The Watkinsville advance. (Watkinsville, Ga.) 1880-1???, June 16, 1880, Image 3

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TlieVatkinsville Advance. W. G. SIXL1VAN, Ed * lor, Publisher A. J ol> Printer. TS'.-MS,—One Dollar per Year. S.xty Cents fcr Six Month?. IS PUBLISHED ON EVERY •WEDNESDAY. Watkinsvaie, Ga , June 16.1880. V.ntrred at the Pi *4 Office at Walkhttvtl!; Georgia. as SECOND CLASS MATTER. TOWN 1)1 RECTO It Y, T’». E. THRASHER, Intendant. COUNCILS! EN. Win. A. Wood is, James Mauldin, Ur. D. M. White, Thomas 15ooth, John W. Johnson. cuoty Cffieers. R. M. JACKSON, Judge County Court, JAMES R. LYLE, Ordinnrv. JNO. W. JOHNSON, Clerk Supe¬ rior Court and Tax Collector. !!. E. OVERBY, Sheriff and Tax Receiver. THOMAS BOOTH, County Treas¬ urer. Win. E ELDER, County Surveyor .) AMES MAULDIN, Coroner. Court Calendar, Western Cv euit for George. ALEX. S. ERWIN, Judge. A. L. MITCHELL, Solicitor-Gen. OCONEE—Fourth Mondays in January and July. JACKSON—First Moudnys in Feb¬ ruary and August. WALTON—Third Mondays in Feb¬ ruary and August. GWINNETT—First Mondays in March and September. JIALL—Tnird Mondays in Match BANKS anti September. Mondays — First in April and October. Mondays in J'RANKLIN—Second IIAMBERSHAM—Third April and October. Mondays iu April and October. RABUN—Fourth Mondays in April and October, WHITE—Monday after the Fourth CLARKE—Second Mondays in April and Mondays October. in May and November. CHURCH D RECTORV, M. E. CHURCH, SOUTH. AVATKIXSYIU & 1.4 Sabbath,.......Rev. J. C, Johnson, 2nd **■ “ AV, J, Cotter, 4th “ “ Dr. MoCieskey FARMINGTON. 2d Sabbath.... Rev. Mr, Wortham, 4th “ “ W,J..Cotter, ... SALEM. I it Sabbath.. llev. K. F. Anderson, I'd “ .. “ AY. J. Cotter. TIGNER’3. 1st Sabbath.... Rev. \V. J. Cotter. POWELL'S MILLS. 2d Sabbath.... Rev. W. J. Cotter. VEAL’S CHAPEL. <»d Sabbath.... Rev. AY. J. Cotter. FLAT ROCK. fll Sabbath,3 p.m. Rev. W. J. Cotter. 4th “ ... .Rev. E. F. Anderson, RAY’S. 3d Sabbath.. Rev. E. F. Anderson. 4 th “ ... “ W..I. Cotter. PRINCETGN & GA. FACTORIES. 1st Sabbath..... Rev. AY. J. Cotter, U “ ... Mr. AVwrtkum Rev. Ji. J'. Morgan alternates, at yach place, regularly, vuDa Air. Gutter. BAPTIST CHtfttOHES, MARS HILL. tit & 3d Subs., Rev. II. It. Besnard. OSCEOLA. 4th Sabbath, Rev. Jno. Harris. FREMANS* CREEK, .14 Sabbath, Rev, AV. A. (Hsrton. H “ A, A. Flukw, BETH A BARA. 14 Subbath, .... Rev. J. AY, Bajitts. BIG SPRING, 4 Sabbath Rev. J, W, Dtenningtou. PRIMITIVE BAI-TMS't ('HVRCVS^i MT. ZION. 4th. Sunday, Eld F. >1. Me-K»&v, BIG CREEK, 4th Sunday, Eld, Aidmi*n, CHRISTIAN CHURCHES, ANTIOCII. 1st Sunday, Eld. J. A. Perdue. UNION. 2d Sunday, Eld. T. M, Foster. GOSHEN HILL GRANGE* Meets on the first Tuesday, ofench month, at the Court House, in AKat ktnsAille. A Buainees Dducattoo The young man who ententes. himself properly, we mean bv this that he acquires a i.ratXwtil business education will have jftbte difficulty inol.tainingemi.b.vinest because such a class arc always dcmtind and if hs should engage in ^uHeoi” for himself will not be to fail ns mnnv do Imcause they are compelled to trust their bus! nese into the hands of imeomnetent will or dishon.-st c letks, but he enabled to examine bis hooks i riticaljv, monthly 'exset or oftener and! thus know tlie standing of liis r4ldnes« Behm’s Commercial t.’olleg.. place Chattanooga, Tenn„ is the wbvru young men cim acquire QlluailiCrw, Circulars Jre^.. LOCAL NOTES. Watkinsville aud Surrounding County Items, (lathered by Advance Reporters. Cotton is booming. Don't say it is warm. Corn is said to be doing extra well. The weather this morning was chilly. Excursions are two numerous to mention. “J.” the village batehelor, desires to Ax(?)lina who she lire. Airs. Woodis sent us a nice lot of vegetables for which she will accept our tliauks. The Colonel says that the ‘ refriger¬ ator was 90 thermometers, in the shade, below freexo” last Sunday. Servioes were held at the M. E. Church on last Saturday night by Eld. T. M. Foster, a Christion preacher. Three of our young men walked to Athens to-day to attend the Lucy Cobb Commencement. How sugges¬ tive! Rev. J. J. Morgan, the junior preacher for this circuit, held his re¬ gular this services place, at the Methodist church at on last Sunday to a large and attention congregation! Mrs. Dr. Richardson will aocept our thanks for the nicest lot of vegetables we have had this season. If all of onr friends were as thoughtful of our com¬ fort as Mrs. R., we would fare sumptu¬ ously. Many thanks. A literary young man before he made a visit to the belle of S. 0., engaged much of his time on an essay on “The pleasures of the Imagination-’’ The presumption is that lie lias been kicked, since be is now on ‘‘stem reali¬ ties.” On last Friday night a large number of onr citizens assembled at the Court House to witness the exhibition, given hy the young ladies of Prof. Barnett’s School, for the benefit of putting a veranda on the school room. The tableaux, charades, plays and songs were well rendered and reflects great credit on the manager. Mrs. Belle Johnston, tor the success of the entertainment. While in Athens few days since, Athens Pharmaceutical Co. Air Jacobs was awa V from borne, but Air" Daniel the clever and gentlcunnlv clerk, kindly showed us through the mstitution. Mr. Jacobs is the only graduated druggist in this section Georgia, and if you want anything his line, remember his advertisements can be found in the Advance, and we ask all to give him a call. For the-benefit of the Athens Chron¬ icle as to the whereabouts of his Occa¬ sional correspondent we puh Mi the fol¬ lowing note from him explaining mat¬ ters, if you can read it, we esm’t. He says : A/rEaljOje — |f JpUm-Hsu MAI YKmdhome*rn)DptnmmnTa.hb cnElideGTnhhr f^rodmnoliorohllrn anadiErsoad IrAA'dhnrretpymhnapQrnmnxcm OAVmgl f* i^A-aihtaisrttcrl evRwebtvwh llPif/ynsfm rhtb sell!kv.tXfl e\VrsEf\>l»» wphnitcef AS This is exceedingly “eiu-pha-sa- zi-za ting!” we think. [Communicated.] Mr. Editor :—I regret very much that it was not myp'easure to attend the en¬ tertainment given by the school chil¬ dren. I understand it was splendid ; we expected it, to be, for Air. Barnett WWW undertake# anything but what it i's a great success. I understand that a Ipdy in town says if we want a railroad, *e h id Wten-gy* him at the head of it for she knew he wouJd sum*****!, a»d I am of ih# same seimr- opium* A J-Atir Friend, ['■A ri^ten. Advance.]! AN ORIGIN ALTQEM.. "Vtwn Tl»u ‘Were Seventeen, Mattie. [Tlie following lines were handed us for publieatii n, AA’e have not the temor <-f an asiquainta***. with the author, but /mb i'4 them cheerfully.] When dbshwy wrn* mown, Mattie, iwbUe And while so long ago the western sky was rich, with K!Mn>*ts rosy glow, fbm bund : m hand close linked ww passed the dewy rwfcs between, And I was one and twenty, Mattie, and json were seventeen. Wwios-wW , am! sweet Mtattw, . 15°*r cheek was ^e the wild ned rose *l.wt sWawed its ,*ta!s down -. Your wew- m the bj/tc speedwell ifh d*wi moisture sheau, ^' 1k 1 ‘ ' c W‘l twenty Mattie a**.vau were seventMn. , ''**’*■** . . WH» ''"mtodryou lias ttlii»he m its flight, B sweet old tone, ** A,wl va “ r '‘‘ a ‘» neseiu. newer, <Aa>gc, the *f r * y«*i» v » 1 w*aa, .... ^ twvwte'^. WH ' , ‘ «'*■> « j* WMtwm*. [Cot _ hen. No sens the. time to subscribe to The Apvaove- <JoW $1 a. year. How to Invest a Dollar. We will send the Savannah BVeAVy A>wr, “the biggest and the best” newspaper in the South, well printed, lull of live news, good stories, reliable market reports, agricultural else make items, and everything to it worthy of its well known reputation, to any address, till Jauuavv, 1881, postpaid for one dollar. Address J. H. Estili, Sa¬ vannah, Ga. Almost a Fire. On Saturday night, a negro girl, whose mother lives on Mr. J. W. Johnson’s lot in town, put a cand e in the corner of the house, and re¬ tired. The candle burning down to the wood, of course it ignited, and about 1 • o’clock the house was discovered to be on fire, and if discovered only a few moments latter, it might have proved serious. This should be a caution to all, the fire was extinguished, but all should be careful. Wanted. A young merchant who is tired of the life of single blessedness, desires to open a correspondence with young ladies, with a view to matrimony. in his He desires a partner stock of this world’s goods, an active partner, but rather lively. He is 25 years of age, has an amiable disposition, trusting and unsuspecting. His personal ap¬ pearance will compare favorably with that of the generality of young men, in some features they are far superior. His hair is of the rich auburn, his eyes of the intelligent Roman hazel, and has the stern nose and orators well ventilated mouth. He does not boast, however, of beauty, but prides himself upon shape & talent. Address F. M, T. ( care of Advance. Reply to Azalina. Mi/ dear little Axnlioa :—In your Leap Year proposal, saying that I have “battled with the storms of life, alone, for fifty years,” and asking me to name an early day for our happy union before it is everlastingly inference too late; leaves the that there is no time to be lost in the enjoyment of the sweets of matrimony. If you are of the sex that your name indicates. I would be happy to have the tendrils of your young love to entwine around the sturdy old oak of my strength, But support and protection. as the language in which the proposal is graced, sounds too “exquisite” inclined to be genuine. I am to believe that it is an imi¬ tation of a girls style. Your loving but doubling, J. Anotbe* Fire. ,hout .«’•'»"> 12 thy ^ K>k on Monduy tl,e hoU8e lust, 5 known the .“ c Overseer - m ;» , house, as 8 on lK place, m this eunty, 8ever “' , »'^s from town was eon- 8U me,, ^ h r '‘- Ji,eo ‘ > a . 1 . 1 j C ?, OI Ti I ? Ul1 ?’ " 1 ' u s ost 11 °[ llls heboid . . and kitchen about f^niture. $500, 1 he exclusive loss is estimated of the old at negro’s furniture &c. After the house had burned up, and the crowd had gone to Mr. L. W, Downs’ house near by, a young man who house was passing he discovered fire. the gin to on He at onci gave the alarm and went to work to master the flames, the crowd coming to bis The rescue, the gin house was saved property belonged to Mr. T. N. Fulton, and was a six room,, two-storv house. It was supposed to have originated, from a spark. Jury Liita. Below we p jblish the fots of Grano. and Traverse Jurors, drawn to serve for Oconee Superior Cewrt, to be held ou the fourth Monday in Jwijr: GRAND JURORS. C L Few, R Morton, j, L. M e-Re*, Gen R Smith, J A Thomas, J, L Fambrough. J W Jackson, Alien Bishop, AYm B Hajgwod, Arthur At Jack sen, II J Thomas, John S kes, G AV Kelly. A L Dmdittie, M D Browning, J E AVhitehead, AV F Phillips, \V H Anderson, Jas S J Fulfilove, Fambrough, ]) A Griffith, E F Anderson, A S AVilson, AYm P C'ampDeP, J J C Vickers, J AJ McR.e, G H Meltee, AVm T Maleom, A B Jackson, T S W'lliamsf n, TIl AVERSE JURORS. A \Y Gsifletlv, AVw Lee, KoSt 'lhompswn. DS Wilhmgby, J J Southerland, M F Osbocu, AY C Elder, J AY Daniel I, M F Sims, Thouiars Hodges, Gift nby J*ek «*», \Y m B Cobb, M C Griffeth, U U Ashfi.rd. W 11 Bishop, \V A Rutledge J M l>ick«w, E Sikes, ’ U J J Gunter, JIG Hardigrce, T M FodJriB, Jo* (! Dieken, J b’ofct ( .bn JAl T GrifR-ti; khael, ButlerT’ J A Cross, Jno H Lowe, Jr, J W ¥ Osborn, Win Crow, Af F W'kitelieaiJ, •1 W Bradbwry, Thus Giles, Euuch Allgovd, J S MvRee. --- ^ OUl » 8 awn*vU 1 Mr M A’J.tor .—Many cheers fi.r the Ai,vanck . - “ Meed a welcome to ,J ' V » f tu#ehi/l4. 1 am «y to tha * week it, i* increasing in miereHt wil : lm|U* all over the county eontiHuato^utribat* tbc "pwj «riicles. andBurt w nob.e o-Jitor “ w energetic btth*wJ», will Wome permanently Ibeated i»a wx k*a»e, iri ur ‘P»«‘ village. A LaDV or \Yawis»vsj*e. '#v. , >h. * e n-xi 6 . i- ntlt * ,, ir.AY-.A „ i-i, as u candidate f«r tlie- lJcjfi-* liature at the eromttig election. M.V> A A OTHRi*.. *prT,;M 0 - t d COUNTY NEWS. NEWS NOTES FROM OCR REGU¬ LAR CORRESPONDENTS. Our County Towns, hud Surrounding Villages—What We Are Doing— Matters and Things Laconi¬ cally Noted HIGH SHOALS JOTTINGS. Local Points from High Shoals and Surrounding Section. No wheat thrash yet. Oh, for a refrigerator. Warm ! Warm 1 Hot 1 Fine shower this evening. Crops of grass growing finely. Who will try a Clement Attach¬ ment. Joel Awtrey’s wife has been sick for some time. The hammer of the carpenter is still heard in the land. The Sunday Schools at this place are in a flourishing condi¬ tion. Mr. Willie Anthony nnd sister, of Wintervilie, have been on a visit to the family of Elder W. T. Lowe. A man in this neighborhood let his cotton get so grassy that he commenced to hoe the middle for the row. Richard Whitehead has been sick most of the spring and summer will loose most of bis crop if he does not get help. What has become of the build¬ ing committee for Rays Church, I hear nothing from them. Wake up, ha gentlemen. We are compelled to ye a new house LIBERTY. The Vicinity of Liberty—The Portion of Oconee County, Several have asked what size and what was the population of Liberty Well, I am not the census enumera¬ tor, so I shall refer you to him. Mr. Watt Wray has purchased a new twelve horse power engine, and has gone into the lumber business extensively. Success to you Watt. Mr. G. A. Pilgrim has succeeded in conquering a portion of General Green’s forces. N iw, brier, don’t become indifferent, for il you do he will meet von on the same field with a doubled force. The census enumerator created a great deal of excitement among our colored population. They arc anxious to know why he wants to know so much about their private business. I failed in my efforts to passify them. There is a little worm t’ at Imres into the hud of geennhwns,destroy ing the bud so that it.never blooms? H hurts nothing but the flower haul Yon readers will confer a favor on * lover of flowers by giving a remedy for this trouble. As it is fashionable for the presi¬ dent to sen<l troops whereever they are needed, we apply to Returning Board Hays for help to drive Gen¬ eral Green from our farms. As Mr. R. B. II., vetoed the appropriation bill, he may send the ‘ boys in bine,” well etpupjted. The negro population of this sec¬ tion is far in advance of that of many places. farms, Many are running small while others have bought a small piece of land and are out of debt. They seem to re eogniae that they are citizens of Die enmity. utilities. They ear* wry little for Mrs. Vine, mother of Mrs. James itist. lugh, die.i on the morning of the 8th On the morning of the 29th of May, hS80, she accidentally fell hurting which herself very mneh, from shesuffcredgreatly relieve her. till death eaiue to The death of a mother is jrrepumble. Your correspondent beard » young lady a lew days ago, say that she was g ing to take the advantage of leap year. Well, do so then, and »eliev6 those two old fellows who have advertised in the Advance. Old bachelors are easily caught, for we know from personal ex-pe—. No we don’t!!! OSCEOLA ITE.H1 Local Items from the Upper Portion oi Oconee County. " '‘ are weather and vcr * hne ra,,, “ Day hands are rm seaice. Send u* a few aotnehody. Corn antl cott,m W1 ‘ ], ***' m R f. f tUe ne ' 8 ru,n ( Con . « . ,e on r ^ d V wl ‘ tat ‘ - J. M. Doolittle, Ksq,^. ot Ocone* county, is . J lending a week at this place, willi his brotlueu, Air, K Doolittle. Our worthy blaoksimth ot mm! Lis assistant, were two the Uackest looking white men, last Monday, that I have seen Hi noma time, the cause charcoal. was that they mew hauling Inai After i July 1st Osccok ..„| will receive twic<; a Wt!l . k j n(tU 0 f onc# a week as now. This will he of great benefit to the most of us* our newspapiiper news will not be so old. So much sickness ip the neigh borhood keeps our «wwfhy Hr. E. If. H., away from IiohiA so. muoli his little cotton c/op will*suifrf if they all don’t get w*ll unless he bites some one tv wcrkjfcvRti i(S Y To the V'/tlers of Orotte« COVJTT »*/ / From a promise made heretofore I now announce my name as a can didate for Representative. imirl7-td M. M. SHE ATS. I>K. A. F. DURHAM, j 1 )r. W. M. DURHAM Late of Sparta. Late of M.t seys, Drs. A* F * & W. M, Durham, SPECIALISTS, and Surgery, Female, Chronic Diseases of Male and Venerial, Operate for Cross Eyes, Cataract, Stone in the Bladder, Harelip or Cleft Pal¬ ates, Ac. Will visit patients in any part of the State, in consultation ot¬ drtss, to perform surgical operations. Ad with stamp, Drs. A. F. & W. M. Durham, mnr31,’80-tf Athens Ga. A. B. Jacksoii Keeps constantly on band a large supply of LUMBER AND SHINGLES, at his Steam Mill, near Eastville. Shingles and. from $2 to $3.50 per thous¬ inav5.1880.3m* James Mauldin f JfetsBoot and Shoe MAKER., : : Georgia. Has removed to his old stand, and is better prepared than ever to do all kinds of Boot and Shoe, work. Repairing a specialty, ALSO.—Dressmaking at loweiifcprices. and Hair work done iu the Lest manner, and juices to suit, the times. ai>rl4,3m CITATION. GEORGIA—Ooonkk Countv. AYhercas, James E. AVhitehead ap¬ plies to me for Letter i of t ion on the estate of Sanford Whitehead, late of said county deceased. are therefore to cite :uid admonish all concerned, to shrfw cause at my on or before the second Monday in be July next, why said letters should not granted. Given under my lmud at office, this 7th day of June, IS, SO. JAMES It. LYLE, Ordinary. june7,’80-30d Letters of Dismission. GEOIIGI \— Ooonkk County. AYlieroas, Aaron ( row, Administrator of Margaret W. I’arker, represents to the Court, in his petition, duly filed and entered on recora, that he ha* fully ad¬ ministered Margaret AV. Parkers estutc. Th-'s is therefore to cite all poisons concerned, kindred and creditors to show cause, if any they can, why said administrator should not be discharged from his administration, and receive letters of dismission on the first Dlouday in September, 1880. JAMES It LYLE,Ordinary. kuit7ih»’80-3in Notice ! Noti se- a* hereby gi r en to all that Wash. Barnett, eol , has left my employ without provocation or my consent. I will prCMecwte any one hmirng or luwLor ing him to the extent »f the hew, unless satisfactory indebtedness terms are made a* to his to me jun0,2t L. W.4D0WNS, Agent. Look AVell to Your Time Ye People of Watkinsville. V. W. SKIFF, Athens 0a.„ ljilc'of ir City oi MadiRun, .ha* csuWishel hi«r* nc f in Alfecitft, as a Watchmaker & Jeweller, lb-in# sutii-4aA*i s* ibjfrMighbfed workman witii experience, U a otrt fowl* guarantee that 1 can ami will do gomi wiriE ail oi Watchefi, ClockR, Jewelry, See., aM of winch will be warranted to give aati»tacti</ii. —A feir. tA WatchcK, Clock*. Jewelry, tic., wi hand and fce sale, as cheap as t c cheapest, The Celebrated Diamond Spectacles. None better. \*AM>d fw« the eyes. Try them, sold only by V. W NKIFFf Other Reference to all the above, most any otic in Morgan County. janf),tf Letters of Dismission. G EORG I A —Oconee County. Emory F. Anderson, ns adtninis. trator of the estate ot Milly Kiutts, late of said county.deeoasMa,applies to m« for tetters c£ «lisnkas4n<.>«b irtso saifl estate- These are therefore to eite ami admonish a>U ^utSies or jiersous interested to> he atuh at i»y efliee, on oe- bofove the JHontlay in August,. 1880,. to. slh*w eause, if any they can, why letterssliouldl not be granted. Giv¬ en ikuHl-c my louid and official sig¬ nature, at AHatkitiswilte,. This MUy 3<C 11880. J. R. LXI*JJ,.Q«linary. m«y54 88d-:kn 4IEOiia{JLW--G*o««E Couxrr.. ofBraritly Mary G. Hate, as-administratrix Haiti, late afooid onunty, distidssion.fiiom. ieceasod, applies to im: for. letters of '.nthi estate. These are tlioretbce to cite and admonish all be andfanpear parties oe persons- interested to >4 »ij* otbeo, on or before the first Monday in July, 3880, to show, cause,- if uny they.can, why said letters should not. he j^wnted. and offioial Given under my» Hand signatuare, at vdatl ins ville, Tliis March 1st, 1880.. Jl It. LYLE, Cvdiuarjv apr.7, l88(Hf GEfatHGlA -Oconee County.. (♦nliaury’K Office, May, 1880. Thump -J. Smith line apt.lied for cmptiou of H$r»Miidty,. ami-1 will puss upon the Nanui at- 10>o’clock,.on I<. tb day of June, 1880, at uiy- office. JAMES Ft LYLE,Ordbaiy. Hay 18th, 188t i, 2t. The Watkinsville Advance e The Largest, Best and Cheapest Ilf CIHYTin IWSFAPERS, I 1 ST THE STATE. AYeare prepared to do all kinds of JOB AA’ORK at short notice on the most reasonable terms, CARDS, LABELS, NOTES, Letter Heads; Circulars, NOTE HEADS, ENVELOPES, ETC. -An I, in fact, wc do-* JOB W OR KM OF ALL KINDS. Executed iu the best manner,. miJTE HhlillES FOR THE I AMI. Now is the Time to Subscribe m ly $i Pc rYear. 60c. for 6 Months. Its Circulation is Daily Increasing. IT IS THE BEST MEDIUM FOR ADVERTISERS: Dg not fail to write us and get our MOST LIBERAL TERMS A TRIAL WILL CONVINCE YOU AS WE MEAN BUSINESS. CALL AND SEE US. LOW PRICES &. HONEST WORK OUB MOTTO’ DON’T YOU FORGET IT! €all on l r s Cfor day thing in (bur Line i Address, W. G. SULLIVAN, JjATKl SVJLLE, pA,. W. B. LANGFORD Manufacturer and Deafer in CARRIAGES, WAGONS, Buggies and Plantation Work A SPECIALTY. Have also in connectioni A BLACKSMITH SH P Patronize Hone Enterprise. AV1IEN YOU WANT A NEW WAGON OR BUGGr. W. B. LANGFORD, Watlunsville, - Georgia. ORDER TOUR Saw Mils and Gret Mills aBd Cane Mills J .Screws, Plantation'’achiherj-, Hliufting, Pulleys, .Engines and Journal Boilers, Boxes,. Cotton Mill Gearing, Hangers’ AYattr Wheels, <% Gudeons, Turbine Gin IW ” Gearing (oheap), and Judson’s Governors, Diston’s Cir a eulnr Saws Gurnmers and Fites, Belting aud 4 Babbitt Metal and Brass Fitting, Globe and Check $ A’alvcs and AVbistlos, Guages,, Etc., Iron and Brasa- : Castings aud Gin Bibs, from . v GEO. R..LOMDARD&CO., FOREST CITY FOUNDRY & MACHINE WORKS, (Near AA'ater Tower,J 1011 to 1( ‘2I Fenwick Street, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA*. Repairing promptly tMme at lowest prices..