The Watkinsville advance. (Watkinsville, Ga.) 1880-1???, June 30, 1880, Image 3

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The Watkinsville Advance, W. G. SIXUVAN, Editor , Publi sher & Job Printer TERMS,—One Dollar per Year. Siaty Ceuta fcr Six Months. •.IS PUBLISHED ON EVERY WEDNESDAY, Watkinsville, Ga , June 30,188Q. l.ntered at the Post Office at Watkinsville Georgia, as SECOND CLASS MATTEL NOTICE. According to a long es¬ tablished custom, no paper will be issued from this of¬ fice next week', it being 4th of July. When it is known that we have but two holi¬ day-weeks during the year, and that recreation s need¬ ed by us, most especially during the sultry summer weather, we do not believe any one will blame 11 s for so doing. \\ hether we have pleased or displeased , we leave our course entirely with our readers and friends to determine. We are truly proud to say that The Ad¬ vance is steadily gaining in popularity, and we hope soon to class it with the first-class weeklies of the State, having labored under many disadvantages during the past, but we hope that they may be overcome in the future. Adieu until July 13th, when we shall commence our labors again with renewed energy. Our next issue will be printed on Tuesday, and our publication changed to that day. A half or ad¬ vertising sheet, of course, will be issued next week. vkT mEgBm, The District Conference. The delegates by public convey¬ ance will arrive at Watkinsville about 6 o’clock, p. m., and it would be well for some member of each family with whom the delegates stop, to be present at the hotel to re¬ ceive their guest.. Those coining by private con yeyance, may not be expected all at the, same time, but they will be here, sometime Wednesday even ing. and we shall be greatly obliged to the friends in the countrv who have promised to take care of horses, if they would send in for them that evening. provided All the horses are not vet take for, and any one who could one or more, would help us. back Conveying the delegates from and to Athens will be an item. Quite a number have promised to buggies assist; if all in reach, who have and carriages, would report at curce, and be on hand Wednes¬ day to bring them from Athens ami return them Monday morning in time to leave on the 9 a. m. train, iheirassistance would be very high¬ ly appreciated. Committee on conveyances, J. W. Johnson, Anderson. W. B, Haygood and J. T. On providing for horses, Rev, ifi F. Anderson, Judge Wilson, Mr. foddrill and Mrll, C. Jennings. In Manowm. Died on the 11th day of May. 3880, at her home in Oeonee count v, after a short and painful illness, our tqster Lola Wise. Sister \\ ise was baptized at Mars Hill Church, in August 1876, bv brother C. D. Campbell, upon the profession of her faith in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Sh» was rparried September 7th, 1879; and was at tho time of her death, Eigh¬ teen years and six months old. Our sister maintained during the entire time of her connection with the church, an untarnished Chris¬ tian character. Her punctual at¬ tendance upon the pubic church service was marked We looked forward with fond hope that her life would prove to he of great use fulness in the church, ns she was gifted in eong and possessed of more than ordinary intelligence. But our Father in whose hands we are at **U our times, who makes no mis takes in counting, who permits no one to die too soon, nor live too long, hgs taken her home, The Lord gave and the Lord hath taken away LJesseJ be the name of the Lord.” II. R. Bernard. Hew to Invest a Dollar. He will send the Savannah n'Hstrly AVmw, “the biggest and Urn oest ’ newspaper in the South, printed, full of live news, .dories reliable market gficultural items. ::1H | m a . ■ use to make it worthy ot iu w-H ,iown reputation, to any address, Ill January, 1881. postpaid for one dollar. Address J. II. K-tili, Sa .anmh.Ga. --—— A youngster other joyfully day assured his mother the he bad found • sit where they finishing make horses; he find seen a man om — hc WAB nailing on Ids last foot. LOCAL NOTES. Watkinsville and Surrounding County Items, Gathered by Advance Reporters. Warm weather. The Spring chicken is scarce. Good gardens are in demand, blackberries arc getting scarce. Our daily mail commences on next Thursday. Dr. Joe Knight called Oil ns yc- 3 - terday. Considerable sickness prevails in this section of the State. Cotton blooms are said to be get¬ ting numerous, We have not seen them. The ehnreh yard is being put in class order. This is right, let the work continue. Let all tho streets be put in first order, and present an inviting to all who attend the The Methodist church here, since repairs in have been made, and the yard front levelled, presents a more attractive appearance. Mrs. J. K. Lovejov, of Grantville, Coweta couty, daughter of Rev. W J. Cotter, is visitin'/ her friends and re¬ latives, in Watkinsville. People coming to the Distrit Con¬ ference, wishing to be shaved right had better call on Levi Walker. Levi will shave you right. Judge Jackson wishes ns to inquire after the weather or why it is so dry around Watkinsvil’e? Will some of our readers give tho desired infor- 111 tion ? Miss Clara Rawlins, who for some time past has been t aching at Farm¬ ington. left for her home in Virginia last Tuesday. Her many friends re¬ gret her dt parture. The District Conference we learn, will be largely attended bv many eit zens of the surrounding counties. Watkinsville w 11 then p. esent quite a Lm.-incss appearance. Lemonade, ice-cold, is taken now with a good grace by our ci izens. Come on, gentlemen we are prepared to accomodate our friends, and are al¬ ways glad to see tliein. Prof. 0. S. Barnett, requests u3 to state again that the patrons of the school are requested to come to the Academy at 10 o’clock, Friday July 2d. lie wishes all the patrons to cal 1 , and don't forgot it. The o’d veteran auctioneer, Col. Charlie B. Day, of Athens, paid our town a visit on yesterday. The Colo¬ nel was for a long time, and is we believe, now connected with one of the best auction houses in Augusta, Georgia, to be found in the State. The man who tried li's hand on the essay. ‘ Fleas tires of imagination,” and who has for sometime been engagad in deep has study over, the “Stern Realities,” his again left for S. C., and will lay case before her, and if necessary “Carrie” his ease to die Supreme, Court, and will “Knox” the black out of his rivals in tho way that is truly sinful! From the signs, the new buggy, ingly harness Ac , this looks exceed¬ suspicious! Look out. hoys! K ;ply tc Irens. I am in the same “dele. table” state of mind that Axalina put J, the village bachelor. If 1 were so v an as to be¬ lieve that the girls would feel honored, and be in est<ttic impatience to enter into a matrimonial partnership with me, I would believe that Irene was indeed a girl, and in earnest, and riot a But man there trifling with my propositions. is something in the style which gives it the impress of the sterner sex, and I must insist that the assurance be given that it is not a man at the bottom of the transaction, but u real girl, who is willing to go hand in uund with mo adown life’s journey to where tho surf of eternity breaks, upon the beach of time, whose sighs are as soft as a zephyr’s breath arising from tho gardens of Gul iu her bloom (>f course, you, have a wed defined idea who 1 am f and know that in the ardor of my young soul I love the ' eyes of blue” and “the dark waving tresses,” and I imagine and dream that my dear Irene possesses a gylph ike form, and beauty of feature that the houries would envy and if she will authorize the Advance to give me her real name, she will find my money down and “another soul made happy,” and then let her appoint her trysting. hour and at the appointed (dace :>ud there she will find me. F. M. T. Champion Excursion. Sspp. Brydie champions & Morton are cer tainly the of Excursion managers. They with have the perfected arrangements Ga. R. 11. to pass all who wish to return before regular Monday, the26th of July, on any train with the same ticket. Parties can either return on Satur Court or which Sunday and be in lime tor commences on Mon day. -\Vatkmsv.iie Cull on AW». i. Booth & High 1 !- . Dr. Roberts, Shoals; V. W . Price, Farm ington, for information and chase your tickets from them. hare for round trip, only $2, Four '•operate Coaches for their friends and six f r their colored friends. L<*t all go ! ------- — Now is the lime to subscribe to Advance. Only fl a year, county NEWS NOTES PROM OOR REGU LAH CORRESPONDENTS. Our County Towns, mid Surrounding Villages—What We Are Doing— Matters and Tilings Laconi¬ cally Noted. Powell’s Mills Ripples. Windy. Hard'work. Grass »s growing. Crops are looking fine, Prospects for a good cotton crop was never better. Mrs. Tunis Powell has returned home, after spending a week at High Shoals, with Mr. Isaac Pow¬ ell and family. Mr. H. F. J., received a basket of fine strawbeiries from a young ladv the other day, for which she will please accept his thanks. Dr. J. H. Brightwell had roastina ears and tomatoes for dinner last spring Sunday. Mrs. B. had the finest of chickens we ever saw, but they are all fried. Miss Lizzie Wilkins, of Maxeys. is visiting Misses at Dr. J. II. Brightweli’s, also Mattie Willoughby and Hattie Durham two chai unng young ladies, from Goshen. High Shoals Jottings. Dry. Cotton blooming. Corn silking and tasselling. James Allgood is said to have the best cotton crop in the neighbor¬ hood. There wjll probably be a P. O. established at Powcllville. Mr, W, T, Powell has taken swarms of bees this year, The building committee for Church will meet Saturday. The Sunday School tit Rays will be re-organized, next Sunday, Miss Lucy Lowe is spending the week with her cousin Lizzie Jack son. Malcom & Jackson will likely move their saw mill. Cause want of water. Mr. Henry J .clcson lias applied for a patent on a cutter to take the place of the sweep. Old friend Alexander lias left this seek place and gone to the country to bis fortune or rations. V by don’t some of the girls go for our bachelor friend, Mr. H. K. Jackson. He is a good chance and it is leap yea A Miss Susie Mayne and Miss Olivia Whitlow paid Dr. Jackson’s family a visit on last Saturday evening. advance Major Hendon says we were in in saying he would have the wood-work of his house finished in two weeks. lie has not finished at this writing. Death has again visited our com¬ munity. Mrs. Nilie Steed, wife or Mr. G. Steed, died on the 28d inst, of consumption leaving two little children. The infant child of our friend, Mr. S. J. Fu’lilove, died on the 23d inst., with cholera infan¬ tum. Osceola Local Scraps. Dull, 23d of Juno, Warm and dry. Our wheat turned out sorry. Farmers are busy killing grass, We are needing rain at this writ ing. The. 4th of July will soon be liere. J. E. W. say he thinks a paten! gnat catcher or or killer, would sell well just now in those parts. Simeon Cofer, a young man about 20 years of age, a son of Augustus Cofer, Esq., died on the 20th inst. Jas. li. Thompson has planted his neighborhood watermelon patch. We hope he will be successful, as the prospect in Osceola seems to be rather gloomy for melons at present. Where are ye, Richard ? Lost in a pile of wheat straw, or are you thrash hunting for the wheat that "the did not get out ? Oh, Rich¬ ard! One hundred bushels wheat less eighty-one \ Where are ye, I say ? Rex. Liberty Local News. Good rains last Friday. A clay wetter. Miss Ada Gilham re opened her school last Monday. vegetables Roasting ears, tomatoes and other have made their debut. ■ Some of the neighbors report the grass-hoppers in their ootton, Mrs. Walter Wray left last Friday to visit relatives in Atlanta. We hope her a pleasant visit and a safe return. Miss Fannie Evans, of Oxford, Ga., who nan been teaching at Mr'. James 1*. May ne’s closed her school last Friday, and i» on a visit loiter home. . hut bridle which had no “bit” departed and this removed life since the rain has come the “blues” of Mr. II. II. He now has a new one. ,, J , , T",, tl L!l ‘ 1’ T B ? “ * rat ^ smitten -o at Saloni tho last third that he Sunday, failed in with having a the young pleasure lady of meeting, lie bays lie wishes so much that he was census enumera¬ tor iu the district where her father lives. Henry, you ought not wish to take such an advantage of her. take holiday on the 4th of July, if they would work hard until then. Don’t tell them that it cotues on Sunday. PI NOTES. The hero of Olustee honors the hero of the Savannah sweat-box. There is a gambler living near Hickman, Ky., who has killed 22 men. — — ■■ „ ——-■ — ■ On the 28th of May there were 28 deaths from sunstrokes in Philadelphia. started A wooden Illinois. shoe factory It will has been in use a great many feet of lumber. —-------— The Empress of Russia. Marie Alexandroona, died June 8. She was fifty six years of age. Seven Bibles or Testiments are now turned out every minute by the American Bible Society. — —-——~ Jay Gould was once a Ponnsly vannia tanner. He occasionally takes the hide off a eapatalist even now. Appletons During the have last forty years the sold 40,000,000 of Webster’s Spellers, or 1,000,000 a year. It, is estimated that seventy years and $1,000 000 will he required to, complete peii. the excavations at Pom¬ Our population lias bcen.incroascd ten and a half millions hv (migra¬ tion from Germany during the past thirty years. —-• •--------- The town council of Jonesboro has passed an ordinance prohibit¬ ing ehuyeh whispering or other disorders in during divine service. Gold is found in fifty-six counties, in Georgia, silver in three, oopper in diamond thirteen, in iron twoifty-sis, in forty-three and At Yorkvillo, S. C,, ft dealer, while distributing some guano, found in it two joints of n human finger, on which was a gulia per. clia ring. — ----* ♦ •> --- Gen. Toombs has a genuine rust¬ proof wheat that He averages 3(> bush¬ els per acre. has given the Agricultural Department 100 bushels to distribute. There are in one hundred counties of T xas, registered physicians. Gravson Countv has tho largest number—158. One county was without a physician. • ------ — An invorent. vmimr man at com¬ munion service handed back the wine goblet to the old deacon, and astonished him by whispering in bis ear: ‘‘That's about the worst wine I ever tasted.” M. Louis F ivre. Ibe engineer chief who built the St. Gothard tun¬ nel, fell dead in the tunnel on the eve of the comp etion of the boring. His bust in marble is to be placed over the entrance. It is statistically announced that of six hundred and twelve young ladies who fainted last year, more than half of them fell into the arms of gentlemen. Only three bad the misfortune to fall on the floor. S^me Idea of the thrifty habits of the French may be gathered from the fact that the sum of $153,800,000 was deposited in saving banks In France last year, and tlrt, the nmn ber of depositors exceeded 20,000,000. Tin’s is the year for the reappear since of the seventeen ynnr locusts. Tiie hist visitation was in 1863, and of the theory of the appearance at regular intervals of seventeen years is correct, they may be looked for in the coming month. -- Jury Lists. Below we p .blink the lists of Grand and Traverse Jurors, drawn to serve for Oconee Superior Court, to be held on the fourth Monday in July; GRAND JURORS. C L Few, Jno R, Morton, J L Mcltee, Geo B Smith, J A Thomas, L L Fanibrough. J W Jackson, Albon Bishop, Wm B Haygood, Arthur M Jackson, H J Thomas, John S kes, G W Kelly. A L Doolittle, M D Browning, J K Whitehead, W F Philips, W II Anderson, Jas Famhrougb, I) A Griffcth, S J Fullilove, K F Anderson, A 8 Wilson, Wm P Campbell, J J C Vickers, J M McKee, G H Mcltee, Wm T Mai oom, A B Jack eon, TS W'lliamsrn, TR AVERSE JURORS. A W Griffeth, Win Lee, Robt Thompson. I) S WiJlougby, J J Southerland, M F Osborn, W C Elder, J W Daniel!, M V Sims, Thomas Hodges, Granby Jackson, Win B Cobb, M C Griffeth, C II Ashford, W II Bishop, W A Rutledge, J M Dkiken, E II Kikes, J J Gunter, H G Hardigrer, T M Foddrill, JosC Dioken, \V J Bates, Jack Phillips, John.I Michael, J K Butler, Itobt T Griffeth, J A Cross, Jno H I a. we, Jr., J W K Osborn, Wm Crow, M F Whitehead, J W Bradbury, Then Giles, Enoch Allgood. J H MoRce, GOSHEN GILL GRANGE, Meets oh the first Tuesday, of month, at the Court House, iu kinsAiUe, ANNOUNCEMENTS. 'i'o the Public. Many Voters will support Mr. W. Y ELDER, as a candidate for the Legis¬ lature at the ensuing election. MANY VOTERS. apr7, ’80-td --------—— To Hip \'oh fs of Oconee cotrjTTv:: From a promise made heretofore I now announce my name as a can¬ didate for Representative. mar!7-td M. M. SHE ATS. TOWN DIRECTORY. B. E. THIIASIIER, Intendant. (X)UNCILMEN. Win. A. Woodis, James Mauldin Dr. I). M. White, Thomas Booth John W. Johnson. County Officers. R. M. JACKSON, Judge County Court JAMES R. LYLE, Ordinary. JNO. W. JOHNSON, Clerk Supe¬ rior Court and Tax Collector. R. E. OVERBY, Sheriff and Tax Receiver. THOMAS BOOTH, County Treas¬ urer. Win. E ELDER, County Surveyor JAMES MAULDIN, Coroner. Court Calendar, Western Cr euit for George. ALEX 8. ERWIN, Judge. A. I;. MITCHELL, Molioitor-Gcn. OCONEE—Fourth Mondays in January and July. JACKSON—First Mondays in Feb ruarv and August. WALTON—Third Mondays in Feb¬ ruary and August. GWINNETT—First Mondays in March and September. IL\LL—Tnird Mondays in Mai oh and September. BANKS —First Mondays in April and October FRANKLIN—Second Mondays in HAMBERSIIAM—Third April and October. in April and October. Mondays RABUN—Fourth Mondays in April and October. WHITE—Monday Mondays in April afte-the Fourth and October. CLARKE—Second Mondays in May and November. CHUKCII D KITTORY. M. E. CHURCH,'SOUTH. WATKINS VILf E. 1st Sabbath,.......Rev. J. C. Johnson 2nd *1 “ W. J. Cotter, 4th “ “ Dr. McCloskey FARMINGTON. 2d Sabbath.... Rev. Mr, Wortham, 4th “ W. J. Cotter, SALEM. 1st Sabbath.. Rev. K F. Anderson, *d . “ W. J. Cotter. TIGNER’S. 1st Sabbath.... Rev. W. J. Cotter. DO WELL'S MILLS.' 2d Sabbath.... Rev. W. J. Cotter. VEAL’S CM A DEL. 3d Sabbath ... Rev. W. J. Cotter, FLAT ROCK. 3d Sabbath,3 p. rn. Rev. W. J, (loiter. 4tl> *• ..,. Rev. K. F. Anderson, RAYS. 3d Sabbath .. Rev. E. F. Anderson 4th “ “ W. J, Cotter. PRINCETON & GA. FACTORIES. 1st Sabbath .... Rev. W. J. Cotter, 2d “ .... “ Mr. Wortham. Rev. J. J. Morgan alternates, at each place, regularly, with Mr. Cotter. JUPflST OHIJItOIIKS. MARS HILL. 1st & 3.1 Sabs., Rev. If. R. Bernard. OSCEOLA. 4lli Sabbath,...... Rev. Jno. Harris. FUEMANS’ CREEK. 1st Sabbath, Rev, \V. A. Overton- 3d “ “ A. A. Flukcr. BKTHABARA. 1st Sabbath, .... Rev. J. W. Butts. BIG SPRING. 4 Sabbath Rev. J. \V. Dennington. I’RIMITIVE BAPTIST UHUftClIES. MT. ZION. 4th Sunday, Eld F. M, McElroy BIG CREEK, 4th Sunday, Eld. Aldman. CHRISTIAN CHURCHES. ANTIOCH. 1st Sunday, Eld. J. A. Perdue. UNION. 2d Sunday, Eld. T. M. Foster. GEORG IA— Oconee County. Mary G. Hale, as administratrix of Brandy Hale, late of said county, deceased, applies to mo for letters of dismission from said estate. These are therefore to cite and admonish all be and parties or persons interested to appear at my office, on or before the first Monday in Jtily, 188L, to show cause, if any they can, why said letters should not be granted. and official Given under my hand This March signature, at Watkins¬ ville, 1st, 1880. J- It, LYLE, Ordinary. apr.7, 1880-tf Now is the best time to subscribe Only *1 annum. NEW ADVERTISEMTS. NOTICE. Dr. D. R. Richardson, Enumerator of tho 89th sub divisoa of the second Supervisor’s Distiict of Georgia, will b« at th(i Court House from 9 a. m. to 6 p. m, of the two following days, tho 5th and 6th of July for the pur¬ pose of correcting the enumeration of thi* District by striking out or adding the designation of persons improperly enumerated or omitted. Dr l>. K. RICHARDSON, Enumerator. Harness Shop. Tho undersigned wishes to inform the public that ho is now ready to do all kinds of work, New Harness made and repairing old Harness, are "my specialties. All work first-class and reliable. I can be found at my shop ready to do all work, at any time. Call on me and see. Satisfaction guaranteed. VV. E. HARRIS. Jnne80,l880.3-in. Watkmsville, Ga. ■ £ tan THE ADVANCE IMONADE JJ Stand. Keeps UXDrt an }', ft and M > 'MU 1 * <SW /ce-cotd Lemonade / 1CK and LM.W(K\\S\ constantly on Hand and kok Salk. Give us a call, and we guarantee satisfaction. On public occasions we can be found on hand, in of the Advance office. Como one. Come ALL ! jun23tf The Watkinsville Advance J The Largest, Best and Cheapest i cum rnmmi 11ST THE STATE. Wearo prepared to do all kinds of JOB WORK at short notice on the most reasonable terms, CARDS, LABELS, NOTES, Letter Iloads, Circulars, NOTE HEADS, ENVELOPES, ETC. -Anl, in fact, we <lo—— JOB WORK® OF ALLKINDS. Kxccuted in tho bent manner, iTdfiFiiiinmTiu. Now is the Time to Subscribe ONLY SI PerYear. OOc. for O Mouths. Its Circulation is Daily Increasing, IT IS THE BEST MEDIUM FOR ADVERTISERS Do not fail to write uu and get our MOST LIBERAL TERMS (‘oil on Vs Cfor Anything in Cur Line, Address, W. G. SULLIVAN, yj ATKISVILLE, pi A, W. B. LANGFORD, tL Manufacturer and Dealer ia ...../ CARRIAGES, WAGONS, Buggies and Plantation Work A SPECIALTY. Have also in connection A BLACKSMITH SHOP Patronize Home Euterprisc. WIIEN Y QU W A NT A N K W WACJOIV OR BUGGY. W. B. LANGFORD, Wuthiiisville, - Georgia. Look Well to Your Time Ye ; * >plc of Watkinsville. V. W. SKIFF. Athens Gra.„ Late'of tt- City oi Madispn, 'ha, establ shed him sc’f in Athens, an a practical Watchmaker & Jeweller, Being satisfactory a thoroughbred workman with experience, is a kinds guarantee that I can ana will do good work on all of Watches, Clock#,’ Jewelry, &c., all of which will he warranted to give satisfaction. Also—A good line of Watches, Clocks. Jewelry, &c, on hand and for sale, as cheap as t* e cheapest. I he Celebrated Diamond Spectacles. None betier. liood for the eyes. Try them, sold ouly by V. W SKIFF, Other Reference to all the above, most any one in Morgan County. jun!),tf Dk. A. F. DURHAM, | Dr. W. M. DURHAM Late of Sparta. Late of Maxeys, Drs, A, F* & W. M, Durham, SPECIALISTS. and Surgery, Chronic Pleases of Male Female, and Venerial, Operate for Cross Eyes, Cataract, Stone in tho Bladder, Harelip or Cleft Pal¬ ates, <fcc. Will visit patients in any part of the State, in consultation or dress, to perform surgical operations. Ad¬ with stamp, Dus. A. F. & W. M. Durham, mar31,’80-tf Athens Ga. Strayed. day Strayed night from my plantation on last Thurs the 17th inst., a small, brown mart mule. She has a knot on her right foreleg, between the ankle and knee joint. Anv information of her whereabouts will hi thankfully received and liberally rewarded. Jvme23,2d. S. J. KULIJLOVE, High Shoals G.i.