The Watkinsville advance. (Watkinsville, Ga.) 1880-1???, July 21, 1880, Image 3

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Thfe W atkinsville Advance. w. G. SCUIVAN, Editor, Publisher & Job Printer. TERMS,^Oae Dollar per Tear. Sixty Cents for Six Months, IS PUBLISHED ON EVERY WEDNESDAY, WatkinsviUe, Ga„ July 20,1880. Entered at the Poat Office at WatkinsviUe Geotgia, as SECOND CLASS MATTER. M p t J V . WatkinsviUe and Surrounding County Items, Gathered by Advance Reporters. Several of our citizens will attend commencement at Athens. A large attendance at Mars Hill Church on Sunday last, from Wat kinsville. Remember the Excursion from Athens to Atlanta, over the Geor¬ gia Railroad. Rev. A. A. Fluker, a Baptist minister was in WatkinsviUe on Sunday night la«t. A woman's Missionary Society was organized last Sunday night, at .‘he Methodist Church. WatkinsviUe has 351 persons within her corporation, and Oconee jounty 6,268. This is the totals. The regular session of the County Court was held on yesterday. Sev¬ eral cases were disposed of during -,his term. A half dozen Lemons and three oramon buckets of water, is now known as a popular barbecue Lemonade. of Speakingofthe ‘‘starving Doctor. ” New York, WatkinsviUe can boast of a man who can create a famine in any country, bv eating a few meals. Mr. Geo. W. Kelley, and bis little convalecihg. daughter, we are giad to learn are They haye had quite a spell. Mr. Thomas Smith, near Mars Hill Church, We learn, had a fine lot of sweet potato es for dinner on the 4th of July, of this year’s rais mg. Young men wishing a practical Business education should try Behm’s Commercial College Chata itonga. Circulars free. A scholar¬ ship for sale cheap at this office. The colonel went to see his girl one night, during the big meeting and left his knife, as an excuse to • all again. He howevej, says, the whole “passu . comitaim," has it down wrong 1 as he didn’t care a straw about the old knife. Lit. F. J. M. A. J., s iys he is the happiest double, of men. H« sees every¬ thing can’t call any one’s name enrrect, and is in fact, gener¬ ally mixed. We wonder why? Wonder, if he saw Axalina? We i.'tess he did at least she told us so. The “new coffoa” sent us last week, for this year’8 cotton turned out chronicle to tie anything these elite. We like to facts tor our friends, but do not like to mislead, or to publish know anything that are not facts »f we of it, and hope it will r.ot be attempted again. As we have changed the day of publication of our paper, we would request pledse our send couuty correspondents to in thair favors on Wednesday insertion. or Thursday to insure e prompt We have as good correspondents as can be round on any paper, and always like to hear from them confessed On Wednesday morning Arter to several that he com¬ mitted the murder and described all of the particular* of the terrible tragedy. This is the substance of his confession. Mrs. Freeman the mother of George Freeman hired him to kill Su*an Hill, the amount of blood money agreed upon was fifty dollars, that Mrs. Freeman brought him the rifle where he was at work in the field plowing and he went to the field where Busan Hill was at work and shot her from the fence. The first shot taking effect in the breast near the hea-t. She fell and groaned twice, he then immediately loaded again went up to her and 6bot her in the forehead. He then got over the fence leaned the rifle up against a tree and went by a circuitous route back to hia work. When he asked Mrs. Freeman for hia pay, she said that she did not have it then, ho he concluded that he would go down ♦o fall .—Finut Green county AW*. and stav until Killed by lagfctatng. nn Thnra.u.. « , , . . f t .:l ,nd L lsiro V" '' l T ,r.(Mr. Grifct! «* »f «'■ Al.i, „( Gurnee Friday county. afternoon She was buried un at the old raroilv family burying-groiind. The he ruaved and friends have o or heart-&tlt sympathies ♦ Dull and hot, COUNTY NEWS. NEWS NOTES PROM OCR REGU¬ LAR CORRESPONDENTS. Oar County Towns, and Surrounding; Villages—What We Are Doing— Matters and Things Laconi¬ cally Noted. Osceola Loca l Scraps. July 14,1880. Oh, fora good rain. all, Up-land unless it corn will not make at rains very soon. Mrs. Levie Thompson is quite sick but not dangerous./ Miss Eddie Barnett,of Hampton, Ga., is visiting Mrs. Levie Thomp¬ son. Little Luther, infant son of Ro¬ bert and Mattie Delay, died on Monday, July 5th. The bereaved parents have our sympathies. Mr. G. M. Martin and Miss Mat tie Bond, were married, on Sunday, July 4th. Dr. Frank Jackson officia¬ ting. May their matrimonial life be one of unalloyed happiness. Miss Emma Copeland, a charm¬ ing young lady of Greene county has been spending some time with relatives and friends here. She leaves for home to-day, the 14th, and some of our young men’s hearts are sorrowful. Rex. High Shoals Jottings. Fine showers. Hot, very hot. The grass has disappeared. Cotton small for this season of the year. Mr. Pink Price is putting up a new gin house. Mr. W. B. Jackson has obtained a patent on his wagon brake. How many candidates have we for Representative. Madam Ru¬ mor says four. The Misses Strohurgh, of Macon, are Mrs. paying Vic. a vint to their sister, Jackson, of Eustville. Mr. Harris Muleom made 1571 bushels of wheat. We suppose is the largest crop made in the county. Mr. Johnnie Lowe, one of the clerks of this niaee, will be absent from his post of duty for a short time. Johnie Aycock, son of Deavers Aveock, was kicked bv his mule on the 14th inst. He was kicked in the face and an ugly gash was in¬ flicted under his right eye. Goshen Hill locals. Ref eshing shower*. Blackberries all gone. The Sunday School holds out faithful. Miss Mattie Jacks re-opene l her school on the5th inst. Mrs. Belle Johnston is on a visit to Judge Durham’s family. Mrs. Lovin, who has been sum (tiering at Watson s Springs has re turned home. She was home-sick, we presume. It is so warm that the young people cannot seek amusement of any sort. Now and then a feeble effort is made to play a game of croquet, with poor success. Ci. Lencs. Powell’s Mills Ripples. A good shower last Sunday. A great deal of sinknesB in this section. Mrs. Tunis Powell is visiting at High Shoals. We attended anice family barbe¬ cue at Mr. L. L. Fambrottgh on Sat¬ affiiir. urday lust, which was quite a nice Old man Harrt Hardigree “kivered” himself all over in g'ory in his speech to us. Mr. James Willoughby trials and gave us again the tribulations of bis first trip to Augusta. Jury Lists Below we pjblish the lists of Grand and Traverse Jurors, drawn to serve for Oconee Superior Court, m be held on the fourth Monday in July: GRAND JURORS. C L Few, Jno R Morton, J L McRee, Geo B Smith, J A Thomas, L L Fambrough. J W Jackson, Albon Bishop, Wm B Hay good, Arthur M Jackson, HJ Thomas, John S kes, G W Kelly, A L Doolittle, M D Browning, J E Whitehead, W F Phillips, W H Anderson, Jas Fambrough, D \ Griffeth, 8 J Fullilove, K F Anderson, A 8 Wilson, Wm P Campbell, J J C Vickers, J M MoR» e, G H VlcRee, Wm T Mslcom, A B -Jackson, TS Williamson, TRAVERSE JURORS. A W Griffeth, Wm Lee, Robt Thompeon, D S Willougby, J J Southerland, M F Osborn, W C Elder, J W Daniel!, M F Sims, Thomas Hodges, Granby Jackson, Wm B Cobb, M C Griffeth, C H Ashford. JiiKiu ftssr Gobt T Griffeth, J A Cross, J-H JW((*n, M F Whitehead, Thoe Giles, ^ MOoJ * Allgood, J 8 McRee. The rain siem* to have all gone. • . ...... - Now ie the time to subscribe to Tmk Aovakc*. Only $1 a year. OUR NEIGHBORS. The County News in a Nutshell. Oglethorpe County, No tramps. Showers partial. Dry weather vet. Creek mills are hung up. Nine lawyers in this county. Sweet potutoes are fashionable. 1 he jury-box will be revised every two years. A rich copper vein passes near Lexington.. A negro woman in this county has 17 living children. Mr. W. J. Davenport,jr., is spoken of for the Legislature, It is nothing unusual for negroes in this county to swap wives. In Goose Pond district the enu¬ merator of the census found three idiots in one house. W alion Count). A negro man is in jail here for fight¬ ing. Miss Watkins, of Putnam county, is visiting in Monroe. will The have Sunday Schools of our county a re union at an early date. There was a grand rally of Good Templars at Walnut Grove last Sunday. Prof. Timmons has suspended the exercises of his school, owing to the serious sickness of his brother’s fam ily. Clarke County. Clerks busy dusting. Ripe peaches numerous. Lots of watermelons in town. Refreshing showers last week. Mr. Julius Cohen is at Mt, Airy. The water works is still talked of. Rev. Jno. Calvin Johnson left last week for Sulphur Springs. Judge Mitchell Iiwin and Solicitor-Gen¬ eral are at Catoosa Springs. Maj. Lamar Cobb and Col. Pope Barrow are rusticating at Sapello Island. Mr. John Bird, the former Depu¬ ty U. 8. Marshal of Internal Reve¬ nue. of this city, has he;n removed from that position. Mr. Bird while in office treated every one as a gentleman, and is ignorant of the cause has why he was thrown out. He many friends in Athens. Greene C'ouuty. Fine mins in portions of Greene. health. Maj. Isaac R. Hull is in very feeble Greene has 18.169 people, accord¬ ing to the census, of 1880. Crops have been injured by the dry weather to little extent. Greene county boasts of a negro man who is 125 years of age. Pro .Coffin is teaching the average Greem-sboroite hmv to write. Mr. Smith and family, of Augusta, Ga., have moved to Greetiesboro. Bishop Gtoss dedicated theCatho lie Church iu Greetiesboro last Sun day. • Mr, John A. Miller lost a fine pair mules in the river at Park’s Mills lari week. The Democratic County Convert* tion convenes iu Greetiesboro on to-morrow, (Wednesday.) Mr. Frank Holt exhibited to the Herald office a dock made by him¬ self, at night. It said to show great mechanical skill. Al t’gan County. The commencement exercises of the Georgia Female College wae a grand success. Miss Katie Lowe, of High Shoalsi is visiting Madison. y* Isaac Benton,col., was arrested in Madison last week and lodged in jail. defied He is a notorious thief and has the law for several years. The Madisonian says Morgan county is enthusiastic on Govern¬ or Colquitt for re-election, although the preference for Judge Reese has been redeved quite favorably.— Gov. Colquitt S'-ems to b* choice. Messrs. Andrew and Jas. Price, Oconee, two ot the cleverest fellows that ever lived, attended our com¬ mencement. The Old Reliable. In another column of to-day’s issue will be, fotmd the advertise¬ ment of the “Old Reliable Singer Family Sewing Machine." This rival, Machine and to-day stands without a tised hence they have always adver and their sales steadily increase. This Company not only make the best Machine extant, but the improvement makes it one of and the^^lightest-running, lasting of any sewing most machine durable in use. If it is not the liest, why is the Singer counterfeited more than any other machine? Again, the Singer ha* taken the premium overall competitors more than two hundred times. Why ? The Sing er Company make the best and no one good can Machine, dispute it. call If you wish a on Mr. J. B. Toomer, Agent, Athens, Ga., and you will not only see one of the very best machines in the world, but you will also find a man who will deal with you fairly and squarely. Don’t forget to see him when you go to Athens. Gainesville EngU: A black eagle measuring 6} feet from Up to GOSHEN HILL GRANGE, Meets on the first Tuesday, of each month, al the Court House, in Wat kinsvffle. Serious Accident. On Monday last, during the absence of Mr. T. W. Powell, of Powell’s Mills, the workmen engag¬ ed in putting in the new wheel the scaffolding gave way under tho weight of a number of workmen and some heavy timbers, falling on them, some twelve or fifteen feet below. One of the number supposed to be They fatally, and several everely hurt. are under the care of Dr. E. C. Anderson, who will no doubt do all in his power to relieve the sufferers. TOWN DIRECTORY. B. E. THRASHER, Intendant, COUNCILMEN. Who. A. Woodis, James Mauldin, Dr. D. M, White, Thomas Booth, John W. Johnson, County Officers. R. M. JACKSON, Judge County Court. JAMES R. LYLE, Ordinary. JNO. W. JOHNSON, Clerk Supe¬ rior Court and Tax Collector. B. E. OVERBY, Sheriff and Tax Receiver, THOMAS BOOTH, County Treas¬ urer. Wm. E ELDER, County Surveyor JAMES MAULDIN, Coroner. Court Calendtr, Western Cr cuit for Georga. ALEX. S. ERWIN, Judge. A. L. MITCHELL, Solicitor-Gen. OCONEE—Fourth Mondays in January and July. JACKSON—First Moudays in Feb¬ ruary and August. WALTON—Third Mondays in Feb¬ ruary and August. GWINNETT—First Mondays in March and September. HALL—Tnird Mondays in March BANKS and September. — First Mondays in FRANKLIN—Second April and October April and October. Mondays in HAMBERSHAM -Third Mondays iu April and October. RABUN—Fourth Mondays in April and October, WHITE—Monday Mondays in April nfte-tlie and Fourth October. CLARKE—Second Mondays in May anti November. CHURCH » UIXTUHV. M, E. CHURCH, SOUTH. WATKINSVIUE. 1st Sabbuth .Rev. J. C. Johnson, 2nd “ ., . ‘‘ W. J. Cotter, ; 4th “ .. . “ l)r. McCleakey FARMINGTON. 2d SabbathRev. Mr, Wortham, 4th “ ...... “ W. J. Cotter, SALEM. 1st Sabbath.. Rev. E F. Anderson, 3d “ . “ W. J. Cotter. TIG NEK’S. 1st Sahnnth.... Rev. W. J. Cotter. POWELL’S MILLS. 2d Sabbath ... R- v. W. J. Cotter. VEAL’S CHAPEL. 3d Sabbath ... Rev. W. J. Cotter. FLAT ROCK. 3d Sabbath,3 p. m. Rev. W. J. Cotter. 4th “ ....Rev. E F. Anderson, RAY’S 3d Sabbath Rev, E. F. Anderson. 4th “ “ W. J. Cotter. PRINCETGN* GA. FACTORIES. 1st Sabbath.... Rev. W. J. Cotter, 2 d <■ “ Mi Wortham. Rev, J. J. Morgan alternates, at each place, regularly, with Mr, Cotter. naPflST CHURCHES. MARS HILL. 1st A 3d Sabs., Rev H. R. Bernard. OSCEOLA. 4th Sabbath, Rev. Jno. Harris. FREMANS’ CREEK, i 1st Sabbath, Rev. W. A. Overton 3d *• “ A. A. Fluker. BETH A BARA. 1st Sabbath, .... Rev. J. VV. Butts. BIG SPRING. 4 Sabbath Rev. J. \V. Dennington, PXIMITIVK BAPTrsT CHURCH KS, MT. ZION. 4th Sunday, Eld F. M. MoKlroy. BIG GREEK, 4th Sunday. Eld. Aidman. ! CHEISTUN CHURCH**. ANTIOG’H. 1st Sunday, Eld. J. A. Perdue, tTvrnv uwjuh. 2d Sunday, Eld. T. M. Foster, THE ADVANCE I BMOSJADB ■ H ■ H I Htftlld. ■ ■ om» «, hand KrKvrsH r cxva r, let-cat* £**»»«</* / v , „„ a call, and we guarantee satisfaction. On public occasion* we can be found on hand, in front of the Advamcs office. Gome one, ; Come ALL 1 jaaSStf ■■ 'nl'. i i— ..... ..................... . ...... . . Jo/l« T. UnderSOH. ATTORNEY at law, WATKIXSVU.LK, GA. 0^* Prompt attention givee fo all Wine*- entrusted to Us ea« Office , ta Court House. mar!T,*80-|y . ANNOUNCEMENTS. Look Out. Many friends will support Mil¬ ford Roach for Representative of Oconee county at the ensuing elec¬ tion. A full expression of his far¬ mer friends is solicte.l. MANY FRIENDS. To Iht Pub'ic Many Voters will support Mr. W, Y ELDKtt, as a candidate for tho Legis¬ lature at tho ensuing election. MANY VOTERS. apr7, ’80-td To the i m otern of Oconee COVJPTTY! I From a promise made heretofore I now announce my name as a can¬ didate for Representative. mar!7-td M. M. SHEATS. NEW A DYE RTISEMTN. For Sale, a Bargain. A 40 saw cotton gin, run one season, in perfect order. Apply to THIS OFFICE. D*. A. F. DURHAM, | D». W M DURHAM, Late of Sparta. Late of Maxeyi, Drs. A* F* & W. M. Durham SPECIALISTS, Surgery, Chronic Diseases of Male and Female, and Venerial, Operate for Cross Eyes, Cataract, Stone in the Bladder, Harelip or Cleft Pnl ates, tfec. Will visit patients in any part of the State, in consultation or dress, to perform surgical operations. Ad¬ with stamp, Dks. A. F. & W. M. Durham, mar31,’80-tf A thens Ga. Rule to Perlect Service. James E. Murray, Admisistratra trator, of Win. .mirray, deceased, VS. Chrrles H. Phsnizy, surviving part¬ ner of C. H. Phinizy & Co,, et al. It appearing to the Court, that John F, Murray, Edwin Bates, of the firm of Edwin Bates <fc Co., Johnston, Crews & Co., Edgar E. Sell and Charles Foster, of the firm of Sell ifc Foster, and D. F. Fleming, S. A. Nelson and James M. Wilson, of the firm of D. Fleming & Co., Defendants ii this cause, reside without the State of Georgia. It is ordered, that said desencauts be served by the publication of this order in the VVakti ttsville Advance, once a month tor lour moots before the next Term of this Court, an order Having been granted at a former Term of this Court hut par¬ ties not served. Ii. M. JACKSON, J. *. C. W.C. For this Case. A true «.-xtract from the Minutes of Ocoru-e Superior Court, this 2d day of March. JOHNSON, 1880. JOHN W. Clerk, marl0,’8O 8. C. O. C. LIBEL FOR DIVORCE. CAROLINE EARLY, 1 In Oconee ADAM vs. EARLY. ) [Superior Court. JANUARY TERM, 1880. It apnearing to the Court, that the Defendant, in the above stated case, does not reside in the County of Oconee, and it further appearing that he does not reside in the State of Georgia. It is ordered that the defendant be served in this case, by publication of this order in the the WatkinsviUe Advance, a paper published in WatkinsviUe, Ga.. once a month for four months, before the next Term of this Court. ALEX. S. ERWIN, Judge 8.C. Jno. T. Andk/r-on, W.C. Plantin'*« Attorney. A true extract from the Minutes of Oconee Superior Court, this 3d dav of March, 1880. JOHN W. JOHNSON, Clerk, im.rlO 8. C. O. C. A. B. Jacknoi., supply Keeps of constantly on hand a large LUMBER AND SHINGLES. at Ins Steam i-ll near Knstville. Shingles from f to $3.50 per thous¬ and mav5.1880-3m.* GEORGIA— Oconkb County. Will be sold before the Court House door-in tali town of WatkinsviUe, Oco¬ nee (lounty, State of Georgia, betweeu the legal hours of sale, . n the first Tuesday in August next, the following property, to-wit: All that tract or par eel of laud, situated, lying and being in said county and State, known as the Ramsey place, less, containing adjoining one lands hundred acres more or of Aaron t row on the west, Jesse E. But¬ ler on the south, Z&ok Alexander and Jug Factory road on the north; three miles north west of WatkinsviUe. 1/ev¬ ict! on as the property of the estate of Burr Harris, deceased, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from Oconee Superior Court, returnable to the July Term, 1880 , in lavor of D. R. Richardson vs. K. Har¬ ris, administrator of Barr Harris, de¬ ceased. liam E. Hants, Property Agent pointed of Mrs. out by K. Har¬ Wil¬ ris administratrix of Burr Harris, deceased. Written notice served on Mrs. K. Harris this day. This 6th of July, 1880. B. E. OVERBY, Printers’ fee $6. Sheriff GEORGIA— Oconk* County. Whereas, James E. Whitehead ap¬ plies to me for Letter* of Administra¬ tion on the estate of Hanford W hitehead, late of said coauty deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all concerned, to show cause at ujy office on or before the second Monday in July next, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, this 7tb day of June, 1880, JAMES K. LYLB, Ordinary. jua*7.’8Cs30d t T* More Popular than Ever! THE GENUINE SINGER NEW FAMILY SEWING MACHINE! 3F"The popular demand for the genuine Singer in 1879 exceeded tbgfc of any previous year during the quarter of a century in which this “Old Reliable” Machine haB been before the public. In 1878 we sold 356.422 Machines. “ 1879 431,167 Excess over any previous year, 74,745 Machines. Our sales last year were at the rate of 1,400 8ewing Machines a Day for every business day in the year. The “Old Reliable” Singer Is THE STRONGEST, THE SIMPLEST, MOST THE DURABLE Sewing Machine ever yet Constructed, Remember SSjb :£ 2*: Arm ol the Machine. The Sieger Manf’g Co., PRINCIPAL OFFICE, 1ST©w York. DISTRIBUTING OFFICE, for Georgia, Florida, South Carolina and Alabama, Atlanta, Ga. J. B. TOOMER, Agent, Athens, Ga. 1,500 Subordinate Offices in the United States and Canadas and 3,000 Offices in the Old World and South America. julyI880 ly The WatkinsviUe Advance, The Largest. Best and Cheapest op m\m r.wspM, Iisr THI-, SIT ATE. Weare prepared to do all kinds of JOB WORK at short notice on the most reasonable terms, CARDS, LABELS, NOTES, Letter Heads, Circulars, NOTE HEADS, ENVELOPES, ETC. -And, in fact, we d o — — JOB WORK OF ALL KINDS. Exeented in the best manner, iur i: Fliffi FiiiTKi JYotv is the Time to Subscribe ON LY $1 PerYear. 60c. for 6 Months Its Circulation is Daily Increasing. IT IS THE BEST MEDIUM FOR ) VFRTISERS Do not fail to write u« and get our MOST LIBERAL TERMS Call o Vs Tor rtnqh inq in (Pur Idne, Address, IV. (i. SULLIVAN, ^ATKtSVILLE, pA, W. B. LANGFORD, Manufacturer and Dealer in CARRIAGES, WAGONS, Buggies and Plantation Work A SPECIALTY. Have also in connection A BLACKSMITH SHOP Patronize Home Enterprise. WHEN YOU WANT A NEW WAGOiV OB BUGGY. W. B. LANGFORD, WatkinsviUe, - Georgia.