The Watkinsville advance. (Watkinsville, Ga.) 1880-1???, August 10, 1880, Image 4

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t.mfi.i UREroo^r. L P#»tfln«r whtr* tJi* bfe«k wirfd* I Ronli ! her sm*H and fragile form; Arm* within torn namiffit* Standing there at night and mun; Hundred* p*«iinR hy nn heading, *Oept to loet)* her aafde. There, with bare feet cold and bleeding, She in tones of angoiah cned; *' Mi*ter: rieaee ifive Doe a penny, For I’ve not got any pa-~ Fleaee, «lr, gire me Ju*t one penny I want to buy eome bread for m While we be* for tfcoee with plenty, Ana for them to u* unknown, We’U not forget our Utti^ “Mterefoote,” They art heaHtei^ neir^r home t n H ilpg tg*i* etch pnwdac ^tiwnger 8dm# Aathpylfnnlliwily W’t/gld ^'flgt by, Flty beaming from edd ira z* upon her, thefr eye; Oihem r»et a frown upon her. Heeding not thephuntivc cry: “ I muet have eonre breed for mother Or with hunger *be wlli die. Mister : rjeaee *fVe a |)eftiiy, For I’ve not got any Pieeee, •lx, gt»e me Jnwt One penny-- 1 went to fceiy eoa# breed for ma P rioan, While we beg for those with plenty, sta. m. There, one chilly day in winter. Barefoot sat upon the pave. Outstretched were her llttis flngera, But no pennta* did ah# crave. Th**re. while begging bread for mother, I'eatb had chuled her little heart. Vet each day we eee aume other Playing little Bar« foot'* part, * Mister ! Plea** give me a penny, For I’ve not got any pa-— Please, air, give buy me )u*t on#penny— I want to Mime bread for ma!” caoBiig. W hile we »>e* for thoNe with plenty, eto. CONVICTS ON THE SEA. W«> wore almul BOOniiltw noiith of tli« Cajai of Ghdd Hoiw, and our fthlpte hciul knoto jaiuitel hour,” nt'ftrly duo I i*a«t to tho akipjK'r, •* Twelve in an aay* reply to "How much in (the making?” The dripping log line wae rolled up anil the time-g!»KK placed away in the bin¬ nacle. An extra pull wim taken on tlie brace*, the yards prorated hard agatnat the ataya, and right well did the old Marathon lie over from the heavy breeze that a welled our canvas to its greatest tension. I hove the log again. “ How much now?" say* the skipjaT, “Twelve and a luilf, sir." "1 guess that is id amt all we can get out of her, with this wind ; that extra pull gave her the other half knot.” In ten days after tuissing Kerguelen’s I .and, the high arid irregular coast of Australia was raised from the masthead by our first mate, tidings Mr. Bolter, who shouted the glad to those on deck. No sooner had the sound of his voice diet! away than a baker's dozen were running up the ratlines, eager to obtain even a distant view of the great island. A number of us old salta, who had mi iled for Australia liefore, contented ourselves Viy snuffing the air like so many jiorpoisca. Alter we hurt paswal tietween Tasmania and the South Sea continent, we caught a light breeze on otir quarter and headed for Sydney. right Bower No in sooner the river had juat wo dropped off the our town than our vessel was boarded by the surgeon of tl»e jsirf, who examined our |ia|iers, good and, being satisfied that we were in health, our ship was al¬ lowed to haul up nearer the city. The old man went ashore to make his report to the Consul, but when he returned his face wore n troubled lisik. He called Mr. Bolter ami myself into the cabin, w here, to our surprise and chagrin, lie stated that the Consul informed bun that, when the cargo was discharged, he should have to press the ship into ser¬ vice for the Government to carry a lot of convicts to Van 1 hematite Land. The vessel that brought them was disabled, and could proceed no further. The skipper remonstrated against the seizure, but it was of no avail. The Consul said he was sorry, but it could not be avoided- -our vessel taring the only on# in i sirt that would answer the purpose, ma the convicts must be got off without delay. This news found its way among the crew, and several of them ran away and took to the bush, not oaring to rnjk tbeinaelve* at sea with a lot of desperate men frwsh from the prisons of England, The skimier quieted tlie feArs of the p st by telling them arise, that tin- no danger vic.ts w.mld could be jxWhly heavily as fun ironed and placed between decks w ith a guard over them. <>u th« fotliiwirg morning, l>ctw(M>n divks wore jirapared for the reception of ottr live freight. A strong double bulk¬ head was put uji just forward of the cab¬ in, and one just aft of the chain-lookers, and extra bars ntnl jRuUocks wore pro¬ cured for the hatehra. When 1 surveyed the work of the Gov • romtiiit varjK'iittu's aiy mind felt sonie. what easier. Everything ls ing m readiness, our guests were marched down tietweeu files ot soldiers. Each convict was hand cuffed, and on U.e right ankle of every man an iron ring was fastened, to which Were attachisl heavy Chains. Six of them hen .8 fustemvi togi', their movements were quite slew and retard - d. As they filial the gang plunk to the dt«ck, large, J cotuited iHiwciful Vighty-s, others ven. Some wwe w.V men; were weak and „ steklv expressitm, but they all hail a t,s,k of dogged deter,, turn, their eloeely-eropjxvl hair and slrqied trousers imd more^savage. jackets making thuu look all thg When Iiiudvr liahtv-seven r. aehod the deck •xl hy the sujiuriiiteudent and his aList tit its*. F.wl, convict was thoroughly searched in order u» tua> if he had anv wtniiHHiN. * Nothing was' found, however, but wlist was proper fin them to Imve. So the inspector informed us that there would he no itangcr, and we would soon i»* rid of them. The guanl that w»« to accompany us hml Vasm selected with great earv, i-iu-li one having a musket, two revolvers and a cutlass. Several extra casks of water were got on lu«ird to, tear we would not liave enough to last during the run. As no signs of our nmaways were to lie hail, the skipi>er WHU « bilged to ship several men in order to fill ills complement. One >4 tliesc fellows w«* a vUlainou»-l<*iking cusUe Itter, and I ask<sl the Captain whv he shipped such * a man. He replied that it was Hie best lie could do. Sailors were scarce, as uearlv every ooc was ot! m the mines, or stock raising 1 told Cspt. Billow* that 1 did not relish haring such a man on Isstnl the Maratlion, lint he laughed at mv tears and said the man had law'll due charged from a Liverpool ahip aotue two months ladorv, and, as he fitlml to re turn home, to- thought lie would slop on the Maiaiieiii. The Oownl vrrifted the innate state lueul, which satiafied the akip|wr, no lie hmi sMppcd him on the strength of ttii«. 1 saiil indhiiig more to tie. <4,1 mail, but thderrmiitid to k«<|i a weathr-r eye on that luante iHoveiuctite, Wo were t» put out tu tlmt night, if the wind w<-r« uhUT Tlte eigldy-seien were pWed a&fm* mi iWniMti tli# r#* tuiii) loonnng, wlien fltcy would )«> taken out Un *u ntriUH Thr punr* I 4t>uf uwu, haft tiu toUMstwf tUtiui inc; watch while the othora tarns*! in m™!! ,, aVtoA ° r0 ti, “ j , „ , a perfect Bedlam and would have aroused the scren sleepers. In vain the guard 2 hes* ,h m. as. his watch wbb out, and said he oouhfsleep expected to find raa awake, for noons \ with those wretches howling. Ho lighted ray pipe mud went on <Wk, pre ferring T“Ja‘S“*' to remain al>ove *#£** titan on a level daybreak they were quiet enough, ?*>'; and lio particular one could he sifted out for creating the disturbance, so the whole eighty-seven went scot free. About 7 o'clock they were led up on deck for an airing, and to pass inspec :z ehich zLVzxtt&fs, required idl l.imd. to reef u.,*.ile. The yards were soon manned, and I went aloft myself, as is generally the "t&trjisjstSl. ring .,,,1 Ukij, the feet I ear tun,, Shilling knottln (one of the foremast hands, who ™ 8 a "--I*** ««* Where is • Barker T . . ? Idontseehim r , on the yard. 1 looked over the line of men, and sure I enough he was not there. I tell you and wasn’t long in getting on deck stating We my susp.cions te the Cap taiu. at once nisi.ed forward, fob lowed by several of the guard and just as wn reached the fsrecastle who should make Ins apiiearance but Barker. The old man yelled at him: "What riniX what'are y v^skfrkinS'Tralow r,rec,.ll dfo!dnte wheil ••i wL cZd stek ” co'aloft' ioJLL ( scoundrel V" ^ ’ O and nn , could rnd not go aloft. 1 on are lying, you villain, and yon know it, said the skipper. “11 be <<,Vl y - Mr - HteTaway, td I jus keep your eye on him , come back Ay, ay, sir, I responded. ,r By aloft. this time all hands had come down "m I he Oniitain mum returned and stated tliat he could find nothing out of the way but I was convinced in my own mind that something was out of the way. Ho the old man gave me leave to go 1* lew ami satisfy myself. I could find nothing, but at the same time was far from being satisfied. I asked why was Barker, of all others, down below ? We told the crew of our suspicions, and or dered them to keep a lookout on Bar kers movements. As the night eame on, the guard was relieved and cautioned by the sergeant to be on the alert. It seemed kind of queer to me that the convicts remained so their quiet, for beyond scarcely a low audible, conversation but voices were [ thought afterward that probably they in temledto get a g«s«l night's rest, and j‘referred to keep still. I lay awake some time after turning in ; but my eyes finally grew heavy, and 1 was in the land of dreams—away off in Boston. My mother eame up to ray room (1 was still in mv dreams) to tuck in the bed-clothes, t felt her gentle tench on the blankets; but why did she place her hand over my mouth'? I opened my eyes to see the reason. The glittering blade of a slieath knife was held before them. I knew the rea¬ son then pretty quick, I assure you, for Barker held it. “Now, Steeraway,” says he, "you just keep quiet, and von won't bo hurt. Oi>en your mouth and you won’t know what hurt you.” I knew that any movement on my part would be my death warrant. *' Will you keep quii't if 1 take my hand from your mouth?” I nodded my head in the affirmative, ami his hand was removed. “Now, Steeraway,” tie says he, “ f am going in to you ami put a little stepper your month. J won't hurt you, for I know lg>w to do these tilings. He evidently did, tor I was very soon hound Uaudaml foot, a gag placed in my mouth, amt vour humble servant wins rendered as Useless as a dead man. The CfWmet then li ft me and disappeared. 1 had not been alone more than ten min lib's, when 1 heard a voice near the berth head say, “ All right." In a moment more, a light draught of air entered my stateroom, and it smelt odor, strongly of peut-up air—a sort of convict The so bulkhead to speak. had been removed and the eahfn was soon crowded with prison¬ ers. Not a sound did they make, for their toms were off, and Oie thought flushed quickly upon me our ship is in tlu>ir llRnd *’ um v U “' Ij < ,rd haw “»w\v - Hd< they went up the ealnn ,. stairs; 1 l,, “ l1 ,,oard “ , ' ,,u ' k Tmh ' n « "” lind - * hoU to ’ y* 11 "’ onrs '*- a »> *l u, ek . succession ; several splashes near dcmUight; mora alnmts and ^ Ib ' wn ^ l,h ! " r n, " vr No1)lMUan „ s for us! P “ w,i . * In Vam . 1 . , ho ' lr, , , V,, '«T . plead- , , . , U ! *•“** ’"f ' T »"* n '" n kn ‘ >w “« " u ,, \ J in,dl - v '’i 0 * k " u ' 8 i uld «'Trhea.1 ,. ^ 7* Ttcaently , a step ,ie wends the stairs, the rope binding mo “S L '1^'^.'• 1 = ° U “* WWlU * ‘' , 1 ln ,t * Lively, now. i * oiimo „ to tlio conclusion that it was ' MxU '™ U '- A, "\ 1 1,1 " ' ‘ Iv T' T o'* f ° r . ^ k , the „ matter warn. I knew ,hat 11 »‘ n ‘ m 8h, »t a glance. Barker—that scoundrel Barker—was M1 escaped eouvict, and had shipped on 1'owd the Marathon for the purpose of aiding his friends, and, from theapjiear “'ee of tilings, he hail succeeded lievond his Utmost expectations. As I emerged from the ealun, I was greeted with: “ Here ho is,” by several of the striped jacket gentry. “Now Steeraway, we want you to mind and do just as we tell you — or what Joe Gosshawk, the Oaptain, hurt; but tells if you—and you won't l>e you don't, why overboard go. We know yon can navigate ; uow w Inch is it, shark's dinner or olwy orders ? ” ' <>f tHnirae I didn't want to case the ajs petite «« the jet-finmd wolves that were swimming them I would around the shq>. So 1 told do all they wished ; but 1 wautetl to know what had become of the C«)itain and crew. “You'd 1 letter swim after them and ask'em what's done with ’em; all ex cept that cunaod first unite, Bolter, and *<' can’t a t no track <«f turn, blast him," said (hwwiawk, tile peeugBUkal huder. I uttered a ilkit prayer that Bolter might te mile, slowed away somewhere out "Well (4 their Steeraway," clutches.^ aaya thwaliwwk, » where arc we? " *' Al«mt hum)? iniU * ffuiu \*mi lamd." ' mail * M >at, »lii|j mtk b, “ywi jw*t llml fit U*in m ilw lb# Oli^ tM*i til twelve hoars from now. Make her run 2S? ,mtil 1 “ k yOU &f?ain Where W ° , . . , , . . vessel. , “ Why, you just give the order, and yo ° tack.” ' “ All right,” ’l said “plained Gosshawk • “tell Ltd us the to them pointed out the braces. In ten minutes we were around and «*W When —• day broke d.« nosh. heart almost me.' d<JE my sank within The presented a sick ening sight. Pools of clotted blood here ami of there, torn clothing, the rem- and nant some desperate struggle, the striped convict jackets and red coats *T±tt **...«*.,»c««, "If «el ««fed down, so that no vestige might greet my eyes of that terrible en counter before,* that At" ra^n"*G had taken Jshawk place wked^me the night ^^<£312 f™; where “d^M we were. I had just sk taken c the « ‘'ituiutf amt 1 16 (leg. longitude east, all vLt W £ir COrreCtl7 * ° rme<1 th ° “Ain't £,.“ the ,* Fill's JB about ut here here some- some |'' ' he asked. v Ds they are m 20 deg. latitude and 18 ?/^. lo “f tude -., Well take us there, Steeraway Q . and , you are free to go in the long W just as soon as we sight land I ll take care «» Ul( ' Marathon myself, then. As we still had about 720 miles te the nor'ard to make and about 420 miles of longitude, I computed the sailing dis U *f e Wl : r ‘‘' U f ’ wl ‘ lch '. de ' luct,n « th<; dl f : r , ( wn” w ' tu .* d “e, would . l 10 r, .. K T ^ I' h if FU J T r r ? ,s 4 i 1“ R ' imo *® ^ hawk, who i minted , anything but v satis faction. No nearer than that ? Well, l'l°[ tl ‘e J '*P«. w>vhow. tte ! kept her for the Fijm, and on the fourth day Land ho 1 was shouted by one of the convicts who was stationed aloft. Gosshawjk’s eyes brightened up, and he turned tome, saying, “Well, done, Steeraway.” only If I had had my own way, I would have put them on a coral reef, bu life is precious you know, even to a sailor. As the Marathon neared the land, wine , proved to be one ot the grouj., to the sou li ard, Gosshawk gave seme orders ut a low tone to several of the men. I knew what they were im mediately, the lashings for the convicts began long to cast off from the boat. "Ho Gosshawk intends to keep ns promise, I thought to myself, and I was to lie cast adritt in the long-boat, When within fifteen miles of laud'the breeze died away and the old Moratnon lay and almost motionless. Gosshawk swore, stamped Kind Providence the deck, but paid to no pur pose. no ntten tion to him. About dusk the wind made its appearance, and I got ready to stand in. “Steeraway,” said Gosshawk, “ I guess you will have to make a voyage in the dark ; but it can’t be helped.” The boat was lowered ; two kegs of water, four junks a bag of hard-tack, and three or o salt horse were tossed in, and I was told to follow suit. As I was east adrift, the villains shouted after me: done "Good-by, good Steeraway, and you have us a turn we won’t for- 11 ! ’ 1 made no reply, but sat tn the stern of the boat gazing after the recediug vessel. After looking at her for ft few lmnntet! L wiu* overcome rum bowed my head in my hands and wept. Just then r splash m tlie water near the boat aroused me, “_A shark! thought I. Again I heard it, and then a low voice as it from the deep : “Steeraway 1” I sprung from my thwart as if struck hy a galvanic shook. I strained mv • t>tN u ami 1 puied ... j into • . the *« darkness, v , Presently I saw a dark form swimming toward tho boat. Ag-m* t-*c voic e came here over the knows water: "Steeraway!" superstitious, Ben but 1 am not 1 confess I did tod a little awe-stricken, Before I had time to collect my scat tored thoughts, a hand was laid on the gunwale, and the form of a man arose from the sea. “ It’s Bolter, Joe ; don’t be frightened —I’m no ghost!” That short sentence broke the spell which clung to me. " Oh, Bolter !" cried I, in a transport of joy. ‘' I'or Heaven’s sake, help me in the boat. Jot'! I ant mighty weak. Now where’s the water? That outside the i} 0 ?* w ' d do to swim in, but 1 can’t drink it, 8t»n I hml the water-keg to his lij>s. mid he tdtok ft long draught. ’’There! I never wanted water so bad bn, once bef, r in mv life; and this is what I call hard luck, Joe. * I agn-ed with him on that score and asked him to tell me how lie escaped from the convicts. of “ what Vhy, you coming, see, Joe, but I before got an inkling could was I O't out of the cabin the rascals wen down upon ns. So I «\i VW ,\ into the secret locker under the transom, and •hey looked into every place but that, Luckily, the and locker fruits, contained some eamiiNl meats so fiuire was tio danger of my starving. T overheard toat M o" MNimersatom Utc one they cali.-d (hwshawk—and I knew, hteer away, that yon were safe. 1 also heard him ti 11 his CUt-thrtHit comrades W'hat ho intended doing with you. when I heard your Invit lowered I Peeped from mv hiding-place, saw thecabm was clear, as they were heard all on deck l>oat to s,v yon off. 8oon as I the cast adrift I crawled through the stern window, hung by the frame for a minute or two, then dropjxal into the I s'a, swam after your boat, and hero tun. Bolter suddenly start,'ll up and cried out, *• Look, Joe, { if they have not set the ship on fire! ’ A tul so they had. Before they landed they bail no doubt left two or three of tlmr numlier to lash the wheel and »PI‘iv the torch. The flames threw a lurkl light ovfsr the ocean, and soon the whole outline in fire of the doomed Marathon could l>e seen. Heavy tongues of flame ran up the tarred rig gmg, and rolls of fire, like a eloiui. would now and then burst forth, as the sails one after another wort* consunuHl. It was a magnificent sight, but a sorrow ful one for us. Wo watched her until acareete a sjaurk could ho aeon ; when, suddenly, like a flash, the faint light dtsapjwand the Marathon ,uid all that ontv remaitual of went to the bottom. On the following uiomiug we sighted an American w haler, which fortunately signal of came distress, near and enough to ace relteveil our we were frviui our self uievnufortetite Udd the wlmluug puiiliou. (dupfier Bolter ami m.v« our story. when he St otux* made sail for Byduey, uttu tW Im'U Bth' touSTteps imU IWojv Ut«* Eugitsh Couaul, who te c»|>. tun Uu* 4it»rt4imr»4 \iUniu*. Tlu» wn* ; iucih Mifuliv The American Girl. be The defect* of-the American girl may illlSssS doim awav with by giving less promt **! e the -' r1 ^ ™ Idch Sffilgtr r educario^hi their Jd"V mathematics, k V S* the newspaper SZSStSS editor wl ? gH the of her who can roast ****?- , bako bread or ma)ie her own Neither the girl ■ , chance , gives poor m OT any ,„ , ;; *" ° ^ (tl^.t'ifl^othir ,.v . , of°r*her f other hrinfT bernga. . Do Do , ? ot , ’ therefore, . allow yourself to be driven »>V‘Other sclb^rl iDf apos ks beyond wliat •" i it?* henlthV balance o/ vour ,,,* xrisiS ’rtiz'kzz . y, § „f turkevs without OcctuT strain your w if , f ^ailfastly, lmt but without strain, witti- with " ut hurl 7 SSJSTjiJS, ix&zris tStaZLi 7™ » J UP to UZb^dy’aX^stenaLd, Atlantic, tea^ te content yourself with that."— _i ionthlu '----- The Railway. w,,.... ^" ,.T rim Fisk 1 lsk intrfK]lI0flf American^ , thf , wor<] .. speech few lines m coimtry us^thc term. ' mnLs in Pwr’s M-inml 185 ‘S quo ' “railmruh ' ” The former £™,vL • , ’nS^rold , , ro“he . (jhica^ roa.l Li, Rock instance, Island and just Pacific become RaiU the for Chicago, Rock Island convenience and Pacific which Rail way. Aside from the " affords by changing a name in law and leavi jn tliis K it vujaltere aoubtless d in hinged sound, the tlie change hit CMe on that the stock mid bonds of the road are i argG]v « ^ he ui in ^ England, ’ E where „glis h railway is fh )nHtant railway tnrminnlo<rv is constantlv eomim? into w^slf ■ C^riaf am l not ”°Lr ahvavs “Tr’^is ail * ‘ beirinnimr to appear in Uie renoite of ac ^h,is bit ^fortunate mcAning, because “c„ r one general ” and “ cftrri ,7 - ha8 t cl . “Metals,” the Englis u . rm for speech. rftilfl> wonld be an ad ditiVm to railroad It is graphic, ani , j H ]K , t an) j, ign()US ^ “ ral ]" is espe • o V • Display of Knowledge. ft croW(le(] cit strept an i,loured mastiff seized a Htfle dog by the throat, and threatened to .strangle him. A crowd soon gathered, full of sympathy for the little sufferer and of anger against the mastiff. Words and blows were freely used to compel him to let go his hold, and stones and clubs were brought as additional arguments. But the ugly brute held on the more tenaciously, and the case of the poor little dog seemed hopeless. ends, When everyViody was at his wit’s a dandy, exquisitely dressed, happened i along. mongrel Looking crowd, with a he sort said, of contempt in I on the a con sequential tone, “Leave him to me.” Tlie laugh was general at his expense. But with admirable coolness, drawing from his pocket a golden snuff-box, lie held two or three pinches of snuff under j the nose of the mastiff. While the mouth was closed, the mastiff could breathe only through the nostrils. In a moment the snuff did its work. The brute began sneezing vigorously, dropped the little dog, and, half-frightened, took to his heels. The dandy, looking around com placently on the crowd said, “Knowledge is power,” and went on his way. Tms chimney is on fire at Mine C's— 'he “Don’t he u afraid jurtnu, madame- iiutuuiiH , cioui don’t DO afraid, ..... says tlie footman calmly to his alarmed mistress; "tliere is no dtuiger. thing Hut you don t know any about it John, and so why do yon tell me there is no danger?” “I know I don’t, madame, but it is to reassure you.” A shrewd little fellow lived with an uncle who barely afforded him the tieccs saries of life. One day the two were out walking together and and the saw a very thin grnyhound, wliat made the dog man asked his nephew so pool. “1 expect he lives with his uncle." said he boy. | A Philadelphia woman who gave her a g G fts ten years younger than she really is, explained to’a friend that she was overlooked at the last census and did not want to get the records mixed. ; Mrsic.—Thevhad been to the and hoard in opera J*’ T ? 1 '? 1 ' up, which $t once removed the Flatulence. | A lady town repels tlie do¬ J mestic yoitno slander that up she is “fluctuating. “For I’m always at par—to buy me something.” *«xl . Bjca or in modfemee muscl e-prodncu^mktensl are iUIt Iidtere. beyond til A zinc mine has l>een opened in the j mountains ten miles south of Elmira, and a stock company formed to work it. i ^®’ f h k ^X?^«nd ’- “”* W bViSril . ur 0 R a .nd freeofch»-ge»\alu»'te l.tUsbook on deafsem Hi,e««of the ear, Bpeeislty on rann ng ear end ceturh and the r i r per tieat-nent R sefer^tets an I testim uials th#t Will «ati8fy the mo»! skeptical. Add es» a» above. a„ t- h-wu-t n th# LiTer u the toar „ of vour , rouhlf ,o U ,an «nd an a'-.olnte remedy in Da. Sax roan’s Livaa Intigosatok, the* only vegeta hie cathartic which acts direot'y on the Liver, t'ares all Bilious diseases. For Book address D*. gasman, 162 Broadway, New York. u„ uimi,- Rm i,,.. *»»>t>»ii. stieu.. "'ill fend their Electro-Voluic Belts to the »«iet»d upon 80 days’trial. See their adrer Trim*’**” ,h “ h * aded > “On 30 Days VrorriM ia not a atimnlnting bitter* which er**te* n fk-tition» appetite, but a gentle tonic which nature* to retuire the etotnaci to A heaUhy action Prkviext croaked boot* and blistered heels by wearing Lyon’s Patent Heel Stiffeaer*. »SUuff,Ura . Jid"* freiiuenraf of ^tf*o'ughTand Ui*t would avail themselves excellent reme dy. Con«*cn*' Honey of Yon Tur. the Hew, cough the nuvtunne in the world. ctn try it, ** prav i* only Ste. For *«» b y «U druggist*, Auw»v* get O. Gilbert * Xioen BUtrch. Thk soft Muston* mek umterlving a wifle part of tho prairie region of Tex in fiOO h ot at Sherman. P lure to ,k« " m*i» or temals, Mxlt Bitters. tmwawtrr*. wiinuw « Mkm m. MxKCntat'* vtsaitt* i staottcii.v »m r"* • »•* (be w ^ hwahti *** Yttffi* * '* 1 -f11* r** National Debts and Expenditure*. We give below a table showing the debts and expenditures per head for the .tSMSS* itt&ZZZ -r““ per $39 head, Debt 07 78 ,Bo.q penditure per $12 head. 1 a,. 63 04 . 0 %&== T 53 10 13 2 5« «== 6 70 16 6 69 49 10 66 '""'“"'^.' 94 IWnlaark 27 19 6 63 “................. ... 20 20 24 36 AnciVZ“"V.r:.. ... ..127 85 23 82 14 % German Empire..... 71 3 15 .... 10 55 6 33 ...-114 62 12 35 «-r«w........... ..... ..... 27 50 5 35 iSfr’ Brto *....... .Z 3 Cl 1 12 Z.ZZ. ....... 17 94 in 12 ....... ........ 42 63 2 68 Netherlands............. ........101 21 11 5 37 Norw.r .............. ........ 7 48 91 ........ 54 72 3 ’’ eru ....... 79 82 12 62 ..:..... 96 84 6 7o ........ 11 82 3 85 s=- ........ 26 33 4 83 ........ 3 61 1 43 ikSml^Z ........142 71 7 83 ..... ^ to -, 4 93 s ’' i ' !;!rlan,, .......... ...... 2 25 3 08 70 4 88 56 6 13 “=== CO 15 28 11 2 C‘4 «»» « Foo» »0, StoC.-Cl.mi j n slLw lysi an d observation in feeding nutrf alike the large amount of ment contained in beans. Tliere is no more valuable food for formmg muscle than beans. In the production of fat they are greatly inferior to com and the small grains, but they are superior to them ™ the production of flesh. ^ « animals are benefited by an oc i( a] r;ition of beaQS of Hheep "atermel- are as {,jnd of as ,10 vs are - relished ons, but they are not by most first domestic animals when they are given them to eat. Many animals need *> b « educated te eat beans, but after a « bort ^ wlU t!U ?*f for th ® m - H °g 8 > co ' vs and “• -finrca t taste for beans as readilv as hu man beings will for tomatoes, celery and n P c h 8f-. “ bean8 .f e ground with com ^ an J kui(1 f H mal) “ the P ro P or ' turn «if one bushel . of the fonner to tair °f the latter the meal will be eaten by abk J“ d8 <> f 8tock - m % h ° s oake( tdl th< ‘. v nre quite soft, or boiled , and mixed with bran or cornmeal to excel lent advantage. DrBULL’S BABY SYRUP S3 HUNT'S REMEDY THE GREAT Kidney and Liver Medicine, Btiuidc 1 ?”amt <^raS» T * liHnarv Dropsy, Disease, Gravel, 1’aiaa Diabetes, in the Bright's Back, I *NoMetentioii I ^f <! 0r Nervous Diseases, crine, Female stomach,Dyspepsia’,Coustii>atio’n& aaTwSne.^'ueSchnTnr Pii«* HUNT’S REMEDY c™es when all otiieu medicines FAIL, a« It act. diractiy and at once mi the Kidneys, healthy Fiver, and Bowels, restoring them a action. HUNT’S REMEDY i* a *»fei rare and spevdy cure, an4 hundred, hav« had given them up to die. bo not delay, try si once HUNT’S REMEDY, Bend for pamphlet to WM> 12 • CLARKE, Providence, R. I. Price*, 75 cents anrl ill.25. Large size the cheapest. Ask your druggist for HUNT'S RE HI E l> Y. Take no other. k, $12 I.1.TH hiimr ewili nisde. ^o«iiy Fro Davis' Pain [ir IS KECOnnENDED PAIN KILLER «LTW Dlarrhcra. Dywalfr,, I'rHnip, t'kiolrra. andrtN Bowel I nilljiliilna PAIN r «m Kll I FR W the known best to rex. tho World for Sisk llratlartie. Pain In the Bark. Pain In the Sills. Khonmattem. and Nenralgla. I'.\ai'E$nOY4BLY THE Best Liniment Made I Jt$ equal having never yet been found. WF#r Sale by axil Medicine Dealers* DANIEL F. BEATTY'S ORGANS | • 7-Qfnn / » lu H ADCAIUC Sub-hats A Drt. Cout»!er, boxed .t shipped only §D7.75. New ITaa* » $195 (• $t.60U. Before you buv an mstru ment be eure to my Mid-summer offer illustrated, free. Address, DANIEL F. BEATTY. Waihrgton. H } ____ WANtED AG NTS Zl ™?*'”* d ' Yice-Pre«dent, GeN. M ■■■ HANCOCK .iawa.. and U flON. B4f W« || Hi ri]|t| CNGLfSH. IAIJ ThenSsAr. tJS. iteSUSSSeliS the C*odv«latP S end o:,her full-pege engraving*, w®w. domIlass bbos!?«» w.«th7t.* < aMiISl2 < 0 T WiTTHPS VV AlbUtS) *• «• -w. for CfYC*" ” a o i>re*tw«i»roGno ">*«■«. c.ujogn, w,vk»,riu»barg,P» t,^. * » o *58! lEWELRY. C 0 H0R8E ^ist’A AND 1 rum <■> Are sold by all Hardware snd n*rt>e«* Dealer* There is no one owrrin* a boree or mule but wh*t will find tn inis line of *omeihine of *r»r*t relue. and e*> pectelivsdnpted Wxsr Tsoi.N. Y^ to their SoleMenufscturer*. vr%ms. COVFRT M’F*G CO. C.GILBERT'S STARCH ON 30 DAYS' TRIAL. W# Will ft«>n i ur K ectre-Yoitaic Belt* and othe tAeeu c At ri',* }w r. trial fer thirty day* -> tbewe aStetevi wtib Sm*m r*t*Utv end in*.*ttof m pmmM mat*-* Alee . » the l iver, Raineys. Rheumamm, Pa raly* •*. a **,-^1 e*e«r or me nury ' «*l«w»r Hell!«».. ilartliall. Rleli. PENSIONS \1.W 1.411. Tn- tf Jk-ldterv and heir* entf* U#d U'«* 4*t« twet to dtseharge ot death. Tima twilsi. AiLlTVtas with aflame. CLD. WL l i t I»r*w etttS. D. r, ( 7 7 7 ____ * fl Ac an eipe&MM w » I 9 o. vt> seki Augato.*. * *. Addree* Mai. Vegetine Purifies the Blood, Renovates and Invigorates the Whole System. rrs ikd tentxt, properties abb Alterative, Tonic, Solvent and Diuretic. VcoBTuni ts made exehulTely from the Juice* of care- i folly selected barks, root* and herbs, and so ftrongl? c® 0 * centra ted that It will efiectnally eradWate from the syrtem | every taint of derofnla, flcrofnlou* Humor, Tumors, Cancer, C ancerous Humoi ,Bry •9petal, Salt Ilheum, Hyphllltie Dliea**«i Coulter, raininess at the Stomach, and all disease* that arise from impure- blood. Selatlca, Inflammatory and Chronic. Rheumatism, Neuralsria, Gout and Spinal Complaints, can only be effectually cored through the blood.' Fer Ulcers and Eruptive Diseases ef the Skin. Pustules, Pimples, Blotclkes, Boils, Tetter, Sealdhead and Rlnitworm, Vrornifi ha* never failed to effect a permanent cure. For Pains in the Back. Hfdney Com plaints, Dropsy, Female Weakness, t*eu eorrheea, arising from internal ulceration, and ntertne disease* and General Debility, Vmbtini act* direct!y ipoa the cause* of these complaints. It In¬ vigorates *nd strengthens the whole system, acts upon the secretive organs, allay* infl a mma tion, cure* ulceration and regulates the bowel*. For Catarrh, I> r, Habitual Co., Palpltatlan of th. n«art.Hoad ache, Piles, Nervousness, and General Prostration of tlie Nervous System, no medicine ha* ever given such perfect tetisfaction m the Tnbtikb. It purlfle* tlie blood, cleanses all of the organ*, and pouesse* a controlling power over the nervous ■yitem. The remarkable cure* effected by Vegitin* have induced many physician* and apothecarie* whom w« know to prescribe and ubc it in their own families. In fact, Vigktin* is the best remedy yet discovered fw the above diseaaes, and ia the only reliable BLOOD PURIFIER yet placed before the public. Vege'lne is Sold hy all Druggists. _ Ry* TRUTH S.-iitxssr.'at.'S's; t&BUS.V» m* 4 • (svir! fiid.ri of yowr fater* has _ bandarwifs.iBitialsof aims.Urn*aad place N T 6 WARD'S Fine Shirts for : | j Pi int^-l direciionsfoi-ielf measutemenf dfifl' Pii- t' Lists free by mail. E.M. &.W.WARD, 381 BROADWAY. NEW YORK. '-Z To Consumptives. L ODER’S EMULSION OF COD LIVER OIL AND Wild renowned Cherry Bark, remedies the most palatable An unequaled combination of these extant. re t. me dy for Consumption, Scrofula, all Lung siflbelioa.-q N In vous Debility, and ail wasting diseases. The mnnnei which the Cod Liver Oil is combined with the Wild tin ry. enables it to be assimilated by the most delicate stom¬ ach, insures complete digestion of the Oil, tones up the svstem, relieves cough, causes increase of and strength. Endorsed by the most eminent nhysicians. has used A well-known specialist in Lung affections it in over two hundred cases, and says “there is no combina¬ tion equal to it for Consumption, Scrofula,” etc. Thou¬ sands of sufferers need and desire to take a combination of Cod Liver Oil, but have been unable to do so. They will find that they can take this preparation Dollar readily ;md with excellent results. Price, One per Bottle, Six Bottles for Five Dollars. Circulars and valuable in formation to all sufferers sent on free receipt of a descrip¬ tion of case. ie. Address all orders to C. G. A. LODER ER, Manufacturing t hemist, M'J Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. LANE & BODLEY CO ■7 051 INN ATI, MANUFACTURERS OF STANDARD PLANTATION MACIIINEKY, Stationary and Portable STEAM ENGINES Saw Mi Ou, n, adapted of Farmers and Planters, •specially to the wants for Ginning, Sawing, Grinding and Factory use. Send or an Illustrated Catalogue. LANE d BODLEY CO., John & Water Sts., Cincinnati, O. ^ (*v .C J Ax P.U SINESS H n IVE Rs 1 TY Scnd TOR CATALOGUCS LAW SCHOOL} OF OUMBSKLaNO UNIVERSITY LKSAMIS, TENS. N"EXT TEEM, BEING THE FIFTY-NINTH, BEGINS Beptqmber 6, 1880. Diploma and license to practice may be obtained by attending two sessions of five month* each. Candidates for Benior Class receive no examina¬ tion. Tuition fee $50 per term of five months. Boarding in good families $3.50 per week., The common law in force in every State j 8 taught, not bv lectures, but by actual recitation and examination. Near two thousand young men hav® attended this school. MILLERSBURG FEMALE COLLEGE. The VERY BEST PLACE TO BEND SOUTHERN Girl*. Lccxtion healthful, couree thorough, advantages unsurpassed. Eighteen teacher*. Price* unusually moderate. Send for Catalogue. €lEO T. <i«! LD, D.D., milenkuit, Jhurbdn Go., Ky. AGENTS Wanted to seliTheTjfe^of GENERAL HANCOCK, Oar nr« Preu.dml A oppprtoallj. lo innke ’ Send for Illustrated Circular and Terms. Address mone FORSHEE A Mt3! AKIN, Oiqcinjjati, Ohio. PIUM By B. M. WOOLLEf, Atlanta, Ga. Il Reliable evidence giveR, and reference HABIT to cured patient* ar.d physicians. | WCURE. itaCure. Send for my book on The Habit and Free. TRY THE NEW YORK OBSERVER. \\7 ASTKD—Agent* Mmple, to familie*. everv 'ft'e where give to attractive ee-ll ourcoode, bv ▼ ▼ iiertenfe I and_fir6t-claM» goods to your customers; we give vou good I tit free’ ' me for r lartic TE' CU 1 ?^* ar “' 3 chiirgf ' # ’ we furnish out PEOPLE’S A CO., Bq.t 5025, St. Loui.- Mo. ■ mRehebl# Is the “Original’* Familv Concentrated lye am S Snap Maker. Direction! O ^^■iwv-'nipany WwA»fl and Toilet each Can Soap for raakinc quickly. llnrd. It is ■ B B wk ! fall weight and etr*> ugth. A«k your grooer for 1$ .% f*DNi I ITER, stid take no other. PENN’A SALT MANUFACTURING CO., PHILADELPHIA. PETROLEUM JELLY. Grand Medal Silver Medal et ExpoeiUon. PhtS»delplu* at Farts Exposition. Tht* wonderful subetance is acknowleded by phrsician* Uiroughout the world to be the best remedy discovered for the cure of Wounds, Burns, Rheumatism, rikiu Dts- 1, Pile*, Catarrh. Chitbiaius, Ac. In order that every one household may try it, it Obtain is pul up in IS und 25 cut Mtl**s for u»e. it from yonr druggist, and von will tad it eupertor v« anything you have ever used. Mas oN/A* ham li N to MHighestHonors AWARDED PRICES ASS' AT ALL THE SREAT 451. $57. $500 $66,$ I 2 ^Worlds Exhibiiions to sm ^; m IIThirteenYears.; f0 * ^ ’ for AND easy ALSO UPWARDS: Payments I - m -Cj • to*---— i ;i S& PER MONTH FOR - NO OTHER i I IS MONTHS,OR $6.18 f> iAmERICANOROANS HAVE SEEN AWARDED; j J»QWOTEPS/~Ur-WAMS*l$ | PER QUARTER FOR 2 g ANY.____^CATALOGUES (Ji FREE.”^ h SUCH AT i _ _ 'MUSICIANS OCNERAllY REGARD THEM AS USFotiiiTr ni_T„ree„ n t CABINET ORGANS iMASON t HAMLIN GROAN CO.,BOSrON N£A-YORK a CHICAGO! $5 to $20 fUMy UNFERMENTED MALT BITTERS TRADE MARK 'cA. r MALT AND HOPS^i j blood. T>ESTORE the appetite, enrich the food To accomplish this creatwotk no medicine or In the world so successfully BITTERS, combine? the prepared element* from nec- PH eesarj to success as MA1.T M fermented fermented Mult Mult and and Hope JL by the MAI.T ALT BITTERS BITTERS' COM PA NY, and free from the objections urged the against stomach malt 1* alive, liquors. the I’nder liver active, their energetic the kidueys influence healthy, the bowel* tne liver active, tne Kiaueys What What ueuimy, is is me desire desired oov regular, ir, and and the the brain brain at at rest. rest. more more te P r .>erv, MALT h-alih BITTEBS ..^1 ch.errul.e,^ COMPANY. 6oW,,«yjh.r,. Boston. Mas,, Itching Humors, Affection*, Scaly Sealv 6alt tions, Rhevm, Scalp rsoriosis, Scald Head. Ulcers and fSores infallibly cured b v t h e Ccticpka Rem am**, which have performed miracle# niCCAOCC UlotAoLO. healing unparalleled in medi* CB j historv. Send for Illustrated Treaties, containing testimonials om every part of the Union. Boston, Maaa. Prepared by Weeks & Potter, Chemi*t§, Bold by Druggist*. ALFRED AVERY, J. S. BASSETT, Editor. Srn'l Advertiser. Late of “HOME AND FARM.” SHE il WEST, Published at 218 Pine Street, ST. LOm MO , -BY- ALFRED AYERY & €0. “South printed and West” the best is quality an eigl»!*P of paper, a 3 e and * s j* published “J 11 j senii-monthlv paper, on tlie low Hunsoription pcoeofaO at extreme Agriuuitural cents and Family per yeffr It will be’exclusively bein« entirely an ignoretl.) A. of Paper general (politics lo^etlier with a full Bud r© summary liahle market report, news, will be incorporated. Conor.pona enta have been enijaired, comptified of the best writei*, who will give truthful report# und represent all section* of our country in the different departments of the paper. Agents arc wanted everywhere, mdto whom linepal com¬ missions will be allowed. Send for sample copies, which will be sent free. Address oOUTH AND WEST. 216 Finest., S r. 1,0 ITS. MO. AGENTS MAKE ©5.00 PER DAY BELLING OUR NEW Platform FAMILY SCALE Wei ghs accurately up to 2 5 lbs. Its handsome appearance sells it at sight to house-keepers. A KEGULAB BOOM FOR AGENTS. Exclusive territory Riven. ' Terms surprise old Agents, Send for full par¬ ticulars. No. 190 W. Domestic Scale Cincinnati, Co., 0 Fifth p.., The Koran. A earioNby to every one. and a neeenify Arabic by George Sale. Formerly published at #2.75: » new, beautiful type, neat, clotli-bound edition; price 35 cent*, and 6 cents for postage. Catalogue of many standard works, remarkably low in price, witn extra term* to clubs, free. Exchange, Hay where you saw this advertisement. MEXICAN Book Tribune Building, N. Y. AGENTS WANTED to Mill the LIFE of Gen. W. S. Hancock The Soldier-Statesman and Patriot, by Col. John W. Fob net, Editor of t he Philadelphia Press. Compl t€, an* tbentlf, Positively the low best iMiiot! Fnllv lilu»trat«4. and most reliable. None other official, send 50c. at once for outfit. For full particulars and terms address HIBBARD BROS., /il West Fourth St., Cincinnati, O. (JQ woo — ^\ uy.'ssr'i'a’giagfesr^v's: A I¥IONTH. Aecnt* W»nt«l. $66 -l_J“L a week e Address ill your H- Halljctt own town. A CO., Terms Portland, and «5 Main*. Outfit ' vcuNG MEMr,:VioWroS n ; ■ month, ^.very graduate guaranteed a paying *it uation. AdrV It.Valentine. Manager. Janesville,Wi*. Kentucky FABJIUALK. Military Institute, Franblin Co., Ky„ Six miles from Frankfort, Ky. The school for boys and young men. 36th year opens Sept. 6th. Addrespas above. Important to the Fair Sex! -> 1 8 w ^ Il 9m wswii l d L V SS a, d ™ ULMFDY, cure. Lenuonw *wpSb5 ft ^SONS for U. Wholesale 8. tarpamphlets Axent*. tCincinnatL sent free. NATRMU BI-GARB. S00A Is the best in the World. It isabsolttiely pure! It is the best for Medicinal Purposes. It i 8 th* -belt for Baking and all Family Uses. -Bold by all Iiniggists and iGvocere. PENIiTA SALT MANUF. CO., Phjla. r^n^r—r KIDN ORT freg iffSTblc'wSl”Spere SiiP tliroV P TwiTlWetore tb*MWWured^«tion! WM, H. BURGESS, men hgl’ARF. a. c. jj|LT i r Sole Manufacturer -popalar of this most ||ft *The Cotton most conveniont Press, and durable Press in the world for steam or horse-power the lVtHHien Gins. ( heH|>er Kcretv Prem. 54M) B.ile in three nunnt?*. - Circulars Free. OPIUM w ■ ■wavs S KO 525 charge S? for treatment until cured. Call on or address DR. J. C. BECK, 112 John Street, CISCI5SATI, OHIO. Pnbiiehere’ Union, Atlento, Q«_^ZlTtiirty.=»"