The Watkinsville advance. (Watkinsville, Ga.) 1880-1???, June 16, 1880, Image 2

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The Watkinsviile Advaiiec. W. (i. HILI.IVAN, Editor. Publisher *V Joh Printer. JERMS. Oae Dollar psr Year. Sixty Cants for Six Months. is i*unysi«;u on i vi.kv wi-.onksuav, WaUtiniville, Ga , June 16,1880. ' I.mcrv<] at ilic I’.m Office .1 Wukin.viDe l,c jgssi. »« SKOOM) Cl.ASS »VVT1 KX PI NOT FA. New < Means has a coti manufne lory. --- ----- Mexico is preparing for l»cr-scmf .annual war. — • - . «#• . In Russia there arc more editors in prison than out. —- - Mark Twain lias sold -lo.OOO cop jcs of his iscw hook. Ex-Senator Gordon has not de¬ cided to stump the State. • • • 1 he Inttom of the James rivet is •one enormous oyster bed. • •• The* fund for the $h*o»l ^children lijtd a f< ,'j^o rmckwl $] • »% Tncre are cightj w two Mormon • cliurelms-in fZngland and Ireland, • •• ilfe.v. ’George Hand.ill, <»f Valiev county, N. lias killed 575 ground bog« this season. The fourth of July w ill he cele¬ brated with excursions over many -of the railroads. • •• The amount now paid hy the ’ states for yearly m-nsidna is about e.‘i8,fX)O.OCXt. •*s Do not use water pnKa that have been painted «n the inside; it i* said to he dangerous to health. - ••• It is eirinr»nfly reported that Mr. • J.uhu JJ. James, the great Atlanta speculator, will run for the State Senate from that district. • — \\ « may look fur cheap bread tin's •year. wheat Europe is harvesting a large crop mid the crop in America will be immense. *•* The I’niicA 8ndinn« hnre S*egun suits in the United Staten Courts in Nebraska against the Sioux nation to Kettle the title to the I'onca res¬ •Journal, ervation. The Isiuisviile Conner eonoeding speaking this of this, says; ”J„ ♦<iioul(l filso bo right of eitisunshin concodtHl,” Mr Edward Atkinson, whose rep 1 utation as a statist gises value to ?lis figures, mi vs the vWluo of the last' ten cereal crops produced in this •eountrv is not less than Fi.oOO.tXX), *<KX). Of this vast amount only one .third was needed for home con and sumption, the two-thirds were exported, whole of it represents the earnings of an unprotected indus¬ try. T he burden of taxation in New \ork, which from tlw beginning of it.tu.wwnor Tiideti's administration 'in 1S75 to the close of Governor Robinsons in 1870, showed a steady reduction of million after million in .Simula! savings to the people, lias (begun to increase again So sooner is the Republican party ic-installed in power than the upward move¬ ment is resumed. The t <x levy «was about fifteen millions five years ngo. and only about half ' that sum one year ago, lias been aug¬ mented in the neighborhood of * million and a half at the very first T gisbitive session under Governor 'CornelFa administration. As a con¬ sequence of Governor Robinson’s detent, the tax bills of 1K80 will he tin0-fifth larger than those of 187JI with no prospect that the tide of ex¬ travagance which the Democratic |urty b ou »!it to a wholesome ebb w ill again he checked until th e same party is restored to the control of ihe htite Government. Town., bayfayette F Reach,ol Nashville, 'on fed fonneily a Colonel in the t crate army, took bulging in iheTreinont House in Broadway, New \o.k, l ist Friday week, tin Tuesday the clerk said to him that unless lie paid his hill he could not eacupy the room longer than an other (lav. Nothing was seen of Cm'onel Beech at his usual time ot •rising Wednesday morning. Later in the day. a servant seut to his room, found him stretched iuseusi hle on the bed, with a phial ot chlo¬ roform beside rim nearly empty, i lie tutor o! tne drug impregnated the atmosphere.^ He was taken to the New York Hospital, and late that evening the physician in charge there jironounceii Ins recovery intended hopehm Hhether Colonel lb-eoli to commit suicide is not known. He apparently has long been addicted to narcotics. A short t ime ago he wassfoumJ insensible in Broadway, wheie near the Prescott House, he had shoitly before been refused 1,. Ling. IDs insensibility ihi’ti w is nrodm-ed by chloroform, and treatment t rone or two weeks :t M \ 11.cent s Hospital was n -quiml tin Itect bis recovery. It is said that before the war Colonel Beech was worth IlSA.OQU, wh;c.. l.c deposited m the Bank of England s ; u, ‘| and -Mterthewarhoivei.t drew out his money. to lie has a brother-in I iw w ho is b J “"«»«•»* ••“**-«is rrn «olent. h ami After Ilia m* laiiure fdlum lie he eeanu 1 <«m< 1 Ud " “I* a dry goods houju ir. New York, lie bax 1 e, ‘Te . And family. Gov. Colquitt in Athene. Gov. Colquitt spoke to a large audience in Athens last Saturday. The Governor has many friends in this section of the State, and wc think a moments quiet thought will ■convince the tax paves of ‘the State at latte that he has nohly in their behalf. Ate know that there!* an < lenient .mmng.-tjotne to support another g*»'d man dor Governor, and we thiitt; that every .nuMi who is entitled 'to a 'Vote, at ini -should cast it for the fitvo-ite I 1 :- l '7‘ | s!“ «** his vote ns Imtm n judgment may dictate, lies we know is a broad view of the question, ami we hope it may meet approval somewhere. *■»«**"* 0m ' °*> , “* the * icm! to the tax payer, lie 1* truly a g'**! man, an«i lias soma idea uow of how the business of that ■imjMtrtunt office should he conducted rightly, justly and hotHiralJy. Wc are foie.ed to think that (he war waged against the Governor for the appointUiA.nt of ex-Goveruor itrmriq, is wholly un-ealled for and an otit-of-the-place censure, We deem this a weak point in the ar¬ gument against Governor Colquitt. Senator Rrown will, we think, prove equal to the emergency, and w are disposed to believe licit it was the best appointment Chat could have been made. At any rate, the time for which .Senator drown wns ap¬ pointed, will ottt l.c of long dura¬ tion and then the legislature, if they see proper, can select another. Wc say wait, and watch. That is just what we intend to do. As t« our hoisting any name for Kierermw at <nir iunet head, wc think ample time remains mr that husinors, and hence our silence. The I . S. Kisli CoiiiihIksIoii. We notice that J. F. Ellis ami (!• tl ? Davenport, of the I’nited Ktjitea . ("isli Couunission, in company with Dr. II. II. Cary, of Eat .range,, Su¬ pervisor of fisheries for the 'State 'Georgia, have recently placed 10, (KK),0(XI small shad in the various streams of the Stintc, and that Dr. Cary lias arranged fora fish-hatchery in Augusta, Ga., which will turn out b'XXt.OOtl young shad this year; and fpum which ho hopes to to get iS.IXXI.OOd next year, and is confi dent froai proper aid through the legislature ibKt he can Mstck *11 the streams in the State and make fish culture a perfect success. That fish culture in the State of Georgia can be made a success duos «n»t admit of a doubt. But before the people «f tlie State will consent mr the proper appropiiations for this purpose to Ikj made through the legislature, there must he some other and further legislation on the subject—wc mean in relation to the obstructions nmv in the streams. Most of them are obstructed hy Heines, fish trap-, dams, Ac., so that the people who live above these obstructions receive no benefit from the fish placed in the streams. And sgnm, there are „ , rfi „ „ who . own the am 1 mug 1 w 11c 1 a portion these streams pass, nod are so selfish 118 to prohibit any one fishing in the streams that „.i,, tl ' . 1 .1 Hot • p.uuiMS, in o r t i us can Ik* very 4 easily remedied, and we hope to it done by the legislature’s passing mi act making it a iM«nal offence any person |« obstruct any of the streams in the State with seins, ti.-h traps, or other like contrivance » likely to obstruct the free passage of the fish ; and to require all own - ers of mill dams, and other used for propelling machinery «nv kind, to build slopes to dams, say from twelve to tiitvvidi w.tii sufliiicnt length to allow the (Vs,1 to pass over. On n dam ten feet high a slope can bo built bv using four or ' skids or , bigs about ,• Hurt feet long v with one end placed securely on the and the other below the ' l ,. f ,u »*« •“«*«">. .......... «nd ,u ‘ se l' ,i * nko ' i Mvwr * " ,,1 > “ b‘S on 'Wh side, and the dam made a few inches lower at the upper end 0 f the slotie so that the water will ms* (|, ri , u „|. 1 , • n- , 'l U4u, ».v for the tih to pass up, and which they will do, Ties can he done with very little cost to the owners of the dams and not enterterc at nil with their heads of water. In this «, v iv xvill L> injured and all the stream o|wmd so that the fish can pass ,,,, the strmims thrmigli nil parts «f the State and nil will In- heax fitted alike then and not till then will the* pen sliaJ pleconsentthat iM’nmdeasvill sud appropriations Ve mci^irv f or the proper 4 -.^V stocking with fish the -h- . ...... f"^ UU ^ K r, '‘’ l ° l ""' v " "id fish in n preserdved manner. t :.i«rLi!.'S’; venture . the assertion that the pnq»er uppropriatinns will lie made and fisii indi cd will be abundant 11 over the St I te. ('apt. Wm. A. Wright. There is one office to he filled hy the pevpro that might not to he lost night Comptroller-GiJfcnil, of -and tl*t office is that of The gentle man name heads this article ought to he kept in that position, and wc *ro confident that our people only to ho informed who he is to give him (heir unanimous support. Many of the soldiers from Burke were uudir the immediate com mand of his lather, Gen. A. 1». Wright, and are willing to trust the •».»*«».....Mt i» the father. Capt.W.was a gallant soldier; he is a cripple, having a leg in the cause - his misfortunes „nt only enlist vour svmpathv, trillion of the office of Comptroller General, which liehas held since Goldsmith was removed, challenges the respect and confidence of the people. Capable, deserving and honest, the people consult their own best interests when they honor such men with places of trust and responsibility ,--Uurkr < >,>/«>>/ Ueruh! Several amusing incidents oc curted at Chicago Monday. Old I’iuchb-uck, " ho, bv nine jh-tsoiis of 4<-n, iraikl he taken for a w =‘-s standing in the loliiiy of the 1’almer Mouse, when 1,0 Illinois cattle dealer engaged him in conversation on the all absurd , mg topic. Hie Illinois .... . was for Blaine, hut said, “Well, Grant is nnmrnntod ( Sitpipiise 4 can stand it, but I bate <i!ic idea of these infernal niggtrs forcing themselves rupou ais.'” STATE NEWS. Asbestos has been fown4 in Ogie lhorpe couiity. Thomasville is cultivating fix' umbrella China' tree. Snakes are unusually numerous and ferocious this year. The directors of the Central Rail¬ road have declared a semi annual lividcnd ot ,‘l per cent. Mr Sims, of’bowndes county, lias cleared SS0 to the ;wrc this Reason in Irish potatoes. Cut worms are playing hgvoc with young cotton plants around KIIk-t toll. A correspondent of the Madison Vormn,, writes t«. that paper as fi.l low«: It is reported in Burrough’s tieighlioihood that a large mulatto negro man lias been occupying the swamps on Beverdam creek, the line between Oglethorpe and Madison, and who is said to he tnror to tin- freed man along the line,causing them at different times to Ilec from their (i> Ids when he makes his appearance. It is also reported that Newton Arnold met tlie wild man in the road last .Sattir •'•ye-.....8. Wllk « II... .ack ..v.r ,HS Nl " 1 "«)'« >'« wns popping his teeth am, looked so much the devil that lie didn't take time to to j,i, n \\\, i,„ V w no doubt ,| l0 n ,.,. I ~ r<1 j,. ' w 8/ * .n froln l ll tin ehamgang, . or has run away from where lie has been living, to <*scape justice, and we hope soon to here of his hermit life ' --------- " ---- - FRIDAY', JFT.Y 2’., IS SO. Commenceman! Week. Orand @:’.00 EXCURSION The Gnmilest Exeur*i<m of the sen son will leave Athens tor the iky of Atbwwta. by way of the Georgia Rail p-T'" :; Sf0 ’. u ’ M ' ltoute/'wii Frtdav Morning, Wee/, .»ulv 2d, at !l oVloek, Conimeuee.ucnt and will arrive in Atlanta at 1 o'eioek, p. 111. Ten e'egniit Rasseiigv’r Coaches have Wen eh rteml for the oeeasion, , (llir „ r wh i.-l, have been set apart f w o«r wliite friends mid siv f r imr colored Menus, This is the 8th A mind Kx emsem under the management of Sapp. l’ r vd«i* A- Co. Bag.a e rhe -ked safe v 'brongh. A comfortable s<>at for all St.eet Parades. The \the«i Comet Band w 11 discourse ,-weet music *»i the train. Remember the cities seencrv anil a view of Stone .» OIIM '“''t, two miles high. Returning, the ,rain "'** Atlanta Moudav inarn ^ J«D ^*1, # «7 oVl.a- . a' n,. ar rtving m Athens at .1:1p. hi. Rates, r.’imd tr fm«, Athens, §'(• ? 1 k'ldren. between ,i and 12. 81 ad. I ieket- b-r >n e bv Reaves. Ni-Iml-u A* C«., end Talmadg.-. 11 wigs..n A-1 o. Athens; T. l’oeth A-Co., Wat iiisvilie; >\ - T. Y»n,«. «,„! die A. II. R.dmek, Edward J o.v ,r r “'*' managers, $&.*:«}'■ %:?■ _/ / vnfivs^tuSv // 1 *T r fit,. > * * ™■'*> '■ ‘ i ****a» I »8«s .Ao fltf-Jtl w* Asu Ii* .0. ^ *ke Rank »f die l niv 1 ' ; • itnrKtt* to (I H .-r IV a. iiia_v2i',dm THE BICKFORD AUTOMATIC SIS KNITTER "Ikr'i ll mill Maw M wcL-x iu lu‘kvu unluuns 3m,mzuwml 9" Rvuy muchim wutmmul AN qumn mica. ‘A anNN iu ~mmiun huh atmnnpguiu «nth mndlihm ’ ' ’1” ' Knils ail of work, •narrow* ami wi¬ dens ii; slirtyes all size* complete. Knits over 5«» different garment-. Sock-, Stocking-, wri-Uet-. tuovo.ytc. manufacturing W^n”. knit goods. profit in Farmers c:m treble the value ol their wool, hy converting it into very low price* will he twirtie. For lull particulars and prices for the best Family Machine send to iii( KFoivf> km rri\ t; mac hi ak co., Hratilcborro, Vt. apr21.1S>fO—ly 'James Alaiililin • m^s CO C3 CD . ... d- OO CD M AeJvICH. Watkins vn, (. k, : : Gboiiuia. lias removed to*his old stand, and better prepared than ever to do all of Boot and Shoe work. Repairing a mpeeialty, -it lowest prices. A l.SO.— Jfressnwkiug and Hair in the hest manner, and 1( , sul1tW fimw , a|.rU,:;m - Leri 1talker, C < /,. J_’J J\_ , Witki xsnia.K, Ga. lH" Gait he found at his Shop next door to 1 b <’. Durham's I'ectionery, on .Salurduy and fttuxSay inoroings until o'clock, a. 111. marlO’.SO-tf NWISy DR — To t;X(*m a not: — COR MUMBAI ^ i will Ue<‘ji„-it the store of J. C. F 0 D D JL I Tj Jj , CORN MK.\b fur .S’. I LI'J Oil IS pounds of Meal* fw -Vi faejuib ( oni. Persons coining - R) TOWN, can bring their ('ora anil get their MSdl WjlhOll! DOlSVi 3 Highest CASH prices paid FOI! -UATNT. HENRY JENNINGS. mar 17.1 SKp-tf <i\. /(. r lien’s IT,,., ^ 1 ( 1 " ,,.,,1 -M-Ille \r n b. MILLINERY STORE. ( IniIon 10 <| .Jucksott m*., ATHENS, I have in Store a Ijfotwi asstHftmcnl Sat-] You will find that uiv l«.rtwss is made Invt We.-tern be (her. a 1 hand "axle. I tiitnitd lit liorsc cellars ami ' lo a 1 kim,s ,,f ro i" liri "K ! * t uotu-o. wli ps l make a specialty amt a hotter assertoient eauluit be fonml ill the city. !mmoss Fadd esdown m reek bottom. My cannot ho heat in prices "»*1 quality. When mu visit the city jdoa^e Tha-king honor ter me past with fi ymir 1 presence. Impe you vors, a apr.7.,l*WU'm JAMES K. Ml liUAV. | 1. wTrilRASHER. MURRAY&THRASHEll, Wctkinsviile, Georgia, * In eetunmigimr thanks to mtr friends fiir their very liberal patronage ilurino past, we would again renew our offer of one of the Largest and best selected STOCK IIP GOODS! l . t sretn.ii, and ask die people of tins and adjoining ' v, ‘ r '' ro,, “" counties to give this 8t.«.k a careful examination. Tn Dry V floods Our Lines OF JEANS. B1.KACHKD »tul BROWN DOMESTICS, .STRIPES and ( HECKS, PRINTS, nt standard makes, from tie. to fte.iier vd. LADIES TIES. DRESS GOODS, I- full ami low price.-. Onr ETC., BTC., ETC. at p U rl 1 hi \| | P V [ O/lATjO y! I I I \ “H I I P f? T\ K A /I T) K fPTHTPTLTfP ft/! H M I Fill Iwd Alii the careful U U U U 0 JJ Jji il 1 iVJL ii L«‘ 1. lias lie -t .-e.ixtioiis. and m style aval xualitv eau’t be surpassed. We have the last hue of ' ‘ DUUlS DriAtC QhnPC OllOCb I L' Ulb b QnH dHU tulfinc^ lVIdllS UotO HBlS 130 Pan w have, and defy 1 . W e at prie.'s mat compete ion. Onr -.took et * Kcadj-Mntlo Clothino 1- large of the l.e-t styles and material, and Haight with a view to meet *ne vvwnt- of all'ehiss of pnrvliasors. ^ Suits from $2.75 up. 1V ,,f a! ‘ J A F ^ al K€Y U A GHOC u AlUvi-lAlA-U^ 2 EPJE 3 » are a.way- tVl, with prior- low a- rhe lowest. This large -tis-k i* in -tore and in .-dl «ra’*'it and in a few day - wi 1 bo full and comnlrto. W e ag» n a-k vmi to and examine. MURRAY A- THRASHER. W iu-v ille, f!»., May a, DSy, sm v1.12. 1:355? ‘ . - l)t‘R.-\l3l.£. » uum'. ‘9...\'!-TCE$§ARY smvmu lnu-cn‘ MACHINE, I'nnh Sly 1x a JWiness = James r Ji. Jjyle, ATTORNEY AT LAW. " W atk 1N s v n.r.E,' G \. SS?* ‘‘Will practice in the Courts and adjoining counties. mardl,’80sly r Ji. Al. Jackson, tatoriiey&Coiinselcr ail aw AND .It'DOE OF TUB Otm. iTmtlrtn Watkinsviile, Ga. fifes ' \\<dJ practise iti all <0«urts except the County *Coc.rt '(Oconee County. -marJi.-SO-Jy %. I’. Jhrasher-, ATT 0 RNEY AT LAW. Watkinsvh.i.k, Ga. 'i:r Will practice in the Courts *f t )c(.m» irai'i ailjoining counties, marl 7,’80-l y John J. Under so tu J Watkinsvh.i.k, <»a. business t YJ“ r*rowpt attention given N. iji entrusted to his care in Court Il’f>sse. marl7,’SO- ly (i. (\ Jhomas, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Watkinsvh.i.k, Ga. marlO a . At. White, At. r l„ f R ACTICIN p r HYSICIA ^2: 1 Watkinsvh.i.k, Ga. O'x' Will be ftmnd at bis office when nut called nil’. marl7,’Hl) tf . Hr. J. /{. &t(ler> Cy WIm. Ikis recently <i»ni]tleKt! an extru course of SI I DIKS in the JcirerjAOii nicdical College, Of l'hilndclphia, I’a., * )0cr- his j rofcssional services to the pub¬ lic at larjje. Having Keen thorough!) tutored in the -vstem of his grand-father’s (Dr. Durham'-) practice, he proposes to make the following diseases a specialty: ^’hroiiic Pleurisy, ilronchittis and Kheu Diseases o! the Heart, Kidneys, Skin, l.iver, Spleen.Scrofula, Syphillis (jhix.) (ronufrhtea. (>ld Dicers, Dropsy, Jtyspepsin, Neuralgia, Kp.ileptic Fits, Impotency, Steril¬ eial [harratiiKiss,] Abortion, etc. Very sj»e attentions given all diseases peculiar to females. Office and residence, at Win. If. f»tshop\s aJiout 2 miles from Farmington on rw»Tt leading from the aforesaid place to Watkinsviile. All com m unicat ions strictly and promptly attended to. P. < >. addre-s. Watkinsviile. <la. mari7/So-iy J. C. Bone, General Repairer of Guns, Pistols, Watches, CLOCKS, Ac. Near Watkinsviile, Oconee Comity, Ga. All as cheap as good work eau he dene by anyone and guaranteed. Call on Dr. 1>. M. White, and lie will in¬ form von as to my whereabouts, may 1!>,1 MHO. James r J. Wilson, — Mttmif.u titivr «>I anti Dealer in— FURNITURE, Burial CASES, •5* g&SrMI X r CoEEl NS, etc. Over Hawes, Nicholson & Co., IlmaJ Strccf, ATHENS, : GEOUCMA. V *' : " ;11;forthcl,,,rp “* c - , *8..- jm - Now is the best time tosubscribe Only i?l per annum. TSTew A tliens AdvertiseiTi^TrVr^. Tlf£ OXf.T GRADUATED DUUGU 1ST in this SECTION in tTLA EG F. M=I-i-'HsLL"I‘HL\:§.-.-.L::!:lfl§i§ "Sole Proprietor of Jacob’s lh iiliaiitine and bow ranee's Tooth I'otvtii;. m ISITOlViEIS!! ] I STOVESI w STOVES! 3 ss 3 sL -AYS- a. ;4i- - ■ M - A YD = tE Tl-WAKf. - r ■ TilHIiEE. BEST IN THE MARKET! -AT J. (!. W1LKIP, m:ir24,hS80-din 3>ro:ul Street, Athens, Georgia. The Cheapest Crockery House inN.E, 0 eorgi?, A Cordial invitation is extended hy LYNCH & FLAN16EN, to tleeir many X>o?iinee county friends to' visit their Crockery bii<l Glassware Store* Merchants and house keepers can save money hy buying from them rrcctay, GIfiEtwsre, Lccips, Catlery, Tinware, 77codenware, WHIPS & FANCY GOODS. Best Goods with Prices at the Lowest Point, Everything guaranteed LI t*o he as represented. NCll & FL.VNIGEN, Broad Street, Athens, Ga. mar24'80-om COMEM’S PARIS STORE! The compliments showered on our display of Dress G ni ls Lirin - the jast week, added to the large sales in this department, convince 1 m t lint our styles and piices are unusually attractive. Attention is called to our elegant stock of SUMMER SILKS. Consisting of all the week, latest Paris fitting designs, of our own importatron, (}. ;, s as a introduction to the SPJtIVti SE.tSOY Wc oiler the most, surprising inducements ever presented, in this lin e o 1 FASHIONABLE DRESS DODDS, .•ivditioM Consisting of ail the la test *nd most desirable materials in the 'market. Tn t« one immense stock of Dress Goods, we have all the -F VS1 i lO.vABLE 1R1MM1NG8, in Silks, Passementaries, black and colored Sdk and Chcnii.e Fringes, to match Dress Goods. Also. Demassee Bro c.aks. lVvint bangtiedocs, Breton, Valcnceimcs, Torchon and Russian La¬ ces, in all the latest designs at prices to suit the times. 20,000 yards of Jaconet, Lawn, Swiss Mull imp Mull Edgings and insertings, from 8c. a yard tip. This is the largest and eireapest lot of these goods ■ever offered to the people ol* Northenst Geor^iji. white: goodk An immense stock of these Goods, bought belbro the late advance consisting Cambrics, of Figured Piques, and Victoria 8.,lid Colors, and Bishop Lawns, Linen Laws and’Or-mn- Linen’ in new Shades of Lawns d'e-. 1 lickings,>Nv.ssin, Mulls. Nainsooks, Percales. Ginglifuns, Cm ton bunings, Ulicnes, m «W tne m-west and most beautiful patterns. Also “J n immense stock ol Towels, Napkins, Doyles, Table Damasks, &c„ a', Id prices. Great bargains in this Department. All of these goods were bought tor Cash, which enable u.s to COM PETE WITH ANY HOUriE IN •\ M \ * 1«1 ( , A * NOVELTIES, Parasols, Shawls, Hosiery, Kid and Lisle Gloves, Lace and Lawn Tics Collars and C uffs, Neck Lufilings, Dress Buttons, Handkerchiefs, &c„ at popular prices. SHOES: OUR SPECIALTY. AVe offi r for tlie Snrinw ard Sumsnor tr.i.l.. ti.* i.,.„ v*! .* •' ,n J 1 com plete stock Cliibirens’ - In th^ri-lialHo of badi--’ U mi,« Bhoee Kllnner* ^' J ,V ' C all rrnleiVl f ’f*’ V UPr/ ,~ -' Otifl fjlcss pair ivi‘i,nmhmr ’ in the Vn Red SuSr every .•’./(/•;/ 1 ^-it lo lmm w .vvi ’ -1 ,,, \ * ^ IV1 ^ ''V/ Hf T1 i ' rM ,odi4 u ‘ :wb ’“XJ/.n ,1■ • lOUUts 1 •,.,// <yl luldreil'i • 1latXi It the Llltpst Mans,’ Youths’ Md Childrens' / lift Clcthing. Styles « A »nn»'w» largest and c tockolthts, most reliah Goods made for us hy liam’inersloneh Bro= teed. I addition r; Clotliiers in America. an n to on ientlcmt-ns’Fumi-Uing Goods Deo irtincnt 1 -™- ^ p j French, English and German Suitings P !o;":: ri ws. lt wind ,M y ;.a Ur 1 enables .. M ;'> M -. »s G -. lo C ' U, make ‘ € ’ 1 ’ nt suits n ’’ ! to ,er order <• T*- ^ at prices, than present far Mow market hout. ■ m the state. Every suit guaranteed fit any* 1 by buy to or no sate. Save Save your money, save your line, ingGoods from the (>hl Reliables M, a & J, OOHSi. Ppr7,'>'0-tf • ‘I'tTi'va GA. Athens Pharmaceutical C 0 -MANITAVCRF.RS .4SP PI AI.KRS IX BAIiK mid STA^DAPtD I11S 35*b 3 Elegant Pharmacueutiral Preparation Toilet Requisites. JOSEPH JACOBS. *“ S5- -ft ■*->¥ W — fe— -s»-\ — _ sA -1 *A £ r, : r ! 1 " r Clanton Street and College Avenue, ATHENS, GA. rm«1&9ng:;d.i«:~,u;~;,«:n Hm.