The Watkinsville advance. (Watkinsville, Ga.) 1880-1???, July 14, 1880, Image 2

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The Watkinsville Advance W. «. SILLIVAN, Editor, Publisher A. Joh Printer. TERMS. -One Dollar per Year. Sixty Cents for Six Months. IS published' ON EVERY WEDNESDAY, Watkinsville, Oa„ July 13, 1880. Enured at the !“o«t Office at Watkinsville Georgia, u SECOND CLASS MATTER. The Choice of the People. FOR PRESIDENT OF THE U. S. W. 8. HANCOCK, OK PENNSYLVANIA. FOR VICE-PRESIDENT, GOVERNOR OF INDIANA. PI NOTES. Arkansas has 81 papers. ...... . — - .. Chattanooga is to have a jail. ■Nashville has 6,609 more than M««nphkL The-population of Ilot A rk., is over *,000. *•*-» A ebliored college will be at Catawba Alabama. There are sixty-five houses let in Corsicans, Texas. The machinery for the ice factory at Charlotte has'been received. - Nearly '8,000 men are at work on the extension of the ’Pacific road. A manatee or sea cow was cently caught on the St. river, Florida. -••• ■ A colored Presbyterian church has been organised in SouthCuTolina. The Wesson, Mississippi, wool factory is paying forty cent* per pound for wool. - - , • • • Thirty mad dogs were killed in one neighborhood in Cat roll county, Miss., in one day. • •• Texas farmers generally arc re¬ porting the appearance of the cotton worm in their (field*. A prominent gentleman of Ia»x nigton, Ky., is said to have #2JAM) to wager on Hancock's election. — .. ••■». _ A young lady in Lexington, ■Ey., wants to Iwtiwo to one that .Hancock will be next president. All the girls in Lewfrport, Ky. over six veurs old wear fristes and long dresses and go with the boys. Dennis Anderson, of 1 am pa. Florida, gathered at one picking from one bush a half bushel of tomatoes. The International and Great ■Northern railroad has 1.560 men at work between Houston and San Antonio. An acre of •sunflowers haa been planted near ttolambus, Miss., for the benefit of U>« oil mills, at that place. The fig crop in and around Charleston, Bouth Carolina, is in danger of being ruined by dry weather. R S. Lowe, of Key West, Floridi, has shipped 180,(XX) pine . if spied thk season. Most of these were rained by himself. £t. Yandry parish, Louisiana, iias a mail rider who i* over eighty years old, and who isiaithful and efficient. A Mrs. Burn hard, of ’Graves county, Kentucky, coded her one hundredth year on the day on which the Ctnsus enumerator •arrived. Detuorractlt riattforw. The democratic national con. vention of Cincinnati adopted the following platform of principles; Mr. Watlereon, from Uie com¬ mittee on resolutions, reported the following platform which was adop ed unanimously : The democntUi of the United States in convention assembled, declare— First. We pledge ourselves to 'he constitutional doctrines and radition of tlie democratic party u illustrated by the teach mg and ruunple of a long line of demo rratic statesmen and patriots, and mboded in the platfonii of the ast national conveaUan of •arty. '* Second. Opposition to oentrali itionaud to that doageesus spirit •nooaehment wbioh tends to nsolidate the pow«rt of nil the ^ortscents in one, and thus to whatever be the form a real despotism, laws ; separation of ; common cchools fostered and Third. Home rule, honest *V the strict maintenance *f the , pub ic • faith, conBisting ^ • «: of gold silver, and paper convertible into coin on demand; a strict maintenance of the public faith, an I national; ’ and a tariff for revenue only. Fourth. The subordination of the militay to the civil power and a general and thorough reform of the civil service. Fifth. The Tight to a free ballot » tl.w right preservative of all H** must and shah be maintained in every one of the United States. Sixth. The existing administra¬ tion is the representative of a con¬ spiracy only, and its claim of a right to surroud the ballot boxes with troops and deputy marshals, to intimidate and obstruct elections, and the veto to maintain its corrupt and despotic power, insults the people and imperils their institu¬ tion*. Seventh. The great fraud of 1876-77, by which, upon a false count of the electoriui votes, of two States, the candidate de¬ feated at the polls was declared to he president, and for the first time in American history the will of the people was set aside under a threat of military violence, struck a deadly blow at our system of »*—«•" democratic party, to ..... pre«t “ L rve . Ti” the country from civil war, submitted for the time with lirrn and pa iriotic faith, that the people would punish this crime in 1.880. This issue precedes and dwarfs every other. It imposes a more sacred duty upon the people of the union than ever addressed the conscience 01 a nation of fr emeu. VPe execrate the course of this administration in making the places in the civil service a reward for political crime, and deniaud a reform by statue, which shall niilke it forever itojKMssihle for the defeated candidate to bribe bis way to the seat of a usurper by billeting the villians U|»ii the people. [This was read again in resjainee to demands and was re¬ ceived with apphiuse.l Ninth. 1 h« resolution of Samuel J. Tilden not again to bo n candidate for the exulted pluce to which lie was elected bv a majority J of his countrymen, and •.,. trom winch . ne was excluded by the ie .ders of the republican party,is reeeiv d by the denioernts of the United States with sensibilities and they declare their confidence in his wisdom patriotism and integrity, unshaken by the assaults of a common enemy, and tin y further assure him tiiat he is followed into the retirement which be has otiosen for himoelf by tire, sympathies and respect of his fellow cituon«, regard him as one »v!k», by elevat¬ ing the standards of public morali ty and adorning and purifying the public service, merits the lasting gratitude of lits country and his Party Tenth. Free ships and a living chance for American commerce on the •cat; on the land no dieerimill •li»“ in <*<■»• o( trana|H>rtatiou lines, corporations or monopolies. Klevi'ntli. Atm-ndinenc of U» Burlingame treaty ; no tnoro Chinese immigration except for travel, education and foreign com mere© and therein .-nrofiillo careitmy guarded. Twelfth. Public money and public credit are for public pur posos solely and public land for actual settlers. Thirteenth. The democratic f party ' the . friend .. « of - 1 labor , and the is laboring tuan, and pledges itself to protect him alike against the cor moruuta and the commune. *»—a- w. -wow the country upon the honesty and thrift of llie democratic ctwigress, wltich lute reduced the public ex peaditare $4,000,tK)0 a year; ui>on the ooututuaiion of pro«|»enty home aud national honor abroad, and above all, upon the promise of such a change in the administration of the government as shall insure us a genuine and lasting reform in every departmeut of the public service. JL f M. Jackson, Attorney JfcCwsinael* atlaw amo juaott or thk #{»H Csuatg (four!, Watkinsville, Go. WtU practice in all Courts except the County Court Oconee County. marl7,*8U-iy Now is the time to subecribe to Taut Advance- Only $1 a year. GEORGIA— Oconee Countv. Will be sold before tlie Court House dwr in teh town orWatkinsville^Oeo Tuesday i B August nex t', the following property, to-wit: All that traet or par cel of land, situated, lying and being in «aid count* and State, known as the Ranmev place, containing one bund red Mre|>0B(ir ^ adjoining lands of Aaron Crow on the west, Jesse E But ler on the south, Zack Alexander Jug Factory road on the north; three miles northwest of WatkirsWIie Lev led on as the property of the estate of Burr Harris, deceased, to satisfy a fi. f.i. iaeaed from Oconee Superior Court, returnable to the July Term, 1880, in favor of U. R. Richardson vs. K. Har¬ ris, administrator of Bnrr Harris, de nmmL Property pointed out by Wil ham E. Hams, Agent of Mrs. K. Har *j“- T!l'L tJrJSHi Mrs. K. Harris this day. This 5th of July, 1880. B. E. OVERBY > Printers’ fee $6. 8fieriff. THE BICKFORD AUTOMATICS! KNITTER deunl’i’fvuymhiu hviflknhu ' dumbi “Wad. WWMwfijw Amu mboot W nah ' ‘ Knit* all siie* of work, narrows and wi¬ den* it; shape* all complete. Knits over 50 different garments, Socks, Stockings, Mittens, I-eggins, Wristlets, Gloves, etc. of It knita every possible variety plain profit or fancy manufacturing stitch. 75 knit per goods. cent, in Farmers can treble the value ol their wool, by converting it into knit goods. A r,“c"td d c,. u ver y | ow prices will be made, For full particulars and lowest prices for the best Family Machine send to HICK FORD KNITTING MACHINE CO., Brattlehorro, Vt. Hpr21.18.S0— ly R.ft. n lien s IToi*s<‘ und Mule MILLINERY STORE. Cor. CIhjIuu Hint Jackson Sis., ATHENS, GA. I have in Store a good assortment of Sad die* and Harness, Bridle*, Cottars, Whips, Saddle Blankets, Horse Covers, &c. You will find that my harness is made of th< best Western Leather, a 1 hand I ,. ut and fit. horse collars and do ail kinds of repairing nt short notice. Hl W whips l make a speeialty and a better assortment cannot be found in the city. Saddles, town ai rock bottom. My harness eannt. *• be beat in prices and quality. When you visit the city please honor me with your presence. Thn-king you for past fi vors, l hope a continuance in the fmure. apr. 1 ,1880,btu v V / 1 * ■' • General Repairer of Guns, Pistols, Watches, CLOCKS, Ac. Near Watkinsville, OooneeCounty, Ga. All a* cheap as good work can be dene by anyone and guaranteed. Call on Dr. I). M. White, and he will in¬ form you as to my whereabouts, may 19,1880. J r. J. Ji. Cider, sfJnHr.stH ,T.' Mlr completed an e*tr* course ol jctlc-raou Medical College, Of Philadelphia, Pa., Offers his professional services lo the pul> lie at Urge. Having been thoroughly tutored iu the system of his grand-father’s (Dr. » 'mtsay Durham's) practice, he pmposes to make tnt following disease* a specialty: Chronic Pleurisy, lironchittis ami Rheu Diseases ot the Heart, Kidneys, Neuralgia, Epileptic l its. Impotencv, Stenl females. Office J'.K H. and residence, ai Wm. the Bishop's alxuit 2 miles from Farmington on road leading from the aforesaid place to Watkinsville All communications strictly private, and Wa»k.nsv,\| promptly ;(i«. attended to. P. O. e mari7.’8o-iy Letters of Dismission. GEORGIA— Oconee County. Emory F. Anderson, as adininis trator of the estate of Milly Klutts, |ata of sjtid county, deceased, applies to nui lor letters t f di9ims8ion frnra estate. Those are therefore to cite and admonish all parties or persons interested to be and appear m >' office on or before the first letters should not be granted. Giv en under mv hand and official sig »*‘*‘ure. at WatkinaviDe. This May 3d ’ lN l ' j , t LY LK, Ordinary, niay5,1880-3tn Letters of Diainiaatou. GEORGIA— Ooonek County. Whereas. Aaron Crow, Administrator °f Morgan* W. lyker, represents to the Court, nt his petition, duly filed and entered on record, that he has fully ad¬ ministered Margaret W. Farkers estate. lilts is therefore to cite all pet sons concerned, kindred and creditors show cause, if any they can, why said administrator should not be discharged from his administration, and receive letters of disuiissioii on the first Monday in September, 1880. JAMES R. LYLE, Ordinary. iuue7|h,'SO-3m GOSHEN HILL GRANGE, Meets on the first Tuesday, of each mouth, at the Court House, ia Wat kiusviHe. fix BEST ’ S‘MPLE. Dunnu, CHAEP. ‘3’» NECESSARY in ua’éfims. e Eu. a SEWING G EORG I A— Oconee Couxrr. Whereas, James E. Whitehead ap ,rd‘\V hit'head* ! are therefore to cite and admonish all concerned, to show cause at tuv office , before the secoud Monday in 1 on or July next, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, this 7th day of June, 1880. JAMES R. LYLE, Ordinary, june7 ,’80-30d James Mauldin, .JUllBoot and Shoe MAKER. Watkinsville, : : Georgia. Has removed to his old stand, and is better prepared than ever to do all kinds of Boot and Shoe work. Repairing a specialty, at lowest prices. ALSO.— Dressmaking and Hair work done in the best manner, and prices to suit the times. apr 14,3m Jberi It a tier, Col., BARBER, WATKINSVILLE, GA. Can he found at his Shop next door to H. C. Durham’s Con¬ fectionery, on Saturday evenings, and Sunday mornings until 10 o’clock, a. m. marl0’80-tf NO WISYDUR CHANCE! — TO EXCHANGE — CORN-MEAL I will keep at the store of J. 0. F0DDRILL, CORN MKAL for salk oil exchange 48 pounds of Meals for 56 pnunds of Corn. Persons coming TO can bring their Corn and get their Meal Without Delay. Highest CASH prices paid FO KA.rNT. HESttV JENNINGS. msrl7,1880-tf U. L. UVLL , broker * ATHENS, GEORGIA. Will buy and‘sell on COMMISSION SECURITIES OF ALL KINDS* Office : At the Bank of the University REFERS TO V. L. G. Harris. Feniinand Phiniry. Stevens Thomas, may 26,3m FRIDAY, JULY 23, 1880. Commencement Week, ATI ct 1 vl . 1 UDO fjP/W.0\J ru A 4 l A TT IS I) K O J I |\! AT 1 * I J At KJ * A i \J I Aw . The Grandest Excursion of the sea¬ son will leave Athens for the city Atlanta, by way of the Georgia Rail¬ road, the farorite “Stone Mountain Route,” on Friday Morning, July 23, at 9 o’clock. Commencement Week, and will arrive in Atlanta at 4 o’clock, p. 111 have . Ten been elegant chartered Passenger Coaches for the occasion, four of which have been set apart for our WlUtO friends and SIX fur our colored friends. This is the 8th Annual Ex eursion under the management of Sapp, Brvdie A- Go. Baggage checked satiny through. A comfortable seat for Grand Street Parades. The Athens Cornet Band will discourse sweet music on the train. Remember the cities, the scenery and a view of Stone Moun tain, two miles high. Returning, the train will leave Atlanta Monday morn ing, Julv 26th at 7 o’clock, a. ui, ar riving in Athens at 3:15 p. ui. Rates, for round trip, from Athens, Children, between 5 and 12, Tickets for sale by Reaves, Nicholson & Co., and Taimadge, Hodgson & Co., Athens ; T. Booth A-Co., W atkinsville; W. T. Young and A. H. Robuek, Lex iugten; or trom the managers, Edward 8app, Wm. Eugene Brydie, M. R. Morton, Sims, Higli Maxwell. jun9 9 . M. White, M. <t„ f RACTICIN p r HYSICIA Watkinsvhxk, Ga. EE?* Will be found at bis office when not called off. mar 17,’80 tf V. Thrasher, AnORNEY AT LAW. M’atkixsvillk, Ga. SET* Will practice in the Courts of Oconee and adjoining counties, mar 17,’80-ly James r R. Lyle, AT fORNEY AT LAW, Watkinsville, Ga. HT* Will and practice adjoining in the Courts of Oconee counties. niar dl, 8t)- ly John J. sinderson. ATTORNEY AT LAW Watkinsville, Ga. (jy Prompt attention given to all business entrusted to his care Office in Court lioaae. n»arl7,’80-ly Now i« the beet time toiubscribe Ouly 81 per annum. James J. Wilson, —Manufacturer of and l Jeaicr in— FURNITURE* Burial CASE **1 % COFFINS, &c. Over Reaves, Nicholson & Co., Broad Street, ATHENS, GEORGIA. * O - 1 'm ► I E for the purpos. mar3i,’8o-im t J 4 Kl I B«wb Aveirm-”- ..r~v., - iu ?*. v, r. iiiv ,,. '• L. t. liltia* > *»#« I'riuur. foi-r wm- Tt**v« of iL&td g »TF tjnli •■» •TFm uad ! rrnmtmnmm r li C,; * -: V. W. SKIFF, Athens Ga.„ I-ffite^of te City oi Madison, *has established him sc’f in Athens, as a practical Watchmaker & Jeweller. work ?«„ w i‘d “i on all kinds of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, &c. t all of which will lx: warranted to give satisfaction. Also—A good line of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, &c., on hand and for sale, as cheap as tie cheapest. The Celebrated Diamond Spectacles. None betier. Good for the eyes. Try them, sold only by V. W SKIFF, Other Reference to all the above, most any one in Morgan County. jun9,tf NOTICE. Dr. D R. Richardson, Enumerator of the 8fith sub divison of the second Supervisor’s be District of Georgia, will at the Court House from 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. of the two following days, the 5th and 6th of July for the pur of correcting the enumeration of this District by striking out or adding demenation of.persons improperly cnu,uera,cd or omitted. Dr it. R. RICHARDSON, Enumerator. Harness Shop. The undersigned wishes to inform s/agygji ‘^ties. AH anil 8 P e J ! work first-class reliable. I can be found at my shop reaJ y to d» all work, at any time. ! on ,ue and see. Satisfaction guarantied. \V. E. HARRIS. June30,l880.3-m. Watkinsville, G a. THE ADVANCE EMONADE Htand. *“»<* srssr sat * lex constantly call, on Hand and kok Sale. G'Ve us a and we guarantee satisfaction. On public occasions we can be found on hand, in front of the Advance office. Come one, Come ALL ! jun23tf r-u-rioriTJ GEORGIA-Ooonek r\ n County. „ of Mary Brantly G. Hale, as administratrix deceased, Hale, late of said county, dismission applies from to me for letters of said estate. These aru therefore to cite and admonish a11 parties or persons interested to ^e and appear at mv office, on or be! ‘ )re t( ie first Monday in July, to cause, if any they can, why said letters should not be granted. Gi\;en under mv hand and official signature, at ville, This March 1st, 1880. J. R. LYLE, Ordinary. apr.7,1880-tf G. C. Hhomas, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Watkinsville, Ga. marlO WARNER’S fflSAFE BITTERS It li fb# Blood Pnrftfor. snA f' • r .r ftiHclion lo mm Lcaltbful actluu, u.. i .s Uni-. » in all ItiriuiiDanncliir intpnr^iwof thr'Mw ■} •' nnttiml and iwc eo ary i* »h**rnryoft , v r f. ult>na and otber Hk n Knjptiot<a »*tc| l)i* «aa, »uolot!ti«c Iv-lM-p-tx Cunt- W* rw. V..W ami mb* »**ur*-8. Wbe* s.f f bvHtv«n»ch.f.*n»ft. P*U“n, Uvoteru) iK-bsl ty. <r*ir , a.« cur^l hr iht* *.tfe Rlllera. It U •* ■•» an i IV* |am-r. lo*» mm&UAmnr> hi* b «ho«Di hr \nercry txm »«y, which, ol nrltcr'nrv Witt m* r»uy mviu many 4ociant* twits. Bottle* ot two ; prks-*, >imla uM tun. ta^Warat-rS Nafe Heine diet* are soM bj OriiKRtata i»»d healers in Medicine V every where. lEWAWaiCOs m. w. Mi IM SITIOlViEISd! STOVES! STDYES! AND- -AND ; TIN-WARE. TO-Wffi BEST IN THE MARKET! -AT i. C. WILKINS, mar24,1880-4m Broad Street, Athens, Georgia. he Cheapest Crockery House in N. E, Georgia. A Cordial invitation is extended by LYNC3 I & FLANIGEN, to their many Oconee county friends to 1 visit their Crockery and Glassware Store. Merchants and house-keepers can save money by buying from them Crockery, Glassware, Lamps, rtlery, Tinware, Woe&enware, WHIPS & FANCY GOODS. Best Goods with Prices at the Lowest Point, Everything guaranteed LYNCH & to FLANIGEN, he as represented. Street’, Broad Athens, Ga. mar‘24’80 3m THE ONLY GRADUATED DRUGGIST in this SECTION in CHARGE gagsggmms ' A SVPVECIALTY Sole Proprietor of Jacob’s Brilliuntine and Lowrance’s Tooth Powder. ORDEK YOU II Saw Mills and Gritt Mills and Cane Mills Plantation Machinery, Engines and Boilers, Cotton Screws, Shafting, Pulleys, Hangers’ Water Journal Boxes, m?* Mill Gearing, Gudeons, Turbine Wheels, Gin Hk Gearing (cheap), Judson’s Governors, Diston’s Cir eular Saws ana Gummers and Files, Belting and Babbitt Metal and Brass Fitting, Globe and Check Valves and Whistles, Guages, Etc., Iron and Brass Castings and Gin Ribs, from GEO. R. LOMBARD & CO., FOREST CITY FOUNDRY & MACHINE WORKS Water Tower,) 1014 to 1024 Fenwick Street, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. WSS' Repairing promptly done at lowest prices* JAMES E. MURRAY. | I. W. THRASHER. Murray&thrasheR Watkinsville, Georgia, returning our thanks to our friends for their very liberal patronage during W t, we would again renew our offer of one of the Largest and best selected STOCK* GOODS! E and unties ver brought to this section, ask the people of this and adjoining co give this Stock a careful examination. In Dry Goods Our Liues OF JEANS, BLEACHED and BROWN DOMESTICS, STRIFES and CHECKS, from6c. 9c.per yd. PRINTS, of standard makes, to LADIES TIES, DRES8 GOODS, ETC., ETC., ETC. s foil and at low prices. Onr FANCY GO DS DEPARTMENT Has had the most careful selections, and in style and xaality can’t be surpassed We have the best line of oats Shoes Lsdie’s and Mens’ Hats Cans, 1 ft have ever had,and at price* that defy competition, Onr stock of * \i W j Ready-Made and C lothing la large, of the best styles purchasers. material, Suits and |2.75 bought with a vw to mes the wants of Oi claw of from up. The Departments of l>r«gs, Hardware and Staple and F*NCY GROCERIES, always fall, with prices low rhe lowest This large stock ie in 1 are as as store as tn transit and in a few days will he felt and complete. We again ask you te e all aad examine. MURRAY k THRASH Hit Watkinsville, Q a., May 5,1880, Athens Pharmaceutical Co., t -MANUFAUCRERS AND DEALERS tN EARK andsTANDARD Hi ? 1- —AND— u Elegant Pharmacueutical Preparation Toilet Requisites. JOSEPH JACOBS, 8 Corner Claoton Street and College Avenue, ATHENS, GA, Rareyk Standard Meé‘lcines (m Hana.