The Watkinsville advance. (Watkinsville, Ga.) 1880-1???, October 26, 1880, Image 3

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Standard Screw Calf-Skin Boots $3.00 BROAD STREET GRAY’S! r Farmers’ Hand-Sewed Calf-Skin Boots 50 Cases Pegged Shoes from 45 to 60c I ATHENS, GEO. at $3,511. _ Womens Kid Gaiters, Warrauted, $1.50. Foxed Gaiters, Warranted, $1.35 Pebble Gaiters, $1.15. OPJ3YSTS THIS WEEK WITH THKIR See The £ec Our Our Best Tap Full-Stock Sole “ Boots Boots Brogan at. at in Georgia at 85c. and i $1.00. $2.50. $2.25. BIG SHOE SALE ! Russian We ArtwelTs have Shoes,. an Goods, extra stock and wish everybody to see 65c. 95c. it. Fair Dealing! OUR MOTTO f To All! MOSES MYERS Dealer in Staple and Fancy 0 mm 0 m gtm Kill mem 1\ mm I mm ■ | mm rntam LI a ■ ■ I mm |\| I* mm IJ un 6 I UUUUUi 1 ULU If I milUi ar-n; 7 -»-> JtSOOtfc?* _ a t^noes. i>{Lliiin.0ry ____ VxOOClSr t 8AV8* €£J?S. StLISSi ST&3SS Woolens and Linen Goods ofe^y ****». f II ****** AvAiinn XMLlHtoIISi 4 fl.nno wTMtt* n mmmmmm•mm ••« mmmmm Low Prices. Quick Sales, oe-t 13, -Sm THE TRADE! A Large and Complete Stock of MEMORANDUM A BLANK BOOKS, AND STATIONERY ALWAYS ON HAND! Ministers tnd Churches Supplied with Books AT- PUBLISHERS PRICES! FLEMING & BURKE, oct!6,1380-tf Athens, Georgia. The W atkinsville Advance. TV G. SVLLIVAN, Editor, Publsher & J ob Printer. TERMS,—One Dollar per Year. Sixty Cents fer Six Moutli3. IS PU HUSH ED ON EVERV l'UFSDAV, Watkinsvillr, Oa.,October 26,1880 FntewB at the Post Office at Watkinsville Georgia, as SECOND CLASS MATTER A ' ■>( Watkinsville is a quiet place. The gins in town are crowded with cotton. The frost will keep away some the sickness. - —• Read all the Legal advertisements in this issue. -»♦» --------- Several of our citizens went the Atlanta Fair. --•••-- The early frost catches the opened cotton boil. * ——--— “Bad colds” now the rage. you in the Fashion. Trade lively on Saturdays, and better crops this year, than last. Now let us talk railroad. We need one and “don’t you forget it F --«•» Mr. M. L. Durham has opened a confectionery, office. under the Advance Our daily mail is quite a ne¬ cessity now. We wouldn’t know how to get along without it. -— --— Madam rumor lias it that the matrimonial market will he un¬ usually lively this winter,in Oconee county. —. ............ --- Old John Robinson's Circus will be in Athens on November 1st. Everybody and his family will go, we suppose. 4*e When von soil vnur notion don't fail b. call at ouf office and settle,and if you are not a subscri I,or, why subscribe of curse. We visited Athens last Monday Dumpty night _ to see Nick Robert’s Humpty W« at Deupree the Opera House. pronounce show a «<»<«! one. A1J were highly ideastsl with tertainment, and Manager Jones again merits the • <f Athens and vicinity fur rare treats in the show lines. Barlow, Wilson i’rim rose A Vests Minstrels will be in Athens on Wednesday night . ext. Don’t foil to see tin m. GRAYS % IB MS, 1UII Ill STITI GRAYS 4-1 ti I w nil < ',i<>limeres, 42}c, |ter yd. 5 4 all wool Ci^hmeres, 50c. per yd, 6*4 all wool Cashmere*, 65c. per yd. All wool Mummy Cloths, 25c. per yd. All wool Empress Cloths, 32c. AH wool Surges Cloth, 35c We have just received th l, rg> »t >!'*ek u! H 1 k- Doth < ol nrsil ever dispfoved in this section of the Sinte, Wfi HAVE ALSO A FULL LINS OF CLOAKS FROM $2.50 TO $25.00. CALI ON GRAY. When our volume runs out, we will enlarge our paper, if our patron¬ age will warrant this improvement. Help better us to giveyou and the county, a paper by encouraging us. Our friend, Uncle Nath Cook. , . brought us last week a nice lot of red sweet Spanish potatoes. They and were of the fine variety, were as as we have seen anywhere, and it places us under lasting obligations to him. Uncle Nath is a model farmer, and a clever gentleman. We learn that Mr. John Bird’s _____ new . house .... Athens, ... attracting .. in 18 quite an amount of comment from Z 8C t • ’ T °" ly ? n ! " , in Athens. Wehavn’tseen it yet shall avail ourselves of an oppi nity to see it and then we will tell you all about it. ss&tSE? hrs,°U h ,: engaged hungry editor’s mouth water. We the splendid dinner in a mortal combat, but had ’ to surren dtr at last, completely exhausted, The lack of space forbids a lengthy notice that it deserves. New Advertisement. an advertisement from Messrs. men, of Athens, Ga. Al/kind.l <,f memorandum books, Stationery &c„ kept in stock and everything in th make up of a first class bookstore. Ministers and churches are fur nished with books at publishers prices. line When you wantanything in the of Books, Stationerv, or fancy articles call on Messrs. Fleming & Burke, Athens Ga., Fine Millinery Mi*, UCmum,, «, Mjlli r „r ri r 8 Ladies of Jen eecounty, <t that she e e has received She iL the host stock of these goods to be found in Atliens. When the ladies of Oconc. county wish any thing in the way of Fine eoods. call on Miss McCartney, next door to Clias. otern & Co.. Broad St. Athens, Ga. T * “ “ r 77 1 be Rentz (Stanley combination are to be in Charlotte on the 20th. --- 1. n D.Braith, a colored constable at Argenta, Ark., has been arrested for stealing a hog. ♦^“Subscribe .Now, only fl. Obituary. Called home from earth to heaven • Oct. 5th, 1880, Jethro Edwards. eldest son of Hon. Geo. C. and airs. Anna M. Thomas, of Watkins ville, Ga., aged nearly seven years, kittle Jettie was n bright and , beautiful boy, the pride and joy ol a darling happy with Christian all home, apt and who knew him. Vigorous in health, with a f l,° ick m j nd > an earnest truthful ing to his race. But “the had need of him,” and disease his dread messenger laid its chilling hand on the active, merry boy. Very all the bravely terrible and patiently were when sufferings borne, and “In the chill before the dawning Between the night and morning,’ Christ came—^quietly and meekly his little follower left the worn anG wasted little body and went to the arms of the loving Saviour. “Gem of our hearth our household Earth’s pride, undefiled, Could love have saved thou had’st not died Qur dear sweet child ! Humbly we bow to fate’s decree Yet had we hoped that time should see Thee mourn for us, not us for thee. ” “Yet ’tis sweet balm to our despair Fond fairest boy, That heaven is God’s and thou art there With him in jov ; There past are death and all its woes ; There beauty’s stream forever flows; And pleasure’s day no sunset knows.” ‘Then be to us, 0 dear, lost child ! With beam of love, A star, death’s uncongenial wild Soon, Smiling above! The soon thy little feet have trod skyward path, the seraph’s Tha t led' thee back from man to God.” Administrator's Sale. GEORGIA— Oconee County. of By leave of the Honorable Court Ordinary of Clarke county, will be sold before the Court House door, in tho town of Watkinsville, Oconee countv, Georgia, on the first Tuesday lowing in December, next, the fob property to-wit: Six hun dred acres of land more of less, ly¬ ing and being in said county, on the East side of Rose creek; adjoin ing the lands of Joel J. Morton, D. R . Elder, S . j). Hnrdigree, Peniten tiary Co. No. 3, and the estate of T- N- Pouiluin. S-imuei _8oid ns the prop ertv of D Dm-lnm with lute of lowing county, deceased, the fol Will.”] reservations: [“Extract from —“That if either of his sisters should bo reduced to want and have no homo, he shall ffsrci.; cm nJfcw r ojnd, wdh }?„ right k ," 0Wn of way th<5 thereto, r .‘ J ‘!Y 8ey l djce > and desirable naturally one of the best and most places The in this section ol the country. original channel of Rose creek Is its western boun¬ dary, and upon which there arc one hundred acres of bottom land, ,lU of "hich >» susceptible of being JhOTOujjhiy drained and cult.vated i here are about three hundred acres of original forest, composed of hlck< ”y.- °“ k ’ l'°P lar > P"? e il ' lJ °^ T f « wth soil Very hUle wa8hed k,ld * no '“gh lulls nor deen hollows, hut is agreeably undulating. The road two best dwelling houses are on the leading from Powell's Mills to Watkinsville and or >e mile from the former place. T hcy are two stories high, one has ten rooms and six fire places, the other six rooms and four fire olaees jSJJJgS cree |{ and the Oconee river, between wn j c h an d the houses is all original fomt «n<l is nbout six hundred J" * h»1»d ^tu hou,™ oTthe 1 nl.» f ^„ or u ,rfTe f enar £m or Z S or Toki 16 ac res oflevel wood-land that could p e made ; n to a beautiful grove, Upon the whole, for natural con vcniences, beauty of situation,” pleas ant surroundings and fertility of soil, this place has but few equals, Terms cash. LINDSEY DURHAM. Administrator. I will, also, sell on Thursday following the above, (Dec. 9th), at the resilience of the lute Lindsey Durham Sen., deed., the following property Table, to wit: 1 marble Center Secretary 1 large Mirror, 1 Rook case, and draws combined, 1 Secretary and draws (formerly the property of Gov. Peter Early;) 1 folding tables Stand, 1 Sett Mahogony and some other tables, 3 feather beds and bedsteads, 1 gray mare 12 or 13 years old, 1 Sorrel mare 9 years old, 1 good milk cow and one or two heifer yearliing, good stick, 1 Lamp, Lt’CanX 2 Log Chains, l Shades, Fender, 1 Fire screen, 4 Window 1 eight day metal clock. Sold as the property left by Martha Durham late of Said county deed, Oct. 26th 1880. Lindsey Durham Extr, GEORGIA—"Oconee County, Commissioners of Roads and Revenue of Oconee county, sitting for county purposeses Ao. To Thomas N, Epps, Joseph R, Langford You and Afonso L. Doolittle : arc hereby appointed Commis¬ sioners under and by virtue of Sections 484 and 485 of the Revised Code of the State of Georgia, to lay out and define the lines of a new Militia District, from that portion of territory now in Oconee oounty known as the fractional part Barber’s Creek District, and you are authorized to employ a compe¬ tent Surveyor to assist make you; and complete you are required of to actings a full and and return your doings in the premises to this board Given under our hands and seals this W, September ELDER, the fth 1880. L. s. Y. A. P. COBB, L. S, JAS. W. LEE. L, S, LINDSEY DURHAM, L. S. GEORGIA— Oconee Countv. To the Commissioners of Roads and Revenues of said county : We. the undersigned Commis¬ sioners appointed by your Honor¬ able body, to lay out and define the lines of a new Militia District from that portion of territory now in Oconee county, known as the frac¬ tional part of Barbers’ creek Dis¬ trict, beg leave to report that we have attended to that duty. The lines of the said new District as laid out by us to be or remain the same as before this Oconee county was cut of}'or made from the county of Clarke, except on the north eas¬ dividing tern boundary, that line the to be tho line between counties of Oconee and Clarke to wit: Mc¬ Nutts creek. We further report that we find from actual count that said new District contains within its limits a greater number of citi¬ zens than are required by statue to organize a Captains company under the Militia laws. Given under our hands and seals this 4th day of October, 1880. JOS. B. LANGFORD, L. S. T. N. EPPS, L. 8. A. L. DOOLITTLE, L. S. GEORGIA— Oconee County. Regular meeting of the hoard of Commissioners of Roads & Revenue of Oconee county, Oct. term, 1880. Upon reading and considering the report of the commissioners ap¬ pointed to lay out a Militia District, from the fractional part of territory in Oconee county, formerly a part of what was known as Barbers’ creek District. It is ordered that said lines be the boundaries of the new Militia District to be known as Mars’ Hill District, and that the proceedings be published in the Watkinsville Advance for the time required by law, and it is further ordered that a certified copy of these proceedings be sent to the Governor. W. Y, ELDER. C. E. GRIFFETH, A. 1». COBB, LINDSEY DURHAM, Corns, fi & R. O. Co. GEORGIA— Oconee County. JVdtf'SS&Stt and Revenue, in and for said coun ty, do hereby certify that the fore join* pron«xling'» are a true copy ' LINDSEY DURHAM Clerk Board Corns. R. & R. 0. C. Oct. 5th 1880. Ordinary’s GEORGIA— Office, Sept. 6th, 1880. Oconee County. Whereas, ...... William loulnot, . . ap plies to me for valuation and setting apart a Homestead of reality, and I will pass upon the name at 10 o’clock a. m. Sept 29th 1880, nt my office, in Watkinsville. Given under my hand nt office this Sept. 6th, 1880. JAMES R. LYLE, Ordinary. The Largest and Most Complete Stock of 32 ,0m} THETIMES 1873 Ssi CMS" T t ■ iji ' -is 8 i ii ■■ * l K iiifmp ItmnwiM J -iMii : ft i Ulli-0 I " 1 m r m St* IS StovesdbTinwarcEver Offered in N. E, Sign of tho “Big Bed Stove,” Opposite Reaves & Nicholson, Athens, Ga. W. H. JONES, Superintendent m'8 17,0-6 HURLEY & SMITH. SUCCESSORS TO D. 0. HURLEY AND HODGSON BROTHERS, J! THKJTfi, vehicles GEORGIA. We manufacture anil deal In fino of evory description. Hand-mado Harness cf the best leather Aragon & Harness ^Repairing promptly done in tho best manner at reasonable prices. A few of Ho gson Brcs. Best Make Open Birgios at GREATLY REDUCED Prices. All of our work is fully warranted. Visit us and examine our vehicles and harness. HURLEY & SMITH, Athens, Ga. NOTICE. I have associated with me in business F. C. Smith a fino CARRIAGE TRIMMER, of Atlanta,Ga., and am now well prepared to give my friends good and work at fair prieos, 'Thanking them for their liberal patronage HURLEY, in the past solici ing its continuance, I atu very truly, l>. C. Hyun,’80.-711 Athons^Ga. Notice. All stock holders of the Oconee Fair Association, of Clarke county, will please coire forward and sigh a power, of Attorney, to be found in the hands of the Clerk of Oconee county, at his office in Ga. W. Y. ELDER, Oct.26,l-t. President. Manta and PASSENGER. Air-Line Railway. Department ATLANTA -TO THE EASTERN CITIES CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. Atlanta, Ga., June 1st, 1880. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. On and after June 1st, DOUBLE DAILY TRAINS will run on this road as follows : EAST WARD. Arrive at Lula 7:20 a. m. Leave Lula..... 7:21 a. WESTWARD. Arrive at Lula. .......9:29 p Leave Lula_____ ........9:30 p. eastward. NIOHT PASSENGER TRAIN. Arrive at Lula...............6:23 p. m. Leave Lula 6:24 p. m. WESTWARD. Arrive at Lula 8:51 a. in. Leave Lula.... 8:52 a. m. GOING EAST. LOCAL FREIGHT TRAIN. Arrive at Lula .. 11:35 a. m. Leave Lula.... .. 11:55 a. rn, WESTWARD. Arrive'atLula 11:55 a.m. Leave Lula— 12:15 p.m. THROUGH FREIGHT TRAIN. Arrive at Lula...............4:15 p.m. f^ve Lula 4:25 p. m. d OKC connection at Atlanta for all points West and South west. Char l ot te forub i.mots ,-.nsb Through Tickets on sale at Gainesville, SeneecaCity Gr-enville and Spar tan burg to all points East and West. G.J. FOREACRE.Gen’l Manager. \y. j, Houston. Gen. P»ss.AT'k Ag’t D. JR. If kite, JR. 0)., j^RACTICINp j 3 HSY1CIA '-z Watkinsville, Ga. QGf* Will bo found at his office when not called off. iuarl7,’80tf GEORGIA— Oconee County. Ordinary’s Langston Office, Oct. has 23 applied 188(1 Ezekiel T. for Exemption of Person of Per sonalty, and I will pass upon the same at 10 o’clock, a. m. on tho 18th day of November, 1880, at my JAMES R. LYLE, Oet.26,2-t. Ordinary. Inducements Extraordinary •At “the MAMMOTH CROCKERY & GLASSWARE HOUSE, OK NORTH-EAST GEORGIA J. H. 7 HUGGINS, STREET, No. BROAD Athens, Georgia* Having just returned from the Eastern Market, we nre offering the largest, mast varied and bert selected Stock of CHINA, CROCKERY, WARE, LAMPS, CHANDALIEIiS, LANTERNS, &e., 25 per cent, lower than ever before known in this market. A full and complete fino of House Furnishing Goods, at prices that defy competition. Headouarters for KKimiNK, AI.AIItN AND BKU C” OILS, &C M fiay" Special Inducements to Merchants. J H . UirUGlJS S, No. 1 Broad Sb, Athens, Ga. . Sept21,1880tf *«5 Reworil! A liboral reward will be paid for the arrest and appr rehension of one George Parks, cob, who is under bond for his appearance at the County Court of Oconee county, charged with adultry. He hails as a preacher, and has fled from justice. Description. He is of a rather “ginger-cake” color, quick spoken, side has a burnt mark on the right of of his forehead near the edge his parts hair, his and hair, near is near where five he feet usually high and would weigh near 175 or 180 pounds, and is about 35 years of age. Any harboring said Parks arehereby for cautioned under penalty of law same; Any information that will lead to his arrest will be thankfully liberal received, or we will pay a reward for his delivery to us. Address, ELDER, FLERN EZEKIEL WALKER, !Robert Lewis, Carriage & Buggy Painter Watkinsville, Goorgia. Having rented tho Paint Shop oon neoted with Mr. Langford’s buggy shop, All I offer my services, as a painter. orders for work promptly attended competition, to, and at prices that defy special Give inc a call. Buggy work a ty. seoldtf