The Watkinsville advance. (Watkinsville, Ga.) 1880-1???, November 23, 1880, Image 2

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The Watkinsville Advance. W G. SULLIVAN, Editor, Publisher A Job Printer. TERMS, -One Dollar porYaai, Sixty Ceuta fcr Six Month*. IS PUBLISHED ON LVKRY TUESDAV, Watkinsville, O-a. November 23,1880. Lntcred at the Pout Office tl WatkUwville (Georgia, a* SK.COND CLASS MA i'TKK PI NOTES. Mississippi has nine cotton seed oil mills. Arkansas is the best hot watering place in the country. The iron mines near Uttle Rock, Arlc., w ill be opened soon. There will be five colored men in the Tennessee legislature. The Texas Pacific railroad is now operating 647 miles of line. Northern visitors are pouring rapidly into Aiken, South Carolina. The cotton crop of Texas this season, is now put at 1,250,000 bales. Mississippi State Grange will meet at Brookhavcnon the 14th of December. There are 910 Baptist churches in Mississippi, representing a member¬ ship (if 56,03. In the Ashland Ky., public school 115 pupils have had the measels this season. Four hundred any forty-five con¬ victs are working on the Western North Carolina railroad. Beets weighing thirty pounds, from Wheeler county, Texas, were exhibited at the Austin fair. Grand comtnandry of Knights Templar, for the Btato of Texas ) meets in Sherman, in Feburnry. l’olk Prined, of Todd county ( Kentucky finds rearing Angara gonts more profitable than raising tobacco. The factory building at Rock Hill, South Carolina, is 250 by 71 feet, two stories high and is nearly completed. Mrs. Sallie Reid, of Benton, Ar¬ kansas, is a candidate for clerk of tho Itousc of representatives in that State. A nurseryman in Washington county, Texas, has twenty-seven men travelling and holds orders for 70,000 peach trees. The grading of tho Atlantic nnd French Broad Valley railroad is progressing finely, and is within n mile of Pickens court-house. There are six million acres of sugar land in Texas, which can grow 6,000,000 hogsheads of sugar and 377,000,000 hogshead of mo¬ lasses. Many Texas farmers ore dis¬ gusted with their experience with nortliCTn seed corn. Three weeks earlier than Texas corn, but small and trifling. Sixtv v miles west of Richmond » Virginia, two Frenchmen are pre¬ paring to run a chicken farm. They propose to raise chickens by incubators. A Cure for Eplzooty. The epizooty is prevailing in this part of the State. We have heard of five horses dying in Jack son county, and three in Athens and doubtless there are others we liave not heard of. The remedy below was given to the Brnner by Mr. J. Z.Cooper, the well known livery-stable man of Athens, who has had an experience ot a third of a century in the management of horses. The remedy is one of his discovery. He experimented on his own horses with various reme dies, until he worked up this com¬ bination. After he concocted this remedy, Mr. Cooper had two of his horses desperately sick. Persons who looked at them thought they could not live. They lud chills and then hot fever. Mr. Cooper used this remedy and both are now well. They both eat their regular allowance of food ; but they have not yet beeu worked. Mr. Murrell, who lives a short distance from Athens, »ent a horse U> Mr. Cooper for treatment, and it is now cured. We believe thatweare doing a favor to the tiunHtr readers by pubiiaing it The following is the— KKMKDY. Take two ounces of gum cam¬ phor, one gill of lard, one gill of salt, one gill of kerosene oil, half pint Of turpentine, hair pint of whisky. Mu well together, rub the throat and behind the shoulder* every I wo or four bourn, keeping the liorse welt covered. Met*, a gellv .1 mixture comisung of ports of wheat bran and oat* and a large table-spoonful of soda; to be given twice a day. Keep salt in the trough. The horses should not be worked so as to heat them too hot, and they should be well cared for.— Alton* Bantu). Curio.sttiUK of a Missouri Cave. About a year ago Mr, Strein bought a tract of iand one mile east of Westport, upon which was a wonderful spring of cool, pure wa¬ ter, which came bubbling from an immense cave which has been ex¬ plored 3,BOO feet from its mouth. Moon after Mr. Strein secured the property he bethought him of rais¬ ing brook trout, and Mr. Annin, a well known fish-culturist of Roches¬ ter, caine to Kansas City to see if Hie plan was a feasible one, Mr. Annin explored the cave ; and after making his way underground about six hundred feet came to a small cataract about three feet high* over which the water fell. In about four hundred yards another water¬ fall was reached, but at this point a person has to crawl along, as the walls of the cave are very low, the ceiling being ragged and rough. About a year ago, when an investi¬ gation of the cave was first made, a lot of old I ndianarro .v-heads of Hint were discovered near the mouth of the first waterfall, and it is said in olden times the Indians used this cave ns a sepulchre for their dead before they were sent to the ‘ happy hunting ground.” In sup¬ port of this theory it is known that within thirty yards of the mouth of the cave are the remains of an In¬ dian stone house, where not many years since dwelt a half-breed and his aged Squaw. They were very reticent as to the use of tho cave, but claimed tho water which came from it had certain curative powers which their “medicine men” had discovered ages ago. TI 10 people in the neighborhood have all heard the stories, and the place has about it much of interest. Mr. Annin told Mr. Strein that in his opinion the water in tho cave was well adapted to raising fish, and on his return from Rochester he sent out three thousand eggs taken from Caledonia creek, near his own home, which have been hatched out »tic cessfuUy.— Kama* City (Mo.) Ncw Advertisement. /(• Jl. Carlton, ATTORNEY at LAW J ATHENS, GEORGIA. Office nt present withCapt. Pope Barrow corner College Avenue and Clayton street. business Will attend .prom¬ ptly his care. to all entrusted to State County and Liquor Taxes for 1880! It is important that tho above Taxes be paid during the present month of November. I will have to pay tho Poll tax to county school commissioner by the 1st day of December, next, and I hope’ tax payers will settle promply. so that 1 may bo ready for all demands against the me and not be forced to necessity of making collections and by executions. Be } rotnpt then, save J. costs. W. JOHNSON, Respectfully, T. C. Watkinsville, Ga„ Nov. 22d, 1880. J. U. J\ nlyht, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, WATKINSVJI.I.K§ Ga. Offers his services to the citizens of Watkinsville and vicinity, and respect patronage.’ tally solicits a share of tlieir Chronic diseases a specialty. Jas. Mauldin’s Office Shop. at residence near Nov.K*,LSS0.1-y. Mire* Wo O-o Fsshloatilc | )sE 5 Sl£AZEE a-a MU. LIKE |) Begs leave Watkinsville, Ga., to offer her services to the ladies of Watkinsville and vicinity a* a dreasuuker and milliner. Hats and Bonnets re-trimmed and renovated. cheaply lUTssmskingand fancy work neatly and executed. All the latest maga aines a ml patterns always oa hand. Satisfaction guaranteed. Prices liberal. Give her a trial. *ug24 Jberi li alkcr. Col,, B A R B E K t WATMKSVIIXK, Ga. •aT* Can be found at it is Shop next door toll. C. Durham’s Con¬ and fectionery, on Saturday evenings, o’clock, Sunday morning* until 10 a. m. marl0'30-tf 'll. I*. J brasher, ATTORNEY aT LAW. Watk»svili.k, Ga. I/" Will practice in the Court* of wmntie*. u “ r,7 * h "* 5 '* THUS & « v.2 s/J J *,Cix ¥ Work promptly executed AT LOWKXT 1*KICK1 John J. dmierson. ATTORNEY at LAW, WATKIXHVILI.B, Ga. \r.F~ Prompt attention given to all business ent runted to bis care Office in'Court Hoase. marl 7,’80-ly 'R. JH. Jackson, Attrney&Coun elorataix AMD JUDGE OK TUB (Dwatr CtumtjT if Hint Watkinsville, On, ffoT Will practice in nil Courts except the County Court Oconee County. marl7,’80-ly MILLINERY STORE. Cor. Clayon and Jackson Sts., ATHENS, 0A. I have in Store a good assortment of Sad¬ dles and Harness, liridles, ('(.liars, Whips, Saddle Mantels, Horse Covers, Sic. You will find that tuy harness is made of the best Western Leather, all hand made. I cut and fit horse collars and do nil kinds of repairing at short notice. better Buggy whips I make a specialty and a assortment cannot be found in the city. Saddles down at rock bottom. My harness cannc ♦ l»e heat in prices and quality. When you visit the city please honor me with your presence. continuance Thanking you for past fi vers, 1 hope a in the future. aj»r.7,1880,6m t)«.A, K DUKIIAM, | Du W. M. DURHAM l i*tlc (if Spartj lj,ic uf Maiey«, Drs. A, F. & W. M. Durham, SPECIALISTS, •'rgery, Chronic Diseases of Male and Female, and Venerial, Operate for Cross Eyes, Cataract, Stone in the Bladder, Harelip or Cleft Pal¬ ates, Ac. Will visit patients iu any part of the State, in consultation or to dress, perform with surgical operations, Ad¬ stamp, Dus. A. F. & W. M. Durham, mar31,’80-tf Athens Ga. GKOR< 1 fA—O conee County, Whereas, Mary C. Thrasher ad¬ ministratrix of Burton C. Thrasher, presents to the Court, in her peti¬ tion, duly filed and entered on re¬ cord that she has fully adminis¬ tered Barton C. Thrasher's estate. This is therefore to cite all persons concerned, kindred and creditors to show cause, if any they can, why said administratrix should not he discharged and from her Letters admin¬ istration, receive dismission on the first Monday in December next. J. R. LYLE,,1880.3-ra. Ordinary. <1EOIU! IA—Oconee County. Executor Whereas, of Isaac Barton Thrasher, E. Thrasher, the Court, in hts repre¬ sents duly filed to and entered petition that fully on record, he has administered Isaac Thrasher’s estate. This is therefore to cite all persons concerned, kin¬ dred and creditors to show cause, if any they <un, whv said Executor should not be discharged from his dismission Executorship, and the receive first Monday Letters of on in December, next. J. R. LYLE, Sept.fill), 1880.3-m. Oulinnry. (i E<) UG1 A—( K oxk.e Cm nty. Whereas, Judieth II. Evans ap¬ plies to me for Letters of adminis¬ tration, on the Estate of John G. Evans, late of said county, deceased. These are therefore to cite and ad¬ monish all concerned to show cause, at my office, on or before the first Monday in November, next, why said letters should R. LYLE, not be gnu ted. JAS. Oct,4, i t. Ordinary. T.S.YES FOR IS80 81. GEORG1 A—Oconee Covxi y. 0 OF NTY BOARD OF COMMIS¬ SIONERS of Roads and Revenue, of Oconee County, convened for the as¬ sessment of taxes for county purposes, for the years 1880—81. WaTKINSVII.I.K, Ol'ONKK Co , G.I., ) September 23d, 1880. ) ORDERED, That a tax of one hundred percent, be levied on the State tax to raise the several amounts for the following specific purposes : To budd or repair Court House or jail, bridges pubiic or ferries orodier im¬ provements according to contract............... $ 152.00 To pay Sheriffs, Jailors or other officers’ fees, that may be legally entitled to out of the county,.... . To pay Coroners tdi fees that may be dm’ them by the county for holding To inquest,............... of the pay the expenses eolmty for bailiffs at Courts, non resident wit¬ nesses in criminal cases, Fuel, Servants hire. Sta¬ tionary nnd tiie like,.,.. 260-00 To pay jurors,............ 1,200.00 To pay expenses ineured in supporting tl»e poor of tin county and as other¬ Code,................ wise prescribed by the 600.00 The ballauee to pay Large* any other lawful e against the county Ordered, tliat the above proceeding* t>e published a* prewaribed In See. 517 of the Code Wm V. ELDER Chrtu R R k It O C. O LINDSEY !)! KllAM, Clerk 0»-t 5,4 t. J.COHEN Central Fancy and Dry Coeds Establishment! Preparatory to our Regular HOLIDAY opening which due .V©T/€E trill beg keen. Wc offering special inducements in Department, . order are every in to get required space for the proper display of Holiday goods. BARGAINS in Hosiery and Underware for ladies’ gentlemen and children. Special sale of Black Cashmeres Immense reduction in all kind? of fancy Dress Goods- Choice line Ladies’and childrens Cloaks and Dolmans at lower prices than any other house in the .State. the Our department ofladies’ misses and children’s shoes is the finest in Ladies city. gale will last in search only until of unusual the First bargains of December, please take when notice that will our receive closing the we largest and most elegant stock of CHRISTMAS GOODS, Toys, Fancy Goods, &e., Ac., ever displayed in Northeast Georgia, Just received an immense variety of childrens knit goods, in Sacks, Ulsters, Hoods, Shawls, Scarfs, Sec., &c., Marsailles, Crochet and woven Quilts, White and Gray Dlankets Lindseys, Jeans, Shirtings, Sheetings,l ( Flannels, Balmoral Skirts, Shawls, Ac., Ac., at greatly reduced prices. CLOTHING Now is your time to buy Mens, Boys and Youths clothing. Our Mr. M. G. Cohen, who has just returned from the North, ^bought an immense line of clothing and overcoats, at Fifty cents on a dollar. Save your money and look at our clothing before purchasing elsewhere, ns we guarrrntec a large saving over any other house in the State. M. G.&J. COHEN'S. A hens, Greo^ia. Our Triumphant March to Victory, HAS BEEN ACHIEVED SOLELY BY The Low Price k Superior Quality Goods! he closest Fullp alive to the Progressive spirit of the age, we sell our goods at porsible MARGINS and the people have not been SLOW TO FIIYI> THIS OUT Dealing exclusively in BOOTS AND SHOES goods, and having every experience and unequalled facilities for purchasing our we can and will give you More for Your Money possibly than can be Found Elsewhere. To the people of Oconee we extend a cordial invitation to Call and Examine Ous Stock, before purchasing. No trouble to show goods and courteous guaranteed, at all times. BALDWIN & BURNETT, net 13,1880-3 No. 3, Broad Street, ATHENS, GA. iimc3iiii NEW STORE! NEW GOODS i NEW PRICES! CLOTHING FURNISHING GOODS and Hafs. ALWAYS ON HAND A NICE, SELECTED STOCKI, IN ABOVE LINES WHICH ABE OFFERED AT BOTTOM PRICES AND ONE PRICE ONLY SIMON IPERTZ. Prop., (Bio Sion,) ATHENS, GEORGIA. • sep28,’188C-3tu New Firm. QoodWoik. earriaqe, Qua“ Wagon, *“ I Q, ' «7‘ , 4 .rlml I’fintatian, W 'orlc, at the old stand of W. B. Langford. Watkiuville, (in. . The undersigned having rented the stiojis of Mr. Langford, we take this method of informing the public that we are prepared to do all kinds of Wagon, Buggy and Plantation Work in a tirst-i lfls* manner at short notice, Give us a call, and be convinced. ROBERT DAY IS, warren hill. aept.14,’80 2m MT’SuliaeriU "sew, only $1 CngflggmyifiS- cnasW60-;_ CHINA HALL, D ^ URR ^ BL0G ^ &msm ; EEOMGtj Having found their old store too small for their rapidly increasing business, LYNCH &FLANIGEN » take pleasure informing their friends and customers that thev have secured the eommudiaus store in DKlTREE UPEKA HOUSE, where* they will keep iu stock full lines of CHINA, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE\ LAMPS, PLATED WARE, CUTLERY Tin Wooden and Willow Wares, Whips Bird Cages, !'Brushes and Household Goods Generally, At Prices Lower tlinn Ever LYA'CII A‘ FLAJYIGEJY, Deupre Block, Broad Street, Athens, Ga. S3F° To Merchants they offer extraordinary inducements, iu Crate, libds. and small lots that cannot be surpassed. aug27 tf ORDER YOUR Saw .Bills, Grist & Cane Mills Plantation Machinery, Engines Boilers, ^ Cotton Screws, Shafting, Pulleys, Hangers’ "S ~ Journal Boxes, Mill Gearing, Gudeons, \ $ „ Turbine Water Wheels, Gin Gearing cheap, .1 J udson’s Governors, Diston’s Circular Saws and Gmnmers and Files, Belting and Bab- ‘ a. hett Metai and Brass Fitting, Globe and - Check \,-lives and Whistles, Guages, Etc., Iron and Brass Castings and Clin Bibs. : fro '" Geo, R. Lombard i & Go,, ' /pOD efFjm Tn ^^Tm ! a»i.a ¥ r, ih .,, w , FOREST CITY FOUNDRY & MACHINE WORKS : fNear Water Tower,) 1014 to 1024 Fenwick Street, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. Repairing promptly done at lowest prices. More Popular than Ever! THE GENUINE SINGER NEW FAMILY SEWING MACHINE! v-3F”The popular demand for the genuine Singer in 1879 exceeded that of any previous year during the quarter of a century in which this “Old Reliable” Machine has been before the public. In 1878 we sold 356,422 Machines, “ 1879 431,167 Excess over any previous year, 74,745 Machines. •©“Our sales last year were at the rate of 1,400 Sewing Machines a Day for every business day in the year. The Old Reliable” Singer Is THE STRONGEST, THE SIMPLEST, THE MOST DURABLE Sewing Machine ever yet Constructed. Remember Mark” a o a m and embedded in o as Arm of the Machine. The Sieger Manf’g Co., PRINCIPAL OFFICE, £4 TOOT ISiUJAffiS, New York. DISTRIBUTING OFFICE, for Georgia, Florida, South Carolina and Alabama, Atlanta, Ga. I B. TQOMER, Agent, Athens, Ga, 1,500 Subordinate Offices in the United States and Canadas and 3,000 Offices in the Old World and South America. julyI880 ly JAMES E. MURRAY. | I. W. THRASHER. Murray&thrasheR Watkinsville, Georgia, In returning onr thanks to our friends for tlieir very liberal patronage past, we would again renew our offer of one of the Largest and Best Selected STOCK I Ever brought to this section, and ask the people of this and adjoining counties give this Stock a careful examination. In I5ry Goods Our Lines JEANS. BLEACHED and BROWN DOMESTICS, STRIPES and CHECKS, PRINTS, of standard makes, from 6c. to 9c. per yd. LADIES TIES, DRESS GOODS, ETC., ETC., ETC. CROCKERY, MOORE'S SCHOOL INK, FINE CIGARS and TOBACCO, STATIONERY, is full and low prices. Our at FANCY Has had the most careful GOODS selections, and in DEPARTMENT style and xuahty can t be surpassed We have the best line of Boots Shoes Ladle’s and Mens’ Hats Caps. V c- Lave ver bad, and at prices that defy competition. Our stoc * Ready-Made (Clothing Is large, of the best styles and uierial, and bought with a view to meet the wants of all class of purchasers. Suits from $2,75 up. 't he Department* of Drugs, Hardware aed Staple and 3MCY GROCERIES, ar, always full, with price* a* low as rhe lowest. This lar^e stock is in store and tn transit and in a few days will be full and* complete. We again ask you to call an HURRAY k THRASHER. Watkinsville, Ga., May 5, 1880.