The Watkinsville advance. (Watkinsville, Ga.) 1880-1???, August 31, 1880, Image 4

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rasttSe *i»*«ijimoi id«i«tr..r. *"• vts*—-- aaaag y bl»\»^<V^«^ b b«rwtS$» wS«i " **<* )1« “ .yyy ^ r lf " *y.L fe . ,™r'"''«r 3 r'tr“‘ And »L* \ntm& n^t toft itf*, M ifa# muromral h*t «thf‘ ,....... 1. .-:\Wdtw, , , Oh «^ ( yp whn, it, frtgmiw a-SiiiijH.i; Hi* «!r. ............ But 1 ft»w, w)iMit)dOMi«ad M». tl.MtaoM toveljr form, Bulgur wib.ui.,ipr: iiililV iini&«w . Bo* to* tiww 1. h,d itrti*™ iivrhe* ' ...,o.ef her *«i lo vo lav* tham*~**a*» und* iW toaj* I * lM?r, wiHiJni aayid *il Pwi k gdtltUe yotuiff And on ill* irni, and breathed ho/I An b nI wltb ' tu li tlflicalr curl, Ob, b* the fwoot !< ft of h»r «Uv«ry voi««, )-ftt I* Jt in nferlnowl or glct*, Ami bft ti l<i Kb bid iinuf *r mum her form. tlM «ve en til, knee. Til t.ei. he on I., r faty, bimthot not « vnr.l In hl» oaL. -*Hrr* v Aaa^p.pal An<1 he inoifttritftil Maama. l»r-r rhft* toamd...' k with ttmfc?' • ■ But thft win. iiicr«‘, ftinl Kt- ftiiM to fhilft* 44 Ortftv* in»t for thy nlftWn ft hurt lifft,” Ao<l Hr ffavr U» bi* arm* Ntiil another fair girl, And hr iua<lc her hli* own chcflahofl wlfd! 1 hftr# had whiajuTOl a volt e Twa* tho volts# of hi* <Um\ “I lovft ihxo • J love thfc TrtXttn under ths rod !** I mw, too, a father and liu-!Iif r wjut leaned On the aJ’nift of u diar, And the ai*r in (lift fiitu And tlir whlftjft rft * f fiim And 1 haw thrin wynDt. bftft ...... iaea "hero thrlr In Hite' tlran t Ir-ju « h And tin. atar Imd U'<iw. tl- \vn lea And night. the Joy from Uo ir L,ie>*me !im« 1 ll«L , . , M B it the HrMrr% ftr f •* ««»»« And He wl ijfrm'iRAfb'lfttionTH tTThft; Att.i t *f hft> y tiitTob'li beard h vot«‘«‘ Imm the vide o of n iftir <4«mI “ I Ibftft 1 Imp IIipii tiftft under the rtfd I u V STORY OF HIM I MSTAMIAL KV m*m H ■'m ■ ! m A., .niii-di (&!,«...! , m... rA.mMt mere _ Pf ’ i ‘“ > ur.< 'W 1, mativ 'B'w- peoiile l-VP'-pb in this world who lmve lix...I ’live. U JJ t rf vclj Aivc jsirienee. imagine that they Imv, toufti apt to Uv. ,t wlton, in Jruth, they lyn, .-Ue-fer „uk l,vcd fast jitAh SiH. tori' tn, wmR£S litain »rz ttr gmy, null In .............Was sml an. thoughttul ; and x et he was a strong aafa and What might be called a handsome none tMiffl fflft.Ti..!, pms “ sTikm Httirative of Ins life ami events occurring therein be gin* was when wo find llat ry a miner in IUb ‘l 10 tmfe fht* fl'hat Htuto Wits llrli lUnlfwi ct \ o.t\ ih« jn «.i tumor, hohatl left a Imppv ht-mo, \f*w u*wwt UH r flow !*y Jutg ip baAiiftatm*. ji»■»<#>'B - 28^* llftrry ,r W'»tn«4d was a "Ti' ■mi* 4i 1 i ! Mill I'TJL’l It,AIM Affvia '““ ami l * •cut •h'' h'^tory of llmry W.ssjjivunl. arry lust l-en bnmMu iq.W a Hek itheloi ten lu* wuh un»*le, hntsf :t uub yimiiAdS«l luA^iiAhi'jp on ftril ro,^.tto 4«Hj , to die grave. ganti. Bum, but in boar* kAn.1 and 3 @SSraS 5 B J i ' ‘ f ,, 1 11 \ u Y'i'T ' a,1 ‘ quartvls, uhcd tatotf teg «•* "*Jhm tin nro law and had b,s u admit Sw r 3 m. mamage. jUn> spttomf from his n.mlo. fnc tol l; iri h ld^mW;Wa v * «“•* ......... , WLikte W W M.ftl - .Mm , tfcMdjgiojH aluitiTl o CJfvcK, .l()hii\Y.ssj*e«v aid 0|i peanugat his Jwmd^oi^ tWotot J£*.sing,lk servant went to ™# ana, to hut Lottnr, lum^ tfiM Rn> old tuna hail lawn mnrdered ia bit l«‘d. An alarm was mi medlafelv given-ftnd .dBo«j» *«*e calhsl m. It was asi-eHarmsl that Woodward had been allot in the left iemple. A hanokerehief, Wood with tho name of Harry want, was found in the room; and. aftor some further exammsWfttr. a small Sm-a K» “-!&* 5 3 awful rtnuiiityt of >ii \s tsits U*«\i ly ixHnpivhttw!.^ ni> wffilmontoed P?~a ww w rac un** M *''Uts\ At the usual h 7 2 wLid-sr-n^'M’ *TY‘ In u>d Warty • murder had U-.u t , . i ntiloll. J, a iiuorrel, m which Um old man b«d <W5ar.sf that ftuaftv that t mwM to* m.t iMfefll R otroUmwi. Al«‘, th. ltoding Ot tko watol ami hornikntvhi«d tow urttw ducod, ttta Harry a a* ftouni vroc Im T,r> ” .lt-veri him to he grntejr <ri ,| , 7 7:^,,;:t r,: ■ . ..ju , ... ' i -’.,55? "to U J-\T, hi^ Vu'-nt-tlle t’*»v Irii “.MW rmmw)'!t 1 si i un <i to pe nw momaPK! (luoiii. xif ssrss,"K 2 xsz&szt remaimW ninety-nine his lmturfil Hi’**. yostrs, or the of it wtmltl be " useless to say that this wits u terrible blow to Ahee, to whom Hurry wan e.ngrigtsl, and when she was protA^hng ">('>:■ lllH te she Cried Alice Wtterfy, lHDOCf>nfM:. Wft* a "■■■■Iiiiimtion. She at mice decided to pay Harry a visit, at thfipl&ce of hw eon <1.1 v la-fore lie «u to i« token to the janiitentiarv. She found „ ,1 *,.. in# )uv Its liuisf mU> tmw. ! Hho Haul: fear. Innweynt ci ie, and it ah all I»e th« iftt b* jrmir inm, 00 rt lx*ft nit ioW will aid rue in thi. 111 yet ,. 4lt i, be . a .. free t r . L n uiiiia “ Dearest than 1 Alice, eonl.l W .1 I irom “this is mol V e 1 j you. dBAHNr' 0 KIIOW 1 hot. guilty t*f t?KA 4;i*irJ]<* of wltiiill _____ taiid ife. eon* yl/itWl f oirf V* ’ * IJOi Tlfn I lion me Haft y , I would jjof 'ty- though the whole wolM •e you so. You must not go t<» timt t<* >fe place of confine night, and You wlieu rriust. .-scime free fmm trust I If'Tfl U> once Uj mo kb come., t»o to 111 ’ornia, and Tlif t will iiOTI. \ till j signature, and yon will observe it like With thit* remark she handed him a slmiH tit.*. ^ (Ttln*n I< i j ftdl IllllHi J8< HII( hltltl, ,.. - I " Hear girl," said Harry, "can lever j re|my you for your encouragement in ? i will go ns *y«n '‘"'"'I’ XX l , t f ml , tn>Htvo 1 12 " ,u “ 1 . Meavenfdr P J i •' X ii'iVTii W w , ' rt “Boo®iy, ''-'•’t ;ftrusMit%l<Aluid Jftoiwnvn®|i(*i«,' Jfeitrr.v .... l ^-nnng, _ when , the ,, door , of . ' “X “““‘l T ^ *«?*'**. 1 1 ° aide bail been hut ^ ;-r*-?**.«*-***...... 5 *’ ? atatep »"«>» " '*T ,* ^ ’ V .? 4 Wane,, " " P ’ was . 1,1 1 dll, e uUtl Y. *" T',' • 'rtiiiimd from them Uuit. a iium ifuiployiMn___ aiiout. tm the estate bail i»t*f*n Hi‘<*n prowling Harry’# place , ,t residence a short time before*tho kill mg had been done and tjml Uua man hud ip eb tajeh with a pistol exactly aim ilur to the oua Unrry was kuowu t*» ’illiaBi iVl that .1 wltih* mhUught, on the wuyJrojn ni^ht of themitT r, on hi# town, lie hril,<r*fi Harry ’th,o hnrtvuig front the ««• tale. fl'.vnjfUi Also, lu. wporM.f had Jwaul aljivstol or mtluJlir. lie lienfl, Q-4 etna, ot tl« i«lat& i st it a. It dii man's evBv'ft'f thp.tfee qon witli mg of pisfol aiiiT ifiJ Imnd ....._ krmbik'i'. Home time after tbe e.mcln toou jL^ al i] M (, mid Uu> subsequent cs W flhi^r, for the city, A(itNh«4o npvx\t cfirtHiacmfole money in p!»surc, and Ixs.sUxl be had a Uirge wnvkjnird any more. ascx'iiKr'Sxrc had contrived throw 1 ^d to suspicion k-eurerl upon, by eoue.wt mg ^ eiuleuee the „ f , „ t rv . Aliw went to the j ,. it vv . Uu . h w «s ,m]v a short distance visitod thi' tlrovfcnd tht h Mini >n a sBfiall 6 i= 2 ;Ks . ^ engrax'.xlnikv jhebttu Uo *rn CVidHiecto warrant the arrest of rwpgsAa ft. re complied with. Tho me she iuwl the pistol in her hand, w ith flaming even and flushed cheeks she commenced examining Harry's ef f.vts, w hick luul lasui taken possession of bv the authorities, and Iasi remained uudisturlasl. Tho * consisted of several Ice* ami Vruuks. She carefully went livu. tp'bk to Orunk, imtri she had reached the last pa. ksge, ami tfiere, bftncdw foM< at, was the id entioal couo t ’i-nnrt 1 *-^*** of the ue-toL *h.. ua her . ifersiafsa CltuX, won Wmtvl 4 v littfuauvitn! Wg^uow what mr.-d no mon* jirotevta of innocence, but lulmitbsl that be had waunuttod the mtmbn of John W.wMwmd H» ceuhMl. ,rH ’^ eionwtod and aentoneert to N e*. in the meantime Alice bad h.*«nl .to »,«iU never hear torn mj n again, Hut on. .utv .ij a tot tot rout* , to her from h ltl . h„ u her what h t ««* Mnf. and a here ha could ba ad- ga in i..<«‘ trJtLrJM we ^t qW" ........... it- 1 '-, )nldliO<*l < W ^ !T!?^ g U> U *° h<m8ft of A J“* But I taunt MV nay no more. Ail All must m . w • '~ A . Wj ™ « ? ,. * l, lj rnPr ljir ____ n«iirf.nm^ fc wr iwciciy. ' “Wlmti want to see,” said a Denver utau, iu, hr iicach. alightednn the train at Manhat tan “wfiat I want to see is some of your boaaV .1 eivili/ation. I Wil t IUU^il on the II uiVKi If, hut I j|Wi..-t Ttiat’H what I want. |«ir.«|e vonr As tors and your Vanderbilts and your Jay Goulds le 1 11,0 other , ’ - right U-fore my preo lhmBm any way sk.-red Tl.eso ci<^llii|%nly stock aft. I want cost SI to 5, and I’m tone. no May Cut see some long^^glo w||iick f lice of the. hi^h fashionables, Jif«*. I comet and a see il they If JJJF tod c/»ndlt.lon, just pull of! tilO uik trot ’on. forward.” u toe Bto anything I ,-an do for you?” iager. eourteously. notice-' “Tligto awtoatberuig. y»*n of can, miles stranger. this climate, X come mor’n a busnel to see and I want the attractions spread so I ear, examine the lay-out. lean throw, some money myself, Tell’em but what hide I want to seeis style. not to on my account. Just walk some of the digni taries up ami down before me a couple of times. X want to see their points. Fetch ine out a copple of well matched high step^-s “^»the amjijivb’em pecple, thair heathi,” sir.Btoftrs rWi # yon see TliOy arpuud you, in i a i « o pe. move our highest_ circles and belong to the «mtow.m.v, r Ale explained it to the straight, manager. part you giving ''IlVT me *r r? V 1 "T T- V "‘.r y w v°’5 tbe j»hiUifH;|>lu;r , wilii lu# irrui< )k*s tucked * in his socks? “■I nut is a Vale ... young gentleman, *.«e on a vacation. I don t want that kind, tyh owine-a high daddy, one of’em that gets thojr name in the paper forgoing to whouni ng wefMbigs ItTfiTfs’caPOn fTTA rick me out tVMtftpf'iR.* soma Ag,tua. ,'TUat'a the trout I’m “1 don’t think any of Mr. Astor’s fain il ninn v are here todlay That .stout geutle with side whiskers belongs to one of the find families in New York. He is a very thy’german# popular young man, and lekds in " "Ain’t big enough. Haven't you got Vanderbilts, . Govifd ft vohtfle of neigloX inrvwtieres? or a Jay or so ”about You see, ftran ger, I’ve lend thoso fellows anil I’d like to gleet 'em wabble with cordiality. WJiat 1 want is to fins with the leg .......... singer •. 111 n-w.---fia.i- tjuj Dutch fiUKtango nan t , new. We sei> tliejn home bn when they string for tourisM. T*m to them, but wluvt I want is the balloons, the soarers. 5J1 >row your piek-ax, stranger, atul see if Urn waph don’t pan better dirt. Strikes iue your rook don’t assay pretty well this evening. 'Where’s the mob ?” “ Theti are the best people I know of to day,” said the is manager in despair. •‘Mr. Vanderbilt not. here, nor is Mr. (loiild." "Ain't you got any Knickerbocker's on draught? Don't you keep the best iu stock? You'd make out to starvem Denver, if you wasn't interfered with, partner. When ft man throws himself fi>r a hoteler in those parts, he keeps the high-toned population right out in front and shored up behind. You don’t seem to have much experience ju miming a beef-a-la-mode rauehe. Just hogun, haven’t yon? If l Wais in vour j dace I'd have them tionlds amt Kniekertio.-kers and Yiiuderl ‘dts nod Astoi-s ranged right along the trout edge of the tas k stoop, spitting ltud at broke a e!|ip gravel for drinks and the fust oue would pay his bar bill or go lufine 'hare-headed; upw, you hear me. Yfhat All you’ve yon want, is stranger', shed is entorpTmf*. sod if got a and some WttttW, your honor ain’t any 1 letter'll ytsu- judgment, 1 ia going back dry." will tind everything “Yon first class here, I think," argued the manager. “\Yeaim.—" “Just so, chief, but you don't ldt. You aim too low. You've got room here dled-* to bold blind, the bigutSt but there tmg isn’t that ever cord strad¬ a ottt higher’ll an witianitthe eight spot. fifteen.*’ I ivekon you play "Would poul like aa&l Ihe you anxious to try something?'’ grilmiug crowd. man, to dispel the “ You might fetch me one, and these geiitlemeii « little tan bark, if it’s good; I don't want any stock which the share hold' rs wt responsible tor the debts, but in Q if yvitro I gw ll mawi liquid cartridge symphony witli *ti;uiger.” major, wrap up a you, “Josh iu the bar «ie nervously. room," said the nuunigov. •‘Xiokd oft’ for junction, stake a Gen tienien, me mid the engineer are going for the doxol.igy. WiU you jine ns?" relfostjn'.vut They "yined, tunl toil, and thektmnger oi-dered ies of the gentleman duspite from the entreat¬ he would "intrUhug' -IViiroc- indwsf, that him to the, such the ns lifters they w uhtifhe ere and fyie he would forego U>p run along clean the vein ."—Washington tWdhK fHMQftf of yyiyiug up Post. .mrn*w*m If mw ilwtu Tuaw.- 'fhe cheap¬ est baiuto tor trapping eodimg moth%are tlifek <ss.rse pup.w. What is toi-amd carp t-roiw* :mnMerintr» e.od purj^e. Ub *y lw rn.wt M folded," e either two nnxlwo* wiiA fitsteuyig. ihisdn them well. to One the V. is to bf rs pass a cord mvitndoit’Bte'mitl.Ue, which, when dmwn tight, .wnw s tan pnjH'r to spiMud a WtW i.toiT 'AUii Is-low, and af¬ fords a httUuu aSSW itoww itm tlm im-iwte :-tbe gBg ^ . arirotod m — . *),ow with out aJieiUH'. of tie oM oouqd.UU.UU ImMS ,-di.g the owner an wMeli tbeyha-lns. me! to-1 d without the prttiiisSfhn SfscCw. wit" - 1%sv ore - •• 1 tvnd the lumatcr* gnittr and rFi ttue tlieni fl < *ob TJ«e aUenmti’rw m uuL * Tliv oMMi(«tuwtu>>a ofTt-nJi to »*» ItTV (JWl. -But m«a4f" *%is H. ' tl Itdtlkl ”1 pm! hits it 1.(V <«e«. _ * .rn# <in tha in t rfi tatv, ’ will w 0nv>^ « ill'* tktMh. INDISTINCT PRINT ( Kaeh VMM had !» • u tak.-n utto .l.elratli t y 1 . ,.jf or getting abf’Sr.l the boat Etohoue had bee* told about ®Ky funf* what to reply Snowth if old Mrs. oak n to to ^^^w**.**** what f eav. Ton can’t have any ice ere&m or lernonar!^ or jK-anute. You can’t run in, ami down on the boat. Yon mu.-t not make a ra*4ret„ You must not ask your father for pennies. Yon must not keep talki,^ to me. U Henry or AVilltanj ashs h) go fiwiuig or HI awmi luijiL; jSiwi# they 4Ht "vrill a wfiipplu^. Tf Lu<*y «* dflto. on the gross I slmll punish them.” > ! The six sat inMolemnrow as tlnjioat otartod Mr. tfli*wd«rhad onii eye hi* th# tw„ Wo,„ w ,d ins Iffliowder oth-r -pm.tod down rrvt*f. 'jVfA; had cfie eye on the two who girls had and the, ether flash inf? at a l>ov Iiarv^fd apple# to «elij and who was trying to g^near them. Chowder had hlfl mmd made up that if one of las lwys attempted to find ypl what a atoaiMboah was hhe, <* hinted at fruits or refa-sfimanto. or desired to with* otherbovs, ami lie would squelch htoi cm flie MKjt• Mrs«Chowd(in«as felt*the frilly determined to let her pinches be very instant either of the girls forgot starched her dress. dignity and wrinkled her stiffly 'Two or three hundred children romped over the island, play “tag,” picked up pebbles, climbed trees and raced after grasshoppers, and talked bnt Chowder sat <m a log camp-stool politics; Mrs. Chowder the sat on a and talked of pts>r heathen, and the young Chowders kept sat on the edge of a plank seat and their mouthsYn proper pni-ker to reply “ves ma am to every old gmb-hne who asked il } they were having an awful good tune. Vk 7‘ l h P feting, not « luit iuul !k*cb It^Bfc—ijot a button gone — not a sWstring hrokeu-not a particle of starch missing. J^hey hud that samo solemn pucker, and Chowder and Iris witu lwl that same awful parental dig nity. Not, one had even the faintest trace «f a smile when a newsboy fttaiid* ing “Here’s at the gang pliuik shouted out: huiW their dead a family grandmother—make who’vo been off to the moitrnfcrs.”—^j way for c/ign/ze, ' - .. !&> Make , hiuire J’vi.-; to benefit to the full extent by laming and keeping a numerous (lock of sheep; and roots when must this be grown for winter use, is <'™nd to lie true, and roots are grown on » proper held system, so us to cost blit front * t.> 8 cents jior bushel, sheep husbandry xuil go ale-ml. ——— f''cA’you wake up in the night and hear the sse^ssftssiisrdfaB^ , in safely iwHsing this ruck, - Tun reason morenmhndhistimn water are .stolen pi, thought ,to he bc the.Uiief doesn't have to-plng the It is always ripe for the liar vest, 4a rent rrntw, Albei t ti. Ala ini, of t'ottugf Home*, IU-j.fcayu: **T nnV- l'W ; ii j rontjut/tl f<)f fiir« »*or ninn yeare «ftli KjAnrt- V.iseasf, St limes Twas not able to pm on JBJ toots, my wife hto often un f»i me, l nee imtso had asthat ail the time, hnl f ucu'i Jiucnv wluit it was to bu without pain my hjv6k oiitn r eoniinciu'fil UHiilji lIimt’B’ ItenSu iiv. Siiii^* I coBrmmitV'd tn take Tfirtflt’p . 1 , »-t 1,1 y,l !-:• N !,, *r; H‘ it it. ly- tJiS.bC-->t , f ,'*?■ r t ! . o <’*»»© ttiflt I ever kiunv f6t Kitmev aiul T.iver 'IVinl Fi70 ?r> centH ‘ ro) tvv. rn ‘Wvcff— ftn't owi > --•mm li*\o a regular tooin flic ia niiHinesa all tlepartnifiit. to gladden thr noarta of man, nml al'iiom alBointlu'laihm-atory of Dr. Tubiti. «lid tircpoi os tliv Tamer'6 only geunim' HmVtve rti«’ly Tile Ointment- fur Pil«s, known aB alldruggistn. Price 50c. Fur sale by SbatsiiaTi ngrictiltiirn'i journiJs nri* ryy omnii'inling liittcv aim's ’us n lion ex tormiHiiW)' on cHttlf. It is to he applied iu powdered form by dusting it into the hair on the animal. The can'-worn and mar-wnaked find comfort und ativngUi lit Mali liittm. .. . ——--- ——*v — -, AAnmt ' Tire English is not u gallant Inngnage, else it would never nse the smne word to denote one who tends to horses and a newly married man.—CMiewmiri* Oat eile. Dibrams pRevnftto nnd medioal bills lessvufd by a tuui ly ui-e-«d Malt. Jlitt.m ** f linNRsi r-v bi-liew,” ruts ttie Arif Kh/fimtd Paniter. “that?tile farmprwho will wiftfc his bitulis until mam, and hia hmjdjs. tkv hahuico oi tuy day, will out* strip him who rises at 5 and toils until 1) at lnglq.” Are V«n hot IhUikhI llenlib ? If fne J*i\er it? tlni source oi rmir trotThle von '»n Rml HD n>»K(S!nto tvmcrlT In I>u. Sanford's I\vik.vkUAf*‘H.-Urotmlr-rrj-rtnbh* mthnr tu* Ililious which diseases. av'ts directly For on Btx^k tln^LivFlt. mldr^NliR. /’uros ail San ford, 182 Broadway, New \ cj\k. ; the Yeltnle It el € »*, MNidtnlt.tllcli.. Will send thtiir Electro-Y Sfifst. Vjtai# hrits tie,,' afflicted upon 30 days' trial tisement in this pajMT heat Trial." riffeitg Viomim is eomposeil of It is very pienattnt child likes it. ■I he halst uf running l'»U'ii(,ii<7’ ovor l-& r*Sn t»^R comvUsl with Ljou'b SM:.0r^« ro« trk rtsfi££ JPf B Trv New Yota Wkkkit Srw wttl M (fifind a »U\ i'ACV by all who are ear need v tat| J.’^ N g f hp f the XAUt-nril ibxeimn eut, est4* a ‘ tifti e Si ft will 4 event* bare ao It "1 country power, it ■ i v«S Rawcocs Kifit.rifi vnonVMn f; ublican 3: w *« |in Tftin rig’wa 1 'sum-h? To ih.^, » u h pf r pm aow, we com v -iivv "tvifw* i ,r OlWttf va-'^Nftv*- - .uh. rW I t r - -'-- 1 re ' x tha X, New Yvuk <■ l - T DF BULL'S 9 Mil I 1 1 SYRUP * : IIf M.- lm ri o 11 , 1 «,s,.,l to friv- a flavor ;r&». .d v.liicl ■ >mii.<H be sur|>««te(l objectioa bv any oof* fe.- in market, 'rim only pos- ■ sible is the fact ttfat it takes a very much | tm-ater nuautitv to secure a rich color in s&*i£^^<£ «•»•.• li«-one« the of small bean. 3 size a Sonw of tho receipts for m/e an lalt m . out <»s*k Ixaiks are really amasing; for i instance, when a wise auUu.rity tells the reader tofmt’a sprKinfnl of coffee into a pmt of milk and Uei it tiitoen minutes. | IT Would h<i hard to say wliathortot a I h. vi-nu--■ wmjd 1 h* tho r^snlt of such a f it- .i-i..:.i..-. -but■rt.nnl.v it would liew, make the delirious, coffee* served in litis, and fin that nmMev throughout under the nan.e.d c<y>: <«« laii. Th- Fo - . !. ,, ,. ,. : „t -r l->* of boiling wah*r slowlv Tlm'isdoue throngh a pint of grpmai.cotlee., TitfTo alwavs by pouring on at a turn** boiim sun* tjmt the water is ft-ally boiling and keeping the J>ot covertMl tightly while the preoesa of filtering is going on. When jkished the coffee will be very davk and latter, a eoneentratod extra*. The milk should never be allmved to remain on the fire after it lias Tinned , up once, but be served • immediately in a separate vessel; to.tliree ijuarfers quarter of of the a cupful coffee, of and boiled sweeten milk to add taste, a Hero you havothoi'ull virtue ,& the stim ulant, and a wlmlesimn', nourisliing drink at the same time, which is more than can be said of the great bowlsful of col ored water made pidatable by theaddi tion of a few HjtoouFnki of cream or eon deused milk, and drank by thousands of Americans every morning throughout the country.— .V. )’. Tribune Maoistrate-“ It seems, prisoner, that you took lfi perwe fr6m the prose t S; ni m < iW [ „ u t it whiie to you serf* to risk your character your Uifle?”’ liVv*vtv vour whole hitore for such a 'Trisoner— •* Certainty ihere’was mit vour Worship; iu hut the I did till not know not more t L t„ k .iil thi.n U «-u ” ~ n ' ' ' Perry Dans' Pi Killer I« KiWOMYreSiDED By Phytieiant, by AW* by in Mimonaria, »V by Minister!, by Median - ia, Uoq>u<4', KVIiK VBOI>V. PAIN rn,tl Kill n,tLL,n FR !«or« 1HA M Throat, ,lf ‘ CITRF. t hills, for andrtU I>fai-i-Boon. llovrol Dysentery, Chinplainti. Cramp*. Cholera, - PAIN KILLER Kjg*to.V'lCTRwSaii;iSS ItNftVKSTlo.yaBl.Y MK Best Liniment Made I Its equal having never yet been found. *TFor Sale by all Medicine Dealers* gPS jrSTE Y&CS BRA.TTLYBORQ V S Republican Hl.St, Manual. <A W»AUJy ittevewwik oft too. ttepukli&ii Frmclpl.., Parti, JEarly Wifrt i^mla., wid-W of the with wanted frtan by every iAiftlli^*«if vAr. Tlie best of ^tll °flr «enal8 which to dr:tw ;uai8fiuttiM»nfo|iCftropaigu use. : free. 1-« sale by tlip leahnih bookseller ii» evei v town. AMKR1 (.\n HOOK EXCHANGE, O il|itr»«a Buikiing. New York. PUSSOLsok, |r—raj Jim Agents! 6 Erory nw»n wants hla properly burgiars. protected Secure frow tiie agency tor the ** Bare. ty Window FsMten Quick, lnpf’» sells In yonr everywhere county sL at light. Immense prof, Via. Terms tree. Ad dress O. M GARNA BAN. Cleveland, O. C.GILBERT'S STARCH CELLULOID EYE-CLASSES. *.pr...Etin S lb. eholCMt Mlecled *ad »mh.r. Th. I'ghtMt, hind.omMt, nod .ironj..t known, •oft by OpUdnnt *nd J.w.Ur., H.a. by SPEXCKR 0. M. CO., la M.lden Uo., N.w Tork.___ ,WPORT A ? T uJeV CENTS ’ t B GEN. JAS. A. GARFIELD per-ona! ed and hound. attention or facta. BeautifeiU* HlusU4ed, print¬ Full ieneth steel portra t bv tK», a l&K To Make SO Per Day A Platform snxro Family ova »w tp Scale. We-.Mii# accurately up to «5 ll>». Us . ihandseme appearance sell* it ai sight ‘Z •*: '- 1 , ^ ImI waive territory given. Terms aad fkpnt DoWxiric aaieesurprise old Adepts. Bead lor CiJcimiati. UsrRcalare. SCaxji Go., lflfi W 5th St., 0. c< BET TTY” OF WA*ilII>CiTO> If sew JKHJlll, S 1< tl' ft 14-Stop ORGANS wr mmm aw ? wiwiLfcrn tn.wwmmr ■ 1VH aftVAJUE, K. ek Sol. M ,o. f W i t.r.r of tht. But Cottow Press, ; Th. oottT.ri.ot ud d'tr.bU *».» I. tk. ,<cU ft» «»«n or hor»-Dower Otn. fh***|wr Ui,o tw ireemmut#*! SMBalr'W ¥ F - - _ 0. - v ' - \_o vi t - ' j - py siNEs S fj N ’VERSITYj Stuff rof) ? AT. At 06 t/tS M a ■CiBPHITK HiBrr 'W—OUr raraj h» Dr, BSCX'0 ..l, know, — Mritn* RVBV.DT. / t utukii uu «ni thj» m or wMm. Dr, J, C. B EC K, Cin cinnati. 0. * St. barii'i S t'l.rtu. uiZAu;a _ _ , — n . + D«u «ir-llj dm|bt« bu t«a .fli.w rib .k,L mitt S^hSiES 1 eih.urted my «nd the .min..* pur* oi ci»n» of 8eim», i »t lut reeorted to the m« ! «» Rhenm and Erysipelas. 75 coubt st., Rom*, n. y., July 10, nr*. . Ms. h. it. htevems: Kh«^S,^« 1 ^bt^tSg OTa mattered e of*ErrSp*t« of Ma’Sn th« dnerip- ; face beicg one »or» worst * bottlei, cured. I th e two mv Ron was neyer uw anything like tbk viawwajit worked tike • ^ T^Ve.timoDtai’idmumooi. ‘ iour«, rmpeotfally, uobauO OBIT _ j BeK* tare .u™. .# Scrofulons w tace. n*>» 1 westmowm*, Comi., June if, 1879. to tbe «ooa «ffeia of yow. Medicine. My mti« boy had » *crofu!» «or« break j ^ u i a l ^ t ea dowp 4r h^ &£ tSE ™"'«r touS j ot h f!r antler hie neck, »ud waa one solid roas* of , bo«tl« f valuable Vsokiik* totm. Two o yonr coa ‘‘' let ^ jr ^ hta 'j^s. d.^sf IHAldaBB. — VEGrETINE PREP ABED BT jj * jj ’ STEVENS -? Boston, Haas. Vftnatinp * c y cl w ._______J2—:-S)L— i« 9nld hv all Drililflifit^ RIVAL STEAM PUMPS. And BOILER FEEDERS. Cin tl, O. John H. NlcCowan A Co., 6 WARD'S Fine Shirts for dSe-a Prints, iireclionsfoi-idfmeasurement and Phce Lists tree by niail. E.M.&.W.WARD ^ . 381 BROADWAY. NEW YORK. Albermarle Female Institute vi niiRi-orrF^vibi-K. 1*, TtveiitY-foiifth sM'tihri’liptib-f tlct. IH>0. I 4 arnlty Yitenf able R«d.experienced. OTrftplete. Location Instruction most desirrfwe /^b«CtMgli. lorMreaTtn, bewuty «n<l acc»*Hstb»lity. Advinta^cft uii<uij Cl,MS ..a: Terms extremely low. Apply for rntnlostie y» I’i4|»cipivl». M WATCHESS57,L®numr.S , ; ,i O UN S 1 :“','w!!rtP.m'isbni i'.'r* •* or l*"®^.5 I'AKYlbAliL. B Frarililin i, ,ita . r y fnstitute, t'O;, Hy., Six milfts from Frimlilorl , Ky. The school for boy* end young me n. 36rh year open-Sept. 6ih. AdtVressas abov*. Cheapest, Oar WELL AUGER is the bores the fastest, We are the oldest and largest firm in America. Send lor our pictorial catalogue. United States Mf a Co., Chicago, Hi. A 6asB SAW MILL F ° r $ 200 ‘ power froth - to 4,000 Feet otlumber can be cut in aday. A product 25 to 50 per cent. greater sat £* than can be cut with any reciprocating saw mill price MillsoTafl of f2tK>, and jSnginea, warranted Boilers, in every particnlar. Saw Illustrated awes, circulara eeiu free. Sliaftpig, Gearing, Ac. *-ANE & BODLEY CO., John an d Water S ts.. Cincinnati. 0. — * 5 1 STIl-l- tiSjr V1CTOBIOBS. rut tk'ars is ubb. SU11U.K • uirruu », v tuv itaik It It haring stood tbs test of use with unparalleled suc¬ cess. Press extant Onlversallv for either acknowledged haud to be Prioe, the best Baling for except wood-work. or power. $50.001 for hand-power. complete SKBXi»SA* power, Bbmnm « To Consumptives. J-J T ODER’S EMULSION OF COD LITER OIL AND Wild Cherry Burk, the most palatable combination >'i \ hese renowned remedies extant. An unequaled reme¬ dy for Debility, Consumption, Scrofula, all Luag affections, Ner ▼ous and all wasting dispases. The manner in which the Cod Liver Oil ih combined with the Wild Cher¬ ry, enables it to be assimilated by the most delicale stom¬ ach, insures complete digeatrou of the Oil, tones up the ^>'.•5tern, felievi? rough, causes IncreAae of. flesh and strength. well-kilbw* Ehdtjr^rd, sr*e<nali^ by in the most affect cmincut in^has physicians. used^it in A lauids vd and inttig ovei tw.. says “Here is nocombina sands tion equal <*f sufferers to ir for neeti-end Consumption, desire Scrofula,” etc. Thnu to take a combination of Cod Liver Oil, but have, been unable to do so. - They with will fijnfjhiktthby excellent results. can take Price, this One prepiuntiou Dollar readily BotMe, and Six Bottlo* for Plv Dollars. X’ircnUri and valuable pex to in¬ formation all sufferers sent on free receipt of a descrip¬ tion of caee. Address all orders .. ere to C. G. A. LODER. Manutactui iug Chemist, Wy c beet nut Ft., Philadelphia, Pa. LAW SCHOOL } 0F S S,TY XF.XT September TEEM, BEUVii Diploma THE FIFTY-SIKTH, BBGIKS *i, TNSO. and license to practice may be obtaMed by attending twosessw rio of five months each. Crtndidfltea for Senior Claes revive an exaums trou. Tuitioa fee 150 per tend or fire mouths. Boarding in force goeA families Stats Is per taught, week. net The by lectures, coiumen law by ia 4 in every but ,ctu tecdanon, *ad uumidauuii. Near two thoneaud yom iif men have attended this school. CENERAL HANCOCK, Out Oftx»Rr«i> !e»L A rare opfcoHuaiiy to make money. Saud ■ UNION COLLEGE 0? LAW. <-ITTT lflfi. TLL. f ali"* *— Tiaavwsk^g^ Uftosinekl 3 PENN’A SALT MA.VUFACTURING CO PH1I.A 1HXPH I A. EEHtUiOlk ■I VASELINE 1 ™" « JS»1" pi. Silver at Pari* Medal Fx position. I i. .cT rrawlrt,-, by -hnldltu I OT , IJ .A» ik«Uf« ____ ffctnt-d, hKomrd efito- *«in Di# Wj] 5 fa®KS*»FA! HANCOCK. ?» ...... ™^SSlqTS 6ARFIEL0 r » ■ S66 " "—a h • ’i, m ■ m- ." 'iTTTii'anr: nohth 2? ' Ad ' ■Yf'YZ 7 7 1 r f Y.**r r 172 Latlv. * d V^USSL&i MfIVr gLEa B pT’’ UN FERMENTED 771 s/s^a/sa/VWVV^ SAA^WWVVW mait bitters n i-rrmn TRADEMARK feu MALT AND HOPS^i __ ^ |||| tf I I || Bl II % |\ | shram, P*oH*»K • H««i, .% IV J; 1 ; 1 '!’"" 1 n’-.'i'i' |J 0 , SEASES> »!,j«h ha»a pur. Treaties, ^tarniog teSfBomfti* 'tovJ&Ztmtt, g- ch«mi.ta, ■ £**•’_ *<*«>, _**_ mm.. Bow by Druggists. __, to nourish and strengthen the blend. II perfjgs d'gj 8 * ™frMm2 B ai«p. IliSii£5t BIT ’ Nr, ’ Bos ton, fiat- " 8*8 _M ALT BITTERS COMPfl TfitAl AM OA nAYC 1 |j|t| Qy tin 1 O I lllMLa We will send onr niertro-Volleic Fells end othe nature. Also of the Liver, Kidpej*, Bheunaftisin, Pa $5 to $20 Mefn*.:' 8 A THE ONLY MEDICINE That Acts at the Same Time on THE LIVER, BOWELS, THE and the K8BNEY8. dreadful sSCf»®"gSp diseases are sure to follow wltn TERRIBLE SUFFERING. Biliousness, Headache, Dyspepsia, Jaun¬ dice, Constipation and Piles, or Kid Bey Complaints, 0carol, Diabetes,/ Sediment in the Colne, Milky r or Ropy Brine; or Rhea- - malic Fains and Aches, expelled naturally. Li‘a KIDNEY-WORT Why suffer longer from tho torment B of an aching back? from . Con- ^ I | Why boar such dletreso st I nation and Plloo ? of djs- I I Why ba co fearful because I ordered urlno ? Try a pack . B Kidnsy-TVort will cure you. ago at once and besattsfled. It is a dry vegetable compound ana ! One Package makes six qnarts of Jie.Hcine. Your Insist Drvngiet having has It, it. or Price, /clil dft i.w. U for j I you. upon Frcprletors, % * I WStLS, EOIABPSOH & CO., | (Will sftrrd po-t fr-i.’.A Xtyirt?«rtca, Tt. | for our Price Ll«t, which enables you to order binds by of merchandise mall the best keep way, and eale see at the surprisingly many Jow we for prices. We send samples of IJamburgs,»Luces, Rib oons, Fringes, Ae., ir requested. W»* sell Who lesale and Retail m» Cash down. A uniT combinali oji system enables da tr» quote very close prichs. * We have *1. 82 and 05 puQkages of actions wliicb can not be bought for twice the motVeT else where, alt wanted in every I (amily. MOD«HTUK Money returned A DUTTOV. it not satisfactory. 55 Trsmnat 'Kilt* BL. Boston. AH Mass. . AfiEim _____ w*\ rEn to sell the tjrE Oft GEN. HANCOCK Rt his life-limp friend, Hon. .IOH \ XV. I Oil \ I‘. V. thentic, low-priced. official Fully Ulwilrated Positively Outfit the ablest wild trvlv work. &B lU nt leifii*. 50o. Pal tic til as# free. Act q\d&. Addiens * IU'Hft-\*RD BROS., Pnhlislyta, Aliauta, Ga. _ lnstitut©f W8sl0V3n F©mal© NTALJnOX, VIROIJdA, the Opera first its Schools 31 st Session, for September ladies ,in 20tb, the United 1SS6. Among Slatet-. Climate unsurpassed. young Among the lowest terms in the Union, Latin, Terra*—Board, French, for Pcholfistic Washing, Lights, $225.00. .English Cburse, For address year, Catalogue, W M. HARRIS, B.D..'President, Ret. rf,[ A. isi Va. ?2 euenton, NATRONA BI-CARB. SODA Is the best in the World. It is absolutely pure. It is the best for Medicinal Purposes. It i* the. beat for Baking and all Family Uses. Sold by all Druggists and Grocers. PENN’A SALT MANUF. CO., Phila. Sore Ears, Catarrh. but Many people are afflicted with these loathsome diseases very few ever get well from them; this is owing to improper treatment only, as they are readily curable if properly proven'over treated. and This is no idle boast but a fact I have little Book,/ree over all, again will bv triy treatment. Fend for my to it tell you a all about these matters and who t ana. My large Book. 375 pages, octavo; price $8 by mail. Address, DR. C. K. SHOEMAHKB, Aural Suigeen, __i_' , Heading, nn mm. PENSIONS SEW UH. Tinm«oO of S.:<U,r> u4 k.i» uti tied. Y»n*ions date back to discharge or death. Time Address with stamp, ^ T. O. Dr.-.r, 089. • .Jt,!sr-i.. Important to the Fair Sex! rramoniCAi Stir ‘ 'm*?. V » 8 tion^ Q va ai] oraix boxe* isgwdaaBBKS* The Medical Department -+»*** University.. Louisiana, Hew oki.easo. . ' BNKSKSfJCttSsr ■ 1 Zk HiaLijfonAefarflrtirt. «iSiSKiSsflife V.ipr -■