The Watkinsville advance. (Watkinsville, Ga.) 1880-1???, November 16, 1880, Image 2

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The Fatki ns ville A dvance. W Ci. 91LLIVAN, Editor, Publisher A Job Printer. TEHMS.-Oue Dollar per Year. Sixty Cents for Six Months. IS PUBLISHED ON EVERY TUI'S DAY, Watkinsville, Ga. MOV 18, 1880. Entered *t the P»t Office »t Wathiraville Georgia, u SECOND CLASS MATTER PI NOTES. This is the last time that either tha Democratic or Republican party will have to elect a President Gen. Grant, not the Republican party, has elected Garfield and de¬ feated Hancock. Gen. Grant smashed both parties in doing and the party from now on to 1884 will be the Grant party. Whether the South will unite with this party or not is yet to be seen ; but there is one thing certain, tho Democrats South will never rely on the Dem¬ ocrats 'North again, unless they show they have a majority of the Northern States to support them in all good faith. Gen. Grant so long as he lives will stand in the way of the success of any party that opposes him. The Northern peo¬ ple, be their predilections what they •may, will stand by Grant “first, and all the time.” When he the country listens and tho North hangs on hi# lips. He tled in New York on purpose to ■carry that great State and he has done it. He was placed at the head ■of a military organization on pur¬ pose to intimidate those who would not follow, and settle tho question that“Hancock would take the tho reverse way. We predicted year, when discussing the on the lino of propriety and in tbe Presidential canvas, Grant would be hardest of all men to overcome. Wo ha%*o our in tho Union by grace, and Grant intends that such a fact shall not be ignored North or South. IIis re¬ cent speeches indicate that policy. He now proposes to establish a great national party and nothing but his death can prevent its popu¬ lar tido from sweeping tho country. If our people will be contented to stand still and let results work out for them more grace in the Nor¬ thern heart, pity, of itself, will over ■cornc prejudice and hate, and si¬ lence the clamor of sectional par¬ tisans forever. Joe Brown is to bo tho great leader of tho South. He comes in at a most opportune time. «Mr. Stephens’ day is fur spent and he is about to receive tho im¬ mortal crown of the Christian states¬ man in eternity, and Joe Brown is our great hope.—- ft amnion Clipper. Mrs. Fillmore, the widow of kte ex-President, is dangerously ill with paralysis at her home in Buffalo. She was attacked a week ago; and one side rendered power¬ less and speech nearly destroyed. She is scarcely expected to recover. An aged miser was found mur¬ dered in his house, at Niles Mich., and $500 of his hoard was sing. For months tho mystery the crime was not penetrated. length a quiet, respected year-old boy of the neighborhood began to s|wnd money freely. Being accused of the murder, he •confessed his guilt. The Po*t-Appeal reports that by the use of tho new electric lights now being used by the Atlanta cot¬ ton factory, it has been discovered that an average of moro than yards of goods per light lias been the increase of the production over the amount heretofore made by the ordinary gas light. Two and a half millions of tropi¬ cal oranges were received in the past six months at San Francisco ■from the French islands of Tahiti. They have come in about equal numbers every month from March to September, showing that the tree# are in perpetual bcariug. One thousand and fifty laths will cover seventy yards of surface, and eleven psuuis of nails will put them ou. Eight bushels of good lime, fifteen bushels sand, and one bushels hair makes enough good mortar to plaster one hundred square yards. A cord of stone, three bushels of lime and a cubic foot of sand will lay one hundred cubic feet of wall. One thousand shiuglew laid four inches to the weather will cover one hundred square feet of surface, aud five pounds of nails will fasten Ahem on. Five courses of brick will lay one foot in height on a chimney; six brick in a course will make a flue four inches wide and twelve inches long; eight brick# in a course will make a flue eight inches wide and sixteen inches long. Thu Russian Terror. The reign of terror established does not seem to reassure authorities. In spite of over¬ prisons, of wholesale de¬ to Siberia, and daily and executions In nearly every town of the empire, they find themselves overmatched by the revolutionists. An order just issued by the Governor-General of St. Petersburg shows, -this, and at the same time bears official testi¬ mony to tbe universality of the dis¬ affection, "Whereas, it is neces¬ sary to place the cab drivers of the capital under surveillance to pre¬ vent suspected persons from escap¬ ing the pursuit of justice by their aid,” runs this document, "I decree as follows.’’ And then the order goes on to direct that every driver of a public vehicle shall also have the number painted in red upon tbe lamps. Vehicles which do ply for hire in the streets, but are hired at livery, may lie excused from dis¬ playing a number and badge, at tbe discretion of the-polico authori¬ ties. But all drivers of vehicles are compelled to stop, by day or night, whether carrying a fare or not> when called upon to do so by tbe police. The penalty for tbe infrac¬ tion of any part of the order is fine or imprisonment. In more orderly and civilized countries carriages plying for hire nro subjected to police control for tbe protection of those using thorn. In Russia the control is established as precaution against revolution'— Pull Mull Ga¬ zette. Business Maxims. 1. Buy cautiously and just what you want, and do not ho persuaded to purchase what you do not need ; if you do, you will soon want what you can’t buy. 2. Insure your stock; insure your store; insure your dwelling, if you have one. If tho rate is high it is only !•< cause tho risk is great, and of course you should not take the risk yourself. A business that will not pay for) insuring will not justify running. 3. Sell to good, responsible parties only. Fell on a specified time and when your money is duo demand it , do not let the account stand without note or interest for an indefinite period. 4. Fell at a reasonable profit and never misrepresent to effect a snle. 5. Live within your income. keep your business to yourself; have patience and yo*i will succeed. 6. Competition is the life of trade, but in trying to run your competitor out ot business bo eare ful you do not run yourself out. 7. Advcrtiso T your business in your home paper. It pays to pat¬ ronize the printer. Jofm Cf. Underson, ATTORNEY at LAW, YYatkinsvim.k, Ga. business U /” Prompt attention given to nil entrusted to his care (XTiee in Court. Ho use. uinrt7,’80-]y Jt. f •!/. Jackson, Atlrney & Coun clorataw AND JUIXiK OF THE (Oamrr (fmmtn (Joint, 7 Watkinsville, Ga. •if' Will practice in all Courts except the County Court Oconee County. mnrl7,'80-ly James r Ji, Jjijle, AT FORNEY AT LAW W’atkinsviu.k, Ga. Will practice in the Courts of Oconee ami adjoining counties. mar31,’80-ly TAK NOTICE. The books are now open for the col¬ lection of State, county and Specific Liquor Taxes for the year 1880. Tax-payers will please call and Comptroller promptly. General The instructions of and the Books will be closed are imperative, November ou tho 1st of nest. JNO. W. JOHNSON T. C. Sept. 27 th 1880. Oconee Co. ( jft. H, Ullen's Horse and Mule MILLINERY STORE. Cor. Cluj »n nii,| Jttck, OM su>| ATHENS, GA. 1 have in Store a good assortment of Sad¬ dles and Harness, Bridles. Collars, Whins. Saddle Blankets, Horse Cover*, \c. ** You will find dial my haruetw is made of the best Wee torn Leather, all hand made. I cut and fit horse collars and do all kinds of repairing at short uotice. better Buggy whips l make a specialty aud a assortment oanuot be found in the city. Saddles town hi rock bottom. My harness eantu. ‘ be beat in prices and quality. When vou visit the Thanking pleaw honor we with your 1 presence you for past favors, hope a oontinuanee iu the future. apr.7,1880.tim SUBSCRIBE NOW » Dr. A F DURHAM, j Dr. W. M DURHAM Late of Sparta. late of Maxeyi, 2rs. A. 7. & VI. M. larham, SPECIALISTS, 'irgery , Chronic Diseases of Male and Female, and Vcnerial, Operate for Cross Eyes, Cataract, Stone in the Bladder, Harelip or Cleft Pal¬ ates, &c. Will visit patients in any part of the State, in consultation or dress, to perform surgical operations. Ad¬ with stamp, Drs. A. F. & W. M. Durham, mar31,’80-tf Athens Ga. SSHss presents to the Court, in her peti¬ tion, duly filed and entered on re¬ cord that she has fully adminis tered Barton C. Thrasher’s estate. This is therefore to cite all persons concerned, kindred and creditors to show cause, if any they can, Why said administratrix should not be discharged from her admin¬ istration, and receive Letters of dismission December on the first J. Monday R. LYLE, in next. Sept.6,1880.3-m. Ordinary. GEORGIA— OcoNef. County. Whereas, Barton E. Thrasher, Executor of Isaac Thrasher, repre¬ sents to the Court, in his petition duly filed and entered on record, that he has fully administered Isaac Thrasher’s estate. This is therefore to cite all persons concerned, kin¬ dred and creditors to show' cause, should if any they can, why said Executor not be discharged from his Executorship, dismission the and receive first Monday Letters in of on December, next. J. R. LYLE, Sopl.6th,1880.3-m. Ordinary. Administrator's Hale. In pursuance of an order from the Court of Ordinary,of Oconee county, will be sold before the Court House door, Tuesday in Watkinsville, November, on the 1st all in parcel 1880, that tract or of land situated and being in the county of Oconee, known as the Garner tract; adjoin¬ ing lands of Mrs. Titidal, James C. others, Maxey, John II. sixty Newton, and less. containing Sold for the acres more of distribution or the purpose legatees. among Terms cash. Sept. 28th 1880. IX R. RICHARDSON, Adm’r of Presley Garner, doc’d. (laikc County Agiicuitmu Fair ANNorht!!»>«». LEGAL NOTICE TO STOCKHOL¬ DERS. Honorable By virture of an Court order of the County, Ga., Superior (His Honor of H. Clarke E. Pot tie, Judge of the Northehern Circuit presiding). ££&!!$&£?£££ Notice is hereby given ricultural Fair Association,’’ to fill their claims for a distributive shares of the proceeds of the sale of the “Fair Grounds" in Athens which has been sold under and by virture of a decree of said Court, Stockhold ers must verify their claims by alii davit, and file them in the Clerk’s Office of said Court on or before the second Monday in November next, the first day of the next term cf said Court. July Huggins, 23d, 1SS0. John I. Clerk, Clarke Superior Court. GEORGIA— Oconee County. Whereas, Judieth 11. Evans ap¬ plies to me for Letters of adminis¬ tration, on the Estate of John G. These Evans, late of said county, deceased. are therefore to cito and ad¬ monish all concerned to show cause, at my office, on or before the first Monday in November, next, why said letters should not be grai ted. JAS. R. LYLE, Oct. t, 4-1. Ordinary. T^I.VES FOR IS80 81. G EORGI A— -Ooonsr County. Or NTT BOARD OF COMMIS¬ SIONERS of Roads and Revenue, of Oconee County, convened for the as¬ sessment of taxes for county purposes, for the years 1880-81. W.VTKINSVIU.K, OCONKK Co., OtA., ) September 23d, 1880. hundred ORDERED, That a tax of one per cent, be levied on the State tax to raise the several amounts for the following specific purposes : To build or repair Court House or jail, bridges or ferries or other public im¬ provements according to To contmet............... $ 152.00 pay Sheriffs, Jailors or other officers* fees, that ntav be legally entitled to out of the county,.___ 50.00 To pay Coroners all fees that may be duo them by the county for holding To inquest,............... 30.00 pay the expenses of the county for bailiffs at Courts, nou resident wit-, nesses in criminal cases, Fuel, Servants hire, Sta¬ A To tionary and the like,.... 26000 To pav jurors,............ 1 , 200.00 pay expenses ineured in supporting the the poor of county and as other¬ wise prescribed by the Code................. 600.00 The ballanee to pav any other lawful charges against the county,..... be Ordered, that i)*e above proceedings of the published C“de. as prescribed Win. Y. in See. 517 ELDER Chnu.B. R & R O.C. 0 LINDSEY DCKHAM, Clerk OsUM-t. cafi& A. • . \t I JhI ■ BARGAINS ! TBS I WEST in CHEAPEST STOCK . B\ c \ m-w I §-c V ^ ■ JLJxw In. nt JeL m ^ 1/ a mJ A It A a 'Ls READY-M&DS CLOTHING is at A L: - •* V £ AH® BTOKESmN© GOOH&ft r Gan be found at M. G.&J. COHEN’S, Athens, Creogiab. Our Triumphant March to Victory, IIAS BEEN ACHIEVED SOLELY BY, The Low Price ^Superior Quality he closest Fullp alive to the Progressive spirit of the age, we sell our goods porsiblo MARGINS and the people have not been SLOW TO FIND THIS OUT Dealing exclusively in BOOTS AND SHOES and having every experience and unequalled facilities for purchasing goods, we can and will give you More for Your Money ^s, Found To the people of Oconee we extend a cordial invitation to Call and Examine Ous Stock, before purchasing. No trouble to show goods and courteous guaranteed, at all times. I3ALT)WI3nT & BURNETT, oct 13,1880-3 __No. 3, Broad Street, ATHENS, GA. mntcshh: NEW IEW GOODS STORE! 1 11W PRICES! CLOTHING FURNISHING GOODS end Hats, ALWAYS ON HAND A NICE, SELECTED STOCK' IN ABOY E LINES WHICH ARE OFFERED AT BOTTOM Bit ICES AND ONE PRICE ONLY SIMON HEItTZ, Prop., (Big Sign,) ATHENS, GEORGIA. 8ep28,’lS8C-3m New Firm. Good carriaoe, 133mm; ’Waaon, '_ I «q ‘ 4% _.. $4 ‘ Amt Plantation W'or/c, at the old stand of W. B. Langford. Watkinsvillc, Ga, The undersigned having rented the ■is op* of Mr. Ijingford. we take this method of informing the public that we are prepared to do ail kinds Wagon, Buggy and Plantation Work a first-class manner at short notice. us a call, and be convinced. ROBERT DAVIS, WARREN I11LL. »ept. 14,-80 2m ftow, only $1 CLQéQI-ia-EJE—BS’ ms. smmo.,f If®! r- I i?i |vh| s&t\ B-l |i ■ IK i- / LU* il»| 1:1 A \i 10101 Tik a ‘til A> ii DEUPREE BLOCK, ATHENS, « GEORGIA. Having found their old store too small for their rapidly increasing business, LYNCH &FLANIGEN, take pleasure informing their friends and customers that they have secured the eommodiaus store in DKUPREE OPERA HOUSE, where they will keep in 6tock full lines of CHINA, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, LAMPS, PLATED WARE, CUTLERY Tin Wooden andWillow Wares, Whips Bird Cages. !'Brushes and Household Goods Generally , At Prices Loner than Ever LYJYCH <*• FLJ1JYIGEJY, Dmpre Block, Broad Street, Athens, Ga. IS” To Merchants they offer extraordinary inducements, in Crate, Hhds and small lots that cannot be surpassed-. aug2y tf ORDER YOUR MT ills, Grist & Cane Mills Plantation Machinery, Engines Boilers, •-'"'"8 • -- Cotton Screws, Shafting, Pulleys, Hangers’ Journal Boxes, Mill Gearing, Gudeons, *-x **§0^ Turbine Water Wheels, Gin Gearing cheap, Judson’s Governors, Diston’s Circular Saws and Gummers and Files, Belting and Bab bett Metal and Brass Fitting, Globe and T __________ Check Valves and Whistles, Guages, Etc., t w Iron and Brass Castings and Gin Ribs, from m\ Geo. R, Lombard & Co., FOREST CITY FOUNDRY & MACHINE WORKS l (Near Water Tower,) 1014 to 1024 Fenwick Street, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA-. *®“ Repairing promptly done at lowest prices. JVTore Eopulai? than Ever ! THE GENUINE SINGER NEW FAMILY SEWING MACHINE! SSTThe popular demand for the genuine Singer in 1879 exceeded that of any previous year during the quarter of a century in which this “Old Reliable” Machine has been before the public. In 1878 we sold 356,422 Machines. “ 1879 “ 431,167 Excess over any previous year, 74,745 Machines. JlSrOur sales last year were at the rate of 1,400 Sewing Machines a Day for every business day in the vear. The Did Ileliahle” Siuger Is THE STRONGEST, ® THE SIMPLEST, Sewing Machine THE MOST DURABLE ever yet Constructed. lluIIICIIIUCI Rflmpfflhor Mark ® ver cast - v r into eal 9in the g Iron er Sewiug Stand Machine and embedded has the “Trade Arm ot the Machine. in the The Singer Mnuf’g Co., PRINCIPAL OFFICE TOEOT New York. amSEMKJ offjce ' for Ge ” 6la ' *»«• <*•«» J. B. TOOMER, Agent, Athens, Ga. 1,50° Subordinate Offices in the United States and Canadas and 3,000 Offices in the Old World and South America. julylSSO lv JAMES E. MURRAY. | I. W. THRASHER. __ _ Murray&thrasheR Watkinsville, ? Georgia, In returning our thanks to our friends for their very liberal patronage during past, we would again renew our offer of one of the Largest and Best Selected STOCK IF GOODS! Ever brought to this section , and ask the people of this and adjoining counties give this Stock a careful examination. In Goods Our Lines OF JEANS, BLEACHED and BROWN DOMESTICS, STRIPES and CHECKS, of standard makes, fronxOc. to 9o per } yd LADIES TIES, DRESS GOODS, ETC., ETC., ETC. GLASSWARE, CROCKERY, MOORE’S SCHOOL INK, FINE CIGARS and TOBACCO, STATIONERY, full is and at low prices. Our MgmDSIPARllBNT Ready-Made Caps, Clothing tbe ,v J® want- ef all class I*** of *tyle* purchasers. and merial, Suits and from bought $2.75 with a view to meet ibe Departmeuta Drugs, uv. of Hardware and Staple ami FANCY GROCERIES, s c always full, with prices a* low a* rhe lowest. This large stock is is store ■ tramnt *n.l ta a fc w foy, w i|j ^ f^H and complete. We again ask vou (c e*d an MURRAY & THRASHER. Watkinmlle.-Ga,, May 5, 1880,