The Watkinsville advance. (Watkinsville, Ga.) 1880-1???, September 28, 1880, Image 3

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rhc TTatkinsville Advance. W G. SI LLIVAX, Kd itor, Pubisher & Job Printer. TERMS,—One Dollar per Year. Sixty Cents fcr Six Months. PUBLISHED OX EVERY TUESDAY, YVatkinsville, Ga., September 28, 1880 %\ \ I 11 :4J * l- . Mi Cooler weather. Eggs, chickens and butter scarce. The election is only two weeks I'tfL The freshet this year is a little earlier. The Colonel is only “watching the rain.” The heated State politics will soon end. Cotton Athens. is briskly passing through to Our singings are improving. We are glad of this. Our young people should get up ’heir brass band boom again. The gins are well patronized and we hope better times will prevail. The late rain has considerably washed the race-track at the Fair Ground. Deaths reported in the county within the last week, from disease of the throat. Mr. A. H. Lindley, a commercial traveller from Atlanta, paid Wat¬ kinsville another visit this week. We are sorry to learn that the little daughter of Dr. D. R. Richardson's, is lying quite sick. Politics seems to have more wor¬ copied shippers from than religion. This is how true ! an exchange, and oh, Messrs. Murray & Thrasher have in store a large stock of goods, and are all marked at close figures See their advertisement. Two little girl children, daughters of week James A. Thomas, one died about a ago, the other, died last Saturday, we have not learned their names. The daily Advance is gaining right along. See the boys and have your name put on their list. It is only 25 cents and you will i c-ver miss that amount. We have been listening for some¬ body to accuse Colquitt of being responsible Hill for the escape of Sam from the Assylum, as the other charges better founded made against him are no than this would be. The Fair Association are having a boom now. It will, no doubt, be the best fair ever held in Wat¬ kinsville. Our people will make it a success. Don’t forget to bring something to the Fair, and lend a helping hand. Rev. Jno. Calvin Johnson, of Athens, spent several days visiting bis relatives at this place, last week. He didn’t call and see us though and if he doesn’t do better next time we will have to take him to measures. See the advertisement, ir to¬ day’s issue of Chas. Stern <fe Co., tne Ga. popular These Clothiers, of Athens, stock of .Clothing gentlemen have a large and Gents Fur¬ nishing Goods, them at remarkably low prices; Give a call. Some of the minority would not follow Norwood, after he was nomi¬ nated the by the unlucky nine, and after 6th of next month most of the long minority that will claim to have be¬ to number who did not follow the nines nominee. _Two Dr. D. little It. girl Richardson children, daughters i.t the first St'foaS 1 ' T' 1 - 8 str ‘ cke n Parents oMW , ... fr , e ? r ml —77 hat frwmd ------ R- F. Miller and Y H. J. 1 nomas, was appointed as delegates Irom Antioch church, to the North-east Georgia Co-opera¬ tion of the Disciples of Christ, which convenes in Walton county, at Corinth church,Thursday-before the 4th Sabbath in September. The University Emporium steps to the front this week with a new advertisement in which he wishes extra°line Sir gim!£ T£?z goods till I,e ll! ‘^ thl house 1m a n m J n Cm Sens want. When vou go m don’t prices/ fail to 0 see l,i„7 ,,, t obta,n t . •' bis ’ The Cnnnf.. t ‘ViS r ,n ‘ n V • S!il, ^ rR ’P' 1 in the Court Ul, H °r 1:,8t Thursday ;in ; n for Mumtv Ftbm thJ lnx ” tlle courfty UKi per. cent XT th* 'V' t ,e 8 M tlnf increase^hi 'the t u The Misses Stroburg, two of Macon fairest and most accom¬ plished been young ladies, who have have visiting Eastville, of our coun¬ ty returned home. We hope it will not be long before they will visit us again. The County Court was in session last Saturday morning. The charge The was carrying a the pistol prisoner concealed. guilty Judge fined him fine and sentenced to pay a of thirty dollars and cost or to work on the public works for nine months. This habit of carrying concealed weapons is a bad one, and must be broken up. Diptberia is raging through the county, and we advise all parents to keep such their children at home and use which preventives be given as Sulphur may in Syrup in small quantities, and Assafoetida putin whiskey and give about a spoon full three times a day, and let them drink tar water, these are all harmless and may save your child’s life. The colored people had another Saturday meeting in the Court House last of the evening, we learn that one quitt could speakers his said wood, that “Col¬ cut and dis man from Chattaham county, had to Gnaw-his ’en and he was gwine to the help him difference gnaw it too. We think in the progress of cutting be about and gnawing wood, will the same ratio in difference between the votes of Colquitt and Gnaw-wood on the 6th of next month. We have never seen such a change as Col. Waterman lias made in the Athens Banner. He intends to show to the world that Athens is not only one of the most enterprising little cities in Georgia, but will stand up for a good daily and weekly paper. The people of our town should take Mr. Waterman’s paper and keep up with all the news in our adjoining and market town. Col. Waterman is one of the very best newspaper men in this State and we can assure all who subscribe for the Banner that they will be pleased with the paper and cannot fail to appreciate the good old ring of the sterling mettle. When you go to Athens call on brother Waterman and have your tion list. name placed on his subscrip¬ Good Cotton Picking. We are informed that on last Wednesday, picked Master James M. Greg ory, 302 pounds of cotton. James is only thirteen years rf age. This is good work for many older than himself. Who can beat it? Tax Notice. See the advertisement of the tax collector, of Oconee county. The books are now open for the collec¬ tion of State, county and speecific Liquor will Taxes, for 1880. Tax pay¬ ers take notice that the books will be closed promptly on Novem¬ ber 1st, next. Our readers had better see to it at once. Anonymous Correspondents. Again we have received a com¬ munication without the name of the writer, and hailing from Farminton signed W. A. J. We do not know sequently any one by that name, and con¬ it cannot be published. The name of the writer must ac¬ company necessarily for every publication, article, not but so we may know who they are. An Irate Mother-in-Law. A white lady near the Glade has been bound over to our next term of Court for whipping her son-in-law. It appears that he called her bad names, when the good dame went for him fist and skull and came out victor. We suggest that other mothers-in-law put this paragraph in their pipe and smoke it.— Oyle thorpe Echo. .‘Your Sisters, Cousins and Your Au ts!’’ The Jno. T. Fords celebrated Comedy Company will be in Athens, next Saturday. This is one of the best shows traveling, and is strictly first-class in every respect. The great favorites and celebrated actresses, Belle McKenzie, Marie Bockel, and Miss Thompson are with this Company, and it is a guar¬ antee of a good performance. Let fhn'a Sl'in,”’ oi" n given, and on Saturday night, “Sam and 'Veil worth the price oi a'd mission. See the advertisement and go to town next Saturday and carry the ladies, Judge Reese vs. the State Agricultural Society. In Greenesboro last week, during the session of the Superior court, the people had an abundance of speeches, and, among others, one from Judge Reese. The Home Journal says: On Tuesday, during the recess of court ’ Hon - Augustus Reese ad dreSSe<1 number of citizens ,ndu Uf T * ^ tne8 1>r aiU ’ t ie of our the l )p °Ple- He „ deplored the present >y/tem of husbandry, and the policy <d in relying upon commercial manure 111)1 cropping, to is policy and predicted abandoned that v-s was the people and their lands would grow poorer nnd poorer, and the y PelleJtu °!! ng men tl,e C0U »Uy be com seek other fields of labor ^ 3 : “F “l™ the r Et-sar T r i' 'rt: The Rain-. On last Thursday ourcounty was visited by one of the heaviest storms of rain and winds we have witnessed for a long time. The rain commenced about 1 o’clock at night, clock and lasted until about 6 o in the morning. Fences, were washed away, ana the mills and dams suffered to no little ex¬ tent. The water-gin of Mr. S. R. Ward, the house, and several bales of packed and seed cotton were car¬ ried away, and a fine gin and con¬ denser ruined. At Mr. Henry Jen ning’s Mill,the abutments of tne dam were carried off, and otherwise dam¬ aged, we suppose to the extent of a hundred or so of dollars. We also learn that the dam at Mr. Joe Elders Mill, was also carried away together with his water wheel. Corn was blown down, and in many places, the low-ground corn stands a fair showing of being ruined, cotton that was- open in the fields has been knocked out and the probality is, it will be lost. The streams are still considerably bridges have swollen, and many been damaged, to what extent we are unable to say. We hope it may be some time be¬ fore we are again visited by such another rain at least. Died. On Friday afternoon, the 25th of September ‘ 1880, little Lottie Richardson aged three years and eight months, youngest daughter of Dr. D. R. and Mrs. J.I. Richardson of this place. “There is a reaper whose name is And Death, with his sickle keen, He cuts down the bearded grain And at a breath, the flowers that grow be¬ tween.” Ah! and never sweeter, fairer blossom feel before the remorseless blade than dear little Lottie. Bright and intelligent beyond her years,her sweet prattle and sunny smile made the music and the light of her happy home, and the bright young head with its wealth of soft house, light curls, flashing in and out of the now among her little play¬ things, and again among the flowers and butterflies, seemed indeed fairer than the sunbeams. How little we dreamed, as a few days ago we watched her at play that all that bright beauty would soon lie cold in death. But comfort your¬ selves, you, to whom she was dearest, with the thought that the brightness shall remain forever undimmed by human sorrow or sin. Early lost, early saved. Lend an ear to the voice which speaking to your inner consciousness says: “Lulled in my faithful bosom I bear her far away, Where there is no sin, nor an¬ guish, nor sorrow, nor decay ; And mine a boon more glorious than all your gifts shall be, Lo! I crown her happy spirit with immortality.” Remember too, it was the Saviour of the Mforld who tenderly mid: “Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of Heaven.” A Friend. Watkinsville Sept. 27th 1880. “Alas! for Love, if thou wert nil, And nought beyond, O, Death I” Again the stroke has fallen, and another lovely victim sleeps in death. Scarcely had ihe grave closed o’er dear little Lottie before Lizzie too was taken. Patient little sufferer shall we grieve that thou art atrest with God? O what com¬ fort to the fond parents and affec¬ tionate brother and sister, to know that she early gave heed to the com¬ mand : “Remember thy Creator in the days of thy youththat she first sought the kingdom of God. Child ns she was hers was a bright conversion, and her family and friends believed her a sincere little Christian. So passed away, after much suffering, Lizzie Richardson in her tenth year, a devoted sister and a dutiful child. To the doubly bereaved Mother we extend our heart felt sympathy and commend her to that God who gathereth the lambs in bis bosotr. “O joyous birds attune your notes To saddest, softest measure; O flowers bloom sweetly o’er the spot Where lies her buried treasure, With pale hands folded on iier breast In dreamless beauty sleeping, While stars like holy Angels eyes Their watch above are keeping.” A Friend. Ringgold papers please copy. TAX NOTICE, The books are now open for the col¬ lection of State, county and Specific Liquor Tax-payers Taxes for the year 1880. will please ea’l and settle promptly. The instructions of Comptroller and General are imperative, the Books will be closed on the 1st of November next. JNO. W JOHNSON T. C. Sept. 27th 18*0. Oconee Co. To 'The People . that My I friends are hereby notified am a candidate for Repre sentative in the Legislature from Oconee county. If I get enough votes to elect me, (which I hope to do,) I will serve the my of country ability. and the State to best mv augl0.18S0.t-d. W.W.‘PRICE To the Voter- of Oeonee ** * . . * ‘ ‘ brom a promise . made , heretofore . , , I now announce my name as a can delate for Representative iniirG-tu M. M. blJAATo. SUBSCRIBE NOW. FAIR NOTES. Don’t fail to see the Fair. The best racers will be here. The departments will be full. Every day will be a “big one.” See the fine display of poultry. The Fair opens on the 12th of October. One of the best hands in the State will be here. Gen. Robert Toombs is expected to address the people. We have now the best race track in this section of Georgia. Ed. Mercer has bought the privil¬ eges, and will do all m his power to make it a success. There is no State Fair this year but our people propose to make this Fair better than the State Fair. The outlook this year for our Fair is more promising than ever before, and a large crowd is ex¬ pected. Liberty Locals. We are having fine weather for picking the fleecy staple. The Watson Spring has been quite a place of resort this year. We are glad to welcome Mr. G. L. Anderson back to this county. Miss Mattie Willoughby spent Inst week visiting relatives In this vicinity. Willie you must mind, and not turn lady your ride. buggy over when you take a to Master Charlie Alliston and Willie Hester left last Thursday on visit to Atlanta. Mr. Editor, please send mea copy of the first Daily Advance that is issued. I wish to preserve it. We had a mess of very fine turnips to half day. three They inches were from too and a to in diameter. A hall at Greshamville last Wed¬ nesday evening. It was impossible for us to have accepted the invitation sent us. Alcy says Mr. Huff will not make any and sorghum. He made a mistake chewed some of Mr, Hufi’s Egyptian wheat. We organized a Reading Club last Thursday night. We meet here¬ after at 8 o’clock, p. m. on Thursdays. All are invited to attend. Died from diphtheria, Fannie and Willie, two infant children of Mr. B. N. Palmer. Just at the time that their friends were in thegreatest hopes of their recovery, they re¬ lapsed stricken and soon died. The grief pathies. family have our sym¬ OUR NEIGHBORS. The Couuty News in a Nutshell. Oglethorpe Count)'. Upland com turning out well. The colored people solid lor quitt. The Echo call on Us voters to pay their taxes. Norwood’s strong hold is Creek District. Four pound sweet potatoes common m Lexington. Mr. Luke Latimer had his arm badly lacerated by a gin. The people of Lexington propose having a Masqurade ball soon. The friends of Gov. Colquitt a day. meeting in Lexington last Satur¬ running Lexington has rich veinB of other words through is city the paved town. a with gold. Greene County. The Her util is very dull this week, A few cases of diptheria in the comity. Cotton is getting away with politics in Greene. Dr. Orr’s speech on last Thursday is complimented by the Herald. Two societies for singing h ave been organized at White Plains. Dr. Ileid and wife of Crawford ville, is on a visit to White Plains. Jackson Couuty. Politics are blazing. Mr. James A. Baugh is dead Mr, John Patman will soon start n lanyard in Athens. It is reported that Appling Horton colored, will run for tne legislature. Mr. Pots loaned a man a mule to three help move to the mountains. After weeks the man sent back word that the mule had sicken and died.ed The President of Dickinson Seminary, made Williamsport, was re¬ swindle. cently the victim of a new A well dressed man, about fort y years of age, called on him and made arrangements to place his daughter be in the school. He seemed to well acquainted with many public men. His daughter would arrive next day, and he proposed paying advance. her expenses The bill for six made months 'n ''ben he _handed the was President out, a <rat 8200 on a firm in V, ash in c ^n, and removed in return a check [% 88i L the e r , nn, resident ?? nt in was pxce!jS so nlensed ? f the * ''’’Gi . , . lam . that lie drove him about Gie city and then invited him to tea. After receiving the check he pro¬ ceeded to a jewelry store, where he , T t l <i ? 812 ca,,e ’ and presented the check in payment removed the difference in cash, °nd departed soon afterwards, president Gray suspected that all might not be right, and on inves tigation had learned that the stranger given him a worthless check. ct-m* Now, only $1 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. cHAs. STERN & 00., CLQWE‘S’ Administrator’s Sale. In pursuance of an order from the Court of Ordinary,of Oconeo county, will be sold before the Court House Tuesday door, in Watkinsville, on the 1st in November, 1880, all that tract or parcel of land situated and being in the county of Ocouee, known as the Garner tract; adjoin¬ ing lands of Mrs. Tindal, James C. Maxey, others, John II. Newton, and less. containing Sold sixty acres more or for the purpose of distribution among the legatees. Terms cash. Sept. 28th 1880. D. R. RICHARDSON, Adm’r of Presley Garner, dec’d. !Vtobcrt Lewis, Carriage & Buggy Painter Watkinsville, Georgia. Having rented the Paint Shop nected with Mr. Langford’s buggy I offer my services, as a painter. All orders for work promptly attended and at prices that defy competition. Give me a call. Buggy work a speoial *y- senlltf Manta and Charlotte Air-Line Railway. PASSENGER Department ATLANTA mnni CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. Atlanta, Ga., June 1st, 1880. CHANGE OP SCHEDULE. On and after June 1st. DOUBLE DAILY TRAINS will run on this road as follows : EASTWARD. Arrive at Lula 7:20 a. m. Leave Lula..... 7:21 a. m. WESTWARD. Arrive at Lula 9:29 p. m. Leaye Lula.... 9:30 p. m. EASTWARD. NIGHT PASSENGER TRAIN. Arrive at Lula 6:23 p. m. Leave Lula.... 6:24 p. m. WESTWARD. Arrive at Lula. •••••••••••••• 8:51 a. m, Leave Lula..... 8:52 a. m. GOING EAST. LOCAL FREIGHT TRAIN. Arrive at Lula 11:35 a.m. Leave Lula. • ••••••• •••••••«• 11:55 a. m, WESTWARD. Arrive at Lula 11:55 a.m. Leave Lula.... 12:15 p. na. THROUGH FREIGHT TRAIN. Arrive at Lula.... ••••••••••a 4:15 p. m. Leave Lula........ 4:25 p. m. Close connection at Atlanta for all points West and Southwest. Char¬ lotte for all ooints East. Through Tickets on sale at Gainesville, SeneecaCity tanburg all Greenville points and Spar¬ to East and West. G. J. FOREACRE, Gen’l Manager. W. J. Houston, Gen. Pass. & T’k m OPERA i HOUSE Grand Opening of the Dramatic Season ATHENS, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 2D„ JOHN T. FORD’S ComedyOompany! CELEBRATED^) SAIL ltI)A^ Afternoon, 21 o’clock, Grand Matinee fur Ladien and Children when “I un on the Pacific” will bo given, u ,,en i (o Act Comedy, j Saturday night, “Sum, of Posen, tb« Commercial Drummer.” I /CLOTHING ■clothing NEW STORE! HEW GOO DS I HEW PRICES! CLOTHING, FURNISHING ALWAYS ON HAND GOODS NICE,- and Hats, A SELECTED IN ABOVE LINES WHICH ARE OFFERED AT BOTTOM PRICES AND ONE PRICE ONLY. SIMON HERTZ, Prop., (Big Sion,) ATHENS, GEORGIA. sep28,’188C-3m Inducements Extraordinary, -At the MAMMOTH CROCKERY & GLASSWARE HOUSE, ■OF NORTH-EAST GEORGIA, l H. HUGGINS, No. 7 BROAD STREET, Athens, Georgia, I laving just returned from the Eastern Market, we are offering the largest mast varied and best selected Stock of CHINA, CROCKERY, GLASS¬ WARE, LAMPS, CHANDAUERS, LANTERNS, Ac., 25 per cent, lower than over before known in this market. A full and complete lino of House Furnishing Goods, at prices that defy competition. Headquarters for 1 KKROSINK, ALABIN AND RED "C" OILS, &C *» VciT Special Inducements to Merchants, •f- HUGGIJSS, No. 7 Broad St., Athens, Ga. Sept21,1880tf HURLEY & SMITH, SUCCESSORS 1'0 D. &BROTHERS, We manufacture and deal to fine vehicles at every description. Hand-made Harness cf the best leather* "VSTagon <fe Harness B©pairing promptly done in tho best manner at reasonable pnoes. A few of Ho3gson Bros. Best Make Open Burgiei *t GBEATLY REDUCED Prices All of our work is fully warranted. Visit in and examine our vehicles and 1 ST otICE, 8MI ™' °*’ I have associated with me in business F. C. Smith a fine Jm CARRTArtP 2K25 TRIMMER, of Atlanta, Ga., and am now well prepared to pasAnd work at fair pnoos. Thanking them for their liberal patronage in Urn soliciting its continuance, I am very truly, J> ‘ 0 ' HURTF Y 1 aug!7,’80-ly Athens, Oa. FAIR! PAIR! P4IK! PAIR!!! 'FAlIR ! • r J* The Third Annual Fair of *j|C the Oconee County Fair Asso MI ijb-ciation 3|viile, will tho be held in Watkins on ’ I 2th, I 3th, | 4th, I 5thand | 6 th, iifll M w mwmm, jlmo. m Sg^ pfoi'mation Persons desiring further in ^^Sdressing can obtain it by ad gS JOHN R. WHITE, President, ^ Or, JNO. W.