The Watkinsville advance. (Watkinsville, Ga.) 1880-1???, July 21, 1880, Image 4

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ITEMS OF INTEREST. ,, Mrcn of . tho , ofl “ soM 77 asolireofl _ is . made . from cotton seed This injury done by insect* in $200,- the the United States is estimated at 000,000. Murtoo, with its vast and productive territory, in ojwration. has only 585 miles of railway 4 The quantity of cotton consumed in the world in 1878 was 54 times greater tban 1778 J3ESS Tv all Europe and America 53,031 gallons of c! beer. nco ycar!y 3 ' 480 ' 000 ' 000 lire gross income derived from tobacco 03 the farmers of the 1 nitcd States is about 822,000,000. Tmt honey crop of 1870 was reckoned a light one, although it has been esti mated at 25,000,000 jxmnds. Pkbsjpest OttAiieorriKE, of William* College, has resolved to deny college aid to any student who is caught amok ing. Oiwrrvivo men have noticed that the hair on the forehead of a chimpanzee is always parte,! in the middle .-New Or lean* Picayune ssac“ss TS ft!t, "‘ , ' , ' 1Urn !K ' Sirra (\ ’ Ibbkn Mte thate if the hIRu would only jeotect the fish it plant*, there could lb a few yct» be five fish a day for each person. Well, who wants nve lx lisliji 1870 day, the total eijmrts of butter were (3,.>00,000 pounds, against 26,500,000 in 1878, being sn increase of 17,000,000 pounds. In cheese the exporlp of 1K7H were 8,000,000 ppiunlij Jess tliali 1H7H. Gen. Hatch hasn’t killed a great.many Indians thus far this season, but he has been over a heap of different ground and discov ered twenty-one sperms ,,f grasshoppers .—Detroit Free Frets. Maw desses are always praising too bvgonp time, for It is Batumi (hat the old I should extol the days of their youth ; the | weak Uit’ area of lit oil strength ; the niok j the season oftheir vigor ; and the disate , pointed the sjiringtido >4 their hopes.— ! Dirt;iham. I r«R , best , case of . al.Hent-mimledness , . . , , of wine , wo have lately heard was of a HenWUwg »rpies*,|m wStArijig-Cart iV ^* a str.s>t, a let flood loose umn him he professor quietly raised Ins umbrella and walked two blooms before he discovered tliat tlm sun was shining brightly A WJxn niU'SeBu man k going als>u| tcreifleil tho oomitry ib the efafln^if of to l.c iefl.Jy in ewi»e Signporance. He done prodticos another card, similar in appeamuee, to which he nleu drsjxes thitt the signature bo affixed, ‘in Order ' to keep •k." a correct memorandum card of his wor Tho second is u sight note fur any amount the swindler may see lit to demand. Look out for him? — Tmij Tinujt, U^*n. wmitiy. . tny* tlm ... London > Kit « j7/. ¥ xjr, Iho TffifffiftuT how.- defa.m.JIJor rniTi l>tlici^4l sloSe in m ih<> United Htati's lias been It chiefly supplied Irom tlist Germany. Gonad* kifl iejs>v., prifiiSwIy'e.flifiilititi* huw»v.-r. staled j considerable share of this trade, the qunrriiijMg Msrin"S»* nif>l.i(4,M#4'KB» yfahtoiui * s^-na aa suitably far In Ut!.n K • 1 nit obtaiAttfl ( 1 . rniHity.*.- trine 111 * bfy-n tho roaulis by jinu-ticul said lithograpluirs, and nr.- fii lmvo beon oompletoly suooossful. Tub fidal fluid army for Gormmty will for tiia fatiW 'yurif <!riu|ist ti.fl Diet iiiiinti v batl.fltiifis, baifi.rips rif ff.l (tela (frnll?<ryr ry I .si comuauifa a engineers, with a total strength of ffiH,7. t 1 o to** 1 ’ forces muKt Ut adjotn-d 43,(KIO . . men helongmg to the .oiiimis higher sanaid Staff dopiutiuenb .Arps, 2,|!||,i|oftlilO U, Wfl ti*th.<diite|Vat i brauels#. ftllS ■oat] *lj>i IhAiI ix-hingl.E te|igitJli§ 3 the senie*? Mifeiry, tobilVtrltesdli tluTfleld The of ! arn*- will therefore 1 m> 771,748 men. -- ' -i i ■ A Hors* That Enjoreff a Joke. * hut vted alter seriously he Imd to g w -ii tiuM %{ caiigln into up again imstiire and lie would give ttl tP> trouble he podKibly eould. HI tyk tho Walter «uf attempted to eateh hinnio wtiuld lot . his nedyhl n • ifl v *M M It* l '« WW * fu- thiM up his heels and d-n! off. l.K.kmg ha.'k to see whether 1 followed After liis rvpi atmg tills tuammtver half a dozen Slid w.jfa.jppidlyiway sTllT# would Nome flofW xW up fichmd me s.-t htsteeth auwfoUym the shvve of my dress tmd )erk at it, as lmieh as to say . •Therm emit yo u ta ke a joke? Iwm ■ vonuh#"’ $$ 4 U «ii%toAH.m^iti. jl «. make a horse love you imd lose all fear <>1 you. At one tone l wg* m-qumuWd witiv aliorae m Almaetlauri*# iTp«t«Sftn »r gentleness did not equal his beauty. He was a huge hwidsonie bay; and when 1 , first hughsh in.jmvn-i.vl hostler, with his kwqairis hfaffiirly « ‘ J, r h 'V; with a handful of "R ^ 06 8° “®“ 1 V nl :!V, t aJ uw il ’’f5 a T*- ® Us8, h ‘‘| rtef i , '° . orsc U ,' l w . l l ' ; i .‘'° ukl tote ut to your lum witii . and Vi 1 l’"7’ v, . ' r ’'7 however. The • orm-man t bite mid right ofl, ||l took Ins my iCl#| sugar like fijkmlg -and than two weeks fr-an t ihat tom> to' Would tieaoe whinny^«id if he heard paw ray voice in the stable Mr j and 1 did not go uirictly to Inin, i o lie j sure, be had nearly squ.H-zed me to deatii agiunst tae istea'AJ las S^i; hut u viciousness; far HTffla n, who hed burned tip pale and seiuviksUK^eiH-eeal.^s to see tliat h»»<4ti^r|»M'* if, bit 8»-. T. ri BtoolltoR^Wfei ll flH, Vrotonfted 1 Work.' -ri r i , , „ „ .. , with a view of obviating these evils, ha* invented a plan which fl*uig to the edge of an onhnary table a sort of cushion, on wluchtoework ouite fsstemHl or «..tithe q-a. “IrUJ.,.. *rbesenug of 11,is usln m, so tliat w.e-k may v be U* done sit litis’ <>r standing, but in either oawtetiia ,i0 , . - , , viil . . . . iv tortlv el Jnleoto ^i ' tSli G ‘ pds. who had a toiMeitoy to maltonflto A mrsxBKv mmiMav wto, to. fJL.. araspended until <***>, ^7^ 2'i ! te Vl uv* m^' i'o t ^‘' U How the Widow Stewart Eire*. I When I came past Mra. Stewart’s m*i j ble Mansion, at the turner of Thirty-fourth street and Fifth avenue, the other sight, I thought that no tomb conld be quieter; there was but one apartment lit np, to all appearance*, *nd in the moonlight of the eyemug tho place seemed indeed a j ghoul* “ whitened *cd sepulcher,” pri'trto watchmen. over to One of ^e latte r genus is on special duty every 1 “« ht « a '“. 1 m * k J m rounO* as a precau ! non against fire or robbers, from 6 ! 1 brJSbL “thel^LhaS Ut ht ^SSS whS pied, the widow preferring to climb one flight of stairs rather than sleep in a r<s>tn full of such mournful association*, Him resides alone, attended only by ser vanta, and everything goes up to the third story, where her room now is. On the second floor there is oiilv (me bed risrnt- * )@4 fa which the merchant prince i (^ed—tlm in ot library rest of and the living apartment* consist- Mrs. 8 “ room*. j Htoaarf ban discarded mourning hahili ! monte dUvelher, although she is eighty j att,p ® d f gfnet velvet g«» to and dinner wearing parties dm ! moIulM flimfied bo th*t a ^u*«t mud sssss “«* <’»** tw^ty-two fine, bft «* carats Iswg « r «; reiiiarkiilifa .from the fact of their “gkrul .ylligit flaw; they a» literally of jmri-st rav serene.” Mrs. Btewart has also prided herself on her figure, which is indeed very youthful and well proportioned, and now she looks younger than ever because of wear ing skillful a coiffure miule in one piece by a manufacturer of wigs, wlio liae studied the most 1 Hamming to the peren uial Cornelia. Mrs. Btewart is a woman much goodness of heart, but she Los Certain Weaknesses in reapeet to dressing her more time youthfully of life. than However, a person she should is mis- at tress of hpr o«ru actions, f saw her trip g i( & alt “>« 011 ■ fu,l K < - nrm at dining^,with W* 4 ** I** 1 including They had been a party, Smith, Mrs. , |Hla , w , 1 uf H n . loc ^\. Windsor ™* H - Hotel, imd ot Long "‘ '. ' to® -were ,r "J!' K tlien ?° “• Orand Union. " „ ,ra Stewart had already relinquished - crai«! and bombazine for fiounc«s and white flowers and other insignia of }, al, ‘ ,nou Inrun*. V uing, .UW. kml t Ud u<>t V: appear y%U-slht,.d, alburether W.« is r but otherwise seems os little l.k. awo- 1Il|ul „f fm.r score a* can be imagined, Bhe told a friend the other day that her i h.te lmsbaml’s remains had never team found the tnqHession to the contrary, tpwfyfoe notw#li»t«ndinu| — A',*’ York t'orre. of I tfc I Fittoburu I Tehyrapk* \_e_ , *«« o „, hnndKouie-h'okingyoung girl, named ‘’"phiiiKiphurfll*, , ar«] *tho whowak “Isse* crying Market bitterly, iq>l« ^'' in f’olice *, *' ,,ur * a w v morning u "8 »'•*". against whom her she lmsliaiul, charged " with abandonment. . “fib, .fudge," said the young wife, Oh, “my what husband refuses to live with mo villi do?” toMatJ’ do said Jus ®TTr*i‘ .. TTnrfnTiupg V” “ Nothing aj all, Judge. I did not do feint hfti-e youMo shy h> life charge, young man?” said the Court to the pri* oner. WfoHiqAmuti ... , , j i Vl] '■“•Midge.? V*S*WktTiie m trouble is this: When we were married luy wife lied I lived with her parent*, Jqdfte. f.othor, T eould and not stand I left the abuse from the house. I uy J*to|r4vi% wife to teatolfith father, 1.*-, but jPggwa.vTs.-jMi- fl»M4 tf , T How old .iith,iiu,i TO , t " mp yoh?" said the Court "I am twenty yeiiraci year* old, and mv wife * ffightevn *$ age,” * * I aaid "fr 1 the prim 1 JvR .|d.L « 1 JlLI | | T I ,! - .Y,.!,?? m WT*! i* ;,1 3 >0 ? " ltet ’A. * m ., ‘ l . 1,l f ojimte,, iSwnun ,, ! *r, fix'll have hirmk«.iutm«te and tl, M nL^ile. * ' ■ f “to L.,,1 T V- fH-l fudge Otter f ’ ,F,, j X, ^™, . m* ... SS'tw* Inan lit?sfli *, hSnvst ,!r faa,^ I f ,d , , V >> , ,u, iR ■ »« ,, we * yon ' wulnhg V, 1 ,', ourt to leave <> he young mother girl, your Int j|l|r4mf ™ J I At.m.MU. d^ Jd fc " rT U t ' ^ )k , 7"l Arifcin?! '■.iil k , 8 ’• “ o’. the l Court, . Jf S|r to" f Urn it JOT-te--J- 1 ( aimillan Bealher, o&tontrud, Mr. It G. ifadnor, wh. w ImhJness in weather predictions has brought that tbe him into *ueh promineuoe, uy* extren»e-eold of Caumla is al ^.st^^-.ys teg troifi a ih.UA to the by north a wind of blow- w.wt. Such a wimfis both edd andibw. IV IB I1, in passing along it imbibes also moisture cold, rapidly, it quickly causing absorbs ixiki heat Being from the surface of tiie earth; and, when this oontinuea for several hours of any day, U»n tias-ard^unaet fismUly have to« lowest lwHwwpfc mini, we of tiie >fiflSd n«iiff!ylasfaR«U Ri Caunhi, these ex thive days; the nor’wester b.>ginning about noon of one. dav, bMMngk fleroely for that aftermxm, In coming almost >ln» m tiie evening#-* tnen « q.,kl (%bt still l fiom ^ th north'westerly * witol M«i4m pviint. MjJOjfgt Again, a toward sunset, there is a calm, with the thermometer more or leas Inflow & ni ' 1 *f ld ' miwiimg, it may <8™ lie/ob* breaking. » U die wind veers rouud toa - queue* eomwg from the week If, ou etA, the other hand, the wiiid pa**ee to the s evwnd lamp, of letter •xfld may lasting IvUbffad from hv a general snqv - j starm tweuty to thirty ^ -iu Lkt ail remember that there are thnw nT ** fl^t U F cafngt tr to- trusted the pskhire toljwm ■ ' °m « r as? P* 1 ™ "««*• WUs a KW.Jwy au.1 dc^. en4^I,a1 .hefwilf EX fh“cnT3l _ I__L. - 0" all the pnaf ^;0 thaaofl. ^ uT. i !.^L V ‘* '-* D «8ihtod np<Mi one Dr. Pott*’ EzjMrimeat Failed. Old Ur, Pott*, of San Franeiaoo, Mid who is *n enthusiast in his profession, is the originator of the theory that much disease is transmitted to human beings mals, through eating the flesh of immature ani such as calves, in the early spring. As this theory was disputed by some of his contemporary M. I).’h, Dr. Potts de termined to make some useful expert ments lief ore giving to tho world liis dis covery. He accordingly purchased a six-months’ calf—one of the kind that appear to be built on stilts—and, as the doctor had no back yard to speak of, he had the brevet cow placed in the the cellar, whore he supposed to mix weeds in question among its food for a few days prior to its being converted into test cut lets, so to speak. The China boy was bribed pot to mention the calf’s presence to the other member# of the household, who, it happened,%«1 been absent while the quadruped was being secretly let down through the coal-hole by the butcher. had To wedged prevent it* bleating the doctor a stout leather muz zle on its none. That night the doctor was awakened by Mts. Potts, Who sat up in tied and gas;**! in a horror-stricken voice “Ora cious heavens! Archibald, don’t yon hear that singular noise down stair*?” i'hj-.calf had evidently gotten the muz zle about half off, and was making a pe culiar sound, resembling a small fog horn tortured by remorse, but Old Botta starnmered out that he couidii t hear any thing “Not in particular. Potts? Are hear anything, Dr. von deaf? .Tuat listen to that! It s just blood-curdling.”- * * hazaTded ~ the _ mis IVrhiuif. its rats, erable physician. ' “Rat*, Potts! Are insaner . Dr. yon Did yoii over hoar rats wailing like a lost soul in purgatory? ’ “Weil, not exactly like it, said the doctor, soothingly, “but perhaps—-^" “I can’t stand it a moment longer. I shall go wild if you don’t go down and MB W diat’s tho matter. It’s tK -hct that burglars are trying to murder Ah Wrong.” I—” “Well, my dear, if you insist, But just then there came a sudden jerk at the bell and a terrible hammering at the front door. Tin- dootor put up tiie window and belield a delegation of about lour police fifty officers half-dtessed ig their iieighboto midst. with “Is he dead yet?” asked one of tho crowd a* the doctor poked his head out. “Is who dead?” asked tho doctor, much astonished. “Whv your brother, down there in the oeUar. Didn’t you tell us your brother had made a big strike in stocks, and was coming to stay with you this Cfldhnus.lhe Doctor’s next ‘\VhWl?Wlmt„f Why ye* 1 W hat of if>” itf “You cold-blooded villian. Do you suppose no one heard you murdering him in the collar ju 8 t now? By Jove, he is not dead yet—he’s groaning stilL Just listen!” “If you don’t lemme in I’ll bust the B, Archibald! to think that you 8houlu turn out to bo a murderer! giwpCHl Mr. Pott* going into hysterics, Uhl Potto was too mad to utter a, word, He just ajhmtted walked down wliole stairs in liis night pa P> tljo crowd, conducted it the collar stairs, handed the police -tofcu » owulle, and told him to go ahead, thel * went up stairs and waited re ^ Of course the calf mode a break for tho light «« Soon a* he saw'it. The big oftl •<** holding it was Ujisct by a terrible but to the stomach, the candle went out, $««*, unearthly “ ,,u d ti»e rattling yells of of the the crowd, CC-sd “ml tho yfi.*qrCa laRkLas* t ou i«n quietly d.-sceuded, looked the door up agum, tied a sponge full of chloroform P'Uud p the calf’s nose, resuscinted Mrs. dnxZ tun! then retiuneil aloomilv to his of * eten0 Oh 1 Those Fleas! “ K fto£. »ad«r” inquires how to rid of That is a question whkdi would have puzzled tiolomou, with whlMW they go, no one can tell The subjwt is a lively one, and I have never ftl)lo to kwp up with it. I have *e«a nw>re interest waaTvei displayed in a re «®«oh for invested^ Sene# research. Indeed, there iaa in catching fleas which few pos «•’«, and which can uequinxl .mly after long and lively practice. If vou wo ,j < j sueeiwul, 7 yon must give f the whole „» _ , , , , . L,u,t summer the qnestiou was «^.xl through slmlfl tiie Cincinnati Odette, “What do to get rid of fleas?” am an.U lady n-ptonL l halo “Cleanup; dtetol' 1 4ex- but dirty l^nee vHx>vd» tirnl^htog. The %he evidently oTthat haa Tarty' wjrld g™ not **«a all the yak dry be* tou.bua%rilTrt^h^lh.^wffi, or sandv uromiid ar# mAi4 liald«Tto live on low, fiat ground. My grand mother was oboe grievously tormented with fleas four or five summers, and she «.us the sworn enemy of dirt- She took up her oaqH-ts and *laid them away dm ting-room, tog summer, and mopped kitchen, sit *»d btHl-ruom floors with boil ing water once a day. This gave relief, but did not cure the evil I would advise those aftliete*! to use a little carbolic acid to the hid water for mopping. Some ‘lark night gatlier all your cafe np and drop distant them gently into th« back yaril of * neighbor. Take (lime vour dog to tile creek and hold him feet under waterier one hour and a half; that will drown the fleas on him. Sheep in the yard 1m good may be idea a good take idea; them it might also the a to into house. Try ti.eae reuudies, and if they fail, you can burn the house; that is a sure way to kill fleas, and alnHit the only Dolt# Tonhn. ' auiw wm.— -—,— ’ / Pr««li»t rwmmtm Mares’ Wife Wire. - sent example another for phase .4 her character, as an the women of our land to follow. the During last an acquaintance with her for heard her twenty-five if years, I have never aakail her speak iU any ««- I ««'’<’ how this came about, that she w»* so she guardevl in tin# respect, when I kn*» was tempted as much as any one to use her tanpu* «Jd. to the detriiuer.t of oti.etw. She In reply, that st tee hom^tflrule of « to ?* .«* *» frfr tyI ya m M ti W M tftwed it Iwbi The Fiend and His Lawn-Mower. “Whir-r-r-r-r?” Blast him! “ZzWz!” . Blast him again! “Rr-rr-rr-rr-rr!” Turn over in bed and vow that you will shoot his hens, poison his dog, and leave tudi bones where his cat will fled them and choke to death. Why? Why, that triple-plated, bomb-proof, iron-rusted and hard-hearted next-door man, who went to bed at sundown for no other purpose than to get up at 5 o’clock in the morning and gallop his old lawn mower around! “Battle! Whirr! Bang! Rr-rr-rr!” Oh, he’s there. He simply stopped for a moment to spit on his hands and get ready for a new twist. Just 5 by the bells, and some fool of a doctor has told him that the morning air is good for him. He knows that he is disturbing every man, woman and child within a block of him, hut what does he care? There “Clickety-te-clickety-click!” he bis off, goes. He’s got coat his pants in bis boot-legs, and he’s think ing bow nice it would be to live the in dew- the country and canter around over wet sward. Country he hanged! Lawn mowers and next-door neighbors be banged! The man who sold him that lawn-mover warranted it to be noiseless, Just remember that when you get to shooting. “M-m-m-m! Noiseless, oh, yes! Bur-r-r-r! Z-z -z!” The baby wakes up with a howl. Why shouldn’t he? Can a baby stand more than a horse? Everybody wakes up. If you think people can sleep on and dream of the gates of heaven while a man is pounding lived sheet iron with a hammer you have in vain. “O-u-r—!” Good. His old machine has struck a stone. Hope the contact has wrenched off every wheel, twisted every spring out of heels place, and flung fence! the villain head over against the Nobody but a villain would have a lawn to mow in tho first would place, and nobody but a mutton-head stomach go in slashing around on an empty this malarious climate. His health? What is hi* health compared with the peace of his neighbors? Who cares whether he gets fat and live* on, or grows lean and dies? He ought—!” There “Clickety-te-click-elick-cliek-dick!” he the old machine making noise goes, more than ever! Hit him with a brick. No, don’t do it. Such a man as that couldn’t appreciate a decent clip on the ear with a missile made by human hands. Draw a beadon 1dm with a shot gun? Never! Keep your ammunition for owls. Owls have ‘sense enough to stick by tlm roost until 7 o’clock. Argue with lum? Not much; you couldn’t convince such a man that he ought tube rim over by a drove of Texan steers anymore than you could make a Turk believe that he ought to pay 100 cents on n dollar. “(lur-g-g-g! z-z-z-z! Bang 1 Rattle-r r . r l Kip” Lot him alone! There is a Providence villain -sf*•> rope to play with, just, to see him squirm when lie in brought—Erp--with a hlmrp turn. Tlmt mower may explode. if not, the morning air will bringon sore throat, toothache, neuralgia and colds, May he have them all jump in on him ot once and stand by him like an Indian’s memory, and may every neighbor whom ho lrn* disturbed by his villainous noise grow fat and sleek and rich and five to heat him for the only office he ever cared tori—Detroit Free Freat. ............— - A French Rom mice ‘ii;„ '{J 5 Frenchman ardentIte ni rt name and a very filiSSSHftilSSSaSftSS** !*; ! ^? nut t i near Pam, and Gilbert, after - ob shooting his betrotiied, attempted to blow hi* owS brainsout In neither case did the wounds prove mortal, and the war breaking out soon afterward, Gilbert was notpros pput « d . M h « kad k ; ft V*™’ serve in tlm Army of the Loim T He returned to Pans at the outbreak of the Commtme, Err.HbSirc Caledonia. Uunng his absence hi* be trothed had be«n induced by her lather to marry a wealthy of merchant, and she is now the mother ft numerous family her husband having had no .suspicion of the anteeclent events Gilbert was in otoded m tiie amnesty granted a few months agt,, and he returned to Paris the other day only homicide. to bo arrested on the charge of attempted It appeal* how pver that the trial will not be broucht to opinion tliat the proceedings esanot be enrried on without putting into the wit ue* R -box the lady whom GUlrert attempt ** to kill. To do this would be to bWt her charaete-r, and perhaps to bring about her separation from her husluwnl. and so toe Minister of Juatice haa authorized th« ss=cr“ “ *■“* --------» -w-» -——— An Empren* Life. Atiulame de Remusat, in lier Memoirs just life of published, Napoleon's introduces us to the inner oourt. She shows us Josephine, Napoleon's biographers first wife, as B he was, not ws L have sketched her. No girl nml under the illusion that the Empress’life is to be coveted. lofty Josephine knew for little happiness in her station, she lived not for its du tie*, but for its pleasures. The routine of oourt life was monotonous and weari some, and her personal life was frivolous and far from being pure. The Memoirs says: “She novwr opened n boitic, she never took up a pen, she never worked scarcely At all.” * Though without literary dress tastes, ah* play. was extravagantly fond of and dis “She rose at nine o’clock. Dress ing was a long process, and a portion of it was devoted to minute personal em bellishments, including paint chajaged times every article of her attire three stoektogm a d»y, and never vm iminkslble any new It would lie Her charm was her winning mannerv and amiable disposition. “But she ivuffi never wnform in her own mminer of life to order or S to etiquette hTpumk " or keep pe^uuS witliin .he hunts LuSbed t3J alk*wam-e' was a and thousand dollars » year, but she was per penally aharpe'rebukes running in debt, and incumm: frean file Euiperor foi her, Wendell Phillip, well remarks in ww Mb. 8an«, «ahu to W a aonttle giu.~r2iqTtiie annou2ceitt,n, be* men cant take cold without biowmg aboutit, The Heated Term—Where to Spend It. The season of summer jaunts is now upon us, and manv of our readers are debating shall the question of where thev the go to spend the heated term. Not mere fact of going to the country to board of constitutes recreation. anything The locality worthy‘the name be unhealthy, the food badly cooked might and served, and the societv anything but cheerful or agreeable; while a dearth of amusements would cause tbe suffering loiterer to almost die of ennui. What one needs is a cool, bracing atmosphere, pleasant accommodations and surround ings, refined and cheerful society, and varied means of amusement, including walks, drives, fishing, boating, archery, I ten-pins, billiards, music and dancing, Then the character of the food, and the manner in which it is served, should lie stimulating to the appetite and digestion, complacency and promotive of that good humored that makes one feel satis fled with existence. Above all, the situation should be such that the nights will be cool and pleasant, removing by their tonic influence, the debilitating effects of the daily beat All these desiderata are within easy reach of our readers, and at an exceptionally reasori able cost. The location, surroundings, and management of Bailev Springs, Alabama, enable them to offer to the summer tourist, health-giving waters, an excellent table, all the popular amuse ments, and the most refined and unpre tending societv in the South; while the reduction in price the of board, and excur- 8 ten rates on railroads make it a matter of actual economy to spend the summer there. For forty years these waters have sustained an unrivaled repu tation dyspepsia, for the cure gravel, of dropsy, diseases scrofula, the gout, of skin and kidneys, diseases peculiar to women, and diseases of nutrition and formation debility. should Those drop desiring postal further in a card to Eh,is & Co., Bailey Springs, Alabama, requesting circulars, as they will doubt i e88 be pleased to answer all inquiries.— Jackson (Miss.) Clarion. A fireman on a Minnesota railroad engine climbed out on the pilot, at the risk of his life, and rescued a man who was which lying mischievous on the track—a boys man had of placed straw, there. We often wondered wbat induced Dr. Bull to i nvcr,t h '* celebrated Baby Syrup, but t vre uq der,tand i n ow, that he was a mar ried man. .-.JflL'l -r..„ ° „r f lu are Ulcerative weaknesses and debilitating hn mora of females cured by Malt Bitters. Tre Minister at Washington went home because lie couldn’t B get dl » dl g h on s alM i„— T ^ „„„ pay hoard. Mount Vernon Place Church, Her. w. r. Harrison, » i> Chaplain Hocre ok Repheskntatives, ) (Paster’s Office, 1,008 Ninth St, N.W.) V J mw 21 ’ im » JiSSl&SfSXlSggSbtXla .. and I take , cases, merits, pleasure in testifying to its from ay a prompt, of the agreeable and permanent escape one most terrible calamities biatcan afflict the human race. I have no thos^'JtaKtaa^UvCTedX^thl bondage is Christian of the gentleman, Opium Habit The proprietor a whose uprightness and reliability are known far and wide. W. K HARRISON. T ° 5Uj ‘ B R ’ « M ‘ w WoOTMI „„ ' Atlauta - Ga ’ The Beat, William H. Wilson, M.D , Springfield, Effing. ton County, Ga., says: “I prescribed Hunt’s Remedy in * complicated case of Dropty which 1 had been treatin * for eight years, and I find n “ nt ’» R«“«dy ie the beet medicine forDropey & ~ -*■ —--------------- It the Liver ia the rooroe of year trouble y°“ - findana’ soluteremedyinDm.SAN m'"’ I s ''"!°»* TO a, the only v, ge ta ble caihartic whioh acts directly on the Liver, Cures all Bilious disease,. For Rook address i Ba. Sassord, 162 Broadway, New York, The Vallate Belt Co., Marshall, Midi., Will send their Elwtro-Voltaic Belts to the afflicted upon 30 daya’ trial. See their adver¬ tisement in this paper beaded, “ On 30 Day*’ Trial.” s— 35 Sr' 9 eur* rS only witches in wh‘chwe beii.veare beau JimJ ‘be,«... girl, Portafioe.or who are healthy Tabler’s * D TegetoMetiv,, d rosy because f° for **^±*^*'1*^ Sample botUe JSe., or on* package VaovnN. is not a etimolattog bitters wwen oreates a fictitious appetite, but a gentle touie which ...his nature to restore the stomach *° a healthy notion ! ® trai . «^ . tB n your old , . boots and shoes with T ■ The tie that hinds the happv may lie dear, but that which links the unfortunate , is tenderness unutterable. A food and a medicine are combined in the ' most perfect manner in Malt Bitters. * ? «D.- Tn .„.h 0 froM lh . «, s, JSTiSB . i» swah aTSIuo*. s»hd “»u c^. ,h * 8 *'’ JOSKPH «• Answer This, Did you ever know any person to be ill, without inaction of the Stomach Liver or Kidneys, or did ehher^Z you ever know one who was well when s', rue ted or inactive; and did vou ev-r know or hear of anv case of the kind that Hop Bitters would not core? Ask vour neighbor this same auestion ^ — Times. °"* *•* M “* ••'Om T ^ . Y®* 1 are suffering from a combina ‘i?® .. ,lT , diseases, do ? r or nod con- 8 j'^tion, not fail to try thecelebrat e< * eaai!y Kidney «ort. It is a dry compound, ** P re P arcd « * cup of coffee — r— -*—-- DfBULLS BABY SYRUP To Consumptives. fesssaa«»» T L c «vd. r , KK ., b.f f f Mruuox of cop uvea on. ivt f Rfa Vegetine Purifies the Blood, Renovates and invigorates the Whole System. US IttmCINAL PBOPKBTISS ABB Alterative, Tonic, Solvent and Diuretic. V «cm** * iuS txelnWTgT turn the !*!«•• <* lollz teiscui ficrla rood «n# h*rt*. «jk! k »trw>«ly «» c*«tr«t*d Cat It vin cflactmllr eradicate troni tie srcteni •Terr wist at Scrofula, aerofuloux Uumor. Turner,, Cancer, Cancerous Ilumul , Ery Blue lac, Balt Rheum, Byphilltlc DUeacec, Canker. FUnlneu at the Btomach, tod all dlMBKB Uwl ulM from Impure Wood. Sciatica, Inflcmmatorp *nd chronic RheumaUcm, filcuralafta, Ucut cad Spinel Complaints , ecu onl7 be effiectoall/ cured through the blood. For Ule«rc end Eruptive OUe&sei of the Sktn, Pastules, Pimples, Blotckies, BolU. Totter, Senldltead and Rlnicworm. Vicrini haa never failed to efteci a pensjineut euro. For Pain* In the Back, Kidney Com plalutfi Dropafi Female Weakness, Leu corrhaa, artaing from internal nlceratioii, and uterine diseases and General Debility, Vacktiiti octa directly upon the ctraaet of theae comp’.a'.nts. It In¬ vigorates and strengthens the whole system, act* upon the ■ecretlre organa, allay a In fl a mm ation, cure* ulceration and regulate* the bowel*. For Catarrh, Dyspepsia, Habitual Cou tlveneos, Palpitation of the Heart, Head aebe. Pile*, IVervonaneu, and General Prostration of the Nervous System, no medicine baa ever given such perfect *aUsfaction a* the VKostin*. It purifle* the blood, cleanse* all of the organa, and pcs*esMs a controlling power over the nervous system. The remarkable cure* effected by Vkgktikm have induced many physician* and apothecarle* whom we know to prescribe and Ube it In their own familiea. In fact, Vkoetixs is the best remedy yet discovered for the above diseases, and l* the only reliable BLOOD PURIFIER yet placed before the public. Vegellne is Sold toy all Druggists. m\ Or 175 pie bertselfij free. J 1 ticles IRONSON, iri the Detroit, world ft >66 m Davis’ Pi Killer • n ss. ojuisxnFD Vj ia V b I PAIN nil, KILLER niLLtn * ** OI-I- A sl7RE Throat, CI7KE «hllle, r « r * , *r l J' wo '. Myavntery. Cramp*. Cholera, flw.ii//Beirel t omplnintB. PAIN KILLER 'Sur l gJE*J a Sz World fo >r Nick Headache, Pain In the Hack, Pair In In the Side, like nut a (Urn* autl Neuralgia. UNQUESTIONABLY THE Best Liniment Made I Its tquei having never yet been found. ***For Sale by all Wedlelnel Ikealers* ON 30 DAYS’ TRIAL. We will send our Electro-Voltaic Belts and othe Electric Appliances upon trial for thirty days to those afflicted with Nervous Debility and diseases of a personal nature. Also of the Liver, Kidneys. Rheumatism, Fa - ralysis, Addr Ac. A sure cure Belt guaranteed or no pay. ess Voltaic €0., Nlaral iall* Mich, PENSIONS NEW LAW. Thousands of Soldiers and heirs enti¬ tled. Pensions date back to discharge or death. Ttme limited. Address with stamp, GEO. E. LEMON, ?. 0. Drawer, 3*5. Washlagton, I>. C. S oAPONifiti 7 7 74 -? a A«S^“ 5 SR.F ■ —Is M Reliable the “Original” Family Soap Concentrated Maker. Direction* and M ^■accompany each m £§ Soft and Toilet Can Soap for making quickly. llaril. It is p ■ V and h. soap Ask qu full weight strengt your grocer for SAPONIFIES, and tak e no other. PENN’A SALT MANUFACTURING CO.. PHIfiADEIiPHlA. at PETROLEDM Grand Exposition. Philadelphi Medal VASELINE Silver Exposnl JELLY. at Paris Medal Ti.;r wonderful substaiic* is acknowleded bv phv«icians throughout the the of Wound*, world to be the best remedy discovered for cure Burns, Rheunfnti^n, skin Dis¬ eases, Piles, try it, Catarrh, it Chilblains, in 4c. In order IJigCefery one may is put up 15 and 95 cent bottles tor household use. Obtain it from your druggist, and you will find It superior to anything you have ever used. NATRONA BI-CARB. SODA Is the best in the World. It is absolutely pur*. It is the best fbv Medicinal Purposes. It ie the beet for Baking and all Family U*e*. Sold by all Druggist* and Grocers. PENN’A SALT MANUF. CO., Phila. The Koran. A ruHoaiiy to «very one, and a neeeufty Arabic by George Sale. Formerly published at t2.7ft ; a new, beautiful type, neat, cloth-bound edition; price 35 cenls. and 9 cents for postage. Catatugue of many standard works, remarkably low In price, with extra terms to clubs, free. Say where vou saw this ndTertiBetnenl. MEBicA* Book Exchange, Tribune Building, N. Y. OPHJMK^S^ '***- '-jgy: *. ?■ ■* & ** - r pN ' i; VoR tI PERMANENTLY CURES KIDNEY DISEASES, LIVER COMPLAINTS, Constipation and Pile*. wi T *n H E A R 8 FUL fHY? JUULm POWER. BECAUSE IT ACTS ON THE UTXB,THE BOWELS AND Km . NETS AT THE SAKE TIME. •aoaus* It olaanaea the system ot thapolsonoua humors that develops n kidney and Urinary dlaaaaw,BIK Pllaa, or In Jaundloa, Rhaumatism, Conatlpatlon, and Famalodlaordars. Neuralala rairrr.wm u .ary r^,t, w , »«tta «»a M. fc. Mat fcy loon 0 »»p«ckte » will make «Ix qta of medicine. TlFl'sr XT NOW I Ua^STv^ * WARD'S y Fine Shirts for prrylo -* (j . o p\ jsurement “4 r -,-e L T ,a !} E.M.&.W.WARD. BROADWAY. NEW YORK. 5? f ii ____ JTqTr^Spo^rf^ 1 ^ Y’CUNC MEN • 0 rav ■ -a Manager..Uuev'iLe.M j*. fiJGJ ILBERTS m RC m mr UN FERMENTED MALT BITTERS TRADE MARK j j | Wvvwwws i ^ITTEBS |to MALT AND HOPS^a ryUNDREDS OF PHYSICIANS throughout the United it States have indorsed MALT BITTERS, prepared by the MALT BITTERS COMPANY, as containing more of the elements of nourishment and strength than all other forms of malt or medicine, while free from the obj e diou* urged against malt Cbone; liquors. and muscular They build up anew They the nervous, osseoua system. en¬ rich the blood and impart life and vigor to every function# There bility for can those be no who want place of aleep, their no trust despondency, in thi* tturfebies* no de¬ Food Medicine. MALT BITTERS COMPANY, Boston, Mast. Itching Humors, Affections, Scaly Scalr 8aft tions, Rheum, Scalp Psoriasis/ Sc&Id Head. ■ ■ • Ulcers and JSore* infallibly cured by the Ccticoma Rkmedim, which have performed miracle* niQCACCC UIOlMOlj. of cal healing history. unparalleled Send for II lust-•t«d in medf Union. Treaties, containing testimonial*. from every pert of the Prepared by Weeks & Potter, Chemists, Boston, Mass. Sold by Druggist*. jy2 ® tl2^a day at homeeasily made. ^Costly STILL VICTORIOUS. FOUR YEARS IN USE. TJi£ .MM IH,J{ TK1FLKD LVLKV l'EAB# mwm S: j ■ It having stood the test of use with unparalleled suc¬ cess. Universally acknowledged to be the best Baline Press extant for either hand or power. Price, complete for power, except wood-work. $50.00; for hnnd-power r except wood-work, $46.00. Address SOUTHERN STAN. DARD PRESS CO., Meridian, Mias. « BEATTY” OF WASHINGTON, NEW JERSEY, SELLS 14-Stop ORGANS Stool, Book $195 and Music, $1,GO0. boxed and Beforejrou shipped buy only *83.00. instru¬ New Pianos to au ment be sure to see his Mid-summer offer 11 lufttrated. Address DANIEL F. BEATTY. Washington, W.J. Sore Ears, & Catarrh Many people are afflicted with these loathsome diseuse* but very few ever get well from them; this is owing to properly improper treated. treatment This only, as they idle are boast readily but fact curable I have If is no a proven over and over again by my treatment. Send for my little Book,/re« to all, it will tell you all -about these mutters and mai who 1. I am. Address, My large Book, 375 pages, octavo; pi ice $2 by DR. C. E. JtilltlENIAKE^^Aura^Sur.geon, 1 torso HAS OB Obi), & If fen w»n<» insnr.snt Mnottecb., Hew in* wni.k.r*, » h«s*y *ro«tk of hair on b.ffi boaflf, or to thicken, atr.ofthan and } 4b* »-«» bait Send-only »»? SIX < d.a’i Tor the 4. . \ day at home. Samples worth tb free. ddreaa Stissok & Co.,‘Poi rtland, Maine. WANTED Pnltsooti. Outfit free. PKOPLK'S TEA CO., lfox 602fi. St. Lou*. lAo* 0 mi! Pi U BA 111 ByB. M. WOOLLEY, Atlanta, Ga. Reliable evidence given, and reference HARTT to cured patients and physicians. CURE. Send for my book pu The Habit and its Cure. Free. Importa nt to the F air Sex! 3 Wm WILSo g El © S O SSliil Eg BItc- fsgtae § a » Otto ^f^H _ , , , Ms^anica’Bjoolt.Datroit.Mich.V r . raWAItPS Dr. cmoucoK Uterine Jrarchisfi Will of the poeifively Womb.’ Whites^ cure Female Chronic Weakness, Inflammation such as Falling Ulcera¬ or tion of tlita womb, Incidental Hemorrhage or Flooding, Painful, old Suppressed reliable and remedy. Irregular Send Menstruation, postal card for Ac. An and Tor % \ pamphlet, with treatment, cures and certificates from physicians and patients, to HOWARTH & BALLARD, Utica, New York. MTSeld by all Druggists, $1.50 per bottle. TJOWTO GET KI€H. Send 21k*. to H. O. PAR XI SONS, Corning, Iowa, for information. _ A GOOD SAW MILL For $200. Our No. l Plantation Saw Mill is designed to be run by <?, 10 or from 12 horse power Agricultural Engines. With this power 1,300 to 4,000 Feet ot lumber can be cut in a day. A product 25 to 50 per cent, greater than can be cot with any reciprocating saw mill with the same power. The mills are complete except •aw, and will be put on tne cars in Cincinnati for the low price MiJli of of all $200, sizes, and Engines, warranted Boiler?, in every Shafting, particular. Gearing, Saw Ac. Illustrated circulars sent free. LANE & BODLEY CO ■f John and Water Sts.. Cincinnati. 0. P ICTORIAL HIST AGENTS 0 RY°™W WANTED FOR 0 THE RLD Embracing full and authentic accounts including qf every history nation of ot ancient and modern times, and a the rise and fall of the Greek and Roman Kinvires, the middle ag«>s the crusades, the feudal system, the refer* mat ion, the discovery and settlement of the New Worh^ ItContains 6T2 Hjtdory fine historical the "World engraving*, and is the most complete Of ever published. Send for Address spocuaen'pa-'ea National and Publishing extra t*nns Co., to Atlanta, Agent*. Ga. OPIUM “Si® for trctcj-m nntil cured. Call on or addieaa DR. J. C. BECK, lit John Street, ClSCISSATI, OHIO. .r mm k O & C At A L OG UES O L N MLAD1B fc *5^* tiSL'im b-LwI__is, Buggies i .