Uw'.Vi',-u nsivant. xvnrratui. ,1 «’ j n . ,1 ‘”' 1 it oV,' !'‘,?o!i‘ HwIIAir. U'. 1 1 TKK?«.CsCv.^V. MAILED FHEE.VIJV: »W t i»e«’s -«i *hirts, > name all machine;, Hhin # 1 Give number colors, BROS., . toi ia, Kkfliafi WANTED ' ""J", H#r -’- »o»pr«e of ttta ir-n J A N FQVXVmZ* rerfaining lo P#i V A ciicn 0Kttm 11 . Vm , 4 M»l be *M *|*1 Id .«AiULw d ftiioflblllb • | v« f.\Ni a «>lf !<» :^§!!?:.butter color t&lam'ffyfigfgf'f**?***** . ;•..... . ’ '• :..... *- m ■ f'+tt, - ». lie l It M$i IfAJfttMpii > , . . » A 4#. I'lafihiw*, Ht»<iiNs(«a. w. S TjirrY i -- 53k £ m ^ 'fkJWvs V Tl r - ENGINES & SEPARATORS. REGULATOR *4 V V 6g6vlIIvr g, ruwq q IN r _, rvnvvrv PU VI DJbM f->T» tjaD t U-JtiJM At 60 CTS. A PACKAGE. T)r __ W ROSS W RITES SCEOfuf*. LlW Complaint, , DySpepjW, , nuBUITlcltiSIfl, WCBKnGSS. f *„, 8 ”nvjsVrome*y ._____________ m d 't ”7Twi.ntr five’years Oyapepaia, Kksum, for Scrofula, Liver Complaint, 7 ”> I^Cid'luroirtThTro ffln'.m.w ih.S” ' ^^ ta Da. W. BOSS, Druggist, Sept. 18,1878. Wilton, Iowa. ' 1 Vegetme. t 1 j tj i • -p t _ ■« ! ODO FclCK«ig6 VP. r OWClOr H QlIE Cured Scrofula, , HOW TO REDUCE YOUR DOCTORS’ BILLS SO B»x«« Sx„ sept, East Boston, so, 1879 . ftfasa., } Mr.n. r.ST sv*Bs-D?ar sin MyitttudMgh with scrof t« stall* ha«t>ocn afflicted »ion*r time ^.,' 01 ^ 1 ? E.r^n, Lr^ls.^ nous. 1 nought some of your rowpsn fo*m vio* TIB*, amt my wif«st«*p*dlt and vault tothectiUS , coor , ltng , 0 tin dirrctions, and ws w*r« surpriros ro a fortnight’s ttm« lose* how th* child had gainr* 1 » a*sh aud atrsngth. 6 ha ia now galuing evep d 0 sy b ’ 6 \ n h d lEef&SS&SST* ^ WEBB. * iir*pecifui)y yonrs, J. T. Vfgeilne Is Sold by nil Druggists. NATRONA Bl'CARB. SODA la fhe-bF*t In the World. It isabaolctelr purr. I* is th9 best for Medicinal Turposos. It is the best for Baking and all Family Use** Sold by all Druggist* and G»oeei*. A SALT MflNUF. CO.. Phila. «7z ssBssrjAa tysafjsst ssH 'OPIUM ISSSt *66s«ffliin?. r Y{sys' m. A CO.. Terms Portland, and f6 Msine* Outfit |t| I Bpanuk »»•. •etui baad wKara TRUTH hwif or a wi S*«v St. fa, will i aelav will nil picture Bv*V tt.wa'irxs lalaaf for ef »*et. SC>Ctnta,<rltky<tar *yva, ef naa*. yowr aadflataaf aadAaek (in* future atwf of Halt, k«»- j , ____ MM 2 j yen Pvef. UARTINKZ.HPwv- P riafw.adJrM*. Sl..B«ataw. fku a.^ laa* Haaa u P AGENTS WANTED FOR THE - ICTORIAL HISTORY«»™WORLD Embracing full and authentic accounts of every nation of ancient and modern time*, and including Empire?*, a history the- og the rise and fall of the Greek and Roman middle agon, the crusade*, and the feudal system, New the reforma¬ World, tion, f.Jie discovery settlement of the etc., lr etc. historical engravings, and ia the contains 672 fine Send most for specimen complete History and of the World ever published. Address pages extra terms to agents. National Publishing Co.. Atlanta, (»a. OPIUM MORPHINE cured l»y Dr. HABIT Deck’s *p** only dny known and sure Remedy. NO CHARGE for treatment until cured. Cull on or address dr. j. c. BECK, 112 John Street, CI5CIRNATI, OHIO. $777 CORNS AND INGROWING NAILS. permanently an i pa n'.essly cured (guaranteed » wjthou, cutting or binning, in 12 days. 60e. Both in cures sent by reab Meretl mail on receipt uf stamps or currency Nil* oilier In successful use over 47 rears, AZjjVIX &. O RMEj <tl9 Walnut StM Philad elphia, Pa ’ • A CJKSrrt* U AMKII for "Thv Bible in 8chnorr l'irtlire»,” XX. arolsfeid. containing 240 Engravings indorsed by Julius Pres. Ohad- ron ( This work is highly by bourne, Williams College: F.L. Bishop Doane, Alb-toy ;Rev. K.W. Dr. Post. 6t.Louis: Drs. Patton, John Peddle, Thomas, Geo. H. Peeke, and others, Chicago, bold In numbers. Address ARTHUR BUTT. Albany, N. Y. For Ladies Only. Send 3-Cent stamp for circular. Address in confidence* R. B. RA.WEI', Agent, Coopcr&tfwo , Venango Ce> Penn., Box 104. \j|7 W AluULD ATl’UL’Q Standard *° 81^ Am'n Watch Write Co., fhr Piltebufe. catalogue Pa. to* VXJCi / A l^ r A P RICH I Helling our rubber atamtm and sheet music. Cook h Bisskll, Cleveland^ O £ \^|l 1 T LJ T\TD O Revolver*, Cafalpeue Works,Pifteburg.Pn free. Address XNI Ureal Wetstern Gun TVB. 1 3 hovtl’s"BATTEItV sn'ct*? J. \V7 rarkirTagiint, 74 Cumberland Ht., Brooklyn, N.Y.JSend lor circular. MUSIC-M-CISUM AB\OLl IELY FURR. STODBABT’S MUSKJAL LIBRARY. A class truly of wonderful vocal and instrumental Piiblicat music on within bringing the thc reach best of Organ all. Sample Music, mailed copy, containing* address $1 50 worth r'apftipt of rjano 3c or to any on of a stamp J. M. Stopdab t A Co , Philadelphia, Pa FREE. Bkactifcl Illustrated FLORAL GUIDE, Descriptive of Rosea, Plants, Bulbs, Flower ^ s t*d, elr„, sent free upon application. Address MEMPHIS FLORAL CO., Memphis, Tennessee. JbLl—SOD « <yi PORTABLE A FOUNTADiS $35, $45, $60 & $90, Cheap & Dtu-able. Will yield 200 per cent. Shipped ready for use. Address the only manufacturers, CHAPMAN A CO., Madison, Ind. .Twenty. ' B|£M M* ORGAN HFATTV 3?1*T? nS IuJt. Ju. PIANO nTSrSS^ Jk«*w«wrth. -to- «ci5! wAin.trwwe.wnrwrdo.Trars.%f i 0 s.iiv AA*rm«AKIH.».BC&OT.Wartiafi^*wdm**. • ""V J»0 IT * »_,i„ ... . KSSSS5 ^ srow^hv r S 0F ?" HA e MEt, i l ‘*!T , :7 .t f ‘"'" <2.7.1; , ; m*. » <£* 5 ,^ ^^ggemr,,. ... CARI AKLfcHLN FTO\'S N HUl IIOrsl'HIlf NLHHLU 1) ’ MgOb ENCYCLOP/E Ol A. The most valuable sDigle Book ever printed. A Tr#n*. m V of knowledge. There has never before I*»-en pub lished in one volume so much useful mformation on every Whole subject. Library Beautifully illuntraled. Trice ♦2./W. A in One Volume. TO IU HbCN A PC UTO I O. (Sold -t nntv t—k h. Mib-criptiim, th« j *? - Rt,p r -o.' , ,hV,,w!"S. lr. «.U fvvr klwaa. o. V, < AR1.ETOX , r, y. f,,,. PETROLEUM J HLY. Grand Medal Silver Medal at Exposition. Philadelphia at Pans E* pfmuion. **"**• Z’Z'ZL'J ,!l ”. 7 t »t«uu, l"“ ChiieiAu.,, IA I,v",|"r ,iu,r, "P "i mid vs t»„u... wilt end It |„ W„||„„- A egd C.GI1BERTS STA R C H WOf db ?*? tf *v»ry C1 rrrduaief car* nl-** I ItA 1 ett-sra, i a fo j a'!•,? h l I « CHI and eu. a „