The Watkinsville advance. (Watkinsville, Ga.) 1880-1???, June 30, 1880, Image 2

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T he Wa t k i nsville Advance. W. €i. SULLIVAN, Editor, Publisher A. Job Printer. TERMS, —Oue Dollar per Year. S.xty Cents fer Six Mouths. -IS MttUJ.SHKD ON l VERY W KUNESDAV, Watkinsvilie, Ga , June 30. 1880 l.ntcrcd at the Pt>*t Office at Watkfmvittc <^ebrgin # as SECOND CLASS MATTER The Choice of the People, 10R PRESIDENT OF TllK U. S., W. S. HANCOCK ' OF t'KXNsVLVA.VM. FOR VICE-PRESIDENT, GOVERNOR ENGLISH, OF INDIANA. NOTICE. According to a long es¬ tablished custom, no jutper will be issued from this of¬ fice next week, it being 4 th of Jtiiy. When it is known that wc have but two holi¬ day-weeks during the year, and that recreation s need¬ ed by us, most especially during the sultry summer weather, wc do not believe any one will blame us for so doing. YV hether we have pleased or displeased, we leave our course entirely with our readers and friends to determine. We arc truly proud to say that Tiir Ad¬ vance is steadily gaining in popularity, and wc hope soon to class it with the first,-class weeklies of the State, having labored under many disadvantages during the past, but wc hope that they may be overcome in the future. Adieu until July Uth, when we shall commence our labors again with renewed energy. Our next issue will be printed on Tuesday, and bur publication changed to that day. A half or ad¬ vertising sheet, of course, will be issued next week. STATE NEWS. Tbc rattlesnake season ling opened well. Wild hogs are eating up green corn around Albany. Gov; Colquitt is making speeches in Southwest Georgia. Gen. Gartrcll opened his Guber¬ natorial campaign at Jonesboro. Rust has made its appearance in the cotton fields of Brooks county. Savannah had two fires on Satur¬ day, The loss was not heavy in either case. The largest, amounted to about $3,000, Mr. G. 1. Wbilden, of Baldwin county, made mid harvested 120 bushels and one peck of outs on one acre of land. An escaped monkey in Savannah, created considerable excitement, and eluded all efforts at capture. It bit a little girl seriously. A census man had a hard chase after a negro in DeKalb county to get his census and make 21c. Negro thought he wanted to arrest him. Give this country a certain cure lor corns, freckles and warts, and Presidential conventions and elec tions would not create a ripple of excitement. A great revival of religion is going on in the Methodist Church 7 s, that Brother Hanleiter, of the Sun. will issue no paper this week, will attend church. The Baniiersville Mercm, regrets to lean, of the continued illness of Judge II. V. Johnson from partial paralysis cf the side. In a later paragaph the Mercury Icams that he is much better. Rev. t. H. Strickland, formerly of Augusta. I new of Knoxville Tenn., Will d-liver the nientsci.-m... . . th, t . orgia Female College, wt Madison. Gov. Colquitt will wm deliver deliver tin tin J’mo I.ri*e>, Mr. Waliacf P. Rcc-j, of Conyers is now regularly engaged as one of of the editors Ot tic AtlanU DcUy Po*t. He is * clev.-r writer, a S^'^lSir" man and bis wile, mug near Bocial urche. locked up their three children in the house and rent to church. Pretty soon, i-.s is usual JrebO he house UStC»Ugfa cuuaht t tire ft re ami «• .1 all »11 Uirw iLr«! «f the obildren were ciR.iatod. Sumter Republican: Mr. Max Cohen, of Montezuma, seems to be an unlucky man on water. In 1875 he was on the Schiller when that unfortunate vessel was wrecked, and was saved in a desti¬ tute condition. Wc now learn that lie was abroa<} the ill-fated Narragansett when it collided with the Stoiiington, and barely escaped in Ills night clothes. He is rather lucky in his escapes and unlucky on his water trips. Max, at one time, was in the employ of Mr. 8. Cohen, Sr., of Augusta. The Cincinnati Convention. The Democrat*, at Cincinnati, have signally distinguished them¬ selves in the nomination of Gen. \V. S. Hancock of Pennsylvania, and Gov. English of Indiana. Gen. Hancock was a Gcnuial in the Federal Army, and was dis¬ tinguished for bravery. He is a good man, and a standard-bearer that all good Democrats may be proud ti honor and to Btand-by in the coming election. Got. English, of Indiana, the nominee for the Vice-Presidency is also a “whole team,” and tiie Democrats of the whole country arc jubilant over their prospects for beating the race. We know this is one of the strongest tickets that has been put before the people for a long time and w« should nil prepare for a “long pull, and a sure pull,” aud -core a victory in 1880. We will no doubt have a man who will take bis teat, nne that will not give over his rights for, tin* sake of a few dollars. Rally and we think you are sure to succeed. The Republicans also have a strong man in the field, and feel confident that they will elect, their nominees. With a view to this nil of the Democrat* should work quietly mid earnestly never failing to put in a word at the right time and place to further the interest of the Democratic party. Tho Lute Emprcs.s of Hussiu. The document by wfiiich the Cxnr intimated to his subjects the decease of bis imperial consort runs thus: “We, Alexander 11. etc., I13’ God's grace, do hereby give our faithful subjects to know that it bus pleased Almighty God, in the unsearchable ways of Ilis Holy Providence, to send down upon us a grievous trial by visiting us and our whole house with boundless tribulation, for on the 22d of May, (3d of June] our dearly beloved spouse, the Empress Maria Alexanrovna, feel asleep, after a lenghthened illness, which bad for long continued to create apprehensions. An the means re¬ commended by experienced phy¬ sicians for the restoration of her health, with all the zeal and ten der cure of her attendants, animated towards her by ardent love and genuine devotion, proved to our deep sorrow powerless against the disease winch ended her precious life—that Ijte which self denginglv and unshrinkingly she devoted to the last to the lofty duties of her earthly calling and to works Christian mercy. The incessant motherly cure felt bv tlin Empress now reposing in God for the wel¬ fare of the numerous voting crea¬ tures belonging to the educational institutions under her immediate control, her sympathetic interest i n the victims of the late war and their families, which did not re¬ strict itself to the limits of the fatherland, but also extended to remote companions in the faith. will wo firmly believe, forever deeply settle in the grateful recol¬ lection of those who have been massed by her benefits, and will ^cording to their merits, be ap. all (Mid and rijrltlooii, Judge m another and n better world. ' V h,le * drawing oor only consolation from this conviction, hun,U!v Wfon ' ihe ".f “ °? ® f r l J’T f eulijecta wc n PP« to al send P ,u arlMt ,mvar d prayers for the , repose ofth*pure soul of her who has now departed to the heavenly * spaces of ' li;.« »> _ - Queen Qictoria has attained her «Dt year, an age exceeded by Vi’ England, dating . from *"***'*&*• the Norman conouret-namcly t-otbo Henry I, who Rveu ageof 67: Henry hved to fffi yesr,; h^„ r d L, 11., S?ri vears ; George 77 vearw; George by more than four English sove reigns, vir... Henrv HI., who reigned ^ » Edward III., who reigned Q°«* n W***h»th, <6 years; George III w m „ nrt! ^ Jong 0 f yrerr CSovcrn< r nakiuft, There are five candidates already announced, whose names will he presented to the Gubernatorial convention in August asking the nomination. It will he the duty of tnat convention to inspect, scrutinize and examine carefully find closely the qualification and claims of each candidate anil his availability as the standard-bearer of the Democracy in the State. In doing this it will be the duty of the convention to he governed by justice, wisdom arid moderation. If this is done, a good nomination will be made—one that will give entire satisfaction to every simon pure Democrat in Georgia. Now, let us inspect the material that the convention will have to make a Governor from. Firs' * there is Hon. Rufus K. Lester, oi Savannah a young matt of fine ability and character. Gon. L. J. Gurtrel! has all the iieecssure quali¬ fications to make an honest and faithful Executive, Chief Justice Warner is as solid and’ns compe¬ tent as any Democrat; has the full confidence of his fellow-citizens; and has filled many positions of trust and honor, and filled them well. Hon. Thoinu* Hardeman, Jr., is a true lard Woking Demo¬ crat, ami has done as much for his party as any man in the Slate;—he is honest, faithful and competent. Any ot the gentlemen named above would mukoGcargia a Governor of whom her people (would be proud. Hut then we have Alfred H. Col quilt, who is jint, as competent; just as honest ; just as faithful to the State and the people as nnv of the gentlemen whose names will bo presented to the convention for nomination, lie has proven himself true to his State in war and in peace ,• lie lias defended her honor whenever it was attacked liy thcenernies of liberty, life and property, lie has made a Gover¬ nor lh„t has given the grand old State a credit and character abroad that she never had before; and peace and prosperity at home that she has not enjoyed since the war. For this he has been the worst abused man that ever lived in Georgia. His enemies have made all sorts of false charges against him in order to defeat him. If one halfofwlmi they have said of him wa* true, he ought to be a convict to-day and in the Dade coal mines, instead of being Goverunor of Georgia. For his faithfulness and fidelity to principle; for his ser vices to his country and people; for the wisdom, and moderation and economy with which he has administered the affairs of the comment Wealth; and because of the abuse ofjiad men, we believe it is the duty of every good man in Georgia to thrust the insults that that have been heaped upon this good man into the teeth of his enemies by nominating and re electing. him Governor in October next.—11. If, FI., Goshen. The Fxotlus Fccoinnicnces 011 « • La.gcr Scale than Before. St. Louis Glube-Democrat ; “Out of the one bundled and twenty colored retugees who arrived from New Orleans on the steamer \V. P, hundred flulJiday Tuesday evening, one and seven were louml en¬ tirely destitute of means and with out friend in the city. They were directed to the relief head quarters, No t!0o South Levee, where Sui> erintendent Dorsey mid Secretary Kinbrough took them in charge. giving their them shelter and provision's sharing scanty Stock of 'vita them! If the statements of the new comers are to tie believed the exodus hasonlv set iu, especially in .Mississippi 'and Louisiana. Numbers are now encamped on the river banks at various landings, awaiting the arrival of boats to convey them to this. eitv. Nothing ciur be done to check the stampede! ^ K denopulaUd of colored ' oeoi.le ” Raton Rougo V«piM>an : '“Emt night tho steamer Scurider brought back sotT ’ e ,^) wn c f’ r f l! tl' ^tTme glowing* So^o^oiite jn 0 ) UU< 1 of promises Kansas These people have had a hard time out West, and they show it in their haggard looking faces emaciated forms. They say that work is very scarce in the region tln-v have just left, and wagi V * r * V lo "j-______ Bi m ^ the oarage of the act to furnish artificial limbs to maimed soldiers lont^ in iuon!»th«e Georgia or the couiva iu n ^6(i,24 t tic 'None^of^the total sum i,uHs 0 . '^ »«*«, but all D ro ‘<* rr ,lv money. «... village hood of Ileleddi, in the neighbor of Bioone, was completely swallowed swallowed up up by by the sea. Not a trace rttuaiu* of its sixty houses and mosque. The villagers were all able to save tl.emadvre, ,o Uiat not oueof tlisui suffered any barm. Letters of Disnmsion. 0 KORGIA —Oconee County. Emory F. Anderson, as adminis trator of the estate of Milly Klutts, late of said county, deceased, applies to me for letters c f dismission from said estate. These are therefore to cite add admonish all parties or person* interested to be and appear at my office, on or before the first Monday in August, 188*% to show l auB.-, if any they can, why said letters should not he granted. Giv •cn under my hand and official sig nature, at Watkinsvilie. This May .id, 1880. 0rdinary - Letters of Dismission. GEORG I Oconee County. Whereas, Aaron Crow, Administrator of Margaret W. Parker, represents to the Court, in his petition, duly filed and entered on record, that he La- fully ad¬ ministered Margaret \V. Parkers estate, Th : s is therefore to cite all pet sons concerned, kindred and creditors to show cause, if any they cori, why said administrator shoo'd not be discharged from his administration, and receive Filers of dismission on the first Monday in September, 1880. iunt-7ili,’8('-3m JAMES It LYLE, Ordinary. (ITA ION. GEORG I A— ( Icon kk County. Whereas, .Tames E. Whitehead ap¬ plies to me for Letters of Administra¬ tion late on of the estate of Sanford Whitehead, said county deceased. These are therefore to cite and ’admonish all concerned, to show cause at my office on or before the second Monday in July next, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my lmml at office, this 7th day of June, I s,SO. JAMES U. LYLE, Ordinary, june7,’80-30(1 James Mauldin >' iuiBooi and Shoe MAKKl . W.vnc:N8vn.r,K, : Georgia. Has removed lo his old stand, and is better prepared than ever to do all kinds of Root and Shoe work. Repairing a specialty, ALSO.— at Dressmaking lowest prices. - and Hair work done in the best manner, and prices to suit, the times. anrl4,3m Jeii It t, tlu .Col., DA R B K R , Waticinsvillk, Ga. &-.»>" Can he found at his Shop next door to IT. 0. Durham’s Con¬ fectionery, on Saturday evenings, and Sunday mornings until 10 o’clock, a. m. marlO 80-tf NDW 1 SY 0 UR CHANCE! — TO iXCllANOK — CORN-MEAL I will keep at the store of J. 0 . FODDRILL 1 CORN M 8.4 I, for SALE Oil EXCHANGE 48 pounds of Meals for 56 pounds of Corn. Persons coming TO TOWN, can bring their Corn and got their Meal Wi'hout Delay. Highest CASH prices paid FO - l\ A TNT. HENRY JENNINGS. nuirl7,188C-tf FRIDAY, JULY 23, 18S0. Commencement Week, G rand SQ.OO r [1 Tr/JTTn V j I [ i' n r f i l |\T P, A I , 1 ’J XlUlU h »?S|| if 111 • ‘,, 1 he Grandest , UT Excursion . of ^ the , sea s Atlanta .°”, Wl , by ive of the tor Georgia c * f y of way Rail !',' ' " ,, e |; ir .'’ ri, ° Morning, “8toil® Mountain July 23, A', " ,'* e “- lummeneemeot Week, aud W!li arn y em Atlanta at 4 o’clock, p. , u '' !' p:Uil ] >a f sea ^ ^4^ r Goaelies our wh,t « fr tends and sit f„r our colored fr,en as - Tllis is d’ 0 8th Annual . d° d«'imiuagement " n r of Sapp, ^ tlm m-!,^ V' cmlui'lblVt.a^'i.r til Stnwt **-««*»• The Athens ''wot Band will discourse sweet music ™ ,he * r: “ n - Knuemlw the cities. ^"cry and a view ofhtone Moon A, , ' ^‘anU “‘A Lcmnung, the 8'^-bth oeloes, Monday «om. • a. m , ar . rivtnu tt» Athens «^L' P- »»• K*te*. tetween°5 aad*^ $150 'V l’ 1 '!^ \ "" ^ «!• • .^"“dgc, Reaves, Hodgson Nicholson * t'o., : T. Bnutk A Co., \\ atkinsville; J * Y orlrU «««g and A. H. Robuek, Lex »‘^n ; the nmagere, Edward ! * ’ r ‘ Usri>m ' l Jr ydii*. M. B. Morton, xv High Maxwell. junfi ------ H. X. HVLL, Stoker. Will buy *nd sell on COMMISSION SECURITIES " .. OF ---- ALL ., , ____ SIHSS. __ Omee : At tbe Bank of the University. SKYERS TO Y.t. G. H»m» FIumw. StmaUw m*y’26,3« Business Card:?* James 91. Lyle, ATTORNEY AT LAW J WATKINS', 11,1.1', GA. 33?" Will practice in the Courts of Oconee mnr31,’80-ly and adjoining counties. ?-- 91. ,11. Jackson. Attorney & Counselor at LtW AND JUDGE OF THE tCfiimlB (£opt, Watkinsvilie, Ga. Will practice in all Courts except the County Court Oconee County. marl7,’80-ly 9i. t. J brasher, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Watkinsvili.r, Ga. tEF” Will practice in the Courts of Oconee arid adjoining counties. roarl7,’80-ly John J. Undcrson. ATTORNEY AT LAW 'Watkinsvim.e, Ga. business K7 = ' Prompt attention giv,-n to all entrusted to his care <iffice in Court Hoase. marl 7,’80' ly (i. ('. J homos. A iTTAntlfi/ | llinPJrY Aj ST I | ft i i#f if,J ** ’ * I n I Ln i» j WATKINSVil.I.Ei Ga. mar 10 D. ,11. It hie, ,11. 9., f R ACT1CIN ? f HYSICIA Watkinsviu.e, Ga. tLP* Will be found at his office when not called off. mar 17 ,’80- tf 9 r. J. J(. tttder, A Who has recently completed an extra course STUDIES in the Jefferson Medical College, Of Philadelphia, Pa., Offers his professional services to the pun lie at large. Having been thoroughly tutored iu the system of his grand-father’s (I)r. I.indsay Durham’s) practice, he proposes to make the following diseases a specialty: Chronic Pleurisy, Bronchittis and Rheu¬ matism. Diseases ot the Heart, Kidneys, Skin, l-iver, Spleen, Scrofula, Syphillis (pox,) Gonorrhoea, Old Ulcers, Dropsy, Dyspepsia, Neuralgia, Epileptic Pin, Impotency, Steril¬ cial ity [barrenness,] attentions Abortion, etc. Very spe¬ females. given all diseases peculiar to Office and residence, at Wm. H. Bishop’s about 2 miles from Farmington on the road leading from the aforesaid place to Watkinsvilie. All communications strictly private, and promotly attended to. P. O. address. Watkinsvilie, Ga. marl7,’8o-ly J. Hone, General Repairer of Guns, Pistols, Watches, CLOCKS, Ac. Near Watkinsvilie, Oconee County, Ga. All as cheap as good work can be dene by anyone and guaranteed. on Dr. D. M. White, and he will iu form you ns to my whereabouts, may 10,1880. James J. Jtiiso, —Manufacturer of and Dealer in— FURNITURE, Burial CASES, I ; ?a m n COFPI NS, & C . Over Reaves, Nicholson & Co., Hroad Street, ATHENS. GEORGIA. *9- v • o I «• ! J E for the purpose. ntarjt.’So-jm 91, J(, rt Men's Hoisu and Ainle MILLINERY STORE. Cor. Clayton ai d Jackson Sts., ATHENS, GA. 1 k.ive in Store »good assortment of Sail dies t , and Haraess, Bridles, Collars, Whips, Saddle Blankets, Horse Covers, &c. ' You will find that my harness is made of the best Western Leather, al hand made. I cut-and fit horse collars and do a J kinds of repairing at short notice. better Buggy whips l make a specialty and a assortment cannot be found in the city. Saddles down at rock bottom. My harness cannot be beat in prices and quality, When you visit the city VZLtTZ continuance in the future, apr.7,1880,6m TllK BICKFORU AUTOMAT AIITflM ATIP IG U~ -r u. «r. I: win km apuir d mks In fifteen minutes 9 Evny machine warranted herfcu, and w ck just Mmmion us remnant). book mmmpnnia A mmylacw cull ilk machine. Knim »!!««» of work, narrow- and wi ticu ' «; shape* all sires complete. Knits ^ Jo different garments. SoeU .Stockings, JiJ^ V«KE>»»-""-dets ■ C.iov *. etc. Fencv^tiloh 3 VHriel >* profit in manufacturing Ink g^ds! Farmers can treble the value ot their Agents ^ wanted in every ^ State, Countv, Citv and Town, to whom ve L v ' 0VF prices will be made. For full 1 nurticulars particulars and and lowest prices send for the best Family Machine to BlCK$XiRD KNITTING M ACHING CO.. Brsnteberra. Vn f & BIL!» I‘ Sle‘LE, DURANJS, VHAVJ“ fam ily ”,NFAJESSARV SEWING in MAC} everi- INF? as a New A t liens A-dv eytisem en tg?. THE ONLY GRADUATED DRUG GIST in this SECTION in CHARG ^ PIHCSVHH’TIUNS A HHCLHALTY. Sole Proprietor of Jacob’s Brilliantine and Low ranee’s Tooth Powder. SIT 0 V T i ~ 7) Cl . 1 A jjjv I STOVES! STOVES! -AND - 111 -AND TIN-WARE. ^I TiN-WAEE. BEST IN THE MARKET ! -AT J. €. WILKINS ■> mar24,l880-4m Broad Street, Athens, Georgia, The Cheapest Crockery House in N. E. A Cordial invitation is extended by to their many Oconee county friends to 1 ' visit their Crockery and Glassware Store* Merchants and house-keepers can save money by buying from them Crockery, Glassware, .Lamps, tilery, Tinware, Wocdenware, WHIPS & FANCY GOODS e Best Goods with Prices at the Lowest Point, Everything guaranteed LYNCH & to be ns represented. mar24’80-3m FLANIGEN, Broad Street, Athens, Ga-. ORDER YOUR Saw Mills and Grist Mills and Cane Mills Jj J Screws, Plantation Shafting, Machinery} Engines and Boilers, Cotton Mill Gearing, Gudeons, Pulleys, Hangers’ Journal Boxes, Turbine Water Wheels, Gin * Gearing (cheap), Judson’s Governors, Diston’s Cir r- l eular Satvs and Gummers and Files, Belting and bgQL Babbitt Metal and Brass Fitting, Globe and Check valves and Whistles, Guages, Etc., Iron and Braes 'SwbglMlsslli^S' Castings and Gin Ribs, from GEO. R. LOMBARD & CO. FOREST CITY FOUNDRY & MACHINE WORKS N 1014 to 1024 Fenwick Street, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. S@“ Repairing promptly done at lowest pri ces. JAMES E. MURRAY. | I. W. THRASHER. Murray&thrasheR ^ Watkinsvilie, Georgia, Tn returning our thanks to our friends for their very liberal patronage durum the past , we would again renew our offer cf one of the Largest and best selected STOCK I GOODS! Ever brought to this section, and ask tho people of this and adjoining counties to give this Stock a careful examination. In I>rv Goods Our Lines OF JEANS. BLEACHED and BROWN DOMESTICS, 4 STRIPES and CHECKS, PRINTS, of standard makes, from 6c. to 9e. per yd. LADIES TIES, DRESS GOODS, Is full and at low prices. Our ETC., ETC., ETC. 1 P illl A MP %TA U V Jl UU (t(| 'T\Q JUO UPP 11 X 31 XL fl JA RTMBHT 1 iu£il X Has had the most careful selections, and in style and xuality ’ can’t be surpassed We have the beat line of BOOTS ChnrtO On06S I LBUie S «% 300 n 4 MBflS lJ n „ A l Hart HStS CSDS. We have e^h.d, an dlat pneesth.t defy competition. Our stoex of V J 1% V-jxlHUC C lOtlklUfiT ^ ^ CY GROCERIES, ?**, m tnwtait ^** 7 * .ml fu ]\> w wi a £ few Ff** day. ** will *?» be “ fall As sod lowest. cojnpkte. This large We stock b ask ia atore and Tl RBAV XBumm. yon ' U.r 6, UN. Athens Pharmaceutical Co., • —MANUFAIXRF.RS AND DEALERS IK EAEE and ST A IS DAIiT) Elegant Pharmneueutieal Preparation Toilet Requisites. JOSEPH JACOBS. a-a, «D»aa2xe*s®*Hfs Corner Claotun Street and CoiI> ge Avenue, ATLIEN’S, GA. n l’ r 7,’<SQ-tf ____________________________________ Raru Wainw-