The Watkinsville advance. (Watkinsville, Ga.) 1880-1???, June 23, 1880, Image 3

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The "Watkinsville Advance. W. G. Sl'UIVAN, Editor, Publisher & Job Printer. TERMS.—One Dollar per Tear. Sixty Cents for Six Months iis PUBLISHED ON EVERY WEDNESDAY, Watkinsville, Ga., June 23,1880. Entered M the Post Office at Watkinsville Georgia, as SECOND CLASS MATTER. TOWN DlRECTORl', B. E. THRASHER, Intendant. COUNCILMEN. Wm. A. Woodis, James Mauldin, Dr. D. M. White, Thomas Booth, John W. Johnson. ounty Officers. R. M. JACKSON, Judge County Court. JAMES R. LYLE, Ordinary. JNO. W. JOHNSON, Clerk Supe¬ rior Court and Tux Collector. B. E. OVERBY, Sheriff and Tax Receiver. THOMAS BOOTH, County urer. Win. E ELDER, County Surveyor JAMES MAULDIN, Coroner. Court Calendar, Western Cr cuit for Georga. ALEX S. ERWIN, Judge. A. L. MITCHELL, Solicitor-Gen. OCONEE—Fourth Mondays in January and July. JACKSON—First Moudays in ruary and August, WALTON—Third Mondays in ruary and August. GWINNETT—First Mondays in March and September. HALL—Tnird Mondays in March BANKS and September. — First Mondays in FRANKLIN—Second April and October April and October. Mondays in HAMBERSHAM-Third iu April and October. RABUN—Fourth Mondays in April and October. WHITE—Monday Mondays in April after and the Fourth CLARKE—Second October. May and November. Mondays in * m. CHURCH D RECTORY. M. E. CHURCH, SOUTH. WATKINSVILLE. 1st Sabbath, Rev. J. C, Johnson, 2nd “ .. . “ W, J. Cotter, 4th “ “ Dr. MoCleskey FARMINGTON. 2d Sabbath.... Rev. Mr, Wortham, 4th “ ... “ W. J. Cotter, SALEM. 1st Sabbath,. Rev. E. F. Anderson, Sd — r r- -er. Tli™ AUam Kfo lit Sabbath. — Rev. W. J. Cotter. POWELL’S MILLS. 2d Sabbath.... Rev. W. J. Cotter. VEAL’S CHAPEL. 3d Sabbath ... Rev. W. J. Cotter. FLAT ROCK. 3d Sgbbath,3 p. m. Rev. W. J. Cotter. 4th “ ... .Rev. E. F, Anderson, RAY’S. 3d Sabbath.. Rev, E. F. Anderson, 4th “ ... “ W.J, Cotter. PRINCETGN <fc GA. FACTORIES. 1st Sabbath. . Rev. W. J. Cotter, 2d « “ Mr. Wortham. Rev. J. J, Morgan alternates, at each place, regularly, with Mr. Cotter. BAPTIST CHURCHES, MARS HILL. 1st & 3d Sabs., Rev. H. R. Bernard. OSCEOLA. 4th Sabbath,......Rev. Jno. Harris. FREMAN9’ CREEK. 1st Sabbath, Rev. W. A. Overton. 3d <• '* A. A. Fluker. BETHABARA. 1st Sabbath, .... Rev. J. W. Butts. BIG SPRING. 4 Sabbath Rev, J, W. Dennington. PRIMITIVE BAPTIST CHURCHES. MT. ZION. 4th Sunday, Eld F. M, McElrov. BIG CREEK. 4th Sunduy, Eld, Aldman. CHRISTIAN CHURCHES. ANTIOCH. 1st Sunday, Eld. J. A. Perdue. UNION, 2d Sunday, Eld. T. M, Foster. GOSHEN HILL GRANGE, Meets on the firstTuesday, of each month, kinsAille. at the Court House, in Wat - — ____ — ---------- Uo young men understand the im portance ol acquiring a practical edu cation such an education as will enab.e them to earn a competency, or conduct their business operations in a intelli gent manner 1 Such an , due. ion U of far more important than a 1 the Gr*. k arL tin that can he learned. -'.To do not condemn ornamental of literary educations but we simply mean that a prac ic&l education wo f iar more tanee. buch an education o„n be acquired tnerctal in a few months in a ( „i„. College, such a« ,|,a t of Beh® » should at Chattanooga. (Jur young ati -11 not fail to alien <i “f 3 ? 'toVct£ l LOCAL NOTES. Watkinsville and Surrounding County Items, (lathered by Advance Reporters. No rain yet. Trade is dull. Dry aud dusty. Strange weather. Vacation will soon be here. Gardens are looking sick. Turtle fishing is getting ‘quite lar. The Jnrv Commissioners met on yesterday. Cotton we learn is about out of the grass around Watkinsville. Ice cold Lemonade, fresh and fine call at the Advance Lemonade-stand. “Excnse me for singing, as the Jay¬ bird said when the owl cotch ’em!” is the way it now goes. We will give the names of the com¬ . Democratic President ing and Vice President, next week. Still the spirit of improvements moves on. Mr. Woodson Ashford is having below, a veranda put to his house, the Advance office. “Say. mister; here’s your mule.” The above words were from one of Gov. Colquitt’s admirers, in Athens on the 12th. He of course, got mules slightly mixed. The lumber for repairing the M. E. Church has been placed at the church, and we learn that the work will be com¬ menced at once. The repairs are badly needed and we are truly glad to see all taking steps to make it right. Dr. O. B. Howe, Dentist, of Athens, paid our sanctum a visit on last Satur¬ day. The Doctor seems to be a clever gentleman and we learn that he pays a visit to Maxeys, every month, and can be found there from the 20th to the last of each month. Mr. G. W. Newsome and. family of Sun Hill, Washington Co., has been on visit to Mr Saff.Jd 3arwick and family, of this p'ace returned home last We hope he has been favor y impressed wiih North Georgia. The Clerk stys there are fifty or deeds and mortgages lying in the Cl. rk’s office, and some have been ever since the countv was or Ifthe office should be destroy¬ by fite, the papers will be lost with the rocords, aud your titles to your land and other property turned into ashes. F. M. T. says he is cultivating his moustache for the coming District Conference Meeting. Look out, and don’t let them get burnt off, as the Athens young man did, for we heard her remark the other day that “it would kill hei to see them perish,” ^ Mart! ' The Watkinsville Orchestra met at Dr. Billups’ residence on Monday night last. Splendid music, was lis¬ tened to by those who were fortunate enough to be present. The Doctor, in conclusion gave us the benefit of several songs, and instrumental pieces on his banjo, which were greatly en¬ joyed. We hope soon to have the music repeated. Mr. James O’Farrell, of Athens, keeps the best Lemonade to he found in the State. He is a genial gentle¬ man, and when you visit Athens and Lomonade want something cooling in a first-cla.»8 Farrell, shape, why call on Mr. O’¬ and when Jacks looks into the ice-box, he almost makes one dream of the north-pole. James O’Farrell’s is the place to get Lemonade and “don’t you forget it.” M e learn that the brag barley patch, in the vicininity of Liberty and be¬ longing to a popular young M. D., turned out to tie rye. Messrs. Mar¬ shall & Mayne report a good turn-out, notwithstanding that the barley was not barley at all, and that thfy also succeeded in tnreshing'ont of the straw a fine litter of spring kittens. Pretty, good for a days work anyhow! Mr. Eddie Billups, of Deiatur, son of our clever, and genial friend. Dr. E. S. Billups,of Watkinsvil e, is spending some time with his father and family in our town. Mr. B , is a young man of a liked winning disposition, and is universally visit, by all who last know Saturday him. He paid us a on evening in company with several of our young ladies and gents. Call again, friend Ed and don’t forget to bring the ladies around, you are always welcome. Prof. Barnett desires us to state that he will not have an oral examina¬ tion, but his pupils are now under¬ going a written examination. AH the I*** . respectfully ...... solicited 0 " nre to cail and the improvement# made hy the pupils. Those who so desire not patrons of the school, are also in v ,e< i to attend, at any-time from tills date until the dosing of the school, on .V 2*1, 1880, Prof. Barnett and his *»’♦»*«', efficient, and noble assistant, M‘* s Enima Wilson, deserves a great ^ c a! f >( praise f»r building us up a *»<*> 1 second to and in fact that none, it is "6St we know of in tbe Stattf. -- fo the VoterH of On»te* f’#rf f ^ l I i | tnarl7-td M M. SHEATH. Iaoat. On last Saturday, between Watkins ville, _ and Athens, a small pocket memoraudam book eontaininng notes, accounts, <&c. The finder will he liberally tlie rewarded by leaving it at Clerk’s office, or at the Advance office. W.T. PHILLIP’S, Watkinsville, Ga. How to Invest a Dollar. We will send the Savannah Weekly A T em, “the biggest and the best” newspaper in the South, well printed, Cull of live news, good stories, reliable market reports, agricultural items, and everything else to make it worthy of its well known reputation, to any address, till Jauuary, 1881, postpaid for one dollar. Address J. II. Estill, Sa¬ vannah, Ga. [Communicated, j Mr. Editor :—We are glad to wel¬ come Miss Lucy Anderson i«aok to our town. We know she will gladden the hearts of our young men, for she is indeed, an accomplished young lady. Oconee has again taken off the prise at the Lucy Cobb institute. Mr. McR., will no doubt call to see Fletcher very often now. A Lady Friend. Newton House. Messrs. J. G. Trammell and A. B. Howard have taken charge of the St. James Hotel. They have been in the business for a number of years, and understand the art of satisfying their guests- furniture having good fare at moderate rates, new, and of the best material with all the modern improve¬ ments. The hotel will no longer be known as the St. James, but as th ft Newton House. We extend to them * hearty welcome.— Athens Chronicle. The District Confereuee. The Athens District Conference meets at Watkinsville Wednesday Sunday. night, Juiy 7th; will include 2d About 6.000 members will be represented therein. Delegates by train will be met at Athens 3i p. m. t July 7th, and con¬ veyed to Watkinsville, and returned Monday to meet 9 a. m. train. Should buy ‘ Round Trip Tickets.” Delegates by private conveyance will be met by Committee on arrival at Watkinsville, and assigned to homes. A large attendance expected and will be heartily welcomed. R. W. BIGIIAM. P. E. Reply to J. “Possum Hollw,”Juii6 20, 1880, Mr. J. The Tillage Bachelor. Sir :—Your reply which was printed in the columns of the Advance, of the 16th inst., has been received by me. Having read and re read it, I can find no day or lime fixed tor our happy kindly, union. You accept my proposal very and offer the tendrils of my young love,, the sturdy old oak of your ‘ strength, support and protec¬ tion !” You indicate that you love Si,. dearly, and yet, you seem to be in doubt whether I am a boy or a j.irl. Yet, he that as it may, you love me. Now, Mr. J. aftter mature reflection, I have concluded that it would be wise in m« to be doubtful also ; hence, I fear that “the sturdy old oak,” of which you speak, will turn out to be only a worth¬ less piece of drift—or some other useless wood—which the ravages of time has stripped of streng h and sup¬ port. I will renew and stand by my proposal, only upon the condition that you will get some one to v«uoh for the truth of the assertion, that your love will bear with it through life, a support such as the “sturdy old oak” bears for the tendrils that entwine it, I now pro¬ pose further that onr union be on the first day of the Distriot meeting. Ex¬ cuse haste. Yours. Axis. and P• I 8-—My will be wardrobe is complete, ready. Will you ? Yours, Axie. Tc P. M. T. Dear Sir :— I have presumed to answer your call for “ladv corres¬ pondents with a view to matrimony, and desire to have an active partner in your stock of this world’s goods.” Beihgso well pleased with the des¬ cription of your personal ap¬ pearance, and much more with the qualities of your head »nd heart, as given by yourself, which forms my idol of a perfect man and of a model husband, emboldens me to present myself as a willing partner of and your of joys, and of vour sorrows, I know your goods. I think that who you are, indeed my heart tells me that you are the object of its first and only love ; that my eyes of blue have looked into your eyes of “intelligent hazel”; that the rich auburn of your hair I have contrasted in fancy with my dark tresses; that I have been often edified by your sparkling wit, and transported by the eloquence of your ‘orators well ventilated mouth.” I have given you some ofmv features, hut as to my form, the sculpture perhaps, would not re¬ gard it as a model of perfect pro portions, (you boast of your shape) «ut within beats a true hear! • I have health and willing hands to a husband who is nmiihL «... . yourself of ifn ATa trusting and unsuspectr suspect j n , r r await -inximiulw ii.-/.„ i. n. ’ for a e l ly ’ I rk * K '#V> the l*ubttt, Manv Voters will support Mr W Y ‘ as a candidate for the Leiris at the emming election. MANY VOTERS »pr7,’80-td ---- fi. C, 7 homos, AT LAW, )V, Ga. morlO COUNTY NEWS. NEWS NOTES FROM OOR REGU¬ LAR CORRESPONDENTS. Our County Towns, curd Surrounding Villages—What We Are Doing— Matters and Things Laconi¬ cally Noted. IIIOU SUOALS JOTTINGS. Local Points from High Shoals and Surrounding Section. Put on the brakes. Politics are igniting. Who will give us an old fashioned school exhibition ? Sunday be evening singings are get¬ ting to common. What has become of the “Moot Court” atOmer? Did the mule in in the well kill it? When will they commence the new church at Rays. Now is the time to turn your at¬ tention to the prepariation of your land, for a crop of grass. You can make more from the ground in hay than you made in wheat. Cool mornings. Crops are looking well. The farmers are having their thrashed. Dr. Jackson made 70 bushels wheat from seven acres of land. Our Sunday Schools are flourtsh Miss Eddie Barnett, of Hampton, is spending some time with her Mrs. T. E. Jackson. The young folks would like to get up an excursion to the falls afterthe crops are laid by. GOSHEN HILL REMARKS. mad Oh 1 ye gods 1 but didn’t he get ! is Crops are in splendid order; so the grass. The shrill whistle of the steam thresh is disturbing our quiet neighborhood. There was a picnic at Powell’s Mill last Friday. The young gentleman that brings May-apples favorite to Goshen, is a great (?) with the gills. The farmers work from early till dewy eve, and still the grass has the advantage, it grows while they sleep. The Colonel is a very regular at prayer meeting every Wednesday girls night. Charlie says “distracted,” are going to run him rav flowers. by giving him so It is predicted by some of the Goshen-ites, that the Goshen dots will soon bankrupt the Advance. Think there is any danger, Mr. Editor? We do not think they will all financially embarass U«, for like country editors, we do not have enough to go in the hands of a receiver. Besides we like the “Goshen dots” very iniseti and, take pleasure teresting in articles. publishing s«eh in¬ We wish and hope their they may continue to make us weekly visits.— Ed. Ad¬ vance. Sir.ENCE. OMIEOLi ITGDI 8 . Looal Items from the Upper Portion of Oconee County. Hot June. June 16, 1880. Ice lemonade would be bad to take at present. Our lively little merchant J, E. W., is having his wheat thrashed at this writing. What’s Spring chickens are quite scare#. the matter? Cholera? We hope not. We had a fine rain yesterday, ac¬ companied considerable by heavy thunder and wind. nice Joseph Hodges, Sr., is having a residence put up which he hopes to complete soon. James Martin Crow, Esq., has just had the wood work of his hand¬ some new residence completed. Sewing Machine agents, travelling through this section, now take anything from fry ing in payment fora machine, size chickens, to a horse and wagon. From present prospects I think tlie people of this section will make the fine»t crops this year of any year lately, provided, we have good seasons, with no providential dis¬ asters such as grinds, hail storms, &c. Rex. LIUCKTY. The Vicinity of Liberty—The Southern Portion of Ooonee County, The prayer-meeting, at this place was 1374. organized It in the summer of is and has been in a old flourishing condition. Young and seem to take an interest in attendance. We have a plan of issuing tiokets for punctuality conduct and good essons in our Sunday School. None are willing to lose a day, fur fear his class mates will get uhc d of them. Result, always a good attendance. Hot weather! Oh, goodness ! Gist Wednesday night and Thursday winteriah. morning were quite ^. Hasty showers last week, followed 1 Messrs. Jbh, O, Dillon and Jus. L. ami a few others are out of grass. Some of our farmers say wc ought not to he telling on them about the grass. Well, we were just tell¬ ing about our crop fits, prospects. How¬ ever, if the cap you must wear it. We have killed several snakes lately. Our wheat threshers say they are modation. thrashing this year, just for accom¬ John, we have always thought that you and Will were good boys, and, since you have agreed not to send your toll wagon, we believe you mean accomodation. We hard a man tell the Census taker that he made ten bushels of corn on twenty acres, and now, we hear another who says he sowed twenty-two bushels of wheat, thrashed almost, every head that bushels. was made, and mude seventeen If you want to see fine cows and have an instructive talk about fine stock, cull on Mr. C. L. Pew. He is the only man in this vicinity that gives the cow her share of attention. He has some of the finest milk cows in North Georgia. Jury Lists. Below we publish the lists of Grand and Traverse Jurors, drawn to serve for Ooonee Superior Court, to be held on the fourth Monday in July; GRAND JURORS. C L Few, Jno R Morton, J L MoRee, Geo B Smith, J A Thomas, L L Fambrough, J W Jackson, Albon Bishop, Wm B Hay good, Arthur M Jackson, H J Thomas, John Sikes, G W Kelly. A L Doolittle, M D Browning, J E Whitehead, W F Phillips, W H Anderson. Jas Fambrough, I) \ Griffeth, S J Fullilovc, E F Anderson, A 8 Wilson, Wm P Campbell, J J C Vickers, J M McRi e G H McRee, WmT Malcom, A B Jackson, TS Williamson, TRAVERSE JURORS. A W Griffeth, Win Lee, Robt Thompson, D S Willougby, J J Southerland, fd F Osborn, W C Elder, J W Daniell, M F Sims, Thomas Hodges, Granby Jackson, Wm B Cobb, M C Griffeth, C H Ashford, W H Bishop, W A Rutledge, J M Dicken, E H Sikes, J J Gunter, H G Hardigree, T M Foddrill, Jos 0 Dicken, W J Bates, Jack Phillips, John J Michael, J E Butler, Robt T Griffeth, J A Cross, Jno H Lowe, Jr., JWF Osborn, Wm Crow, M F Whitehead, .1 W Bradbury, Thos Giles, Enoch Allgood, J S Mclteo. T TS2 ADVANCE EMONADE ■ ■ ■ ■ Stand. H fCmnpr tfX1>A on y, Annd /co-cold JC Y'KX r tt* T*- 4 t.,monad, / IdK and LJCMOJWi, ■HHiHw constantly call, on Hamd and son Saln. Give ub a and we guarantee satisfaction. On public occasions we can be found on hand, in front of the Advance office. Come one, Come ALL ! jun23tf D*. A. r. DURHAM, | D*. W. M DURHAM, Laic of Sparu. Law of Maacyl, Drs. A. F, & W. M* Durham, SPECIALISTS. anil Surgery, Chronic Diseases of Male for Female, and Venerial, Operate Cross Eyes, Cataract, Stone in the Bladder, Harelip or Cleft Pal¬ ates, &c. Will visit patients in any part of the State, in consultation or to perform surgical operations. Ad¬ dress, with stamp, Dus. A. F. & W. M. Durham, mar31,’80tf Athens Ga. Strayed. Strayed from my plantation on last Thurs¬ day night the 17th inst., a small, brown mare mule. She has a knot on her right foreleg, between the ankle and knee joint Any information of her whereabouts will bo thankfully received and liberally rewarded. June2j,2-t. S. J. FULLILOVK, High Shoals Ga. Notice ! Notije is hereby given to all that Wash. Barnett, col , has loft my employ without provocation or my consent. 1 will prosecute any one hiring or harbor¬ ing him to the extent of the law, unless saiis f actory terms are made as to his indebtedness to me L. W. DOWNS, Agent. jun9,2t Look Well to Yoer Time Ye People of • Watkinsville. V. W. SKIFF, Athens da.,, Latc'of tc City oi Madi»on, Jiai established him fl« f IB Athens, as a practical Watchmaker & Jeweller, Bcin. a thoroughbred workmen with experience, it * work Mtisfactory limit guarantee that I can and will do good on ill ot Watches, Clock*, Jewelry, Ac., ail of which will be warranted to give tatitfac tion ARo—A good line of Watches, Clockt. Jewelry, Ac on hand and for calc, cheap cheapest. , at at t e TV. Celebrated IHamxnd SpccOtcles Noise betier Good for the eyes. Try them, told only by V. W SKIFF* Other Reference to all the above, meet any one in Morgan County. jun9,tf A. It. Jackson, supply Keeps of constantly on hand a large AND SHINGLES, *” d '______ inMv5 .lB80.8m.* Now is the best time tosubscrihc f l per annum. The Watkinsville Advance, The Largest. Rest and Cheapest T T I! 9 IIST THE STATE. Weare prepared to do all kinds of JOB WORK at short notice on the most reasonable terms, CARDS, LABELS, NOTES, Letter Heads, Circulars 9 NOTE HEADS, ENVELOPES, ETC. -AnI, in fact, wc do- JOB W ° R kJH OF ALL KINDS. Executed in the best manner, IT CIO FIG* FOR TIM, Now is the Time to Subscribe ONLY $1 Per Year. 60c. for 6 Mouths. Its Circulation is Daily Increasing. IT IS THE BEST MEDIUM FOR ADVERTISERS Do not fail to write us and get our t MOST LIBERAL TERMS A TRIAL WILL CONVINCE YOU AS WE MEAN BUSINESS. CALL AND SEK US. LOW PRICES & HONEST WORK OUR MOTTO 1 DON’T YOU FORGET IT! Call an Vs 9 or slnythinq in Cur Mine, Address, W. G. SULLIVAN, ^ATKISVILLE, p#L W. B. LANGFORD, Manufacturer and Dealer in CARRIAGES. WAGONS, Buggies and Plantation Work A SPECIALTY. Have also in connection A BLACKSMITH SHOP- Patronize Home Enterprise* WHEN YOU WANT A NEW WAGON OR BUGGY. W. B. LANGFORD, Watkinsville, - Georgia. ORDER YOXJR Saw Mills and Grist Mills and Cane Mills ?■ c.rr*' / £ Screws, Plantation Shafting, Machinery, Pulleys, Engines Hangers’ and Journal Boilers, Cotton Boxes, at Mill Gearing, Gudeons, Turbine Water Wheels, Gift * Gearing (cheap), Judson’s Governors, Diston’s Cir ! [ L b l euiar Babbitt Saws ami Gummers and Files, Belting and w Metal and Brass Fitting, Globe and Chock N '“t xt Valves and Whistles, Guages, Etc., Iron and Brass ' V Oustings and Gin Ribs, from GEO. R. LOMBARD <fc CO., FOREST CITY FOUNDRY & MACHINE WORKS (Near Water Tower,) 1014 to 1024 Fenwick Street, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. Repairing promptly done at lowest prices.