The Watkinsville advance. (Watkinsville, Ga.) 1880-1???, October 19, 1880, Image 2

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The Walki l) s vilie Advance. \V U. SILLIVAN, Editor, Publisher A. Job Printer. TERMS,—One Dollar per Year. Sixty Ceuta for Six Months, is rniusHub on iVeky Tuesday, WatkinvriUe, Ga,,October 19, l 8E0 Kntcm! at the Office at Waikinavilta Georgia, a, SECOND CLASS MATTER National I)em ocn attc Ticket FOR PRESIDENT, GSN. Y;. s. HANCOCK OK TE.NMsVt.VA.MA. FOR VICE-PRESIDENT, HON. U « H. ENGLISH. OK INDIANA. I ? it f.s tn kntia b Electors. For the ptate-at i.arge: >T. C. C. BLACK. | It. E. KEN NON. A i.tkhn atkb—L. J. G lmn, A. P. Adams DISTRICT ELECTORS; First- District—Samuel 1). Braswell, of of Emanuel. Liberty. Alemato —Josephus Camp, Second District—W. M. Hammond, of Thomas. Alternate—W. M. Har¬ rison, of Quitman. Third District— V. 0. Smith, of Tel¬ fair. Alternate—Janies Bishop, Jr., of Fourth Dodge. District—I,. R. Ray, of Coweta. Alternate—Henry C. Came¬ ron, of Harris. Fifth District—Jno. I. Hall, of Spalding. Fulton. Alternate—D. P, Hill, of Sixth District. -Reuben B. Nisliet, of Putnam. Alternate—F. I). Dubig Iton, of Baldwin. Seventh District—Titos. TV. Akin, of Bartow. Alternate- P, W Alexander, of Cobb. Eighth District—Seaborn Reese, of Hancock. Alternate —J. K. llincs, of Washington, Ninth District—W. Gwinett. Alternate— K Simmons, of M. G. Boyd, of White. PI NOTES. Ohio went Republican 30,000, and Indiana <5,000. There will ho four colored men in the next Legislature. The Georgia Legislature convenes on the 3d of November. The are three hundred students in the Agricultural College nt Mil ledgeville. Fifteen factories in (bis country turn out five hundred tons of glucose daily. The death is announced of Captain Hobson, who discovered tho re mninsofSir John Franklin in the Arctic regions. Tin re are luu two wmin n in Mr. Hughes's Brinish colony at Uughv, Tent)., but they tire treated like queens. There is a story in Utica that Blaine and Conkling are to meet there, with Grant, Cameron and Logan, in about two weeks. Bishop Doggett, of Richmond, whose condition has been deemed critical for several days, is reported to be sinking slowly. The Detroit /We Prtst says there are only 1,455,923,567 people in tho world, including candidates, England finds, upon casting up the year’s work, her imports and exports have both increased over hist year, but the balance is on the wrong side again. In one German city, Breslau, th.ere are 3,000 people who do receive tneir correspondence until it has been examined bv the police. ............... '___ Mr. William II, Vanderbilt has purchnred in Vienna a boudoir set of Austrian bentwood furniture which is said to be a duplicate of the one made for the emperor and exhibited nt the Paris exposition. Ex-Governor Smith is feeling badly—it is thought be will return to Isis anvil, so says an exchange. The Macon Tr.’rgraph says, that a Mr«. Farmer, who resides at the comer of Cotton Avenue, in that city, has a small specimen of a most singular rock. It is from Canada, and may work n radical change in cloths if it can be obtained in suf¬ ficient quantities. The rock resem¬ bles spar somewhat, having, how¬ ever, clearly perceptible fibre grain, This rock will bum, but it leaves a mass of fur as delecate and fine as silk, which can tie spun into thread. It is utterly imperiahable; the fire •which destroys the rock has no ef¬ fect whatever upon it. It was brought from Canada by a gentle¬ man lately in that region. Narrow gathered il ounces are put Uuder the platted border of petticoats the. dress skirt. n Silver jewelry in more fashionable than gold in England jus! at and the indications are that it will ♦•n become eo here Athens and Her Prospects, A then? has reason to he proud hfr university, her academics and schools; but it is not of her great popular institutions that we design at present to speak. Passing from that place to this a few days since, we met one or more cotton-wagons for almost every hundred yards the way, which clearly proved that Athens was fully entitl d to the reputation she has obtained for be¬ ing the best cotton market in the State—Savannah not excepted.— We learn from reliable sources that much cotton is brought from Mor¬ gan county, and within four miles of Madison. The reason given by farmers for this action on their part, and for "shaking” their home mar¬ ket, is that they receive from an 1 -Sth to 1 - 10 th of a cent, more per pound for their cotton in the Athens market. The liberality the business men of Athens is at¬ tracting the trade from a wide area of teritory, and it will continue to widen so long as the inducements now held out for trade continues to be made by Athens. The prospects, then, of Athens, arc bright, and a brilliant future lies before her. But to preserve these prospects the business men must keep keenly alive to all her surroundings, and seize upon every¬ thing that tends to increase her in¬ fluence, and open up every channel of trade having a tendency to flow towards her. And right hero wo would beg to call the attention of Athenian to the importance of extending tho N. E. K. R., both ways—that is from Lula to Rabun Gap,and from Athens via Wutkins villo and Madison, to Katonton. This would mako this Road otic of tho most important in the 8 tate and at once make Athens a centre of trado of which her most enter¬ prising citizens now seem hardly to dream. In nil the history of matrimony many interesting and many ro¬ mantic marriages have been placed on record. Last night Texas and Georgia joined in consummating a marriage a little romantic. Some two years or more since young Mr. Leo Dallas went with his father’s family from Upson county to Texas. Near him in the Lone Star State was a relative of Miss Lula Good rum, of Monroe county. This relative man¬ aged to get a correspondence be¬ tween Mr. Dallas and Miss Lula. The correspondence produced an exchange of photographs. Now im¬ agine two young people courting l 2 , h 0!Wr ’ s »’iclures. : »><1 you have wllttt Bwm to somo young a prosy business. But vivid imaginations, high apprecia¬ tion of the photographic art and easy susceptibilities brought tho young couple through the meliflu¬ ent channel of epistolary corres¬ pondence to a happy engagement. Arriving in Georgia last \\ ednos day, Mr. Dallas, when all were en¬ joying tho day of rest, found the young lady’s whereabouts, and, for the first time, enjoyed the reality of smiles approximating connubial sweetness. Amid the gushing glad¬ ness of the first meeting, and tho time and the place and the minister to tie the holy knot, were nil decided on, and, ns Mrs. Smith would say, to advesperate clouds of matrimony approximated colligation, yesterday evening, under the direction of Rev. L. J. Davies, pastor of the Method ' 1 ^I ,I 8 C 0 P ,, J c * nuc ^ of Bartlesville. ^ *‘* s nioru * ,, S l' u> young couple hoarn the train for their home in the Lone Star State, timid the con Ifatulutions and parting sobs ,l,e l“ v »ng friends and relatives.— Earntttillt (lazettf, The Macon and Brunswick ILiil road Company gives notice that it will apply to the next Legislature, for the passage of a bill extending the time for tho payment of the balance of the purchase money due the State for said railroad, over a pc r ‘"^ ofthirtv years, and to provide ^ 01 interest upon said deferred payment. The Brunswick iSeajmrt Appeal is greatly incensed at this action of the road, and says; “At present we are not prepared to criticise this attempted departure from the terms of the sale,nor arc we sufficiently informed ns to the plans and purposes of the company, to pas* judgement upon this unlocked for movement. That such an aj> plicaliraii'i!! be vigorously however there can be no doubt. and we underestimate the inteUi gence and patriotism of the men who were vesterdav decud to General Assembly, if they should fdU ly tih ^ e * uch 1 ‘^posiiion. We nrc inclined to the opinion Messrs. Wilton A Oft,, will find lb« straight path of good faith the (smoothest and most profitable in the long run. The newly elected Gov ernor is pledged to the people to compel a faithful compliance with the lease-sale act or forfeiture, and the newly chosen Legislature will back him with any compulsory legislation that may be necessary.” ■—Atlanta Phonograph, Kashira Spraj*. J rog green is a new fall color. Persian-tinted ribbons are again 2Sr— ..... .. fine Richly colored is mummy cloths wool offered lor winter wear. Brazillian bugs and beetles are Dahlias of all sizes and colors form the design of some of the new tips on the from, are copies of worn Heliotrope a century ago. gold and beads are used for dress trimmings. Bandanna handkerchief plaids are used for upholstering rattan furniture. James 91 , /jyte, ATTORNEY AT LAW Watkinsvillk, Ga. 139“ Will practice in the Cour's of Oconee and adjoining counties. mar31,’80-ly r Jl. .11, Jackson, Attrncy&Conn etorataw AND JUDGE OK THE i&mn € y mn% Watkinsville, Ga. BW Will practice in nil Courts except the County Court Oconee County. mnrl7,’80-ly Aduiifiiutrutor’a Sale. In pursuance of an order from the Court of Ordinary,ot Oconee county, will be sold before the Court House door, in Watkinsville, on the 1 st Tuesday in parcel November, 1880, all that tractor of land situated and being in the county of Oconee, known as the Garner tract; adjoin¬ ing lands of Mrs. Tindal, James C. Maxey, John II. Newton, and others, containing sixty acres more or less. Sold for tho purpose of distribution among the legatees. Terms cash. Sept. 28th 1880. D. It. RICHARDSON, Adnt’r of Presley Garner, dec’ll. larke County Atfilcul rau Fair Association. LEGAL NOTICE TO STOCKHOL¬ DERS. Honorable By virture of nn order of the Ga., Superior Court of Clarke County, tin- (His Honor E. IL Pot¬ tle, Judge of Norf ht'hern Circuit presiding). all Notice is hereby given to who claim to he Stockholders in the original “Clarke County Ag rieu tural Fair Association,” to. till their claims for a distributive shares of the proceeds of the sale of the “Fair Grounds” in Athens which has been sold under and by virture of a decree of said Court, Stockhold¬ ers davit, must and verify file their claims by affi¬ them in the Clerk’s Office of said Court on or before the second Monday in November next, the first day of the next term cl said Court. John July I. 23d, 1880. Huggins, Clerk, Clarke Superior Court. GEOUGIA—Ocox kk County. Whereas, Judieth H. Evans np plics to me for Letters of admini- tration, on the Estate of John G. Evans, late of said county, deceased. These are therefore to cite and ad¬ monish all concerned to show cause, at my office, on or before the first Monday in November, next, why said letters should not be gi.ii ted. JAS. IL LYLE, Oct.4, 4 t. Ordinary. T.I.VES FOIt 1880 81 . GEORGIA—Ocox kr County. C ni'vwv dONhlbof ..o wnn i>r, • i- 1 1 Loads , 1 and 1 mimic Levenue, ' ^ " of Oconee County convened for the as sossiiieut of taxes.for cimuty purposes, tor uie years 188D-M. \\, Ocoxkk Co./Ga., f September 23d, 1880. ) OlWKfiED, That a tax of one hundred percent, be levied on the State tax to raise the several amounts for the following specific purposes ; To build or repair Court House or jail, bridges or ferries oro.her public ini- 5SST* 1 , 50 . 0 To pay Sheriffs, Jailors or other officers’ fees, that may bo legally entitled to out of the county....... 60,00 To pay Coroners all fie* that may la* due them by the county for holding nesses in criminal eases, Fuel, Servants hire, Sta To p/v expenses incured in Ji? r-i-wvza. The other* VsiUauee* “lawful to* tlaV anV cWaws tfaiost the county,.,.. Ordered, that the above proceeding W 1 ubl^hed as prescriWl in ^c. 517 K ,i, ^ f* * V a ,t t. IINDSF) ‘ Di HHAM,Clerk Oct ,5,1 w» t M a s ■ BARGAINS ! THS LARGEST HD CHEAPEST STOCK OF GENTS /-j wx ■»t nT" ON AND a btxv BOYS RBADY-MADB CLOTHING, • t uw Hf V h * i. acasu -'g* 0 Can be found at M. G. & J. COHEN S, Athens, - G eogia. il. Jl. Hlien's Horse and Mule MILLINERY STORE. Cor. Clnyon nml Jackson Sis., ATHENS, GA. I have in Store a good assortment of Sad¬ dles ami Harness, Jiridles, Collars, Whips, Saddle ISlankets. Horse Covers, &c. You will find that my harness is made of the best Western Leather, all hand made. 1 cut and fit horse collars and de , nil iii-i knuls of .■ repairing • . at . short i ttot ,. ice. Buggy better whips I make a Specialty mid a assortment cannot be found in the city. Saddles town at rock bottom. My harness carnn , 4 be beat in prices and quality. When you visit the city please honor me with your presence. Thanking continuance you in for the past favors, 1 hope a future. apr.7,1880,6m r M. $. J brasher, ATTORNEY aT LAW. W.VTKCtSVlLLK, Ga. ffisF 4, Will p’raelicS in the Courts 0 Oconee ami adjoining counties. marl7,’80-ly A. Late F. DURHAM, of \ JDr. W. M. DURHAM, Sparta. Late of Maxcys, H rs. A, F* * W* M. Durham, SPECIALISTS, nrgery, Chronic Diseases of Male and Female, and Venerinl, Operate for Cross Eyes, Cataract, Stone in the Bladder, Harelip or Cleft Pal ates, A-c. AVill visit patients in any part of the State, in consultation or dn to perform with surgical operations. Ad ss, stamp, Dns. A. F. J: \\'. JL Durham, marol.’SO-tf Athens Ga. GEORGIA—Ocoxkk County. Whereas, Mary C. Tnrtisher ad ministratrix of Barton C. Thrasher, J)re 8 en t 3 to t ), e Court, in her { peti tj du)y filed and entered 0I re wrd that ,| le ) uxa f u l iy ndminis tored Barton C. Thrasher’s estate. This is therefore to cite all persons concerned, kindred and creditors to show cause, if any they can, whv said administratrix should not be discharged and from her Letters admin istration, receive of dismission December on the first J. Monday It. LYLE, in next. Sept.6,lSS0.3-m, U hereas. Barton E. Thrasher. Executor of lstutc 1 brasher, repre the Cottrt, in hts petition ,ll ” a !U I l1 ■ c'ntercwl on record. ti nt he has tully iidmimstcred Isaac 1 brasher s estate. 1 his is therefore tome all persons conwrned, kin dismission on the first Monday Di-eember, next. J. R LYLE, TAX NOTICE. wnTlPC Tlie . books are nowopea for the col ] U"" n P' county ami Specific 'i'T. YY ' f -’C 'Y' 5 '' < '<1 1 sett),* promptly 1W itintpiciioiui of tutu pi roller Ototrai arc* imper iUv<% ami tin* Rtmk* will on iko lit of Novombor nrxt, JXO. v\ JOHX$OX T. C. 8 o»i. 27tb !***•>, T »E BICKFORD AUTOMATIC £ HI KNITTER £ It will knit a pair of socks in fifiecn warranted mhunes herfect, 1 Every and machine (is just to as rcprcrcnted. book A completcte in smmtion accompanies each machine. Knits all sizes of work, narrows and wi¬ dens jt . s h a| , es a n sizes complete. Knits over 50 different garments, Socks, Stockings, Mittens, I.eggins, Wristlets, Gloves, etc. It knits every possible variety of plain or fancy stitch. 75 per cent, profit in manufacturing knit goods, Farmers can treble the value ot their wool, by converting it into knit goods. Agents wanted in every State, Count v, City and Town, to whom very low prices will be made. For full particulars and lowest send prices fur the best Family Machine to BICKFORD KNITTING MACHINE CO., fiirattleborro, Vt. apr21,1880—lv New Firm. GoodWosk. Garriaae, finamj rflaqon, flittl J’luninliun Work, at the old stand of W . B. Lan Qford. \Vutkinsvillc, Ga. The nnderstgned having rented the shops of Mr. Langford, we take this of informing the public that Wagon, are Buggy prepared and to do all kinds of Plantation Work 111 a fi r - at -class manner at short notice. Give us a call,and be convinced. ROBERT DAVIS, WARREN HILL. sept. 14,’80 2m Jj, p. jSuLLIVAN, Fasltioable *x____«\ lEjl )BESSMAIZ2a-dMi mi WatJ^^TT* W atkinsv ille, rt* Ga., ' Begs leave to offer her services to the lad ; es of Watkinsville and vicinity as a dressmaker aud milliner Hats , vnd Bonnets re-trimiued and renovated, Dressmaking and fancy work neatlv and gsssar ,erf - JjCVi Halker, Col., R R B E R , Watkixsvili r. f. and aa£«tLSS Sunday mornings until 10 o’clock, a. tu. inarl0’80*tf 9. Jl. If hire, Jl. 9„ t'RACTICINp ^HSYtClA , W*TtEKRfvu.t.E, Ga. It iff lie found at hi* o ' St tf * n 0 BEST SIMPLE, DURAHLE, CHAEP, WNECESSARY in every fam ily as a SEWING MACHXNE. ©mi It] Jim, l?i i i ■- ; bL M To r it l:LAi t| h i vs DEUPBEE BLOCK, ATHENS, GEOaCIA. Having found their old store too small for their rapidly increasing business, LYNCH & FLANIGEn, take pleasure informing their friends and customers that they have secured the commodiaus store in DKUPREE OPERA HORSE, where they will keep in Stock full lines of CHINA , CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, LAMPS, PLATED WARE, CUTLERY Tin Wooden and Willow Wares, Whips, Bird Cages, brushes and Household Hoods Generally, At Prices Lower than Ever! IjYJYCH # FLJMYIGEJY, nature Block, Broad Street, Athens, Ga. 23?” To Merchants they offer extraordinary inducements, in Crate, Hhds. and small lots that cannot be surpassed. augdT tf O BDBR VO PB Saw Mills, Grist & Cane Mills. Plantation Machinery, Engines Boilers, —'>*.*- «*■*».*- - Cotton Screws, Shafting, Pulleys, Hangers’ > 1 Journal Boxes, Mill Gearing, Gudeons, l Turbine Water Wheels, Gin Gearing cheap, &ISlYg4. A Judson’s Governors, Diston’s Circular Saws rs and Cummers and Files, Belting and Bab hett Metal and Brass Fitting, Globe and Check Valves and Whistles, Guages, Etc., T": E5i«» Iron and Brass Castings and Gin Ribs, ' : from m JH ' Oeo, R. Lombard & Co,, igJLL ^ FOREST CITY FOUNDRY & MACHINE WORKS (Near Water Tower,) 1014 to 1024 Fenwick Street, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. Repairing promptly done at lowest prices. More Popular than Ever! GENUINE SINGER NEW pAMILY SEWING MACHINE’ 22f*The popular demand for the genuine Singer in 1879 exceeded that of any previous year during the quarter of a century in which this "Old Reliable” Machine has been before the public. In 1S78 we sold 356,422 Machines. “ 1879 431,167 Excess over any previous year, 74,745 Machines. eiPOur sales last year were at the rate of 1,400 Sewing Machines a Day for every business day in the year. The -‘Old Reliable” Singer Is THE STRONGEST, THE SIMPLEST, Sewing Machine THE MOST DURABLE ever yet Constructed. Remember C CD w a and embedded in -T* Cl Arm of the Machine. The Singer Manf’g Co., PRINCIPAL OFFICE, £4 ETOH SffiSJLlES » New York. DISTRIBUTING OFFICE, for Georgia, Florida, South Carolina and Alabama, Atlanta, Ga. J. B. TOOMER, Agent, Athens, Ga. l,o 00 Subordinate Offices in the United States and Canadas and 300 ) ^thces in the Old World and South America. julyLSSO ly JAMES E. MURRAY. | I. .WT THRASHER. Iurray&thrasheR * Watkinsville, Georgia, In returning our thanks to our friends for their very liberal patronage during the past, we would again renew our offer of one of the Largest and Bui elesuJ STOCK I GOODS! Ever brought to this section, and ask the people of this and adjoining counties give this Stock a careful examination. In Dry Goods Our Lines OF JEANS. BLEACHED and BROWN DOMESTICS, STRIPES and CHECKS, PRINTS, of standard makes, from 6 c. to 9 c. per y I LADIES TIES, DRESS GOODS, ETC., ETC., ETC. MOORE'S SCHOOL GLASSWARE, INK FINE CIGARS and TOBACCO, STATIONERY, is full and low prices. Our at FANCY (tJODS Or P 4 RTMHM)’ W e have the best line of BOOtS n » HOBS , Udle’S j. , WA , .. MetlS’ , ,, HatS C'BDS, W e have everlhad, and at prices that defy competition. Our stock o ‘ * JScady-Mtule <;iofltiu« I* large, of the best styles and ina erial, aud bought with a view to meet the wants of all class of purchasers. Suits from $2.75 up The Departments of Drugs, Hardware aud Staple and • F W€Y GRCCEEm, •ro tn transit always and full, in with few price* day* a* will low be a* full rhe lowest. This large stock is In store an , a and complete. \Y<j ajjatti n*k vou ea l «» MURRAY A nillAMiK" Watkinsville, Ga,, May 5, 1880,