The Watkinsville advance. (Watkinsville, Ga.) 1880-1???, June 09, 1880, Image 4

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topic's rot? Tift: farm. Priming' Roses__in pruning roses cut away all «hoote thai have flowers. fernw OnSr.|u- f f~T — X W * f s rt * 1» pt*f t « ih/stiX! iun* „ prciiad it*» hug bole f* I lem T ’'fo'* f i f Lime ,, .. Insli. . ,, ire hme wash . freely , everywhere it is iW a t , P* ,* r •¥‘ **• proves appearanow / Honey Bees. -While working with twee, avutu all sudden jar*, quok, active mottona, and never friuh’en them. I w» ■*» fy< ■■' - «T r " "WT r Scarcity a ! of sdim ll.r.-,1 ttvrd ho ha# Ptf. Wfot* Jt lit* new crop Unit CU T1.IU 'I' 1 ®. 1 :« * I*,., lh< <’«ttOOK ,„.,i, ■ from a . rnt^t. . | | Bye Straw.—Rye tH«'d straw is now ex teiiMiVf'iy I’K’eMim X7H in t|*<i “* many h fmriurt* Urt o| M * ** rne mst timojnr nay. - I »ir(flinpr *1 Irm.-l'or *.a * . it - *tfpiyine to . wounds pruning made by icmovinp large 'imbs in fruit lo ts nothing is better than gum •hf?!iac, dmpolved iiialcoliol to the oonaietemiy of r «i»L Bftsturlng the (Iron ml.—Cow* remove more from pMures than their drop¬ pings •pread supply; therefore it is n good oIhii to manure over them sprinkled with plaster to save I he ammonia for the young gras* in the early spring. Vr<m ltalls.—Co!. F* I). Cuni# is right be when he sir the s « hull must never round, patted promptly abopt bead. A firm com* he should enforced, is (he only treatment receive, Oven kindness makes a hnlly of him.— Cin rinnati Orange Bulletin. by Injurious I’rnuliig.—AH scars made should pruning ofl large tarfed^ branches of trees bo painted of or otherwise protected from the) rnln. Many fruit trees become hollow or fall into prema¬ ture decay, from th<* rain penetrating throiigh old saw cutll Iniidyjn pruning;. Beans as Food.—At, a meeting of the Western New York Farmers’ Club, in quiiy was Blade aa to feeding Irertns to Rtpck. The replies showed that they eheiip, were regarded «» especially {a adapted «ol<Ai to largely being, Doh nifrogS"! euteia into tne composition of Wool. A Had Fault.—From the earliest »imi-*t>i o isfortnpe the 'j-jMWft day low4t4f%iffc«nd It &i. been a alteS.ion and little iuMt leet) pntd t« the, breeding and rearing of a more pow¬ erful race of hoyst's for heavy ihil farm road work, and the use of city dray and large express and truck wagons. The Tine Metlmfl.-f Ueu>ii says " Ihe only tuetho* By whien yon « a.i pomibly Hiivancn Htol develop agri culture is by experiments; that is the dustry only plan, completely' (ot lltf-re to no branch Sy of in¬ so bunt up cx periuicjit«»RgriqnUuv. «. DOM Outlook.—A Orniid ll iplds cor rc*j>oth!<*ut that tliri writes to tho Buffalo Jitf rr.o winter uheaf f ok tug v«rj lltiitv -wil iieftvy over -Xhy^y U*'«' Sheri r;tn# |b|t |)ie vlhf.'l v«s t< 0 WcR i f eerty til, InWrfie ' 8 )«tif<l. Ji' r 4rnivr» i. gti t‘Ta t«v.k fur it Ih ivvv Iius'IH'hs this season i ? ftxucUenl. On(s for Paslurtt. - Mr. T F. Haekpr, • •1 lmliitiih, sciulu ua Hut I*iiJvS' u g; '‘If apy oho Baa not oloVer j toHurp, oats Vk to vi ho-t. Nov early atul let grow until nlwitit twelve or fourteen high. You will (inti it next tost to clover, anti iu net weather Better (hnti clover it is very solid joist ura. will f)fts(t.btier. *«>! to not wishy, 1 hitvc» tr'rt ilTi, I think it pays the best of any v»y yirti ear ut emits.” Snot as n Fertiliser. Those who have soot, < it-hcr ot wiaul > r hituminou ■ «•>»(, shotiUi carefully rave it for use in the garden, T* to valuable for tlo ammonia it contains, aud ai,p ro r u tower of absorb ng am in' nift. 11 fr -imply chare #t (carbon) in nr ex tii nody divided state, but for (he creo e> te it rtndnina is useful In tlestroying HlHcte, »ed is at toe same time Valuable a* n tertilirer lor all caideti crons. To Keep Wells Pnre.-A corrrs If jHiiioentot aft 1» Greek, the Mich., inUr Ocean, aava that writing he pirri- frfrni fn d WswelUif water which was subject to manr worms, bugs, ami other insects as to render it almost unfit for drinking, ^ by placing in the well a ,mup!e „ rued trout. Ttiev I ave kept pcrf-Uv healthy, thine in and have eaten |J up every live i ll ”.X, tt.e wsier n,. , Uin... In. Ih. i. , and sweet, --- Tomato Vines,—If there is suy truth in iho following it is important: A statement comes from Couth America that a single property of tomato haves ha* been discovered by a fruit grower, used Uaving them cut down souse tomato viiu* he as mulch around bis peach X whi.-'h* 0 'hat the cur m rr't ls. ' lln, ri * destroying rtounM his lruit, h the ine Uimato Vim* hollowing \n> diMnvOrY \ tho irw» nw nt i im*l« MHt ? prv *\r yra * \ a u jHrieci pnitoction, not onh Kts ^ curculw ’ but v,Uler uo * iou ’’ "*• tmufr ror Pn 1 mtltry. t „ -Prooablv P , n few, if «uv, of our readers have ever tried the experiment of leodijig o«t^ to I reeding jk^ulirjr in large proportion#-- say at least tl.ree-lourths u, one fourth ol any and all other grains. A fancier who has drre this (and, as h. *«y. both ecom nacaily and to» suoeasfullv.”) need ***“«* «* • • a*y in thi way to very rood kdviDtiigt, a* a dailt foudtohreejiiegfowU eapeciaUy to tue Asia the tie vear vanen^. r.nmi: SsV ce»«# oTin^lTn ot internal Ut, wbon If ,,n !e<i I r*“ in the r»*' ordinary wa ye—American Poultry Yard. - Watermelons—A writer say«: Plaui in shallow hills, in horse dune for man cultivate mw, a* early long a* pmotioahie in spring; tUehilU »ith ». as poasible bo-, Iwtweeti within * horse ’As and weed the hiila hv hand. for the iioects, we .« nothing. The stupid hog tjjies hi«f fi s 1 ] y : ic % vt»i« ou-.nigh ftia it* lor the i<r«r Wo pi.nt 40 or f>" A it til i t ;((!hsI vigorous 6*Cq$0 ILt' fit IA if ihe hue, aud the fbnugfi of ibt lust as no >n Hu Utu dU ut tiffin to roe r> r HitfetY, fill till* a risnar pttftlK tnil i t a t me *m*k»n, f*xlir|*ufa*| t grow tit# 03 hfUtlana h , : III I }"* ! hv.t ejwl fef)C f f r uitfaf, Mini i every w ink A forr#*t*oiid#ri4 m>* . be casUh o.'l ia acd u#t* mmiutr *{*«rm 0” : Tr if ~^— Witifct fin* alios; rot summer when the oil is worn out and becomes Micky don't the put on more until have’that cleaned iron with turpentine; you **4 cut i»f|»nt|ie, tfo residue tfcn»«e oi the oil. Put »!**) on - vour vour 01 * 11 * axle add revive it a few times; ,J we ell tl*t dheel and carefully wipe the ax]e tirrpAitinl eleun. yV brtueato stijk and 4 rag wet wltTi ctu clean tb«niM>. lion’t let the oil wear out, almost variably wit area* a Imeev after it lias W„ with mi.,. In winter add one fifth turf entitle to cold pre«?e<3 citHtor oil, and that with slow driving, when you "tart, will save vour iron a alee. ---------- ,-c. g'i^'Vllverlr Hi — "I* • •' - - •*•*!*»— w. yp i M J r e 1 ri'P'fi d ™ e youig Sit pip* on sTTong, oohcentfafed ford, And* aa Udcjf „ r J( 1 |tai Monoiflrm* ol H wrfn, l*l*>v,e short*, water^tth and boiled equal »/ p,titoes, the hrai* or other root* or vegetables; ar^J nh<*rtH can »■*«««* 1*#* H.aidcd j*«» WW] ' **'?"*'■ » y»« corn meal; mi* itapanngfv with tlm vegetable diet until the pip 1 is four months old, * at 1 leaMt, , whyn „ ; .. the grau; wny . U* mereaaed. , all through the pig a life give him kjenty of g<md roots, hoi ed or raw In vbort, p feed the pig g^ncroawty, hut not W. wi ‘S> V 00 * 1 .’ ? ure f *'l** <l ,liH - RU(1 Will Dfi neither >lH;kprl» pf)f Want of fertility. J To —_ Make Ileus Iaiv.—A n exchange gives the following prescription: I*ut two or more quarts of water in kettle arid one lajjgjs seed pepper, or two small piles. Then put 1be kettle over the fire. When the water boils stir in coarse In rlian meal until you have a thick mush. Bet it cook an hour or so. Feed hot. Horse-radish chopped fine and stirred into mush, «» prepared in the above directions, and for result* we are get¬ ting from five to ten eggs jrer day, whereas, previous to feeding we had no deal eggs for a long Amt time. We i tear a good of conn from other people about not getting e;'ge. To puch we would warmly recommend cooked feed, fed hot. Boiled apple skins seasoned wiih red pepper, or boiled potatoes sea¬ soned with horse-radish, are good for feed—much better than cooked food. Corn, when fed to tire hen by itself, has n tendency to fatten rather than pro¬ duce the more profitable egg laying. A spoonful of sulphur stirred with their Iced, pqraajyually wiil rid them of ver¬ min J.f! aud tone I up their system. « jtiaim —Jtsw-t T«i|»l«*a for Hie* llouavliold. that Mii.k.—M orning’a milk ia richer Ihan M evening, * orf! n Watek —Wood ashes ('iiirt a lye for Koftenin.* water, A Fact.—A n oyster ahull put into a teakettle will prevent ita becoming To Dehthoy Fi.itm.—PoUI green tea, d&tff.yi tvjjll awceteneil flies. #nU put iuto saucer* will 'Save ml? Oi.Y> f'l.otiiix- Old olotluw " be saved, to weave into door and floor iirntH, jNHEcriijTSa.--~I.enia*> tile juke will al¬ lay irritation eauaed by (he bites oi gnats and flje* v ,, _ r , Pea 1 r udin'i,—-C old ja.tntoe*, mtisbe.l with pea*, make an excellent ami light pea* pudding. ItfiiNB.—An application of cold, wet, cQmnHpt <vb invftliiafrl* ronn.g, jdaeuti on tn<me<li ,tt« I}'. i> all letmaly, tw** Ft w .m - -Tnriiitv-p- el. washed clean aud tied m a net, impart.. « flavor toaoupa. Celery leaves and ends *> rve the same purpose. To Hemove Tan.—N ew.milk half a pint, l«*n n iuieeout fourih of an ounce, whole white brandy skim 'half rn onhco. lioil the and clear (rom scum, IV night and morning. Cocoa net I’vddino.—T o one larg. eggs,]a oi.cqanut, grated, add the whites of eight quarter of a pound of sugaiv * •jtiaifer spBoAfiiis of a pound of butter, two of rose wate;; bake it ih paste. Hem vino On. Paint.—T o remove old pa'nt, cover with a wash of three parts quit k stone lime, slaked in water to which one part pearl ashes is added. IWjurs, 41 . 0 W Urn when coating to remain for sixteen the paint may be easi y HCT.qs'd eff. To K, move WntNKi rs.-Moll whim WiiX, tilKP OUI1CI*, to u Ik al and *»d«i June of 111 v bulls, twu ounces and ’ ' ilOfK',. too Otttfcwa, I^jstkSfR^'r t WO drachois and attar of rests a drop 1^ or two. R».b the wrinkled pi** w preparation twice a day. Ihe tepid wa ter instead of cold ui ablutions, >} ToPrikekve('* K Kt A 4. B i>ft r1 i 1 «k««i i , , “ f ‘*T 11,0 ‘ ,rt ... V° U tf K ^ , ' , h< ‘ li \ a ^ w «P the, » than sale Un»w»g-pan ' *d and remove Uj? u “ flirt o’? in ‘ T' this - w i~t«>.** .»“> -ii; >«S«. ™,, u,. w i, Beke Tea.—B eef tea for the sick is ee»a@id*g made by boiling a fender steak nicely, it with pepper and salt, cutting B up and pouring water over it, not uufie boiling; put in a little water at a ttote and let if soak the goodness out; then beat it hot. ajuino l’suowe —Ue not put vour p-llows in the sunlight to air, but in s shady btowinj place, w ith a clear, cloudy, dry wind over them. If It is and .'el not damn, and the wind not nrm*t\*3& strong, flu all Thm if pwllCM ofuiu, kotpH well cured femhera aiwav** nweet A hot huh in tht* h*vwt of tVudi. T wU1 turn thv,n r ’ UKMl ' tmn^ro^wxter^ water add wOr.e teikspo * nful h f l f “ffl one tie leaspnonfitl spirit* of '^ , . n<e * auuiWr t^queeae ol iinu ru»ty aud l?iee through jt v » then rinse •" *.«>P of hot waAnr in wiiicli a Wack kid glove lias been boiled. Pull «« t'.e Ikeu edges of the hioe until almost press it for two or three daws, fo^Jl Hravy l>ev>!c. **>««(• fotween the leaves of a Ctns oB Bir.™ -Tobacco, wet with Kpmi?* or water, boun$ ou a freah W in MW ?*«' *V\*» A wrenew. Ihe . h»h»ei*o , , ahouKI he kept wototby oceasonnlly wctMng the ban dagii with warm water, Freeh tobscoo fo •l*P»W oyery day till U»c soreness is rubs; then nsrooi e it aud put * ,!«*'*'« «*f «an plaster fiver the n \ R » , ° ewlnde Utoall. and it will mshi heal without further trouble. Lemon I’ir.—J uice of 1 lemon, yolk* of 4 eggs. 10 tabls^.«infuU of sugar, 1 tibif«|Kkm ireh. butter, “ tahfeKttoon^ oah ii sf 4 tshh *p on. water; fisvor with nutmeg, Winn buked spread ovFi the Utpa vf tho nice tu« foilowing fejlt the whi'es of font eg** iui J WpOOIia Ot Lomfeif’U tijf to A i*tifl I c ih. add I t(*aipft0nfvit ot feiotii) tpRtf*,<*?, *rr»’K(i over thft tilt Uijw of till thv pto*. then rot urn 1« oven vtrv aiielitlv brown.— Mm Fa Ifvuukiww 1 to y< 4 * ah you got, v«o ! th«< *u>ur BEAUTY BUT SKIN DEEP. How to Beautify. How to Preserve, and How to Treat when Diseased, the Skin and Scalp. Ry 1 9. r. IOMSLTV. U. f>, of Saw Tori. Apm ro.i» ih* lattwinir «<n»a tr tfiaw rttn am****, **••' ieihwnMuk tw >»!■; '■ »s» of to wh-» a * h wtthe.Lta’-^juierupttoii*, or hi* of Mir, 4/oy h»r f twuiews *», > W;, \ M»LV CQ iftdVa lift* Pttihill* cff fey to « .od Rw« «,twi'»'t<*«'rt«t»i.w«u*ru'r*/ a« rtnnrt* :$eAp »• e ’.*Juu. to U renOred. No Mti.ely 1*1 oiewlid-eor SlK Wend to.-n*nv. saol »• ovi». ,Uld uali •«* uV.’ffi Wrl ?"*™ Un * * kp> °' Ifamb t* the foeflD7* of<M afflicted with•tyybt »«*>!•, w ttlfrt5!rijMor'wrm,pm|*£ r**,adwn.(mi*o.n4t *4k**a» ?" *»*, <!s*robjlhr ithrrswinre. t*"* •»» f,l,, r intern IH-stb In fnanv p»w* n»f|fhv t* oo&e'.dtr*! 0 ti « b^rnt k tion, » n .t neMng n-trir np*uti* •• Uaucir to®r<i«rt« otb T« hive »«h u»«* ih«t tb*# «>n cm ibo i;#tb tb* t» t)»trncM->n sdi\ prcftcnrAlIf'B of'he s'iir, » »’j>, ,T1 ‘* h»‘r. erdili jdOp^r •imittiuLth-m *h*n die lo form*tlou 1 l evy $*•* htyti Dibit ct.qdtnwNl Slflftrfd; U» Bfipular form inch t THE CO*NB,TRrfTIION OF THE BKIN. The *lcln 1* roTif» icd of t»o lateri, which ir>»v t« lejrtfife i fiora etch oiher hr th*> gctlan < f » Meter. The chili por ioa «h th it rftiMx) up hf tlieb-H cr i» called the re^rf nklu, the cmlc>, or th» epl ermie; that which rtm'ln* Jn connetiMn wJ h tbe ) <>!jr la the «en*ltiv# *atu, the c.U*, the d rma,«r the *ne skin. Etch ha* fe;er*t v fl ttei to pirfortn. The De a f tkln 1* her ny no t loeroj-faaJ *e:vc* as a *}j«sth to plot t r t Hie more no 1th e fkin nutter It. Were the resrf skin Ukm oft w® eoukl not f ear to hav-t sovthing ton b 0 » The dr-rtna or trow skin, •ri I its glinds, oil Lilies, etc^ s*e tie *ea' of sll cuts ceous dUearas. THE OIL ANI) SWEAT GLANDS That the.akin may be pliable and beiHhy It <s neces sary to have i* died every day: and !*• tills 'he < rea tor ba* wisely pravl ied by ptalqr In the true skin tmt l gland* and tn?»cs, whose otflce It is to prepare air <1 pour out upon the smtoce tho proper am mot of oil On eomo p* rt* of fhetoty tlicy do not e*iat, but •r.» air ndtut <-n »he face, toie, e ra, h »d, eyelids, t-!c. h ud They thfy produce the wax ahc*tli or the uir*. anj »n<! o < tin ojfon U to the of the h'lr, Ihr nfob It with u|tui>’a own hair o.T or i>omade. When th f skin and l.< fads/tky thw responding ft' « vtttelg sro always at work, tnadc the eopstanGy C> uVcqiiently t p the thou demands Id he up -n n no peram afraid to wash th^rmiThly every d*y with soap and wate, lea*, a« the "Riston M dlcal Journal ” once tain lf, the skin )>e JnJ-ind by having the oil lemoved lr*Mu It. FREQUENT WASHINGS WITH PURE SOAP (fire* liwel fiorn rBustle rub'lg alksllea) witlr end Jurewarm wabr, f »l* by tri-k a coarse towel, will do mors to pi re. rve th' h««I hv tcilop of tie oil glands and tul'fe. Upon which depends a dear aod wbolcson a CotUplovh n, than all the eosraeU a I « lie world. So Important is the freo and perfect action of the sweat and fat or oil glat-ds io the pr serration of the gene¬ ral health, vs welf a* the aptfaj cond toi of the skin that psrtlcular nttfi-ton to tliewi Hill 1* re warded by Ineteared foe of physical health. They and discharge ti|»on the suv a the b»<iy an'l a>* ut two o te-holf p urn’s oi matt t p?r <’•», th*lr lu pirtance in the por.'flcaf'on ot ihe Mood and fluids ot tho ho.jy is so float that were .they cl 'wd by an Impervious oo&t Ing, Ik* lubb’Ar or otied alik, death wonid soon i njue. THE GREAT SKIN AND BCALP Dl8E\fiE5. But bad as ara minor forms of pkfn dlsmses, tli^y lick !• to ttiaixnlflcaiicf when compaied with the gieat ek n aud scalp dtorssftoi wvh Hindi thousands are af U»cum 1 aurlng U»eir w. ole lives. Th t the res lei may know n or<- about'tnfcm. tts* iiin t’a' sfieotfors s e here titwefl oudttlug §uch f?s me ermptomg of<k o<tJ frwpratant tut sous/Mtooasos, silt l k» rh*utn ui taiee, rash, do. Th* irost ar>* or era sms, tetter, ring worm, ptNtf'siK Impetigo, !• prosy, lichen, prurifs ba bers’ It b. Jickson’s It h, bakerv* itch, ground Iteh, a a d heawi and dandruff. Towerlft* above sll otbeis In extent. In 4 -j rati n, In suffer lug, Is ECZEMA, c mmontv railed a.It rheum. Wllran dlvltlee it into twlv * sprales, aud tilbers luto tuaoy mine; but it la snflleleuUy c*rar t) the a »rage r a Itr, end will be i«o*Htiilw>J byH» •ratll watery Ultoter, about (he *izs of n piuu* d, wlurever s *u Piuri<«', 1m etig-.., anl i-sotlifts at* but llile behind ra!’ thrum in ri e suffer lag tbt*y Uef\lug cauao all bealrt dins, l ead h auuthtr < b* lnsto aflcc producing t(on. great misery feme and sofl diatroylug iln^. T. the hair, a’<l the fkin, l» alt iheuti e frslp, like I other emotive <uhje t lo I dleoiscs. 1 . te which i«r, daodriff, lv an an tea , geuera d-. jir-y the ba r follicles, and j reduce j.erojarxbt balufif ss THE TREATMENT of t'lsftfK’' uf tho fklu n« fcalp has tc^n for wnturlfs op* o ih* mistaken theory Out th^.T are * n Ircly du© to MifUd tin polity been of direct?4 IU* N> a^ecul »t tcutl >n fc*s ever to tht- important part tip s««fttiLnd i»’ t lands flay tn the pro,s/ and ire mvDAUc* of 4t c«m. •fofi It a ti > i.ntast r«Q#t-dti uflou tbc melhal |»rof s to i-ity f at lti Of Puts 1 1 tb’ otfr >f skia t to pDls^btvis V-c**v * fvltt’c \\ bit with mi theo tf -s, r mfi .|e*. anil I I edtur-tfo* t-* inet ods and p-aclVo# OiUtui'fog in Igoorun e Arid ruperstl b»n. stH thtmm, scab! h a.I. au>i ps.<nas s fouridi ami Jn:rea*j _ i upon » shtan hsltj.iNl fcy ih* * 1*1 u** use, to h internal iteruai anil and externa <xh rn» ! 1 . , of of mcri tumary, iitv. are© 1 % fin \ * d lend For centuries n h » been pepulw on*Ion that dleens s »f lb» ski' and ee*!p must I* cffied. If cured at ad. h I t puirilug ih U’o Admltti g that this is I | arlly a true, whn has *ce n the m th il or what the remedies by tvhfc'b It was •ought to l« scoomrlbhvd? MKItmtY AND AttSCNK’. O? It tb Bc rerafilloA ttiat h» * n'cvlv 4 the ranctfoo ,,f r’: •».**«»». aud W*p't*t*. *»l <»e Da J n.t «t 0 vc ,rv arraufo tve uuMlcInsI «y«nti o! to-d*y. "•-■•el-: ** they ’.¥«rr Uuti Mfd* of yo*r' ora wbic'i * r " by .te “s-ruBr” •• bum* *ii*'in» »|'»iaa «m wria a ««*•», TUE Ilit'K TtlEOKT. Hot a I'ttte L!i! Is b i. ? 11 (O ' up -n the darK-,,, that ha* -uir -iiniitd'toe line’ ,--1 ot th> .au Tea ftav aa .ti,l Fro -I. ans s .1 spe i. tsts wt* ewe «h«{ tr c |iv<gtt‘>« w# are nrektes.'' rar tb^ prescu* 1 i * tn the cinv o o' 1 n \c atfons (if fie • it « A c»l*. ih v U*ei ad provra, (!' thtdis* *asra uf tb jkl i ml so Ip are enitcd by a dcriug* ilk t <»f tv mi ret ry no > - xc el ry tubes and u> f*els uf «he true »kl i; and (.’) s i h di e > a • r tf fo too' are u private I not inaiiiitrard by iwl*a oi • fluids coainloln; toe v nia of err f 1«, niaUrl*, cr fontigo * i S'*s*e, v.htch are thfrcra j *4 from the blood au l ctOritU tc fluid* Fr upoj the fkn tn tough the swerat ra d fat ^I’O.'.i. tu lhep* facts they Vnred ivc ctfspiliy mtl trait th‘t ski t <U * ere c«4ri0‘*t tf a ely by but 1 icrn'l by ren ««’.•, n *r of rokl by Th ex’.e oral f ft me U*s, a ; i dle‘ou» u e by Iwth, e* t tecti ua are »ot wh.*iv craure.l impur ti > o he Wi od ra d c TcaUtb cood.tfon g Unl.ira, the • r* uv t uv A t entire y (o a dfoeasod o: aw^rag and irt g.ra Us, tub*' *«*»*’•, aid re'to of t e true fkl^, but to a pconttrar rai d ta»*pariM* *rttd|t r un ot lo h. For ! f yt 'piGgieras u treat the ot* t> the n*«tl*et of the either, no l» made; tut vrlik rattesttes tn both rat Ih* attu* tl'tu, e»4 to* vac ot raorh rem* lo *a 1 wn her* woteueod, a cur* is portlHe in noariy every erase . W11AT “ WF E WANT T ' .. , * _ dratlBtwtehfl *.tUwitv OB ih* v “ W :;*l we mo t t*nv» v ut orr io c rooloHnal* »uti • *i ; » mivuvraa, mo* b •» wmv j*\p. iu », n*m»iv d' silertwr *?£ h>-au u ih* W4 w,d * »**« rmii*n»« a*w., tb*i |*a» *h*Uioa eenetotonce a»d dm&s* fuura* i»ra»» »m»* ? «*■ r cr “*• “s, as «»,i b«iss .* r , tw.- (tes ^t-Z wVs 0 e> j*»4Wfsj rxvjvrue* . J »b« cami »p(*i Hum web mum m i mnw t s*» u> r h'-t whDh I <*« not m»w tux-.m mtQ ” THE l-PAL ttEMETlE* KAILrilES w«.r idu iw'K^ «”■"i?V^«5rt. »W»vo %??£'» wiw r* u* ptaetkv* »t vjr*w '££'££**’' w ut *a*i VAI*b ur c „.[• * ,«•*, fa: #*. m,j .( j,, ari.i ^ t. re, t*r M >' ■ k. wfwy.jff. V > It '4« •»aw tik.e ««»»*» »•«*a sir «••« w s C.-f- ■ ow* «.• *>:<* w^oww* *f*T, "*?»’ 'S«S» fir< ' » •* *" h ** u ‘‘■wm rra* t ftss p ' ^ , HOPE FUR ml AFFLICTED* lies«t w h*u W«vk« A IVntl. l>* 'f* ami Druf*4at» of Bexicot, Mil ., Ip »*•■'< 1 t .j me they l iHt tut U .ra f. % u X t • ac* B.rr <* * Used I • Us if# I ,t t* a to* I di a 1 t :» iwr«wfni to (fire t»ra *oe* pawtefi/ u tUr merits e-jttilrd !iem to. 11 ,* I now <!o atur two yon of fitnortf iOiry ssttluni’i them, with tlie object of the first To* narao flveo to the firat of tboee ?reat rensedtea la t utejra, from cw^*, tho *kla. anl tura, a rwe, a ek!n mee. Ib ptartfeo, 1 foils 1 it |«see>»ed yon oerf t» cursive pr p.rtlw#, f§ aa they eiia la no other remeileaof ostoisalapp'taUoa the cay. it I <mfr ly unrfke anrihin? fo that bar® ever aeen hef-.r®. It la... of I* Ily cotitioiritee, free fiouj gica*« t «d a tr (*t* *n -I d< c* not cr ntaln a ptrtk-h of deletertuss or uncin!.*oEr.r milter, *»<1 U fo ci. tr »cp .c ta.t no trii'sl.a 1* c*t,*ed br If* «[>()’t’.tfnri to r*r Mil iaftuao J tnrfiict*. f'otkura wYm used aa dkrectert, ts wonderfn’djr rl pte^* to eoothe a&4 heal the m at infl.raei sur '§r\ toajla# ttrbl gn acd JrrtUtlgDA nave teen th* trr'uteftf* Xfeume. th- to and destroy fungus ft tanat u/* j Krownha cn eki u hcalp. to l-ea! ul> ra *pd jerofutod* Bores. *o e:e»ns« and puriff the pmrv» of <ba «kin and restore to healthy and ie;:uiir actleu tie otl gland?, tufx**. anl -elJ-*. nf>on w.ose ifrkci artloE dejend the fres^r-atlon <»f 0 hcalUiy ik n and rest >rai“ n when diae*#€CL It will not become ranchl, or a;ol on tip rure In toy cHroa’e It wlfl be as f,e*h. tr*<ract, soothing and l eanng fl ty years hence hr it la to-day. < oatrast tli’« win the bcrritle salves and ointments of the j resent time! THE SECOND. the CuUcura Medicinal Toilet ?oap receives Its ehar scferlftt'- Fduable rs we from tfce rf mccy to which It ow : § It® faeabnjf sod useful properties. It is bee from cau tic alkillts. and Is of a delicate, r atural erer-o c ior. Its emol.lent, rootblng anl hea'lng action la tin- eame as Cutkura, In s inxlHed form, Aside f ora Its mediofoai pronertfos. It la m«f valued *» a todst, !>»tb and t.arsery asoAti .c any other *<*?. It • fo rases. soothes, whitens, ami beautifies the akin, in! In natural jn ventive of Injury to the conoplexlon ai d ban is Lorn the hanu of summer and the chiJs of winter. A n ounce of prevention !a nowhere rewarded with and mote prULds or cure meihod than in the care of tte ek'n, no rej.eJy or la more appropriate tbra tie Cute ot re fcoap. It diaso'iTe* from away untne exuda t'Q gr/aay matter the oil glands, which cause* :he akin to aline, prevent* clogging of the p irca and tube*, an l atimnlatra the circulation of the bio d through the amjf blood veercle, giving color, freshnra*, and fccanty to the complexion, amply i ej diying every aim mo man t of csre. Tbttao p U apecUily prepared f r ahavlng, and i* called Cotfoura M<dicinal Shaving Soap, and will ba found of great vaue by gentieiuen auffeiing from ten¬ der. 1nfl*mid. or dlieated akin. THE THIRD great remedy aubmlt’ed to ms is called the Cotlcars Jte#ol>«D\ ihe t •<’snse cf its iotlurate relsclon to Cat curs, in curs of fkin sod scalp dise**t*. Of all th* remedies for the purification of the Hood sod circa - toting fluid* that I ba\e ever tested, none approach la ■ i eclfic medical actio* the wonderful pt, 0 |»ertie« of t.ra Resolvent. In fotly minutot sftsr taking the first d"se It may be delected by chemical cnalyrls In the fft'lra, sweat, lat, and Hood, showing that ic has entered thj hoof and drculst Dg flu : d§, and made the cctire cl:* nit of the human labyrinth many tlmas. Chemical test( show it to he present In the water with which the jaifont ha* lathed in rsing In the moralng, which proves conclusively that it has catered and become * part of the clrcrahtln; flnlts, ♦»*.• |*ng it to traverse every disease J re I, tule, and veMtl of o the at Id, and leave It* wbole*oaie <oi§ Ituents upon the auriace of the body. Rut it do a more than this. It Is a power¬ ful purifying agent and liver stimulant It neutralizes and refiolvea away biOfd polsr os, caused by the virus ofM-io ula, cancer, ranker, inaUiial or contagious disr ea.vs. It destroys microscopic insects <r parasites which In eat the water and air « t malarial regions, and lreed many forms of akin d I eases. It legutotes tbs •*( naicb *^d bo veto, and perfect* df?es lion so as to ad in t of a ra, r id Increa a of wholecome ttoaue and atrergtb. Hence It* power to *11 u Ir at* from the ayatera all the destructive olem-ota that fonter aid mafntain disease* of the blood, akin, and scalp. Having been c harms i v ith the result* of my analy rfa of the*e great lemediea, n>y next Bter* was to de luonatrata their v*Iu j in the taeatm m tol the great skin, scalp, and bl od affec Iona usually considered Incurable. I know that every wovd I now writ* WILL AWAKEN HOPE ID th* breast of many a IlfoloTj* •offerer. Oafl J, hi • I road au 1 Cbrlitlao iplrit, without prejudtoe, without restrTalioh, ural any to tioaa afflicted, 4 Hei* in tbvae gr rhctulat at na druggist remedies, which trlfl may b* had of speedj any or for a ng auna, 1 b a and P*rmak«nt cure f M With a j ist sense of the re* #|>o aibilltle* I assume, I say I can. There does not (xat a caa* of ( bioaic salt rehura or eezeira, tett.r, I I f'Honn,{i*aiphih r Ps,phorlaa<s, leprosy, Uclep, pruiig', fckW bead, d rad ruff, or Ifohln?. or scalr eruptions, or humors ot tbs fklo, scslp and l loo 3, last Cvmuttk, encrnallv, assisted >.<y the Ccticuba Soaf aotl the Kisoi.txmt imemaMj, may not vpeedlty, pemiaueutly, and oronondoally cure, when all other r»raiecl!ee an3 ru tIiod( of ctire hsr* utterly failed. I hare proved, In h Uflreds of 1be most aggravated cases, their wonderful curative |*ovr r, iu ev deoce of which I submit the fol¬ lowing remaiksble tcsUmoala's LEPRA AND SCROFULOUS IIDMOR. Iliinm E. Csr; enter, llcrdeison, Jefferson Co . N. Y., curd of psorlisls or lepra, of twenty years itmdlng. Ills «a«e ia so wonderful that I glva bis e*»ft words: 'l h vo lern afflict’d for twenty years with an obstinate skin d!sea«e, eal'ed by some M.IVs psoriasis, sud others, leprosy, commenc ug on my scrip, and skillial la * pit? < f ail I emld do, wl’h the h Ip of the inort doctors. It slowly tut surely extended, until w 1 > r a:o tun winter it covered uiv entire person in iorm of dry vales. For tbs last three yrli» 1 ha.e b cn unalle to do any labor, and suffering in¬ tensely pourL* a dustpanfui l the time. Every tuornlnff taken there could be a or scales hom the sheet on *Dy bed, s me of thorn half aa 'ai^e as the envelope 1 OBisratoff this letter. In the 1st er part of winter my ^in nSdM,'that cornifoced c<»uk! irackiug bo thought open. of, I tiled everything, role. n The Uth nf Jure 1 Wert, wuroutaoy hope* foul starte l in I t teach the It t Hpimgs. 1 leached Detroit f»ul was st low l ilwiwht i tUoukl bare t > trn to t ,* hosp tal bdt g { ;ij far as l acslog. Midi., where 1 Usd aalstet ice t»kf. ono Dr.- t eated tnea'iout two wteks, hu'di 1 me pogood. Al Utouglt I had but a short time to !1vc. 1 e rnestly prayed to die. Cracktd through tlit eltla adorer Oiy IacK, arrow my ribs,arm*, hand , iirahs, feet badly atroUfin, toenails cams oft, flu cr ufith dead and ba A ae bone, hair dead, Ary, ami i e *s ns o d s' raw. Oh, my G^>d 1 how i did suffer. “ My tlstcr. Mrs. E. II- Oavis, hat a srral! jert of ft ho\ ut (’.itirura in th.i bouse. She w*uld n tglvsup; said, ‘ We will try Cutieura.* |om* w»s appli.d on » n * hand and mu. Eure ka ! there waa relief; slopped tne u-Hb’e l nrnln< rtns^tfou the word go. Th#y linraediato lV got th* U*»>iuent. C’uilcura, and bosp. 1 to nioeueed hy laM'g ou* t»bi* j ;o raful of Resolvepl Hue • times a n »y, affrr men s ; ud ft Uth once s day, «a «r about blood heat; ustd Cuticura Strap freely: applied bom l utlcuta tn Ju u,oruragaod t six weeks evening. from time Result, l toft, leiuruad and to uiv 1 my •Mu smooth a* this sheet of pajHr. ‘ HIHAM E. CARPENTER. “ l/endtrton, JeJT$$*on t'era tiiy % .V. M Swo.n to before me this nineteenth dsv of Januarr, 1860. “A M. I.KFf ING WELL. Justice of the J’ttice.'* Hen XVi M tsm Taylor, Boato-*, Miss., psrmanertly nned o* a Ittitnor ot tlw *hce tud a.alp (cvwna) tb»t lied Im tr.Mod uts tolly tor t«r.!v« yasrt by iaa«v of fort on'* best phyi-cltna rand meet note J apvrirallst*, “1 era well as Lu-optun tuUiorilfos. He sajs.: lute beeu M e *t(d with u y •ucctSifU’ rue of »he Cuticuia reumliea that i hrave Hopped mea la to* sturtra to teU ;b*m of my crara*.'* ECZEMA RODENT, SALT RHEUM, ETC. Ecxbma F-oncjn’.—F. H. D'rake, Ewj, agent for Harper \og nd Hroihrars, of lls Detiolt, (edema Micb., nd«it>. glvt a ,d whl aiULlsh- rad raccoui.t case b lecu rested by * c 09 lUtlon of physicians without beueflt, and which spe«tiily y folded to thra Cu tourra re me let. t^raiT litntrM.—Wff McPona’d, 1315 Butterfield 8tr>t t. Chicago, g atefafly ac. uvwledge* a cure of wit rli*‘ m o > b»a«i, nwk. face, arm* ami ;*jra for eeventren yt tirs ; cot ab e to walk except on bano* and hurt* lor owe >tar; not able to help Mm*eif lor eight years; V led hun.lrtds of remedura; deetorra pfouounced his cu%.' hopeferas; j*»n !y cured by thra Cuftoura remedial. affli Fjoki am*—T homas riasrafor Do’raney, Memphis completely Tenn., te»l with pa nineteen year*; cure l by Cu iMirra reiuedle*. Riwuwokm — Oco. W. Brown, 48 MamhaU tstrtet, Providence, K. 1„ cured of all a rlngWorm th< humor neck f« ot at the hart-er'f, wbl h sprera i over era**, , »<t fac«, and tor fix years resisted rail kinds of treatment; cured by Cutktti a remedies. eKls HrM0RS - M[1KCBrsT ' w*rr r*w. H**d co**rr4«itaara**&d ton*. Hsiro'dftwuiir,»ertui«i»«e>yUi!nr. Permwrauy fl M?tkV*r?r--wra.'** ’«*«, 14 « ciiattm Btnet, eta dotuii u**;^'*lb*r Mst*?** ehiw, , wbo w «»raitt *t istm* m t«* iush* — Etu»vts Bn<*>y, uitn ' ' as.'.«»to her SCALD HEAD, ALOpFXU, ETC. Sexto Htrao.—H. A Kratmotd. tedit*- F. IT. J. A &. K. R . Jtekyoo, M ! cj.. wa* a-e4 of coald bead of nine ye»r*' .«rat cn Haia.—Ftank by ’he t uticuia remevUea, H-'raB.^teram Ftr# Kxi.uvo or thk A. Fngit>e fi. liuraun. raras c red of afof^clratr fo 1 ngof tht lair It t*«e Cutlc ra reuede* which rofopteteiy re itored his h Cr when all aaW be would k»*e It l'xsi>nrr — 1 Nvn»*s Lw, Frith o d Ave. Tbifodeirti a, nffloted With dra draff whfoh for twenty viar? hral cored hlv eealp rarrth sna'era quarter of MtaMrtM.fcrttUU CHITJJR*^ AKD INTANTgs Fit ? rahrer, E q . (raehfor Start Grower*' >a tfatal Bark, 1‘ rtdo. Uok**a»rfa. writes: “I am to well pfarared with tta efforts 0 ti ray baby, that 1 earnrt e% t4 \a \« wt-Lffut 11 Is B^y h nee. Itisis »»derfil mrt, *n \ H brtoad I* Iwoerae tore pwpufor s9 *»>.. aa to* v>r».e# tr* lrave i* tlw ra**?**. M J - Weeks -Miom To*n Trwtfoam. St. Affvau*. Vt., rav»* <n m wi:#r May *nv “ I l w*UIn rack rm \ :e rami b »d. i n etl he fce»4 #nt|r ,y a t \ Vv.r'v v'crued * te f >.» .{ m>io I Lav# t - u* toraevarsi wad Ug\ 1‘Ust haa enUi*4 *• '« ft** r.,, 11 #1 «**. Hat o». e,r<: Of at te f »»!i« ?. et/L **. mamls e*L t,w .to t.« t'-t rt %d. : #t>*tua n c *.*«« 1 au t ereiy f *wd *“ fcwH fc#t* t^eed ftb •*{ • t<>x #f'Vice «r«, * Uw ia a it* os new ektit. au 4 •# Am »»-■ inepf* he imr iL» « U-jt.!. S J., . «*£ t weave ’ fw». •*! »** e ttitme i»f fee Catkwt W> oi ioA* f«#>l to (be - .-*## ($ M* *ba K**ry #4h#t fQ#4i «*rt % *eiu BVEBT «PECIE« OF SKI^ DISEASE. It would require every eotara of tbU r**^ to Oof lour to adrfcrip’loiLof EUsctna tlk« of ctms performed by the a remedial. the pattoa of ihe h»nd» aad & ti»* eat.a ot th- Sobers, very diScult to treat and' firscaT?/ cvnatuAi^! incora ]»;‘amall patches of rafter and ralt rbeuti* cn Jbe oari, nose and eides of :ho face : »J*ui-heade with ioaf cf hair without number ; keadi cohered ^Uh dtud uff eud acaly truptkma e»po ntl\y cf ehlklrta sad Infanta, many of rkicb s nee Hrth had hen a niaai of scab*: psorlasia, -eproty. and otbe<* fttffFful forms cf sk.n ditewn; cciofuious ul core*od which »'»* and dttcbsrcing wounds: each and all of have tees speedily. |enn 4 nentiy and econo mioaUy cured by the Cuucura remeaiea. A TEIUMPRANT P.ECOPP. Of each a record the t eN t hm of the Catleira reme¬ dies any he Wirtiy proud. They are a g and medical HdnnV. aTrttrjph that wllbo gra irony lemember* pasaed ed by thousands long after the originators have away. reHyv* To and permanenily cure dlaeasea of th* skin and scrip which bar* be*n tb ■ toiturc of a lifetime, to rrp ace of health, tl>e repulMve evidt-Dces rendrr beautiful of dl.»eise with the of glow and thus the tac<* man or woman, f* to desetwe tbe pratrtude of mankind. of That the Cutlcnra CufknraettemaUy Rnap. and the applied, internal with a of proper the Cati¬ uee use on a Resolvent, wih cure apeedily and permanently the woi?l foirr.s of skin and seRlp d:seaaea, with iosi of b*i- # I thlnit I hive ful;> demonstia^d. Grand cura¬ tive Hearings which may of be had of any druirgiat at prie s wrihln the reach a!’, are thui sultet toted for de <th-drallng po jona. Mercury, arsenic, aioc, and laid, aud a th -u*and *n*l one other revo.trap, polio l O ii, and senseless thtnna must now jink jink into’ot»a<.ur into •ty before he wonieriul healiag powtrs of the Cutic/rs leaned lea. M. E, J083ELTN, M D. Neic York, Avril. 38SO. Paste This in Your Hat, If a lawyer should be asked to tell the secrets of his client, or if a doctor were asked to reveal what he learns in sick room, by parties who only seek gratify curiosity, such parties would very likely meet with a firm reproof. Why ia it then that, when an article ap¬ pears in a newspaper, as correspondence, or when something editorial more than the usual attention, there persons who will ask the editors of paper, “ who wrote this article,” “ who wrote that article" ” And such questions are asked every day. editors should *• give away ” their cor¬ respondents, or should tell the of their information, they would very soon lose the confidence of such per¬ sons, who would very likely thereafter take no pains to serve them.* “ Uragcay fellow,” remarked Joslin to Smythekins. “ We’re a Paraguay fellows,” was the retort. 11 Your Babies” will always be good if you give them Dr. Bull’s Baby 8yrup while Teeth¬ ing. It is a reliable and sure remedy and costs only 25 cents.______ 4 cunning correspondent tried to out the New York Sun in a hole by in qairing, his “Can widow’s a man .sister?” in this The country reply marry was, “ There is no law against it. n Emaciation dropsy, mental and physical weakness arrested by Malt Bitters. Night sweats, cough, emaciation and decline prevented by Malt Bittere. Everything The in lightning nature indulges playB, the in amusements. wind "whistle?, the thunder roils, the snow fl-e?, the waves leap, and the fields smile. Even the buds shoot, and the rivers run. Vegetin* put up i>\ lUi? lorm comes -within the leach of all. By making the medicine yoursol! yon can, from a 50c. package con¬ taining tho barks, roots and herbs, make two bottles of tho liquid Vegetino. Thousands will ghidiy avail themselves ol this oppor tuoity. who have the conveniences to uiflk« th© medicine. Full directions in ©very pack nge. Vegetine in powler form is sold by ail drng.isti and feaneral s'.ores. If you cannot buy it oi them, enclose Jlity cents in postage stamps lor one package, or one dollar for two packages, Htoveris, end I Hostou. will send it by return mail. If. 1£. Mass. A Boairliold Veed. A book ori the Liver, i{s diseases and their treatment:seai free. Including treatises upon Liver Cbtaplaints, Headache, Torpid Liver, Jaundice, BiUousaess, ( onstipation, Sanford. Dyspep- 162 sia. Malaria, etc. Address Dr. Broadway,Sew York City, N. Y. The Voltaic Belt t‘o.. hanhall. nick, Will send their Electro-Voltaic Belts to the afflicted upon 30 davs’trial. See their adver Hscment in this paper headed, •* On 30 Days’ Trial. Lyon’s Heel Stiffeners keep boots and shes straight, gold by shoo and hard ware dealeor Da. C. W. BavsoafoCELKIIT and CHAMOMILE PILLS tieprorrarert N* expieralvu* uitd-’i,!,’ Ncrv.-n-neys, cuifc tovck .«!■ Headache, pb-«ues«. Nervous Par Hu 1 • . IndtgreiN'Mn, a!vsis an»l and will enrt anv c:tse. Price, 50 cU. ft box, or., boxes for *?..*). IW free, rte.soas, Ba^vos & Co., Whufoeafe Druggtots, jPortiaud, Maine. A fARD.-To all who are suffering from the errors you, FREE OF CHARGE. This great remedy was dts covered by a missionary in South America. Bend a self addressed Z>, yew envelop* York to the Rev. JOt*EPH I. INMAN, Station City. $66 “ w «X^ m o—n town. aiid^J.'ro-itfit How to Uct Mick. Expose yourself day and night, eat too much without exercise; work too hard without rest; doctor all the time; take all the vile nostrums advertised; and then you will want to know How to (iet Well, Which is answered in three words— Take Hop Bitters! See other column.— E.rpreu When exhausted by mental labor tike Kidney-Wort to maintain healthy action of all organs. ■ a f C.QILBERTS STARCH Jft Jk RJ § 3 KS B B S f* tm K m™ B O |] t | Si hm H S S g I wi 9 8 j 8 Bm fee m \* the “Onmr.a! *’ <« • . sated I * a mi ■ m V'"” ■ WR*liab!e Trail* fsraen Maker. Dtrathan ■ ■ ■ I - S'a.-on,,,,,, ,M PtNN’A SALT MANUFACTURING CO.. PUILaDELPU I a. WANTED S i Si»sci5ar*. ’■* Mil TML , -d3C ' »• '*• ■g-g*-. “ PENSIONS , I LAW. Tb#* , I i 1. i Am *»*<*. r Mil. Wiraalal irtmi. ft. « ON 30 DAYS' THIAL t Vital* Kell « WatrahiUb MArla, Vegetine. - IX POWDER FORM 60 CTS. A PACKAGE. Dr.W. ROSS WRITES: Scrofula, Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia. Rheumatism, Weakness. R. R. Stetjeicb. Doatcn : I have been practicing medicine for twenty-five years, and sa a remedj for Hcryfu'a, Liver Complaint, Dyspepaia, Rkeuma •isns, Weskoeaa, and ail disease* of tha blood. ] h*v« nevar found its equal. I have aoid Vnornyi for seven year* aud have never had oae bottle ra urned, I would bearuJy recommend It to those !u need of a blood puriier. Da. W. BOSS, Dmfflat, Bept. 18. I3T8. Wilton, Iowa. Vegetine. One Package in Powder Form Cured Scrofula. HOW TO REDUCE YOUR DOCTORS’ BILLS SO Drives’ St., E««t Bocton. M**». ’} Sept. 80, 1879, Mr. IT. R. Sthtcvs—D ear Sir: My littl* d»ugh ter Stella ha* been afflicted a long time with Scrof ilia, suffering everything. I employed differed physicians in £wt Lo«ton f but they helped hei none. I bought some of your Powdib Form Teg®. tinie. and my wif« steeped it »ud (rave it to the child according to the directions, end we were surprised in » foi tuight’s time to see how the child had gained In fl*sh and strength. She is now gaining everj day, and I can cheerfully recommend your remedy to be the be*t we have ever tried. Respectfully yours, J. T. WEBB. Vegetine is Sold by all Druggists. ft'ol'ron* oW“*w2l««Wev®*oteaTSTslECJS I m I The Only Remedy j ■niMrom 'iTUTfcAME VJM-’vi »•—iiwT THAT ACTS AT T1HS ON' A THE LIVER, THE BOWELS, | ♦. and the KIDNEYS.! \derful This power comljined to cure action, all diseases. gives it tcon- ! \ 7 [Why Are We Sick? k ♦ ho Because become we clogged allow these torpid, great organs', {poisonous or and J Y {into humorsare therefore forced the blood that should 'be expelled! I [naturally. _ k t) m ♦ BILIOUSNESS, PILES, CONSTIPATION, URINARY KIDNEY COMPLAINTS, DISEASES, FEMALE WEAK NESSES, AND NERVOUS k DISORDERS, by causing fret action of these organs and restoring their power io throw off ♦ disease . Why Why Suffer led Bilious pains and aches! T turmoil with Piles, Constipation! Why Why frightened endure over disordered sick headache*! Kidneys 2 nervous or Why have sleepless ntohts f ■4 the KIDNEY WORT and rejoice in heallh. II te a (Try, vegetable compound and One package will make oix qt*of Medicine. 1 Get it of your Druggist, he trill order it for you. Price, $1,00. WILLS, i:CuAS2S01! k CC„ Proprietors, /j. ^ tWilisend^tpaW.) tour ling; ton, Yt» -f— Pertaining to Ter* K o < '°<^Vn m. THE sr.ttp, Thine*, hoftrd Designs, places, vrjth Blac.U- Bible and Studies, ercises, and Concert Prarer- Ex¬ * Meeting Outlines. fjtograww jgi? fntrV'duction bv f>. J. ' H - Yineenl, I). atiiiji'l'is JjW ^Si! 1 1 * fl* «-s n'ANTiili. de & MCMAGIiH.OHMk LAKIitTIUN’S HUUSEHOL ffi H»?encyclop/edi < . The most valuable single Book ever printed. A Treas V hshed r v ^ knotvlcagf*. m one volume There eo nmen has never useful liefore itiiormation beenpab ^d'ject. Beauufully illustrated. on ^ bole Library \ Price t2.,*»(j. A m One ulume. JQ CABLWili’l’p'&HS". j^J§ i eiutostbook^fo^e^ever kn’ 1 Zy. own. the _____«. XV. petkiileum ViSELDR JtLLY. Grand Medal Silver Medal at Exposition. Philadelphia at Pans Exposition. This Wonderful substance is acknowleded by physicians throughout the world to be the best remedy discovered for the cure of Wounds. Burns, Rheumatism, Skin Dis¬ Piles, Catarrh, Chilblains, Ac. In order that every may try it, it is put np in 15 aud 25 cent bottles for household use. Obtain it from your druggist, and ycu will find it superior to anything you have ever used. TOr.YO MAS OR OLD. If .oft rt«e« • hmruci tt-artaclt*. Saw- 2* ••*»#**«». Cm k».r «a; f-a'l .. A>F W 4V- ra A EsSSSSKSS^ mmmkmffl. bat »-n4 anlt SIX emta far Hm A GR Ui AT OFFER && ®. 13 (, *f"Pward. Wnir.mlfd * 6 .Tr*. %c<ran<i XJUHACK WATEKx * IO.. Saa‘BTd’y, X v! m WARD’S Fine Shirts for Printed directions {of self measurement and Price Lists free by mail. E.M. &.W.WARD 381 BROADWAY d EW-.YOP K. A GOOD SAW MILL Por $200. Our No. Mifiitssurw, 6 , 1« or 12 h jtoiwer irom 1,500 to 4,000 of lumber can be cut in aday. A product 2* to per cent, tbrauca* b* cut with racy reoiprficraiins sawmill with U>e Mfiie power. The mill* are complete eicept saw, aud wtil be pnt on the car* in Cuicnma.i for the low U'iul/ IlteSiJlfcSnfe^t !?*•’ ***«- warr *uted Uel in m every particu'ar. U K»w - ' ‘ r,Bg ' Ac ' LANE & BODLEY CO M John and Water Sts.. Cincinnati. 0. fl/HAT If w nmmmm, mm rf. herein t rarays cancern log the u. hold remedv. exper^iio* with Atut »Lr*o Balsam, for Ceida and 4, ft** m mtMiactvrr character* ked, have we It. iid it, after repeated trials ? Cftiffod ai! other atmilru reu t ’* are ert re mmetwd l * the pi Ifo • hi m ay beraf ran* wbi M Vnr tmhf hr mil meatetm, uhrv Ml* HI *. ... . ts ,U , -~T 1 -lN.s “• VVATCa IIKi, ri. Sore Ears, Catarrh. itupio^r ^SSKgt&SaftJgS treatment onZy, ae they are teMliJy enwu# If mitorsa^d who I *m. Ml large Boofr,3T^ psgss, ocWso, price S2 bv mail. Addrese, pb. «. f.. shubukeb. NATRONA BS-CARB. SODA Is the best m the World. It isabsolulelj pure. Hit th* best fcr Medicin.l Purposes. It is the best for Biking end all Family Use*. S-.-ldhy *1! Ihuggtste *na Grocet*. rtl PP.MM’A ™ « QAI T mMWUr MAMJF * CO VU, > ' Phllfl, The Koran. Arabic by Gorg. Sale. Formerly pnblmhed *t M.A. « new, beautiful lype, neat, cloth-bound Catalogue edition, of rjC® my (fiSmitn. and ft cent., fr portage. m itandu d wetke, remarkably 1ft* in price, irilh eltr*term* to elute, free. Sav where von aavr ihi* advertiaemenf. Americas Book Exchasok, Trib une Budding , >• *• _ $ 7 7 T YEAR and expanses to Agents. 3: Outfit Free. Address F. VICKERY, Aug usta, Maine, OPIUM sfsssi|s ic goHE fcj sags ia V5_ J.E5TEY & cs Br attleboro JO^E P H C. TOD I>, Engineer and Mnfhinlut, Patterson. N.i., and 10 Barclay St.,N.T. mechanical purposes.—Send for descriptive circular* Address as above. m !* UN FERMENTED WVWVWNAA VS/WNAAA/W\ MALT BITTERS TRADEMARK vyvvvys/vvyA' vvwvSaa/wn MALT AND HOPS a rTlIfERE ia no greater Blood PcBirnso and Life Gtr I ing Fkiuciele in the world of medicine than MAI/F BITTEKS prepaied by the MALT BITTERS COMPANY from Unfermented Malt and Hops. It is a Perfect Renova¬ tor of feeble and exhausted constitutions. It enriches Ihe blood, solidifies the bones, hardens the muscles, quiets the nerves, perfects digestion, cheers the mind and vitalizes with new life every fluid of the body. It ia bo, because it strikes at. the root of all debility—ENFEEBLED DIGESTION and IMPOVERISHED BLOOD. Sold every¬ where. I M^«"^, Er n .r, 8 g Rhk-um, Psoriasis, t^cald Head. ■ Ulcers and Jfroros infallibly cured ■ ■ »|iv the Ccticcra Remedies, which have performed miracles niQPAQPQ <>f healing unparalleled in medi UiuLHOuOi cal history, ceud for Illustrated Treaties, containing testimonials from every part of the thnon. Maes. Sold Prepared Druggiets. by XVe , by okgak ?rwO^S BEATT Tonfiae^lpedH. YSiAfil^ & orf'* 1 3 «to|i«. 8iet Holtten ArbookSOW S Knew swells, vvainnt fuse, w nrnt’U « .rears, htoi»! Krw hm I*it»oo*»stoot, Bw to write cover ine. * IUu^trntrd Book, fii-SS New tc n payer 8S5,'*. sent 2*‘ Fr©» for ® you sure BEATTY. Ad dre v DANIEL F, WsaWnytoji, Aew Jersey. W c i A 9 A per dnv at heme. Samples worth #5 free. v/ UI L\J Address Stihsos A Co., Portland, FOUND AT LAST New and Wonderful Invention. IHt. O. K. IVARFIELl), Buffalo, has devised a means WeakijeJS, to cure resdliing Impofcncy, from Np^nnatorrhcea or Seminal suai'Mineed youthful errors -( excess. A months. permanent Send cure ! without nicdirlr ^.1 m 2 : to 4 dress, Dr. o. K. st.nnp Warfield lor circular and be convinced. Ad¬ Buffalo. Jf. Y- a co., post-ofsec d^x 249 , to the Fair Sex! PERIODICAL nan Diseases, Absent Menstruation, pj] diseases, known as femaio noaknos^ They have been used in Rneiand ty fe fty years as "liis?SiFsr a penodieal'and rosnlating pUl. Sold iB St. lUtchitl’i L’terino CAIH0LIC51? ? An ain, old Vi’ anti £uppre*'C,{ reliable and remedy. Irregular Send M.-nstruation, &c. pamphlet, with treatment,.cures postal card for a and certificates from l Yorf ftlieilt ** l ° H0WAKTH ^ BALLARD, WTSiold by all Druggists, $l.50'per liottle. known SSlL'tS! and sure Remedy. NO CHARGE for treatment until cured. Cull on or address dr. j. c. BECK, 112 John Street, CINCINNATI, OHIO. FBE B . BkaCTIFCL toLPSTEATVD fl ORAL GUIDE, Deter,pure o! Roeee, PJani*, Bulb., Flower Seed, etc., sent free upon application. Address MEMPHIS FLORAL CO., Memphis, Tennessee. (VI PORTABLE oU_80DA FOUNTAINS #35, $45. $60 & ©80, CJieap Ac Durable. Will yield 200 F ibr r- Shlj,p ^ d ,ew!r ^ Address th* only aaaasTfo.. Madison, Did. Pub llra hen' Union, Atlanta, (i* -Twenty^i.e. ” *rn taMa ajWBgTsBfree A6RICULTURAL I-nBiaee.lo,,*,, MACHINERY nu , Flu! mo. plantation machinery *r •OHOVICLO’V'IRON *hb4 in Vtkn WOVKI, tux. WAtO>, OA ii te: £Si steiS. r i REGULATOR mums 8 ”PAMTORS.