The Watkinsville advance. (Watkinsville, Ga.) 1880-1???, August 03, 1880, Image 2

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The Watkinsvilie Advance. W. «. SI LLIVAN, Editor, Publisher A Job Printer. TERMS, One Dollar per Yoar. Sixty Cents for Six Mouths. IS PUBLISHED ON EVERY WEDNESDAY' Watkinsvilie, Ga., August 3, 1080. 1 otered at ihc Poh Offic* a, W’atkimvillc Ocnrgia, m SECOND CLASS MATTER THE PEOPLE'S TICKET. FOR PRESIDENT, GSN. W, S. HANCOCK. or PENNSYLVANIA. FOR VICE-PRESIDENT, HON. W. H. ENGLISH. or INDIANA. PI NOTES. The acknowledged version of the Christian Bible has been translate 1 into 226 different languages and dialects. • •• General Walker estimates front the census returns already in, that the total population of the country will be amuit 48 000,000. The Greenhackers in Indiana have united with the II mcock Democrats, and there is every indi cation that the St lie is sate for the Democracy in Oa oher and Novem¬ ber. M. Briicrv, aged ninety-nix, an ex-Roman Catholic, priest and a convert to Protest autism, was mar. ried bv the Mayor of Cannes on Saturday to a Protestant, M’lle. Vernet. The Postmaster General calls at¬ tention to the fact lit t cards with one cent stamps stuck upon them «re not postal curds, and that they will not he allowed to pass through the mails hereafter. Some of the aged fig trees of India are said to cover as much as two acres of ground by the simple extension of branches, and regi¬ ments of soldleis have taken refuge under the shadow of a single tree. The Romani empire in the zenith of its glory didn’t contain more than three millions of square miles The United States now cover more than this area, and is larger limn Rome was when she was called mistress of the world. • • • A miner was accidentally thrown out at the top of a California shaft. He clutched wildly at the jagged rock, and by clianoe his wrist caught in a crack. During ten tub ules lie was thus precariously suspended at a heighth oft wo hundred feet. Wm. F. Hurrah, a naval cudet, visiting Harrisburg, in u somnam¬ bulistic fit, stepped from the fourth story window of Bolton’s Hotel, falling a distance of thirty-live feet into an open cellar. The only injury he received was a fracture of the left wrist. A tramp consented to do a small job at digging post holes at Carson, Nevada, though labor was contrary to his custom. He returned to his employer's house in an hour, threw down his spade, and said lie hud changed his mind, lie hud found $130 worth of gold bars which some miner had buried. The uniform appearance of the microscopic shells, and the almost total absence among them of any sediment from the sea of foreign matter, suggests most forcibly the idea of perfect repose ut the bottom of these . Some of tho specimens are as pure and as free from sand as the fresh fallen snow flake is from the dust of the earth. In 1860 it took a passenger five days to go from New Orleans to New York, making nine changes* and many of these changes neces¬ sitated a long walk from depot to depot. In 1869 it took four days with two or three changes; and in 1873 three and a half days, one change; in 1878 three days, one change; and now, in 18S0, a man can go in sixty hours and forty five minutes, one change. A n tural ice-house is one the curiosities of Northern New Jersey It lies behind Blue Moun tain. The ice gorge is several dred yards in extent, ten to thirty feet deep, with caves and clefts i» the rocks where the ice lies. The shade at the gorge i* very dense, the sun apparently never penetrat ing it. The bottom of the* gorge and the little caves and crevices are filled with ice. The thernioiue ter, which registered the nineties in NewUm. marked 38 degrees at tho bottom of this gorge. A few from one end a spring of the most delicious, sparkling water bubbles up. The water in this spring stands at 34 degree#. The State Hoad. Ten years ago the Legislature leased the Western and Atlantic ltoad for the term of twenty years. One half of that time has expired and the State has received $3,000,000 in cash fiom the lessees. The lease has ten years yet to run, and in that State will receive $3,000,000 more in case. In the term of the lease it will have paid the enor¬ mous sum of $0,000,000. It is an essential part of this lease that the road shall be run with absolute impartiality, and the humblest citizen has the right to test the impartiality of its manage¬ ment in the courts. It is also “writ in the bond” that the road shall he returned at the end of the lien in as good condition us it was when first leased—the Ktate being put under no expense for repairs. It will he seen therefore, that we have a square income of $300,000 a year, without a dollar of outlay, subject to no contingency and without any depreciation of the property. A safer investment no State ever rrijide—a better investment Georgia cannot make. Aside irom the fact that the State should control in the interest of all sections and all classes, this most important railroad within her bor¬ ders—the key, as it were, to its entire system of roads—as a purely linaiiciai matter, the road should never be sold. It could never bring, at any sale, more than $'>, <H)0,000, and most probably not hi ing over $3,1 HX).()G0. The chances are that the few men rich enough to make a serious hid lor the road would pool their lads, and carry Hoffforless than $3,000,000. But if it were to bring $6,000,000, wc should be throwing up what now pays6 percent, nil that stun. The •State is flouting 4 per cents now, and to change an investment that is paying 6 per cent., and not im pairing the property and lully pro¬ tecting the public rights, would !>*• a criminal blunder. We have no idea that any serious attempt will ever be made to sell this valuable property. If such an attempt is ever made the ConnMulinn will op¬ pose such a plan with all its soul and strength, and before .-very tr; Duiial.— At!<mtn Constitution. Calls for clergymen are frequent¬ ly heard from the frontier, but not often for the kind described in the following passage from the Aurora (New) HemlJ : “We a r<‘ solely in need of a preacher, but we don’t want any cheap thrash. We want a good muscular Christian, w |, 0 can snatch sinners bv the scruff the neck ami drag tinmt, Imwl in K* «P the plane of righteousness, ami who will not drink more than lie can hold. Such a man will get a right smart layout here." “The riot at Atchinson, Kansas and East Atchinson, Mo., last week, in which it is said an armed mob. defying the representatives o! the law openly, drove the colored hands Iron their work ut two of the iargest establishments in the city, appears to have been one of the unavoidable fruits of the exo (ins. Hutton .tUverliter. Is that so t e thought you said, a year ago, that the negroes emigrating to Kansas would find homes and plenty of good work and good fellowship. It appears Irom authentic statements that the Governor oi Kansas has been doing lus best to get the negroes out ol his Slate, and the exodus agent has reported that il the exodus continues Kansas will become ‘ Vast p*air house.” Kansas appears to in* a rather poor State to emi¬ grate to, since a severe famine afflicts the people ol sixteen of the western counties. In view if these l ids, the New England Republicans should certainly invite the negroes to come and settle among them.— Courier-Journal. A certain manufacturer of Bradford who made a oompoaition with his creditors was under cross examination at the Leeds Assizes. “Now, sir.’ cried Mr. Bagwig ferociously, “attend to me.” ‘‘Were j not in difficulties a few months ago?” “New.” “Whati sir Attend to mv question. I y° u a K a *ti—and pray 1 h> care ! > n answering, for you are upon >»««• 1“^ hardly remind you-ww* you not in 8<>iue niouth ago ? "Noa, not as 1 knows of.' ‘Sir, do you pretend ^ this court tiiat you did not tna he a composition with your ^editors a few months ago?” j “°h ! *hl"— a bright smile of * iatoUi « eow «P»adin| over the 1DK * U ‘ 0U8 l ^' e witness— j "that's what you mean, is it? 1 Mut ' my creditors j ' as were i* the difficulties then, an’ no t Beef marrow bound on and rc *'* .1 tivic. a day i. m dt'cimi cure for felons. One of the census enumerators in i Hancock county, Georgia, came across a family in which there hud been ocen imneen thirteen children enuuren horn norn at at, SIX six births twins five times arid triplets °“ Ce - The best device for catching moles is to sink <*n open mouth jar just beneath some part of their run, taking . care to pack the earth . carefully on either side of the jar. They will fall into the trap and can* not escape. The placing of stamps upside down on letters is prohibited. Several post masters have re¬ cently been seriously injured while trying to stand on tin ir heads to cancel stamps placed in this manner. The poet has referred idlers to the ant for a lesson on industery. The common house fly, however, wears the belt for persistent perseverance. < >ne of these creatures will go a 'housand times to the same spot on a man’s bald head and yet there is nothing to he gained by it in any way. To clean bottles cut a new potato into small pieces arid put them in The bottle along with n table spoonful of salt and two table spoonfuls of water. Shake all well together in the bottle till every mark is removed, and r use with clear water. Hurd crusted bottles may be cleaned oil by rinsing with water and small shot. The mormons in Utah recently celebrated their first entrance to the valley by a grand procession demonstration and eppropnaP exercises in the Big Tabernacle. Ten brass and military bands headed the procession, which re¬ presented the sentiments, ideas, a - ricultural and horticultural pro ducts, trad .a, industries ami fact urea of the people. Never kill a toad. He is ugly and unsightly h’i> In* is perfectly harmless and inly i itrude* UpOil the beauty of nn'.utv under cover of darkness, or when bid from the glory of the sun. He seems to be perfectly content to bop out his life of quiet usefulness, feeding on insects that are the worst enemies l o gardeners and farmer-. The person that would mercilessly and purposely tread out, tin* life of „ unoffending load -toot,eh •' should wear ibe mien and of a gentleman—is no t itt cruel seruent u>it is a t .a-.i t. these home! v little ere mires life. The Augusta AVies i- responsible forsiving that it Burke countv man rigged himself up <s a bear to have some fun. and he got it, f<r the inhabitants turned out with dogs and ran him four miles over a stumpy country before he could make them under-land that he wasn’t a hear; and then they talked of tarring and feathering him for alarming the women folks of the neighborhood, and finally gave him three days to louvo the county. He won’t ptay bear any in re It was a game of bear and forbear. «>. Al. White. Al. «>., ACTIC1N jj j^HYSICIA •V'atkinsvii.i.e, Ga. iL/“ Will he found at bis office when not called off. mar 17,*80-tf THi; BICKFORD AUTOMATIC FAMILY FAMILY l! \ „ n will hitapnirol Iochén MM? 1-1:me "WWW fl mm . ”Wad: xmw (amp mun. Knit- all namiw-s and wi¬ dens il; shapes all sites complete. Knits over Jo different garments, Sock-, Stockings, Mitiens, l-eggins. Wristlets, Gloves, etc. tiltiin It knits every stitch. possible 75 variety of or fancy per cent. 1- a i ^VhvIs ' co,n 1 r U1 8 ’ ln 0 '* ! Agents wanted in every State, Count v, City and Town, to ^ whom V, ‘L V P nces w '^, * H> ma e - - tor thrS'FaTnily MachS SO nd to BICKFORD KVITTtVG MACHINKCO., Brailletxsrro, Vl, apr21.1880— l.v Jjeri 1 talker. Cat.* Ii AUBE B , Watkiiuviui, Ga. Can be found at his Shop next door to H. C. Durham’s Con¬ ami fectionery, on Saturday evenings, until o’clock, Sunday mornings marIO'80-tf 10 a. to. r il. ft. d lien’s Horsea ndMule MILLINERY STORE. Cor. Clayou ai d Jackson Sts.. ATHENS, uA. I have in Store a goo<! assortment of Sad and Harness, Bridle*, Collars, Whips, Saddle Blankets, Horse Covers, &c. y 0T1 w ;]j that my harness is made . " f f h T I cut and fit horse collars ‘Tnd and ! do all kinds of repairing at short notice, Buggy whips 1 make a specialty found and in a V f ttcr “^tment cannot be the city. Sadden town hi rock bottom, My Ciinn , , bc bcat in { , r ices and quality. When you visit the city : please honor me with your presence, Thanking you for the past favors, 1 hope a continuance in future. apr.7,1880,6m r J{. Al. Jackson, Attorney & Counselor atLaw AND JUDGE OF THE ©tom Canals (Loud, Watkinsvilie, Ga. fear Will practice in all Courts except tie- County Court Oconee County marl 7,’80-ly H. f. Thrasher, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 0 ATKINSVILl.K, Ga. QT#” \\ ill practice in the Courts of Ocnncc and adjoining counties, marl 7,’80-ly d L i( I'LL, broker, ATHENS, GEORGIA. \\ id buy and sefi on COMMISSION SECURiTIBS OF ALL KINDS, Office: A, the Bank of the University. refers to Y. I,. (» Harris Ferdinand Phinizy. Steven* Thomas, may 26,3 a i BEST smnz. numaw. _. CH and 37'.- wncnsun p .. maul}, n a sumac NO WISYOUR CHANCE! — TO EXCHANGE — ! ! ! / l L N FOR -■■4 » « . 1 will keep at the store of J 0. FO B ? fLL, CORN .! ri \ L for SM.K nil EX< IIANfiK 48 pounds of Meals fur 56 pounds of Corn, Persons coming it) IuYVX, can bring their orn and get their .deal ■Yrhau' Oelay. Highest - ASH Drives uaid (> ' ? \ * IKNIIY JENNINGS. unr ,1880-tf larness Shop. The undersigned wishes to inform the public that he is now re dy to do a kinds of wor». New Harness made u ii epuiring old Harness, are my specialties. A' I work first cla-s and re iatile I can be found at my shop ready to d.> all work, at any tune. < uli mi me and see. Satisfaction guarani ed. W. E. HARRIS. dune.,0,l880.3-m. Watkinsvilie, Ga. V. W. SKIFF, Athens Ga,„ I-ate cf te City o» Madison, ft has established him %c f in Athens, e„s a pntctical Watchmaker & Jeweller > Ik-inj; satisfactory » thorou^hbretl workman that with and experience, will do is a guarantee 1 enn good work on all kinds oi Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, ifcc all of which will be warranted to give satisfactioi Also—A good line of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, &e., on hand end for sale, as cheap as is c cheapest. The Celebrated Diamond Spectacles. None beticr. Good for the eyes. Try them, sold only by V. W SKIFF, Other Reference to all the above, most any one in Morgan jun9,tf County. James Alauldin. Jflb? ot and Shoe AKEl!., : Georgia. Has removed to his old stand, and is better prepared than ever to do all kinds of Boot and Shoe work. Repairing a specialty, at lowest prices. and Hair ALSO.— Dressmaking work done in the host manner, and prices to suit the times. apr 14,3m LIBEL FOR DIVORCE. CAROLINE EARLY,) ^Superior In Oconee vs. ) ADAM EARLY. Court. JANUARY TERM, 1S80. It appearing to the Court, that the Htfendant, in the above stated case, of Oconee, does not and reside it further in the County reside appearing the that he does not in State of Georgia. It is ordered that the defendant be served in this case, by publication of this order in the the Watkinsvilie Advance, a paper published in Watkinsvilie,Ga.,once a month for four months, before the next Term of this Court. ALEX. S. KRM IN, Judge S. C. Jno T ANt)E*ja*N. W.C. PlantifFs Attorney. A true extract from the Minutes of Oconee Superior Court, tills 3d day of March, 1880. JOHN W. JOHNSON, Clerk, marlO 8. C. O. C. GOSHEN HILL GRANGE, Meet* on the first Tuesday, of each month, at the Court House, in Wat kin*ville, G. C. Thomas, ATT SE *L UW ' marl!) Rule to Perfect Service. James E. Murray, Admisistratra trator, of W 01 . Murray, deceased, Chrrles of H. H Phsnizy,'surviving part ner q { > ilitl i Z y & Co., et al. It appearing to the Court, that John the firm F. Murray, Edwin Edwin Bates Bates, of of & Co., Johnston, Crews & Co., Edgar E. Sell and Charles Foster, of the firm of Sell & Foster, and D. F. Fleming, S. A. Nelson and James M. Wilson, of the firm of D. Fleming & Co., Defendants ir this cause, reside without the State of Georgia. It is ordered, that said desencants be served by the publication of this order in the Waktinsville Advance, once a month lor four moots before the next Term of this Court, an order having been granted at a former Term of this Court but par¬ ties not served. R. M. JACKSON. J. S. C. W.C. For this Case. A true extract from the Minutes of Oconee Superior Court, this 2d dav of March, 1880. JOHN W. JOHNSON. Clerk, mar 10."80 8. C. 0. C. GEORGIA— Oconee County. Emory F. Anderson, as adminis¬ trator of the estate of Milly Klntts, late of said county, deceased, applies to me for letters ■ f dismission from Sitid estate. These are therefore to cite and admonish all parties or persons interested to be and appear it rny office, on or before the first Monday if in September 1880, to show cause, any they can. why said letters should not he granted. Giv¬ en under mv band and official sig¬ nature. at Watkinsvil e. This Aug 3d, 1880. J. R. LYLE, Ordinary. auu3.1880-lni GEORGIA— Oconee County. Will be sold before the Court House door in tell town o Watkinsvilie, Oco¬ nee County, State of Georgia, between the legal hours of sale, n the first Tuesday in apt. next, the following property, to-wit: All that tract or par¬ cel of land situated, ying and being in said county and Mate, known as the Ramsey place, containing one hundred acres more or less, adjoinin ' lands of ,<aron i row on the west, Jess E But er on the south, Zack Alexander and Jug Factory road on the north; three miles north west of Watkinsvil e. Lev¬ ied on as the property of the estate of Burr It am-, deceased, to satisfy a fi. f . issued from Oconee Superior Court, returnable to '.he July Term, l'SO, in mvor of D R. Richardson vs K. Har¬ ris, administrator of Bnrr Harris, de eeased. Property pointed out by Wil¬ liam E. Hards, Agent of Mrs. K. Har¬ ris administratrix of Burr Harris, deceased M i it:en notice served on Mr .. K. Harris this d ,y This 3d of Sept. { 8.-0 B. E. OVER Y, Printers’ fee $G. Sheriff. GEORGIA Oconee County Whereas, Janies E. Whitehead ap¬ plies to me for Letter of Administra¬ tion on the estate of Sanfo -d W hitcheao, late of said county deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all concerned, to show cause at my office on or before the second Monday in July next, why sai d letters , should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, this 7th day of June, 1.SS0. JA JHS R. LYLE, Ordinary. june7,’80-30d Letters of Dismission. GEORGI \— Oconee County. Whereas, Aaron Crow, Administrator of Margaret \\ Parker, represents to the Court, in his petition, duly filed and entered on record, that he has fully ad¬ ministered Maigaret W . l arkers estate. Ties is therefore to cite all pei sons concerned, kindred and creditors to show cause, if anv they can, why said administrator shou d not be discharged from his administration, and receive letters of dismission on the first Monday in September, 1880. JAMES R LYLE, Ordinary. june7ih,’8(‘-3m GEORGIA —Oconee County. Man U. Hale, as administratrix ofBraritlv Hale, late of said county, deceased, applies to me for letters of dismission from said estate. These are therefore to cite and admonish all be and parties or persons interested to beam appear at my office,’ on or the first Monday in July, 188(1, fo show cause, if any they can, why said letters should not be granted. Given unde- mv hand and official signature, at Watl ins vilie. This March 1st. 1880. J. R. IA’LE, Ordinary. apr.7, 1880-tf Now is the time to subscribe to The Advance. Only $1 a year. A. B. Jackso.., supply Keeps constantly on hand a large of i IUMBER AND SHINGLES, 1 “ h near Eastville. Shingles from $ to $3.j50 per thous an ‘* - mav5.1880-3m.* mT ATFnuRHAM........i 0 . ^11 durham, u«ufSpiru. tatrfMuqv, DlirhaHlv SPECIALISTS. and Surgery, Female, Chronic and Venerial, Discuses of Male for Cross Eyes, Cataract, Operate Stone in the Bladder, Harelip or Cleft Pal¬ ate*, Ac. Will visit patients in any part of the Stale, in consultation or dress, to perform with surgical operations. Ad¬ stamp, Dus. A. F. & W. M. Durham, war31,’80-tf Athens Ga. More Popular than Ever! THE GENUINE SMB NEW FAMILY SEWING MACHINE! ,3?" The popular demand for the genuine Singer in 1879 exceeded that of any previous year during the quarter of a century in jvhich this ‘'Oi l Reliable” Machine has been before the public. In 1878 we sold 356,422 Machines. “ 1879 431,107 “ Excess over any previous year, 74,745 Machines. SfcjrOur sales last year were at the rate of 1,400 Sewing Machines a Day for every business day in the year. The “Old Reliable” Singer Is THE STRONGEST ’ THE SIMPLEST, MOST DURABLE THE Sewing Machine ever yet Constructed. Remember That every real Singer Sewiug Machine has the “Trace Mark” cast into the Iron Stand and embedded in the Arm of the Machine. The Sieger Manl’g Co., PRINCIPAL OFFICE, m HJKOTR fiGHTJAS. New York. DISTRIBUTING OFFICE, for Georgia, Florida, South Carolina and Alabama, Atlanta, Ga. J. B. TOOMER, Agent, Athens, Ga. 1,500 Subordinate Offices in the United States and Canadas and 3,00..' Offices in the Old World and South America. July 1880 ly The Watkinsvilie Advance; The Largest Best and Cheapest of hi my ;mm I NT TH STATE. Weare prepared to do all kinds of JOB WORK at short notice on the most reasonable terms. CARDS, LABELS, NOTES, Letter Ilends, Circulars, NOTE HEADS, ENVELOPES, ETC. -An3, in fact, we (lo- JOB WORK OF ALL KINDS. Executed in the best manner, IT '11 1 Fill HP Pi THEM, JVowis the Time to Subscribe* m ly si PerYear. (SOc. for O Months. Its ( irculapon is Daily Increasing. IT IS THE BEST MM ADVERTISERS, Do not fail to wri e its and get onr MOST LIBtRAL TERMS Call < I s f j 11 rf i tjtinrj (f ur Line. NS, w II: LI VAN 'fjA TKt.NSYILLE, pA |SfTi0iYlE!S!!l STOVES! STOVES! -AND- -AND TIN-WARE. -V TIN-WAEE. BETT IN THE MARKET! -AT I. C. WILKINS •) mw24,l880*4m Brood Street, Athens, Georgia.