The Watkinsville advance. (Watkinsville, Ga.) 1880-1???, November 16, 1880, Image 5

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Fair Dealing! OUR MOTTO! To All! MOSES MYERS Dealer in Staple and Fancy ORY GOODS, CLOTHING, Boots, Shoes. Millinery G-oocls, R«8,<HUfS, SiwKS, SmSSiMMSMrBS description. Woolens and Linen Goods of every College Avenue, Athens, Ga. Low Prices. Quick Sales. oct 13,-3m The Watkinsville Advance. W G. SiJZhLlViK, Editor, Publisher A Job Printer. TERM3,— One Collar per Vear. Sixty Cents fer Six Months. IS PUBLISHED ox EVERY "TUESDAY, Watkinsville, Ga.. NGV 0, 880 Ttuered at the Post Office at Watkinsville Georgia, as SECOND CLASS MATTER \m 1 • A . - NOTICE, Owing to the fact that our paper failed to reach us in time we issue a half sheet this week. This shall not he the ease any more. Good frosts. Cotton still coming in. ---- News in the local Tine scarce. -----—♦------ ; - The election passed off quietly. ----------y Roads ■■to in a muddy condition The L a.*'’ re has convened . and gone to business-. Hunting seems to the quite popu¬ lar among our boys. --»♦*-- Thoroads are in bad order, owing to the late spell of weather. The". Misses Hattaway, of High Shoals, are visiting relatives in town. —----------- All the shows in Athens are well attended by the people from TVat kinsville. —---- Mr. W. L, Richardson, son cf Dr. D. R. Richardson, is on a visit to his father and family. Miss Wiliie Qslin and Mrs. Julia Hatcher, of Harlem, Ga., are on a visit to friends in Watkinsville. ----- If you owe the Advance any¬ thing, please call and settle, and we would here mention, that renew¬ als will soon be in order. Be in time. Mr. Jno. B.. Lowe, our worthy A cent, steps around livelier than ever now and is so proud that he hardly looks It is up at fine you boy, without and smilling. a weighs 11 pounds! Dog killing seems to be all the rage in Watkinsville. The princi¬ pal actors in this fine sport, had better be careful as it is not so smart, and the owners of the dogs arc not so well pleased about it. The Singer Sewing Machine com¬ pany haye removed their office, in Athens, to tne building nextdoor to the post office.. Mr. Toomer the Agent is always ready to "Machines sell you ttepf thebestof Sowing reliable to he found, and the old S inger still leads them all. Married at the residence of the brides father, Col. Harlem, J. C. Wilson, Mr. R. A, Qslin, of and Miss Julia Wilson, of Watkinsville, by Rev. W. J. Colter, Pastor of the M. E. church of this place. We wish them prosperity. a long life of happiness and We last w r Tuesday, ere pleased from to Mr. have a call, n and Mrs. B. E. Thrasher, and Misses . S. and B. Hattaway, of High Shoals. They calld to see the modus operands of the “art preservative.” We also acknowledge a visit on to-day from, Misses Sailie Colclough, 'usie They Mayne also Lizaie called and Nonic Cot¬ ter. to see the art preservative. At the annual meeting of the ■ iconee county Fair Association, Held last Tuesday the following dicers were elected : H. Jennings, President: G. II. L. Thurmond, Presidents: W. A. Woodis. vice J. W. Johnson, Secre* !(, t try : Thos Booth, Treasurer. EXECUTIVE c immittee. Jas. C. Wilson, L. L. Famborough ■U"; I hards R. White, J. W. Loo, Ur. D. il tic ill. A prominent mere: j.ued the following maxims for ii ! IS own inquiry and •i r 1 . Choose the kind Ji you understand. S j a I is Dositivdv required ever i* * I Hi Xl'.3 Elect .o-. Ti'.e election last Tuesday passed 02 7 quietly, and the candidates all low receiving a good vote. We give be¬ a statement of the election as held in tha different precints of Oconee county. PRECINTS. fancock... ! Garfield.... : Bell Watkinsville. -V CO C7 Ci Cc H /D 7 182 Dark Confer.. L— L- CO I-* IO N 47 CM I — t—I H rH 17 g;ilera Farmington... CO »O CO CR to 18 ........... ^ CO fcO Ol H X' 50 Scull Shoals... <M Op L — H H 24 Total...... 458 329 440 338 Obituary. Died of diptheria, on the 20th of September, daughter of 1S80, brother Mary F. and Langford, our sister .Tos. Langford. B. Langford Mary and wife Cynthia was born on the 18th of January, 1877, and was three years and eight moots old at the time of her death. In the departure of this little one we have a manifestation ol the truth, that Death is no respector of per¬ sons or circumstances. But he is not a conqueror being, ; he holds only for the time loved ones in his icy embrace. Finally at the com¬ mand of Him who said “suffer little children to come unto me and forbid them not,” he must release all our loved ones. We command this truth to the bereaved parents and friends of our little Mary. H. R. Bernard. To Jfly Friends and the Public ! I hereby announce my name as a candidate for Sheriff of Oconee county, in the ensuing election, and hereby ask the support of my friends and the public generally. J. B. LOWE. Courting I 11 Church. A young gentleman happening to sit at church in a pew adjoining one in which there was a young lady, for violent whom he conceived a sud¬ den a passion, felt desirous of entering into a courtship on the ; spot, but the place not suiting a formal declaration, the sqxigency suggested the following neighbor plan : He politely handed his> a Bible,-open with a Second pin stuck in a following St. verse: “And Epistle of John, verse 7: .now I I beseech thee, lady, not as though I wrote a new commandment unto •thee,but which we had from the beginning,that She we love one another.” returned it with the following: Second chapter of Ruth. 10th verse : “Then she fell on her face and bowed herself to the ground, and said unto him, why have I found grace in thine,eyes, and thou s’nouldst take knowledge of me, pointing a stranger.” He returned the book, to the 15th verso of the Second Epistle of St. John : “Hav¬ ing would many things to write unto yc >11, ~~ not with p ape r find ink, ut I trust to come to you, and speak face to face.” From the above interview the marriage took place the following week. --„ Two hogsheads of sugar to the acre is the yield of the Terreboune, Louisiana, Parish, planters are making. Henry Blevins, | noted colored i a politician of Selina, Alabama, is dead. Local Law. Notice is hereby given, that an application will be made to the next General Assembly, for a local Act, the caption of which is as fol¬ lows : An Act to repeal an /ict entitled an Act to prohibit the sale of spiritous, malt or intoxicating liquors in in the 261st District, this State. G. M., Oconee county,of Oct. 28,1880. ULJLIVAN Fashioable ] acd HILLINE ) Watkinsvilie, Ga., Begs leave t ■>’ Ter her services to the ladies’ of Watkituyillc and vicinity a dressmaker and milliner. Hats and Bonnets re-trimmed aad renovated, ure* it..king ami fancy work neatly and JUflG'i- 11 terns air, Ays ir ati,« iO r*ir»ran:God, I'rije HI Give 5 . C, 'Jhrnsh'jf, u Riv ;{ I Y bT LAV /. Fine Millinery, Miss McCartney, the Milliner of Oconee Athens, Ga., informs the Ladies of county, that she has received a fine stock of Fine Mllinery Goods of every variety suitable for fall and winter. She has the best stock of these goods to be found in Athens. When the ladies of Oconee county wish any thing in the way of Fine goods, call on Miss McCartney, next door to Chas. Stern A Co., Broad St. Athens, Ga. Sew Advertisement. Levi Walker. Col., BARBER, Watkinsville, Ga. t-'f" Can be found at his Shop next door to H. C. Durham’s Con¬ fectionery, and Sunday on Saturday evenings, o’clock, mornings until 10 a. m. marlO’SO-tf THIS EICKFORU AUTOMATIC FAMILY KNITTER FAMILY It will knit 5. Pair of socks in fifteen minute; 2 Every machine warranted Tcl'ffiftggfd. hcrfeot, A cumplacn: and m (1:; jusi. i1:- 3-5 struczmn k accompunics each machine. _ Knits all sizes of work, narrows and wi¬ it; shapes all sizes complete. Knits 50 different garments, Socks, Stockings, Mittens, Leggins, Wristlets, Gloves, etc. It knits every possible variety of plain or fancy stitch. 75 per cent, profit in manufacturing knit goods. Farmers can treble the value of their wool, by converting it into knit goods. Agents wanted in every State, County, City and will Town, to whom very low prices be made. For full particulars and lowest prices send for the best Family Machine to BICKFORD KNITTING MACHINE CO.. Braltleborro, Vt. apr21.1880—1 v SALE OF PAPERS. Will be sold before the court house door, in the town of Wat¬ kinsville during the usual hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in De¬ cember, next, all the papers, Judg¬ ments, Notes &c., belonging to the Estate of Wrn. Murray dec. jas. e. Murray Nov.lstl880.5-t. Admr. of Wtn. Murray dec. SALS OF PAPERS. Will be sold before tho Court House door in the town of Watkins¬ ville, Oconee eo., Ga., during the usual hours of sale, on first Tues¬ day in belonging December next, all the pa - pers to the estate of Isaac Thrasher Dec. Notes, Exciitiorw and accounts. B. E. THRASHER. Executor, of Isaac Thrasher, dec. Nov. 1st 1880. 5-t, GEORGIA— Clarke County. In pursuance ofan order, granted by the Ordinary of Clarke county, Ga., will be sold before the Court House door in said county, Athens, Ga., on the first Tuesday in De¬ cember, next 1S80, during the usual hours of sale, all that tract or par¬ cel of land lying and being situated in Oconee county. Ga., adjoining the lands of Dr, J. A. Price, Mrs. and J. J. Branch and Bt H. iams Overby. .Known containing as the John Will¬ place, 1,011 acres, lots! more or less. Divided into 5 All to hyn-sold as the property John Williams deceased for the purpose of distribution among le¬ gatees and payment of debts. A right-of-way will be reserved along place the western boundary of the known as the House lot No. 4, to the middle lot No. 3, and through No. 3, theTniddle lot to No. 2 the mill tract. A plat of each tract can be seen at my office. Terms B. E. THRASHER, Administrator, De bonis non cum testa me ato. annexe, of John Williams deceased. Oct.2C,5-t. • A<lmi*i*tratOf's tfale. GEORGIA— Ocones County. of By Ordinary leave of of the Honorable Court GSarke county, will be sold before the Court House door, in tho town of WaflcInsviJle, Oconee county, Georgia, on the first Tuesday lowing in December, »cxt, the fol¬ property to-wit: Six hun¬ dred acres of land more of less, ly¬ ing and being in said county, on the East side of Rose ereek ; adjoin¬ ing' the lands of Joel J. Morton, I). It. Elder, S. 1). Ilardigree, Peniten¬ tiary Co. No. 3, and the estate of T. N. Poullnin. Sold as the prop¬ erty of Samuel D. Durham, late of said county, deceased, with the fol¬ lowing reservations: [“Extract his from Will.’.’] —“That if either of sisters should be reduced to want, and have no home, he shall permit lot where her my to occupy William the house formerly and ma lived, audio furnish her land to cultivate.” Aiso one fourth of an acre, including family burying ground, with right-of-way thereto.. The above is known ns the old Dr. Lindsey Durham place, and is naturally one of the best and most desirable places The in this section of .13 Ro country. creek Is its original channel 1 e western boun¬ dary, and upon which there are one hundred acres of bottom land, hick is susceptible of being » j or lily drained and cultivated. i ( ure about three hundred original poplar, forest, composed of I <ory, oriK» good pine rul !. othe: i limiting ft «< hiffh Very no hills - ollovrs, but is agreeably • . 4 BEST SIMPLE, DURABLE, RQVNECESSARY CHAEP, in every Eun— ily as :1 SEWING MACHINE. undulating. houses The two best dwelling are on the road leading from Powell's Mills to Watkinsville and one mile from the former' place. They are two stories high, one has ten rooms and six fire places, the other six rooms and four fire Maces They ground are situated on the highest between tire above-named creek and the Oconee river, between wjjich and the houses is all original forest and is about six hundred yarns distant. There are four or five other good houses on the place for tenants or families. Just south of the house lies 12 or 15 acres oflevel wood-land that could be made into a beautiful grove. Upon vcniences, the whole, for natural con ant surroundings beauty of situation, pleas¬ and fertility of soil, this place has but few equals. Terms cash. LINDSEY DURHAM, Administrator, 1 ‘will also, sell on Thursday following the above, (Dec. 9th), at the residence of the late Lindsey Durham Sen., deed., the following property Table, to wit: 1 marble Center Secretary 1 large and Mirror, 1 Book case, draws combined, 1 Secretary and draws (formerly the property of Gov. Peter Early;) 1 Candle Stand, 1 Sett Mahogony folding tables and some other tables, 3 feather beds and bedsteads, 1 gray mare 12 or 13 years old, 1 Sorrel mare 9 years old, 1 good milk COW and one or two heiferyearliing, good milk stock, 1 chest, 2 anvils, 1 vice, 2 silver watches 2 chan. Candle¬ stick, 1 Lamp, 2 Log Chains, 1 Fender, Shades, 1 Fire screen, 4 Window 1 eight day metal clock. Sold as the property left by Martha Durham late of Said county deed. Oct. 26th 1880. Lindsey Durham Exlr. G EORGIA—Ocon ee Cod nty. Commissioners of Roads and Revenue of Oconee county, sitting for county purposescs &c. To Thomas N. Epps, Joseph B. Langford and Alonzo L. Doolittle : You tire hereby appointed Commis¬ sioners under and by virtue of Sections 484 and 485 of the Revised Code of the State of Georgia, to lay out and define the lines of a new Militia District, from that portion of territory now in Oconee county known as the fractional part <>f Barber’s Creek District, and you are authorized to employ a compe¬ tent Surveyor to assist make you ; and you complete arc required of to a full and doings return the your actings and in premises to this board. Given under our hands and seals this W. September Y. ELDER, the 7th 1880. S. L. A. P. COBB, L. S. JAS. W. LEE, L. S. LINDSEY DURHAM, L. S. GEORGIA— Oconee County. To the Commissioners of Roads and Reyenues of said county :• We, appointed the undersigned by Commis¬ sioners your Honor¬ able body, to Jay out and define the lines pf a new Militia District from that portion of territory now in Oconee county, known as the frac¬ tional part of Barbers’ creek Dis¬ trict, beg leave to report that we have attended to that duty. The lines of the said new District as laid out by us to be or remain the same as before this Oconee county was cut off or made from the county of Clarke, except on the north eas¬ tern dividing boundary, line that line the to counties be the between of Oconee and Clarke to tvit: Mc¬ Nutts creek. We further report that we find from actual count that said new District contains within its limits a greater number of , citi¬ organize zens than are Captains required by statue under to Militia a company the laws. Given under our hands and seals this 4th day of October, 1880. JOS. B. LANGFORD, L. S. T. N. EPPS, L. & A. L. DOOLITTLE, L. S. GEORGIA— Oconee County. Regular meeting of the board of Commissioners of Roads & Revenue of Oconee county, Oct. term, 1880. . Upon reading and considering the report of the commissioners ap¬ pointed to lay, outffi Militia District, from the fractional part of territory in Oconee county, formerly Barbers’ a part of what was known as creek District. It is ordered that said lines 1 be the boundaries of the new Militia District to be known as Mars’ Hill District, and that the proceedings Watkinsville be Advance .published for in the the time required bv law, and it‘is furffier ordered that a certified copy of these proceedings be sent to the Governor. W. Y. ELDER, G. E. GRIFFETU, A. p. COBB, LINDSEY DURHAM, Corns. R, & R, O. Co. GEORGIA— Oconee County. I, Lindsey Durham, clerk of the board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenue, in and for said coun¬ ty, do proceeding’s hereby certify that the fore¬ are a true copy from the minutes, of said board. LINDSEY DURHAM Clerk Board Corns. It, & It. 0. C. Oct. 5th 1880. Ordinary’s Office, Sept. 6 th, 1880. GEORGIA—UcoxxB Co u nty. Whereas, William Poulnot, np plies to me for valuation and setting apart a Homestead of reality, and I will pass upon the same at o’clock ft, in. Sept 29th 1.880, nt m.” office, in Wntkinsvii under mv hand »t office Otli, 1880 . JAMK The Largest and Jlost Complete Stock JEF S) W", II ' PUP B 1 ill iftl 1 fefij /fg. jli ,4 lip »■ yi k m m -ilrisi 1 rjj i»r i ' 11 ■ im. 1 1 agism rr -t ■■ St irsmSM mr*: «■ ■‘M il 'M j. Iti ; Ji SB TO a e ■ ■-si A-' itii •w m ¥1 ms# v MM ate- Tinware Ever Ottered iu N. E. Georgia Sign of the “Big Red Stove,” Opposite Reaves & Nicholson, Athens, Ga. W. II. JONES, Superintendent. m’S 17,0-6 HURLEY & SMITH SUCCESSORS TO D. 0. HURLEY AND HODGSON BROTHERS, ji tisua's, uszmmeM, Hand-made We manufacture and deal In fine vehicles of every dewtfptlon. Harness cf tho best leather Wa; c : 1 As Harness liepairing promptly done in the Lest manner at reasonable prices. A few of Hodgson Bros. Bast Maks Open Burgies at Q-BBATLY REDUCED Prices. All of our work is fully warranted. Visit us and examine our vehicle^ and harness. HURLEY k SMITH, Athens, Ga. NOTICE, I have associated with me in business F. C. Smith a fine CARRIAGE TRIMMER, of Atlanta,(Ja., and am now well prepared to give my friends good work at fair prices. Thanking them for their liberal patronage in the past aud solid ingits continuance, T am very truly, 1), 0, HURLEY, Sfyua,’80 -711 Athens, Ga. Notice. All stock holders of the Oconee Fair Association, of Clarke county, will please corre forward and sigh a power, of Attorney, to be found in the hands of the Clerk of Oconee county, at his office in Watkinsville, Ga. W. Y. ELDER, Oct.26,l-t. President. sltlanta and Charlotte Air-Line Railway, PASSENGER Department ATLANTA -TO — THE EASTERN CITIES CHANGE OP SCHEDULE. Atlanta, Ga., June 1st, 1880, CIIANUE or SCHEDULE. On and after June 1st, DOUBLE DAILY TRAINS will run on this road as follows : EASTWARD. Arrive at Lula.............. 7:20 a. m. Leave Lula 7:21 a. m. WESTWARD. Arrive at Lula 9:29 p. ml Leaye Lula.... 9:30 p. m. EASTWARD. SMUT PASSENGER TRAIN. Arrive at Lula...... .... 6:23 p. m. Leave Lula.,... .... .....6:24 p. m. WESTWARD. Arrive at Lula.. ....... 8:51 a. m. Leave Lula...... ........ 8:52 a. rn. GOING EAST. LOCAL FREIGHT TRAIN. Arrive at Lula. ... ll:35n.m. Leave Lula..... ..11:55 a. m, WESTWARD. Arrive ntLula...............11:55 a.m. Leave Lula. 12:15p.m. THROUGH FREIGHT TRAIN.. Arrive at Lula...............4:15 p. tn. Leave Lula 4:25 p, m. Close connection at Atlanta for all points West andSouthwest. Char¬ lotte for all uoin.tu ^iast. Through Tickets on sale at Gaiimsvillc, and Seneeca City Greenville Bpar tanburg to all points East and West, G.J. FQREACRE,Gen’l Manager. Ag’t W. J. Houston,G en. Pass. & T’k THI "- 1 * LIGHT-RUNNING t 8TILL KEEP8 THE LEAD 2 iisH ■atwfuctlon. It in tlto rwult ol 2S -cars of patient labor auil practical experience) by most skJUed mechanics. It combines the good pointsof ait other nuiuhiuns, with uouu at their defect*. Th'ac are many Sewing Moehuiea of merit In the market, but none are bo complete und perfect In detail t noao po/mm the marked advantage* und euptrlor worth that have rendered tho Naw QoMcao famous. 1 1 iniH won the confidence of all who have A being now hoyond .lount the moit agents v/anted. l for DeacHpUv* Qrouiin »k< :< UiSOW, CLARK fo CO. Sto linlan A^nAr« t N, v, liu.. iii cvuai t n *»■ *4 %. Ji. White, Jl. 0)., J^RACTICINp jP.HStlCIAj^, Watkinsville, Ga. [TV* Will bo found at his office when not called off. marl7,’80-tf G EOlt&IA— Ocok ee Count' y . Ordinary’s Office, Oct. 23 1880 ; Ezekiel "T. Langston has applied fer Exemption of Person of sonalty, and I will pass upon the same at 1 U o’clock, a. m. on the 18th day of November, 1880, at my office. JAMES R.LYLE, i)fdifinry* Go*t.2C,2-t. Inducements Extraordinary j -At Jtho MAMMOTH CROOEERY A GLASSWARE HOUSE, -OF NORTH-EAST' GEORGIA J. E. HIIGGMS, No. 7 BROAD STRUT 5 Athens, Georgia. Having mst returned from the Eastern Marke >-r wo are offering the largest, mast varied and best selected Block of (JlllN , CROCKERY, GLASS¬ WARE, LAMPS, CHANDALIK&S, LANTERNS, 25 per cent, lower than ever before known in this market, A full and complete lino of House Furnishing Goods, at prices that defy competition. Headquarters for AMI REB “G" OILS, &C„ KKIiaSHSE, ALADlfi ttuf Special Inducements to Merchants. J. If. HirGGIJS S, No. 7 Broad St, Athens, Ga. Sept21,1880tf THE TRADES A liirgo and Complete Stock o; MEMORANDUM & BLASS BOOK e Ui AND STATIONERY ALWAYS ON HAND! ■*%+ ». Ministers end Churches Supplied with Books --AT PUBLISHERS PIIICI3S FLEMING & BURKE, Athccf, Georgiy $SS5 Reward! A liberal reward will be paid for tho arrest and apprehension of one George Parks, col., who is under bond for his appearance at the County Court of Oconee county, charged with adultry. He hails as a preacher, and lias fled from justice. Description. Ho is of a rather “ginger-cuke” color, quick the right spoken, side has a burnt mark on of his forehead near the edgo of his hair, and near where he usually parts his hair, is near five feet high and would weigh near 175 or 180 pounds, and is about 35 years of age Any harboring said Parks are hereby cautioned under penalty of law for same; Any information that will lead to hisarresi will be thankfully received, or we will pay a liberal reward for his delivery to us. Address, ELDER, FLERN EZEKIEL WALKER I 'Robert Lewis, Carriage & Buggy Painter Watkinsville, Georgia. Having with rented Mr. Langford’s the Paint buggy Shop shop, con¬ I'offer my services, as a painter. attended All orders for work promptly to, and at prices call. that Buggy defy work competition. speciai Give mo a a ty. sqpl4tf