The Watkinsville advance. (Watkinsville, Ga.) 1880-1???, November 23, 1880, Image 3

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Fair Dealing OUR MOTTO! To M 0 Sli 8 MYERS \ Dealer in Staple and Fancv DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, Boots* Shoes* Millinerv G oods. SCAfS, CAPS, StK.HS. SICKS AMBm&Wm Woolens and Linen Goods of every description. College Avenue, Athens, Ga. Low Prices. tjuick Sales. oct 13, -3m w—'BW- ' Hi t-r,^9 The Watkinsville Advance. XV ti. SILUVAN, Kditor, Pnbl . l she . i'&Job „ T , „ Print , , or. TERMS,—Oue Dollar psr Year. Sixty Cents for Six Months. is published ok' kVF.RY 'Tuesday, Watkinsville, 6a. November 23,1880. titered at the Post Office at Watkinsville Georgia, as SECOND CLASS MATTER All subscribers who find a Cross Mark opposite their name this week, will please bear in mind that it is the last issue they will receive, un less they renew. If we have made any mistake please notify us. r ~ M m 1UJJ ® S3 Cold weather. ---------—----- Matrimonitl market booming. -I « * • Bad weather for picking cotton. -----w* • Several families in this county, will move to Texas this winter. ------• » • Some of ov.v farmers v.-ili have lots of cotton in their fields Christ mas. The grave-vard still remains un¬ inclosed. Let’s have a good fence put around it. •-♦4--- ASSSstfiJSLSvz ralroad is built. ----♦f*- Solomon Durham and Frank Harden, both colored have opened a confectionery in Watkinsville. **» Game must be more abundant, judging from the number of hunters to be seen, almost daily. Watkinsville lias more confection aries than any other town of ilssize in the State, but none of them ad vertise. ——— , ,, ... . 1 column a remedy for this cisease, said to be a good one, from the Athens Banner. Read it. bounty „ , Schoo ,,, Commissioners . . Oconee, proposes to pay off the pub he school teachers their money next Tuesday, a week in advance, Teachers will please take notice and govern themselves accordingly, aud be on hand at 10 o’clock the :X)th of November. ___...__ We would call special attention to the change of the time and place, < f the, sale of administrator’s pro pertv, in another column. The Jaw requires that it should be sold Athens, instead of Watkinsville. This the administrator’s attention was not called to in time to rectify tire for the time heretofore adver¬ tised. Look ! Messrs. M. G. tfc. Cohen, of Athens, have a large new advertisement in this issue. Look for it, and see the bargains offered for the holidays. Thanksgrv.'ng. The Ford and Denham Freaks will appear at the Opera House, in Athens, Thursday 3rd. night, Nov. 25th, instead of Dec. The bill will be grand and all who desire an evening of solid fun should be sure to attend. George Denham and the Chapman sisters are said to be immense in this plat . Ma.rD.t. At the residence of the bride’s father, near Watkinsville, on Thurs¬ day lust, by Rev. W. .!. Cotter end Mr. J. J. Woodis, of WaikinsviHc, Miss Emma Gordon, uf (Vnnee county. May a long life lull of, happiness, pleasure end success be theirs. The Advan >: begs leave to tender its congratulations to the young people. Law war .k - tT'Yf W pother !' e ,our column 1 die * of ^ to-day’s p ;lr *ton. r The ’! doctor *"' is an j / lavorably known to citiz-ns our ofnoum*. He was Ttheus r.vr connected with the as editor and proprietor, nnd tilled the chair with dignity im4 credit Himself and to tiro linutrr, R.-pd his card and seehim. WattaMviUe H.jfc 60W. I’rof. Irby G. Hudson, who has been elected to take charge of M town utkinsyllle visit last High week. School, Prof, paid If. a said to be a teacher of ability and < xpcrience, and the trustees of the school were fortunate in securing me services of one of the best tcneli e r s to be found in the count y. The school will be strictly a first class institution, sml wwpredict unusual prosperity for our school. Mr. Price of Ocouee. ' Mr, Price, of Oconee county, is ! one of the most diligent and ntten tive members in the house. He is always duccd at his seat, and has intro several bills which show that he understands the wants of the people. It is an excellent custom to Legislature—men Send vigOl’OUS yOUHg 111011 to the who have a future and will work it out. We copy the above item from the Atlanta Constitution. Friend Wel don is making his mark as a Legis | the lator honor and we of are saving, proud to do him so Notice, As I have worked for you faith fully, ^ and have ridden night and day, I think it time that I should call on my patients for money. I live in town and of course have everything to buy. Is it not right for me to call on all who owe me now ? Do you not think a doctor should be the first man to pay ? When you need him you have no time to make arrangements, and row cojne up and let me see that my visits have been appreciated and I will cheerfully go when I am cal¬ led again. Respectfully, D. M. WHITE, M. D. Gosttsn Hill Locals. November, 19th. tion. Very dull ! We pine for a sensa¬ *" ^ - H "» Miss Mattie Jacks re-opened her school on the 15th instant. Little Maud, youngest daughter of Mr. J. M. Willoughby, is quite sick. The young people speak of hav¬ December. ing a masquerade about the first The girl- are wondering (o whom Mr. Johnnie intended to give that boquet. The frost has ‘nearly succeeded in banishing the chills from the Di. J. Howard Elder, of h arming ^ 0I b Je no ' v installed as local phy sicnm at Powell’s Mills. Mr. J. F. 0., is in the seventh heaven of pride and deli-in. It is a girl and weighs 20 pounds more 0 r less. Dubbinty swid skids and hory berry dods and dumpitv U ! 8l{,KNCE. Fine Millinery. Miss McCartney, the Milliner Athens, Ga., informs the Ladies ot Dconeecounty, that she'has received a fine stock ot Line Alliinery Goods of every variety suitable for lull and v j lll * er * c bas th° best stock ot *' se S0° tis , to he iound in Athens. I W hen the ladies of Oconee county wish any thing in the way of Fine goods, cal! on Miss McCartney, next door to Chas. Stern & Co., Uamd St, Athens, Ga, I hereby announce my name, as a candidate for Sheriff of Oconee county, in the ensuing election, and hereby ask the support of my friends and the public generally. J. J*. LOWE. TKIi ItlCKtORU AUTOMATIC!™"KNITTER 11 just Is 8 ffi S3 simple. els to I w 2 *s?rl 22 DUKA u > I knit a minute -4 i rt **■ III. REST h prevent m E, win t fifteen warranted re a! machine. 5*sS r$|3 Knits all sizes of work, narrows and wi¬ dens it; shapes all sizes complete. Knits over 50 different garments, Socks, Stockings, Mittens, knits Leggins, Wristlets, Gloves, etc. It every possible variety of plain or fancy stitch. 75 per cent, profit in manufacturing treble the value knit goods. Farmers can of their wool, by converting it into knit good--. wanted in .State, Agents every County, City and Town, to whom very low prices will be made, For full particulars and lowest S'a” “* ** r “ ,By 5fa * i " DICKFORD FITTING MACHINE Co., Hmtleborro, \c ■ anr21 >lHS0—1 v j —— |£vv»X Work $S> promptly executed AT . m v IillVl LS 1 PRICKS ,, * r l\. f'. 9 hr ash vr, ATTORNEY aT LAW. \\ vmtxsvu i.t, Ga. M id practice iu An Courts of j Oconee murl/JuD-lv and adjoining eopntiej, Mirco W o @o §®EESTsaQo lashieaWe j )eE 3SXASZE a-d MILUNb] \ Begs leave Watkinsviue, Ga., to offer her services to the ladies of Watkinsville and vicinity as a dressmaker and milliner. Hats and Bonnets re-trimmed mid renovated. cheaply Dressmaking aud fmtoy work neatly and executed. All the latest maga¬ zines and patterns always on hand. Satisfaction guaranteed. Prices liberal. Give her a trial. aug24 For Sals. One of the most valuable farms in Oconee county,containing 850 acres, 200 in good state of cultivation, 50 or (50 in good creek or branch bot¬ tom, 50 acres of original forest, 100 acres in good old field pine. About one-third in cotton this year will make 35 bales of cotton. If all the land was cultivated would make 100 bales any year. Good fwo-sfory dwelling with four rooms down and two up stairs, 2 fire-places, and other necessary out-ouiklings for tenants etc. Tenants on place for next year. Mules, cows, hogs, cattle, corn, fodder, shucks, wheat, oats. Cotton seed Ac., already on the place. Plantation implements, Wagons and Buggies. Also a farm on Wild Cat creek, known as part of the Brown place, containing lfiO acres, 11 acres in culvation, to be sold on the first Tuesday in De¬ cember if not disposed of at private sale, and the remainder to be sold at place. some day appointed at the hoino change Object for selling, 1 wish to my business. 1-t. II G. HARDIGREE. J. A, JCnighl, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Watkinsville, Ga. Offers his services to the citizens of Watkinsville and vicinity, and respectfully solicits a share of their patronage. Chronic diseases a specialty. Mauldin’s Office at residence near Jas. Shop, Nov.l(i,1880.1-y. SALS 0/PAPiSES. Will be sold before the court house door, in the town of Wat¬ kinsville during the usual hours ot sale, on tho first Tuesday in De¬ cember, next, all the papers, Judg ments, Notes &c., belonging to the Estate of Win. Murray dec. JAS. E. MURRAY Nov.tst 1880.5-t. Adtur. of Wm. ‘ Murray dec. SALE 07 PA PEEL Will be sold before tho Court House door in the town of Watkins ville, usual Oconee eo., Ga., during the hours of sale, on first T Ul s day in December next, all the pa¬ Thrasher pers belonging Lee. to the estate ot Isaac Notes, Excutii r.s and accounts. B. K. THRASHER. Executor, of Isaac Thrasher, dec. Nov. 1st 1880. 5-t. GEORGIA—Clarke County. Iu pursuance of an order, granted Ga., by' the Ordinary of Clarke county, will bo sold before the Court House door in said county, Athens, Ga., on the first Tuesday in De¬ cember, next. 1880, during the usual hours of sale, all that tract or par cel of land lying and being situated in Oconee county. Ga., adjoining the lands of Dr, J. A. Price. Mrs", and J. J Branch nnd B. H. Overby. Known as the J ohn Will¬ iams place, containing 1,011 acres. more or less. Divided into 5 lots. AH to bo jokl as the property of John Williams deceased for the pit;pose of distribution among le¬ gatees and payment of debts, A. right-of-way will be reserved along place known the western boundary of the as the House lot No. i, to the middle lot No. 3, and through No. 3. the middle lot to No. 2 the mill tract. A plat of each tract can he seen at my office. Terms B. E. THRASHER, Administrator, Ho bouts non cum testamento annexe, of John Williams deceased. Get .26,5-1. Ailmin 1stxator's Halo. GEORGIA— Oconee County. of By leave of the Honorable Court Ordinary of Clarke count y, will bo sold before the Court House door, in the town of Athens Clarke county, Georgia, on the first Tuesday lowing in January, next, the fol¬ property to-wit: Six hun¬ dred acres of land more of less, ly¬ ing and being in said county, on the East side of Rose creek ; adjoin¬ ing the lands of Joel J. Morton, D. It. Elder, S. D. Hardigree, Peniten¬ tiary Co. No. 8, and the estate of T. N. J’oullain. Sold as the prop¬ erty of Samuel D. Durham, late of said county, deceased, with (he fol¬ lowing Will.”]— reservations : [“Extract from “That if either of bis sisters should be reduced to want and have no home, he shall permit lot iter to occupy the house and where my son William formerly lived, and to furnish her J and to cultivate.” Also one fourth of an acre, including with right-of family burying ground, The above is known way thereto. as the old Dr. Lindsey Durham place, anti is naturally one of the best and most desirable places in this section of the country. The original channel of Rose creek Is its western boun¬ dary, nnd upon which there are one hundred acres of bottom land, nil of which is susceptible of being thoroughly drained and cultivated, 1 b»-ro are about three hundred ncre* hickory, of original oak, forest, pine composed nod other of growth iodicatiog poplur, good soil. Very a little washed hind, no high hills uof deep hollows, hut is agreeably undulating. The two best dwelling bouses are on the road leading from Powell’s Mills to Watkinsville and one mile from the former place, They are two dories high, one has ten rooms and six fire places, the other six rooms and four lire nlaccs They ground are situated on the lug est between the above-named creek and the Oconee river, between wnich and the houses is nil original forest and is- about six hundred yarns distant. There are four or five other good houses on the place for tenants or families. Just south of the bouse lies 12 or 15 acres oflevel wood-land that could be made into a beautiful grovo. Upon the whole, for natural eon vctiicnces, beauty of situation, pleas¬ ant soil, this surroundings and fcrtiiitv of Terms place has but few equals. cash. LINDSEY DURHAM. Administn ox T will also, sell on Thursday following the above, (Dec. 9 b), a‘ the residence of the late Lindsey Durham Ben., deed., the followiivr property to wit; 1 marble Center Table, 1 large Mirror, 1 Rook ease Secretary Secretary and nnd draws draws combined, I (formerly the property of Gov. Peter Early;) 1 Candle Stand, 1 Sett Mahogonv folding tables mid sonic other tables. 8 feather beds and bedsteads, 1 gray mare 12 or 18 years old, 1 Sorrel mare and V years old, 1 good milk cow milk one stock, or two heifvryearliing, good 1 chest, 2 anvils, t vice, 2 silver watches 2 chan. Candle¬ stick, 1 Lamp, 2 Log Ole ins, 1 Fender, 1 Five screen, 1 Window Shades, ] eight day metal clock. Sold as the property left by Martha Durham late of Said countv deed. Oct. 26th HSU. Lindsey Durham Extr. GEORGIA-— Oc’oxiie Couxty. Commissioners of Roads and Revenue of Oconee county, sitting for county purposeses Ac. To Thomas N. Epps, Josepli 1‘. Langford and Alonzo L. Doolittle : You are hereby appointed Commis siouers under apd by virtue of Sections 484 and 485 of the Revised Code of the State of (Jeorgia, to lay out and detine the lines of a new Militia District, from that portion of territory nmv in Oconee county known as the fractional part barber's Creek District, and you are authorized to employ a compe¬ tent Surveyor required to assist you ; and you are to make a full ami complete return of your actings and Given doings in the premises to this board. under our Ivon's and seals this September Y. the 7th 1SS0. W. ELDER, L. S A. I>. COBB, L. S. JAS. W. LEE, L, S. LINDSEY DURHAM, L. S. (IEOR GIA—Ooonek County. To the Commissioners of Roads and Revenues of said county : We, the undersigned Commis* sinners appointed by your Honor¬ able body, to lay out and define the lines of a new Militia District from that portion of territory now in Oconee county, known as lire frac¬ tional part of Barbers’ creek Dis¬ trict, beg leave to report that we have attended to that duty. The lines of the said new District as laid out by ns to be or remain the same as before this Oconee county was out off or made from the county of Clarke, except on the north eas¬ tern dividing boundary, that line to be the line between the counties of Oconee and Clarke to wit: Mc¬ Nutts creek. We further report that we find from actual count that said new District contains within its limits a greater number of citi¬ zens than are required by statue to organize a Captains company under the Militia laws. Given under our bands and seals this 4th day of October, 1880, JOB. B. LANGFORD, E. 8. T. N. KBPS, l. y. A. L. DOOLITTLE, L. B. GEORG 1 A—Oconee County. Regular meeting of the board of Commissioners of Roads & Revenue of Oconee county, Oct. term. 1880. Upon reading and considering tho report of the commissioners ap¬ pointed to lay out a Militia District, from the fractional part of territory in Oconee county, formerly a part of wlint was known as Barbers’ creek District. It is ordered that said lines l>e the boundaries of the new Militia District to be known as Mars’ Hill District, and that the proceedings be Advance published in the Watkinsville fi>r the time required ordered by law, aeertifiod nnd it is further that copy of these p-oceedings be sent to the Governor. W. Y. ELDER. G. E. ORIKFKTH, V. P. COBB, LINDSEY DURHAM, Corns. 11, & It. O. Co. G F/)HG ] A —Oconee Couxty. board 1, Lindsey Commissioners Durham, clerk of of Roads the of nnd Revenue, in and for said coun¬ going ty, da proceeding’s hereby certify tlmt the fore¬ are a true copy from the minutes, <vf said board. LINDSEY DURHAM Clerk Board Coins. It. & R. O. C. Oct. 5th 1880t GEORGl Ordinary’s A Office, Sept. (Uh, 1880. ■—Oconee County. plies Wliereag, Willbuu I'out nut. ap¬ to mI* for valnation and setting apart a Uomt%te:ul of reality, and J will pass U|*>n the same nt ID o’clock a. in. Hept 29th 1880, nt my office, in Watkinsville, Given under my hand nt oUSc* thin Sept, Cth, 1880. JAMES R. LYLE, Ordiuary. largest and Most Complete Stock of ^55; 1 L '- V-' ' m • m /. h , ■ r_ fit mi Hll a 19 i £ 1 li Y 1 m BPtia e % Wo': ? ...... m 1 !>/ T- L\ X J! I p 1 l; 11 ill Hi RF) I,- s WB 1 , ; ■t * ■ 4 _ L : ! II mMBmmi < 77 M i i m V, I t ■ E.'.J m w : / L -• ’A m id M *Sf.’ ' m Stoves&* Tinuaro EverOiTercd iia N. E. Georgia Sign of llie “Big Hod Stove,” Opposite Heaves & Nicholson, Athens, Ga. W. El. aEOJ\ES, Hiiperiiiteiideut. m'8 17,0-0 HURLEY & SMITH SUCCESSORS TO 1*. C. HURLEY AND HODGSON BROTHERS. Wo iminnfieture nail JBTUS^rs, deal la tine vehicles UKOilUtrf. of description. Hatid-timdo Harness if the best leather every AVii^oii cSfc Hnruos.s T^epturing promptly done in the best manner at reasonable prices. A few of Hof g,ion Bros, Boot MaJco Opon Eujgios at GREATLY REDUCED Prices. All of our work is fully vvarranfoJ, \ isi( us and examine our vehicles and harness. HURLEY A SMITH, Athens, fia. KOTJOJG 1 have associated with me in business F. (). Smith 11 fine CARRIAGE TRIMMER, of At anta,(Ia., and am now well prepared to give tny friends good work at fair prices Tlum,. ing them fur their Ijborul patronage in the past ami soliei ingits continuance, am very truly, R. C, HURLEY, kyua,’8U -711 , Athens, Ga, THE LIGHT-RUNNING NBWOQHE STILL KEEPS THE LEAD! Because It la the ntinjilcat, molt reli¬ able, and beet SowiuK Machlno over ln ventod. It does its work quickly, qui. etly and well, and alwaysirlvcs perfect satisfaction. It is the result of 25 years of patient labor and practical experience by most skilled mechanics. It combines the pood pointsof alt other machines, with none of (lieir defect*. There are many Sowing Machines of merit in the market, but none are so complete anil perfoet in detail, none possess the marked advantage* and an pallor -worth that lmvo rendered tho New Home bo famous. It bos Won the confidence of all who have seen it, belnj? now beyond doubt the most perfect Sewing- Machine in the market. AGENTS WANTED. Send for Descriptive Circulars &c. JOHNSON, CLARK & CO. SO Union Square, It. V. Chicago, Ill*., or Orange, IUaM* Atlanta anti Vharlot Air-Line Railway. PASSENGER Usp&rtmsnt JlTLMIA -TO — THE EASTERN Ci r ;ES CHANGE OF .SCHEDULE. Atlanta, Ga., Nov. 7, 1880. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE, On and after Nov. 7th trains will run on this road as follows: DAY I’ASSENCUl TJUJN — EASTWARD. Arrive at Lula.............. 0:55 a. m Leave> a. in. Dtv I AH..LNM.U i u \ in v Esi WAKD. Arrive at Lula m - Lea ye Lula.... 9:28 j). in. NloiiT I’ABSENOEit TRAIN — ■eastward, Arrive at Lula............ C:18 p. rn Leave Lula............... (>•19 j> m Niaar passenger train A rrive at Lula...... ...... 9:10 a. m Leave Lula......... .......* a ' 1,1 LOCAL FREIGHT TRAIN—EASTWARD. Arrive at Lula. 11:38 a. m. Leave Lula..... 11:47 a. m, LOCAL FREIGHT TRAIN—-WESTWARD. Arrive at Lula 11:57 a. m. Leave Lula.,.. 12:1(1 p. rn. T1 i ROl’G JI FBRKJHT TR AIN—EA ST W A1 ID. Arrive at Lula............... 3:59 p. in. Leave Lula...................4:10 p. m. TH ROUG H FRE' G11T TtU IN--WKSTW A It D. Arrive at Lula ... 7:04 «. m. Leave L'du........ 7:15 a. in. Connecting at Atlanta for all poi»>ts West and S-'U 1 Invest. Con* neeting at Charlotte for all Ka tern points. Tb'ough Tickets on sale at Gainesville. Hen coca City, Greenville and Himrtunburg t > ah points East aiid West. G.J, FOREACltE,Gen’l Manager. W. J. Houston. Gen. Pass. Jit T k Ag’t James r H. Jjyte, AT fORNEY AT LAW W'ATKi.Vhvru.E, G.V. • vf~ Will pructiee in the t our's of Oconee and adjoining counties. »ar8l,‘80*ly 9 ). Al,/While, At, f R ACT1CIN p r HSYIC1A '-2L Watkinsviu.e, Ga. OIW Will bo found at his office when not called off. war 17 ,’80 tf GEORG TA- -Oconee County. Ordinary’« Office, Oct. 28 1880. Ezekiel T. LftUgston has of for Exemption of Person Per sonutty, and r will pass upon the same nt 10 o’clock, a, m. on the 18th day of November, 1880, at my office. JAMES R. TjY LK, Oct.26,2-t. Ordirinry. Iiiihicpiucuts Extraordinary —At "ihe--—— MAMMOTH CROCKERY &. GLASSWARE HOUSE, OF NORTH-EAST GEORGIA J. H. HTiOIIINS, No. 7 BROAD STREET, Atheiin, <ifcorgia. Having just returned from the Eastern Market, we are offering the largest, mast varied and best selected Stock of CHINA, CROCKERY, GLASS WARE, LAMPS, CHANDALIH/tH, LANTERNS, Ac, 25 per cent, lower than ever before known in this market. A full and complete line of House Furnishing Goods, at prices that defy competition. Hvadquacters for “C ALAIJ1N AND HKII M OILS, H »e JS@“ Special Indueements to Metchants, */- H* ilBTBJiJijy 8, No. 7 Broad St., Athens, Ga. Sept21,1880tt THE TRADE! A Large and Complete Stock of MEMORANDUM 4 BLABKBOOKS, AND STATIONERY ALWAYS ON HAND! Ministers rnd Churches Supplied with Books -- AT- PUBLI8J IBBS PRICES FLEMING & BURKE, octHV58D*U' Atiiens, Ueurgiu* Reward! A liberal reward will bo paid for the arrest and apprehension of one George bond Parks, col., who is tinder for his appearauco at the County Court of Oconee county, charged with adultry. He bails as a preacher, and has lied from justice. Description, lie is of a rather “ginger cake” color, quick spoken, has a burnt mark on the right side of his forehead near the edge of hi» hair, and near where he usually parts bis hair, is near five feet high and would weigh near 175 or 180 pounds, and is about 85 years of age. Any harboring skid Porks are hereby cautioned under penalty of law for same; Any information that will lead to bis arrest will bo thankfully received, or we will pay a liberal reward for iiis delivery to us. Add ress, FI.ERN ELDER. EKEKlEl. WALKER, Jlohert r Lewis, Carriage 4 Buggy Painter Watkinsville, Georgia. Having rented the Raint Shop con noefod with Mr. Langford’s buggy shop, l offer my services, as a painter. All orders for work promptly attended to, and at prices that defy competition, Give me a call. Buggy work a spcciul ty. scnldtf